"IN iOXJNT VOL. U). MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., TJIUIISDAY, JANUARY Uh LHJ)J. NO. HO. r -T" ITT Airy V HE Bl EWS. La Grippe is Contagious. THE ATMOSPHERE IMPREGNATED WITH GERMS. Oiiease Proved Beyond Question to be Infec tioui -U Rapidly Conquering the Country, La Grippe is a contagious dis ease, Its specific germ has been positively identified, 8nd it is transmitted from person to person cither y direct contact or by in haling the germs while they tloat in the air.lt is a dangerous disease, lowering the vitality and wasting the resistive power nS that pneu monift. heart disease, nervous prostration and insanity find easy victims No specific ts known that will kill the Grip germ, but it may be driven out and its effects overcome by the prompt use of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. "La (irippe left my nervous system so racked ana Homered that I could not Bleep and for two months was under the influence of narcotics. J'hysicians and friends ave me up to die ; but in two days after I commenced tak ing Dr. Miles' Restorative Ner vine I began to improve, and in a month's time I was entirely cured. It is the greatest health restorer on earth." D. VV. Hilton, Louisville, Ky. All druggists are authorized to sell Dr. Miles' Nervine on a guar antee that first bottle benefi s or money refunded. He sure and get Dr. Miles' Nervine. Hooklet i n heart and Ncives sent free. Address, Dr. Miles' Medical Co., Elkhart, Indiana. W. H. 15R0WX, DOTARY PUBLIC, OfFI WITH Cko. V. Sl'AIUiKR, Mount Airy, N. C. .S P. GKAVKS, Attopney-at-'Iiaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. IVTrneMce In State and Federal Courts. Prompt attent ion to collection of claims. Dr. John E. Banner, DENTIST. (Mice Hour H 00 A. M to 6.110 I'. M. LEONARD BUILDING, FPANKLlN ST., Mount Airy, N. ('. T. 15. MeCARGO, DOTAHV PQSIilG. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY HOTEL BLOCK. Business Promptly Amended To. G KO. V. SPARGKU. Attorney-at-taw, MOUNT AIRY, K. C. t Will practice In Stat and Federal Courts. Hprulal attention to collection of claims and BiKiittutlug loans. J. H. Blakemore. PHOTOQRAFHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C, In prepared to make all tun New and Artlitlic Ktjles. Is up wltii llie Uuu-s and will give you Orat-claaa work. Fins Stock for Sals. I have now for ale a number of Jersey and Holstein Calves, And twenty-five or thirty Jersey & Poland-China Pigs, 1'rioea vc ry reasonable. Addres. J. 8' JACKSON. l'ilot Mountain. NO. GoodBye, Rheumatism. The Right Remedy Will Banish it Forever. If you would forever be rid of the aches and puiiift, rind some times the torture produced ly llheumiitiHin, you mu-t take the right remedy. Tho who con tinue to sutler are relvirii? upon remedies which do not reach their trouble. The due-tor's treatment always consij-ta ( potash and mercury, which -mly intensify the disene, ea u i rig t he ji'iiits to at itT fll Mid the boiiett to ache, bennies riouxly impairing the digestive l:)ieuii.t!ir, it i disordered Stat of the IiIihhI. at'd t rrlv cure for il is a r-l bi.J remedy i'l friric (S H. M 1 Ei 0"Wli to ll ""TT I'ltLmi fif ruM - I Itat itier rf m J fl Pan not rr m J ei can not ra-.nl a f.rnmi- l-a'-h- lr. Y. K S CSii.k-r, ri.-,t Atr.rfr ij Kit "ttrn yr wan a frr at u!?frr ' tn.m Kheutnatnin. 1 h4 t-J -d rrj riii,1.F 1 rt',l I N,r ef n J t S h. h ' had I Id II.jI f-i"!;. A.. to err I rMnn ftl for BiiJr t . . i I . t 1 .- p. rna- ' Pfi-l r.!.-f, a-d rrtxn,rd 1 . 1-1 I i ! t 1 .t ! I i ij'. w u if i l.trA At tin i,'-n tnj I A NOBLE ORGAN-GRINDER'S PLEA Viscount Hlnton Ap. tals (or Aid for the London Poor. Viscount llinton. tlio scion of Enplihli nobility, who make a liv ing hy I'laylne a hand organ in the streets of London, has issued an p peal in. btsliulf of the poor of the KnglibU metropolis, juov otner thiui;, ho sap : "I am earning an honest livoli hood with my piano-orjran. I am alao learning a phaeo of life amonjf the London popnlaco winch i tie liovn few members of tho nobility have liad a chancu to know. "When 1 luke my seat in the Ilontio of LrdB I think I ahull come equipped with a bettor understand ing of it duties toward the jinblic iIihii hud I njiiHudiTcd a patrimony or idly wanted an inheritance. "Tlio worklnginen of Ktighind are more intenated in a public oliey tlmt w ill provide them with a means of livelihood tliHii they arc in the corn) neat of tho Hoiuhtn or the ex ti iiHion of Kngliah eolotiU'H in the I'aeilic. "'Hie hiindiid of men and wo men who are walking llio streets of London without a place to put their howls, the helpless invalids in the poorly Hifctaincd London IxwpiialN, tiniHt look with longing vyA at the thou audit of pounds they sec sub scribed for n eel lege at Klmrtoum, worthy as that object may be. "As one ol the thousand or more organ grinders in London, 1 should say that the proper housing of the poor was more important junt now than the multiplication of war ship? or the adoption of new ract a of men. 1 have seen the hast end poor collect farthings among themselves to buy a pamphlet, or help me drag my orgun along tho street, while West onders i-eeni to think that nil a wor man nerds is good advice. "On behalf of the poor an J Jis trcpscd of London, and not speaking for myself at all, may I not appeal to the happy ones to stop for a mo ment and consider the privations of the poor? 1 miiko this appeal on lehnlf of organ-grinders and on bo- hull of the destitute with whom my present lot is cast." A Fatal Accident. Thomas Myers and Sain llorton, two negro men, living on "Happy Hill." iust South of balein, were out rabbit huntifj last Saturday when they jumped a hare and ran it in a thicket. Myers went around the thicket and entered it from tho opposite side. It appears that llor- ton saw the rabbit coming out towBids him and he fired both bar relsof bs gun at it. rnfortnnatoly both loads eti uck Myots, who was in the thicket, fatally injuring him. The wounded negro was earned to his home, whero ho died yester day. He was buried to-day. It is said tlmt Myers told his friends tha the shooting was pnrely accidental. The. two men were good friends. It is learned that llorton acci ntall v shot a negro, boy in the f ot. while out hunting a week ago. This wound was not serious, however. Winston Sentinel. How to Prevent Pneumonia. re perhaps aware that pneu monia always r'.Milts from a cold or from an attack of la grippe. During thcepidemic. t ; grippe afew years ago when so biases resulted in pneumonia, it wasojSeived that the attack was never followed by that disease when Chamberlain's Cngh uetimiy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to result in that dangerous disease. It is the best remedy in the world for bad colds and la grippe. Every bottle warranted. For sale by Tay- or fc Ilanner, Druggists. V is expected now that Dreyfus o acquitted, from the resigna tion of Ueanrefaire, I'resident of the Court of Cessation. rlianced to read your advertisement and ii iinpresaed with it ao iiiueh that I tleciiW to try 8. S. S. I took eleven txitllea and was entirely reliered of all f Main and cured permanently. When I beunn to tak 8. K H. I was unable to ait or stand with any ease, and could not sleep. Sine taking the last doe I have had no return of the KhctimatUm, ami I take ffreat pleat urr in reroninii5ridiiig S. S. 8 to any one who hna the misfortune to iuffer with this dialling disease." S.S.S. is the only cure for Rheu matism, which is the nioet stubliin of blood diseanea. J ; -vi' It is not intended ' " & to give relit-f only, t' but by compiett-Iy f. ) lietit raliaiiiR the t .f wuf roiulilloli of ! 1 bliMMl it forces fit - flit every tre. of the diH.-use and rida the pyotem of it forever. It i Purely Vegetable and one thou-'uod dollar reward is oiTer-d to any chemist wlio can prove that it contaiin a particle of mercury, jHitanh, or ny other mineral tngreiit. S. S. S. ia th oiilv hl-aid.rf mdr ftirantei-l fne fr-irn ntinrral nii'urm. i I: k s 'it fi. I t A PARADISE IN RUINS. The Interior of Cuba Is a Region of . Deserted Villages. I'y train to the interior of Cuba a region of abandoned larms ruined plantalions and deserted vil lagrs. Matanxas Province is a des ert of ashes : Santa ('lura, a wilder ness of weeds ; the provinco of San tisgo, a jungle. Tlie ruin and the desolation aro the terriblo auto- grsphg of rillu and torch. Royal palms guard the plantation region, useless sentinels ever since ttie day in which JfKijOnO.OOO of sugar cane became drifting ashes. Nino miles from (iiianabacao the train came to a washout, stopped, giving us time to wander almut tho country. Not an inhabitant was visible es, in one of tho ruined haciendas 1 did find one family. Father, mother and daughter had been living on potatoes and fruit for more than a year. .Meat and money they liau not seen since the iH'ginning ol the insiirn clion. The lonely ones liv ing thero wero worse olT tlmn Arabs in the desert, for they had neither horses nor salt. learning that they actually baheld an American, they II to tho ground and kissed my boots. Then theyw'hnTed to know if what thev had heard, was really true that I'resident McK'inley was coiniiii: to live in ' Cooba" and was to furnish al! "CoobunB"' with cod fish and cornmeal and coin forever. After that, at every plantation I visited, 1 found imcilicos living in the same tomb like seclusion, the ghostly apparitions of a paradise in rums. 1 1 n v, hi a Correspondent, ot I -1 icj'rt Weekly. Let the Peorle Elect the Senators. This item is from the Washington Post : "1 1 is fortunii'e for the coun try that the founders of the republic left all its honors open to the poor. Some of the men who have attained I j very nign raus in suticsumnsiiip n in no capacity to save money, and lived snd died in poverty. There has been more than one great Senator who never paid taxes on an ast-eSs-metit of f 2,(hmi, and who never owned a home. And there have been vety few great statesmen in this country whose names graced the list of heavy taxpayers." It is also unfortunate that the day of the statesman, poor in cash but rich in brain, integrity and honor, is passing away so rapidly. The senate of to-day may well Ik; called the "Millionaires' Club." There are many very wealthy men in the senate who aro there simply hecauso they are wealthy or who were placed there by the use of money. A poor man has little chance of being elect ed to the senate unless he is from the South or from New England, both of which sections have been so far able to keep their senatorships out of the hands of the wealthy men who would buy them. lccause the money kings are buy ing seats in the sen.ite or getting them through the influence of poli ticians whom they back with money and support (which is bribery in direct) the dayd the "great senator" has about passed away. The only remedy for this con dition ot alfairs is the election of senators by the people. It may le urged that there is the same danger ol corruption in an election tha' there is in a legislature ; but all will acknowledge that even though it may be poseible'to control a general election by the use of money, it is a thousand times as hard as to control a few legislators concentrated at one place The resolution introduced in the North Carolina legislature petition ing for a constitutional amendment providing for the election of sena tors by popular vote is on the right tnirf-k. Charlotte News. Why the Sky is Blue. Did it ever strike you to inquire why the cloudless depths of the sky above ns are so delicately blue ! It isn't that tho gas we call air is in itself blue. So far as we know it is quite transparent and absolutely colorless. No ; the blue comes lrotn reflected light. Air is never pure; you couldn't live in it if it were. ( untitles mil lions of tiny pat tides, chiefly of water, are always suspended in it, and these arrest the free passage of light. Each particle has a double reflection one internal, the other external and so the reflected rays sutler the nsual result of what is called "interference," and show color. You will notice that the sky ap pears much bluer if you look straight tip than if on look across toward the horizon. The reason is tint, in the first instance, you are naturally looking through a much thinner layer of air than in the second. If there were no air, and conse quently no watery vapor, and noth-ir- to interfere with the free passage ot light, even at midday, the sky above would liKik perfectly black, and all the etars would be plainer than they are now at midnight. Tit Pits. . Adttiirai Dewev -w-IU Lave ender bis roiiiiiund w itLin a few weeks a formidable riWt of thirty two wai ship an array of nal strength never before brought under the command of a single Atma-iean of" err in time of t"- - L. E. S"y, i j t-t!it n'r. recent ly sold ta I ,rd d' 'gt to Ni.nl.i-rn i nrti- for ' ' -i. Moonlight in Music. Ueethoen's famous composition, the "Moonlight Sonata," is said i: have been composed under tho fol lowing circumstances : One overling, as Leethoven and a fiioiid wero hurrying through tho streets of Honn, they heard the familiar notes of the "Sonata In V " Something in the musician's touch attracted the attention of I'eetiioven, and he stopped snd listened. Sud denly tho music stopped, and the despairing words of the musician eauio to them through tlio open window, "Oh, if I could but hear some really good musician play this wonderful pu ce ! and the words ended in a sob. "Let us go in," said I'eetiioven. They entered and found the player young girl, poor and blind. Iiccthovcn sat down at the old harpsichord and played as he had never played before. 1 1 it listeners were spellbound. "Tell us, th.v begged, "who areyon Foranswer ho played tho opening bars in the "Sonata In I'." "It is Iiccthovcn !" they excliiiimd in awe and admira tion. Suddenly the candle dickered and went out. Peethoven ceased p ay- ing and bowed his head upon his iiind. His I end threw open the shutters. A f d of bCautitiil moon light entered room. Its trans tiguring light touched up the poor old instrument and rtsteu upon the noble liiiro bowed before it. I he profound silence was broken at Inet by the musician, w dm said : "I.irten ! I will improvise a sonata to the moonlight." Then was created this wonderful sonata, beginning in a sid, tender movement, the etubodi incut in sound of the gentle moon light transfiguring and glorifying the daik earth. Suddenly the inui-ie ceased, and with a brief farewell Peethoven urried home to put upon patverthis aiuoiis composition. Philadelphia Sutiinijy'i'Dt. As to Mortgages. Somebody has introduced a bill in the legislature to provide for a shoft form of crop lieu and chattel m jrtgHge. If somebody will devise means by which liens and mort gHijee will be iitinecctlai'y he w ill be a public benefactor. If a man hiwSan Juan figh', in Harper's Wei anything to mortgage to secure a debt, he bus something with which to )iy the debt. Tho homestead law is the father of the chattel mort gage ; an 1 parent and offspring combined have caused many busi ness wrecks. Make a man's pos sessions, wherevir found, liable for his legitimate debts ; make his daily wages liable, aiu1 men will be care ful how they make debts. In a short time tie large insolvent accounts on the books of merchants will cease to grow, and people will realize that they must piy for aliyng. It will promote industry by making all iieople feel that they must work to live, and living they must work. Many a man who is regarded as lmncst and w ho is honest, somct hues feels that he must make a sacrifice to pay a bill. There are other things he wants to do, other applications he wishes to make of what cash he may have. He knows that under the homestead law he can't be forced to pay; consequently he puts of! his debts from time to time, forces his creditor to put oil his creditors arid finally does a considerable amount of mischief and places himself in a position to le regarded as dishonest. His intentions aro all right, but he yields to a denire to purchase some thing else or invest his money in something which may be an ex peri ment, or to spend it f-jr pleasure in stead of pHjing a debt, intending to pay the debt later, just hectnse the law allows him to do so. The lmmeutciid law has long ago served its day and generation, it, in deed, it wus ever entitled, hy right reason, to a place on the statute books. Wipe it out und let all that is in the past stay in the pant. Let all that a man buys and pays for stand good for that which he buys and dot sn't pay for, and it w ill make business for every man to attend to and inspire him to attend to it. (ireeneboro Telegram. About Catarrh. It is caused by a cold or succes sion of colds, combined w ith impure blood. Its symptoms are pain in the head, discharge from the nose, ringing noises in the ears. It is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla which purifies and enriches the blood, soothes and rebuilds the tii-suca and relieves all disagreeable sensations." Hood's Piii.s cure all liver ills. Mailed for cents by C. I. Hood tV Co., Lowell, Mass. . A dispatch from Puffalo, N, V., describes a peculiar case. It sys Charles Memlerger, who was loiind by the New York Central tracks with his tkull fractured, is dead. On last Friday, the evening he re ceived his injuries, Memiierger be gan to whistle, though he was un conscious, anJ remained so to the hut. He whistled all sorts of tunes, and without certion, for ninety rive hours, and never ceased until shortly ttefore he did. CASTOR I A for Infants ud Children. Tfci tti Yea Kail A!w ajj E::;t Bear the BiKbaVtwr bt The Effect of Mauser Bullets. The freaks of some ol the bullets were strange, to say the least. Sev eral particular wounds made by them 1 remember very distinctly on account of their peculiar nature. One young cavalry oflicer was shot through the mouth, the bullet en tering on the right side of tho face, sadly buttered a beautiful set of teeth, splintering eleven of them, was di lleeted ami turned downward by one of the molars on tho left side, and lodged in the muscles on the left side of the neck, whero it now is and can easily be felt. 1 le is now in the toils of a dentist getting the damage icpitiicd. The only mark ho bears is a pretty little dimple at the right corner of the mouth, sim ply intensifying his former pleasant expression. Another soldier was shot through both thighs, and I found the bullet in h's trousers pock et. When told of the fact, he simp ly remarked : "That's a mighty smait bullet, to stop in my pocket afti" jg mo. wouldn't lose it i. .. farm." Another lad he was mi r ly a boy, in fact was car ried in by two comrades, and evi dently did not know bo badly he was hurt. While dressing his wound there were three of them, any one of which would render him helpless for some time to come he said to me : "Fix me quick, doctor ; I want to go nil and have another ciack at them." Of course that was out of the question, but it g os to demonstrate the spirit of the men, the kind of material they were made of. One poor lad, mortally wound ed, was lying on the sand staining it with his life-blood, and struggling so hard with death that it made me heart sick to fie! my utter help hssness when bice to face with the inevitable. He wantid so much to live, and his look of mute appeal, and l lie ft tepeati d quchtion ; "Will I pull through, docor?" w ill haiit t me for a long time to come. I am comforted by the know . dge that his death was quiet and painlcs--, juj-t-Jike falling info a dd p ship. Most of the -injuries to bone cam- 'd by these bullets "w iil" p"i fili ations only, int-tead of tiiirril.h' ppiiutt ring irac hps ol " wars, produced by soft buihts larger ealibie ami h-s velocity Captain Vieorge Newgatden, Is a Small WaiM Beautiful ? This is the shape of a woiii.in's wui.-t on which a e rsct i iglii i.-- laced. The ribs, dcfoimcd by being mj net zed, prcp.i on the lin gs till lln y'le dlKCHscd. The heart is jooiiied and cannot pump ; the liver is a lump ; the stomach, crushed, ca-,not digest, and it. h mess aie all completed. There- fore this silly woman grow s to . a fearful nias of woes, but thinks the has it lovfly shape, though hideous an a crippled ape. This is a woman' natural wait-t, w hich corset tight has not disgraced. Inside It is a mine of health. ( biteide, of charms it has a wealth. It is a thing ot beauty true, and a sweet j y for ever new. It needs no artful padding vile, or hithtie big to give it 's'yle." It's strong and solid, plump and sound, and hard to get one's arm around. A la ! if women only knew the mi.M-hief tint tight eoiseff do, they'd let Dame Nature have her -a.e,and never try her waist to iqtieer.e. . (i-nerul Miles is now licra'rd in the Algelian prep for he injury he has done to Amerfean exporters of meats by calling attention to the "embalmed beef" sent to Puerto Uico for the soldiers. The rascally sophistieators who sent unfit sup plies to the soldiers would not hesi tate to send tho same sort of stuff to any market where they could find a place fur it. They are a discredit to the coiiutry and a danger to its commercial prosperity, (ien. Miles has done a great public service in calling attention to a peculiarly odi ous sort of tilliany. l'hila. Ueeord. fOOD'S ILLS' RuuaeA U tor I ild lirer, and run billouitir. h k S beadacfa. jaundice, Uuk-i, Indin-f Don. etc Tb.'j arc In valuable to rvrtti cold or break up a frrvt. Wik. kmi! M, Geruia, turf fci wurtfcj your cm..'ti-nt. Purely vtab!. thT ran br t . . 1 1 I T clu Mr-en e- drlK-at wonwn. hrie. i; at all nictn-trw ftrah-rt or by tuait of 1. I. 1 1 -P 4 v , Luweil, Man. KOTfCR. I wft nn r nu t4 omaa la lb Taitnf Stawa it,ir-t.1 in t1, il'ina aa W b-kf a?"M a of m Smt( as l aw a-M.-a h M. W.,rv. At a aa aJ, w m aui ba aaa Lra. prAtri?r-niatia.fcr Mii NORTH CAROLINA NEWS ITEMS. Incidents, Accidents and Other Inter esting Happenings in the Old North State. The depositors will, we learn, !o paid in full by the defunct I!ii-k of Guilford, There is a movement on foot to establish the Dispensary Saloon Sys tem at. Mutesvillo, A bill to amend the charter of Mount Airy will come np before the legislature in a few days. Creek O. Andrews, a Raleigh newspaper man, attempted suicido in Wasliington City last week. The Legislature is hammering away and introducing stacks of billa. Many measures projected might bo left off. Nannie Hill, a colored woman, claiming to bo from Mount Airy, killed her infant child in inston a few days ago, Tho Legislature ought to repeal the merchants' purchase tax. Tins burden falls on the consumer who is unable to bear it. The W. (!. T. I', was successful in its fight against the granting of iqiior license in I eiqiiimans coun ty, and all bar-rooms have been oscd. The Stale ought to have a fino exposition to last from May 1, 1!, to the lt of November. Greens boro would be the best location. Wonder how much money that city would plank down for such an en terprise Abbeville is organizing to light the liqimr traflic. A liquor advo cate told Rev. J. W. Lee that grass would grow in Asheville's streets if they closed the saloons, "All right," said the preacher"' ,1 raise more grnss and less.t',-'u ) The '' v'a Uie Elk's hand soi.'-jic is to be built on the corner of Fifth and Tryon streets has been let. The building is to be one of the most imposing in the city and the Elks are to have one of the handsomest homes in the South. Charlotte News. jrArlLaycb-idGold Hill, Row an county, has broright suit against the Southern Railwa4i!l-VM"I t'a nages. Howell was strnc moving train near Spencer, aLoi three months ago, and alleges that he has been permanently injured by the S. uthern. Greensboro surrendered last week to the hypnotic crowd. Hypnotists were at work all over tho town and had men piled around asleep in show windows in day time. We don't need any sleepy crowd litre what we most needs just at this "pint" in our existence is something to wake up the crowd that is already asleep. There vwll be no division anion the Democratic senators regarding the passage ot an election law to meet the present emergency. Even those ot them who declare that they have come to no conclusion as to the best election law to be adopted sy briefly in terms: "We want, and w e must have, a permanent and positive white man's supremacy and advocate whatever legislation best establishes this." Clem Frjzier, the 13 year old son of Mr. Dock Fiazier, in Stony Creek township, accidentally shot and killed their colored cook, Alice Suggs, with a ri tie while returning from a hunt Tuesday afternoon about 4 o'clock. The woman, w ho was with the family for nearly IS years, had a tussle with the loy in the kitchen, when the gun sudden ly exploded and sent a ball in her left temple, w hich resulted in almost ins.ant death. From the loldsboro Headlight. A Kansas teacher recently order id one of her pupils to purchase a grammar, and the next day she re ceived the following letter from the child's mother ; ' I Jo not desire that Mattie shall engage iu gram mar as I preter her to engage in mote useful studies and 1 cat) teach her to read and write proer niy olf, I have went through two grammars and cau't say that they did me m giaid 1 prefer Mattie to engage in German and drawing, vokal music, on the piano. Item llie Klondike. Mr. A. '. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex , has found a nioro valuable dis covery than ha yet been made in the K lomlike. For yenrs he suffered un told agony from consumption, accom punied b) tieniorrLages ; and wasal aolutely cured hj- ir. King's .New Iiseov"ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. lie dclurea tbat gold is of liulo value in comparison with i Ins marvelous cure'; would haeit, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle A-tlinia. lironchilia and all tliioHt and lung rToetiiis are posi tively eun d by Ur. King'. New liia eoveiy lor ('inuaiplioii. Trial bt llea tree at Taylor A Banner ' Drug Siurv. lfcgulur M eta. and 11. Guaranteed tocureor price refunded lr MUm' K Plaator Um RlumatUm. Salsa IccSeioj anil Cells. FK w rl tan r,n Wi! mun uik-a th bifc-tM-r il-fhm of , t.-iu a h4 pw-,t twim frt,fi ruk. u. asa t a,imrtio ao.;rtd , t.n It m aoi m.ft p ,. m ti a 1..'! - t .i if- . It ,ar( la an n tia n..-,al ar.. , m Hn, A'. Kwji tuia i ,Hn mi at d ii,.i4r,J m t!.- a t- p - i'-4 . e JnHX H i I S 61 !f" "N. rir.v. fcaS"i, f '-tlM, ?VA n Daeiing Makes the food more VA Mtuo $2,800,000 WORTH OF GOOD. Wonderful Results Accomplished by a Pastor's Sermon. When Rev. Frank W. Gnnsauliie, I). D., new president of the Armour Instituto of Technology was pastor of Plymouth church, ho moved all Chicago with his oratory. A young giant, physically, with an unequal led power ot poetic, expression, lie threw himself boo the affairs of the Lake City and accomplished a world of good. In the six year's d his service at Plymouth church he rais ed something over $i;,iii)C,hhi for institutions which hit chose to aid or found. The most interesting thing to be related of him is that he preached a rousing sermon one rundav at Plymouth, in which he set forth in his finest manner the things that ought to be done for the young lxiys and girls of our generation. When io was through a member ol his ongregation, Philip D. Armour, the great pork packer, came for ward, and, taking him by the hand, said : Do you believe in those ideas yon just now expressed: "I certainly do, said Dr. Gun- SolllllS. "A ml you'd carry them out if yon iaU the means : Most assuredly." Well, then," raid Mr. Armour, 'if you will give mo five years of our time I will give yon the money. The re.-ult was that the Armour Institute no has Dr. (innsaiilns as its presidi tit, whete this year 1 ,'.!" young men and women will lie taught the umst important indiistri al branchee. That Sabbath address is going down to history under the title ot the "mhi,!"!!! sermon."--From Truth. The State Association of Confeder ate eterans meets in Raleigh on the t. It is said that Charlotte I f. . . : :f . . I Will ,.aaL 'll men in imiiorms ami larye deTisIl are expected from the principal town THE FIRST BABY. Its Coming is Looked Forward to With Both Joy and Fear and its Safe Arrival is Hailed With Plida and Delight by AIL The arriviil of the first baby in tha household is 1 1 if hnppiet and most im portant event of married life. The young w ife whoia to become a mother delight to think of the happiness in store for her w hen the littlft one shall nestle upoaher bi-Hast and latterly she shall hear it lisp the sweet and holy name, "mother ' But her happy anticipation qoiekly van ishes w hen she realize, the territufe pain and ufT.rmg through which ilii must paaj while bringing tlvsi little one into thew-orkl. An indescribable tear of the danger attendant upon the ordeal soon dissipaU-a her Joyfulneaa. Thouaanda of womon have learned by experience that there ia absolutely no nwiwHity for the Bufferings which at tend child-birth ; they know that by the tia of "Mothor'a friend" a acien titlo liniment for a few weeks before the trying liour, expectant mothers can n prepare' themelvea for the final hour that the pain and suffering of the dreaded event are entirely obviated and it i safely passed through with com paratively little discomfort. All women are interested, and es pecially expectant mothers who for the limt time have to undergo this trial, ia such a remedy ; for they linow the pais n ml suffering, to say nothing of the dan ger, which ia in store for them. "Moth er's Friend" it woman's greateat bfes tting, for it takes her safely through the severest ordeal of her life. Every woman should tie glad to read the little book Before Hahy is Horn," which contain! information of great value to all. Il will 1 sent free to any one who sendl their addreca to The liradSeld lirgu lator Co.. Atlanta, (it. Dr. Boykin's Worm Killer. The Most Reliable Worm Destroyer in Use ! We (iusrantee the Medicine to do all we claim for it. PRICE 25 CENTS. HOLD BY I. W. WEST, Druggist, MOUNT AIRY". N. C. THE STATE Normal and Industrial College. Offers the young women of the State thorough pnfefional. literary, classic al aeieutitie and initiiatnal education. Aniuiai eipeines. to SI laculty of it) metnl.er. More than -4 regular atudenta. llaa matriculated atxiut 1I tudent, repretM-ntieg every ounty in the tate eicept two. I'ractiee and Olwervation S-hiol of alut :"on pupils. Tu ae'tire Uard in doriintorie. all free tuilion application most lie made le fore August 1. orreon,ietiee imit'-d from those deairmg comp tent trained teachers tor ratai-ijoe and otoer itifnrmat ion addrea. I liK Il-IM !1UK, ttreenatmro. N. '. WANTED ! Oi,e It ? :-! i"'"" v'i" d.t 'V-lifST !" fe - hir.sk I '' i.-ch-wl d -c Hi vmLlkI t- r-n " ' ) , r .! -d l,'er, ;iiait al lift) per i car let 'e-e In w .'.i Will t f a I a." . iwravnitn. delicious and wholeome stTMnrt ro , at vrmm. Swept the Treasury Clean. A late-special from San Juan, Puerto Jtio, sayt ; The wiles of the Spanish officials to loot this island are really funny. The Government maintained what was called a guar antee fund. For instance, sums of money in litigation were, secordirig to law, attached and put in this fund. On the Court rendering judg ment as to rightful ownership, an order was issued on this fund to be paid to the rightful owner, but nine cases ou of fn so-ne rascal had stolen it all. Dr. Coll expected to find several hundred thousand dol lars deposited to this fund, as tho litigation is still going on, hut in the entire Insular treasury he found Jiiit "i cents in copper, t:J.S(i in Vene zuelan gidd and $:n0 in Amciiean bank bills. The lull amount gotten away with is some $.'im(mm.). It looks as if every departing Spanish otlicial iwept into hisvv'K:kets all he could and left f'f i) iLuifd with it. a - Secretary Ing has sent detailed estimates to Congress for fifteen new warships. The figures are for armament and armor tor all ti ships, $1 Kli'.,4"t, and for construc tion and engineering, $"f5,li'io,s0o. CGNSTIPATI "I ba.v gon 14 it ft tlBit) wttfcjt mf ifca iMttrals), ool b.Df fttl to tt)u l bom icotit bf oaiusj hot tr lu)cllOM i'brunie eooviipautuB fur mtstd jn piOr4 1a th trntfl oooriuton, during toil tltfc 1 did ? rr tiling I beard uf but nr found iny rltf tuob wta mf cat uotll IbtgiD using CAtKAHKTU Butt bar from out to (tin patse daf aim) it 1 waa rtrb 1 would g.M HV iV fur aacli ftufrfftnaat, It icauraa tmUml ' atlnirL Hl'nt. I Ruutii Bt . lirvU, Mich Plnaiant. Pa'atabi Ft(itl. Taat (iy ... CURE CONSTIPATION fttrttat KsjsMdf Cvataaar, Citaaf. sjatrt, W Attopneys-at-kaw. raTTactu In theSUKaud Federal t-ouru. Prompt attention glTen to aU btulneas eau-ust-(d to their care. Crowned Again. I take great pleasure in stating that the world-renowned WHITE SEWING MACHINE Handled by me. in keeping with a long line of notable conquests in the pant, was again victorious at the Omaha fc,.'poilion lieing anarded the highest obtainable prie, THE GOLD MEDAL, as the best family sewing machine made JOS. NATIONS, Agent, MOUNT AIRY, N C. e. a. ma, -l'I.KS IN- Coins, mi Burial Robes, Slippers, &c A full stock of a!) tiies aad qualiliss kept ie baud, and at reaaoaabls pru-ea. Mors room, upjtatrs sver Mr. W. v'. Ihuke's strs on Main Strtat. Trinity College Offers full courses in English I.anptmre and Literature, Ancient and Uttajern Languages, History, Bociology, Mathe matics, l'hilphy, Bib!,. Law and Commerce. Woa.en admitted to ail courses of stud. The largest endow ed institution of learning tu the state. RaarS lra Sa.Ja Sia.a sr aaaalk. TaltlMi. tja.a a Vrar. Next session opens September 7, IkSP. tat Catalogue address. C. Kii.uo, D.-rham, K' C. TBINITY AGADEIlt, " PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Mount Airy t,atrict fc-hfjol and f ! tmg s'h-ol fur Trinity C1. Opens Augu5t 23th, 1895. Lairs of Board and Tuain rea.il.i.-. tm tni !nf'festK.B s sjr-a 1.1, J I. I Oil JStt CANDY II CATHARTIC y. -iVHIi ,a I . -" v s-!7 . ..n..... V. T .... 'jT t V

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