7 Airy News. I HE win VOL. U). AMOUNT AIIIY, N. C THURSDAY, FI3HHUAI.Y f), 18W). no. Mai O y La Grippe is Contagious. TH13 ATMOSPHERE IMPREGNATED WITH GERMS. Disease Proved Bt-yond Question to be Infec tioui -ll RapUlly Conquering tli Country La Grippe is a contagious dis ease. Its specific geim has been positively identified, and it is transmitted from person to person cither by direct contact or by in haling the germs while they float in the air.lt is a dangerous disease, lowering the vitality and wasting the resistive power so that pneu monin, henrt disease, nervous prostration and insanity find easy victims No specific is known that will kill the Grip germ, but it may be driven out and its effects overcome bv ihe prompt use of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. "La Grippe left my nervous system so racked and shuttered that I could not t-leep and for two months was under the influence of narcotics. 1'hysieians and friends cave me un to die ; but in two davs Hfter I commenced tak ing Dr. Miles' Rostoraiivc Ner vine I b"iian to improve, and in a month's time I was entirely cured It is the greatest health restorer on earth. D. W. Hilton, Louisville, Ky. All druggists are authorized to sell Dr. Miles Nervine on a guar antee that first bottle benefits or money refunded. He sure and get Hi- Miles' Nervine, liooklet in heart and Nerves sent free. Address, Dr. Miles' Medical Co., Elkhart, Indiana V. 15. I'.KOWN, nOTAHY PUSklG, OFFII K WITH C.'lto. W. HrAKCKR, Mount Airy, N. C. i-5. P. GHAVKS. Mttopney-at-'Iiaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C s tr-ITaotlces In ttime and Federal courts. Prompt, at.rpnt.lon to collet-lion or clittina. Dr. John E. Banner, dl:ntist. Olhellour-hOO A. M to 5.00 V. M. LCONAUD BUlLDlNO, FRANKLIN ST-, Mount Airy, N. T. D. McCAHGO, ROTARY PUBfcJG. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY MOTtL BLOCK. Business Promptly Attended To. r . F. CARTER, GufcT , I. C 4. R. LEWELLYN, DOtKM, M. 6. CARTKK &: IaKWKLLYN, Attorneys-at-liaw. sarpract.lc In the Stat and Kcdfrnl eourt. Prompt alUiUilon iflvrn to all buiilDetta etlrut ed to lliclr care. GKO. V. SI AKCKU, Attorney-at-Iiaw, - MOUNT AIRY, N- C. 1-0004 Will practfci' In Slat and Federal Court. (iH;li atteutlou to collation of clalmi and lie KoUatlUK loaua. J. H. Slakemore, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Is pr'-pari d to make all the Nf w and Artistic tuylra. I up Willi llu- llim-s and will give you Drat -claw work Fine Stock for Sale. I have now for Kale a number of Jersey and Holstein Calves, Ami twenty-five or thirty Jersey & Poland-China Pigs, J'riees very reasoiinblH. Address, J h JACKHi.N. 1'ilut Mountain. N.C. Dr. Boykin's Worm Killer. The Most Reliable Worm Destroyer in Use ! We (iuararite the Medicine to do all we claim for it. PRICH 25 CENTS. hoU) KY I. W. WEST. Drujiist, MOUNT AiRf. N. C. THI; STATE Normal and Industrial College. OflVra th young iimi-n f th Htat thornuvh profewional. literary, rlaasie al, twMi-ntina and inilu.irial rtl'ii-af ton. Annual iriwa, I i lo ll.Hi. Faculty uf to mi-Biiwra. Mow than 4 regular nub-Ma, 1 1 a. mat rmuUlnl alul IJtU indent., rrpwwnliiig every county In tint rtate eic-pt twin. I'raetioa and lMMrTa!im reliir,! uf aU.ut n pupila. 1 .) ...cur. Imard in dor,ulr.a, all fwa tuition i Ii' .l.'H'. muil li mad b- A .gu I. orwfioniienr incited from thru .-rmsi e.m patera trained teaebera, ut r vtaii.f at"1 ir (nrfr.tion ! !r... II. r 1 1 r N T M i IK, The Public Road Question. The Nil we nrnl OWrver, of llio tut ir.Ht.. favs : "Tlio It : 11 of tin) IIoiiho of Hop rcFnnlativis wng tilled by an Hppre rirt'ive RiuliiMico IrhI nilit to lialen to t!.o mliiiiraTilo acldrcpsof 1 rof. J A. Ilolniop. of llio Ocolop-icnl Kiir vpy. Tho Mit'jfi't of the Rddrpcs .a tho K oonrers of North Cum lina h nirected by tho I'liblm Horn I'roblcin. 1 ho leduro w8 lllimtra ted throiiliont by Pteroopticn viow g from H fectionsof tho rotate. sliowinjr tho iiidiiBtrip", and ronde good nnd bnd. Tho flddrws was delivered at the invi.'Atiou of member of tho Lfie laiurn, and thope who were present fill a deep interest in what wassaiJ and shown. The ilimtrati"n showed what a ridi hiwI divertilied forestry and el i inuto the State pocfePHPR. The (jupotion of road building was dieeti-Kud in all its varimia fia- tiirep, and from a practieal stand puint. 1'rof. Ilolmeehan tiven the tm 1 ij. et j;rcat study and has the facte and hjfiins wlncii aro prefenteu in a striking manner. The cst of road building in tho various sections of the State was shown, and gave s .me interesting tiifiires as to what could be aeeoinplished by taxation ami systematic woik. The jutin of good roads and !naeadaini.ed road at that, is of vi tal importance to tho Stato. It is a ijiuhtioii which lina already been too I'ltig dehived, and it is cauinjr the loss of hnndreda of thousands of dullare annually to the State. Prof. Holmes well r-aid the State is too pnor not ti have goiwi roads, (iuod mads are a iiieesity and the matter should not longer Iki rrlega ted. The legislature should dt-al liberally with the (iustion and see that the Slate does not under longer trom the b;id roads which abound. I'rof. llohms is doing splendid service in trying to secure a sys'em of good roads for the State. Noth ing would add more to its protcr ity than a sy htetn of excellent toads. The counties which have taxed thitnselveB and cstablirhed macad amizid roads are tho ones that are the more anxious to extend the good work. Thcv have seen tho practi cal benefits derived therefrom, and find it is cheat er to pay a moderate tax than to Buffer loss by bad roads." Hits Its Own Party. The operations of the irnMs are heeotning more and more gross and offensive. Most of them have tho in port of protective tariff. If the Democratic party shall have sense en' ugh to make its light against the trusts and against t lie protective scheme that is the citadel of trusts, it may win the next presidential election. Tho lit of protected trntts, their vast combinations and capitalization, now forming, when published, as they will bo in the campaign of ll'OO, will amaze and astound the pcaple. From the Tort- land Orrgonian. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In the City or Chicago, llistren Jiro, the popular South Side druggists, corner l!Hh-st. and Wentworthav., say; ''We soli a great deal of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy, and hnd that it gives ttie most satisfactory results, especially among children for severe colds and . . i it rr i i ll . croup." rorraiony layior v i.an- tier, Druggists. United States Senator elect W. A. Clark, tho richest mau who ever went to the Senate, says : "1 stand for the restoration of silver to its foi mer status before its demonetiza tion in l??:'. and at tho ratio of li to 1." (ood for Senatoi Clark, who ie a Montana man. ' The Atlantic; Coast Lino will eg- tsblish shops at Itoeky Mount and Florence. A change will bo made at Wilmington in tho shops at that place, but the working foico will hardly be reduced. Doctors Can't-. Cure It! Conliiiou. Iihiod Hii.fn la ntmolutrly beyond tin" MI1 of tliodoclora. Thi'y may i"w a patient for jenr on their niereiirial and potnxli reined ie, but Ut ill never lie rid of the dinen.e : on tim Other hand, hi. condition will ftrow atenillly vsor-e. S S. 8. ia the only rnrn for tln terrible unMiclion, lefaiie. it il the only remedy which jioe direct to the caiiM of tlio duu-iiae and force il from the aynletn. I w ftli'td with ftlojrvl pnton. nd th thflt trratmr-nl f I i b filllf . 1:1 Isutt, I Wtlifti to f woriMi ft 1 1 the rvt-ry- ihcMitd blo4 r-uit-.1y, Uul ihf did nrA Iv-iti lo lh lit. m. h1 no erVH liicv-r. fliaV hrf-iirJ. ftf tt fnir4 Ifiat I "iiUI !-r t tilt 'I. At Ih lr- H ft Itfmi- I lh-li tt h it . n1 bffn U'lro- yt.1-f ti. and 11 in1 "ni-iiiy, bit1i lutf ii m tta'tii mmi nerti ,g ftif t)'Ut Aitft.'Urft, Km uri rrt'm 1 ( nf Jwl ft figli tf ttir di-L t't Trfurn. kUUBU, Vft. It ! lik ,lf-Jiitriiri.n ir cmtinti dry ut Ifi marniW in tit prt iu n a t iff nnd tlhn of th jmnt. piikihh lUf Imtr f fall utlt, tlful S.S.S.rTLBIood l irnarmfHiwd 1'urely etrtt.n, and U tl.e iitilf l.iiKd retm-dy lr- from lliw tj.i ir. Eia m:r.ermi.. K.k on w-!f rtmel tffm by DAY'S SPANISH SPOOK ROUTED. Major 0. S. Day Now In Possession of a Haunted Castle. Tho following eamo from San J nan, 1'ot fo liieo, hu"t week : Mdjor (). S. Day of tho Fifth United States Artillery has taken possession of tho haunted Sin de- ronimo csstlo. He tins heard the Spanish ghost, and, to tho utter astonishment of negro residents, driven linn from the musty old walls liiit thoppook did not retreat meekly. He made three visits to tho Major, driving a span of horses across the sfono bndgo and into the yard on blight moonlight nights, and con vinced him at least, of tho truthful ness of ono Spanish ght story. !an (teroiiiino, a bttlo one ftory stone enstle, is situated on a pictures que headland ( t tho north coast at tho eastern end of San .1 nun Islands. As early us tho year IT'.1'.' the Span iards saw tho beauty of the spot ami built tho first rude walls, a summer home for thoCnptuin (ieneral. Year after year, as customary with sll their forts and cisth s, they strength ened tho place until last October, when they departed, they left the kitchen, living apartment and dun geon protectt d from the seacard by asolid masonry wall. Half a centur ago, in the flourishing days of Span ish rule, San (ieronimo saw gome i illianf society, lint for more than thirty years past, according to tra dition, tho wall have sheltcicd and protected, except occasionally, only a solitary ghost. The nearest neigh- iors, the negroes in the slab hut on the m litary road, P'iy the spectre was the returned spirit of a political prisoner tortured to desth in the dungeon cell. Their story v as providtrnoa few years ago, they thought, by the mysterious death of a temporary keeper. Yet, not with standing the prt soncooffiich a ghost. when war came with the I mted Slntes Ihe Spanish artillerymen laced six big guns in position on top of the etstle walls in order to help sink Yankee men-of-war. Two unmounted gun carnages were found by our troops on October is:ts. n a tour of inspection of the old Spanish forts and breastworks in San Juan hist October, Major I My noticed the j iiot 11 rcnj no site of San eronimo and wondered whv so pretty a little castle should have been deserted. He found the walls although a century old, in good con dition, one solid piece of masonry. On further examination he taw lliat, by the help of a tew workmen, the damp, musty interior could be made into one of the most beautiful dwell ings on tho island. Accordingly the Mjor, not having heard of the ghost, decidtd, if possible, to get permission from (ten. John 11. J!rooke,thon in command, to occupy and repair the castle. J.ut at first the Major met with a liltle delay, for the General, having heard the ghost story, naturally did not want to have I j is efficient artillery oflicer encounter, unnecessarily, a danger ous spook. "VVe can hardly spare you from here just now,"' said (ieneral I'rooke, apparently in earnest. lint tho Major persisted. "Nor can we afford to lose yon," continued tho (ieneral, with a twinkle in his eye, remembering the death of tho Spanish kccer, yd gay ing not a word about a ghost. Major Day, nevertheless, after an other appeal, got permission to occu py the old Spanish castle. For his deeping appartment he chose a room in the temporary second story wooden shed which overlooked the backyard, the stone bridge and the shore toward the capital. His bed stood directly above the dungeon and torture cell on the ground floor. Hut as tho Major then knew noth in'ofany ghost, he of course, did not feel superstitious. He had selected the second story room merely in order to keep an eye on the stone bridge angf way. Major Day spent his first night in the castle without even an orderly. In tho early evening he sat on the stone breastwork enjoying the cool sea brcczo and then went to his room, tired enough to build castles in dreamland. Hardly ha. J he closed his eyelids in sleep before he heard a span of horses on the bridge. IJe muttered something about a lunny time for visitors and got up to meet his ca'lers. JJut when hu looked out of the window lie could see neither horses nor visitors. Such an occurrence naturally puz.lcd him, for, although his cars, carefully trained to hear the faintest noise of tho enemy, on the ono hand, had told him of the approach of a team, yet, on the other, his eyes, which sighted 12 inch rifles precisely on the masts of battleships miles away, could dettet no sign of horse or man. Therefore the artillery officer wondered if Jie was awake. lie pinched an arm, and, feeling the test, once more retired lor Ihe night. In the morning he decided to keep his experience a secret, but, if the opportunity ever came again, to be more on the alert the nex' time for his mystt rioiis visitor. On the second night in San (ie roniiuo enstle Maj r Day, therefore, did not fall t!eep at the Usual hour, but lying on hi cot wide awake, listened intently for any unusul Boisj, I h-fore half an fmur had pasMd, nearly at Ihe ams hour on tho pre ions right, ho defected the faint rattle of a leatn on the 1. ay. Six.n be recognized the faimiiar clatter of a span of horte m the hrid,. He fdainlf beard thoir h"of s'rike tho sfono pave ment. Faster and f:ister eamo the team, seemingly with whirlwind speed, across tho bridge and into the yard. Sine of his visitors, tho Ma j r could wait no longer, but, spring ing from his bed, threw open the blinds, and, peering into tho yard. shouted in Spanish, ".Hello !" Hut he got no reply. Nor could he see horso or man. His phantom team hail disappeared as suddenly and mysteriously sh if they had driven right through tho solid Castlo walls into tho dungeon. He made a closer inspection of tho yard. Yet in the bright moonlight, strong enough io mitko newspiper print readable, he could not find even astrangesliadow. And the instant ho threw open the blinds, moreover, the Major heard only tho lino of breakers far along the soacost to San Cristobal fort. ( )n the third and last night, w hen the ppan of horses seemed to coin" aerofsthe ramie bridge, Major Dav sprang to the window and threw pen tho blinds still ouicker than tho night be I ore. He went so fast, in fact, that he forgot to speak in Spanish. I Stiff his team had already vanished. Tho horses eamo across the bridgo only three nights," said M- j or D.iy in relating the story of his xperieiiee in tho haunted castlo to the Sun correspondent. '0.i the fourth dav, w hen my native laborers an'd earpefiteis begin their work, tho old ghost did not appear. Nor has he troubled me since. Hut 1 ceitainly heard a span of horses come across the bridge on tho first time nights. Yon eui easily tell the clatter of hoofs on the pavement, especially those of the native hoists "My native workmen, by mistake, spoiled one of the best relics I found in San (ieronimo, an old Sj anish dungeon. Hidden from every ray of sunlight, the cell hImi had a col lection of instruments of torture. I told the natives to whitewash the walls and make a skylight, but a few days later I found they hud cleaned out every iron hook and ring and chain. These things, of course, would have been quite a little on riosity to Americans. "Another interesting thing I found was a mysterious hole bored in the Solid wall. On the floor of the fame room were a big drill and a pile of fresh sand and stent!, which showed that the hole had been made only a few days previous to tho tl ty the Americans took pofsession of ihe island. Nothing was in the cavity, which extended fuliy fittetn feet toward the front hreastwotks. Hut 1 am inclined to think the woik was int. rrupted. No, I did not find any powder. Now, I would riot say the Spaniards intended to blow up the wall with a time fuse, but I certainly think the hole looked suspicious." jS'ow, ae the ghost has gone, Ma jor Day is completely satisfied with his little corner of paradise. For comfort he has built what his frie'ids call a tin roofid Yankee ham on toj) ol the castle. I Siat in his wooden cottage he hopes to avoid the damp ness of the walied rooms on the ground floor. On the sea beach, not fifty feet distant, he has a trop ical luxury, a bathtub, eight feet deep, cut out of solid roek. Twice a day the tido fills this costly Span ish howl. Then, in a natural aijiitr ium, guaided by picturesque rocks nndcr theshadow oftheetsdo walls, the Maj r can study the habits and peculiarities of such specimens as tho salt water tront, sea bliss, rain bow fish, little sharks, swordfi.dt and the black, poisonous, long quilled porcupines. If, on theother hand, ho p'etirs a little sport, he can drop a line into the deep pool on the other side of the yard and either play with bigger fish or catch them for a shore dinner. Nor need he buy fruits, for oranges, bananas and cocoaiiu'g grow in abundance in ihe lot on shore And il theo'd Spanish ghost should happen lo drive tho phantom team across the stone bridge again som'j moonlight night the Major now could summon, by telephone, a battery from San Cristobal or Morro Castle. . drip's Ravages l)oomed. So much misery and so many deut Ii have been caused Ly thelir.p, thai every- ono should know what u wonderful remedy for thin malady in found in Ir. King's: New Jiiseovety. Thai dinlressing stubborn eougli that inllauieH y.'nii- throat, rob y ou of sleep, weakens your sy stem nnd paves the way for Consii'iiplion ia quickly stopped by thin maleliless euro, i f" you have chills nnd fewr, pain in the huek of the head, sore iiohn jo hones iiti'l movies, soro throat ned thai cough lfi.it grip' your throat like it vice, you need J)r. King's New ltiseoverv lo euro your (inp, and prevent Pneumonia or ('otisiimplioii. Price .Ml rts, nnd $1(10. Money back if not cured. A triul hot lie I lee ut Tuylor A I'aii tier's Drug !Morc. With the mercury at 'J'i UUw zera the Third Regular Infantry on Janum- .".oil, Pt,irtt d from M. Paul, Minn., on il long journey to the tropical I cat of the i'hilippines. It is the nhbst American regiment, with a record extending hack to the Revolution. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hi Kind Yea Han Alt ajs Esugfct Siguatara ut t'f f'fi 14 " . : U a ' At 4rMtaMI4k Wealthy People Live in Constant Fear of Assassination. What is the smallest income on which a man inty live in New York? w as the question I asked to-day of a noted banker whoso income cannot be less than f liM.iioo a year. "Well," he replied, "my house-hold expenses alone am nut to $2",(M0 a yer. and 1 do not see how I could possibly liveoii les than that. Then a reminiscent smile began to cross his countenance, and heavinga little sigh, he said: ' Hut the happiest time of my life whs when my wife and I and two children lived here on sSii.otMl a vrar. We kerd two servants, and felt finite rich. After all. ham, iocs doesn't deneud on the amount of a ru in's income. I was quite intimate with William II. v'anderbilt, and he vv-is considered the richest, man in the country. I met him one day on Fifth avenue, and said Ut him that he ought to be the happist man in the world "I am not, the great mi lionairo re plied. "My health isshattt red, and all the money I poss-ss e.tnriot re store it. 1 cannot even drive one f my fine lioises. Il is pa nful tor mc to sit down. My only possible exercise is to walk down the avenue I receive thrcstei im? letters daily, and my nerVcs are so unstrung I bar I am constantly afraid that eoine assassin wnl waylay mc. I am over run with people who want to get my money. I am the most wietched man in New Yotk, and I tell you that atter a person has accumulated etiotigli to si-euro lit til hgaiiint pov crty and gratify his reasonable wants, every dollar in addition is a bnidcn atol weighs It) i i down." . Philadelphia ledger. Allow ing Apiiinaldo to Prepare. A late (li pti l) from Madrid says: A g n rai w ho bus lived lor s me yeais in the Philippine isl tm!-, s lid in an intei vie v : "The American? arc m.iki, g two mistak'K in eonm c' i. .n v Mi the Philippine ijiiest'oii. First, tl.ey mi ghing Agtii.'ialdo and his lollowi i lime to org.Hi'zo their forces sr.d propagate the idea of ind.-p' I'd1 nee among this Malays. Si -ond. in the a tribnrjoti of all the imports1 e of the aiehipelag i to th- island of l. i Z' 'Il alone. If the Amencai-s occu pied the other i.-lands in an t tTeelive uittiiM r, making it e't ar to iho Tig alos rlj.it their occiq a' ion is h h'Uje, and permanent, the iiieral t iler' oil the Malays woio'd be very in.port.iiif, cspociiilly in the ct-eof l!c Im'I- C stes ami rich planters, whodr. ad wnr. 1 he Americans arc t:ii-;M-ii if they think that, w ithoii i g: v h: the natives! a sever-.' lesson, they c.iti eel In m footing in I. IIZ ' i. T Malay is a baibarian, obtd to I he impu'ses of faint- ii fear of punishment. nt o Way Meet Foes Side by Side. . Walter Hume lng, president of the Hoard of Agriculture, address ing the Farmers' Club at Ni wcus'le, K-igland, on January '.Kth. u- d :he word "alliance" in referring to the future relations between (ircat Un fair! and ibis c .untry. The frank employ merit of hit term by a litem her of ihe (iuVirMneiit is likely to evoke much discussion. Mi. Long, who had been discussing the pro posals to establish liationd grain arics and had said "that, after all, and in the last resort, Kngland'e safely depended upon Having s navy strong enough to meet any possible were solemnized in Canada by eler combination the nations could bring gymen resident of the United States, against her," proceeded as follows: who were often relatives of one of "I am glad of our improved relations the contracting parties or were vis with our American cousins, because itmg in the localities where the wed they have the true meaning of dings took place, and invited to friendliness in that ihe Americans conduct the ceremonies. The law realize tur blood relationship and requires that all marriages la; have firmlv resolved that if (ireaf solemnized by a judge, magistrate, Hritain is called upon to face d lli cullies she shad not face '.hem alone. Seeing that the two countries tire pursuing the mum policy and have the same ends in view, thcv must always be friends, linn and true fo one another. Prepare for Sprinf. 1 loii't lot this season overtake you before you have attended to the im portant tit tv td purifying your blond wiih llood's Sarsapaiilla. Uy taking this medicine now you save sickness that will mean time and money as will as suffering later on. Hood's Sar-.apurilla will give you rich, red blood, t- -d ap pefito, "od digestion and a Sound, healthy body. It is the greatest and btst spring medi cine because it is the One True H.ood Purifier. Its unciptallcd re cord of marvelous cures lias won tor it the confidence of the whole eople. The Atlanta Journal thinks the wisdom of Admiral Dewey's advice n t to send any more rifles and am munition to the Filipinos bar lo come very evident. Hood's Pills Are prepared from Na ture's Iniid laxatives, and while pentle are reliable and efficient They ihOUCQ thQ LiVCrilvU County, . .North Carolina, Cure Sick Headache, Bil iousness Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold evrryvv he re, p'r box. rxpvwltirc I nMaCaXunlLHaw M-T-aia. fo a-tfty CMta. oassmpt, .i-r a.fr, r e-.l-M k .t...t 3 . (-!' Smc Si a.. -.i ...a A Comedy of Errors. A eoniedv of errors, which to one of the participants therein was some what expensive, was enacted hero or, ra'her, it had its culmination here, yesterday. A well known bnsi. nesa-man of New York arrived in the city Thursday and registered at the .h Hereon. Ho was anxious to consult a legal friend of his, nnd knowing that the attorney, who was touring Psortli Carolina on legal biisintss, would bo in Dm ham that afternoon, ho wired him to meet him hero yesterday morning. Tho telegram went to Diirhain and to tho hotel there and was delivered a gentleman bearing the name "J Initials Set forth in the message " rt'ad it, and prepared to take tho train to Richmond Shortly thereafter another gentle man, bearing tho same name and tho 'same initials, registered at the Dur ham hotel, and tho clerk there rec ognizing the similarity of the tele gram winch, had been delivered. The lawyer for he was the one to whom tho telegram rightfully be longed --wen' to the telegraph of fice, and getting a duplicate of the message, eamo to Richmond, too. not Ij gentlemen came on tho same train, neither being aware that tho other was aboard, and Imth went to the Jefferson and sent their cards to tho sender of the message. Fxpla nations were then in order, aed the gentleman who first got tho mess age, realizing that he had been the victim et peculiar circumstances. shook hands with his namesake and caught the first train back to North Carolina. He, too, is a lawyer, and one of Carolina's most prominent attorneys.-- Richmond Times. Outraged by Native Filipinos. A late cablegram from Manila says : I ales ol suffering, hunger and dishonor come fim the provinces. Young Spanish girls aro forced to live in i pen shame Will) low boH' I Lilians. Their parents, being pow erless, appealed to Aguinaldo. His reply was a letter from a dishonored child exacted after dol knows what si. fl ring- saying she is happy and content. Ltdics have suffered dishonor to save their husbands from eruei treatment. Five niiests have died in one province from hun ger and cruelty, although $t'i(i,lMi had been sent by the corporation for their maintenance. An fippea! to tun- Atuejiean- nioh' has been made in the name of (iod to stop the so lu! tragedy. A Woman Poisoned to Death. A special from Klk Park, Mi:ch- ell count v, sa s : "An ironist was held the l'ol Jan. over the body of Mrs. ,'huks 1. iviti and a verdict of death from puis .-n ndminis'crcd by unknown parties wan given. Mrs. l.own was the divorc d w ife of Mr. James Lovin, a merchant of Monti - zuiiiH. At the time of her death she was at the home of Mr. V. I!. i! wtrs, a leading merchant of this place. fNispkMon points to .Mrs. Wilson, cook and housekeeper for Mr. Powers until three days liefore the death. New deveiopuients arc expected. I lie .Morgauton .sews says James Lovin is a 6on of Ander son Lovin, of piuike county. Two Hundred Illegal Marriages. "Two bur dred Canadian marriages during the last two years have been found to he illegal. The marriages or mairiage registrar, or a clergy man w ho is a resident of Canada or ordained by a Canadian church or ganization. Legislation is to be in troduced making such marnagts legal. Public ( (pinion. It Did the Work. "I had sore eyes and was troubli d w ith chills and rheumatism. I was in bed three weeks. I bought three bott'es of Hood's Sarsaparilla and la'gan taking the medicine and now I can go to work every day. When suffciing from malarial chills I took H ani's Sarsaparilla and it did the woik." W. W. limai. s, Silver Hill, North Carolina. H s.i.'s Pi i. i s are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarstipariila. "."c. France dix-sn't like the t'nited States a bit, and show6 it every day. She would like to meddle w ith our affairs, but she ire not. Albany (ia ) Daily Herald. The same might le said of our saur kraut friend, Germany. Suttlw Baal.f ml It ld ids h " Ba-rM 4 185a. 1898. ipn nn llil UUULUUU, Kiaminatiena for rntranor will lepin reitenilier fith. ls. J i,r healthful cli. mate, thuroiili inat ruction bT ra.-lu'a! tearhera, rniirt-ouf lreaime,ii ml haw rate for lr l and t ml ion ttie tillege t. itlmtil r in in Nurtii ( nrii.nl Huanl .... t-i to IT per morit Ie Tuition .... I.' to 1 1 tf mo!,t,L Adirea. fn'ti-l'T Amuv,-,,,. j H ut Srfrtl t i -rya, : rQtwAn. U Makes the food more tvi Anna The Separate Car Law. The white people are almost a ut.it in favor of tho passage of the bill requiring that tho railroads in this State furnish separate coaches for the races ; this has long laen known ; but it is interesting to find that there are numbers of colored men w ho take tho same view, and agreo that it will bo better for the races to bo separated in rai.wsy traveling. The Maxton Hlade, an inliuential negro newspaper, says tho colored people have "long since become accustomed to separate waiting rooms at railroad stations and thcv will take tho separate ears just as they did to the separate wait ing rooms. Asa matter of fact such law would not have a tendency to. humiliate the colored people in the least. No St If respecting colored person will attempt fo force himself in places whero he knows he is not wanted. All that he wants is that when ho pays first class fare he be triveu first -class accommodations. Ie wants that which he pays for and nothing more, and if his presence in first class cars among white people is objectionable, then by all means provide equal accommodations for um in a separate car. ihe separate car is no more a dis rimination than separate waiting rooms, fepaiate hotels, separate hiirches and separate schools. And it is in the interest of peace and good eelifig that the races should be kept separate. Charlotte News. Always provide for the worst the be-t i.: able lo provide f r itself. Out in Kansas lives t htppv ife. She wriffs: hive used Mother's Friend befora ro confinenif nts. The last time I hid rains, nd m in labor only I few min utes. Suffered very little." The reason why AWher's Friend does expectant mothers so much good is because it is an external liniment, to be applied upon the outside, where much of the strain comes. It helps be cause the pores of the skin readily absorb It, snd it comes into direct contact with and is absorbed by the parts involved. Morning sickness is quickly bsnished, and nervousness is kept completely away. The sense of dread snd foreboding is not experienced, even durinc labor itself. Confinemenr is short and almost without pin. Recovery is quick and sure. Besl of all, Mother'a Friend benefits the unborn iust is much as the expectant mother, and when the lirrle one comes il will he strong, lusty and healthy. Drurgi.t. Mil MiKIw i Fritad lor II a fcottta. Send for oi-r fr.. hook on tti. .ufcj.et, liu.lv ill u.trat.4. THE BKADI If.l D REOl.'LATOR CO. ATLANTA., OA. Southern Railway. tiii: . Standard Railway of The SOUTH The Direct Cine to All Points. Texas, California, Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. Strictly Kl IIST-CPASS K.iiiij'trietit i m nil Through and Ixieal Traiti : I'ullinnu l alae r-l.-.-pi ik Cars nn all Night Trains; bast and bale Schedules m Travel by tht southern aM you are a. aured a Mafs, Comfortable and Kipr-diliou- Journey Apply to Ticket Agents forTims Tabba, Kat and l,ntira! Itifornia t ion . or addrraa a. i.vraaoN, f.a. oaa, T. I'. , i . e. i T. . Cbariotte. V C. Aubfiiflf, N ('. K rank S. Itanium, J MCulp, 3n t r ai.(vv,v Tinr n is, W, A. T.irW. H V. A. Wahiiu:T'ti. I' C Sate isM ni Cpltee. vn ir rry f'"t-' rst.k ml a- tr n.of bllnaf nwih fctlAI.rt tl H.h ft-' M OR Aft. Mmt' W WANTED ! One iI.o!rd !' .' ,i. w .I: t t ! ..a.'l a; ' l'.is,i ien-t r ,t Hr!.. sj t.j a e n. at.d efMH-a by ffirn mad !-? to Vntm, N. ". L. K iAl;Pr S. w - Baking . delirious and wholesome ftownr ry , mt vn. Bad Conduct of Soldiers in Havana There wore three cases in Havana last week of tho abuse of citizens on the part ol American solJiers. Unon two occasions soldiers took eatables from street venders, refnsed fo pay for them and struck the venders and citizens who took their part. Upon one occasion two druukeu soldiers upon penetrating into private hous es, insulted the women of the house- j holds and only desisted upon the ap proaeh of a patrol. The local com ment upon these incidents is severe. To be entirely relieved of the aches ind pains of rheumatism means a great deal, and Hood's Sar saparilla does it. Picginning this week there will lie live mailsa week between Tampa and Havana instead of two a week as at present. TAPE WORMS MA tap worm l(hla fact loaf ai !.( came on lux M.-.u. arter nr tak!n lo CASCAKfcTS. Ttaia I am aura hu eauMil tu; bad k.alih for tb paat ttaraa )Htl 1 tm auil taking Cix-ami, tta. enly e.thlrltc wottbr ol Bonca by awa.isie ppl. " Gio. W Bowl IS, Balrd. MiM CANDY CATHAHTIC . Pl.it.nt rli.hi. C..I.M. T.tt. QnrA FH GomI. .N.f.r Sitkn W.at.B of Grif Mjc. fee. ttlc ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... t.rtmt Ihm4 t'mfmt, ftwao, aMrirl, wt. It Hn.Tfl.RIP S,a ana ini'iniwl St Hirst -IHlI.KI 1.1- Borial Robes, Slippers, k. A full stock of all llfs nnd qualitit. krpt io band, and at rrawmahle pru'e. iStora room, uwjitira ovsr Mr. W. Ihirkr'a itr, on alain 8trt. Tor Low Rates West, TKXAS. MKXK'O, CALI- Ft'RXl A, or any other (Hiint, with KKFK MAI', write to FRED. D. DUSII, Plstnct I'aasetigcr Agent, Lonis?ille & NasbYille R. R., He. 1, Broan Buildmg, Atlanta, Ca. Trinity College OfTfra full eot.re in KiiKli.h I.angua n and Literatim., Anrbnt and MiKirn l.anguap-, lliMory, KocioIiit, .Vlatbe matie, riolo.o(.iy , Libia, Law ariit I'onimree. VI omen admitted to ail rouwi ni atiiily. Tb U-git hkIo. ed institution of learning in th atai. IVwS Na J t. Sia.a tw mmit. ImtMW, ts a a tin. Nest aaion oh-ii Sitemlr 7, ms for C'alal'M?" aildrmw. 1ft. C kti io, Ihirbam. X- fj TRINITY ACADEUY, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Mount Airy f'.fr,n i-tm,,) and , tmg .-bnoi 1 rimty i',! , r(l Opens August 25th, iSgS. I ' . e' . 1 a- . T . Lot f..ll it f ,r:i in j. r. 1 i-tiviaaaw j f Crowned ; j Again. i 1 tnke great pleasure in suting j! that the a-orld-renow neil T LI 1 T IT I It k.JliVVll-MVJ V -a : MACHINE i ! Handled by me. in keeping with a ' long line of nolabls coniiets in the past, agHin vk torious at the I Omaha b,)0ition ; M 1 lieing a arded the highfOt 1 obtainable prie, I ! THE GOLD MEDAL, i J ! asthetwsl family sewing ',' I rnaehine tnade 'i : JOS. NATIONS, Agent, ;! : 111! 1 1 E. . ll.lB.lll. Mi, Mil 1 i

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