wMStam M Airy News. HE OXTNT VOL. 17. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., THURSDAY. JULY 22, 1807. NO. 4, Suffered Eighteen Years. Ialaa Itepart.d and kee aaaa. Mra. Julia A. Ilmwn, nf (Vivlnirtoti, Tcnn., Imaa bulnl li:i rharirn nf llm electric Unlit plant ul tlmt iilun, hu haen a grM inffrn r. Hi r ailment aud aiamly enra ami, iIUh! by kunvlf. a. Mlnaai "Fur II t-ar I .rrfiMil Imn tirmnia and 1 1 I lu t i I ii K 1 ry miiiiily ri uiniiiiiiKl.il 1,7 Mnilly ami frit-niln, lint ahlla In-line ln,u,. i, Hi Iih'hI liliyal- clana, Kn. Ilurrai, Male? rnul hiienal Mil. Jri.u A. Iiiiown. Infnrml m thul I tmd liimn itrnptiWii, anil HiKl t inrn m l.itlu fur uiv. I Hit-n (It i)tl tii try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, I aiw tlKii mint, In ii tut u aleea u ii 1 1 1 i ll on l.iannl (I m-1 it-li l . ami ilnrlnit all lhi limp I li:il fe iici, lmajr iiiiii In nijr 1,-M .Mr f V m nvif KtiA riM, ,i,i.,,, hut after latelnc line-half iN.ltl i.f Ihfl lf'nne I cuuiil lii ji Hi I tilrtil In-.! i ki-II I rvi-r Jul. Tlir Amw la (lie iinly tvniixly tlmt tava m any rell.-f alnoever I am mm ell ami aironir. ami I Ihnnk l ;1 rm-y U.iy a my lift fur IT MiUm' Jmw." MUS. JI LIA A. IIIIOWN. tr. all lea' Norvlno la wild on a pnaltlra fiiaranee Dint tin' (lrl notila Kill l.neHi. AllitrutrlMawll It a II, Null.-, fnrr. or It will I aent. praiahl, on re.-eiiit of prd-u by Ui. lr. Milua Mutlual Co, l.lLlmrt, I ml Dr. Miles' Nervine rXZ J. A. MAKTIX, nOTAHV PUSklG, I' HO Ml I! JO AMI 26, Mount Airy, N. C. S. 1'. GKAVKS, Attorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIIIY, N. C. trrriu-Uivt In state ana Fetleral Court. IToii.pl attention to coIlectli'D of clalma. V. S. NKKDIIAM, Attorney-at-taw, Filot Mountain, N, C, larwill practice Id I lie Stale Court. Oul lerUnn of claim a specialty. Janl-lSm T. I?. McCAKCO, DOTARV PUBLIC. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY HOTEL BLOCK. Business Promptly ATTtNDtD To. GKO. W. SPARC KK, Mttorney-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Will practice In Male aud Federal ourl. Hliectrl ailnUon U) collection of clulma aul DfirillaUiiK loan. W. f. CARTER, mount tamr, . C. i. a. LEWELLYN, domom, a. c- CAKTKK & I.KWKI.UYX, Attorneys-at-Law. lar-Piarili In Uie Stat and Federal Court. Prompt atuiullon given to all builueim eutruHl ed to Uielr cart. J. H. Slakemore, PHOTO GRAPH SR MOUNT AIRY, N, C, ta prcpand lo make all tlie Sew and Artwuc Htylea. I up wll.U lue times and will give ou nrat-t'laiui work. on. c. W. baNNeh. J-DENTIST, 4- Mount Airy, N. C. OIIW oviT Taylor A Banner'i Drug 8tor. Ollide hour 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Bnrial Robes, Slippers, &c. A full atock of all and qualitie. kept oa baud, and at reawiuahle price. Hlorc room, uutaini over M. I.. rtter aon'a itor, on Mam 8trt. Kesideoe, flmt bona. North of the railroad. DKPARTMEVrs well Hinlpied rr teacliera. 4 n-irulr aiuitenia. rldi- praitlce ai'hool of i"iMl. matiicuuieii nuoe it. oiwulnr In ln wolibe asroui u- repreaf-ui-ro. 44utH.uilve esntlnattim at eount acat AuirilX lat. ft'l tree-I union vainni'leii In dnriuiiorte Applraimn an uld le maile he lore July win t enter the eaanluaUon. No fr-e lu'uon eireut in aiipiuanta alirnliK a pled? to heroine Warners. Auliual enieii of in e-nil'l aiurtenw Hoarllu in ilurmnnriea. aw tulttoB-pavliiv MuiteM. Iiaa. Anrtreaa. 1'IMIiMII'UAKLICl II. MelYKK. umunon. H.C F.ngliah Ppatrin Uniment remoYtH all Hard, tSuft or (..alluuaxd Lump and UleimialiM from horaea. Blood hparini Curb. HplmU. Hweonfj, King Boca, Htitiea, hpraina, all Swollen Thmau, Cough, ete. haa $50 lj uae of nna bottia. WarranUni the moat wonder ful Blvmiah t'ura e?fr known. Ktild KT Tirioi a Kiimi Ml.Airy.K.C a1 Til ana la aW aaaa a. r U wa. Ta aall liavnea aaally aad foram. We aaat eue. full of lit. an. aad .urr. aaka Ka-1 Hac Um wnairter wnrker. tnal aaakea waa awa aamuj. AU antmriMa. uc or Ii. Cartruaraa tee4 IbnkM and aunnie frM. A.Mmai fcun-Uaf kcaaady tia, Cbuaur at New lark, If ,j y.iii, I'til.M IN Col, Us, CvlwrJarTUa,"Oa Evilsof Sham Baltic SADLY ILLUSTRATED AT OUR CAPITAL CITY ONE DAY DURING THE PAST WEEK. A Member of the Governor's Guard Shot Down ul Pullen Park During "Sham Battle." At kIihiii Imttlo of t!.o Oov ernor'a (iuari! t I'lillcn l'wrk liwt niuht N. rHiik, inoro iopn larly known ad Jaok Hunks, waa kilU-.l. A bulli't from tho 171111 of ono of thu men in the opponifiir Iwttalion glriH'k him alinoHt in tho tn iIIlo f l ho t.rilioi(), jtint at tho root ol tho hair am killoU him alinoet iiiNtmitly. Tho Itall ranjtotl downwarJ and lodirwl in the hram. It in not known who m rt'enonsinio tor the tleod 'hi-ro ia not i vi n a iintiei.n, a tl 0 ih'Hil mun waa vitj ixiiiuUr with hi coiiirrtilua ami ffoiicrallv will liko l ly tho iii-oplo of tho tity who knew lnm. The cnrtrKltfca were all cxsminiM thoroughly ln-toro Iwin jjivi-n out to tho men, and then cxmiiiiiol airain by thono who received them. They were carefully examined and locked up Sunday by ('apt. Craw lord, and then they weio a2Hin ex amined lnt night, before U'ing given out, by the tiit sergeant and (he liret and second lieutcnatita There have been no loaded ahella given out to tho member ot the company in about two year. They were then uned tor target practice in the aimory. All the ammunition is kept locked n with Vale loeke In addition to tins tho loaded t-hdls are nailed up in boxes Again,a loadod bbell weiglia aliout three times as iniit'h as a blank one, and it seems ono would have de tected it in taking it from his belt and putting it in his gun, even had it escaped the eye of the oflieera through whose hands it had already gone. Tho accident tccuned at 9:43 o'clock. The (inaid, divided into two platoons, was on the southern 6ide ot the IV k, rear the pavilion, filing at one another. The platoon of which Hanks was a member, wh nearest the pavilion, in command of Fin-t Lieutenant Beavers. They were just atout 1 drop upon their knees and lire when Hanks fell- dead. He wa near the center of ihe flat 0011. The centre man was Moore 'arker; to his left was Hanks, and on Hanks' 1. ft was Hubert Li 'tie. It was against the latter that the dead man fell. Mr. Little says he distinctly heard the whizz of tDe bullet and tiiat the noise of it and the concussion aln.ut-l deafened him. Immediately he realized what had happened. IUnks toppled tmr and he caught him as he tell The news spread like wild tire. The tiring had already ceased ; a doctor was called fir, and Dr. 11. J. 1 rice, tit ilmington,who happened to be among the 50 fjnctati.is present, stepped forward and render ed niot-t va'uable assistance until, sometime after reaching the armory, the dead man was turned over to the (iuards' phjsician, I)r. lingers. Hanks lived but a tew minutes after lieing s'.ot and was never conscious. He was placed upon two guns, taken to a street car, yjid carried to the armory in the Urigtrs building, on rayettevillo street. There the blood was warhed from his face and his wound examined. Kaleigh Observer. The thing which we apprehended has hapKined in some of the coal fields where the strike is on. J11 the Danville, Illinois, district, righting began between the miners at woik and the stiikers, Monday, and at tacks on trains carrying men to the mines to take the place of the strikcie. This is but the beginning of the lawlessness. It may lie check ed, but there are greater probabilities of the lawlessspirit spreading as the strikers will become dt speratu hen they see other men brought into the mines to take their places. The President has sent the fol lowing nominations to the Senate: William L Merry, of California, to lie minister to Nicaragua, Cot-ta liic.t and Salvador; Horace N. Allen, of Ohio, to bo minister resi dent and consul general to Korea; I'erry M. Delsoii, of Georgia, to he consul general, at (iuasijuil, Kijna dor. MOTHERS' FRIEND" f:hort9m labor. Vemmram vain. " w 6lsi'iiili dMOtrrr u lift-of both AMttber Ml etiad wid a hrr lu cottdl- ti.an wtrt Uvomttift V na)tf fCOYrT stnrmTT ti-r than bfnrf rontirMtm ot" tBT& promiiMml ttiulolle- U Um bsi iummIj for nisniQ che&st Kaowfj ad wmn th mir for that Umw. u who hs tt-j it llerwkr al ttuuaUttiiMi 4V6d lAltaUatM. Uzkes Ctiild-Eirlli Easy, Sent bT T-twrm or anal; or reeirt of p-irt, tl.a w Mit. B -T Al.rrHf krt aaaiied tFM.mnuuniu.' votuatttry iiaimna WAMtEU KKairUTOB r.. irUUTa, lai. u v au. int'itim 1 t? 3 Wanted Pi and Attempted to Bribe to Get It An Attempt n been made by en ollice-seeker to bribe Assistai.t cec relary of the Treasury Howell, who succeeded to Mr. Hamlin duties in order to aecuro an important custom place in tho South, and a letter haa boon addressed to tho mm who offered tho bribe, in which he ia told that Mr. Howell it not in that kind of business. The bare facet brazen n ess of tho would-bo brilx-r haa surprised tho oflicials, who say that it 1 the most open afl'air that haa come to their attention in years, Some week iiro. aniom; tlie aotilicA tiona filed for tho collectorship of tho port of Mobile, waa ono from man hailing from Kymulga, Ala., who camo pretty well indorsed for tho position. Whether he ia white or colored is not known here, but the fact is developed that tho fellow knew little ot tiio world and haa proven himself at once incompetent to hold any otlice under the govern merit. Mr. Howell, under whoso ollice custom a Hair come, answered the application 111 tho routine man tier, and said when tho ollice waa tilled tho candidate' namo would lai given duo consideration. Hero the Kymulga man thoiiiht he saw a chance to mako friends wilh Mr Howell Ami perhaps advance hi candidacy, so ho wrote a personal letter, 111 which ho offered to divy up one ont-fjuarlcrof the salary at tached to tho place for four year with tho Assistant secretary, if through his infliienco he was given the ollico. Tho man is believed to In 1 ignorant of the laws which make a serious offense to oiler such A brilo to a Federal ollicial, and will probably not bo prosecuted. He ins la-en sent a note, however, 111 which he is informed that under no circumstances will hi application tie consMcrctl, and that he haa al ready shown his 11 n wort hints to hold any position under the govern ment. W ashington Dispatch. The Poor Min'l Only Hope. Speaking of the Local Taxation Election Aug. Id, one man says: Taxes arc too high already; I don't want to pay any more taxes. Hut this man has children and wants to educate them. If he sends them to public school like we now have. the schtxil will last only twelve weeks. He cannot educate his chil- Ircn this way. Thev will never learn much studying twelve weeks and not studying torty weeks. So this man decides to send his boy and gill to a private school. How much must he pay? Ho must pay at leapt five dollars for the boy and live for the cirl. This is a tax of ten dollars 011 him. Hut if he will vote for lo cal taxation he will get iood six month's schools for his lmvand girl and for all the boys and girls he has at a cost of tl.U'i, if his property is i.-ted lor f l,0oil; Ht a cost ot fa.Ju f his property is listed for $.",imu; at a 2. s' of forty cents it his prop erty is listed for flxi; at a cost ot ghty cents if his property is listed f.r Jot hi. So yti tec this local taxation is the ji.tor man's only hope of educa ting his children. The convention of the Societies of Christian Endeavor, itist ended in California, was attended by some 2V00 Endeavors and 15,ooo visi tors who were not members of the society, the large attendance is remarkable from the tact that most of the Endeavor socictii s are in the Cistern States, and the majority of the deleaves had tj cross half a mtineiit to reach the meeting place. 1 'resident r rancis h. Clark wiites that it "will pass into history s in si me respects thegrmtest and most memorable ot all i's fifteen predecessors. Hut lietter far than the addition of new memlieis and far worthier of note was the snirit f the convention; its earnestness, its genuine ring, its Ii iirli spiritual ii'tlitii s. Twenty-seven stacks of wheat be nging to Jesse and Fred Alex ander, of Walnut (irove township, were destroyed by hre on last Sat urday flight. The stacks were in two different yards, some distance part. The loss is estimated at .Vo bushels, and is thought to be the woik of an incendiary. We have not heard npon w hom the suspicion rests. Hut every effort should le made to biiig the guilty parties to justice. It it be the work of incen diaries, the sooner they are landed in the penitentiary, the better it will be lor the people. W ilkeslioro Chronicle Hon. C I'. Hush, prt sident of the iilmer County (W. Va.) Court, savs that he has had three cases of flux in Ids family, during the past summer, w hich he cured in less than a weckii'Wi Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Iiemedy. Mr. liush also states, that in some instanct s there were twenty bemor rhsgi a day. (ileuville, W. Va. l'atbfindcr. This remedy has been used in nine epidemic of flux and one of cholera, with perfect success. It can always lie depended ojioii for bowel complaint, even in its moat severe forms. Everv family should keep it at hand. The 2"i and .ri0 cent 1m it tie for sale by I. W. Wet and J. II. Smith. M. Folh, clothing merchant of Fayettcviile, made an Assignment last wet k. Liabilities f 2' i.lHHt; a. ., about the same. The burned district in (ireetisboro i to 1 rebuilt. to III Slate News STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Some People You Know and Other You Don't Know at Seen In Our State "Projectoicope." The comininionet of the town ot r.lkin Iiavo ordained that every male citizen shall work on tho street three day In each year. Every milo of the 0. F. Y. V. Railroad it assessed for taxation at tho rAte of $5,000 per milo. Thcso aro pretty strong figure. - Allen McLcAn, colored, and Hes io Little, white, claiming to bo man .1 nillV Ml I t D Vi All MiSJIl 1 uestlay and placed In jail. Everv necro oinnlova at tha ran. itol at Raleigh has been discharged. Whitomon Aro taking tho i lacc hcrctolofo tilled by ncgroea. It is learned that Editor Farria. of the High Point Enterprise, ia ar ranging to begin tho publication of A daily r.ntorpriso about tho first of September. It i said that Dtro c -nntv. thi state, has not a ngle farm and every House may io reached h? Iaat. Pamlico county has neither railroad. doctor nor lawyer. 1 no press 01 ortli 1 arolina is loing a great deal of faithful work for tho free sxdiools of tho State by urging the pcoplo to vote for tho schiHil tax on tho J Ot Ii day of A a . 1 - . . gust. The (tteensboro Presbyterian will hereafter hold their Sunday School just after preaching on Sun day morning instead of just before me sermon, a new idea and one that promises to do good. Abram Davis, colored, and wife were on their wav home in Char- otto Saturday uight when they met two white taiy. Davis was drank and ho and the boy engaged in a wrangle. Davi stootied to Dick op a rock when ono ol the boy shot and killed him. The boy escaped. a I Near Sugar Hill, in McDowell county, last Thursday, I 11. Marlow and W. C. Hogan tpiarreied about some whiskey and Marlow struck Iogan on the head with a rock, fracturing hi skull. Ono report say that Hogan is deaj and anoth- r that he is not. Marlow escaped. Day by day it become "more ap parent that the Southern railway in tends at no distant date to make Steneer the terminus for all crews, both passenger and freight. The conductors trom the Atlant and Charlotte division are receiving notices daily to learn the road from Charlotte to Siencer. Charlotte News. The Durham Sun very truthfully savs: "Mr. liockefeller av hi frUOMNi,(oO are a gift from God. Just why (iod should liAve selected Mxkefeller to give this fortune to when he could liAve divided it op among several thousand deserving people is one of thote thing no lellow can find out; but we have An idea that (rod has had very little to' do with it." An old lady down in Rockingham county said the other day that she was sick and tired of ieopIe com plaining at President McKinley for loigetting to send prosperity to that county. She 6aid she knew money was scarce and prices were low, but tliere had riot been such a crop of blackberr'es under Any administra tion since she was a little gill. Win ston Journal. 1 The colored excursionists did not get baek trom Charlotte ontil 5 clock this morning. They report tn.nip negro killed, who was beat ing his way from Charlotte to Salia bury. It is learned that be was rid ing on the truck onder the coach. and shortly after leaving Charlotte fell on and was mil over The en tire train passed over him and his body was terribly mangled. Win ston Journal. Some of our rice planter report that army worms have made their apiH'aranee in the rice holds And it is tetared that considerable damage wu oe done to the growimr eron. he rice is now in the iuint and at this stagethe crop is liable to seriou injury. W horevcr the army worm enters a field they generally twet-p things as ttiey go. Worm have made their apiiearance the past few day in Governor Russell's rice fields. ilniu gton Messenger. - lr, tiiMg'a New D1m-ttt for 4 fiaB. Thin ia the bettl medicine in the wot Id for all forma of coughs and eolds and for consumption Every iKiltle ia gtiaruftlecd. Il will cure and not disappoint. J 1 iiti no equal lor whooping cough, asthnu, bay fever, piiPiimeinia. brooehitia. la grippe, cold in l ho head and for con sumption. Il i ajilu teir all age, ple-aianl to take, and, above all, m ire curt). It ia alwaya well to lake !r. King's New Life Pilla in con hot lion w ilb I'r. King' New Ii cover-, as they regulate and tons the alomacb and bowela. We guar antee perfect aatisfuction or return rnoiic)-. Free triul bottle at T.) lor k liniiDvr's Drug Store, lobular also 6o cent and f 1.00. IN AN OPEN BOAT. Tha Perilous Voyage of Twelve Cuban Their Arrival In Jamaica. A correspondent of the Associated I ress. writing from Kingston, J a on Tuesday says : Twelve Cuban, the last survivor of an insurgent camp in the province of Camagna, reached RioNuevon. a littlo nort on the north side of the island a few days ago in an open boat. They were in a terriblo condition ot ex haustion, as they had been seventy hour in making tho passage. The little craft which had been con strticted in tho camp just before their departure, was found to leak in scvoral places, but, owing to the high wind and tho heavy soas, tho refugees were compelled to take turns at bailing her in order to keep from being swamped. Aeam and again they were on tho vergo of do struction, tho wave washing over the host and filling her to tho very thwarts. After three day of con stant anxiety and struggling they managed to put in At K10 N ucvo, in a pitiablo condition. It i inspected by the authorities hero that mnio of the names given by tho men aro fictitious and that among tho party aro several nn portant revolutionary leaders who havo business in New York and who aro travelling incognito. It will bo remembered last year that Carlo IkOlott, tho leading manager of an expedition to Cuba arrived in Ja maica under tho nom de guerre of Charles Roberts and described him self as an American journalist. It waa not until alter his departure lor Cuba that the Spanish consul in Kingston U'canie awaro of his real character. Whether tho suspicions ot the government are well lonnded or not, it is hard to ay at present, but in a few days the real facts will probably become known. Of the twelve men composing the party four arj invalids. Dr. Yieta is now ling in Kingston, tenderly cared for by thcloeal Cubans eutl'er- ing from a sickness induced by mouths of trials s.rd privations. Another has a bulk-' wound in the thigh ; a third a b.vunet wound in tho shoulder and a fourth is not ex pected to recover from an inte-rnal complaint aggravated by the severe elTeels of the voyage, lint their spirit aro not daunted. Glcfully they talk of the success of tho rebels and of the defeats of the Spaniards. Their privations and sufferings are, they say, as nothing compared with what the Spanish troops are under going, in an interview with the Associated Press correspondent they complained bitterly of tho action of the Hiitish oflicials, for the visit ing health officer had arbitrarily seized a number of important letter and dispatches designed for tho Cuban junta in New York. They had protested against this action, but the official replied thi t a breach of the postal regulations act had been committed and that the letters must bo forfeited as a penalty. Nearly eighty letters were taken from Dr. Yieta alone and there is no prospect of any of them ever reaching their destination. More Blockade Whiskey. Another big lot of blockade corn whiskey was deposited in the storage warehouse under the Jaeolavlemly building this afternoon. There were twenty nine barrels, and five 6tills and fixtures besides. The seized goods were ihipped from Mocks- llle and were seized from . JU. Godfrey, of Yadkin. Collector Al- spangh now has about 100 barrel of "block" in his possession. While to-day's shipment was being unload-, ed at the storage rooms a leaking barrel caused much excitement among the nep roes hanging around. T-l 1 Vl. .. i urn; a geuerai eeratuoic as to who should suck the leak. Win ston Journal. The Sultan ot Turkey seems to be inexorable. His latest dodge is to addtess a note to the powci rep resenting that the disturbed Condi tion of Crete render it necessary tor him to seDd reinforec-merfts there. he powers hive replied that it would be as well tor him not to do so, and tbe world looks tor the next move of the wily Turk. He doe not want to give up Theasaly and what is more he does not propose to do so if he can help it. Russia is the only power that can oust him and even from her it w ill require a peremptory demand couched in no uncertain terma. A littie daughter ot Robert Stone, aged aliout 9 or 10 years, was killed iv her father horse a few dav ago in the Rock Creek section of Wilkes county, it seem that the culiu had been in the habit of going to pas ture where the horre grxi d and catching it When she weut after the horse refused to let her put the bridle on, and whirled around and kicked her one foot landing on her aide and the other on her head. Her parents witnessed the accident, but befeire they reached her side she was dead. A man ia Virginia, rode forty mile, to Fairfax S'ation, for the express purjnase of petting Chani berlaiti' Cough Remedy, and took home with him. a dozen (Kittles of the medicine. The druggist who relates the incident, adds: "Your remedy seems to lie a general favorite wherever known." It iffe-ct ate indoed wonderful in all lung and throat troubles. Procure a buttle at L W. Wet' And J. II. Smith' drug store, , Sir. Pages Opinion SOME STRONG ARGUMENTS THAT OUR TAX-PAYERS OUGHT TO CONSIDER. The Importance of the Free School Election Should be Impresied Upon the Minds of All. The following is an extract from tho address by Mr. Walter II. Page at tho commencement exercises of tho Stato Normal College. Mr. I ago is one of the profound thinker of our conntry, and has como nearer expressing tho trntti in regard to our situation than any speaker before tho public. Read it carefully ; "In my indgment there has been no other event in North Carolina since tho formation of tho American Union, that is comparablo in im portanco to this new educational progress. Tho movement now has such momentum, that nothing can 1 ... ... hinder tho complete development of the public school system till every ..t -l 1 I. J le-i ciiiiu is reaeueu. y nen every in habited township votes a local tax to supplement the State tax, tho taxes yon now levy will seem small and will bo increased. According to tho last published report of the Commissioner of Education, the total sum siM-nt er year tier pupil in the public schools was still lower in North Carolina than in any State except South Carolina. It was only f '! 4o. In Georgia it was nearly fi'ioV), in Virginia it wa. nearly in Indiana it was ?20, in Michigan nearly $20, in Wisconsin $21, in Minnesota nearly foO, in tho new State ot North Dakota it was nearly $::. 50 nearly ten times the expen- liturc per pupil that waa made in North Carolina None of these State is richer than our own in possibilities. The ability to main tain schools is in proportion rather to the appreciation of education than to tho amount of wealth. We ay for schools not so much ou' of our purses as out ot our state 01 mind. For exam pie, there is a man in .Moore county who had two children at school at the exjenFe of somebody else. Although he did not pay their bills, tie took them from school the other day because, he said, the charge for tuition was too high. Ho is the frankest and most faithful disciple of our old time economic creed that 1 have ever known." 'A the movement to establish public schools everywhere gathers orec, men of wealth will end that they can do no public service with their money, so sure to bring last ing results as to build school bouses, aa they are already beginning to do. The history of philanthropy shows that no public benefaction bring the same sure and permanent result as provision for the free education of the masses." "The battle is practically won when the whole State stands secure on this platform. That a public school system generously supported by public sentiment, and generous ly maintained by both State and local taxation, is the only effective means to develop the forgotten man, nd even more surely the only mean to develop the forgatten wo man. Even ten years ago, many men in North Carolina did not stand on this platform. Now I hear that few oppose such a pio gramme, and thtase few you will soon educate, for sheer pity." "Standing in this institution to day, it seems incredible that I my self can recall the opposition both f political leaders and of ecclesias tical leaders to free public schools. Nothing else ever made me so near- helpless. I hank heaven, that ppot ition is passed. Or if it bo not wholly passed, aud if any dupe of an old political fallacy say that we are too poor to increase our taxes for education, remember that the average amonut paid now by every taxpayer is only fi.lo; the average amount paid by each tax payer in the poor State of Maine is fy.2.1, in Virginia f 4.72, in F'lorida f5.3; in Iowa it is $15." "Too poor to maintain schools! The mau who says it is the per pttuator of poverty. It is the doc trine that lias kept us poor. It smell of the alms-house and the hovel. It has diiven more men and more wealth from the State and kept more away than tny other political doctiioe ever cost ns more even than the doctrine of setx-snioii. Such a man is the vic tim ed an anc.eut and harmful false hood." "If any beggar foraehurch School oppose a local tax for schools or a higher school iax, take him to tbe hut or the forgotten women and clu'idrenand in tee ir hopeless pres ence remind him that the chorea system of education has not touch ed lens of thousand ot these lives, and ask hiui there whether he think it wrong that the commonwealth should educate tht m. If be think it wrong, ask him and ask the people plainly, whether he be a wortfcy preacher t f the gospel that declares one man equal to another in the eight of Go1f Is cot one roaa e jual to another also is tit s g'.t of the common wealth! I a all reason sbleneas, it i impossible to ander siAiid how any man can regard it as a Christian act to ttand in the wsy of t'.ie State's elevating the neglect ed masf.es. Can any church afford to put itself in such a"posU'on? or, if it do, has it any right to complain if good men declare it an unchristian attitude. Even if von could respect tho religion of the man who objects to the elevation of th forgotten masses by public education, it is hard to respect his common sense; for does his church not profit by the greater enlightenment and pros perity that every educated com munity enjoys? The truth is ho docs not soe a condition, but he is a victim of a theory a theory aa in human as the theory that maintained the inquisition. His doctrine, too, smellsof poverty- poverty in living, poverty in thinking, poverty in spintual life." "I ho most sacred thing in the commonwealth and to the common wealth is the child, whether it bo your child or the child of the dull- faced mother of tho hovol. Ihe child of tho dull-faced mother may, for All yon know, be the most capable child in the State. At its worst, it is capable of good citizen ship And a useful life, if its intelli gence be onickcncd -and trained. Several of tho strongest personalities that wero ever born in North Caro lina wero men whose very father were unknown. We have all known two such, who held high places in church and state. President Eliot said a littlo while ago that the ablest man that be ever had known in his forty years' connection with the Harvard University was the son of a brick masDn. Tho child, whether it havo poor parcnUor rich parents, is tho most valuable undeveloped resource of the State." Eternal Vigilance Is the price of perfect lies lth. Watch caretnlly tho first ymptorns of im pure blood. Cure IkjiIs, pimples, hnmors and scrofula by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Drive away the pains snd aches of rheumatism, malaria and stomach trouble, steady your nerves and overcome that tired feeling by taking tho same great medicine. Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic and liver tonic Gentle, reliable, sure. t . ' a , While a gang of workmen were excavating on the line of the street railway at Lexington, Ky., one of them struck what appeared to tie a piece of pipe, but which proved to be a 64 pound dynamite cartridge. A fearful explosion followed, and five of the six negroes in tho gang were blown to atoms. The other was so badly injured that he cannot recovei. - a- A Butcher' Experience. Mr. J. W. Herring, a butcher of hoenix City, Ala., says, May 14th, 1S95: "For five years I had indi gestion, which continued to get woree till my suffering was intense. spent hundreds of dollars trying to get relief, but grew woree until the fall of 1S93, when I commenced to use King's Royal Germetuer. took only three bottles, but be gan to improve from the first 060 of it. I bought it of Dr. D. E. Morgan, and he can tell about my case 1 cheei fully recommend Germetuer as the best medicine for ndigestion snd Dyspepsia." New package, large bottle, 103 doses, $1. or sale by lay lor A JJinner. Miss Mat tie Ii. Tyler, grand daughter of the former president of tbe United States, was appointed poetmasr at Courtland, a., Wed nesday. Fayettcviile voted a tax last week for electric lights. Tutfs Pills lure All Jver Ills. Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation and aH bilious diseases. TUTTS Liver PILLS OAK BEE MOTE, 4Gth YEAR. Tenty-to Jrart under jimapct prin cipals. M Student attended hut jrar. A High Grade CollegI'rrparaUiTT School, with special depart menu of Book-keeping, fhort-baiid and Trie raptiy Tbe Largest aud Beat Equipped Fitting hcbool in Uie 8011th. "Term to suit the time." For beautiful near eatalogus address, J A. A at K HOLT, 0 Rnxj. C WOTlCaV I vaar ee? aaa an wmaia. aa fa rM a fear, aa ml i lima k at lHa a.? I wwi, M-.Trta. I n F017DER Absolutely Puro Ceiehrated for IM irreat Iraventnif tr.-niria aud ue.lt hr'(l!i,.. Assure, the IikkI afcatiml alum and .11 lorrna of adiiliri.!f,ii enniinoTi Niii,ifi,. liriuidi. KoVAI. I1AM.NU I'o Wiii.lt t'0.,MJW VoJih. HOW TO FIND OUT. F'ill a bottle or common water (;lasa with urine and let U stand twenty-four hour; a sendiment or settling indicates a discasevl con dition of the kidneys. When urino stain linen it is jxisitivc evidence of kidney trouble. Too frejut nt dt siro to urinate or pain in the haek, ia also convincing rro'f that tho kidneys and bladder aro out ol order. WHAT TO I"'. There is comfort in the know lcdgo so often exprefsed, thai Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Roof, tho great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in reliev ing pain in tho back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It crrecfs inability to hold urine arid scalding pain in passing it, or h:id effects following uso of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that nnplc.irant necessity of being compelled to get u; many times during the nig't to urinatc. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root i.- soon realiz ed. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of ti c iiKbt dis tressing cases. If you need a medi cine you should havo tiiC best. Sold by druggists price 11 ft y cents and one dollar. For a tamplo bottle aud pamphlet, both sent free by mail, mention The Molnt Aikv Nkws and send yur full post-oflie-e ad dress to Dr. Kilmer o: Co., Ring hamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuine ness of this oiler. DR, KING'S ROYAL GERMETUER This pleasant aaU perfect remedy, so delightful to tike, so refreshing and eahilaratitig, staoJs ia highest favor with all who know it K-st, as the great eat of all rueaicl remedied for both sexes, of all ages and ia U condition. WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU Ittilli'wjsi APPETITE. It till girt jo restful refreshing SLEEP. ttilllslffl.Ut jour C1GESTO. It til resists jour NERVOUS EXERGIT. It wiS pot job HIDXETS Ii perfect order. It i3 turifj car E!oo4. it til chan; jour teataess into STRENGTH. It tul brir joa out of sxheis Sn'.o HEALTH. KKW PACKAGE. LAKe.E BOTTLK, la DOSES OVE IiOLLAK. OLD BY ALL ORUCCISTS. Mirrert itD cult r Tta Itluti Cteinieal Co., AUata, Gl warn rot M-raox book, kaucs rxxx. Sold bjr Taylor &. Banner, Druggists. W. H. SIMPSON, J t AGENT j jForlsKclrStaisi a. IN OFFIGE SUPPLIES. A Ihx Ni!mwrt' z Wv-taiTit. Bur. mwpH, i.rat. itVel m . huruihf hrkuidtv h.wn -sFM-tf MmU h C- k 'nrtu-Ur- i a,nt"iut-f - i'UEK Lfs-, '. firUtfi -awii. liiifiii tirvd i 'fal -fejiaU im-jaHa, J'ru.t i.sf U b Pw k-t Matptv 'ru rf'M.'ir-ifii'ft, h'Uirr p iatfv hutat r 1 ; pe, kuur hUt-Xip J- flv hiiit --r Mmj p I J k. M-Ii ('it. Mrli' ii ilit. Mrlw:a hTL -J. HifcllsiTNt, Mfl La-' '- Li i , t if Km sits, hia-'ii Mfcfkr-r, Wax bctjji u.tl I vp nrilffM!';.' !. Ttii-rr iifiL l t.' A nn cf!tis? w rrj&fA sup;-! , nd ft i.i -ry -wtmt pru-v pu: -': t-'t ti"?4 .-'.- v ''in. mfl Li prteVs'tU ' T D .i 1 a-il U trt B y prt I a ! a; ri-atse-rtj, 1 VUT i'ir'A:.f V V, W-.i. -; -kaiy. 'P.V'r ill Ju! f lie" ? J 'Ta rrit-liHb4 j-. !!:! tM4 M-a fcUrL. Muulsl A.irjt S. ii ft frj 14, -Corrrpm(lenc Wasted. , A re.it' ! tai jt pent la- man to j,p;ri; ,;e n.rri n-a and make a tiouae-to-kou r - va for oar Vegetable lo.i. t ip. io to ?A arxiou nt eauly rr a-le. AUur- t'rfta at L.eed. to A ut;n Aveiiue, CL. e0, 1U- M B nf eat flhrr -Ai: w aart rsk War 1 . i'. K-uirr i i .in a jear. tavtiow aai f.ir li .l rtir.r, i real fill ft a '. 1 ' t.e;t k.:ik.fc miC'i.tiN"."1- r

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