M Airy TTT71 ()UNr 11JCJ VOL. 10. MOUNT AI It Y, N. C., THURSDAY, FKI WW AW V 1800. NO. EWS. Grim Grip's Deadly March DEALS DEATH AND DESTRUCTION TO MANY. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, W.iihlng lon, Loulsvlllfl Totr ori(J by the Awful Sconr(if. All the Great Cenlttr. of Population Affected. The depressing effects of the present epidemic of rp are ap parent everywhere. Tea hers, cleiks, business men, meihanitB, laborers, street car diiver, school children, police officer and even the doctors all furnish victim. by the hundreds. No remedy yet discovered can show results equal to Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. It quhkly overcomes the excessive exhaus lion, invigorates the nppctite and assiits natutc to tlirow off the dciidly rnicrolies Irom thf system. In times of epidemic like the ptcs ent it should he taken as a pre ventive ol disease. "drip hud lclt n-2 it hysical wreck ; weak, helpless and miser able. I could not eat; could not sleep; could not gain any strength and hid nervous rostradon of the worst Kind. Our home physician could not help me and 1 com menced using Dr. Mile' Nervine. The first night's sleep that I had had in four months came as the result of two first doses. When 1 had taken two bottles I felt bet hr than I had b fore in years, and continued to improve until I was entirely cured." Km VVootiARi), Plymouth, Ills. All druggists arc authorized to sell Dr. Miles' Nervine on a guar antee that first bottle benefi s or money refunded. Ke sure and get Dr. Miles' Nervine. Booklet m heart and Neives sent free. Addrtss, Dr. Miles' Medical Co., Klkhart, Indiana. , j V. 15. lllKHVXf- noTARv public, (Hill I WITH CK". W. Sl-AlldKR, Mount Airy, N. C. ?. V. GKAVKS, ALlOPney-at-Iiaw, MOUNT A1HY, N. C M"tM t vl'rai lire In State and Federal courts, l'rouipl attention lo collodion or cliiUim. Dr. John E. Banner, 1)1 -NT i sr. (Mice Honrs 00 A. M .. to 6.1'KI P. M. UONARO BUiLDiNO, FRANKUN ST-. Mount Airy, N. t". T. 15. MVCAHGO, HOTAHY PUSLIG. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, mount airy hottl block. Business Promptly AttendSoo. GKO. W. ,SPARGKK, Mttopney-at-Uaw, MOUNT AIRY, N C. .-o Will practice In Mate and Federal tourta. Fpeclitl attention to collection of claims and netjotlatltifc loacts. J. H. Slakemore, PHOTO QRAFHER MOUNT AIRY, N, C. -04 In prepared to make all the New and Artistic tuyle. I up with the tlm.a aud will giwyuu Brel-elaaaworli. Fins Stock for Sale. I have now forfait' a number of Jersey and Holstein Calves, And twenty-live or thirty Jersey & Poland-China Pigs, J'rleea very retmotiHble. Addre, J. H JACKSON. Pilot Mountain. N.CI. Catarrh Leads to Consumption. A Forerunner of the Most Fatal Disease. Though its offensive featuro re sometime, almost unbearable, few people are a, wart of the dangT of which Catarrli is the forerun ner. Catarrh invariably lends to Consumption. Growing worst and worst tach winter, ihos who rly upon tht Tiiual 1ratnuiit of sprays washes ami inhaling mix tures find that it i impible to chwk the diHs with thfse local applications which only roach the aurfact. Tht oiTenaiva discharge increases all tht whi!, cunning a filing of pcraonul d'fi lenient, and gta dtir and dfpr until it i uly a qneation of a thort tim Tintil the lur.g are atT.ctfd Tht importance of tli-Iropr trciitmeut fin her- for 1 I adily pn-ciit'd. Hut no g n..i nl.t--r can l nxotfHl fron hwil application, uch trijm-nt jn-ir lnl curt Catarrh, an J 'r Expansion and the Peace Treaty. Tliop c!i of Senator (!rHy n few days siro v'i.y "ony u iinou me view tlint thero in no neecAHHry con noction htdweon rstificntion of the Pari" treaty and aiinr-xation of tho ili pint IrtlM riclA. Whim esrneKtiy frivol inp tho treaty of which do wag ono of tho neKotiHtnrs tho Si-nator Mini : "It does nr.! follow that wo are eommitted to a colonial policy, or to a vioUtion of tln-no great pi in ciphsof liberty and ftlf jrovoinnient which iniiflt always remain Amen chu IiIchIh if our own free intuitu linns are to enJiiro." In the rminn spirit urn tho resolutions introduced in tho Mamnclincetta I-rf'KiidHturo laat week which favor ratitication of tho treaty and at the nunc timo detnsnd that tho ph'tlgo to rmo indcpriid cih'c to Cubit i-hull bo extended to the 1'hilippine I ln mln. Although there in no aliHolulu coimectioii hetwueti the treaty and aiiiifXH'ioii, thero !mio mirttnkitij; tlio pin pope it, tho t xtretne champion of I'Xp'tiiKioii to iiho tho ratification of the treaty for all it if worth to force- the Administration to adopt their policy. This is hetrajed in their rt ck It ks denunciations of Sen utors Hour, Ilrtloand Mason, and of Andrew ('anionic, ex Senator Iv 1 -iiiumIh, ex Secretary l'otitwcll and ('ail Schin., who aro iiiHolontly ac cuced of ''lending aiil and comfort" to Agninnhlo not hecium' they aro opposed t the Paris treaty, hut ho fi ut-t they are oppored to annexa tion of the Philippines. lightly or wrongly, these dihting uirhed citi ins ami patriots an: eoiieurnine tin inn I vi s more with the m ils v, ill, which the Aniciican peoplo are ineti- aci d i , v annexation itian witn tno Pilipinos. Put with tho miserable charge that they are aidii g Aguii ahlo it is pmpnttid to fiipprrs free disciiM-ion ot one of the niot mo mentoiia issues ever presented for solution in this country. 1 lie saino rcproachi e of sytnpath) with rebel lion were hurled fioin the Govern ment benches in the Pritish Com mons against ISmko, Pox, Hat re and Wilkes. These P.ritich statesmen and patiiots made no concealment of their gratification over the evi dences of the desire, a9 well aa the capacity, of the American colonies for Belt government ; and while they aro remembered with honor, the names of their .-i:ilHiitB have been torgotti n. It is this ill-advised pnrp'-eo of portion of the supporters of the Adminihtratioii to confound the treaty with annexation of the Phil ippines that has aroused so much de termined oppofition to the treaty ituelf in the Senate and among the people. Put after the ratification of the rrcaty and the payment of i-jii,(MKi,(nio to Spain will arise the more important question whether the I'nited States shall annex the Philippine Inlands and hold them as a colony, or "aid and encourage" the inhabitants in the establishment of political liberty and independ ence. Philadelphia Record. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Al ways Proves Effectual. There are no better nrdicines on the markc: than Chamb kin's. We have used the Cough jedy when all others failed, an , every in stance it proved if" .al. Almost daily we hear the virtues of Cham berlain's remedies extolled by those who have used them. This is not an empty puff, pa!d for at so much a line, but is voluntarily given in good faith, in the hope that suffer ing humanity may try these reme dies and, like tho writer, he benefit ed. From tho (ilenville t W. Ya.) Pa'hlimler. For sale by Taylor A: Pan nor, Drni.git.ts. The county of Cherokee contains more iron ore than any county in tho state. The whole iron range being lully two miles wide and moro than .'!i miles in length, tho quality good and will rim from SO to 75 per cent, metallic iron. Murphy Puiletiti. "I bud such a sever case of Catarrh that J lot my hi-nring ill one ear, anil part of llie tnie in my none alouglied off. 1 i ooimtanlly trfated it)i prays and tifhi'i, but -arh wintvr Hip diwase aeenied to have a linn-r hold on me. I hail Anally Iwen ile rlarl incuralile when 1 deci.l'-d to try S. S. S. It aeemed t pi-l rcpht at in-at of the ili-iio, and untl me pi-rmanently, for I have had no touch if I'atarrh for 've"vpnr. "M JoaKPHIKB Poi.iin I., "Due Wext. S f ThoH ho have had tin- f.mt touch of Catarrh will s:i r end loss suflvringhy ink ing tl;- right oiito.-t. Otlier rgwhi havt for ii'-i and found oiiip;xiint- im-iit in hx-'al tr VmiI ill find , urib-r time ) billing mix I osilv t.-niHV V tin-in from rh i a d--- S. S. i it to. w:! on sprays, I iiri'i, etc., a rary and my, ColiMimpI 'ttt'd I. In- ( ho oiih ly r I which can ri-ach 'fy l-sj of th- dibits '.re it p-TMa h- t'i v and cr. P..X k PPl.t fr. X v -S,. w)fl H--v,flc Coni;viMy At bio! How Fcrllllers Are Made. The Southern Chem'cal Co., of Winston, N C . Ima just erected an up to-date plant at an expense of between Ts.diiil and (tn'ii(i. Tim presiilent of this c. mpimy is II. P. Puttie, who for It n years was Statu rdieniisl and director of the North Carolina agricultural experiment station. In the ten years, he h is served tho State of North Cnrolina ho has done much to bring the far liter of tho State to a higher and more proli'shle plane of work. He conducted his experiments on a scalo never before attempted, and the experimental farm at Southern Pines has been an object let-son to thousands Tho location of the plant is an excellent one. being at tho inteisec tionof the Norfolk A- Western and Southern ItailwHta, with ride tracks from both rmids and a cioss track connecting both, so that a car cm he transferred from one road to llie other. One of tho interesting buildings of the works is the electric-power transforming In use, where the cur rent is taken from the main line at 1(1,000 volis and reduced to tied. The power ib furnished by the Plies Power Co., and is generated by the Vsdkin liv er at a distance of fifteen miles. 1 ho tranMorming house is eiinpped with all the latest improve ments in liL'blninit arr htr'is, etc. Prom a Ioo imki gallon water res ervoir, which is built of brick and cement, with a very heavy wall, large water mains radiate, entirely surrounding both buildings ol the plant, and from which mains ten two wiy hydrants arc supplied at lilleretit points on llie grounds, ei en covering some important posi tion. These hydran's are each en closed by a riii ul I house, and to each is attach d loo (Vet of Imsc ready for instant use in ease of lire. Steam is always kept ready to furnish pow er for the 7 T ' ' gallon pump, and in a few nnnu'is the emire surface of tho building could be fl odid, aa pressure on the water main is con stantly maintained. The limit) building covers a little over an acre of ground, and is light ed from the roof nm! sides. In the bflgroom bag for fertilizers are stored, each properly printed for its especial brand and stored in com partments, each hi and by itself, and these different grades cover fertili z.ers for tobacco, cotton and all grain crops, tho principal brands being "Pilot Ctmno," special for tobacco, and "Kleelric," alo for tolncco, For cotton arc the 'E!cc!rie Cr..p (irowcr,"-"Yadkin Complete Fer tilizer," etc. For grain and tra-si p it makes "Winston" and "(Quick step bono and potash compounds, "Winner and "keapor grain ap plications, as well as " ictor dis solved bone, "Comet," "Tarheel" and "Horseshoe"' acid phosphates. In another room is the So horse power electric motor, which fur nishes power for the mill, the ci ush ers, mixers, etc., and to this is at (ached an electric meter to measure the power used. llie rock cnishci is a powerful machine, which masticates the phos phate rock much as a sma'l boy would a cracker or cookie, and after it has pafsed through this crusher it ts carried by an elevator to the mill, which pulverizes it sufficiently for the mixer. An elevator takes the pulverized rock from tho mill on the first floor to a bin on the foiiith, wliore it is deposited ready for mix ing. On tho fourth flour is a .'!o ton sulphuric acid tank, from which the acid is drawn into a sin ,11 measuring tank near the mixer; at the same, lime the pulverized phos phate rock is taken from the bin containing it to a weighing bin, where the proper amount for any given brand is weighed and dump ed into the tiTTxer and the acid turn ed over it and the mixing pan is started. This pan revolvis in one direction, while a double plow takes a course opposite to it, and thus the ingredients are ijuiekly and thor oughly amalgamated, at the same time inciting with a blast of air from a 'aft, which removes the gas, and thus the article known as "acid phosphate" is produced. This is then dumped in!o a car holding a ton, which traverses the third floor through the center of the building. There being no tbior between the rails under the car the material can be dumped st iny point desired to tho lirst floor, where another mixer and tho bagging machine are loca ted. The acid phosphate, after lo ing manufactured, retinitis for weeks or months, as the case may bo, then it is taken to the mix-r, which is operated by another ;o. horse-power motor in connection with the bagging machine, and bete it is incorporated with the o'her ma terial necessary to form a complete fertilizer. It is then passed through a weighing machine into propurly labeled bigs, after whirl: it is ready for shipment. Thojfiiiiiufacfure of acid requires corpfant work, day and night. The iirea must never go out ; the work iniii-t le continuous, or toe vahnihlo jfasos will t-tcnie and bo bt. The iron pyri'es frotp which it is mide are unhaded at .he door of the fur nace roHii and fed into hoppers, Irom whith it passes into furnaces, ot which there are ft-ur, each lading lined inside with firebrick and con taining tivc circular thel vet. lo tho center ia a rt rolving shaft having projecting inns at each shelf, which arms, being in slow motion, keep tot pj riUs constantly stirred, and sulphsr patt from it in a va por known to chemistry ai ''sulph urous oxide." This la then (real id with sulphuric acid and nitr ite of soda, which, producing nitric mi!, combines with the 'Vulphurons i x ide" and chang" if to "nilphuric oxide," which passes in its hot stntr lo lead tovvi rs, one of w hich is known us a ''Clover" and to as "( iay-I.iissiic" towers. Pet ween these towers and furnaces and the acid chambers is a lirewall, with an tomatically closing doors, and pits' ing through !hesi we coiiictolhe chambers, or, rather, to a point un der the chambers, where the arid is collected in vats and from which if is pumped by compressed air through lend pipe to (he storagu tank spoken of in toe main build ing. The "snlplnii ic oxide" i changed to "sulphuric acid"' by the addition of water in the shiipe of steam in the acid chambers The gas comes irom tlio lowers and is cooled by water pipes with which it comes In contact. The room s beie tho proofs giiisoii is propeily a ihik Hunt it anol TTtII ior, win re hT: ocated the scid iiiminbe s, of which there are four, eneh fifty bet long thitlyfcit wide mid tcnly del high, containing l",iino cubic fi 1 1. These huge ehambeis arc lined throughout with Ic.V, us even Miing (v inintr in e.'iitact vf n the arid or the gasi s miii-t be. fl'ho gus pilosis from the top ol the "dlnvcr lower into the liivt eh unb'r and stiam into the top of all. The g'is parses from one to the other, cot densinga portion in each. A ' thermometer and test-tube is attinlbed to each chambi r, so thid troin ihe outside the heat can be known Void also the strength of the acid us 1 condenses on the sides of h ad lining and drops into pans at tho bottom of the chain hers. When it his passed through all it cruise in these receptach 8 the gas still has some value, and is pai-s ed hack through the two '(i.iy I, tissue" towers as "nitric oxide gas," and there meeting with dilute sul phnrie acid is absorbed ami goes again through the prooi as. Thus every particle of value is Hived, and thus tho iron pyritts arc changed into lir.-t sulphur, or, rather, the sul phnr is extracted from if, then into sulphurous oxide gas, then intosii! phnrie oxide gas, and from that into the sulphuric acid of commerce, a liipiid, and this nrnst dangerous pro duct takes its place then in the ben elicial fertilizer, where, instead of destroying I i to as it would anything it touched in its natural state, it ntimulatfs the soil ami aid-in pro- (hieing; that which nature provnnsi ior the Use ot men and animals. Mr. Kittle, the president of the c impaiiy, has had just the experi ence rtrpitrod for this business, for while in charge of tho experiment station he analyzed and tested the j different ferliliz rs and soils until j he became thoroughly conversant j with them, and can thus put up such i grades as are Ust suited for differ- 1 ent purp ises and so ls, and can ad- j vise farmers what is best for the i 8a?cial crops they expect to raise i Mr. W. T. Piovvn, (he secretary r and (ri asnrer, has had large expo- j rience in business, having been for- merly connected with and manager of Prown Pros, and Prown Pros. Co., of Winston, while i's directory is composed of Some '" the best names in (he South, bi nig, beside the president and secretaiy, Ii. .1. j Reynolds, presidtiit of the U. .1. j Pevnolds Tobacco C : P. II. j llanos, of P. II. llama A (Jo ; C. j 1). Oghnrn, of Igburri, Hill A Co , all tobacco manufacturers of Win ston, and H. W. Fries, of F. A II. Fries, of Salem, one of the best known men in Winston-Salem, and T. H. Pattle, president of tho Pank of lioeky Moi.nt and other large in-sliditions.- From Southern Farm Magazine. Opera House Revenue Decision. The Commissioner of Intertill Revenue has written to Collector Harkins of the Ff h district of N. C, in reply to a letter from Mr. II A. llliams, of adcslioro, who is i the proprietor of an opera house in : that town, which has a population ' of about 1,,'iim.' inhabitants. Tho Commissioner decides that the pro prietor of an opera house in a (own whoso population is loss than 'go, (100, who himself gives no exhibi tions (herein, is not required (o pay any special tax therefor under sec tion - of the war revenue act. The Ravages of drip. That-modern Siourgc, Iho (Jrip, poisons the air with its fatal germs, so that no home is s i'e from its rav ages, hut miil'.itmJ s have (mind a sure prou-etio'i ug.iinsi this danger oils inula ly in Pr. King's New I'is corery. When you feel u soieno'S in your bone uinl muscles, have chills and lever with sore throat, pain in the hack of tho head, catar rhal ayitipl'.msaiid a still born cough you may know you have tlio r.p, and thM you need IV. King' N-w Piscoverv. Il w id promptly cure the worst noigh. heal liie it flamed momhraeo-, kill the di sense gci ins and priveoi i no dreaded alter t flecls of the malady. Trice oO cents and $100. M oiuv tun k if nol filled. A Iriul holt e tret- at Taylor k H:c tier's I Vug Store. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Bi Kind Yea Kan Alwars Bibl Dear th Eitft.at.no of tAriacHCrunsI laMKlnolmtty TV V'UV Won't Travel by Train. Klifih N. Ilofsis au'id "o, is a j catlhj dealer who h is trav h d over jit large part of tho Western Sta'es and bus never ridden on a railroad (rain, I lo lh ti I; s nothing of gel ting 'is far West as the cattle ranges of Kansas with his horso arid buggy, buying tip stuck on the way out and hack. "I don't know that 1 have any thing against railroads," said he, ''that would induct! me not to travel by train. I rhip all my stock by Mam, I gucKS the reason I do not ride on cars myself is that I started out by biigify, ami, as I am use to it, I just kiep at it, I have my usual route to cover, sometimes extending 2,000 miles. I travel a eeiUin distance every day. There are a ceitain number of fanners or stock deiileis to see between (owns. In fact, a man can have a timo table by buggy the same us railroad trains have. It may not he so regular, though. Athoiis iiid niiic It 'pt in be made without varying three ihys for the wh, lo route. It all h ponds on how hiihinoss goes. "When a man travels over the road by buggy for forty tears he gets to bo pretty well known, ami if ho well cares for his credit, his honesty and his good character he has no trouble buying stock cheap and right, and if lie pays spot etsh there is a smuli profit for him after ho has paid his freight and other expenses Fust and sells out for fife CIInIi, When I get tired of buggy riding 1 get out arid walk. That ha kept me in the good health I now enj y. There's no exorcise better than walking. When I drove cattle Fast, instead of shipping by c ir load lots, I walked much more than in thi' past tew years. The old time droving is n,,t profi'aUe now. Competition is too eh arp. Ihesred hoc! is shipped Fa.-1 too cheap. The only way to get any profit in live cattle is to buy spot o.o-h by visiting the tanners and stock dealeis in poison, and you cmnot get io their farms neai 1 v so r hen ply hs I v t r x el ing by buggy. You cm i ny tail road tickets with stop ivcr p:ivi leges, tint then you have y. uiy p' tise in hiring teams to -i t into Die coiintiv, whoie the farmir-. iivr. Traveling by buggy is also cheap st. I carry voty little cisli m t,ey, as 1 always pay by cheek. Tin e is no danger on the highways, but it is always la-rt to travel by day and rest at night. In the hot woatl.ir I make star's Ht 4 a in, and got over a gooij ileal ol gn ui.d by !' o'eh c! io evening; ti i- i A lew hours in up I ill dav's Work in cattle )I1V 'llg. ' I had one horse I Us'' 1 every week day f r ten years. I never travel or do business on the Sabbath d iy Horse and man must rest on the seventh day, or the first day i f the week, whichever way y u want to take it. Thiny miles driving every day, stopping, buying, feeding, and shipping is smart work enough, Of course I enjoy the life. Any man would if ho once gets into it. It's the best school in the world, I think, and about the only way tosc the coiintiv. Some of mv triends call me foolish for not riding on rail road trains, but that's sll right. I never was married, and having no family was always free to go and come." Wcrnersvillo, I Pa ) Letter. The Former Tried. T. U. I )unn, the torger, was given a preliminary trial before Mayor Taylor yesterday aflcrnoou and was bound over br coiiit. In d lault ot .'iOD lnil ho was taken hark to jail. At tho trial Ihinn said he had an accomplice in the forgeries ami that not he, but his accomplice had com mitted them. He lamented (he fact that he must sutler for what he had not done, as his accomplice ass now out of reach and c ml 1 hot be found. As to liU"' -ig a partrier there is little d'V , he chocks passed here and at' -lint bv Ibinn were iiudouh)' Vvn by him self. When ho was arrested a 10 bill was toiind in his poekel. He whs alloW'iu to Keep this, tint yesterday afternoon Officer SroU went to his cell and asked for the money, which was to be returned to the High Point Clothing Co. Putin said thai, as he would need n.i moncv in jail, ho had torn tho bill up. This of course was not trup, hnt cvciy crack in the cell was searched and tho money could not be found. Pun n , was writings letter this morning which he said was to his father asking him to give his bond. Perhaps when the letter is addressed (he police can learn where Dunn's home is. Yesterday he (old that he was from Randolph count v, later that he was from Davidson and (his m irning he (old a reportt r (hat he was ''irom Nor(h Carolina." ircensloro Tt legrun. Headache U often a warnlnt llial tb liver Is t..rplJ or Snm-toc. More ktiiwi tr-uina-K mv L.liow. For a r..ni.l, rtti M-nt ru r i llea'laeh anit all hvol troubles, lata Hootf'a Pills Whll the? the lirer. r.-ier full, resniar ai.wi ot lh t.rl. Iher to ro rrl; or rln. ! Irritate or Inflame ihe Internal ofrana, tui have a .tive tmtc efert. 'J c Hi l rtr-tp.oi .r l'T rrull of C. 1. Jl 1 t o, Lowell, Mas. Konrr. 1 cn eeeer m as-l w- ia fha t'aM Slfti in(-r )a tw tie .s-. tvl II k,.if ai"ia l feiir 0a ( M ea taeaa 04. ..- A-..1 e a. M. W t . A lania lit fea a aa4 mi M M tr teaa. A Preacher's Confession. In his letter of resignation, Rev. Thomas Dixon said that ho had met with disappointment in trying fo organize the "People's. Church" in New York j that ho had not been able to raise Hilliciont money to moot ox ponses, and that ho Inn been "disillusionized." The trouble v.j'h Mr. Pimm is that he had contracted tho reform habit, and departed Irom the old (ime preaching which he did not ap prove, lie thought that preachers ought (o discuss all sorts of secular (pics'ions fnun llioir pulpits, and toll people how to vote. Accord ingly lie preached about all (ho 'pica tiotia of (he day, from a bicycle race at Madison Sonaro i anion to a gubt rnaforial election. Whatever the newspapers bilked about Mr. Pixon preached about ill his Peo ple's church, and his hearers got all Iho news of tho week from Mr. Pixon'a pulpit, seYved up in the most attractive stylo and piine.nitted with sensational invective. Mr. Pixon is a man of learn tig, and a gifted orator. lie is also a man of great magnetism, and those who hear him aro usually lascinated w ith his sti lo. Vet his "reform'' preach ing didn't succeed with the public, and Mr. Pixon is "disillusionized," which, being interpreted, mean that ho. has failed. Mr. Pixon has a brother who is no orator, asThoinas is, but a dev ut man, and a fervent preacher, who has stin k to the old time reiigioti and the old lime style of preaching the gospel, pure and simple, without the flavor of scctilarity and sensa tionalism. lie has sometimes gone into the streets and preached on the comer to such a crowd as he could assemble, but he has always preaeh e I, in church an l out of church, the igioti of the Pil.le. His lot, too, was cast 111 New Voik, and his ministry has boon eminently suc- cesslnl. iho last time we hoard from him he was still walking in the. good old way, teaching lepeiitanco and salvation, and if he is "disillu sionized," he has not made the fact public. Tho old way is good enough foi him. Put Rev. Thomas P'xon l not made a complete failure. I. . 1 - - . - T oao h negative success, lie ceodod in showing pr,J,'l,1P"' not to proaj:h,puo.) -"OA P'"1'.-"' an 1 mchiiK 1 1 General Sheridan and His Two grave, ijuict Iookiog men stood on the steps of a big house in Washington some years ago They were watching four bright children get i.ito a cart and drive d wn the street, throwing hack kisses sod "goodby" to pipa and papa's trietid, tho general. The younger man, the taihur, was (ten. Phil Slii-rii m. The genera', tho old friend, said : "Phil, bow do yon manage your little army of four !" "Pon'f manage: they are mis chievous soldiers, hnt what good comiades! All the good there is in me they bring ou(. Their little mother is a wonderful woman and worth a regiment of ollicers, John. I often think what pitfalls are in waiting for my small, brav e soldiers all through life. I wish I could al ways help (hem over." "Phil, if yuii could choose for your little son from all the tempta tions which will beset him the 'iie most to be feared, what would it be ;" General Sheridan leaned his head against the doorway and Slid sober ly: 'y . ' "I( wou'ra he the curse of strong drink. "Poys ate no.' saints. We are all self willed, st' Sg willed, maybe full of cmirag' and thrift and push and kindness ..id charity, but woe be (o the man or boy who la'comct a slave to lhjnor! O, I had rather see my little son die to lay than to see him carried into his mother drunk ! ''One of my brave soldiers hoys on tho field said to me ju.-t ht fore a battle, when ho gave me his mes sage (o his mother if he should be killed : 'Tell her I have kept my promise to her. Nut one diink have 1 ever tasted.' The boy was killed. I carried the message with my own lips (o the mother. She said: '(icneral, (ha( is more glory for my boy (ban if he had t.sken a city.'" Pnioti Signal. - . a To bo entirely relieved of (he aches and pains ot rheumatirm means a great deal, and Hood's Sar saparilla dte it. A well known Contractor of this city (ells us (ha( (he outlook is tha( more building will be done in Pur ham this year than ever before. The demind for dwelling hoiisis still continues. Durham Sun. Beanta Saatir f I1 l-.nt (M Hi t?rt tpi If. Mil' NVrvtt Pit.!!- ft r KtmtiHwiUu . I "V i r 1 'TTra "V M 1853. 1SOS. RUTHERFORD COLLEGE, Burke County, - North Carolina. K lamina! ion for nt ram-e will hegie htrrilrr.Vh. 1'.. hr ieaiu,fi i rii. mati. thorough instruct in hj rai ti'-al teachers, piiurt'-oua trt-almvnt and low rt for tart ant lutniti Ihe t'tillfew i withiMit a rital in North Carahna Hoard .... i to $T t nionrh Tictii-n .... l n 3 (H-r nmtit h. Aditrwa, Pk!iT .Iiikitki, l;trfitrJ tlle. S,C. I Absqlvhly Makes the food more gawlMI NORTH CAROLINA NEWS ITEMS. Incidents, Accl denis and Other Inter estinp HarrenlnKs In the Old North State. j from Palawan Island, Malay arohi- Sitmuol llauiiis, a deaf mute that ("dago, bringing news of (ha mur lived below Monroe, was gored to 'lor by liativi of the Spanish (Jov doHlh bv a bull tlm( ho was leading enmr and other public ollicers of last Pridav. Tho bull was trained ' Palawan aa they were leaving to woik and was ind considered dangerous, but grew suddenly vici mi". Tin- poor lellow was holplcfs before him, .lohn l-'arrar, a sixteen year old boy in Rtlcijjh, met the not un common fate of the accidental going oil of a pistol Saturday in hi own hands. The ha'l passed through his body, indicting a wound from which tin re is no hope of recovery. It envelops in gloom, hoodo the immediate family, a large circle with whom ho was very popular. A mink called at tho li"ii.-c of a lady near town Siturday night and slanghteied half r score of her chickens. Sunday morning she toid the "men folks" as they didn't st em inclined to kill out the minks she won!! take the matter up. She called the d a 'ol struck out. A f tor half a day's hunt she returned with the lare.-l mink ever soon in this stclioii. She hasn't lot any more chicken.- Lincoln Journal. The Legislature thi- wot k took from the governor one of his inoM v tin able pieces of patronage. A bdi was ps ed taking the Atlantic ami Northern Carolina Riilway out of the hand- of the governor, and putting it undei the control of a board ot Internal Improvements which will be named by tho Legis lature. This means that tlcic w ill bo a clean, swet-j) of all '.he depart inents of the road, and the present ilicials w ill go. . a N-1-ltar for Hfl tenia. fl-c(l tniwi'ft lt;tt it ri-r.. lnat;p. ws;ik , -.('-..I .' is l Ail uiuiftla. No tromsn ran be too careful of her condition during: the period be fore her little ones are born. tTeglect or improper treatment thei. endan gers !n-r life and that of the child. It lies w ith her whether she shall suffer unnecessarily, or whether the ordeal shall be made comparatively easy. She had better do nothing than do something wrong. MOTHER'S FRIEND h the one and the only preparation that is safe to use. It is a liniment that penetrates from the outside. Kxlern.il applications are eternally right. Internal medicines are radi cally wrong. They are more than humbugs they endanger life. Mother's Friend helps the muscles to relax and expand naturally re lieves morning sickness removes the cause of nervousness and head ache prevents hard and rising breasts shortens labor and lessens the pains and helps the patient to rapid recovery. From a loiter by a Shreveport, La., woman : "I have been using your wonderful remedy. Mother's Friend, for the last two months, and find it just as "ecommended." Druci.-lt aell II at f I per txttla. TMK BKMH ICU) RlKil I.AT0K CO. ATMNTV 0. &cnJ Utr , . 11 r f-ee ii'itf! Hai r 1. I...! .1 book. Dr. Boykin's Worm Killer. The Most Reliable Worm Destroyer in Use ! v (iuarnnttf tho Medicine to do all we rlaiin for it. PRICE 25 CENTS. F0U FY I. W. WEST, Druggist, MOUNT AJRy. N. c. THE STATE Normal and Industrial College. Offer the young women of the State thorough professional, hl"rr) . elaie al, t'ie m itie and indue! rial education, ..initial eix-ii, ' to rl.So ra.-ultj of fo metniHr. Mure than 4"u regular student. lla ntalrftihtted almti! ,fv students, representim; etrvr eouutj in tlio Stale except two. 1'raetn-p and t innervation N-lnol of about "ipupiln To aeeure Itoartl in il-rtiii(.rie, a!i free liiilion appheaj itn ttitisl ( made be fore Auk'unt I. orr.'spondeiiee inv'tetl from thoae tleiring eompeteht Iraine.l ta.-hera. r or catalogue "tl ol l-er inforn.at ton .ihtrees CUK lit! N T M. I Kk, l.reeitlt.eo, . 1'. Sail Mir 853 Cola ph 4 ' 1. -r (t-.,t 1 .e r i ' I liiliHri m l 'l- (! I ' t rust I (f..v 'if A ' t - 4, - -f-i ' ' i' 1 ''fc j C ! p h ' Nei -rV fci. ! 1 1 TT1 a- - m Baking Povder IPvre delicious and wholesome SoWfS flfl f tost Uprising in Palawan Island. A !.oid on dipateh says a message from Victoria, island of fjtbuan, under late date, announces (he ar rival (here of the steamship lhnan ehurch. Tho eniniimnilfr f tin lhimn, (!p(ain l'for(, hud an in Icrvii'w with ihe 'en'lora of (ho n five" and obtained (ho rcloaao of (he Spuniidi (lovrrnor'a wife, (ho wo men belonging lo the hnuenholda ol ntlier tiiurdert'il ofTiecri atnlannin lior nf otln!r priamicr, all of wluur. arc eafe ut SHti'laksn. It in eitiil that at thr; expiration of hie terni of oflico t'tov. liiiMtdl will nut return to hie Inline a( Wilniinn fun, hut will go to New York, "I UiTVr4 ih1oriarr Ik With pintHidti g pH hrotifiil on bf t(lif Imn wbitfi I fcfrwtfsi far aWMty frj 1 ran ( vour t AHCAHK1S tu lb town of Nnwrii U n$ tnvr fouf J bj tfcmr 10 pnl trim TtlT I n ntireiif lrp ttvm pict uA fei lit tiw nitn (' H. KiiTI Htt J.-n , Stout Oiy U T rtt t)'fth t''tnt Tt tiMtl lH Um4 Nrr Helen Wtttrn of Un. Hc I. Hv ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Ilarltaf Raa4i f . t. I bt. Ittlml, Vvr. WTfl B 1 1 ""i1 an i.arint4 hf all rtff- I UaDAU I RL I Hacco Uab.k f. CAHTtfl, .-.T i.. C. J. n. Lt AtLLVN, Doaatia, c. CAKTKK ci I.KWKU.YX, f Attcrneys-at-Iiaw. aoa lar-prnetlee la IlieSUie and federal four'a I'rompt atteiitlun jflven to all butlneas entruM d to tlielr '-are. Cro Again 1 take great pleasure in stating that ihe wiirld-renow neil WHITE SEWING MACHINE Handled by me, in keeping w ith a long line of notable t'unitieal in the past, was ag.tin vii-loriohd at the Omaha K .position being awarded the highest obtainnble prize. THE GOLD MEDAL, as lh! best family ew;ng inai'liine made JOS. NATIONS, Agent, MOUNT AIRY. N. C. . II VT il ' e!l.ll P.R IX- Col, tt Barial Robes, Slippers, 4c. K full irt.irkof all siie an4 qualitiaa kept a hand, an( iil reaannable price. Slora room, upraini over Mr, W. W. iouke'a store, on Main Strtet. Trinity College ifTt-rs full etiure in Knglish Langtiagf and Literature, Ancient and Modern Language, History, Sociology, Mathe matics, i'luhipliy, tiible. Law and t'oinnteroe. Women admitted to all eouritea of atudy. The largest endow ed inst it tit ion of learning in the Mate. Beard treat .aa ta tia.M pee ata. Taltiea. tsa.M a Vear. Neit esion open Septi-rnher T, IfiS. tor Catalogue addre. J ".(', kit i;o. It:rham, N C. TRINITY ACAEEIIY, PILOT MOUNT AM, N. C. Mount Airy li!ricl ehK, nJ f ,f ting K-tnail for Trinity I'oH-ee,. Opens Augti5t 25th, 1S9S. l:t,1 uf Itoard and Tuition rea. T.ahle. Vor full information addre. Hit J. P. Ki'lM.KK.e, !m ,'t. 1'ih.t Mmintain V ' WANTED ! ,. Ift.rd 1 f ' Of p. ; f b t -i! ;;,o.t r. 1 . t d rt... t, t j r- P LIS yryOkyV candy ft IL 13 CATMAHTtC jk