Airy Mews. TATnn H v. V v .MOUNT AIRY, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1800. VOL. il). Washington Conquered. CRIP TAKES THE CITY IN ITS IRON GRASP. Government Machinery Almoit it a Stand-itill-Cnormoui Percentage of Employei Stricken With li Grippe-Capitol at the Mercy of the Plague. The Grip epidemic u raging in the Capitol City, and fully one third of the government employes are aick or suffering from the dread disease. Violent headache fever and chills, sneezing and run ning at the eyes and not-e togeth er with the Djnc racking aches and pain and a geneial exhaus tion are the rule rather than the exception. Tho best wy to fi-ht the Grip is to strengthen the nerves and build up the resistive powers so as to throw off the dead ly disease germs, and nothing will do thi so quickly and sun ly as Dr. Miles' Nervine. It has re stored health to thousands of Grip sufferers after every other reme dy had failed. "When the Grip left me I was a broken down wreck, both mm tal and physical. My nerves wire completely unstrung, my appetite failed, could not sleep and became so despondent that I despaired of ever getting well. 1 began to im prove with the first bot tle of Dr. Miles' Nervine und when I had taken seven bottles I was completely cured. I lave been strong and well ever since and weigh more than I ever did before. Sam F. TiLson, Staunton, Va. ' All druggists are authorized to sell Dr. Miles' Nervine on a guar antee that first bottle benefi s or money refunded. Be sure and get Dr. Miles' Nenine. Booklet m heart and Neives sent free. Addrtss, Dr. Miles' Medical Co., Elkhart, Indiana. w. u. brown, Offh t WITH C'K'. W., Mount Airy, N. C. s. r. GRAVKS. AttOPney-at-Eaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C 1-9 M t-prafUoe In Stale aol Ki'dcral Court. Prompt attention to collection ot claims. Dr. John E. Banner, Dl-NTIST. Oll'u-e Hours 8CK A. M ., to 5.00 1 M. LEorMHD BUlLDlNQ, FRANKLIN ST-, Mount Airy, N. C. T. 15. McCAKGO, nOTAHY PUBLIC. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY HOTEL BLOCK. Business Promptly ATTrNoeo To. GKO. W. SPAHGKK, Mttorney-at-Lvaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Will practice In mate and PetleriU Courta. 8pecliU tileutlon to collection of claims and ntiffotUitiug loans. J. H. Blakemore, PHOTO QRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. In prepared to make all the New and Arilslir Styles, la up with the tltnt-a and will give you tl rat -class work. Fine Stock for Sals. I have now for nale a number of Jersey and Holstein Calves, And twenty-live or thirty Jersey & Poland-China Pigs, i'rict-s vi-ry reaonsble. Adtlri-M, J. H JAUKt-ON. Pilot Mountain. N.C. Sores and Ulcers It Matter Not How Ob stinate, or What Other Remedies Have Failed. Olmtinalff nrtg and t.Wrtt, which TfiiM to tiM&l uiKltM ordinary ttvat uifiit. Kn Itwunfi clmmic and dep-iw-awxl, and ld to vmlition moot HtM-iour. Thfy mr rftumd in diflVrfiit ways, but in every raw the Mwd in invulvd, and no amount of octd trat ai have arty effect. Ih6 poiaon le elitninat'Hs from the uioud a cure ran tie had. thn, nt Martnn. Kana. rit V rani e iiit f rmlahtr.!r- I, m Oiri. V'.l t Hi" I) from a feir, r- Siinnl Ihr Hm. u!iUI It "v nry hH-ktna. and ltk iMo rutinut 1 ti itnrrmd Miria o f the 4n lU . "d ii I. I fr j Swimming Parties In Hawaii One swims in Honolulu as one walks or driven in Ktiglmid, (piito a a mstter of course. At a luncheon given at a stasido villa, when the luriai frequently fronts tho sea, it steps leading down into thn water, the first question is not: "Would von like to walk about thefrarden i" Int ' W ill yon have a swim r" f Kre qnently riding and swimming par ties are combined. Hiding out iu Waikiki on a moonlight night on horse baek, the entire irty take a dip in the warm lagoon, which itt followed by a gay little supper. Hulls and swimming parties are alao much in favor, and I had the good fortune to he present at one sueli entertainment. 1 ho waltzing weni on until midnight, then the entire poinpiiny suddenly dispersed to r'oou set apart for them, hall gowns hi d iiiiitotnis were changed tor Imtli iiii! drwi'es, and after a klioit inter val they returned to the lanai, thenr.o to a narrow quay jutting far out into the water. The Singing I!ovc uniformed in white and wear ing thsab nit their neck, left the veranda where they had stationed themselves, came out Upon tho i nay. and to the sound of their sing ing and playing, which still went on, men and women leaped into the sea and swam to the rtrams ot the music. The moon was full. In the distance nsc the mountains. Tho palms along tho beach mulled in the night wind, and with the foam of the surf hreiikitii? uiion the reef, with tho shimmering waves strh(eh ing to the hori.on, the tropical rky studded with stars that even tlio full moon could n-jt quench, the wild, melancholy voice ol the Hngoie blending with the Isp and heat of waves, it was all Hawaiian a char acteristic hit of the poetical and taa cina'ing life. From Mary K tout's "Hawaii and a Revolution." Items from Colhnstown. We need a iiontoflieo hete and wo need it hied. Mr. Jas. Overhy is linioliing his house. What next .' Mr. Kd. Hiitehens is rebuilding his honne destroyed by lire on Dec. 'J.Mli. Mr. 1 hoa. Collins, Sr., is suffering much from a wound reccivtd in tho civil war. There has been lot-a tobacco sold from this section than ever known at this season before. There is niuili sickiuss in this section, but no vcrv serious cases mostly thert-sult of had weather. Mia. Kdinund Waller, of the To tors' Creek section, died rather sud denly last week, sged about seventy years. The excellent public school, Mr. P. P. Pearce, teacher, clofes in a few weeks. We wish Mr. Pearce the same success elsewhere that he had while with us. With best wishes, II. R C. Collinstown, Jaa. 21. . How to Prevent Pneumonia. You arc perhaps aware that pneu monia always results from a cold or from an attack of la grippe. During thecpi.deniie of la grippe a few years ago whef so many eases resulted in pneumonia, it wasobseived that the attack was never followed by that disease when Chamberlain's Congh Uemedy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to result in that dangerous disease. It is the liest remedy in the world for bad colds and la gripe. Every bottle warranted. For sale by Tay lor A- p.anner, Druggists. ! Mrs. M. E. Heaman, who moved here from Chaiham county several months ago, died at her Lome on Metidetihull street Sunday night, alter an illness of considerable dura tion. The remains were earried to Siler City Monday for interment. She was a widow and leaves three children. Greensboro Patriot. 3, r 'Km year afro I w m dhm in th left hf1 rf04ivtit iti 1 tMiBiden?l oiily a aiit wuiin. it iifv(inp-d ltit') running r and itav m a Kr,t deal of ftaiu and .noon en -leni-e. 1 tu irrated Iit many dirWrn and Uk a ndinber of bluod retueiit( but Done did me an? aiKd and did nt aeai t rhwb the tT'rf-m of the re. 1 had heard ttwift'l Kpe- eiLie ta. a Hj bighif reoniiBendMl for ttie UiMKl. and concluded to (rive it a trial, md the result wan rerr vratiff - S v Inst S. 8 upenifKi irt ft nwhi at the truuM and forcd Uie b.tMn out at bit blMri; n afirrwarilt u-r iKirr bealM D and eurd und and well. I am aur 8 a. S. i by far' wi oemi oiuos rrmraj niiM." y It mattPra not how ttipy ar ac5uirl or what treatment baa (aiUKl, 8. 8. S. will cure tl.e nrnat tinale. dwp aatnl aorv or ul.r. It i uivleat to Mt ioral trpatntrnt of aalv, lo tiona, rle., to t-fT-t a rur, tMaum they ran not rea.-ii the real cauae of tho triMible, w htch m .the bloud. H. 8. h. drive out rrrj drr of Impurity in the lilixal, aud ii this way corea iier- martontlj the aimt raara. It ia tl "rciy Vegetable .a !(-t a jwrtH-le t.f Hk- tlier tn-nnral 8. S I'.Mwri. y-m(- 4 i" !i, 1 j 7-nm Li'.-u- . . r. I I- . - . . CM Punlinu Philippine Names. A Manila cotrecpotident of tho Chicago Kccord says tho lact that (lie soldier mid vailom on t tlo rc a; c struggling with tho pronunciation of l'liilippice names suggests that possibly a few examples will inter est American who are reading np on our newly acquired jMawji-aioriB in tho F.aat Indie. Many of our boys aro struggling with the name ' Cavito," although they have Ix-en hern several weeks. Hundreds pronounce it "Ca-veet," and occasionally a man is found who refers with familiarity to the place m "i;a vitly " whilo a prominent odicer cHllid it "(.'avily," as if it were n hole. Hut tho real way tho WMy the old settlers pronounce it is "hay-vecry, with tho accent on the "vcet." "(!o rvKidor," "the island Ht the ctitrnneu to tho bay, which iiIhtciI a stitr iirt in the ac iMiuiitH of the jjreat iihvhI battle of MdV I. IM'S, in another hard name to pionoiincc. A tfnod many dodu It oy n fctniii; to it as "that in i mid out at tho end of the bay " Others ssil in boldly and call it "Ker-ridjry- dot ot "Ivor-n (Ii; a dor. hut tin Sjmtiioh way is " Ivor-reck i dor." The S.ianidi ray Philippines as if tho last syll 1 1 1 1 u were pronounced "pcciis," hut the Kmrlish call it '"piin s." "Muriveles" is pronounced ",Nlarivelli. s,"nnd "MulacHtian" the suburb where the (lovcrnor (Jeiiera lived in Manila, hIh.iiM sound like "Malaeanyan." "I.u.on" is simply ''l.u.on." "'Hvaii" hhotild be ptonoiiticcd "Linuv in." ''I!olinaov is "Polinow." "Ciribao," the wa tcr I'ulTilo, ia "Onti bow," rhyming with "liow." "Callao," the cap tured gunboat, w.hosc captain hadtt been readini; tho "extras and didn t know war had been declared, soufd as if it were spelled "('al-tow," the "Cal" rhyuiing with "sal," and the vow rhyming with "how. ".M in hmao" bcloiiirri to the same clats, jiiftasif it wasspellcd "Mindcnow." rollowinir "Mindanao are several other 'nlands that are iinet-r in the way they spell their names. Take, for instance, "Negros," the great sugar island, which is easy, the one pronouncing it keeping in mind the simple fact that tho "ne" is spoken as if it were "nay." "Pansy," the home of hard words to pronounce, is called "Pa-nigh,"' with the accent on the "nigh." "Ix-yte" is "Lay ty," and "(inimaras" is "(iimmer as." Putiiau," in Mindanao, where the gold comes from, is very much dis guised, as it is called "Poo too an," with the accent on tho "tu. "Jli- gan is ''lllegan. "lloilo is pro nounced "I'.el o-eel o.' "Camar- ines" is "Oamar-cetiies," and "Al- hay" is "Al buy," the "A I" having the sound as in "Al-tred." "Ma late" and "Masbate" are in the same class, the former being "Malatly," and the latter "Massb.-itty." "An tiijue" is called "Antieky." "Pen gnet" is just plain "lienget." "Pay ambang" is "Py um bung." "Tag- and " iayas, the two great triliee of the Philippines, are "Tag- ollas"and "Viss eve-ua." The great volcano of "Taal, in Pantsnges, is called "Towel," and the big like in Luzon is "Ly-goona do Puy," al tbiMigh it is correctly written "La gnna de Pay.". Millions for Our Havana. A late Havana special savs Havana citizens will not recognize their fa vorite square in a few weeks. Iu and about the public sqnare about f IO,lH'(i,noj ot American money is being invested. Already the Plant system shows plans of a magnificent hotel, to cost $2,MMI,ono, exclusive of the site, for which it paid f.'iiMi, 000. It will face the Hotel Wla- tera. Alongside the Hotel Ingla tera, in the bullet-riddled ollice ot the Cuban paper, Dircussion. the ank of Cuba has started, with well known Cubans and New Yorkers backing it. n the opixisito corners and at right angles to the hotels mentioned, tho North American Trust Company has secured a valu able optbn. It offered t'UK.M.i for the comer, udw held by Ernest L. Desrerrine, who intends to erect forthwith an Hrcade. Above the arcade an elaborate apartment house on the newest American designs is planned. Ipposite the Havana tire station the American Indies Com pany has secured a site and promises a f l,(KMi,0(M hotel. Mr. Geo. It. Allen, of Chicago, says: Lumber exporters can do a good bnsinesd in Cuba if they vill stab'ish branches on the island. The sugar men say that within a few months there will he a great de mand in Cuba for fertilizer. Soap and eandlo factories are to U: estab lished there and this will make a de mand for co'ton-eevd products, I believe that if a refrigerating plant Could be put on hoard the Havana steamers oyster could be sold there at a prt fi-, as at the present time it is simply impossible to get fresh ojsters in Havana. There is only one ice factory and ice sella at f 1 per 100 ponnd- The business out look exceeded my exjiectatioiig, and undei American rule Cuba is lx-nnd to le the richest r-mntry oti this side of the world. They manufac ture nothing at all on the islat d, and the ne tariff, which are arranged similar to thoo tl Mexico, are ar ranged with an idea of favoring the importation of raw material and machinery eeciaily. 1 advuse mer chants to end personal representa tive over there at once. Iondon shelters in its l.lirsg L(.ote every tr.'.t about 4'i,"l Insurrection in Samoa. Washington advices of recent dale state : The situation in the Sainoan islands is realized here to be toll of gravity. For some time past there has been an exchango of corn spoil deneo between tho three govern ments, parlies to tho treaty of Perl in, respecting tlie choice of a successor to tho late King Malictoa and some friction developed, owing to thw strict adherence of thn I'nited States government to the terms of the treaty. Tho statements in the dis patch from Samoa ero not regarded liero as conclusive for the reason that they are in conflict with tho provisions of the treaty. If, as reported, Katie I, the presi dent of the mnnicipal council at Apia and tho German consul have, seized tho supreme court and pro noiinced themselves practically dictators, it is said hero that they have violated tho treaty absolutely. The functions of the president oT the municipal council are already dt fii ed by tho treaty and the last advices received were to the t fleet that President t'tafle.! had been granted leave or absence and in tended to visit New Zealand. It was also understood that his succes sor had licen selected and it was throiight was on his way to his post. Tho chief justice under the treaty is made tho court of last resort un der any circumstances, and more over, tho treaty in terms provides distinctly that in case of any dispute between the natives themselves or lietwccn the foreigners in Samoa, that dispute shall be referred to the chief justice and his decision shall be final. It was known here that the Pritish and American consular offi cers at Apia have been acting in accord '. the present involved political situation thete, ami al though the interests of the I'nited States may not com pare with those of Germany, yet their rights unocr the treaty are rrjiutl, and it may U; slated they will lie maintained. The Same as Cuba. A Washington dispatch states that the Democratic Senators in con ference had agreed to insist on an amendment tothereaty with Spain, placing the I hiiippmes on the same footing with Cuba, which means that when a stable Government shall be established iu the islands this Government shall retire and turn the government of the islands over to their people. Ihis is not as imperative as the resolution offered a tew days ago by Senator Hoar, requiring recognition of Philippine independence, but it aims at the same thing, the only difference being that it gives this Government more time to act with deliberation, and some discretion as to when it should recognize the in dependence of the islands and witli- raw. It shows, too, that the Dem ocratic Senators make due allowance for the pi culiar conditions by which this Government is confronted in the Philippines, and that they have no disposition to embarrass it iu its efforts to meet those conditions. It is also a declaration of an honest purpose to live up to our pledges ex pressed or implied, and according to the policies and principles ujvon which this government is founded, txilicies and principles which have always distinguished us from the land-grabbing nations which have ignored tho riyht, and robbidthe weak simply because they wanted the territory grabbed, arid the owners had not the power to suc cessfully resist them. We have condemned time and again this land-pirating by other nations at d never showed any dis position to imitate u until this ex pansion crszo took possession of some of our statesmen. lA-t it go out to the wot Id that we cannot lie tempted to ignore our principles tor the sake of territorial a.-iinisition and then we can stand on our record a nation that holds its honor above hist ot empire. Wilmington Star. Will Make No Mistake, had impure blood and I was troubled with bad sores and heart disease. Since taking a few bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla all symptoms of my illness have disappeared and my cure Beems permanent, lhose who take Iloon lor a bhH.d puri fier will make no mistake." Iiti ku.ii J. Sai.i.v, Lancaster, Va. Hoop's Pn.i.s cure all liver ills. Easy to take, easy to operite ; reli able, sure. 2" cents. There is c mfiderable discussion of the (jticstiou of tn iijuilzttion in the sta'e, wnh a view to more equally distributing tt.e burden of taxation among the people. I lie vahiati'-n of property for tasstion is not fsir some sections being much less in proportion t i reil value ttmn others. It would tie well, it p -s sible, to devise s-'ine pUti to have proper'y valued for taxation at its real value all over the sia'e, and at the same time reduce the r'e of taxation in proportion. Kitistoii Free Pree. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hi Kind Yea Kan Alwzjs B::gtt Boar tha Suatura of Work and Life. Ever) body in the world beloii(s to one of two classes -to tlrme who have iovs in hand and troubles to seek, or to those who have troubles in hand and ioys to seek. We see it everywhere folks who have the Inxuriis of life in a oucst for its difliculties, and folks who find diffi culticH in great store ready-made to their hand m search of Ps luxuries, ave, in passionate ipiest even of it necessaries It is all so plain to tho oWrvant evo that the philosopher is certainly jiiatihud in assuring him self as ho lays down his pen or his pick or his aw l or his pill case, or his law book, that if it is the com mon lot, and the unavoidable condi lion of contcntmc nt to stiain after something, it is more interesting and belter sport to strain after some thing that is vitally important than after a thing which is of no partic ular conseipience when yon have got It. The struggle for hi cad finds an immense reward iu the bread, if you manage to get it, for bread is truly important, albeit not the only g od that life demands. The strug gle for the ordinary luxuries of life, tor education, solvency, a choice ol work, reputation, and satisfactory maintenance, abounds in excelh nt hazards and chances which keep the mind alert and give a motive for maintaining all the faculties at the point of grcati st tlieioncv. J nst as soon as the satisfaction -if all reason able wants is assured, the need of a provision of new dilliciiltiis imme diately becomes apparent. Nature orders it so. She says that men shall either woik or rot. The rot may be dry rot, or it may bo the tnoister form. It may he intellectual or it may be alcoholic. In some form it impends over every idle person, and the fear of it, recrgnized or instinct ive, tends to make the comfortable uncomfortable and goad the oiiglit-to-be content' d into restlessness. It puts sonic men on horses and sends tl cm overs'itf fences; it seeds oth ers far into the Wood and bucon and t1 it drives others I or to stagger aiong i Ot business r spopsi ers it sends int n-ditics or c to busy themselves with fo-nolii Ci llegt s and j n moling cl. i'i' s scientific n search "The Poi'i1 i View," in the I ec mbei Sei ii'. i i' Younc Woman Weds a Convict. A dispatch ot lecvnt dat- ii r Mobile, Ala., savs: Mis- Miii Liv, ol Montgomery, a Voting wi ti i it 1 1 of excellent family, d i v tn o riid a I lolli vi a ster a conv ii-t Crtiiin. a tew niiiis nortli :l here, to I r. W. S. Paldwin, a convict. 1! ild win is a mi tuber of one of the m- st iidluential families in the s-tat . lie killed a young man named Edson iu Pulloek county two )turs ;ig , a d was senteiic.-d t-r ten yes's, lie isa highly educated and po'i-hed fellow, ami his since his ujeaiciTi tion been serving the state as a con vict physician. Last year Miss Lav had charge of a school i.t Miitylwics, near where Paldwin was stationed on the con vict farm, and a mutual infatuation tnnod. All efforts on the part of the relatives to break tip the love alKjr were futile. O.i Saturday Misa Lay boarded the train iu Mont gomery and came to Do!!ive, where the ceiemony was performed. Miss Lay U:li d.thaf ihe law had un jns'ly pi, .fd her sweetheart. T Jeadly Grip Issgaiil y ieland.j you ln(V lie full of germs' fk Ai'gioe t th" "tu you w i'l opt i the door to I'lieuino .iu and Coii-sii'nptioii and invite death. I's sure sijrns nie chills with fever, lieaiiaehe, dull, heavy pains, iiiucouh discharge)! Iioui the rose, sore llnoal and never-let go cough. Jlon'i waste precious time treating thii e-emuh with troches lihl ts, or poor, cheap svriips. Cure it al once with lr. King's New liscoveiy. the infallible remedy for ht-oiK-hinl trouldia. Il kills the disiae p-i nm, heal t lie lungs and pie-vents the dreaded al'ler etVeets from the malady. Price ,'.o its. and 1 oil. Money back if not cured. A t rial boitle free at Taylor iV. liaiiiier's I'nig Store Mr. Cecil Uhodes daring visi.iu of a railway from t'airo to tli Ce will probably be realized well w ith in the iirst decade of the next century.- The progress of the P.rit ish forces from the north, by the coi ijnest ed the dervish hosts, is matched by the less sensational, but no ltss courageous and enterprising, advance of the railway builders from the south. Governor Il osevelt has removed the girl stenographer from the exe cutive mansion al Albany and given the place to a man. to live o""t j hrrr. TTi 't on.. i Tonight If your liver is out of order, ranging lviliiiu--ii-M, tick Headache, Heart burn, or Constipation, take a dose of Hood's Pills Ou tvuiuiK, and tomorrow your di rective ertiai.t ill be resulatt-d and Too 1 bright, active nd rradr lor aii kind ot work. Thn has be a the experwnre cif il.r; a will be vnn. UihiD'S MLI ar culd by ad tuedk-iue dealer. 25 eta. wmrt. 1 4m evr m&a a4 vmui la rh T Slat,- tfw i.l in lb ih'iKtm W al? k Ki- M h iv. - .f w s--.k b iaa '"- H l f' ..!!- AT'lwia, la aNi Ma oi tm mi fm tea. Frkr-cur-Ki wit y rs v-w NORTH CAROLINA NEWS ITEMS. Incidents, Accidents and Other Inter esting Happenings In the Old North State. The Confederate! Vets met yes terday in U ih tL'h. dim Hooker was executed in liil cigh, WediKsday, ISth. What will Tom Dixon do next he say? ho has given up preaching Mr. W. A. Ramsey, of States villo, died of heart failure on Mon day. A boy, under 14 years of age, is in mil at KalciL'h, charged with highway robbery. Heart failure and pneumonia aro reaping a rich harvest in North Car olina this winter. Kev. Tom Dixon, tho noted di vine from this State!, has resigned as pastor of the Peoples' Church in N. 1 . city. The legislature will hardly take action in tegard to tho passage of an election law liofore the l.Mh or '.'"th of February. Kev. J. W. Lee, the evangelist, is after tho saloon men with a sharp stick. He gets game sometimes when he shoots. Thn directors of the North Cam illa Railway met in Kaleigh Tins- lay and declared a semi-annual div idend of '5 per cent. II iijhwaymen are still plying their trade in the vicinity of Chanel Hill. A negro was held up the other day and relieved of $1.7'. The residence of postmaster Mul len, of Charlotte, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday afternoon. Almost the entire contents were destroyed. Tho State will publish Judge Walter Clark's "Sketches of North Carolina Uegiments in the Civil War." It will make interesting reading. peas and wife, of have gone to Cli- -,,, ffKSrrimiiwii m lVrVV'r 'K,ys with' rfm J. "CTEYoaeh and Pryant Coram?"" The hypnotists "got the bulge on Winston" last week and put lots of the boys to sleep in the Twin City. One fellow slept IS hours and lost several pounds of tl ;sh in the time of it. The jt gi.-'alnru has been hv i' g some fun at the expose of cur 'cousin L"wry," it l'oi.-ylh county, but Mr. l.owiy hud the best of it about iht: time thn other icilox fell into his trap. J. L Fir eh, of Stanhope, Nash co:ri''-. has t ff.-n tl to give a build ing f.' d sevctal seres ot land for the es'ahbahineiit of an orphanage for the Meth'.dii-t church in N uth Carolina. Mr. W. K. Tucker, one of tho most enterprising young business men of Ualcigh, died on the 17th i nst. He was married ten years ago to a daughter of the late John C. Winder. Fayettevillc is fussing over fTe litjtior license (jiiestion. What the result will be we do not know, The bar room advocates have a host of followers in Fayetteville as well as in Mount A iry. Chinese Street Restaurant. If you were traveling iu China, you would not have to go and hunt a place where a restaurant was kept ; one would come to you on the rtreets. Von could order your meal and have it cooked in your presence, for the restaurant man carries fuel as well hs food in the tjue'er arrange ment strapped to his back. He will "set up shop" at any spot you indi cate, aud, getting fiut clmrcosl and pans, be ready to prepare any reasonable meal you may order. You can take your meal sitting or standing, whichever you please, for there is an arrangement to suit either form. These sheet restaurant men are hailed with delight, especi ally by the children in China, for they know how to make nuny sweet meats. These are ot various bright color and curious shape's, usually with ground uuts or walnuts ou the inside. The stre-et rtttaurant man is always sure to e'arry a good snpj ly of barley sugar. Selected- From the email island of St. Kiida, iff Scotland, iViHio young gantiets and an immense comber ot eggs are annually collected, and al though this bird lays only one egg per annum and is four years in ob taininf its maturity its numbers do not diminish. Obviously sneh birds must reach a great age, or they would lorg ago have been exterminated. Baanta BaMai r It IM Kan It alUa' Nft-va riaatowa fn Khsimaiaa. 1.853. 189S. BDTHEBFOBD COLLEGE. Burke County, . North Carolina. Kiaminatiun for .nfranr ill Iwgin (witertilwr 5ih. 1 or braltliful rii- niaie. tbonij:h imrtroctMin by jratK-al trat-hfra. Murt-Ha tn-atmrnt and low. ratrt fur loaril arsd tuiti.-o the t'illr ta w ttltout a m al in North ('arai.ra Hoard - - f. to IT j-er irit-r. I K Tuition .... tn J mfw-t h, Pat-iiiiaT AanviTin, l;uilTriir4 vMiarK, . C- fPetWAfL Makes the iood more A Nlfht of Prayer. .Inst out ol Px.ston a young girl came to mo to say : Do you believe that God would save my brother, if my mother and 1 should pray all tho night for him f I told her Tin lieved that God had put the 'picstion in her mind, and j Tillman, register; D. N. Morgan, that I should advise her to put II im ; treasurer ; portrait of Manning, to tho test. small aca!loHjd seal, a poorly exe- Sho told ine afterwards, that they J cuted photograph, each production returned from tho meeting about i printed on two pieces of psper. be In o'clock, ami that they began their j tween which coarse silk threads have prayer at thai hour. I hev e:ot tinned in prayer until midnight, aud until '2 o'clock, Mid almost Then, U'lieving that God had heard and would answer, they went to sleep. To my certain knowledge that young man had not before that been within about four miles of the place of meeting; but the next night, with never a word spoken to him, he was in tho meeting, and at the tirst opportunity he arose to say, "I wish yon would ptay for me. I have been deeply convicted of sit), and all last night I felt tl.e greatest desire to be it Christian." That y.-unp man was converted that night, and has ever since been a consistent member of the church. Such illustrations nrght be multi plied without limit, and they all prove this: "God only waits for ns to prove Him, and He is more willing to give than we are to re cei ve." Supei intendent Day's theory that the penitentiary can never be made a paying inttitmion whilo it ineliith s some linlf a dozen diverse afid far separatetl 'arms in all parts of the state is based on sound reasoning. The exnenscof freights, guards, etc , could be reduced- to a minimum were the convicts all worked on one large farm, if the state is to stay iu rrfscfarrrtng business. Tho Virginia penTurhtirv- ' ' pointed out, eup- ports one T.'rgo farm and pays the state .i0Aik annually. Charlotte ihscrver. In Efiypt the custom is for Princesses to hide their beauty by covering the lower part of the face with a veil. In merica the beauty of many of onr women is hidden because of tho weakness and sickness pecu liar to the sex. If the Egypt ian custom pre vailed in this country, many sufferers would be glad to cover their premature wrinkles, their sunkencheeks. their unnealthy complexion, from the eyes of the world with the veil of the Orient. Bradfield's Femalo Regulator brings out a woman's true beauty. It makes her strong and well in those organs upon which her whole general health depends. It corrects all men .rual disorders. It stops the drains of I.eucorrboea. It restores the womb to its proper place. It removes the causes of headache, backache and nervousness. It takes the poor, de bilitated, weak, haggard, fading woman and puts her on her feet again, making her face beautiful by making her body well. Drucrl'ta cll It tor St a bottla. Srnd for our free il!a rated book tor woata. The fcrsdnVId Peculator Co.. Atlanta. Ga. Dr. Boykin's Worm Killer. The Most Reliable Worm Destroyer in Use ! We Guarantee the Medicine to do all we claim for it. - PRICE 25 CENTS. SOU) BY I. W. WEST, Druggist. MOUNT A'R f, N. C. THE STATE Normal and Indnstrial College. Offer the young women ut the State tliorouph (irofftfiu.nal, literary. claj-Pie-al. utitie and indu-trial education. Annual eiwiiir. to Faculty of i'O pit-Diltera. More tl. an 4nlrepslar atudfiita. 11a matnc'ilated atut student. reir-en( ing ev-ry etturity in th tale eicept two. 1'ractioe and I innervation S.-Imo1 ( alt:t J'' pupil. To aecure lKard in durtiiirori.-a, all free tuilion application nmt te made Ite fore Au:ut 1. orrepondeiiCe inviltd from tnoe deinnj! coifipe'ei.t tranu-d teacher for cataloiroe and ntfier information adJrea I bKll'K.VT M1KK. itvrnntioro, C. Sai "Mil sil CsllEa t a V. M- t- 1 I -4 e -4. Hidden Bki'fc; f im nni i am, a)1 delicious and wholev. Counterfeit Silver Cei The I'nited States Trj partmunt has issued a ci' ing attention to s new counterfeit silver certificate. The descrip tion of the note is as follows: "Se rios IS! I, ch'ek letter 15; J. Fount been distributed. 1 he resemblance to the genuine note is so remoto that a more deta:led description of it w deeihed unnecessary. Prompt trials, prompt conviction and punishment, or prompt acquit tal, aro the surest ways to inspire re spect for the law and confidence in the courts, and would be one ot the most effective ways to deprive Judge Lynch of his occupation. DYSPEPSIA Por ata fear I vlrttaa t Jya-' repaia in tin ,.rt lurm J could eat aotaiiiir ui milk lout, and al uaiMny ibmimch would But rviain and divest even tbaL Last March I bsaan ultliif CASCAKKTS a ad amcc Hie 1 bae ttradiir Improved, aolll I am a wall a 1 er aaa in nij life." David H MraraT. Newark. O CANOV CATHARTIC PlHunt lBlbh pmnt. Ttat Good To Quod, Mff Miifcsn Wnlin ur tinp Kir. J-c, Use ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... aUsaa; f rtt f. II real, fact, til " I U-DAW iu ut 1 BtTubtcco lUbii. F. CARTER, , OUttT H, . C . LEWELLVN, OOWCM, ( Caktkr & Lkwkllyx, Attorneys-at-Iiaw. Tractli e In tnesiat and Federal e'oarta. I'rumpt attention given 10 all bualneaa eniroitt d to their rare. take great pleasure in stating that the world-renowned WHITE SEWING MACHINE Hundlt-d by me. in keeping with a lout; line of notable con.iit-t in the 'nst, wax again vit torioug at the Omaha tvx'posilion being aw arded the higheat obtainable prize, THE GOLD MEDAL, a the best family sewing machine made . NATIONS, Agent, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. -l'Ul.F.R IN- Barial Robes, Slippers, 4c. k full stock of nil i and qiiklitiM kfpt hi bund, 1 rronabl ftrirma. iMore nxnu, Ui-tair orer Mr, W. I'.tirlc'i nor, on. Mm Sir? el. Trinity College OfTertfiUl coureeaio Knglich I-arjruaft-and Literature, Ancient and Modern Language. Hiatory, KwiologT, Watlie-mat-i, I'hilosophy, iibl. Law and IJonimeree. Women admitted to ail eourae of atudy. Xl:e larg-t endow ed institution of learning in the tat. Mt trm .fm I. ptt Bank. Taltwa, a Vrnr. Next aeion o,ena September 7, l4n. For CataloRue addrea. Jso C. kn.o, Durham, K-C. uia a PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Mount Airy 1'ii.trk-t ix-liitl and Fit ting wlinol for Trinity Cll-p, Opens August 25th, iH8. Ual ol lioard and Tuition For full ii formation aJdr-n., J. V. kotx.FKS, t, r, li lot Mountatn Jf -" WANTF-' lltifdrM t' fix t. IS i;i t aa- ll.t t . 11 b .ti r.r f Crowned Again. ; JOS. f. I. 1110:11!. ok. MA. .,4 t lw jf V. " 1 5

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