A r OUNT AIRY JMEWS. VOL. 17. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1807. NO. (. M M Nil J. A. MAKTIN. nOTAHY PUBLIC, moMtH 20 and 38, Mount Airy, N. C. 1 GKAVKtf, Attopncy-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AIBY, N. C. lr-1'riu u o In Mate mil K"1nral Courts. Pruirpt aitmiiliin to Collodion of claim. W. K NKKDIIAM, Attorney-at-kaw, Pilot Mountain, N, 0. ir-WIII prarllno In tin HUlo Courui. Col Iwllon of aUlHH apni'lalt. Jan I Ml T. R McCAKCO, DOTAHV PUBLIC. orricE opposite Tews' office, MOUNT AMY MOT 1 1. BLOCK. ButiNiii Phomctiy Attindio To. CKO. W. tfl'AKGKR, Attorney-at-Law, MOUNT AIUY, N C. Will iriu tl-t In Hlal ati'l Fritiirnl court. Hpm:l) attention to collation of cliilma anil Bi-a"otlaMng loan. w. r. CAHTtR, IHJUMT !., M. a 4. n. ttwcuvN, Dowon, a o. CaKTKK & I.KWKM.YN, Attorneys-at-Law. . IV-piaitllii-In Hi. Male and Fi'iliTiil Court. Prompt aiu-nllon iflvi-u U all IiiiMikim I'Ulruit ed to llielr ram. J. H. Slakemore, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. la prepared In inaki) all th. Ni'r ami ANIhIic Mlyliia. Is up lili Hi. llinia ami will tin- juu Oral vlaaa work. DR. C. W. BANNER, I-DENTIST.4- Mount Airy, N. C. Olllee over Taylor ,t Haiiner'i Drug 8lnr. (llliee lionrs 8 a m. to 6 p. m. A5 umi KB IN- Bnrial Robes, Slippers, 4c. A full stork of all ami ipialili.. ki-pl OB liAlnl, ami at rraaonahlr pri-.-. Slor. romn. uv-ira over M, I.. PalLr luiii'a ator, m Main Ktit.l. Itssi.lrm ., flrat bona. North of tli. rallronl. Call atttc BRAY'Si BARBER SHOP Vlien in m ed of a Hair Cut, Shave or Shampoo Everything elean and first-class. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Skp Ojiprilf Ta)l 1 Baiiiirr'i Trig Slere. KURAL HALL J. l.J Ulule the schedule of th. C K. A V. 111 uls, HACK J V. It. It. remains at it now is passenger from Mount Airy can gt-l teams at Iiural Hall, on arrival of passenger trains at 6 50 a. m , and go to Vinton and return in time for evening train go ing to Mount Airy. Rate reasonable. Your patronage respectfully solicited. YOURS TRULY, Z. B. BiUintr. Oil RIDGE MUTE, 40th YKAR. Twtity-toyparwnderprnt principal- 224 (it udenU attended last yar. A High Grade Collt-s-Preparatory rVh.s.l, with apM-ial departmenta of Rook-kpinjr, rhort-har.d and Trleg raphy Tbr Lr(frt and Bent Equipped fitting School ia tbe Sooth. "Term to auit the timra." For beautiful ww eaulogu adJrv, i. A, A at, H MOLT, Oaa Rooc. N C t.KJWfaanaaJ"Oaao A Ncro Preacher Murdnred at the Altar. A Mini joiiiit)', A lii., fp't'UI of July 2S, wiys in Hits nral J a jt it L'liuic.li, colored, lieru today, whilu tlio State Congress of in in inters whs hi HfHMun, Prof. 1 . II. I attursori, ono of tin lemJiT of his riice hi tlio South, a prmliuito of tlio UnivtTHit j of Mutliinn, a tt'HcluT in tliu KtHtc iWiiiHi Colleen hikI u liiL'lily rc snooted iick1-0! WIW '-nurdured at tlie slur. Tho tniircdy irre w out of a bitter liie'iooai fitfht butwcen the local ncLTO liHPtlHtS over tlio i xpiil siuti of Uev. J. T. I'rowu irom tlio PHHtorato of the 'ti church for al Ictfcd iniiiKirii Clint net with a inetn her of hi ll'ek. Patterson led tlio ik-ht iiL'iiiiint liiin, and Kev. A. J Stokes, pastor of another church, mdcd with Iirown. This iiiorniiiLr, when tlio Stiitt Conn convened, an argument lie tween Mokes and ruttercon ovir tho llrown chho reunited in a lint (Mil, when Rome nrro from tho crowd chot and killed I Htti rmri The colored population in very much wrought Hi). In lb nfturir.'oti a poM-e eniiiiiiiHtd of ncirroe captured Ueoreo I ritehett, who IhkI iroiio in to tho wood. He contcMU'S to Imv iiiif done tlio Mlxxit uiir. 1 readier S (ikcn, 1 '.row ti, Ilraey and Itraiiii and live other irouiiiient to Lr e mvo lieen arrcnted. A conspiracy ih alleged to have exiHled An invctiation by tho Gmoiicr wag l eiziin thin afternoon, but haa not Im'cm completed. The erand jury i beinir held in action to eon aider theca-e. Lynching wha talked to tiii;ht. 1 here ih every indication that tho law will bo allowed to lake it course . Manhood. The obligation to act nobly i no wiho impaired by reverse of fortune. No matter what inav come in the way of failure, Ice or baiikrni tcy, character is a precious io8hmuii that i to be L'liarded with all care. To the thoroughly upright ma", the battle ih never wholly lo,-t. o are awaro ot the temptation that are likelv to tollnw in the train of tinaticial adversity. Too m:inv per sons, c( kit. g fur some means ot esi-ape Biol n cover y, have not best- tati'd to compromise their honesty, their truthfulness, their general integrity. Such people nctdpity above all others; for tiny have palled coicpany with everythiig that makes life worth liking The uii ir g up ol slock and b nds tu.d house and lands, bitter hs the t x perietice is, leaves tho iiihi.Iioi d still intac. I!nt when that is surrender ed nothing is u tt that is uorth takii g into account. Far be it from any of our reader to renu 1 to tncK and shihs and mean dishotn site in order to keep their property in tin ir own hands. I be straight foi a ard and holiest way is the only one that if to Ik- thought ot. I hesc utterances-, while holding good of all, are espe cially applicable to Christiana Nashxiile Christian Adxa-ate. College Presidency for Cleveland. It is reported thfct ex l'resident Cleveland will in November be formally tendered theollice of pr a ident of the I'nivcrsity of Virginia. Heretofore the chaiiman ol tl.e faculty has been at the head of the I'nivcrsity. The invitation would have been made to Mr. Cleveland after the finals last month l ad it not been for ihe hot diffusion that rent t tie meetings in twain and successfully thwarted any action for the pre ent 1 he disseiitioii arose from the fact that the iiaiue of (ioidoli Mc Cabe wag pn posed a prospective president of the I'niversiiy. Mr. McCain; !;) a strong political back ing in Virginia, especially in and h!i: nt Richmond, but i said to be unpopular with the faculty. When it was seen that this politi cal ''pull" was to la exerted to have the nomination ol Mr. McCain; i -ured the meeting grew stormy to a point that the member of the faculty arose and declared they would resign in a body if McCabc was elected president of the I'nivcr sity. Chicago Chronicle. Henry Wakefield, Esj , of (iuil ford county, died Wednesday after noon, aged Oil years. He was the father of Dr. W. H. Wakefield, tbe optician, of Charlotte. It is reported that the Pullman Car Company will shortly erect large shops in Salisbury, which place will be headquarters for their East ern Division. Economy and strength are com bined in Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ev ery bottle contains loo des and will average to last a month. Mrs. Anna Gage, wife cf Ex Deputy U. S. Marshal Columbuj, Kin sirs I "I was delivered of TWINS lea than SO min te and with careelj any pain after aaiog only two bottles of "MOTHERS' FRIEND sis sot im AmiwiiD. w ty ar.. a. ai.it, e- twum f m. i r- a.iua. m ' lo nun' aaiMma abi uroa f., aruwra, u. OLD BT MIX. DariM-IITS. ft fclli Sialc ROWS. STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Some People You Know and Othan You Don't Know it Seen in Our State "Projectoicope." Tho Yadkin Association will lo- Kin on tho liiih of AujjUHt and I net through tho l'dh. Tho State Auditor, Mr. Aver, make the statement that 2,hmiiO acrid of lan) in t!ii 8tuto uib no tax. A heavy electric Murm visited Slatenvillo Tiieoduy. Tho a'eeplu on tho 1'rofhyterian church wae atruck y lihtrnng and damaged nonaiderably. Tlio elect lie meter wan torn to piece. Tho anniiHl meetinirof the Farm i r' State Alliance will ho held at Millahoio. AiiLMift li'lh. litT.irta mvo lieen undo to have the da'n changed, on account ot the school tax election, which will ho held that day. but Fretddetit (irahain decide I Raiiint any chaniro. r ... ,, , , Mitforing greatly with neuralgia of the eye, which prostrated her cv rul veara ago. She wa treated at the Walker Sanitarium, near I'hiladt phia, anl wa relieved. The trouble has returned, and Mr. J nek him again at the nHtiitariuin, tint tho new from her i hot encouraging -Chariot to Observer. A Concord Hpecial .iysgold mill ing in Stanly county ha broken out in a trcMi fever. l,at week a two loot vein was uncovered on the lands of Mrs. Clara I'arker, near (ibidntono, which the prusoector claim to lie the richol vet discovered in Stanly. It i k1o stated that rich vein of gold ha been found on the Shaver land, near I, isk, Rowan county. ihe ureenshoro aldermen nave cinpowercd the mayor to otl'cr r ward of $."ni) each for the party who reri ntly set fire to ti c old v:iri house buildin.r occuoi d bv J. I. Pl.u'iiix and the party who threw tl.e dyi.atnite u nier Mr. Tliigpcn' lou se. As vet no krres's have In en n.ii'le in connection i;h the I hig ten ou'lage, Mlthougli the police have accumulated considerable ev l d nee against suspected partus. Dr. S. I, Moore, ol Mecklenburg county, who lell last week forl.hina, where l e goes as a medical mi-sioii-ary. i'l gt first to Japan, where he will lie man led to Miss Mary Tortence. He Htid hi wito will then go to China to begin their minion work. Miss Toirence is from Mecklenburg and she and Dr. Mooie w crechildicn together. She has beiri a mi sionary in Japan for some time. Charlotte ( )Wrver. Some time ago a distiller in David son county '"informed" on a brother distiller. And a'nee that time a g 'od deal of informing has been go ing o:; Btnorg the distillery men. The lab st victim of the informing scheme i U. II. (iarrctt, whose dis tillery is situated near Jubilee. I i s pi Lice of I'Usiiifss was raided by reve nue officers Friday night of last wick as a result of information re ceived by them of iire.nl .tities. Saturday Deputy Oollu-lor Thomp. s n wer t over and clo-ed the dis nile y. Exchange. The new taiilT bill ha.i been pas ed and enacted into a law. One paragraph in that law forbid the using of enpoii for the promise .r pametit ol pri.is, premium or re ward. Thir breaks up an industry in which a large rinmlicr of manu fac'urers arc engaged. In one of our largest factories no less than one hundred hiiJ sixty operatives will la; thrown out of employment. la-cause that is their business to put in coupons and put tags on bags. There is no telling how many more will lie aflected, ps we have not Ikm-ii able at this writing to obtain the official figure. Durham Sun. Our only reason for ardently ad locating local taxation for our pub lic schools is that we arc profound - lv convince! that local taxation is the only way to build up an adc qnate eebool system in North Caro lina ; and the greatest need ol North Carolina, politically, religiously and industrially, is an adequate school system. I here are many consider able objections, many great ols. ttack-t; but when we consider that if the present effort fails, the im- j proviment of our school will be delayed ten years, we overlook tho i objections and resolve to overcome i the obstacles. If any one will con- aider the matter seriously, he will come to this conclusion notwith-! standing his prejudice. Ilaleigh loblictl Ii-corder. - Dr. J. I. Terry, of Trimble, Term , in speaking of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemedy, ays: ' It las almost hx-cowe a ne cessity in this vicinity.' This is the bfet remedy in the world fr colie, cholera morbus, dysentery and diar rhoea, and is recognized a a Deoes sity win rrver it merits become known. No other remedy is fo promjt or ffectnal, or s p!eannt U take. Sld by 1. W. Wwt and J. P.. Smith. The Plain Words of I Ni'gro, Tho Wilmington Meaaenger suya : 1 licit so fuw dillicultica have oc curred in tho Hoiitli lietwoen the whites and blacks is owing moro to tlio lorbciiranco of the farmer than to tho good behavior of tho latter. o aoppoHO in every goiitliern town thing havo oeeurrul that were well calculated I) provoke a race con llicf, but were purposely riot Keen or over looked. I'hero are negroes who aro over bearing and self asserting and, No Arreiti Made by the .Ollkcn, But the ...'.I I t . I I 'III ' mi a oi ma or two ahead, aro w nng r.. a tiH i) I ..I ...:!,.... ii.i n 1111:111, iuiu nioiifni . . canui. I luifn iii... ft..) muni. 111 llu mi 111 tho Kin, but ono bad telloworonu iinprudcnt man can start a dilliculty thai may ho lar reaching. 0 tiave hi'ard often nl ollensivo demoiistra lions, and even ladies havo been liidely jostled. Wo luvo read tho following written by an educated man 01 color who lives hi a many, N. V. lie visited tho iNashville exposition, and writes insimprcrsioii ... 1 .... .1 tor a iiotthern paper ol his race, e co.y only a 1 art : "Speaking of lace dicciimination, 01 which so mil. 'ii nas lieen nearu recently in tho pies and out of it, 11 1 1 I am (rank to say that, so far as my onset vations went, there is no more lit 111 .Nashville than there 1 in Washington, l.allnnore, or l.ostoii. It is a liitlo more pronounced, to be sure, in iNHshv; lo than in the other daces named, because there ale good and substantial reason for Us exist lice, chief among whi.Ji is the fact that some of the lower class of blac ks are bumptious, overhearing, Hiid greasy in public places and on public curriers. They are boisterous and some tiiin s insuliii g, ami are always looking for tioiible. i hey realize that they are fiee citizens, but lorgi t to comport thcmselvc with the decency and decorum which become all cltiz -t.s I did a good deal of street cur riding when in Nashville, as my lodging were quite three miles from the exposition. In going to and from the ground I saw things which did not altogether pleise me. Halt grown negro boy would stop the crowded or, stand on the p.'a" form, smoking vile pipe or cigucttcs, their eoit oil and un der their arms, tl.tir clothing tilthy and dirty, and their language cot re spotidingly dirty. When they had finished their siiioko they would niHke a break for the ti rat seat vacant in the car." Cuiigie.ip has ad jourued or rather the senate has miiiiirned, for the House can hardly lie said to have been in si -sion. Toe Republicans have pa.-sid their t.irifl bill -their much-heroldi d pit u ace a for hard times their uie receipt lor the much promised prospi rity. Will it come ! e shall see w hat we shall see. If prosperity does not come then the Republic ins will be forced to take a luck seat. The Republi cans refused to legislate on any other question. The tariff bill was their remedy and their only remedy. They even rcfustd to take action to help or reconi.e in any way poor struggling Cuba. They filibustered against the Pacitic Railroad resolu tion which would have saved the government $o 1 ,t 'U, t and re- tiiM-d to act on it. Their record is m ide, they must stand or tall on the result. Caiici sian. Assistant Secretary Yandcilip ha a;:thonzid the dinctor ol the uii.auoi .-t:iaMMu no p.miing .mmi ,,o oe ,,ei louieouiceoi ioc ecict.iry I niled Nates iiotts Treasury note and silver eertiii ites to ll amount or f .4 ,IMMl HI Ml. A large proportion o li.csc notes w 10 i.e 111 small di iiommatioiis, ones, hi ii . 1 twos r. .... . 1 . . . .. 1 .. . 1.. 1 II WP 11 IIP, HIM UK Mi'll'IV iscxpectid to be siiliiiielit lor the tieedit ol H e Treasury foi a period of about three months, meeting the toil large demand for small bills n quired in the movement of crop. The department anticipates, iti vi w I Ihe Hin. id. Hit crop atid the loreign demand, an uiiUMialiv large and early cad for sum!! bills. The Sta'esviilc Christian Herald s.hvs : tieorge l-elhae. a young rid man, was found dead in the woi.ds near 31 ilia pond late Moti lity evening A coroner' jury was summoned and tip to this writing no verdict has la-en rendered a to h.-w the deceased came to hie death. here is siigoiei ui that he was poi soned. A daik crime somebody must answer for. There was a freight wreck on the Wilkesboro railroad near Elkin last Tuesday, but nobody hurt. From some cause the engine jumped the track. All inc -mes over $ I'nti are now ubject 10 taxation. The total amount liste d in some counties. dies not exceed ." Mm. The t.rundesl Itemed-. Mr. I. It tiie-tve, not chant, ol hilhow ie, Va., eellifies that he had eoi.sutiiplion, ;., given up to die, ughl all hu IhuI ircultiii'Ul that nioiu-y eouhl procure, teied ull tough remedies he could hear of, tint got no relief; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; induced lo try ir. King's New 1: overy, and w aa rnre-J ty u-c of two bellies. For pa-l three yerra lua been attend ng to l.uaines., fnd say lr. King'. New iMncovcry iathe gran lest rem-e-ly ever niaJf, a it ha done ao much f.r ki m and alao for otlicra in lo community. Hr. King' New IiiM-overr ia guarart-od f ir cmii;h, r.l is and co''ssirr.p!ion. ltdnn'l fail. Trial bolt h a fiens at Taylor A Plan ner' I 'rug Store. A MAN PROBABLY FATALLY HURT NEAR KINSTON BY A GANG OF MOONSHINERS. Sti, w Drttroyed ind Mucf, Ber I 1 . .... . , n in 1 1 anil whitbffw Pnnrsn Utit I ' Tho Raleigh News and Observer of tho ii'.'th July ys In a battlo with moonshiners in Le noir county yesterday morning at 1 ;.'((( o'clock, MV. F. T. 11 arper, a (number of the pose, was shot and, it i feared, wl die. Nowa of tho fiuht reached hero yesterday in a letter to the revenue . detmrtmeut. Tins aaid that 1 lamer dangerously wounded and it would probably Ihj several dava vet 11.. t .. .t.. t.ejro In phystcinn could tell whether his hurt was mortal or not. It seems that Deputy Collector I 1 1 ill had information of a largo illicit distillery in operation about I !2 miles southwest ol Ktnston. on tho south side of Neuso river. Tuesday night he orirarnzod a dossc- to i?n and can turo it Harper was a member of this tiosxe 1 ho vicinity of the still was reach o l about l;.i'i o clock, as the ors approached the moonshiners discovered them and, just before thov rchciiul the still, opened upon them with a volley ot buckshot. Only one man was hit, that was arper. Four sli t took t Ifect on him one in his chest, two in hi shoulder and one in his neck. He was standing beside a shallow well, dug to get w.i! r for the still, and when shot hj .lined over into Ihe water had ic not been for In con' ,it,ioi,,e von! ! havedrowued. Alter n selling bun they pna'eeded to i.io still and dcsl.oved it. 'i he liies Were I i;. ing brightly and the thing '- s k lull blast, but the i mo i si. im rs h : disappeared 1 It 'ih ho a T"st were made, tho sixty-gallon still was cut up, and i. it1 tilons of beer and much whis key were poured out on the ground. It is supposed that it whs tho property ot Jonah Houston and M'wis Johnston After completing their work 0f s destruction the posse returned to Kinstoii with Mr. II irper, the wounded man, and put him under the care of Dr. I armtt, w l:o is doing all in his power to save hi lite. He found three of tho buckshot, but the breast seem to have , ..... ...V one in ins IropiK-d down into the linings of . - the throat or w indpipe and ha I.Ul I yet been found. Mr. Ilaria-r is a young man wlunte father is a liveryman in La Grange. Klondykes of Our Own, The Alaskan gold lields have aw akentd interest in gold 1 Id else where, and the gold miners of the southern states North and South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Ala bama and Tennessee claim a share of attention. A compilation shows I lat the total output of these south- ern mines in a little Um than one bundled years has been $ 15,505,483. f.u rl Im I f of rlml chiiih f rotn nrlli I Carolina, Georgia ranking second in .,r.H uct HI)(i Soutn Cam iua third. Since l.tl, however, Sioutb frolinu lias le.l in the ontont U r h I .i inoisovciiii'iits in iinninir hihI I ,;;, ,,r,-.,-SHes which have .-..mi. psi' - 1 , , . .-.. .. , f w 1 1 ui liuwii aii-i r .u uiiiv.i.M I'J lilt ot l..w.r, AlwtA 4- s uitln ru gold held. Old mines are again being developed and found to have most valuable deposits, and new ones in new lociiitiesare being discovered. "The modern processes will enable the southern gold mines to be worked to tho fullest extent," an officer of the Niiitlicrn railroad So Biys, "and tho world w ill probably soon awaken to the fact tint what wa popular. y supposed to te a wotked out region is in reality one of the greatest gold-bearing belts of the continent. Mining properties in the south can bo purchased very I cheaply, and with txtritrico and j intelligent mining, operatioiia can be conducted at small cost.'" New York Evening Post. Mr. A. C, Wolfe, of Dundee, Mo , who travel for Mansur iV Tibliefts, Implement Co., of St. Lou:s, gives traveling men and travelers in gen- eral, some good an vice. ivine a Kniiht ot the (irip." he av. "I have, for the Past three rears, tnade I it a rule to keep myself supplied with Chamberlain s Colic. Cho era and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have found numerous occasions to te-st its merits, uot only on myself, but on others a well. I can truly say that 1 never, iu a single instance, have known it to fail. I consider it one of the best remedies travelers can carry and could relate mtny instan ce where I have used the remedy on skeptics, much to their surprise and relief. . '"crJ XnX man in tbe V. S..will carry a laittle of this remedy in hi grip." For sale by I. W. West and J. 15. Smith. Tim steward in the Methodist Church at AlU'rtsville, Ala , find ing their church revenue lnsutii eietit, have levied an annua! tax f $10 on each tobaceo-chrwing mem ber of the congregation. The plan i aid to work admirably and to bring in a goodly revenue. England Seizes Palmyra Island. Ktafo Department ollieialfl i'y no now !suo i presented by tho ce.'z tire of I'alinyra Island by tho I rit ish, renorted siio dajs ago by an Incoming vessel, for Great J.ritain has inairiUinud a claim to the island for tho past nine jcara. The island in said to lie in tho Polynesian irroun. and although Hawaii has asserted a claim to its possession, our govern tneiit has not been etrongly inipren ed with the validity ol its claim. Meanwhile, tho lintish, it is mid. riot only have asserted a elaim to it, but havo actually occupied tho l -land for some years pat. In view of the probable annexation of Ha- wau by the United States, tho mat ter doubt leas will receive closer at tcntioii in tho futuro at tho hands of tho state department, but it is not expected that tho subject wil prove to bo dillicult of adjustment particularly in view of tho fact, as 1 .... .... . ... 'aieu hy naval otticers. that l'al tnyra island ia nothinir moro than a barrel) rock in tho Pacific, distant l.oiii) tnilis from Hawaii. Proposes to Live Under Ground 40 Dat. Dr. II. A. McLean, a Preshvte rian clergyman, of Portltnd. Mo.. announces that if given the neccusa ry permit he will demonstrate that w hat Christ hu done could Ikj dotio again ; that ho would cause himself to bo buried in a coffin under three or four feet of earth and remain there for forty days without food or water. He snecifica v statu! that there would be no tube or corn miKiicntioti with the open air, such as has been ucd when person un der hypnotic intitienco have been t I . . ,a ' . a interred.. "I shall arrange, provid ed tho necessary permit ia iriven. ' he raid, "for the construction of a coffin under my own direction. There will bo apertures in the side ot this cothn which will admit what air may percolate through the por ous ground which I will select. As a guarantee against any trickery or subterfuge, I will deposit $1,iM) as a reward for tho disc -ivory of any trickery." The experiment is to be tried at Rivertown, Me. - - An Old Soldier Rewarded With $800. Mr. Jesse Snotherlv, of Mont gomery county, in a battlo in the late war found a Federal soldier be tween tho lines, wounded in one knee and unable to get away whilo dry Uvea etr wi-io w.ndnctinj- . o l..,i ....... '.I 1.... I i.: a fire that would have burned him to death. The unfortunate man's cries to.- water specially drew the attention of Mr. Snothcrly and eli cited hi pity. He hastened toe'ear away the litter from around tho man .1 .. ... I - .. . .1 ""u H' . , F" -"ra 8 c. . tcn ,ot water and ien mm to ioiiow trie line of duty and personal safety . , - ..... .ot, however, until lie had given the grateful man hi name and ad dress. Here ail seemed tj end but not so. The wounded Federal recovered and we are told recently opened correspondence with his benefactor and enclosed to him his cheek for $$00. Held Up the Vestibule. A young man from Winston went as far as Greensboro with his sweet In art, who bad been visiting in this city and was returning home, a tew days ago. At Greensboro they had an hour or two to wait, he fore t h vrstilniii on which th young lady was going, was due, bhe cave her pureand t cket to the young fellow to take care of while Ihetf wi-re Ink in it in tliA t.arn At lemrth the train arrived anrl tb.i vonrii man nnt his chnro-p j n r r a.p.rd. and with a sad Countenance . . . ... ". 1111111114: 'iiia itovv lit i- r an. i bultiiuT Ka,f,. 1 .A byo. Ashe stepped otf the plat form and the train p tiled out, it occurred to him that he had the lady s purse and ticket in his pistol pocket, lie madea wild rush for the train, which wa alreidy s :ne distance away and was moving at a lively rate. The conJiicior saw hie wild gestures and heard bis war whoops and stopped the train, and they do say vou could hear that fellow smile ail over Greensboro. Ask Tom Crawlord alsout it. He was an eye w itness. Winston Sentinel. Salem, N C., June 24. 1S07. Ilah F. Hine, ot this place, ia among those who have found great relief by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. She any a, "I have takei three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I rapidly gained in weight while using it. 1 had thattird Joeling, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has relieved me, and has restored my health." Hoods I ih cure nausea, 6iek Hood's headache, biliousness, indigeatiou. All druggist. 2a cents. Mise Lovie J. Dixon, of Carteret county, accid ntally knocked a load ed cartridge from the mantle, the cartridge exploding and the ball taking effect in her breast, inflic'ing a wound from which she died. Germetuer is the Best. Mr. C. P. McUin, Acworth.Ga . Cat.' a Cai Uii i-u 1 t-auH aii -m a- t suiTered from attacks of bilious colic and indigestion. She used different medicin? and tried several doctors, but all without permanent txnetiL She used Royal Germetuer Some years ago, and it has jnven her more relief than ail ene, and she recom mend, it to tbe atiiirted." Write to The Atlanta Chemical Co, At lanta, (ia., tor a" page bo.k givit.g full information, fre. New pack age, large bottle", 10S e,att, fl. For sale by Taylor & Ranner. Civil Service Rides. TKEY ARE PROMULGATED BY PRESI DENT WILLIAM M'KINLEY TO THE SATISFACTION OF ALL. Removal for Causa Only The Civil Service Commissioner Approves the Rules Removal for Proper Reasons. Washinoton, D. C, July 28. President McKioley has promulga ted tlio following important amend ment to Civil Borneo rulo II : "No removal shall be made from any position subject to competitive examination, except lor just cause and uHin written charges tiled with llm head nf Ih.. I li.nartmont t.r art. .v.. .J.i .i.ii. .k. a" 'ins '"K vim;i ir, nii4 t'a n111t.11 1110 accuied shall have full notice and an opportunity to make defense." it i :. j in 1 in aiso ameuueu ruie 111 o br 10 includo within the classified service tho employees of all custom house offices, Withont regard to the nuraU-r i if mil 1 1I1 vmtti llirli..rinhpai(!. cation embraced custom, offices w here the numlier of emplovcca wa five or more. This order btings in- to tho classified servico sixty five hitherto unclassified customs offices, The President has also amended rulo VI. making exceptions to ex animations so as to read as follows: "Custom house service one cashier in cash customs district, one chief or principal deputy or assistant collector in each custom district, one principal deputy collector at each sub-port or atsiiun. "Internal revenne service one employee in each internal revenue district who shall act as cashier or chief deputy or assistant collector, as may be determined by the 1 reaa- f .... ury Department : one deputy collec- tor in each internal revenue district, where tho number of employees in tlio office 'of the collector exceeds four: one deputy collector in each stamp (or branch tfiico. "Appointments to the positions . ' .. named in this rulo in the customs House service and in the internal . . .. . . revenue service shall be inbiect to an examination, to be prescribed by the Secretary of tbe ireasury, not ' .A- ."I disapproved Dy the commission, equal to the examination hold by the commission for positions of like grade. Such examinations shall be conducted by the commission in ac cordance with its regulationB. ihe plan of the extension winch was formulated by Secretary Gage and Assistant Secretary Vanderlip, has the unqualified and hearty en dorsement of the Civil Service Com mission, who earneetly recommend ed to the President its approval. In speaking of the amendment, President Procter, of the commis sion, said that the friends ot Civil Service reform everywhere could congratulate themselves- on this most important advance of the cause. The commission in its last annual report had said that government officers should have the power of re moval for proper reasons. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills, Save Your Money. One box of Tutt's Tills will save many dollars in doctors' bills Theywillsurcly cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion l or sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTTS Liver PILLS GREENSBORO Female College NORTH CAROLINA. The Fifty-SeconJ Session of this College begins WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8th, 1897. Advantage of Colleste and Conserva tory offered at numerate coat. A Facuty of 5peciaists! Ample Eu"ii"a-w. A Plkasaxt Homi. Catalogue on application. OREO PEACOCK. Pwesioct- North Carolina College of Agriculture Mecbanic Arts, WILL OPE SEPT. 9t, 1897. Thorough academic, erientiflc and Ucft- (nc-al tour, kira-rttme! r-pecialtata in eery de partment. Etptaui fir StuiH, lacladiRg kar. Foa Coumtv Stumwt. fo ate Otmcs SrgMMT. 9100 12100 Apply (or Catalogue to Ai i '"naa Q. Hin nT. J.U 1. kalaifh, N. C. llwidcnt. sfimi mi 10 OVDER Absolutely Pure O'lchrnri-d r.ir Us irr-t l.m. iiii.if in-iiii-th ami li-itoruiio-. Aw-u'.- Hi. f'Mi, ,a!iit kIhiii nn, i i, -on lr adUlUTAMwIl rf(T;limi l.j Oil . h.'Mll tirnwl KoYAl, HAM. So row li). a CO.. NKW KoliK. HOW TO FIND OUT. I . 1 ,.UOIU,! common water t.'MI - I ..I JChwa with nrino and K t it stand I a a i I '.j ';r Imurs ; a tcdnnent or 7' ' ,,a,i ." ';V"i " Ultloll of tboKK III v. hen nrinn 1 , . .. ... -. . f . ni ,'.n",1 "P"'"Pvid.eef """;' ,,U""K'" .' ' queiu n-iro 'V ur"",,' J'",n "J" ,l4t'k' ,IH ',m' convincing proi I mat tho M"Jpy"d bladdernrcut of order. I what to im 1 here lacmnfor'iu tl.e knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's owanip JCeaif, tho great kidney remedy fulfill every wish in reliev- ing pain in the back, kidncw. liver. bladder and every partof the urinary passages, it correct inability to hold tirino and scalding pain in pissing it, or bad effect following uso of liquor, wmo or beer, and overcome that nnpluu ant necessity nf being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. I The mild and the extraordinary cued ot Jwsmp Koof m soon realiz- cd. It stands tho highest for it I 1 a . wonderiiil curt e t tho most dis- tressing case. 1 f you need a modi- cino you should have the best. Sold by druggists price fifty cents and one dollar. For a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent fieo by mail, mention Iuk Moist Aiuv Ntw I 1 r . .. and send your lull jHist-olhce aa- ores 10 nr. iv inner cc t-o., long ,11 . X- - rt'i - . namton, 1. 1 no proprietors 01 this paper guarantee tho genuine- nce ot tin oiler. Tired and broken down womett will find Hut DR. KING'S ROYAL GERMETUER is a priceless toon and blessing to them. It gives appetite, brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids digestion, tones the nerves, builds up the strength and puts disease and pain to flight. For FEMALE TROUBLES Including all menstrual and womb difficulties, it has no superior used both locally and internally. . It is emphatically WOMAN'S FRIEND. Pleasant to take as lemonade, and harmless at all times. New package, large bottle, 10S Doses, One Dollar. Sold by drucifists. Manufactured only by THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO., Atlanta. Si, warn rca -hgx boaE: uahxo rail. Sold by Taylor &. Banner, Druggists. W. H. SIMPSON, 1 AC.1INT J M Fill M stuj! j iMD IVKTTBI!a IN OFFICE SUPPLIES. AJnx Numrrtn(r MaU'tie Bit Bfttii;tia, im? w i,.f 1 Ii"-n4, ilyruiinr Brarirts. uvi-llliif 3M iiiin-a. Cii t 3 en.t-.l.ra 1 m,r,u. i.r- t'tit? t.iH. i C jv-atlua ---ain. ll.n.l e-an:! l.htr.. Mo- . Urll Brills. ITH.IIIijf W il-H-!, iM.'art Mampa. Iii ab l lii-ll Mniiu". rr 2 Tvp Dai.ra. hi.lji-r 1.. kullr itUkap fa.U. Han star p r.k. si-d- j rlia.MCD. n Ink, M. tiu hriii Iiwl aiatopa, M4--I u-ilm ai..1 K ,'urr. rir ji lnkll.g Mall.pH. Hlaa.p Mafup Karkn. Mm Nuton. Wu !cala ana 2 TT nifrsuip-i.. y Tbt-TT In Dtt!t.iut? u4 ta an ntn-. jt cauaoi aurtk'. . and ai Uie .rry :Mae4 prt.M r-mal !!-. I r BrM r rta M KauL-ra. Mrriiar.i Mi.i..ae. arn and all pntf-i.inj n.-a at.i -1'. wii k m gt mj pn.'ra iwf-.rf ru. it. ej. n-ro. loiirpiintnuf l a..'!. uiiv. a ff-impt an-o ti fe-ivt. I,.;. or!ir. m ORv. In Jovy iit. fc.. i hl ol pif J nirM-kanil krti. In.;,il:. m Mai a fctreel. Muuol Airy. C. tixa IK . J -JaCorrcapondenca 4 Solicited ted a jaxAatal I'JlBTm Arf-liaMeladyorfcntl-II Ailta.U. man tojji.traiu!' amp!r and maka a hoiia-t-hou rani a, for. our Vejvtatil Toitrt hoap. amnunt aiiy madf. A(Mri-w fr'ti A Ked. Mi t 8io Anatsa Avmua, Cti eafo. IU. tail Takam mm4 a4. 1 ' 1 U Ta aa't l.4v. a. Ir aaJ rwr ante, fail o I f aw ami w. No T Baa. a. i ' .a..-i '-ra- i - '- a-aa. --' atroa. til rairwi. Cir" M4 "! iif ' lre A f rm Ka la SB f'a' t f IH, ml tnra