-r irr r II W-mr-i lV fl TTTTs. Tin A TTTh TTT N TTTCi IHJU IrlUUlYl- ilili 11 ill wd. MOUNT AIRY, N. C., THURSDAY, DEOK1MUEI. 1807. NO. 27: VOL, 17. V' .1 tier Health Restored 1 - Jw sss, saw. '-. i . ,- T. i&$,Ma 1,11 w' Ttt R mlMrr of alcepleaanaea ran only ba rrallied by thoe who bav parl anced It. Nnrvottannaa, 1eplasiiaas, beadacboa, neuralgia and that mlaorabl feallnf nf uunut, ran surely be cured by Dr. Xllts' Besturatlv Norvlti. Rti certain I Ir. MMssoftlils fact that all drawlst art authorised to refund prlc paid for th Ant belli tried, providing- It doe nut benefit. Mr. Henry Itruim, Klfaof Hi well ktwiwa blackamlth at Grand Junction, Iowa, ayi "t was troubled with leiplieep.ees. tiarvou to, headach and Irregular rm-natruallnni ufrerlnf untold Bilwry for year. I osad various arivertlaed remedies for female s,ia. plaint brnldc belli, urnlcr tlirrof local physicians, without help. I noticed In Ir. Mil' advertisement the testimonial of k Udycu-edof ailments similar to mine, and I thall near reua to thank that lady. Iter tostlmonlal induced m to umi lit. Miles' N'ervlna and Nirv and Urt r I'llla, which restored ni to health. I cannot h; rnoueh for pTMIlKe'ltemedliw." Dr. Miles' Itainedles : n Dr. ftr old by all drug- A Mlt-. "l (Uu under a pmltlvs fcVi t '-1 f urniee, flrt bottle benefits or money re funded. Ilimkon dl aaaesof Hi heart and eerves f wo. Aildroa, Nervine &tJtotor. a ' Health vv DR. MILKS MfcDK'ALCO., Klkhart, Ind. J. A. MARTIN, DOTAHY PUSLIG, PHONO 20 AND 26, i Mount Airy, N. C. S.IGltAVKS. Attorney-at-Uaw, MOUJJT AIKY, N. C. rwPracUcc In stale ard Federal Courts. Prompt aiu-ntton to collection of claim. W.S. NKKDIIAM, Attorney-at-Iiaw, Pilot Mountain, N, C, ir-will practice In the Hut -ourt. Col lection of clattiia a nMtclall), Jantlttm GKOIiGK 1'EIX, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, WINSTON, N. C. gjefWiU be at Potuoii ou hHturdny before tlie ojiening of f very court. T. 13. McCARGO, nOTAHV PUStlG. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY HOTEL BLOCK. Business Promptly Attended To. GKO. V. iSPARGKR, Attorncy-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AXRT, N. C. Will pracUce tu Wtale aud rednral i ourt. SpeuleJ attention to collecaon of daiuu an J egotlaUug loiins. W- f. CAHTER, MOUNT UtCr, H. 9. t. N. LEWELLYN, i, H.C. Carter & Lkwkllyx. Attorneys-at-Eaw. iVPictli-e In the Htate and Federal CourU Prom pt atu-otloD given to all Du4li ae entrual d to their care. J. H. Slakemore, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N.C. I prepared to make all tiie Ni-w and Artlatie Style. up with the time and wui give you Bral-cUan work. E.A.HANMH, -liKAl.K IN- Cols, fttts, ' "Bnrlal Robes, Slippers, Ac. A full stock of all i- aad qualttiea kept , tim hand, and at rwuKmable prine. ritor room, ufuuair over 11, L. Paltor on"l tor, ou Maui Htreet. KMidewoa, "! bww North if th railroad. RURAL HALL HACK LIE. Wl.il the sobetlule of the C F. A Y. V. U. R- rt mains at it no is iaiiRpr from Woo tit Airj Can g-t team at RoraJ Ha l. on arm! of pa-r(r-r trams at tM m , ar-d go to Winaton and rrturn H time f.irfTeninr train jrtv tnto Mount Airy Rt reaoa!,le Vitr patrtag evwpetfulij o!ictd. YOURS TR wY, 7 Z Bittinpr. How to Raite th W.,id. A co tlie te.tilily (?rowin Dirjj ley Mclvhiley dtfliuit the talk ol Son ator A!li(m is not without Interest. He is n iiililicn from low nod a itiHti of ability. U tliink the new drug net robber should Imvo a elmticc tlmt it should bo triod for another month or two. Hoy by that tiino "wo cut see where we are coming out." He aIJ. with com mendable enndor, tliat he doe not "regard the preient proajK'ct of adetiato revenno from the act as very bright. If wo find that the new law does not do all that i ex pected of it, we certainly ought to upplant it with additional byifla tinn." lie )' tlioro will be no difficulty "in tindiiiK thing to tax if nii,r moiiev is to be raited." He saya "we could put a tax on tea ; or a stamp tax on cheek, mortgages, ifri or an increRned tax on beer: or an inheritance tax ; or lome kind of an income lax. There are ways piintirrS it wo are obliged to resort to them." Exactly, but when you abandon tne prottcdve tatiu to rait-e tlin i,hiivinr, f4i.fi ,.!i,on v an ilifottlM tax, you at once confess the failure ol your pet theory, protection, as a revenue producer, and resort to a direct tax upon homo producta. u . ,!:... I ... ..Il l nettsKir aiiibmi one n" umiiucu in any reduction of expenditure. The rccretHry of the treaetiry has evidently no confidence whatever in the tariff's riiing a .snflkient revenue to meet the j;nat and growing expendituies, so lie ia ai-k ini? the cotitrrtea to ireiare for the storm ahead by tjualit) ing him fully tor bon I selling 111 tune ol peace. Oh. bow the republican ort?Hi.a all v I r aiotii.d jibed at atid jot-red at P"or Lb velMiid lor his ootid et King. 1 lie !i. line iniir-t iroie the cliHtigcs as to raihing rt-viniic, and then it goes to the at nate. Mr. Allison fH)', e nporitd in The New York bveuiiig I'ob', by ita Washington corrvt. poii den. : "It the house gives ns something to build 011, or to amend, we can frame some revenue legislation in the setiMte, but not otherwise. In brief, if they send ut out) Kg to stai.d on, wc can supply the 01 her hg, but we cannot constitutionally mnke the first move." !So the panacea of the govern-; tut ni's iiiniiv liiinhcul ills is the Vtac i'ln to kill oil greenbscks and eel I bonds lor gold. This is the siitti of tlie wiedotn of the present administration. From the Wil mington Messenger.' j At the last session of C'ongrtsa ! Senator Pritchard had pas.'td by the United States a law, prohibit ing the packing of coupons with ; tobacco It was understood to have been done at the request of the ligarette tiust. The Com misMoner of Internal Revenue embraces the very first opportu nity, in his report presented to Congress, to point out the unsat- J isfactory nature of the bill. It j was a blow aimed at the struggl ing cigarette factories by the Trust. Its passage was a disgrace ! to Congress, and it cannot be re pealed too soon. There is no medicine in the woild equal to Cham beilitin's Cough llenr edy for tne emc c liro aud Inng disoasts. This is a fuel that 1ms lieeti proven in numberless cases. Here is a sample of thousands of httrs received: "I have tried ChamtK-ilttiii'sCotigh Ilemedy while suffering from a severe throat trou ble, and found immediate and cf feetie relief. I can unhesitatingly recommend it." Eihjkr W. Whit TrMoKK, Editor (irand liivers (Kv.) Herald. For sale by I. W. West and Tsy'orA: I5nn r, Mt. Airy, and Dr. J li. Smith. IMot Mountain. While at wmk in the woods, Mr. Lawrence Jenkit s, of Mar. in coun ty, was so badly hurt by a falling tree tliHt be died in a short time. The S'-ven Springs hotel in ICttior c.'Hti'y has leen purchto-i-d bj John J. Iy tor $ii.iMM). GETTIi'G READY Every eijiectant mollier htM a trying ordutJ to fao. If she does nut ppt ready for it, there is do tolling what may happen. Child-birth is full of uncertainties if Nature it not given proper aueisUac. Mother's Friend it tlte beat help you 1 an uac at thi tim. It as at hniment, and when regularly ap plied aevwal month before baby cornea, it make the adrertt eT and nearly paia kwa. It rejiere and prevents " morning k-kneas," relaxes lite OTemrained nut. tie, reliere th diatendd feelinf short en labor, makes reoorery rapid and per tain without any dangerous sfUr-cffects, Mather's' Iriimi la trod for only oaa fmrfuu. via.: to rauarvc Baa'ant auw ul tUnfr and pain. r anttar per knulv at alt drat staram. or art t t.i . 1 m am re " i4 &i p-tc. ttn ( tu S a aay aotLraai 4m M.alM ca THB MaDOEU) IPQUL4T0 CO, athaa-w. Oa. hi i Slate m STATE ITEMS Of IMPORTANCE GATH ERED fROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Soma PiopU You Know and Others You Don't Know at Seen In Our Stat, "Projectotcopo." The Greenville Weekly is reliably informed that Judge Button got drunk while holding the recent term of Kdgenomho count? Criminal Court. A second child of County Com missioner Loiuax, of Wilkes, died last week of diphtheria. Mr. Iximax, who it suffering from the diacav, is improving. Five of the six Greensboro people bitten a few nighta ago by a mad dog have gone to lialtiotore for the l asteur treatment. Dr. Hobcttson, bitten by a cat at Guilford college, has hydrophobia. The Morganton Herald ays the Waldensian school recently estah liehed at Valdesc, Unrkc county, is a gratifying success. The member ship now consists ol about fifty Waldensian and twelve nativo chil drcii. Mr. Alfred Upchurch, one of Raleigh, oldest and best known citizens, passed away Sunday morn ing in the 1 4th year o" his age. 1 he death of Mr. Lpchurch wa unex pected, though he has heen ill for some time. In view of the prevalence of small pox in Atlanta and other points south many Asheville people are be ing vaccinated aud the city authori ties are being nrged to build a pest house. Citizens ot Concord are also being vaccinated, The labor commissioner's forth coming annual report will show that here are eighty six roller floiir mills in the state, iueso mills grind practically all the wheat grown in the state. A large majority ot those mills are run by water. Raleigh l'ost. The Headlight says the three Daly brothers, whose combined ages are 242 years, met by chance in Goldsboro a few days ago, where each had gone to sell cctton. One is b3, one 61 and the other 78 years old, hut llity are all hale and hearty. Uno lives in aync, one in Lenoir and the other in Craven County. The Charlotte Observer's Wash ington correspondent saj s : "Action in i tie Greensboro, Winston and Sa lem iMietofiice appointments goes over by agreement until Congrees re-ssemblee in January. It is ? robable that the contest among Republicans over the appointments may not be settled before March, or later. A lamentable suicide ia rerx,',":'i from Wilson. An insurance man named Smith, from Richmond, had been stopping in ilson for a week and drinking freely the whole time. Saturday evening ho became do spot dent and went and purchased a pistol with which he shot himself late Saturda uight. -Goldsboro Argus. The State of North Carolina owns stock in the North Carolina Kail- road to the amount of three million dollars, but there was no tangible evidence ot the State's investment in the road and ownership of stock. Treasurer Worth has received from Secretary Walton of the North Carolina Road, crisp shares of stock to the exteut of $3,00(1,000, the amount of the State's interest. Mr J. A. Hendricks, of Marshall, N. C, arrived in the city yesterday to see the Governor in behalf of W. U I'ait, the 17 year-old bo)', who, while uudi r the influence of liquor, kilUdayoulhtul companion 14 years ot age. Mr. Hetidricks says the boy is small for Ins age, is not bright, and liquor was the sole cause of the murder, lie hag a petition signed by many citizens of Yancey county iu the boy's beLalf. Raleigh l'ost. Jadge Sutton says be did not make an order for the sheriff to make a list of all persons who had not paid their taxes in order that they might be indicted. It waa, be says, aside remark, made in a jocular vein, to the khenn. J lie shenn ot Mecklenburg, brought up under the old Democratic ways, and accus tomed to obeying the order of the court, had not learned to listen to the judge a iutonations and winks to hud out whether he waa speaking in a Pickwickian sense. In his simplicity and directness, the sheriff thought any order from the bench was ment to be obeyed. He did not know the court bouse had been con verted into a place for jokes and jocular remarks from the bench New, and Observer. L3o Cripe When yoo takt flood' mil. Tlx Mg, otd-taaa. tnoe tttear-eoated pHk). wnleh kr yea all p-erea mt not to aafta Booifa. Faay to tax I ev v ,.i-r . Nlldl . !i.nJ a I aia, 4, are Sale, eer&ia aa aura AS it Mm I i -Ilia wrwa He. C I. Bo Oa LawaO. Maaa Th eajj fHHa I tea Boat a KaraaaarZia. A BABY SAVED BY LIGHTNING. Lion Killed Just tl It Wat Ready to Sprlr U the Little One- Lightning and blackberries como toffother in the coast rfglon of lex as, Tho peopbi there, as t rule, are .1-1 I .. .1 .). more piirum to mo inner man tow former. One exception to the rule exists there to daj, however, in Mrs. Pennington, of Plum Creek, who says that one timely stroko of the lightning hat done her more good than all the blackberries in creation could poRpibly accomplish. Just bo hind tho Pennington homo is a small dealing, in which the black berries grow largo and sweet and In abundance. One day Mrs. Pen nington went thero to pick some berries for auppttr, and took her little baby girl with her. The baby grew tired in a little while, and the mother arranged a bed ol dry leaves for it under a sheltering sumach bush. In a few minutes the child was asleep, and tho mother resumed her berry picking. It was an op prcsaivcly hot day, when the air waa full of electricity and not a breath of wind stirring anwhere. A squall was coming up rapidly from tho cast, the liuhtniug was showing dimly on its upper edge, bat Mrs. Pennington waa apparently oblivi ous ot the approach of the storm, glad only that the baby slept so well and gave bcr so little trouble. Put it was not tho storm alone that threatened danger. At the very edge of tho thicket, aud only a few feet from the sleeping baby, its eyes gleaming, its head laid flat on the ground and its tail htshirg its tawny sides, a huge Mexican lion was crouching ready to spring. For a moment it dug its hind paws nerv ously into the ground, and then it leaped into tho air. It fell dead only a few inches from the sleeping baby, just as a loud peal of thunder caused Mrs. Pennington to look around for the safety of the child. The baby awoke, looked np and smiled. St Louis Globe Democrat. Growth of American Chrittmat Customs. America has welcomed and adop ted the Christmas tree with cordial affection and treated it aa if it were product of her own inventive brain. Transplanted to tho United States by the early Dutch settlers of Acw l ork and by th Germans who established themselves in Penn sylvania, it grew and flourished as it did in its native soil. Its advance was slow, but in 1S30 the Christmas tree had become a fixed lactor in the holiday celebrations, not only in families of direct German de scent, but among that composite population called Americau. Small cedar trees were first used, and were called "Christmas bushes." They were decorated with rosy apples, paper flowers, a few small candles, gilded nuts and "Christmas cakes." This last confection seems to be entirely out of date. It took tho form ot small horses, dogs, cows, hearts and diamonds, and w.g a comli'vt'.cc of Hour and water paste and white and colored sugar trost ing. Even by those who recall the Christmas cake with totidost recol lection it h admitted to have been rather a Vclight to the eye than a joy to the palate or the digestion. As years went on, and the young nation grew older and richer and the life ol the people more luxuri ous aud complex, the "Christmas bushes," with their paper flowers, and "Christmas cakes, developed into a tree, which is often an elab orate and extensive affair. Put it ia not in civilized or Chris tian lands alone that this wonderful Christmas tree growa. Missionaries have planted it in China, in Japan, in India, Africa, in the islands of the sea, so that yellow, brown and black faces, as well as white, gaze up at it with delight. Fiom the New York Mail and Express. What Cured the Baby. ' H -oa's Sarsaparilla has cured oar baby of running sores for which we doctored her for a long time. It baa relieved me of rheumatism. My wife was troubled with sick head aches aud could get nothing to re lieve her until she took Hood's Pilla." II. L Pickext, Lock 15 jr. 9, Ellen boro, W. Va. Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy yet efficient. Upon being asked by the Sheriff of McDowellcounty it he would re quire a list of delinquent taxpayers to be fornished the court, with a view of indictment for misdemeanor nnder the act of 1S97, J udge E wart replied that he would not Halifax gavo $720 hut year to help old confederate soldiers. Well done. Tate Ore a l est Discovery Vet. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111 , "Chiei." aav-e : Yt' won't ke p bouse without Dr. King'a New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Experimented with many others, but never got the true rem edy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy can take its place in our borne, a in it we have a certain and sure cure for Congba, Colds, Whooping Cough, , etc" It ia idle to experiment wita other remedies, even if they are urg ed on you aa just a good aa Dt. King", New Discovery. They are not aa pnd, because thi, remedy baa a record of core artd beside b guar anteed. It fierer fails to satisfy. Trial bottle free at Taylor t Bat tiers Drag Store. Will. THE ANCIENT CITY WHERE CHRIST THE BLESSED REDEEMER , ' WAS BORN I A Short Sketch Giving Information on a Subject of Peculiar Interest to ail People lust Now, This is a great season In Bethle hem. Tho pictiiresqiio old town whore Christ was horn never forgets to do honor to tho Saviour of man kind at surely as the year rolls around. To this plaje, as tho followers of Mahomet flock to Mecca, the fol lowers ot Christ como annually on the'day of his nativity. Here they kneil and pray and spend tho time in holy meditation. Pilgrimages are also made to a grotto near tho Chnrch of tho Na tivity, which is supposed to be the site of the palacu of justice where innumerable, children wcro (lain by order of King Herod. 1 heso pilgramsges are not lightly undertaken. They began several weeks ago, and even now tho six thousands iuhabi'ants of Pethlehcm are enj -tying a loiiir, happy festival. Many aro the banquets, tho social visits and the joyous betrothals. Alter the carnival there is a last, during which there ia no self-glori fication, no pampering of the flesh or love making. At the end of the fast, which wi.l close next week, the Christinas ceremonies will take place. On Christmas hve the Christians in Jerusalem will gather together and flock out of tho city with their faces set for the church ot the isa- tivity, in l.ethleheni. lhcy will march down through the valley of Gihoti, the old boundary between LientHmiii and Judah. Ihey will fee, as they pass, the ticc on which the traitor Jndis is said to have hanged himself, and the well out of which the wise men drew water af ter thev had left Herod. Within their viow will also be the Convent of Elijah, erected on the sp. t where the prophet rested during his flight from Jt zebcl. As thev come to the end of their march the peoplo of Pethlehcm will come out to meet them, and thftn, pro ceeded by gaily attired wa.id bear ing heralds, and followed by an im mense throng of men, women and children, they wili march toward the Church ot the Nativity, the old est monument of Christian archi tecture in the world. There Mass will bo celebrated while armed Turkish soldiers in full unifoim of red fezzes, blue jackets and baggy trousers stand on guard beside the altar and around the bril liant silver star v. here Christ is eup posed to have lam in the manger. I his star gleams np trom the pavement and is the raoet conspicu ous object in the grotto. Impa, the bgnres of many saints and other ornaments are in this grotto, and in uiie corner are lamps which are lways kept burning. Close by this altar are the manger and another altar, on which the wise men are said to have presented their gifts to Christ. All these objects are considered of inestimable value by the members of the different church sects, and were it not for the presence of Turkish soldiers it is more than likely that disputes would arise as to the right ot proprietor ship. ith this visit and Mass in the grotto the Christmas Eve ceremo nies end. On Christmas Day the regular Roman Cittholic service will be held in the same church, aud the remainder of tho day will be spent in merry making. Dunug the evening friends will visit each other and exchange cour tesies. The spirit of peace and joy will brood over the old town, and a hen the ceremonies end the Christ ians of littthlchcm may say to them selves, "Verily, for ua, as for so many generations of our anceetors, this ha been a happy eea-on." During the visiting period an abundauce of coffee, sweetmeats and tobacco will be consumed, and many young men and maids w ho liecame betrothed betorc-, the ttst will be joined in the tot of matrimony. Cymbals are tavorfte instruments in the East, and ilnir music ;s never louder than during Chritu as wejk in Pethlehem. With such music the pilgrims are welcomed, and the same music is heard continually as Ion ax the cer emonies If st. The Turkish s jldiers w ho guard the Loly relic during the ceremonie are not mere figure heads. That the members ot the various Christian sects in the Etst are not over friendly to each other is well known, and the soldiers are considered absolutely essential to guard an outbreak of fanaticism. The trouble !;ee in the- tt hat each net claims possession of the holy plact, and naturally regards any other sect which worships it? them as an interloper. Thanks, howevt-r, to the vtgiiai re of the soldiers and the other authoriiit-s, no serii ua cntreaks have ever aiUen at this season, and as tne years n.-t there are tnanv indie tiott, that an amicable iinderiaDd j. g wi!i I tH1?! rrid at Gto. II Ci-KNKLL. ,.larir laae IWwU W Ilk fniawla j f'fcanie, ear na tnffwf. IICC C (aw.drmatiataertnaOaawMy. ratiar4 ta 10 wiIbbm tj Dr a ,1 iia liua "vaa CM smb. Th, Hypnotists. Metropolitan Hall waa filled to overflowing last night. There was scarcely standing room, and not a man, woman or child could be found in the entire audience afterwards who was not charmed and completely carried away by the exhibition. The subjects furn ished fun for the audience with out assuming any objectional or immodest attitude. The performance was opened with a short talk by Prof. Sylvan A. Lcc. He said the only requi site Id a subject was willingness. No one can be hypnotized against his will. If you are simply willing, and think Intently about the sub ject you are told to keep in mind, you can be hypnotized. An invitation was then given for tubjecti to come on the stage. Among the number who accepted the offer were J. M. Uroughton, J. A. Miller, W. E. Ponner, Stan hope Wynne. J. J. Rogers, Robt. Upchurch, llcnjamin Irby, Junius Turner, Uenjamin Hardie, Jr, Will Little, Will Huggins, Ben jamin Perkins and a number ot others, Mr. Lee, and his beauti ful niece, Miss Alberta Leo, were successful in more or less hyp notizings.il of these except Messrs. Broughton, Wynne, Turner and Irby. Impression was made to a greater or less extent on the others. v To mention the many marvel ous and laughable things done would require columns. The sub jects were put to sleep, and told that when they woke they would be convulsed with laughter, and some of the subjects almost went into hysterics. A man who travels with them was hypnotized and thrown In the cateleptic state. His head was placed tvn,the back of one chair and his feet oh anoth er, and Messrs. Rogers, Mills, Wynne and I.ee sat upon his body. Hat pins were driven into the flesh of two men who accom pany Mr. Lee, and they walked through the audience letting each spectator examine them. Bot, perhaps, the most laughable scenes were when some ol tne subjects were told that the seat of their chairs were red hot, that a bee was down their back, th4 they were driving a fast horse, that their nose waa bleeding, that they were fishing and many amus ing attitudes were assumed by them. At the close of the performance John D. Wyatt, of Louisville, Ky , was examined by a commit tee of physicians and reporters, and then put to sleep to remain in this condition in the window of Sherwood Higgs & Co, for 48 hours. His temperature was found to be 99 and he weighed 151 1 pounds. Mr. Lee announced that if jvr- ties of 23 or more would be or ga'nizeclitr the City he would come and give them an exhibition free. lie can cure persons ot tne cigar ette, whiskey or other bad habits, but they must first become a sub ject upon the stage. It was a wonderful exhibition last night and well worth seeing. Raleigh Post. 11 - w The Klondike and Yukon River. The steamship City ot Colum bia sailed on the ICth met. from the Old Dominion pier, in New York city, on a voyage to the Yukon, with five hundred and thirty-live passen gers, sixty of whom are women. It is said that the ship is manned by a crew of seventy picked men. famine and lawlessness are the latett reports from the Klondyke. Captain Kay, U. S. Army, reports an alarming coudition of affaire, and he thinks a semi-military govern ment imperative, aa lives and prop erty are seriously imperiled. A late Seattle siecial says J. O. Host wood has just re'urned from Philadelphia and other cities in the East, where he has been acquiring information of the number of peo ple likely to go to the Klondike in the spring. He 8836 that fully one hundred thousand will go north through Seattle. In Chicago IS00 women are organizing for an exje dition to the land of gold. The court sustained the decision of the lower court iu the cane of the commissioners of Stanly county vs. Suggs, thus rendering worthless one hundred thousand dollars of bonds in the Stanly railroad, purchased by New Yorkeis. The bill authorizing the railroad failed to pasa a third reading iu the Le-i-Uture. An auditorium to cost from $10, 0o0 to $15,000 ia to be built tor tie Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege at IZalcigh. Ta Car ('Mtatlpattoa rareee. Tike Ct'eu t'nd tthartw. toe Sta ir C C. C tat. la care, drowuM refuaa anuoey Sa OUt lea Every dv etrenjrtbetn tbe belief af easi nent phyax-iaaa that impure blaad M the eauaef the aa)ority of ear etnaaa Tnty-Sve yeaea a thta tbeory waa rd a faaa lor li trnoi ta of Browne' In Itinera. The aaacy remark attleeare efled be tl.ia taaanoa d bnan.4d fenmty are eifti.-et4 to pr-.Te thai ihe theory aienrrepa. l.ruaaa' In feiuen. anid by all oValrra CASTORIA Far X&fasta axd CHMrea. rrsf"T, a2a Couldn't Afford to Take s Piper. An txchangtldeseribes the nun who could nut afford to take the home paper as lollows: By getting hold ot a foreign advertising sheet he spent tl writing to ti:id out how to kei p sobt r,tho answer being to take a pledge. He also sent fifty 9 cent tam to And out h w to raise turnip, and received a postal Card reply: "Takb hoid of the tops and pull." It was the same person thai sent 50 cents to a fellow iu the Eaa' for twelvo useful houehold article, tnd received a package of netd'es He is a near relative to the nun who tent $1 to find out how to get rich and received the reply : "Work liko thunder 1 and neverj spend a cent." He is also relit, d to the man who tent to to find out how to write without a pen or ink, and the atuwcr was: "Try a lead pen cil." Ho is a twin brother to the man who sent $5 to find out how to live without work, and received postal card reply "Fish for tucRw era like wo do." V Our Consulate at Havana Guarded A Havana sjieciil to the Jy'ew York Sun tays: "The Amftcan consulate in this city i guarrfjd by four soldiers of the rtijtary police of Havana amlffwntatVteclite. Thero ia much apfkhenblontn gov eminent circles thiiNn attack may lie directed upon trf 4ulata by the uncompromising r. itards, who aro very angry over trie, tner-sage of President McKinlevV La Lucha comments upon lheltiT',sago as an insult lo Spain. La Union Consti tutional and El CrJTno are daily exciting the anger o ,he Spaniards over the message. slen. Lre is se rene amid the stoj of passion, and Continues to recet every caller with his usual politotiess, and per forms hia duties witfrvreat reallT ity, aa though nothing i x ct' ed. "The pessimistic ime's of Senor Canali-ts concerning the war in Cuba, and bis conclusion that Spain will lose the island, till sever al columns of an extra issued by Diario do la Marina. After a sec ond reading of the extra the press censor consulted with Gen. Blanco and tpeedy order, were sent to the Diario to stop the publication. Nearly the qntire edition of the extra was then burned." I Pure ilood is absolutely necos- iary for perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the one true blood pnrijVcr, an4 great health giver. -? Rev. BayluB Cade has resigned adiNp!ain of the I'nited States prison at leaven worth, Kansas. It is understood that he'will practice laipin the Indian Territory. Twenty Years Proof. Tutt's Li ver Pills keep the bow els in natural motion and cleanse the system of all impurities An WflU1: cure for sick headaj dyspepsia, sour storrlach, con stipation and kindred, diseases. "Can't do without tfcea" R. P. Smith, Chilesburg-, Va.i writes I don't know how I could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutt's Liver Pills rVaai r H.M-aat V JMMa) Iraf. W. H. reelte. who make a apeotatty of Epitepev, ha vitaont doubt treated and cor ed more caeee than any 1iviC Phvaiciaa ; hi fluoceee ta aatoatablna;. V have heard of caaee of as Tear' ataadmc an earea cy If kirn. H pvouteaea valaable work oa thi Hi. aaa, which ha ad with a tara-e bot tle of hta absolute ear, free to any sufferer who may send then- R O. and EapraM addreaa We atvt anv one wtabinf inn to address tn0. W. E. nXO. W. . 4 Catar Su lew Tar GREENSBORO Female College NORTH CAROLINA. The Fifty-Second Selon of this College begins WEDNESDAY. SEPT. kh, 5897. Advantage of College and Conserva tory offered at moderate coat. Faculty of Specialists! Anns EtaCirkturT. X Pi.kSAliT Hoatl. Catalogue on application. , DRED PEACOCK. Ptuwot wt- Kortli CiTOIIna College of Airiccltut Eatziic Arts, WILL OPEI SEPT. 9th, 1837. TborotiEb acadenjie.ai-intiSc Sid tech nical teunet Eipenencd KpeirtalKts ia everj de part mert. Etttittt Per Sui, Isdui-rj fs CtKwrv S-rimeajTa, - 53 DO fo M.L Otmc $notaT - - 1 13 C-0 Applj for Catai, fje to Aimti Q HH.LPv. LI. r. Eaiengrt, Ji. C. rrwidfPl 1113 ftaal aaaaa ta U4 pmn, Vr'-Ti am hit Sullctanx mm c F"vi It: - Asaoiuniu far A WWM aaxatt arwwa f ONE OF TWO WAYS. fjbe bladder was created for or pTtrpoib, namely, a receptacle for 'wlrfte urine, and aa such It it not liable to any form of disease except by or e A'lfHfi) ways. The li ret way ia from imperOct action of the kidneys. I'ho second way is from careltss local treatment of other diseasea. C lllKr CilSR. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys U the chief cause of bladder trouble. So the womb, like the bladder, was created fur one pur pose, and ii not doctored too uintlr".. is not liable to weakness or disc ate, except in rare cases. It it situated back of and very close to the blad der, therefore any pain, disease r.r inconvenience manifested in the kidney, Vack, bladder or nnnary passage Is often, by mistake, attrib uted to female weakness or womb trouble of ome sort. The error is easily made and- may be as easily .... .;.).,.! t n.t nB.M,i ... i.viuiu .a u iiimj uui wovoij, ki your urrjtie asido for twenty-four um JJ a sediment or settling Ini.! cateV kidney or bladder tro- The jjiibt and the extraordioarv feet o T3r. Kilmer's Swamp the great kidney and bladder retoi , dy, is iona realized. If you need a rAiofhe ton should have the ucT 4 .druggists jifty cents and jc iStntL .Yon, may have a ss" tattle! ' ratppblef, both' bv mail.N'cfltion T News and4 Kilmor i C i you' ' Mi" The proprfeKf t , tees the getiiuucne will find blessing to thcrru ones the rW, up ie s;reiitnn ana puts osxisc 1 ,a pain fo flight. FctltlL For t "w.. ::les :al ind womb surteriortised .1 Including all met difficulties, it has t both locally tnd' emphatically "' WOnfiIi,Skaiiu.i) Pleasant to take as kmona. nd f V s (ten, H70r.li Tired and broken dowf that M. S' a ?S harmless at all times. New p large bottk, 108 Doses, One Luflar. s Sold by druggists. Manufactured only by THE ATUm CKEM1CAL CO., ASiA Cl wim vol ss-rasi aooz.- buxlu nxx Sold by Taylor & Banner, Druggists. Spot Cash WlBlSSilS PTDsIlIGB mm W. IL POINDEXTEk I CO., Proprietwt, Lock Bex 274, MOUNT A RT. M. C. We handle nothing but first-class se lected dock and guarantee) to pleas you, if you will st-nd u your orders. We bsndle all kind count rj produca. Quotation pladiy furriislifd on appli cation, t'jrrespondence solicited. YADKIN YALLEY KSTITOTE, FOR BOTH SEXES, BoooYille, Yadiia Ccuntj, N.C. SPRING TERM OPENS JAK. S. frO'.h-fwl ttrr-B 4.e frf tlf" fr-ftM'SlvM iVOf is trv t -no ftbi Urtimm Mi A vtlitr siir-sl 1 1- 1 Vlt vr, m.UC Tf-"1 p m -. hui'd fl i4'tt' V f ? W Uijf til ft4!M 4WP4 r-a,t r.e.l kr.r prmmt!L. "h( fw'ii ch Tititft.. ifa, tsPiaiBif 4tvj I it rrB nf Wfc, !, ifc'atti,! (iiiij a p.1rf!f'ti Wtm ie H, ft- ItukM. ftlractf-AA. irtiiitstif'i Ajr rrs cra. To rm tJrot j I r m an aHf4jli mr .v f Coru.Kritl. t' v tt.i Uwi n I kit Of t-t--' - OCl t'VT ! 1 -1 T pT!-w.nriv ct fj. So r" ' r-- a - j ti fc prt t -t 1 f"-v k r-y e t tl ami f .,irt f'rt tr-1 f a w r r-- !3:C-i " 1 ""WS. nr " " lu-f T"r.Vf. i t -s-v a i a-r e r t ri.-ra i-il "P ,t a vt-t -, t- r a-fm. t- I" r- ' - wT s. tM w a?OT ,(, V-w a are. a , J f .m, 'illiyniilli! ii ' I Hill 1 .-m? Jtt .V