MPti Airy MOUN nn jl Jti VOL. 10. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0 THURSDAY. JUNE 10, 1807. NO. 50 Suffered Eighteen Years. rain Departed and Bleep Cam.. Mre. Julia A. Ilruwn, of t'ovlnirUin, Tenn., vhoae hnahnnd haa churife of tlm electric light plant ut Hint place, hu Wo a grant Sufforer. Hit allmetita and api-edy cur are txwt diM rilNd bjf herm-lr, a follow.! "For 1H vofifal Bii(TnFwl and IikIIkxkUoii. 1 tried every remedy rtic- lie family iiul fr!...,,l. dm ild ict lid relief at, all. Two yearn airo, while Wine treated t.y three lo. it! tthyal clana, Itra, llarrei, Muley uml Slicrod, Utoy but Mrnt. Ji i.ia A. Hiiown. Informed Me Hint I Im.l lieiiime (tn.jrcil, and Hint. there win In lie lniw for mo. I llieil lifi tll'l lit try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, I wm tl.rn iiiiuMi i,i pi t, ., ,,.,.p until II i ti t.-.rl tin vli, lit , unit ihirihK all tlila 1 1 inn I hm a difp. ln-at y pmn In my left ll r,i,,.f;., IH.K..I, hilt after talllnf hn 1 f I-.III.. i,( tin. ,rmw I i-oulil Iih i ill I nld, I In! l n II n l vrr did. TIm. .Vtrtii u tit,- i.,,ly rtmeilv Hint lave tne aiy relief v.l,iii.Ver. I am now well ati.l mr.mif. an. I 1 (Ii.hi f.'.J titi-y diy my fm It. .V'.lo' ,Vn-iir." MI'S. .11 I.U A. IlltoW.N. rr. Mllen Nervine In ix.ld on a iHmltlve In miner thut l he llrM l,ttle will Im im HU All ilrtitrit. m ilit m ft, it l.oii fur tr, or It will It .iii t t . rwriiit. of iirli'o by U. Hr. Mil. M. .in 'ill KlLhart, lod. Dr. Miles' Nervine J. A. MAKTIX, nOTAHV PUBLIC, I'llONKN 'M AMI 26, Mount Airy, N. C. S. 1'. GKAVKS, Attorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. r-l'raotleea In Stale ar.d Kerteral Courta. Prompt attention to collodion o( claim. W. S. XKKD1IAM,, Pilot Mountain, N. C. -Wlll practice In Hio Htjite Courta. Col lection ot clulnis a apeolalty. Jan lm T. 15. McCARCO, HOTAHV PUBLIC OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY MOTEL BLOCK. Business Promptly Attended To. GKO. W. Sl'ARGKR. Attorncy-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AIBY, N. C. Will practice In (State and Federal eourta. BpeclrJ attention to collection of claim, and negotiating loans. W. F. CARTER, MOUMT (UNT, M. C J. R. LEWELLYN, OOMOM, a. c Caktkk & Lkwkllyx, Attorneys-at-kaw. leTractlcc in the State and Federal ttturt. lrompt attention given to all buslneaa entrust ed to their rare. J. H. Blakemore, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. x-oax la prepared to make all the New and ArtlnUc Style. 1. up with the time, and will give you Orst-claaa work. DR.. 0. W. BANNER.. t-DENTIST,-:- Mount Airy, N. C. OlHee over Taylor A Banner's Drug Store. Oiliee hour 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. -UKAl.KI IN- Col, Catt, Burial Robes, Slippers, &c. A full atoek of all lizm and qualities kept on hand, and at reasonable priotw. Store room, uiwitair. over M. 1.. rtter aoii'. itora, on Main 8trtet. UealdeDoe, rat boiuM North of tb. railroad. HTATi: Normal and lndastrial School. rvCPaRTM KVTH well equipped. 7 teacher. LJ u r.'KUIr atudenta, twl.lea pnutwe weboot of .1 ruptta. ttw matrl.'uiHiea .iihy Ita eoenln In !". Mat tlie mwiiuHm repr-nl- M. ,,nn'tllle elanilnatloa at romilv aeal iund lt to HU rreemmiou ya-M'le la aanumrtV npt.ntioo ab-mid be made be fore July Mil to enter the eiamtaatloo. No free U'tloa earept to applicant aiirmtilt a pledr Mi Mroine IMKbera. Annual ripen. ettree-tuiilaa.(.HtenLa bovdlnc In dunwit.iriea. tew tuluun pyin MndenM (im. AOlr.e, Jrrldrntt)liAUUC l HIV kt. Urranaboro. M.C Xngliah Ppevln I.lnlment ?emoM all Hard, Koft or (. alloued Lump and Klemiahe from bnrwM, niooa r-p.vina Curtw, riplint. Pwenry, K.njr-Bon, Utifle. hprain.. all Hwoller TtiroaU, Couiba, etc fa V) by of on bottTrt. Warranted the moat wonder ful iSlemiab Our ever t rtown. Hold h Tatuob A Baku Mt.Alry.K.C If rrT w4 W rralv. Gflt fTla 1m i i lie tii nm.T i itTi rt t U.IAI1 I. KBe fa. WUa, 0a aa a I Tlic Next Meeting. GREETING TO THE EX-CONFEDERATES IN EVERY SECTION OF THE COUNTRY. The Following Information in Sent Out tor the Guidance of the Veterans Who Attend the Reunion. NABHVIU.K, Tknn., May, 1817. All railroad lines east of the Mis sifsippi liiver liavo agreed on rates to the JCenmon or one centner nine each way, calculated on shortest t r l- r:. ! route, lilies west 01 ino iiiinaioMiin have airreed on about that rate. Tlieso tickets will be sold with a limit of ten days, and a further ex tension of ten days additional on ap plication to proier railroad ollicial at Union Depot in Nashville. For lull information, see your rnnnmu agent. Meals can be procured at prices raniiinir Ironi twenty cents up, and slt'i'iiiiiiraccoiiiitiodittiiuiscan lie 1.hI at Irom twenty-live cents per night up to tirnt class hotel rates, r nil in lormation and directions will ho giv en by Keeeption (Jommittce, on ar rival. I he Diiiigliters of the (Jon fedcracy and the Veterans will do all in their power to provide enter tainment for those unable to pay the rates mentioned above. Suitable arrangements have been made for desirable camping; grounds convenient to railroad and street car lints. Camps or organizations own ing or wsnting tents and camp equip age, desiring to form encampments, will give notice to Major V. F. Fob tcr, Chairmau of Camp Committee. Arrangements have been uiade'o have horses and carriages furnished at reasonable prices, and persons de siring siiie can procure all iitcts sary information by writing to (.apt. M. S. Cockrill, Chairman of Com mittee on Horses and Carriage". Homes or quarters will bo fur nished, free ot charge, to one Spon sor and her Chief Maid of Honor from each Slate, and the different State organizations will please staid this Committee at once the names and addresses of same. Cheap excursions will be run to the Hermitage, the home of Andrew Jackson, and to the Confederate Sol diers' Home, and to many Tennes see battlefields. Full information i later. All Veterans are requested to or ganize themselves into bodies of 2o or less, with a Chairman or Com manding Officer, who will, upon their arrival, be met by the Uecep- j tion Committtee at Union Depot. We would suggest that you send a representative here some days be forehand, to make all necessary ar rangements. All uniformed confederate com panies will report to the Committee as soon as possible the number of men expected to come, and nameot Commanding Otlicer. As stated by the Commanding General, this will lie the largest and most important 1. C. V. Reunion ever held, and all Confederate Vet erans are cordially invited to attend. At the grand parade on June 24, it is confidently expected that more Confederate Veterans will be in line than will ever pass in review again. ror any additional information, address, J. $. O'BRYAN, State papers copy. Chairman. . The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla Is literally written in blood. It is traced in the vital fluid Of millions of the human race. Its positive medicinal merit And curative power is written Upon the hearts, and graven upon J lie minds ot thousands Of people whom it has cured And given good health When there seemed nothing liefore Them but darkness and despair. It cures all diseases arising From or promoted by impure lilt km! by its intrinsic merit as The One True Ulood Tuiilicr. The Southern lUilway is having built at the Pullman car works. three of the handsomest trains that that company can build. The cais when hnibhed will be pure white with gold border. They will t run as the Southern's Florida Socials and will be ready for use in time to catch the rlorida travel next w inter. The schedule of these trains will be the fastest iu the South and the conveniences will be second to nono. A Kansas patter makes the proud boast that there are ten counties in that State which do not owe a cent. "MOTHERS FRIEND" 3.tnttnb d-wmr to Hf of m KHniHT na riina ua ber m cutMi IHm BKr f aTontbi to spo f rv-rovcrT - strrmtifr fvr than bef-Tf rimflnemnt Myt iH-omiuent miltyU. U lb immi raadj FOH RISiliG BREAST Knova mod worth the ttrif for that tlnr TiU"rd a ixi rseMutiirti(tad by biUariTW taad ii Who har iew-o it Bttw el cuiaaiautfl tod LmilUoa Makes Chlld-BIrth Easy. ftt ey t.uiiw. eir mail on ree!rt rf p-iee, flee r- ft- H "T.i anTHfKS' wlied tr .mialaln. reltiaiary tmtiauMiiaM, BKAnXK UsrUTOB CO.. aTLARTa, Si. tat BY a tx waiKXinrre. Tillman on Trusts. I'eoplo can say what they please about Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, but ho usually says ex actly what ho thinks (an accomplish :mjnt that few people possess) and that Bay is generally on the right lino in favor of the masses and against tlio few who control trusts, lleeotitly he wrote tho New York Journal as follows and those who will road carefully what ho eays will see that every word ho utters is truo: Tho sinister influence of the sugar trust over the senate isono that may well excite tho uneasiness and angry disgust of every liberty loving American. With equal facility it appears to control legislation in its interest, no matter which party is in power, and tho boldness with which its president proclaims to monopolize the market and fix tho price of sugar, and the coolness with which he an nounces the enormous profits which havo accrued, makes the average citizen wonder how much longer tho American people will stand it. Clupman goes to jail, although he orders his meals from the Arling ton and his cell is furnished most luxuriantly, but Havemeyer, tho sugar trust magnate, goes st ot free under practically a similar charge. Durham Herald. Walks on the Water. Tho Atlanta Constitution says 1'rofessor Robert Cook, a young man about twenty five years of age, who has invented a successful shoe enabling a person to walk on water, is in that city en route to 1 ittsburg, where ho gtns to compete for a novel wager of $1,000. Jle has bet a man in lialtitnore that he can walk down the Ohio river from Pittsburg to Cineinnatti, a distance of 450 miles, in fifteen days. Ho will start about the 14th of June, and is con fident he will win his money. Cook s contrivance, or water shoe, is four teet long, six inches wide and six inches deep. By a system of flaps he is enabled to walk on the water with the greatest ease without danger of sinking. Ho has given exhibitions all over the South, and ms won for himself a world-wide reputation by his wonderful feat. Serious Results of the Earthquake. A special from lioanoke savs : The effect of the recent earthquake is said to have been very demoraliz ing on the people of (.ulea county, many of whom are preparing to make their homes elsewhere. Angel Mountain is said to be badly cracked and nearly all the water has been drained out of Mountain lake. It is also said that the salt wells at Sahville, Sniythe county, have dried up. . Tired, Nervous, Sleepless Men and women how greatfully they write about Hood's Sarsapa rilla. Once helpless and discour aged, having lost all faith in medi cines, now in good health and "able to do my own work, because Hood's Sarsaparilla has power to enrich ai.d purify the blood and make tne weak strong tins is ex perience of a host of ooplo. Hood's l'ills are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. Gen tle, reliable, sure. An exchange says that in an Irish court recently an old man was called into the witness box, and, being old and a little blind, instead of going up the stairs that led to tho box, mounted those that led to the bench. The judge took the mistake good humoredly. "Is it a judge you want to be, my good mani" he said. "Ah, sure, your Honor, was the reply, "I'm an ould man now, and mebbe it's all I'm fit for." Best Family Medicine. Mr. CN. Jones, Girard, Ala, says, May lfith, ls'.5: "I was etif- ferine from Catarrh in the head and was cuied hy King's 1 Loyal Germeture. We keep it all the time, and believe that it is the best family medicine there is on the market to day." Germetuer suits all ages in the home. It is so pleasant to take that all like it. It is so harmless that the tenderest babe and most delicate invalids arc always safe in using it. It cures when all elso fails. New package, large bottle, 10S doses, tfl. For sale by Taylor it Banner. A few figures are bere given to illustrate bow the people are being robbed by the three great trusts: The profits last year to the coal trusts were $71,fiM,000 ; the sugar trusts $24,(KK1,(KK, while the coffee trust came out ahead by 14,750,000. This money was made directly out of the necessaries of life. Minne sota Times. A skeptical man sat down to read the Bible one hour every evening. After awhile he said to his wife, "If this book ia right, we are wrong." A few evenings later he said, "Wife, if thia is right, we are lost." A few evenings Inter, he said, "If this Book is right, we may be saved." And they were. The armor, plate manufacturers in this country refuse to mate piste for Uncle Sam for less than (425 a ton, but make it for other govern ments for tr'k'Haiid seem to rnjny it e. The Southern IUilroad imploys eight hundred men at Salisbnrj, i Jerry Simpson. HOW HE ESCAPED FROM A HORRIBLE DEATH IN A RAILROAD COLLISION. He Crawled Into the Firebox, Was Skinned Slightly, But Otherwise Was Not Harmed. Old Jerry Simpson, running on a southern road, between Washington and Richmond, never becomes tired of telling how he received his first "call" and tho lucky way ho pulled through it. It was back in tho seventies, when work on the rail roads all over the country was ex tremely Hat and thousands of men were out of work. "I had been an engineer about three vcars." said Jorrv. tcllln? his story down at the roundhouse, "and, of course, was ono of the first men laid off. I was then working for Why Not Spend the Summer at. LaUi.i For Heal Enjoyment, Pure Air, Rest ami Plenty to Kat that is served "just as you like it," and all at moderate cost, the I5l.UK RlDGK I.NX is the place. Drop a line to Geo. R. Quincy, Proprietor, 3Jt. Airy, X. C, and he will send you circulars and full in- formation. 44 4-44l- 4-4-44- the 1'ennsrlvania road, running out of Philadelphia westward. I went around to the ditiereut roads, asking for work, and through frequent visits to the Baldwin works had be come quite well acquainted with the foreman of the locomotive depart ment. "Whenever a new engine is ship jcd to a western road, a roliable man is sent on the new locomotive to protect it from tramps and other vandals. It hapiieiied that ono ot these engines, ordered for the Den ver and Uio Grande road, had just been completed, and tho foreman put in agood word for me, especially as none of the Baldwin people hanker after this job. You can gamble on it I jumped at the chance, "Twj days after being offered the position the new engine and she was a beauty was shifted into the middle of the last western freight, and we began our western journey. We went over the Philadelphia and middle divisions all right, but it was on the Pittsburg division that my first 'call' came off This division takes in the Alleghany mountains, and the tough places on it almost equal those on the Iiocky moun tains. "The engineer who handled tho throttle on the engine ahead was Billy Duncan, and I knew him well, Ixith jK-rsonally and through reputa tion. Ho was a feat less runner, and would never jump from an engine, no matter how close a place he got into. Duncan invited me to ride with him on the engine, but I de clined, as I had chaige of that Uio Grande engine, and waned to eo her landed safely at her destination. "So I went back to my charge just a minute before we passed out of the Altoona yards, and in a few minutes had made myself comfort able v ith a couple of blankets I had brought along. "The night was a dismal one, be ing foggy, with just enough rain to make it uncomfortable. I kept awake for about an hour, and then concluded to take a little snooze. "About the time I got comfort ably fixed and was dozing, with my eyes balf shut, I was startled by a loud, long piercing call for brakes from the engineer. I knew Bill Duncan would never have let out such a blast as that unless in the presence of great danger. Quickly throwing off the blankets that covered me, I jumped op and peered out through the darkness. We were going down the grade on the west side of Horseshoe curve, and cutting the foggy mist at the rate of forty miles an hour. "About fifty yards ahead of Bill's engine were the red lights of a caboose, and t ben I knew the flag man bad not come back far enough to stop us on the wet rails. A run in was sore. There was not much chance for me to jump, as it was infernsliy dark, and I knew there was a bit h cliff close to the track on one side that would burl me back onder the w heels, and a precipice on tho other steep enough to break every bone in my body if I onco started to roll down its steep sides. "About that time I thought of j praying, and was on tne poini or uropping to my KncoB aim proying to bo forgiven for my past sms wiien I luckily thought of tho Drebox ol the new engine 1 had in charge, and ae quick as thought I threw open the door and crawled in. 1 had just landed on my knees on tho grato bars when there came an awiui crash, such as I never heard in my lite beforo, and I felt my engine going np and then down, and the sickening sensation ot tiioso lew seconds were paralyzing. 1 was tumbled about pretty roughly, and had the skin knocked o(T my legs and my head cnt, but nothing could crush me, tor I was in an iron safe that was well buil', although it was never intended for a life-preserver, I thought once, however, that it was all np with me, lor 1 felt the boiler collapsing under tho weight of tho loaded cars that wetc piling up on top of it. "After a while everything was still, and. knowing that the worst was over, unless tho wreckage took c,' d. v ! M ? 5 i n : i.ttiiiiiiiiiiiii.i. - 'iii.iii! tire and roa&ted me alive, I made an effort to crawl out, but could not do bo, as car trucks and frames were piled above the wreck. I thought it was a month until the w.-eeking crew came, snd then I began to cry out like a crazy man and implore help. Tho wreckers must have thought I was pinned down by the engine, with my legs crushed, for they gave all their attention to me, snd after hard work, got me out, and beyond the biuises already mentioned, I was as sound as before the wreck. "Poor old Billy, the engineer, kept up his reputation to the last by refusing to jump, and was smashed into jelly under his engine, as were also his fireman and two trauis riding in a box car next my engine. That was my first 'call,' snd it was a close one, but the firebox saved my life, and I have never hcaid of another man pulling through a wreck in the same manner. My second 'call' has uot come yet, and I m not anxious tor if, 1 can tell you." Chicago Inter Ocean. Honest Christians. The man who is not just as hon est in trading as he is praying is not a Christian. It is not impos sible to 13 a sinner in business and a saint in religion. The thief in the board of trade is a hypocrite in tho Church. We do not believe that all successful business men are diahonest. It is satiefactioii to be lieve that in every department of trade and commerce there are men whose principles are as pure as gold. There are merchants, bankers, me chanics, farmers, and professional men everywhere, who live as up right in their btinititss transaction as they do in their domestic rela tions. There are men ho would prefer poverty to ill gotten wealth. Granttd that a man might gain money by lying, what kind of a reward is it after all! Riches gained at the exiiense of conscience are like corroding acids: they rat away the foundation of life and leave their poaes..r poor indeed. It never pays to lie. It matters riot what the motive may be, the loss is always greater thin the gain. Ex emption frutn punis'imtnt or dis grace is a poor compensation for a tarnished conscience. Mafses of wealth have no power to confer lasting joys. Title, wealth, learn ing, honor, and fame are trifles com pared with a clean conscience. Governor Russell is turning con victs loose wiih a great rueh. - - - Bucklesi's A rale a salve. The ret Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruise, Sort, Ultrs, Salt R'.icoro, Fever Sorea, Tur, Chapp ed Hands, Cltiltilainea, Corns, and all Skin Krtiptiona, and positively cares Pile, or no pay required. Ii ia guaranteed to givs perlect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 centa per box. For sale t y Tay lor 4 lUener. Hesse pay your suWription, now, won't you f . si i ifi ' i -v i ... .i- "-". D r 'f t.i IT 13. STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE CATH- ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Some People You Know snd Others You Don't Know as Seen in Our State "Projectoscope." Hon. Kope Klias is summering; at rsantahala, JN. C. A colored boy named Golden Smith, wag killed by tho care at. Maxwell, j. C, Wednesday. John R. Watt, a popular yonng man, acd 10 years, died at his home in lieidsvillo Sunday of paralysis of tlic lieart. Mrs. Matilda Ievy, conducting, a shoe business in Asheville, assign ed Friday. Liabilities about $', out), with assets about tho same. Tho first home grown roasting i-ris were on the Wilmington mark et Saturday. It was a thirty-two dozen lot, and brought 32' cents a dozen. A. W. Freis of Salisbury, will soon begin the erection ot fifteen 13,000 houses for tho Cone Kxport and Ci minission Company in Greensboro. Near Kinstof, Monday, light ning struck the bain of J. T. As kew, destroying i'. Several head of cattle and some farm products were also lurried. The Observer says it is under stood to be prsctica'ly settled that J. . Mullen will bo appointed postmaster at Charlotte and W. S. Clanton assaver of the mint. The Sparger Bros, leading to bacco manufacturers of Mt. Airv, are hns'lers for business. Their goods are on sale in almost every town and city in Oregon and Caii- toruia. The (iret nsboro Record save that Gov. Taylor, of Tennessee, has been invited to deliver the annual address at the 4th of July celebration at the Guilford Battleground. He has not ytt replied to the invitation. It is announced that tho flsleigh Tribune will resume publication aUnit July 1st as a four page daily witn an eigni page ounaay edition. It will bo independent Republican and will In? edited by Col. W. W. Hay ward, the tormer editor. Tho body of Mr. James Johnson, who was drowned in the Ca Fear Wednesday morning, was recover ed Saturday night at Kelly's Cove, three miles below the spot where the unfortunate man fell from the Hurt. Fayetteville Observer. Lawrence Keck, a merchant at Haw River, attempted to commit suicide Sunday by cutting his throat with a razor. He has been in lad lea'.th for some time and despond ency over this is supioBed to be the cause of his rash act, though he will recover. The lumber and crosstie bnsiness at and around Thermal City, which is being so successfully conducted by the Belk Lumber Company, the Conquest Bros and J. K. Carpen ter and others, is having a telling effect on that section of country. Shelby Aurora. Rev. M. A. Smith's six-year old bou, Marshall, fell into a bath tub of bot water on last Thursday after noon and was so badly burned that his life was almost despaired uf at first, but the child is still living and hopes aro entertained that betnay recover. Fpworth News. Yesterday a large sawfish was car ried by the Atlantic and North Car olina railroad for the state museum. The sawfish weighed 5oo pounds, and was captured at Cape Lookout by harpooning and shipped by boat to Beaufort and thence to the At lantic and North Carolina for Ral eigh. New Bern Journal. W. C. Wishart, agent of the Wil mington, New Bern and Norfolk railway at this place has been trans ferred to the Wilmington office and entered upon his duties on Tues day. W. G. Woinble, the agent at Msysville, has assumed charge of the Jacksonville office, and Miss Pearcc, of Scott's Hill, has been transferred to the office at Mayes ville. Jacksonville Times. A serious accident is reported n& r Smith Grove, Davie county. Last Friday Mr. Milton Travillion aged sixty odd Tears, and an uncle of Mr. Chaa. Nay lor, of this city, wss ploughing in his field near Smith Grove, when hie horse became frightened and ran away. Mr. Tra villion was caught in the lines and dragged some distance sustaining injuries that it is feared will prove fatal. Wiuston Republican. Work on the Publishing House was bgun last week by a force ol bands under Contractor Pain's su pervision, and has been going on steadily ever since. The long wide joists that are to span the thirty foot space of our lot and other tim bers are being fitted for their places of honor and usefulness in the Pub lishing House of the Methodist Protestant Church of the North Carolina Conference. We wil! keep cur readers advwed ot the proprw-e of the work. -Greenboro Church lie cord. M A Good Word for the North Carolina Press. There is one thing that can be said ot well nigh all of the Nortli Carolina newspapers, and particu larly of the country weeklies. They are to bo found, so far as we recall, always on the side of morality and honesty. Many of thorn are man aged by professors of religion who are firm believers in the Christian Scriptures. With but few excep tions, as we recall the post, have wo found any exchange taking a doubtful or compromising position on moral questions. It is certain ly a hopeful sign in a materialistic, sceptical age (and it is not confined to the world but may bo found in the churches) that tho secular news papers of a commonwealth are not the organs of immorality and infi delity. It is a good sign also that a newsnaocr of pronounced oppo sition to Christianity and tho inspi ration of tho Holy Bible, tho most sacred of books and dear to most of the homes in North Carolina, could long live in the noble, conservative, Bible reverencing state. It is bet ter to love and reverence tho truth without fi no human learning than to possess that acquisition and tight God nd His Truth. A state has much to build on that honor. God and whoso people are church going and firmly fixed on tho side ot the right, the true, tho good, tho hon est, tho noble, the moral. A man's brilliancy and fine attainments amount to but little tor tho good of humanity and tho upbuilding of a state if ho has forgotten the God of his fathers, lives for self and treats with contempt tho Book of books, (iod's own great gift to man. The North Carolina pitsa is but little if any tainted with unright eous principle and modern sccpti- ism. He is a bold editor indeed in North Carolina who would assail the Holy Word, the foundation of home and society and all civic pro gress that means permanency, hon or, glory, and who would stand forth the organ of immorality and impiety. Some of the pajers, through blinded partisanship, may defend some bad man or condone some vicious act or favor some political principle that is oppressive and ruinous, but they will not ad vocate or defend as abstract prin ciples dishonesty in business, lying in every day life, gross indulgences, cruelty to the helpless, wanton at tacks upon tho Bible and so on. ilmington Messenger. Hires Rootbeer Cannot be Imitated. V It is doubtful if any modern com modity, except money, has been counterfeited more than Hires Root- beer. By progressive and costly advertising this article has attained a trade-mark peculiar to itself, and its wide popularity and immense sale is an irresittable attraction for the unscrupulous imitator. Justice, however, is beginning to realize that tho public must be protected from 8ucu practices as is evinecu by the decision just rendered by Judges Finletter and Gordon in Philadelphia, Court ot Common Pleas No. 3, restraining George A. Hires, a namesake of Mr. Charles E. Hires from manufacturing and selling a prcpsration under the name of Hires Rootbeer. This is a move in the right direction, as this superior article should not be substituted by inferior stuff. Boils, pimples and eruptions, scrofula, salt rheum and all other manifestations of impure blood are cured by Hood's Ssrsaparilla. -I, i n-i -- . A St. Louis man who died recent ly left a will in which was a bequest of $ 1,000 to a young woman, "on the score of gratitude, because ehe declined to marry roe, and thereby enabled me to spend my last years happier. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTTS Liver PILLS Call at BRAY'S BARBER SHOP When in need of a Hair Cut, fcbave or r-hampoo. Everything clean and firet-claaa. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 9fik TitW i lam'i Iru fart. k fine ro!and-Cl.irie Boar, twelve ironlli. old. If joo want turn eali within tare week. A Pulartd-C'hina Knar old in Illinois laat week for i.ifrnOO You ran buy tl.n one for lee. Thomas SI. I rower. mm lit P0UDE0 Absolutely Pure O-lelirat."! lot IU ttv.i l r..nltii Rtri-ntrO! him! Ii.'rtli li'tsln.-i.f,. Awur.' tin. f'l i,niriHi, alum m.,1 m i r.irirm o! ail'ilt.'MO'.ri r.'tn'mm i. i tip . ti-- p lifftiniK hoy.M, i:Ahi:u 1 :V DfcU CO., NaW lolik. HOW TO FIND OUT. F'ill a bottle or common water glass with urine ami let it stand twenty-four hours; a sendiment or settling indicates a diseased con dition of thekidncy. When urine stains linen it ispokitivccvidcncoof kidney trouble. IVo frequent desiro to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing pro'.f that tho kidneys and bladder arc out ol order. WHAT TJ P'l. There is com fort in the knowledge so of tan expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Loot, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in reliev ing pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and t very part of the urinary passages. It corree's inability to hold urine and scalding pain in pissing i', or bad t llec's following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes iinp!c; n ccssity of being compelled to gut up many times during the rn'itht to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realiz ed. It stand? the highest for its wonderful cure.- of ti c ino.-t dis tressing cases. 1 f y "ti need a medi cine you should have the best. Sold by druggists price fifty cents and one dollar. For a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent fiec by mail, mention Thk Mocnt Aiicv Nkws and send yjiir fu'l ad dress to Dr. Kilmer A: C , Bing hamtoii, N. V. The u rietors of this paper guaranti'0 the genuine ness ot this offer. THE LITTLE ONES Are the joy and sunlight of our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. Do not give them nauseous doses. You can overcome their troubles with Dr. King's Royal Germetuer. They all like to take it because it does not taste like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic in young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, and quiet, healthful sleep. As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use in teething, it is the greatest in the world. tSold by Druptrists, new package, larpe bottle, 10S Doses, One Dollar. Manufactured only by Tie AtMa Chemical Co., Atknta, Ca. Writ. IW 4-Pae Book, SalM FrM. Sold by Taylor L Banner, Druggists. f TtT ti OTTVTT5Cjn7J If . XA. Uilii UV11, M AGENT A IPS AND IVf kTTHlV. IN OFFICE SUPPLIES. A)ai ianit.rnii &,-ri'rie!. Bank otau.i. lira-ui b.-el iwtera. i!u-Lluir llrao'l. .ji.-..lltiK M i. ltiL.-. Clie. k i-nio-.-iorw .mini fTV i-iiu. h.-. e.r JVtrailllB PW-mlH. t'.a!:(l 1'i.t.TH. IMIal tw ain. Frli,-'.i:ir u.-Ih. t-, k'l Miu. 1'fUAU.l !--i'ill!!nni.a, Kut-r Tvjaf lintera. k'ltt-r KuMr M'aair. l' Kub-rr Wat- p Ink. Mea rlls, Mrii.-n ll.a. sw-li.-tl FruNh. H h-l hi.tmia. M-'l w-'ieni and Kiur'--. tn-lf (.triU.p. h'ali'p kiht.,.!iv -uuiip Hart. Kv Varlo-r, Wx 6-a;a ui Tm ni r'i!'Mfi. 'Tii-re to ii..t tii 'n a orr"e ranm .lift'.?. ai,.1 1 Vtie . rj prvrs po-it-!.- f"r ,-.-1. HaJiksH. NcrtiiM r,L.a,-turer and ail pr.-'ewi...-! nea iil "U m a. pn i.. i,r !! ir.f emrwh-ee. lour paJooire w a H--i;-4. e-fwriaUJ- pr. .W". o.ail nrm. t.m.f In J.iw-r Hu-1. at bfd t o.p. ni-in-t.n.i f '::: " suwrt. MsMiut Airy. . C toe M IM. r I f Warvb I, n t ufifTTrn A reliable lady or pert! li All 1 LU man to cinl.M .ample and m itonw-to-houi rmaM for our Vegetable 1 uilet N!- HO to ITS amount aaily made. Addrvaa Crofts A Kd. M3 to MO Austin Avenue, Chi eeo,lli. W aBr1 at Once Actiee ag-eta fht eecta enenty. tMtoi rm.tni. fce rik. t"!r 1 V-2i inrl1..l!arayee. KiK-iea rang fell -elirelar. o 5t4 reata S1 mt' ,'I" WiaakAt. w atib C". b-s r ,Js L- T Bbnaeta W Ilk . rMf ( -?, e? .. iaa,n. tttCC ta, drags .w r-tf iwl euepi. 1 i

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