The Mou Airy Mm EWS. VOL. 17. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1807. NO. X. CURED AT 73 YEARS. fcr. Miles' Hew Heart Cure Victorious. Mouther nmlli'liuirkBcluiVnurli a no-unl. llnea I a veritable iMiiruiivh. "a ye hit. of f ""V JI11" I""" prujiiuice toovpn-oniM, who bail Huirt ia y.i.. II,. t,K,k thu Nu liwll uw miU In now mhhkI .nil wiilt. Ramcbl O. Sroaa. Oraa Lake, Mlrh., Dec. M, ISM. I hare been irmilill with heart duieae U year, or more. Mint of tlm time. I wa. mo bad It w.a not mfc tor me to r out alotm, aa diujr mirli. would raut falling.. I b.d asrwr palpitation, ahoriuina of lin'ath ami aiidilrnpiiliikiliain-iiilerwl nu- helplew. All pliy.icl.n. Old (or mo hmUi .iIvi-c m-eiilni quiet. In Aufrut l:tt 1 comi, wined inking Dr. Miles New Heart Cure, and orfnro I had nnld tlm flrt. bottle I IiiuiiiI the mclli'ln n a f o.l-wiiil. I hare bow u-ed four Ixitile In all and am fn-lln ntln-ly well. am 7.ijrerof i(i'nnil hav mild a aruilire ai-tnnm patent niedhnif. all Bi, life, hull will not allow prevent llt! ni Mwtlinonr to thr rreat euro your valuable itiiikI; ba wroiu-lit n rim. I lo tlil. to ahow n,f appno iatiiin of It Mllna' hew Heart dire. SAMIr I. o. HToNR. Ih. Mllna Heart Curat. anld on B pmltlvB iuarante that tli Srt bolt la will Uiiem, II drumO.t. n-ll It at II, 6 ImMlf-a fur IA, or It will be m-iii. ireiai,t. on rvreipt of prti'a bj Ux Dr. Miloa Mudual (Jo , til hart, lud. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure R.'.jr."i,. J. A. IMA I TIN, nOTARY PUBLIC, PHONICS 20 AND -6, Mount Airy, N. C. K V. UKAVKS, Attorney-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. ir-praetlrea In State and Federal Courta. Prompt attention to collection ot cluliiia. V. S. NKKDIIAM, Attorney-alfcaw, Pilot Mountain, N. C. -- ir-WIll prac-une In the Slate Courta. Col lection of claims a specialty. JauS-Min T. 15. McCAKGO, HOTAHV PUBLIC OFFICE OPPOSITeTeWS OFFICE, mount aibv motel block. Business Promptly Attended To. GKO. W. SPAHCSKK. Attorney-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AIBT, N. C. to Will pracUee In Stat and Federal ourta. Speclel attention to collection of claim ana negotiating loana. W- F. CARTER, MOUNT AMO, H. C. J. R. LEWELLYN, dowon, a. c- CAKTKR I.KWKU.YS, Attopneys-at-Iiaw. ,irpiBirtli In the SLate and federal Courta. frumpt attention iflvtn to all builueaa euirtiHU ed to their care. J. H. Slakemore, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY. N. C. la prepared to make all the New and Artimic Htylea. 1 up with the Umea and will five you flrst-claaa work. DR. C. W. BANNER DENTIST, Mount Airy, N. C. Olline over Taylor A Katmer'i Irtig Ollice bour 8 a. in. to 6 p. m. . !!- Barial Robes, Slippers, &c. A full atock of all aiiea and qualitia. kept OB hand. Bod at rranonatile priera. huir room, ii-.taira over M. L. I'atUir Bon'. Hare, on Main Htrtet. lteaideoc, rat bullae North of the railroad. KTAT12 Normal and Industrial School. DKTAKTM KNTX well eillpd. tl teaeliera. M4 reiflr atudeui.. l-id, prmetioe luxrt otT iHI.. t Bl.lrti ulatea flunrll. ooeuiiK lii n tbe aiiinU" reprwnt 4. trtjip"UUe einnullia at couut aeat A uiruni tat. Ul till trt-tillllou vac-anle. la aivuituirlM Application aa uid ! made be for Jyl MB to rut tue ri.Tiiaathiu. No rre ta lion H'l to appik anU aliriilL a nleda-e I" Income teai bera Annual ripelisea ...a. Hi .iMit,A uiiMril iu in durmlinrlea. m Lulllli tiavlu ituileiiui. ti. Aildrma. rreawlenlt UAKUO I). Mei KK. t.raeoatjoni. N . C Engliah Pparin I.lnlment remote, all Hud, Hon or (.ailuuieu i.umpa lira ki.mi.ha. fmia hnrM. Blood hpaTint CurU, hplinu. twny, Kitif-Koni, HtifloB, riprBins, all HolUn ThroaU, ka ,m Man t.0 lT ubb Of etna botti. VS arranUsl tha moat wonder ful hlemiah Cur rer known, hold TlTLOlt Rlllll Mt-Airj.N.C WVt lwratf Olw-flB, fwia, ak Imb HrB H'l E. A. HANNAH Cols, m Pm. Wt Nta fShk "Ow wa 4 Turkey s Reply ! NOT FAV0RA8LE TO THE DEMANDS OF AMBASSADORS. THE SITUATION IS VERY CRITICAL. Coercion or Cabinet Changei Muit Occur. The Turki Ar Selling their Securities. A calWrtm of Tuesday from Cor.tantinoilc, Turkey, says: Contrary to expertatiotif, ino u. cinion ol tho council of niiiimtorB yfnterJay wan not favorable to tho iIoiuhikIn of th ainliadiH(lor relativo to the (ireeco-TiirkitOi frontier lie (totiHtiotiB. The situation, thero f, irn ia rco-unli'i 1 ait verv ritraineti. The Turkish roily is virtually tho holding up ot nt'otiatioiiH, atu me power must nrnko coiu-vrwioii or adopt meaure to force their do ciiuon. It in reported that tlie (iratid I y.ier hail (leeliireu tome 011111111 mat he will never aign an agreement mA on the Btruteuic lines rg pro- iwi'i) liv the atnliAKradors. At the Mine time it is thought in some Miiurti.ra that the attitude of tho f nrkiBh government will incline I he Sultan to yield by naentieing some of hi minixteri. and rumors of i 1 1 1 - landing cahinetjehanges are already circulateil. The at (talata are al- r,.u,K- atl'iM-tcd hv the gituatioti and there has been considerable fall in Turkish consolidated securities. A inw .U v tmiiilier ot Turks are sellinir p j ...... freely and some traders are express- . 1 rr 1 1 1 ing the opinion mat iiirney win only yield to presfuro of the Kuro- jH-'an powers. Our Supreme Need. Ignorance and poverty are twins always and everywhere. Ignorant men, in most senses, toil fur the lienetit of others. They do not know how to make their labor profitable. They work with dull Uxils. They try to make bricks without straw. They di and delve and die, leaving no assurance of better things to their children, though to give their off spring a letter chance than they potscbsed was the chief ambition that stimulated their endeavors. The children of thte men are the hope of the Commonwealth. They cannot develop the resource of the Stale, they cannot lit themlvcB for thu bent that is in them, they cannot come np to the measure of useful ness for which they were created tinlu s tiny are educated. hd neat ion is the supreme nei u ol the Slate. Like everything else that is worth having it costs money, time and labor. ' It is a priccliss elo uieiit that commends itselt to tm- appetite." J Setter school laiilitns cannot be had without more money. Money cannot be had except by tax ation, laxation cannot Ik? imposed except by the volition of t' e tax nayeis. In every townstrp in tl.e State, not now levying a sp cial lax for schools, in August a vote will lie taken to incrcHse the public school term. The Constitution ol the State guarantee a four mouil.r' term. In some school distric s the term ia only six weeks, and in smiie instances the money available does not secuie hrst-elass teachers. I" those townships having a four months term it is often lengthened out by crowding too many children into small rooms, and exptcting one teacher to do tho work that it re- luins two to do. Uak igh News and Observer. Through tho blunder of some unknown person, committed 3 eni 6 ago, a glaring piece of inexcusably poor spelling is still 011 view in ihe finance Committee room in the City Hall, and is the subject ol much uiifivoralilo comment by historical scholars. The poittait ol Uev. Henry Augustus Muhlenberg, hung lor many years in Independ ence Hall as a tribute to th preacher patriot's services during the Revolution, with his name beneath it spelled '"Henery Muhhu burij," The same egregious eirrs are now visible in the City Hall Ilev. Henry Augustus Muhlenberg f 1 ... ., was one ol tlie urst l.iniierHti ministers in this eoiititrv. On one occasion lit; carried his gun into his puipit at Keailing and at the con clusion of the aci vices invited all his male parithioners to follow him to Valley Forge, which they did. Dr. M iihlentierif was also the Urst Speaker of the House of lieprt sen tatives of the Tniied States after the Constitutiou was adopted in 17f3, and his nnne is at least worthy of sufficient remembrance o be se'led correctly. 1 tiiiadfl liia Ilecoid. Wc Oder Yoi a KMnedy Wblck Inaore baks tv u uri: ol both MoUtrr aod Ctilld T.IOTHERS FRIEHD Bom coxnsrii ST or m run, BOBROC AM MMiCB, Hake CHILD-BIRTH Easy. t.m&T Ht rewwiB4e4 kr nt fllM,BMln. aiHl tliaM wha ka4 mmm4 U. HnitrfHWIIMU4 IMUNNt, wwih s-f -la To a.iH'ni' .1 M wr w ! 11 1 SXASnZLD EIOtTLATOB CO.. Atlasta. 0a, Buta r w Hat-Mima. v YOUNG i WIVES Obituary of Mrs. Jennie Scott. In loving rcincnibersnce of Mrs, Jennie bcott. belovod wife ol Air, A. L Scott, who departed this life Aug. 13th, 1890, aged J'J years, two months and 8 days, thus hath passed away a lovely Christian woman who left the blessed assurance ol her faith in her Saviour to carry her through the dark valley and shadow of death. We feel that Hispresence sustained her through the last sad hours, when parting from kind and loving fiienosand a dear, faithful husband, who waited on tier with much lovo and pVience, doing all in their power to relieve her sutler ings, but all a kind husband, chil dren and friends could do did not stay the monster, death. Tho Lord called : "Child of Uod come home." Sho leaves six children, four boys and two girls, to mourn tho loss of a dear mother. She told 1110 sho hated to leave her girls so much more than her boys tor they needed her company and protection and that thev would bo so lonesomo without fier. Sho said sho was not afraid to dio and that if she had any hope of her oldest sod being saved she would m ready to go. She often pra cd for Sam and askid others to pray tor him. I hope her prayers will be answered in days to come. Airs, bcott was a member of tho Missionary I'aptist Church, and her next oldest son and daugh ter are also members of the same hurch. She sang msny precious hymns. Ono was: "Jem ran ninke a dying I '1 Keel aoft m downy (ullou are, Wlnle on Ilia hri-ntit 1 lean my head And I'rentlie my life out aweetlj then. Another was : la my name written there, In the lamba hook of life, Ia my name written there. She wanted Elders Castephcns and Adams to preach her funeral and told how she wanted to lie dressed. Her bible, sho loved to read so well, she wanted laid on her breast. I lived iicar Mrs. Scott for over two years aud I cannot say enough in praise ot her noble life. She wan one of the most indus'rious women I ever knew and was a good neighbor, a kind wife and a loving mother and did all in her power to make her husband and children comfortable. Much more could Ins said of her devoted Christian life. May we all Ik; ms ready and willing todie as was Mis. Scott, is my w ish. Farewell dear mot her, 1 11011 art gone. Yes gone to thy heavenly home, There we hope to meet thee, Where we will all be an one. (iniie from a world of trouble; lie uchca a fairer shore, Dear one we lnli.ll thee, Itut e aliould weep no more. For we know how thy tired spirit Nighed and longed for rest, 'J ill ;d, in Ilia mercy. Sheltered thee on Ilia breast. Thou art gone fnun us, dear Jennie, 10 reign wnii aneis Hoove; To rent forever Willi Jesus, -,,.! ,..,1..,. ,,.;,, 1.,, .. V.V ft .... V . Wi iiti u by a fi iend. U. W. J ON KM Shoals, X. C. About One Hundred Thousand. Ti etc are now on tile at Wasli ington more than 1(mi,ihmi appli cations for otlice, and tlie rate at winch they continue to pour in ia sa'd to Ise bIkiiiI tiiKi pi r day. The woist thing that could happen to uioi.y ot these applicants would be to leceive the appointments they stt-k. i lie best tiling mat could happen to them Would be to bo struck cotclnsively with the con viction that if they were to devote fiartion of the energy and patience t indiv idual enterprise which they apply in pe ty t tlicu hunting they c uid become prosix rotis and inde pt.iulet t. Included with the thous ands whose applications are on file are many w ho have wasted the In-st pa t of iheir lives in seeking to ob tain apjiointments, and have lxred out of all patience their fiiends and Rrjniiintaiiccti, in public and private lite, in their fruitless (jucst. It is of little use to tell them that it would Ik; much better foi them and tor 1 hose dependent upon them if they were to swear oil on public place seeking without further delay and dirtet their individual enegries to ward more profitable and independ ent aecomplisbroen's. It is of 110 avail to tell them this; their ambi tion seems to be a disease, which only two remedies serve to relieve appointment or deuth 1'ittsburg Commercial-Gazette. Hon. C IS. ISuth, r sident of tho Gilmer County (W. Va.) Court, says that he has had three eases of flux in his family, during the pant summer, which be cured in less than a week with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. ISush also states, that in some insUncis there were twenty hemor rhagis a day. Glenville, W. Va. 1'allitiuder. This remedy lias beeu used in nine epidemic of flux and one of cholera, with perfect success. It can always be dejiended upon for bowel complaint, even in its most severe tortus. Ever v family should keep it at hand. The '.'5 and fiO rent bottle for sale by I. W. West and J I!. Smith. " Japan official'? protests againat the pr piied annexation ofllawaiL Thi country do not favir it, and if ihe protest will prevent its con summation a g'd thing will be done. Jatin, however, can !iae no part or tot iu annexation for its own lienetit. Sorlli Slate News STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Some People You Know and Others You Don't Know 11 Seen In Our State "Projectoicope." Tho thermometer crawled up to 102 at I'uiehtirst last Monday. Crop reports throughout North Carolina average np fairly well. Raleigh's new 5 per cont. bonds brought 109. That a good for our capital city. Tho Ashevillo Cition actually does not believe in tho madstone. Jimmy Albright does. Tho man who some timo last win ter predicted a cool summer, ought to he run out of tho State. Tho Waynesville Courier says W H. Cone, ot New York, intends to plant an orchard of 5,000 applo trees 111 tt aiaugit couuiy iicai euing. The Reidsvilla Weekly everlast ingly skins tho American Tobacco Co. Wctater's hatred for trusts and combines knows no bounds and he is right. Six car loads of chickens passed through Greenslioro a few days ago lor Northern markets. 4K,tHM) chick ens make a right good sized ship ment for one day. The Sun says a car load of sheep was left too near a railroad switch in ali8bury fcaturday morning, with tho result that tho car was knocked over and 21 of tho sheep killed. Mr. Frank Leonard, who lives in the edge of Davidson county, sev eral miles lielow Salem, lest his barn by fire rriday morning, together with .r00 bushels of wheat and a reaper. It was accidental. The Salisbury World says: Win. Austin was at the depot Thursday night. He was from All)emarle, and stood exactly t! feet 91 inches in his stocking feet. He was just 21 years old last April and weighs 232 pounds. We don't see how a Christian de nomination in the State or else where for that matter can afford to receive gift from a concern whose business destroys the youth of our laud. Wonder what the religious papers think about it ? The twelve rum mills at Fayette villo, went out of business Wednes day night and the dispensary went into operation Thursday. The first day's sales were light The rum mills dropped out and the dispen sary began business at Louisburg on the same day. The Democrat says three prison ers escaM'd from l!mne jail on last Thursday night. Trivett, charged with forgery; I'ueket, with slander, and Jones, a negro, who was bound to next term of court for passing bogus checks. Trivett and I'ueket were captured but the negro es caped. The nineteenth annual Masonic pic nic and reuuion of ex Conteder ate soldiers will be held at Mocks- ville, on Thursday, August 12th. The annual address will be deliver ed by Mr. A. H. Eller, of Winston. The pic nic will be conducted, as usual, in the interest of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. , On Turkey Croek, Ilocky Point township, iu I'ender county, last week, a rattlesnake with two tails was killed by Mr. John II liolton. It had fifteen rattles on one tail (tlie rear one.) The front tail was that of a grsy squirrel that hissnakeship tiad nearly swallowed. Ihe largest diameter of the snake was three inches. He fought savagely, and it required the efforts of two men and a dog to kill him. Wilming ton Messenger. The body of Henry Meliride, col ored, who was drowned on Wed nesday while in bathing at ISrittain's shingle mill, on the Northeast river, opposite Hilton, was recovered yes terday morning at V o clock. hen the tide went dowu he was found standing upright with his legs down in the mud. The bottom of the river at that point at high tide is swampy, and when MtI5ride jump ed into the water he sank in'o the mud. This accounts tor the fact that he never rote to the surface after leaping into the water. -Wil mington Messenger. feaBMrlhlBs; I Is4 Obi. Mr. J .lines Jones, of tho drug firm of Jone & Son, Cuwdeti, 111., in speaking of I)r. King's New Ii eovery, sas that luil winter Lis wTe was at acked with La Grippe, and Iter ease grew so acnoiis that phyaieiuiia at t'owdcii and l'ana could do no king for her. It seemed to develop into buMy consumption. Having lr. King's New Discovery in store, and Belling lota of it, he took a bottle bomr, and to the aurpriae of all she began to get belter trom first doae, and halt doion dollar b it lea cert a her aeund acd welt. Pr. King's New Discovery for con auttiption, coughs and colds i gu r an teed In do th g-xxt wotk. Try iL Frco trial boll Its at Ta) lor k Banner' 1'rug Store. Likenett to Christ. This is tho object of all Christian life, tho goal of all Christian effort. It Joes not Imply uniformity of nature, or oven of character. It simply means that our individual characters are to he so purified of evil, havo what is good in them so fnll? developed that, as a result, we shall be dotmnatod by tho same principles that Christ manifested. In proportion as it is accomplished do tnon tako knowledge of us that wo have been with Jesus. In the same proportion do we have com fort in our own lives, and are we eflicient 111 our work. When, however, wo come to think somewhat closely as to what is in votved in this, and judge carefully ot our practical attainment, the eftect is ant to bo discouraging. Likeness to Christ means holiness, freedom from sin ; and we are constantly sub ject to siu, and very far from holi ness. Even our best efU'rts in that direction are so oltcn of tittle avail, and we so frequently find that the evil ia the very thing we want, while tho good wc are willing to forego, that wo wonder aometinus whether wo really desiro tho thing we are aiming at. So also hkoncsa to Christ means wisdom, the best use of the best means; the right word in the right place ; aud we are so unwise, fail so often, stir so much evil in stead of allaying it, that we are in clined to think tho likcnessalso!ute- ly unattainable, and practically not worth trying for. So through all tho long list of thoso characteristics that marked Christ's life upon the earth as we find it recorded. Thu more we look at them aud then at ourselves the more we realize our own shortcom ing and failure aud hesita e even to claim the purpose of seeking them. e are disposed to settle down to a somewhat dogged kind ot life, say wo will do the best we can and let it go at that. If we are tempted and yield, we console ourselves with the reflection that wc are still human and liable to err, and will not be judged harshly. Ihe way to avoid this is to keep the thought fixed nut Uon ourselves but uisoii Christ, and up in him, not so much as an example for us, as a person in himself. A great many people are constantly wondering what Christ would do if he were situated just as they are. Inasmuch as lie could not possibly be situated just as they are, ihe query becomes useless. Our situations are the re suit, to a greater or less degree, ot our own character with iis weakness and defects. To put Christ exactly in our place is impossible. What we are to look at is not a series of tions but the life that is behind the actions, the principle that con trols them. Actions, indeed, are the illustration ot principles. Hence it is well to study actions, but to study them not for themselves but tor what they indicate. So, too, of words. hea Christ was giving iis last instructions to the disciples he told them that the Comforter, the Ioly Spirit, would teajh them all things, bringing to their remem brance whatsoever He had said to them. The value ot those words is not that they furnish statutes for right action but principles for right vmg. 15ut it is not merely by watching the life of Christ as illustrated by His actions, or His principles as set orth by His words, that we gain likenessto Him. There is a strange power in personality to affect other natures. The child grows to be like one whom he constantly watches. He may or may not make a conscious effect for that likenoss, but the like ness comes. 1'eople of larger growth, maturer, more independent develop merit, are otten strangely drawn by consUnt contact into likeness to one another, without so much as a thought of the process. John says: "We shall lie like Him for we shall see Him as He is." What we need here is to 6et Christ see Hitn, not merely as He was, but as He is ; and we shall find the likeness taking hold upon us t,d fashioning us into itself. Independent. A man in Virginia, rode lorty miles, to Fairfax S'ation, for the express purpose of getting Cham berlain s Cough Kemt-dy, and took home with hitn, a dozen bottles of the medicine. The druggist who relates the incident, adds: "V-jur remedy seems to be a geueral favorite wherever known. Its etteets are indeed wonderful in all lung and throat troubles. Procure a bottle at . W. West's and J. 15. Smith's drug stores. The tobacco manufacturers at Pilot Mountain have come as close or a little eloser of holding their own than any other town iu North Carolina. 1 Lis sjieaks well for the plat. - When Senator Mills, of Texas, was a boy be used to make cigars for sale. His father grew the to bacco in Virginia. The North Carolina plan of em ploying convict labor in road build ing is attracting attention aud is be ing commended to other States. Julian S. Carr has oie to Den ver, Col., a a delegate from this State to the International Gold Mining Convention. The main btilding ot tl.e Home for Negro Consumptive, at South ern Pines, is soon to be dedicated. Tariff Bill Passes AT LAST THE TARIFF BILL PASSES THE SENATE BY A VOTE OF 38 TO 28. It it Understood that a Great Ways of Pros perity Will Immediately Spread 0er the Entire Country. Washington, D. C, July 7. 1? tho decisive vote of 3S to 2S, the tariff bill was pitKscd in tho Senate shortly before live o clock today. The culmination of the long and arduous strugglo had excited the keenest interest, and tho ttoor and galleries of the Seriate chamber were crowded by thoso itixiotis to witness tho closing scene. Sneaker Jleed, Chairman Dingley ind many of tho metubors of the Hours of Itcpre- suntatives were in the rear area, while every seat in the galleries save those reserved for foreign representatives, was occupied. The early part ot the day was spent on amendments of compara tively minor importance, thedebato branching into financial and anti trust channels. J!y four o'clock the Senators began manifesting their impatience by calls of 'vote," "vote," and soon thereafter tho last amendment was disposed of and the final vote licgan. 1 here were many interruptions as pairs were arranged, and then at 4:55 o'clock the Vice- President arose and announced the passage of the bill, yeas 33 ; nays 28. There was no demonstration but a few scattered hand claps were given the crowd diser8ed. Tho vote in detail follows: Yeas Allison, ISaker, I'urrows, Carter, Clark, Cullom, Davis, De ISoe, El kins, Fairbanks, roraker, Gallinger, Hale, Hanna, Ilawley, Jones, (Nevada); IxJge, McDride, Mchnerv, McMillian, Mantle, Ma son, Morrill, Nelson, Penrose, Per kins, Piatt (Conn); Piatt (New lork); Pritchard, ProDtor, Uuay, Sewell, Shout), Spooner, Warren, Wellington, Wetniore and V ileon .10, Nays Paeon, Pate, Perry, Caf- fcry, Cannon, Chilton, Clay, Cockrell, Faulkner, Gray, Harris, (Kansas); Jones, (Arkansas); Ken- ney, Lmdsav, Mallory, Martin, Mills, Mitchell, Morgan, Pasco, Pettus, Rawlins, Roach, Turner, Turpie, Vest, Walthall and White 28. The following pairs were an nounced : The first named would have voted for tho bill and the last named against it : Aldricb and Murphy; Chandler and McLaurio ; Frye and Gorman ; Gear aud Smith; Hansbrough and Daniel ; Hoar and Harris (Tennessee); Thurston and Tillman ; Wolcott and George. An analysis of the final vote shows that the aliirinative was cast by 35 Republicans two silver Republicans, Jones, of Nevada, and Mantle and one Democrat, McEnety; total, 38. The negative vote was cast by 25 Democrats, two Populists, Harris, of Kansas, and Turner, and one silver Republican, Cannon; total 28. Eight Republicans were paired for the bill and eight Democrats against it. The Senators present and not voting were: Populists, five, viz: Allen, Putler, Heitfeld, Kyle and Stewart; silver Republicans, 2, viz: Teller and Pettigrew. Ft Mowing the passsge of the Li I a resolution was agreed to asking the House for a conference, and Senators Allison, Aldrich, Piatt, of Cotinectient, Purrows, Jone6, of Nevada, Vest, Jones, of Arkansas and White, were named as con ferees on the part of the Senate. The tariff debate begun on May 2"th, on which day Mr. Aldrich, on behalf of the Finance committee, made the opening statement on the bill. The actual consideration ot the bill began the next day, May 20th, when schedule A, relating to chemicals, was taken up. The de l?e has been continuous 6ince then, covering six weeks and one day. Hasn't Misted a Meal. ' Typhoid fever left me with a bad stomach trouble. The medi cines I tried did not relieve me until 1 began taking Hooo's Sarsa parilla. This medicine relieved my stomach trouble and I am now able to work every day and have not missed a meal since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla." F. M. Davit-sou, ISox 57, Cherry Camp, W. Va. Hood's Pills are the best after dinner pills; assist digestion, cure headache. 25 cents. W. A. Allen, James Alleu.IJnd e y Allen, M, ek Tunstall, Asa Parr and Potter Averill were instantly killed by a boiler explosion on the farm of W. A. Allen, near Harts ville, Tenn., Tuesday. T'ied For Years. Mr. Johu IL Tarver, Dalton, Ga says: "J une 5th, '95. This is to certify that I have used Royal Germ etuer in my family for the last fi?e vears for various complaints, viz: Indigestion, bowel troubles and general debility, and find it all that it claims to be. In fact, I would not be without it in my house." If you would know the value of this great remedy in the family, end to the Atlanta Cberaicai Co., A latita, (ia., for 4 pace book, free. New package, large bottle, D'S d ea,il Fi-r stle by Taylor Ac Patuicr. Drew Up His Own Petition. ''I seo by tho papers that a St Louis man has sued himself in a business controversy," said James D. Pothwell, of Vincennes, Ind., to St. Lonia Globe-Democrat re porter. "This may be a strange in cident, but 1 know of a case that Mats it in every way. 'Down in my section of the country there Is a prosperous young lawyer. When he was 1 student ho fell in lovo with one of the sweetest girls I ever met. She js the daughter of a wealthy gentleman and, al though the lawyer had brilliant pros pects, the young lady's parents dis couragod tlio match because, to tell the truth, the girl was in love with tho young man. Hat in spito of parental opposition, tho couple were married. For a whilo everything went well, but the old gredgo against the young man still rankled in the minds of the parents and matters became bo desperate with the young husband that he went away. When he returned ho lound that his wife had sued In m lor divorce. It was the culmination of her parents' hatred for hitn. The husband saw the petition fnd im mediately found that it was deficient. He called on his wife, and there was a long interview, during which the matter of the petition came up. He said that 1:1s wife was under au in fluence that had made her determin ed, so be decided to be manly. 'My dear,' ho aaid, 'you can not get a divorce on this )etition. It is faulty. No court in the world would receive such a plea. Ietme help you out.' Then the husband set to work and drew up another petition. In it he made himsclt defendant It was on this petition that his wife was divorced from him. The divorce broke the hearts of both, and they are now living wretched lives. They lovo each other, and, if the woman has one consolation, it is that her former husband is prospering and growing constantly in attlocnco and ability. a- . . . 1 -lit I believe that this couple win oe re united. The young man deserves the lovo that his beautiful former wife still bears for him." The negro arrested at Greensboro upon the charge ot attempting an assault upon a young lady, has been Iaced in jail at n itieton to prevent ynchipg. - Pure, rich blood feeds the nerves. That is why Hood' Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, cures ner vousness. The new Collector for this dis trict took charge of the oflice at Asheville last week. Please pay your subscription, now, won't you I Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Twenty Years Proof. Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bow els in natural motion and cleanse the system of all impurities An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con stipation and kindred diseases. "Can't do without them" R. P. Smith, Chilesburjj, Va. writes I don't know how I could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutt's Liver Pills Call at iBRAY'Si BARBER SHOP When in ned of a Hair Cut, Shave or fciiampoo. Everything clean and first-class. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Slni vjpasik fitlar 1 htitVi Int Store. OAK RIDGE DiSTITDTE, 4Cth YEAR. Twenty -two yearn under preaent prin cipals. 224 HtudenU attended laat year. A High Grade Coilege-Pteparatory Helen. 1, with special departments ot Book-keeping, Short hand and Teleg raphy The Largevt and Beat Equipped Fitting School in the South, "Terma to suit the time." For beautiful new catalogue aidraa, J A. at. H. MOLT, Cm ftma. N C iKmesu 1 in tmy u aa B-iiaa ta lb faiM Saat, . 1. ' , 1 1-4 ta ( iwa . . i W bm.? Bfcfa a a.. mt m fcw a ian. . --. t'MM SV ft aolw.. tUMIat. Bwa MS. aaai Ot t. MM ra Inn. .J 031 pi POVJ Abe!at!y Pur Celchrateil tor t jri-.t -sfeninir in-nifia aii,1 liinlUidiiiL-iut. Amiirii Hie final alum anil i i,viu ft mill I UT ill lull (', till inn r, u t h rli,;,p lirml HoY M, HAS. in, ( l ow ohli Co. dtfW Yollh. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common water glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sendimcnt or settling indicates a diseased con dition of thekidncys. When urine stains linen it is positivcevnlenco of kidney trouble, loo frequent dciro to urinate or jiaiti in the hac k, is also convincing proof that tho kidney and bladder are 1 nit of order. WHAT to i. There is comfort in the knowledge bo olten expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidnoy remedy fulfills every wish in reliev ing pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every purtof the urinary passages. It corrects inability to lold urine and scanling pain iti passing it, or h:id elleets following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Rout is ion realiz ed. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the inobt dis tressing canv. If inn need a medi cine you should have the best. Sold by druggists price 1. 1 ty cents and one dollar. For a snmplo bottle ami pamphlet, both sent freo by mail, mention Tiik Moi.nt Aikv Nkws and send your full post-oflien ad dress to Dr. Kilmer iv Co., ISing hamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuine ness ot this oiler. THE LITTLE ONES Are the joy and sunlight of our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones ia health. Dj not give thera nauseous doses. You can overcome their troubles with Dr. King's Royal Germetuer. They all like to take it because it does not taste like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic in young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, and quiet, healthful sleep. As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use ia teething, it is the greatest in the world. tySold hy DrupfjUts, new pack ape, large bottle, 10S Itosos, One Hollar, Manufactured only hy Tha Itlaiti Cteniical Co., ICanta, Gi WrtU far IvTm Book, Trr. Sold by Taylor &. Banner, Druggists. 4 W. H. SIMPSON, AGENT For li Eilr Stais KD IVflTTJ! IS OFFICE SUPPLIES. AJat NunilwTlnsr Umh'hf, Hots fliAtii'm, HrfcAft h '1 ltjm. IVJHilLjf brsiY. U-U -rUI'iif Ma Mi.. , Ch U. frotM'Uni. "itU't. I'utr l -. r tK ar! 1 fi Ma!h. Imiid yt & Iatt'r, No- Urlati iTW.'.i-if V l-'-'in. Vtn fcc MAtU, IT II D1 fr-M'!! F'Jl-U-r Tvr u r, Ifitilavr 1 lu - h t"T tUAJip Hb'iH Itiit rr War p If W. M6 riis h'rit-'ii Irk. m i u r ;M, M-i t'avli;j, k'ler r,-1 I vi.r-. -lf Ifiavltilf MtaUil'. Mill p I P'tawi.n, MjsJIjP hark.. Mh? itfrn. W I1 aut4 Tii'fT Mt b"tlLh UWd 1 in ri'Tir ) PkMMlt '! K , Ht A ll U' 'T b-W&H JMi. ffcHswuMi lf fin! -4 f Ot!. tU!iM-n. WT. haiVA X I . 'is (urrm fthd mil f.r"t-'. ii' II ;tl : ''ii W lour f''r'" i'- '-'- "N1" l-!JT- iToiLP U ?nl'f. Oft, If, Jijs hi" K. ! 'Ml nt nl.-f.fc rikjia-band t iiii-s' 6 feurrW Uittl Air), .V C Lix k i.fc 1 3 4 4 Correpn de n c e f HarrB ,. tf UflllTm A reliable lady or getitle al fialt-U. man to :: r.t'ute aamplea and make B hou-e-tv house cafiraaa for oar Vegetable Toilet K ' 15 amount eaaily maJe. Audre Crofts A lieed. Mi to NjO Aualia Avenue, Chi eago, 111. f aMie4 ail Onre Artira ar-a f,,. Barb (miiiy, l.iciii-: nuitrol. N. rnk Clear l!li', k'n.Jre' ti'.mn ayear. prM Hint i f- U 1:-S!e. m 14 eearirt m i e lo t;i io HnHH WaTma C.. l K-l uh- !a SO 1 a 1 1.- in, ft mt m Ammr