1" nn TTT"17 M n h ti-J v ri ti ii JOj VV k3e II H U 1 1 M W a a E-5 .3 S3 I !""? MOUNT AIIIY, N. O.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1807. NO. 24. VOL. 17. A "Saved Her Life." rn. JOHN WALLET, of Jefferson. Wis., than whom nnn. In mnrclilchly 1 etomiI or whirl known. writ "In two I bad wrcra attack of LaOrlppe And at th. end of four month, In spltoof all pkyslrlana, frlenila and (rood mining could do, oi y limp, heart and nervous sratem were eo completely wrecked, my lit. waa de spaired of, my t rlemla giving me up. I could only sleep by th. uw of opiate. My lime, and hart pained m terribly and my rough H niait anerarailiK. I could not II. In on. po.lt Ion but a. hurt tlmo and not on my Inft aiil. at all. My huatmnd lirouitht to. Ir. Mile' Nervine and Heart Cur. and I be gan taking them. When I had taken a half Dot 1 lo of each I waa much better and contin uing pvralatently I took etiotit arioren bot tin. and waa completely rxxtorrd to health to the surprise of all." Dr. Mil.'.' Ilemedlea are sold by all drug (lata under a positive guarantee, first buttl. benefit, or money re funded. Honk on dls- ..... !.. U .. ...I 'MhW Restore y , U..I.I. .V Derm. free. A'Mre.a, fcn tHtmtm i i J bit. MILKS MKDK'ALlXJ., Klkhart, Ind. J. A. MARTIN, nOTARY PUBLIC. niUNKB 20 AND 28, Moimt Airy, N. C. S. P. GRAYlvS. Mttorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIKY, N. 0. ar-Practices In Stale and Federal Court, Prompt attention to collection of claims. W. S. NKKDIIAM, AttOPney-at-Law. Pilot Mountain, N. C. r"Wlll practice in the Htate court, col lection or claims a specially. Janl-Itm GEORGK VKLU ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, WINSTON, N. C. "Will be at Iobon on Saturday before the opening of every court. T. 13. McCAKGO, DOTAfiY PUBLIC. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY MOTEL BLOCK. Business Promptly Attcndeo To. GKO. V. SPARC KR. Attopncy-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AIBY, H. C. Will practice In (State and Federal ourta. Special attention to collection of claim and negxiuailug loan. W. t. CARTER, mount atav, a. o. J. ft. LEWELLYN, ooaMM, a.0. Carter & Ikvkllyn, Attorneys-at-kaw. tar-practloe Is the Slate and Federal court. Prompt attention given to all business eotrust td to their care. J. H. Blakemore, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, . C. 1. prepared to make all the New and Artistic Style. 1 up wltli the time, and will give yon Brat-class work. 'tALKa is- I j UUNUVIHJ Burial Robes, Slippers, 4c A full atoek of all and oualitie. kept Oa band, aod at reasonable price. Mora room. u-tair ever M. 1. Tattor on'a Mora, on Main 8trrt. Keaideaoa, rat bntu. North of tb. railroad. RURAL HALL HACK LINE. Wbile tb schedule of tbe C F. A Y. Y. R. B. remain, a. it now ! paMigera from Mount Airy get team, at Rural Hall, on arriTal of pawngM train, at .60 a m , and go to Winston and return in tims for nirg train go i Bf to Mount Airy. Kate reasonable. Your pat rrr e" ee.rwt fully olk-it-d YOURS TRULY, JVl UHIIH, 1 mm ii i M i ii i Z. 33. Bittincr. About "Rejolutlom of Respect," For the dead or living there never linn boon a rrreater fsreo than the Resolution of I'leepoctbunincaH. We Imvo noticed from time ro tuno, 01 resolutions tM-injf adopted and siin otl y eommiitfHis tliat wt-re appoint d to draft them, when to our ci r tHin knowlodtfo there wa not i word of truth in them. Itinerant pn-Mchern, soinotimoe, after having served their tune out at certain iilaees, are followed by ynn reso lutions. They Iihvo been so taithful, which we doubt not is perfectly true, and wo will show our high aireciHtioii(0 of their valued ser vices by this mark of respect. While tin so deceitful papers are being drawn, some, if not all, of the com mittee, are rejoicing becanno of the removal, "V c are glad of a change; tho old preacher has beeoino too titale," etc ISIiow your reward for your preacher while he is among you and then them; lying resolutions will not be in demand. Tho BHino may apply to resolu tion dratted in memory of the dead. While living, not a good word is ppokvn to help tho weary traveler on hi way, but when death ditirolics him of everything earthly, a loving committee is apixiinied to uratt resolutions and tell of all his good deeds, and how it suddens our hearts to tfive linn up. r lowers ate heap ed upon his mound, and by smne who never did otherwiso than to tnrow thorns and briers in Ins pa'h- -hv while he trtKi the paths of life. We do nut mean to say that all reso lutions of rerpect am insincere, but we firmly lielieve that nine-tenths of them are founded Ukii hypocrisy. Many tomoHtones bear the nn- pre, too, of falnchood upon their facca. If we cannot conscientious ly speak well of tho living or dead, it would be far better to sy tioth in at all than to place on record a hutch of fitlseliootls in the shape of "Resolutions of Respect." 'Tally" is good and wholesome when sincerely given, otherwise it is hurt Int. Let us try to bo consist ent upon tnis line. Mooreevillo Record. Has a Day and Night Eye. A year ago tho 11 -year-old son of Oliver Canaday,a farmer living near I.inwood, Indiana, wa kicked over the right eye by a mule. It destroy ed t lie ritflit in that eye. A month Hgo, while working in a hay loft, bo got dunt in bis good eve and was compelled to baudtigo it for some time. During that time tho blind eye seemed to undergo a change, and be was able to see objects in a dark room. lie tinally was able to see things in a ditrk room as plainly wiih his bad eye as he was able to see them in the light with his good but crippled eye. He cannot, how ever, see anything with the bad eye in tho light. The darker tho more distinctly do things stand out. He is, in short, fitted with a day and a night eye. Since he found what a freak he poeset-ssed on his light side he hits been educating it and he tinds it rather Convenient to be supplied with ees for all occasions. The eye that was injured is in appearance as good as the other though l lie sight tor day use is entirely gone. Those who have given the strange ense an examination siate Miat it is without equal in optical enigmas. It is thought that the same theory will account for this as that which accounts for a man being able to seo stars when in the bottom of a deep well or hole. Chicago Chronicle. A Krioxville, Tenn , special says a few nights tgo wbile Frank Sher man, an aged and respected citizen of Mouse Cre'k, Tennessee, and his son. Steve, wete returning from Sweet Water, they were fired upon by unknown persons in ambush. Eider Sherman was ins'aiitly killed and bis son seriously wounded. Fete and John Sherman, nephews of the dtKM-iisi-d, were anest.-d on suspicion, as it is believed that a fend exM.-H Irt ieen them. r,lAHYTIIIti!(! when the Creator said to woman, "In sorrow shall thou bring forth children," that a curse was pro nounced against the human race, but the joy felt by every Mother when she first presses to her heart her babe, proves the contrary. Danger and suffering lurk in the pathway of the Expectant Mother, and should be avoided, that she may reach the hour w hen the hope of her heart is to be real ized, in full vigor and strength. MOTHER'S FBIEIID so relaxes the system and as sists Nature, that the nec essary change takes place without Nau 1,1 7 MU' i sea, Headache, Nervous or Gloomy Fore Lxxlingof dan ger, andthe trying hour is robbed of its pain and suffering, as so many happy mothers have experienced. Nothing but -Motto's Friend" docs this. IWt be deceived or persuaded to use anything else. rot rw, l ff " . at") il wr r lrttt k-tilj.--. ii fca wrriti, la. Of rtfrrr- a ee St eTiui mm oft re- eiM t-L ft ,l ''O" 0;o ms- ttilKMioa tat ail Siot, ai4 In. TW 1t fa.. fa. -f Sorlli Slate hs STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH. EREO FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Some People You Know t:d Others You Don't Know is Seen In Our State "Projectoscope." Elkin is to have a bank. Tho Piedmont Hank, of Morgan ton, closed its doors Thursday. Tho city of Wilmington has a regularly paid fire department. Tho North Carolina Paptiat State Convention meets in Oxford to-day and continues otio week. Two or throe now papers started in North Carolina hist week. Tho newspaper graveyard continues to increase In sir.o. Tho Llkin Times says Dr. Paker, of Jonesvillo, diet Thursday night of apoplexy. He was a prominent physician and Alasoti, Thad M. Puttier has mado won derful improvements in the appear ance of the Klkin Times since ho became editor of that paper. Mount Airy during the pas' three months shipped over seven hundred car loads of produce and the ship incuts continue quite heavy. Those enemies of old Santa Clans will (ail to run liim out ot rsortn Carolina. The children of the Old North State couldn't gut along with out Santa at Christmas time. The new school law makes it tho duty of the county supervisor to ex amine the records of all uiagiHtrates in the county to see it they have turned over all Hues to the school funds. Raleigh's new daily, tho Morning Post, is handsome and very newsy. We hope for tho proprietors great luck. Put, as we nave said before, there are more paters in North Carolina than tho people seem will ing to support. An old farmer died recently in McDowell county, who had saved uo several huiijro'l doiiitrs, and while dting was jHTteerly rational. He culled for his money and held one package of gold in one hand and ono package of silver in the other, until ho breathed his last. In order to increase ourcish sub scription list as much as possible between now ami the hrst of the year, we will send The News from now until Jammy 1st, IMS), tor one dollar to be paid in advance. This is an extraordinary offer and we feel confident that many of our citizens will take advantage of it. Send in your subscription at once. It is such items as these which give encouragement at tins time. Tho Goldsboro Argus says "more wheat has been sown in this county than tor many years." The Salis bury Sun says, "tho people of that locality are sowing more wheat than tor some time. Cotton fields of ten and fifteen acres that have been run in the s'aple for yeais are la-ing put in wheat. The Charlotte Observer says : "Alongail the roaos leading to Charlotte the tanners report see ing wheat and oats being sowed, or fields being put pi elation for sowing. A few days since Pi ter Price, of Greensboro, and Joe Vaughn bar tered on a piece of land a' Madi son, which they owned in Copart nership Mr. Price proposed to Mr. aughn to buy or sell at Mr. Vaughn's figures. Mr. aiighn set the price at f 2 500 and Mr. Price nude the purchase. A day or two later, while having an old cabin re moved a rich find ws made. An olJ half gallon pot was found con taining five thousand dollars in gold. The gold is supp'ed to have tat-ti st.. red there by an old man by the name of Pink, w ho bad led a mis-t-rly or reclusive iife. instou Journal. Statistics compiled show that the highest average wages paid men in tobacco factories in the Stale is $1 14 er day, women 57 cents, t he lowest average wages pid men is (i2 c-nt, women cent nd child en 23 cen's. To the question is the financial Condition ul 'be workii g people improving, 35 counties made a negative reply and 23 reported yes. Thee replies w ere obtained largely from farmers and the laboring element. Iu tho agri cultural division of the rejort 42 counties are reported as saying that tne fertility ot 'he land hs te n maintained, while 18 say no. Tbir y- iven counties rep rt tiiat laboreu can find employment sll the year round, while 24 say no. Yellow Fever Ge'rr breed in the bowela Kill tlim and you are aafe from Ui awful diaeai. fa-caret, dentroy the perm, through, out the yt m and make it imKaill for new one to form, l-ax-arela aw the only reliable safe-guard fir young and t !d .gamut Yellow J a-, luc., 2e and ft., ail dnifa-isia. i ota 14m. Eeery day atrenrbena tl belief o etstl aent bra-uaa tba. taapun bUod i. to. raoae f th aaajnetiy rf diara . 1 .mi t er a,- H.w thewy wae w4 mm a ! far ti l.mula f lirowo. In Itltleea. The BiaaT ermartaliteeuw. eflerted .v iin tmwsmm 'td rm-.iT are 's -h -int t that tli-- tHe-rfr w i-wrt. fi.a' Imt huta at hf all d-alra. tLontaOy Piteons fey D KUsaf Pala Ptaa, It May Be So. Our dispatches told yesterday of tne organization ot a gigantic truei to control tho money market ot New York City and through it tho w.ioio country. The report may hofrno or it may be a canard ; we published it for what it was worth. It was at any rate suggestive. Ono thing suggested by the re port is tho feasibility ot such scheme. There is no reason why it should not bo carried ont if, say, half dozen men were to combino the capital and influence at their com mand. A little reflection will ro' veal the fact that within recent years largo combinations of capital have attempted few things in which they failed. Despito legislation aimed directly at them by the dillerent States they have gono serenely on their ways disregarding statutes and laughing at courts and attorney generals As a matter of fact such acotnhi nation as this reported trust is not only a possible but a strictly logical sequitur from present tendencies. i it ono demos that tho standard Oil Company controls the market of that product. No ono denies that Havemeyer controls sugar. Mr. Cleveland confessed tho United States in a position where it was compelled to dicker privately with 1 icrpotit Morgan tor tho gold with which to save its credit. Why then, as a common sense proposition, should not these men who can doso much do enough tnoro to practically become masters o! tho country I As "free born American citizens'' wo uro inclined to pooh pooh such a proposition as an impossibility nut a little quiet investigation will shake such robust confidence. We are apt to forget that people can be ruled mote easily and just as effectually by influence as by force. Tho Czar of Russia really takes a very dangerous and expensive method of being auto erat. As we have before pointed out he hairbrained and rabid "reform ers" in this country have, by whole sale denunciation of everything that does business in a two story building as a trust and by charging to their machinations all sorts of iriiossible evils, disgusted the more sane and conservative element oi our people. And therein lies the real danger. P is not a matter calling for a larger supply of wind hut for more careful consideration. There lies in this old and yet new se cret of power through co-operation a real menace to the country tho only real menace indeed that can lie conjectured at present; very much more grave than the supposed menace of lawlessness. It does not follow that because many things are called trusts that are net sucn ttiat there are no trusts at all. It does not follow that because demagogues charge them with impossible evils thut there are not possible evils in them. As usual there are two opposite ends to the controversy which may be safely teitned extremes Aud there is a deplorable tendency of people to congregate at the ono end or the other. Greensboro Tele gram. Is This Conflict Irrepressible? One of the bolting democratic newspapers published in New Votk has kindly undertaken to show the democratic patty the way to vic tory in l'.ns). There are few, if any, indications that tho democracy, the party that piled up in lS'Jii the largest vote it has ever pol.ed and the largest, with one except ion, ever polled by any parly, is looking to any of the bolting organs for coun sel, guidance or direction. The positiou ot the regular democrats toward the bolters, as we see it de fined in their organs, is one of con sid. rable chatity. They are qui'e willing that all the lost sheep should i return to the I 1 I, and, like th se which "little Bo Peep" lost, should Come back wearing theit tails in the proper place. Put they do nt pro pose to offer auy Vpecial induce ments in the way of provender, and they insist on the right ot the majority to dictate latlicica and nominate candidates. There is room for the wanderers in the back part of the fold, and the regulars are willing for them to occupy it during go-'d behavior. Put thi indtqiendciit attitude of the democratic party dn not dis eournge the organs of the bolters. l'lie are used to snulat and other disagreeable a'tetitioliS and appear to enjoy the fli-ring of ad ice that is Hot called for and is sure to be scoi ti f u . ly rejected . Waehi ngton Poet. The Dioovrry Ike Day. Ag J i"t;ei, the leading drug-(fi-l ot Khrtfvrport La, says: "!)'. Kind's New Ibscovery i the onlv thing that cur.- my eougb, ami it ia tb.- beet wller 1 tliiVe." J. F. t'..nip lu ll, mer haul of afford, A ("lit, ritea: "Dr. KiOit'e New IbecoVi r la all thai l claimed tor ii ; it never Col-, an i is a aure rtirr lor tV.eutii tion, C'ougha and Cold. 1 cut n I v "iglt tor it meri'a" f)r King' Nen Ib-ft'to) lirt'"iiuni. nod, ('o'igha a''tl Col-la ia u inn (M-nineti'v. It I'tin liied f"r quarter ot a e-iiturv, and to it ay lands t ihe head, i1 IteVi r 'lt- .. points Fr-erial tolie-a at T) !" 1 B.o.hi-r'a Dru Store, Georwi Walker, chief cabier of the trsury in Santiago, Cbi'i, ba wak..ff tM- in-.- f '.") MWKI a t f5 "ii,ifi. I! u -l hi addrtae, ! are Vert a v- ions to evmrnuuicate with fcira. "r' "J li Id in His m FRANK B. SMITH, OF GREENSBORO, KILLED IN A WRECK ON THE ATLANTIC & DANVILLE. IS The Rails Spread and the Engine Plunged Down a High Embankment, Killing Engineer and Fireman, j P. N. Smith of this place received a telegram last night announcing that Ins eon Frank P. Smith had been killed yesterday afternoon on the Atlantic fc Danville railroad. Mr. Smith who waa formerly an engineer had been reduced by a general order to fireman and it was whilo serving in that capacity that he met his deith. Telegram received from Mrs. Smith this morning, by Fireman Smith's father, says she will leave West Norfolk tomorrow morning at it:5() with the body which will be buried here. Arrangements have not yet been perfected as to timo. doling Smith had been married only some six months and his body was taken to his home in Y est Nor folk. The Danvillo Register says of tho disaster : )ne ot tho most disastrous wrecks in tho history of the Atlantic & Danville railway occurred some tunc afternoon yesterday, a short distance oast of (rill's station, alxuit eighty-five miles down tho road. I bo engino ot passenger train Io. 1, due in Danvillo at 5.25 p. m., to gether with two coaches left the trajk, and 111 tho wreck of iron and wood that resulted, Engineer James Luter and fireman I' rank P. Smith were instantly killed. in gage master Iswis and Mail Agent J. M. Purtoot were also injured. The re mainder of the crew ami the passen gers fortunately escaped harm. There is a high embankment at the scene of tho accident, and tho engino followed by the combination baggage and mail coa.'h and second class passenger coach, toppled over the declivity. I he engine tell en tirely over on its side, and the men in the eab met almost instant death. The baggage-master and the tnaii agent were only slightly injured. Tho rear passenger coach remained on tho track. An inspection of the track disclosed the cause of the dis aster to be the spreading ot tho rails at the point the train left the track. -Greensboro Telegram. The South Turned Down, Tho Secretary of the V. S. Treas ury recently gave out a remarkable statement concerning the appoint ments by States in his department. His table shows that while tho Dis trict of Columbia has an excess of appointments of 2 'S, N'orih Caro iim has a deficit of 20. Ihe Iar Heel State is entitled to 65 appoint ments in the Treasury Department and is credited with 30. Every Southern State except Miryland, Virg'nia and West irginit has a deficit of appointments in this de- paitmeut and this statement illus trates tho discrimination against the South in every department ot the government. We get these tacts from a late Washinpton special. Ten Deaths from Poison Liquor. A Mapleville, Alabama, special of I). cember 1 says ; Three more men have died here from drinking a mixture composed of wood alcohol aud cheap whiskey, making ten deaths within three days. Seven more are seriously ill and are expect ed to die within the next twelve hours, as attending physicians have given up nope, two men wno br.-nght the liquor here are among the dead' The alcohol bore the lab 1, "For mixing paints." Those Who Endure pains of rheumatism should be Th. reminded that a cure for this disease may be found in Hood's Sarsapa rilla. The.exierieuce of th"Se who Pave taken Ho.!' Sarsapariila for rh. umatism, and have been com pletily and (Hjrmauently cured, proe the power of th!s medicine to route and conquer this disease. Ho d's Sarsaptrilla is the One True p. . d Punter and it neutralizes the acid which causes the aches aud pain of rh- umatism. This is why it ab-olutelv cures when liniments and other outward applications fail to give permanent relief. Be tare to get Hood's. A terrible railway accident oc curred at Warsaw, Poland. While a pi-nger trsin was standing at the termino-, a heavy freight train crashed into it. Eleven persons were killed ou'.-riht and twenty two other seriously injured. ncv trt Tnkfi a j - Lz3asy to Operate Are ftaturea peenlna to rtooTt Fill. Small ta aire. talraaa efficient, tberoat-a. As on Riaa 08 aaid : V arm know foa i Pills have Ukma y V t il a ereer " e.C. I. H proiM-wa. L"w-1 M ,"anaettBV ftr tt'W Sarew flaaUTi some latlaaa. la I 4 4 VIM.- cwat a North Carolina's Fine Climate. What a fine climate North Caro lina is blessed with, and what great advantages fall to her people. It is not infrequent that two crops of fruit are reported in ono season, or two crops of food from tho same land, lu yesterdays Messenger, from Granville cntne the report of two crops grown this year on two acres. The first crop waa thirty two horso loads of rye from two acres. The second crop on the samo land wsa ten barrels or fifty bushels of corn per acre. That is very tine indeed. A day or two ago another county reported three crops this year on the same land. Some one writes to the New Bern paper that in Pamlico county a farmer made twelve bales of cotton on fourcrea. If tho bales sro of regulation size that is indeed superb cropping. Do not let fruit growing, a most important industry, bo overlooked here. Lxcellenf returns are report ed tLis year. What has been ac complished is but a toretasto that awaits North Carolina if its farmers and others will give their time or a part of it to growing fruit of differ ent kinds, and learn how to prepare it properly for shipping to the vari ous raai kets. Tho State labor com missioner will report that fourteen counties ship 00,000 barrels; Hay wood and Swain 15,000 each ; Cald well and Wilkes. 10,000; Yancey, Clay, Jickson and Surry, 8,000. lhero are many localities in tins State where eRclies are seldom killed, and especially is this the case in tho thermal belt region. Apples aro kept ali winter in ordinary cel lars. It is destined to be tho great est apple growing region in Ameri ca. Ixit our people wake up. They have all about them a veritable Iarid of Goshen. To abandon North Carolina for another state is fully. Wilmington Messenger. As to that portion of the above statement which refers to Surry's shipment of apples, it is erroneous; Mount Airy, tho motropo'is of SuM ry county, has alone already shipped about 15,000 barrels, and will ship several thousand additional barrels before tho season closes. Cranks Are Not Successful, No successful man is a crank. Look over the cranks of your ac- itiaintanceandyou will be surprised to notico that not one of them does anything well. They are not prom lnent citizens; they are not promi nent socially ; they do nothing for the general gotrtf. A crank who is a lawyer ia. not a goinj lawyer; a crank is usually a crank because he is a failure. After demonstrating thai he lacks ordinary common sense a crank pretends that he knows ev erything, and that other people do not know anything; that society has learned nothing from experi ence, and that the world should be turned upside down to accept some of his untried theories. If yon can avoid being a crank you'd better do it. Greensboro Patriot. Mrs. Thersa Cardoza, a well known resident of San Francisco, who died on Saturday, was bnried Tuesday. She weighed over six hundred pounds and the under takers had to break down the stairs of he late residence in order to lower the body into the hall. A special casket, bound with iron, was constructed for the remains, and as it was too largo for any hearse in the city, it was taken to the cemetery in a heavy express wagon. Mrs. Cardoza had been married twice and leaves five children, the youngest being 14 years old. An Airship That May Fly. . Hiram Maxim, the famous inven tor, announces without any qualifi cations, that he Las an airship with which he can sail to the Klondyke with a ton weight of passengers and provisions. As a rule, announce ments ot perfee'ed airships that can be navigated are received with in credulity, but this by Mr. Maxim will arouse some interest, and will cause many to think that perhaps, after all, the problem, aerial naviga tion, may have been solved, or is at least very near solution. This is, of course, simply beeanse ot Mr. Max im's great reputation as an inventor. A Kansas City, Mo,, special says that on last Wednesday night slight earthquake shocks were felt at Pratt and Kingman, Kansas, half way across the Oklahoma boundary. No damage was done. At Pratt a dis tinct shock was felt at 12:28. It was strong tnoogh to cause bouses to rock, aod lamps were dashed to the floor. It lasted three seconds. Medical men 6y rheumatism is the forerunner ot heart disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla enres rheuma tism by its action on the blood. Yellow Jack Killed. CaseareL, Candy cathartk- kill. Yel low Jack wherever tbej find him. No on who take. Caacaret. regularly and .T.temati -ally i in danger from the dreadful draeaaei. CawareU kill Yellow fever germ, in the bowels and prevent new one. from breeding. 10 efit, 23 cents and 50 cent, at all druggist. CASTORIA For Xcfaxts and Clillrta. 1 Vton- mm -t ; SWaM at hat Rioting in Prague, Bohemia. A Pragno, R-hemia, special of late date says : There was a renews) of the rioting here the other even ing. The windows ot the German theatre, German schools, restaurants, residences and newspaper offices were broken. The troops cleared the streets. Many persons were in jured and a nnmlrer of arrests were made. During tho afternoon th riots increased. The synagogue windows were smashed as well as tho windows of tho houses of Jews displaying German trade signs in several streets of the Jewish quar ter. Since 0 ocloek this evening the streets have been held by twelv battalions of infantry and a sqns ron of hussars. AH tiathc ts si ended Mid the shops and busint houses aro closed. 3, In spite of tho military, a larg : Czech mob nuido a descent during tho evening upon tho German quar ter and plundered houses ! shops in several streets. The Mrniture of a well known German esie was piled op in tho street andset on lire. When a detachment ,ef troops sp proached to disperstftho rioters the soldiers weregrnpfed with s shower of stones, brukin glass and other missiles. Tho officer in command ordered his troops to prepare to firo, but at thiffirgent request of a police official thtf order was not carried into cllBot. Shortly after 9 o'clock a mob at- tempf 'd to storm a cartridge tactory at iizhkow, a suburb of Prague, on tho other side of the Moldau. lho toops stationed at the factory pour ed, a volley into the crowd. It is known that at least two petsons were killed outright and it is feared that others were killed or wounded. Thsi same bodv of rioters set fire to U houso at Zizhkow, but tho flames were soon quenched. In various Other parts of tho city and the sub urbs windows were smashed and the German sign boards demolished. It is said that the mob was incited by articles in the Czech newspapers by , . ' t, t the Gcr. man students had organized an at tack ujipn the Czech Theatre. Therti is no medicine in the world equal to Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for the cure of throat and lung diseases. This is a fact that has been proven in numberless cases. Here is a sample of thousands of letters received : "I have tried Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy whilo en fieri n g from a severe throat trou ble, and tound tminfliate ana ei fective relief. I can uulisitatingly recommend it." Eikieb W. Whit- TrMORK, Editor Grand Rivers (Ky.) Herald. For Sale by I. W. West and Taylor & Banner, Mt. Airy, Dr. J. B. Smith, Pilot Mountain. Better Thaa KK:iyiiiMd Is health and strength g;Sfty taking Hood's Sarsaparilla.the great blood purifier. It fortifies the whole system and gives you such strength that nervous troubles cease, aod work which seemed wearing and la borious, becomes easy and is cheer fully performed. It has done this for others, it will for yon. Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable and sure. Eugene Moore, ex-auditor of the State ot Nebraska, was recently sen tenced to eight years in the peniten tiary for the embezzlement of insu rance foes amounting to 23.0tM. Prevention better than cure. Tutt's Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. GREENSBORO - Female College. NORTH CAROLINA. The Fifty-Second Session of this College begins WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8th, 1897. Advantages of College and Conserva tory offered at moderate coat. Faculty of Specialists! Aa-PLS IwCIFallNT. A PLIASAKT Host. Catalogue on application. DRED PEACOCK, Pmsiocwt- North Carolina College cf AoTiciltoe Eectanlc Arts, WILL m SEPT. 9t, 1S97, Thorough academic, acien tifie and tax-hex-a I ewureea. Kperien-rd hpecialwta In every de partment. Etptnset Per Sm.ei, It!ut1ig .ca'i Foa Coorv SrueTa, Foa ah OTHta Sruocafs. 9J 00 12300 Apply for Catalojpj. to AiKitVMaQ.noiiAttv.T-!. T Raleigh, S.C. frei1er.t 4? I 5 R.jral asafe. law lM para, aa4 SalMiM. 03K .OY4J y.....el Pur r f . f II art) ww,, w&q wtsK, ONE OF TWO WAYS. Tho bladder Was created for on purpose, narnoly, a receptacle for the urine, and as such it H not liable to any form ot diseaso except by one of two ways. The first way is from imperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases, ctutr CAtsg. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the bladder, was creatod for one pur pose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the blad der, thereforo any pain, diseaso or iticouvenienco manifested in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, attrib uted to female weakness or womb trouble cf some sort. The error it easily mado and may be as easily avoided To find out correctly, set ('our urine aside for twenty-four tours; a sediment or settling indi cates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraordinary ef fect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney and bladder reme dy, is soon realized. If yon need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. Yon may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Mention Tai Mt. Aibt N'kws and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Tho proprietor of this paper guaran tees the genuineness of this offer. U6T.1L" urea ana proK.civuown wuun.ii 1 1 1 , J will find that DX. KTIS'S K3YAL PITBER a 9 faceless boon and blessing toTnTTt TTfivts appetite, brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids digestion, tones the nerves, builds up the strength and puts disease and pain to flight. For FEMALE TRC10LES Including all menstruA and womb difficulties, it has no supeior used both locally and internal. It Is emphatically j WOLIAU'S FRIEJ10. Pleasant to take as lemorftde, and harmless at all times. New ptatage, large bottle, 103 Doses, One Dollar. Sold by druggists. Manufactured only by TNE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO., kti ti. wim roi et-rasi sooii baoib ini Sold byTaylor & Banner, Drugghts. YADKIN YALLEY INSTITUTE, FOR BOTH SEXES, BooMille, Yadlin CosbIj, N. SmiXG TEEM OrENS JAX. 4, 1888. nirtity endorw-a toy fllee peesJdeat. aa Mettnt-Mi BM-a. on. .if tle Seal preparatory at luxas IB On- Stale. (fitirt-tl WaW'wra ai,a three ea.'. llril utmrj arnw. A l--uorul country kiraik.fi. A lll--rl antl pmyrfaai,. po pl. one lntiMlrwl and eta'hiy Br- atisaeaia ea Miled. Oood minting-. t4 board. IIIM cuntnrta. W e lll rurntab Tm Tyfiir.n. aViarO. w aetiinc and Ll.-M. tnn Jaa. fli. taaa. to Mar tsia. I-. jfe BKinUw) r onlj Aa. pajfM a efcterliiif. Wni for eataUtv-'i- w fnrtber tnror BiaUuB Ul H. h. CokN, fi eoir u Spot Cash WMssali FrcJia W. I. P01N3LXTE1 1 CO., Prewritten, Leek lot 274, KCUXT iiST, I. C. We handle nothing but Bret-claw e leeted stock and yuarante to plv you, if you will .end us your orders. We handle all kinds eountry prod or. Quotations gladly furniabrd on appli cation. Corepondenoe aolkited. Pmw'ti V A Ajrtt rrw em TO Tin tiT 1 I rrar t re?rtK?T f Ctasmnrtv t tunef cv t iKHi-urals o( tfFk' a r w tu t rvw a. i e.' y r"--nira--.'it!? C 'tX So p-'- f"- t U tl p-er 1 14 I a r-y t u4 in f- - t - " 'r-.'-t to h' t O ivt , T"-"t. rm r . I r ln-r T -' . ft A f rie t , f iii -',(ti' 'i " , t. A. t:tr t It.. C III raft St. rm lm. lira

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