Airy News. HE MOXTNr VOL. 10. MOUNT AIItY, N. 0.. THURSDAY, FEIUUJAUY S. 18!M). . Railroad Engineer Tsttlfle Is Benefit ftaeaiv.d Prom Dr. Miles' Remedies. TnrnE In no mote rer.'iislle position on earth than Unit of a rallrnadeiiKtn ecr. (n hi steady nerves, clear brain, Drlplit eye. ami pern-it self rntnntitiid, di pnnd the safety of tli trutn and t lis lire of It paasetiter. Pr. Mile' Nervine, and other remedies are sierially ailirited to keening tlin nerve sternly, the lirnln clear and (tin Infill nl f'u'11 1 1 i 11 n I Hi) i n t r r cl . Engineer V. V. M.-t'ny, formerly rif t:CJ nroiulway, Couci'll ItluiTi, but tiw realdlng at .TO I lit., Penter, writes that be "atinVreil fur yeura from rnnatlpatlnn, catta Inn Rli k. nervmm and blllmis liemlnrbis and won fully rrntoreil to Ix-nlt h by l'r. Mile' NerreA Liver Tills. ! heartily recommend Pr. MllcV Homed iea." Dr. Mite' lOniedlee ant sold by all dm glat iiiiilnr a positive guarantee, first Imttle benefit or money re funded. lUn.k cm dis eases of the heart and nerve five. A .1 il n. Mile.1 inemedies ftoator J Health Dll. MILKS MEDirAtlU, Hit hart, Intl. Wanted ID Irnniediali'lvito till orders) Tin I llnllillhd His. (II ItAlilUT SMNa iilT'le en's per pound (admit l-lto-en ' riiiH pi r doeie shipped pel trti'ii released, value limited In n.1 it. i-r Hitiiiil. at your m-un-at station, llt'sl larire. nni! Mlnka. tiiui: other Furs In prou'irtliin, A-ll . I take furs nil May. Also oh) Hriihs. cnppir. Lead, y.tne, I'ewterand old Hulilier Uuoia anil shoes, w. s. nooRE, Ye h. Ith, law. oreeuaboro, N. C. V. li. BROWN, Orrica with Cko. V. Pparokr, Mount Airy, N. C. S. P. GRAVKS, Mttorney-at-'kaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. -- Hr-Practlces In State and Federal Court Prompt attention to collection of claims. Dr. John E. Banner, DLNTIST. CfT.ce Hours 8 00 A. M., to 5.00 P. M. LEOrMKD BUlLOlHO, FRANKLIN ST., Mount Airy, N. C. ,T. 15. MeCARGO, OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY HOTEL BLOCK. Business Promptly Attended To. w. f. carter, MOUNT AINv, . C. J. R. LEWELLYN, DOMON, . C. Cartku & Lkwkllyn, Attopneys-at-Iiaw. I r" Practice In the State and Federal Court. Prompt attention jfiven to all Dustuesa entrust ed to their care. GEO. V. SPARGKR, Attorneyatkaw, MOUNT AIEY, N. C. Will practice In Btate and Federal Coiirta. Bpoetai attention to colleouon of claims and nefCotlatlnK loans. J. H. Slakcmore, PHOTOQRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. O. MUM la prepared to mako all the New and Artistic Styles. Ia up with the times and will give you Brat -class work. Fins Stock for Sale. I liave now for sale a number of Jersey and Holstein Calves, And twenty-five or thirty Jersey & Poland-China Pigs, J'rioes Ti-ry raonalile. Addresn, J 8- JACKSON. 1'ilot Mountain. N.C. Dr. Boy kin's Worm Killer. The Most Reliable Worm Destroyer in Use ! We Guarantee the Medicine to do all we claim for it. PRICE as CENTS. SOLD IIY I. VV. WEST, Druggist, MOUNT AIRY, N.C. THE STATE Normal and Industrial College. Offfrs the young women of the Ptate thorough profeMional, literary, claMiev I, KMeiitino and indiifttrial education. Annual eipennea, i to l). Faculty "kititwa. .V-;fan f'XI regular "student. I Ian mat rioiilatwl Ih1i i&tf students, repreentiiiji every eounty in the Plate ef-pt two. I'raetie and Observation m-hool of ahoul pupil.' To secure txiard in dormitories, all free tuition applications must be made be fore Aukusi 1. nrrwpondenee invited from those deiring eompwjent traintsl ten' her. for ef alorie and ot her inforn!('sl 4iress I'KKiP KM M. IVi.K, MS 1UUU Ailaniie & laJIm CAPT. J. W. TRY, MR. H. L. FRY AND MR. J. C. MURCHIS0N REAPPOINTED. The New Company Now Operatlnjr the Atlantic L Yadkin Railway and its Branches. Under tho announcement made bv General Manager Jno. K. lvenly nf tho Atlantic Coast Line, tho pnwenpor trains on the Atlantic and ) adkin railway, formerly the (Jap h far nd Yadkin ValleT railwar rnnnintr into the Front street station of the Atlantic Coast Lino t octorilur and thn froivht trains ar j ji -- o - rived at antl departca irom ineuoasi Line's freight tards. Yesterday General Manager Ken v issut'd a circular announcma that tho following appointments for the Atlantic and Yaiikin took cIToct Feliruary 15tli. AcoiHtant General Manager J V. Fry, ofllfo at Wilmington. Hiiperintendent ol lransporta tion K. liorden, olliccat Wilming ton. Kmrinccr of Hoadwav K. It I'leasatitt, ofllco at Wilmington. AfHistant hnglnoer 11. 1-. riy ofllco at (treenstKiro. Superintendent of Mntivo rower T. II. hmyington, ollice at Wil mington. rurehasin Agent r. 11. recti- tig, oflice at Wilmington. Train Mnster J.u. Mnrchison, oflice at (Jreensboro. Car Accountant F. Flanagan, oflice at Wilmington. The annual passes issued bv the receiver and general manager of the former Capo rear and latlkin Vnllev Railway Comranv. will be honored on the Atlantic and yad- kin railway until further notice. Trip passe will be honored till April 1st, provided they do not ex pire betore that date. Annual, ttrm and trip passes of tho Atlantic Coast Lino will not be recognized on the Atlantic and 'adkin Rail way. In view of the necessity for more room for the auditing department of the Coast Line, to accommodate the increased force made necessary by the purchase of the Cape Fear and i'adkin Valley railway, the office of Mr. WT. Flanagan, the car accountant, has been moved from tho Atlantic Coast Line building in to the north room on the first floor of Mr. G. k Gieschcn's building, on Front and lied Cross streets, just opposite his former oflice. Mr. W. A. Kiach, tho general auditor of the Coast Line, will occupy as bis personal oflice, the ono vacated by Mr. Flanagan and his assistants. Wilmington Messenger. The Ssmoan correspondent ot the Melliourne, Australia, Argus, says that the only solution ot the difficul ties there lies in an immediate an nexation of the Samoan islands by (irrAt r.rittiin. And that it is ardent ly desired by the British and Amer ican residents. The second battalion of the Third volunteer engineers sailed for Cuba on last Friday. Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Catarrh is one of the most obstinate ixeniw, and lit-nce the most difticult to get rid of. There) is but one way to eure it. The disease is in the blood, and all the sprays, washes and inhaling mixture in the world can hnve no permanent effivt whatever upon it. Swift's Spe cific cures Catarrh permanently, fori I is the only remedy which can rench the disease and force it from the blood. Mr. 11. P. McAllister, of llarrodsbure. Ky , had Catarrh for years. He writes: 1 ruld no lmprovenienl whatever, though J wu eojmtBiilly tr-aied vlth nrn'S ami waunr, anil ainer nil Inhaling remedied In fact, I could teel thai raeh mlnter I waion4 thin the year prerlous. "Finally It wal 1roughtw my nottc tlMitCatarrh H bloufl die, and after think ing over the matter, I saw it wasutitcnftonablt i L. -"V . ti exiiect to tie cured lis (- L..f rent) dies ltlch onlt V tr l . v reathefl the surface. 1 e;i,"" then decided to try B H s.. and afiei a few Uittlen were used, I no ticed a percentlhle imnrovenienl. Continuing the remedy, the dnec vd foreed out of nif viileni. and a eonipleie eure wu the reulk I clvi,eall who have thla dreadful dlaeas M iandon thelrlocal treatment. wlileh haanerel done ttieni anjr ph1. and take 8 S. 8., a rem edy that can reach the diaeaae and eure H." To continue the wrong treatment for Catarrh is to continue to suffer. Swift' Specific, is a real blood remedy, and cures obstinate, deep-sealed disease. which other remeuie have no eneoi whatever titn. H promptly reache Catarrh, ana neverfailstoeure even the most ai'gravate)) cases. S.S.S.r?heBlood Is Purely Vegetable, and is the only blood remetlv guaranteed to contain no dangerous mineral. Book mailed free l y bwilt peeiO Company, Atlanta, Oeorgi. 8iMc!"s.BaslMSJl PH0fORAPHV, T!-Wrl?lnj iWILCUR R. SMITH. "VLEXINCTON, KY., ccer::1 tolled of rr. mum "-f fft r fr4at'.J tm V1lri. K ' rtt ft rwN if tic tmt c ttirfi.TN V.-:. v.J f Ti:f ,Spm:S W mT1 r 4 t ('rNi, 0 aUieai FOR a rN"- SitnatisR i em . ' .-. m m Jsw A Good Road Bill. Our State has (ii IFered as nine fur want of ood roads as she has by the tniserablenesa of her free schools. If we had good roads we would have better schools. Having neither schools nor roads worthy of the name, and both being essential to prosperity, it is not to bo won dered that wo stand in poverty boasting ot our resources, and mar' veling how both txist in so great measure in one and the same land We have tithed tho mint and cumin of politics devotedly, hut with the greater concerns of our Common wealth wo have been inglorioualy negligent. Hut acliangois coming ; and mure rapidly, good people, than you would believe, you are say ing very lilile about schools or roads ; hut there aro men working away for them, your grand-children will build monuments over their indifferent dust ; but that will not vindicate your indifference even though it tell a pathetic tale of their unavailing gnititiido. Day in and day out wo have seen a man busily stirring back and forth in the State Capitol. He rides a "hobbv." thev sav. and others de clare that a "hobby" rides him. However that may be, the end will bo that tho people shall ride more easily, for all the rough-riding of this "hobby." The man is father of a road law : a bill, rather, to put North Carolina on the way to letter days; to send her farm products and minerals to depots at small cost; to save the farmers time ; to save tho liurses am! the mules anil oxen and tho wagons ; t j sve all told live million dollars to our people: every year, tho same which they now pay in tune, in mud, in colds, in trouble, in broken wheels, dead horses and bad words, their princely tribute to Had Koada the ono tax and the greatest of all, that they pay without protest whatever. Wonderful people we arc. We rear and charge and make speeches and send men to Congress about dog-taxes, and with never a wotd go dowu to poverty ourselves pay ing taxes to l.iid Iv ads. I his bill authorizes County Com missioners to levy a road tax. Of course yon protest ; it is so much moro inexpensive and pleasant to throw ten times as much into the ruts on the way to town. It fur ther provides that there shall lie Itoad anpcrviaiors, sftlsry from thir ty-five to seventy five dollars a month. There's an oflice fur some body, and a world of work. He sure it is filled by a worker and not a politician. And, further, that all able bodied citizens between twenty one and forty-five years of ago shall work on the roads four days in each and every yehr. Protest again, of course ; it is so much letter to work ten days to no purpose in the win ter-raud as you make your way along to die Ix'fore your time of pneumonia. The bill provides fur ther for the employment of convicts to assist in this work ; regulating the grade and width of more im portant roads ; for running roads around hills instead of over them ; and finally, when tho roads are im proved or more money is provided; for tho reduction of the number of reqnired days of road labor, and tor exempting counties that are issuing nonds to build or improve roads; which last two provisions mean the sooner yon start the quicker your happiness will be complete. JNow JSorth Carolina must have this law. She needs it. It will be money in the pocket of everv in dustrious man : it will be a home for his wife : it will be bonnets on the heads of his daughters ; acres of land for his sons ; and cash for his pastor and church and his paper. t will help ns all ; let m help it help us. And we muot not fail tosav that the man so busily working for this j law, always in a hurry and never ceasing, his "hobby" riding him to death, is Professor J. A. Holmes. He is not the fool-killer of that name, but lie is in as good a busi ness. Biblical Recorder. Bents the? Klondike. Mr. A. U. Thomas, ot Maryaville, Tex , has found a more valuable dis covery than has yet been made in the Klondike For years he suffered on told agony from consumption, accom panied by hemorrhages; and witsab eolulely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. He dedure that gold is of little value in comparison wiih this marvelous euro; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a botllo. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections arc posi tively cured by Dr. King' New Dis covery for Consumption. Trial hot ties tree at Taylor k Banner's Drug Store. ISegultir sicca .Ml cts. ami f 1. uaranteed to cure or price refunded. Charges brought against Judge Brown by Representative White were investigated by the house judiciary committee and there was oo evidence to sustain them. .a, . The Raleigh News and ( )bsorver saya that in the distribution of alma in that city the color line waa not apparent, the needy of both races binng helped alike. m m The United State. Senate has parsed a bill creating the oflio of dmirmJof the navy. Rear Admiral Dewey, it is understood, will he narntd for the office. rrrsrffl-cweMf H9ielnwUy rv MM Pais fiuav tanoaataauH.' tllnmiMa THE CAPTURE OF IL0IL0 AFTER BOMBARDMENT MARINES LAND WITHOUT OPPOSITION. No Casualties Among United States Troops -Americans Now In Possession of Town. General Miller reports to the Wsr Department that tho tity of Iluilo was taken on the 1 Ith inst. and held by tho American troops. Tho in surgctits were given 24 hours to surrender, but tliuir hostile actions brought on an engagement during the morning. 1 he insurgents fired tho native portion of the town, but with little loss of property to foreign inhabitants. No casualties among tho United Stales trontw. (In receipt of instructions from Manila, General Miller sent native commissioiif rs ashore from the I'. 8. transpi tort St. Paul, with a com munication lor tho rebel govern or of Hollo, calling upon him to surrender within the time stated, and warning him not to make a demonstration in tho interval. The rebels immediately moved their guns and prepared to defend their position. I ho Petrel thereupon tired two warning guns, tho rebels immediately opening fire upon her. The Petrel and tho Hiittimore thi n banibarded the town, which the reb els vacated, BfUr setting it on tire. American troops were promptly landed and extinguished t1 . liies in all cases of foreign property, but not befote considerable damage had been done. A Mai.ila special nf Feb. Nth gives the following additional par ticulars of the capture of ll.iilo: On Friday morning (ion. Miller sent an ultimatum to tho command or of the rt be Is on shore, notifying him that it w; his intention to lake Iloilo, by force if necessary. .Non combatants and foreigners were no titled to leave the town within 21 hours. The rebels were also warned that they nin-t make no further bel ligerent preparations. The gunboat Petrel was then moved to a position close in shot and near the rebel fort, while- the cruiser H"S'on took up her station at the other end ol the town. Friday passed quietly. During the day many refugees left the town of Iloilo, tho majority of whom were taken on board foreign ships lying in the harbor. Search lights trom the I'nitoil States war ships wire kept illuminating the town and its defences all night long. The rebe's, so tar as the lookouts on the ships could discover, remained quiescent throughout the night. At li o'clock on Saturday morning, the 11th, the gnnbat Petrel signalled to the cruiser Boston that the rebels were working in their trenches. In return tho Petrel was ordered to (ire warning shots upon the town trom her three pounders. This was done, and the rebels replied with a harm li'ss fnsiladc. The Boston and 'he Petrel then bombarded the reln-ls' trenches, completely clearing them of their occupants in a very short time Soon after the bombardment began tUme broke out simultane ously in various parts ot the town. Thereupon forty eight marines, act ing as infantry and artillery, were landed from the Boston, and acorn p y was sent ashore trom tho ro trel. These detachments marched straight into the town of Iloilo, and hoisting the stars and 'stripes over the fort, took possession of the place in the name of the United States. The capture of the town and its de fences havi,, been accomplished, the marines nd soldiers who had tseen sent ashore proceeded to save the Ameri-an, English and German consulates from destruction by tire which was raging among the inflatn able buildings of the town. The Swiss consul's residence, which was in the same row as the consulates named, was burned. Tho entire Chinese and native sections of the town were destroyed, but foreign mercantile property escaped with slight damage. There was some I desultory tiring by the enemy in the j outskirts of Iloilo, but not single Amctieitn whs injured. General ; Miller's force bad complete control j of the situation when the Petrel j sailed from Iloilo for Manila. The -Sixth United Slates artillery regi- j merit occupied a (.tosition command- ; ing both the luidges leading into j the town, and the Tennessee volnn- j teers and the Eighteenth United ! States infantry were occupying the trenches that had been constructed by the reikis. Manila, February l.L Col. Pot ter, who arrived from Iloilo vester- day, says: "On Sunday afternoon j Gen. Miller otdercd a reconnois- J sanee in force to ascertain the posi- i uon oi me enemy. Keller s '. Keller's battai-I ion of the Eighteenth United States infantry, with two Ilotchkiss guns and one Gatling gnn, encountered '.he enemy midway between Iloilo and Jaro. There was a large btxiy of them, occupying lxth sides of the road, and tiiey met the advance of the American troop with a se vere and well directed fire. The Americans deployed and returned the fire with a number of voIUys. The troop advanced steadily, sup ported by the Ilotchkiss and Gatling guns, ana drove the enemy through Jaro to tho open country Iteyond. Jaro was found to be deserted, save for a few Chinese, and po? table properly hd fiouti removed. Four American soldier were wounded, and the rebel hwts was heavy. l-T)- far riflj Oala. T narmn'ewt t eo hai.ii cur mtkn niuiiai.Meitm U l niliv,.,a Mad-dop f'tes Twelve Persons. Wht n an alarm was given y est or day afternoon that a mad dog was in the eoniiminity, tnothcia caution ed their children about leaving the yard, while men looked to their gum to si e if they were in gor d con dition, m there was no telling at what mil. nle they might hare to UeO tin in. The liii't report emtio from Hroiiklyn, fin eas'ern suhuib of Charlotte, saying that a mail dog had just hiliett a colored man. Lnier in the evening he attiicked Hev. G. A. IWo and succeeded in breaking the It sli on Us arm be fore he could be driven away. This morning as Chief Orr ami Mr. Geo, Gilfoid were going to tho lire and when they had rcnt'lit d Caldwell street, a negro culled their attention to the do which had just parsed them ami Hkl them to kill it, as it was mad, and was biting everybody and everything that came in its way. Chief ( rr at once turned his hoise around and started in pursuit at d only succeeded in killing the vicious brute after Imv ing cIikmhI it out near the psrk and then back to the citv. He bred at it live ti nits and sas that at one time tho crazed animal iiiiiuied at him and he had to knock it oil with the butt of his pistol, and only snt-cred- ed in putting a bullet in its hcait after running it over two miles. I p to the present writing Mine are twelve pcisotiswho were bitten and probably other eases willde- clop Inter on. It was, indei !, a pathetic, sight to see grown men am! women and one little girl at Dr. I rDonoghtic's office- waiting for their time to come to have tht! mad stone applied to their wounds. The following are tht! iiHiues of some of those who applied to Dr. O'Donoghue for re lief : A. Page, Miss Ad.dc l.twrencc and MeSris Sc-'tt, who woiks st O.ttiV cotton lai'ton. and .1. I'. Pierce, who lives on Smith Ti voti street, and Carr, w hn n am a a grocery store on .Norib Ca!dw i! strict, bceiiles three ..negro mi o whose namt s could not lie i-m A li p irter v is ted Dr O'D no glinc's otliee and learned some in teretii g fac's in regatd to the m nl stone which lm- kept a rend f all patictitstrcati d by himn tl I -omc three hundred), and out of this nein ber that had the in.ul stone applied, only two died, one a little gii I, ho received a bite on the gum, snd the other an old nun. Continuing the doctor said : "Science doe not recognize the mad stone in the tr. at mont of hydrophobia, but notwith standing that, we have here a list of thrt-n hiindri d easts treati d in 'his manner and only two deaths. This treatment speaks for ilo!t and the people believe that it will rt move all danger ot the di.-ease li" h) plied in time.'' Tho mad stones owned by liiedoc tor are now about the size i t a huge pi can nut, though he says they were at one time us large as an ordinary egg. They are supposed to have formed in the stomach of some animal, in all probability a deer. Charlotte News. Giant Among Locomotives. A monster mountain climbing locomotive, built to ascend the steep glades ot the fhigh Vaih-y rail road, has j'ibt been com pled d ai the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phila delphia. This engine, which is claimed to be the largest locomotive ever constructed in the United States, is known as a Compound con solidation engine, and weighs 1 1 r fons. It is so long that when it was finished it whs discovered that it could not turn the curves of the siding loading from the shops wheie it wa built to the main line of the Reading Railroad, and the workmen were compelled to jack it up several times in order to overcome this tin foreseen difficulty. Hundreds of persons watched with great interest this novel work of lifting it over the curves. It Iihs been numbered tlM, and is guaranteed to pull a train ot 1 ,000 tons seventeen milis per hour over the steepest grades of the Lehigh Valley. This giant among locomotives will use buckwheat coal for fuel. Its general dimensions are h fol lows : The cylinders arc eighteen inches in diameter, high pressure, and thirty inches in diameter, low pressure. The boiler iseight v inches ir. diameter, and contains ol I tulws two inches in diameter. There are four driving wheels on each side, filty-tive inches in diameter. The boiler and firebox areof steel, while the total weight of Wie engine in pounds is 225,OS:i. This weight, added to that of the tender, amounts the enormous total of o-JH,OOo pounds. The tender has a tank capacity of 7,0oii gnllons, and the engine is guaranteed to run for a considerable distance, namely, from Cox ton to Fairview, two stations on the Ihigh V alley, without taking water. When compared with a regulation locomotive, some dea of the nion ster proportions of ibis giant hx-o motive can be obtained. An ordin ary shifting engine links like a child' toy when drawn up along side. CASTOR! A For Infant and Children. Til KM Yea K..I Ahtsjs Bc:l CEREMONY IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO PERISHED AT HAVANA ONE YEAR AGO. The Graves Beautifully Decorated hy Friends. Occasion one Lonf to be Remembered. Havana, Feb. 1-1. I l::io A. M Tho sun shone brightly this morn ing for the first time in several days upon the wreck of the United States battleship Maine, dtstroyed in Havana harbor on the evening ot I'ebruary IS'.im, was decorat ed with a largo American Hag. At o clock i no stirs ami stripes was hoisted at half mast by Captain Eaton, of the United States auxili ary cruiser Resolute, who, with Mrs. Ilstts RathlMin antl Mrs. Dudley and ten sailors of the Resolute, rowed to the sunken battleship. The on ly others taking part were a bat talion, with officers, of the First Maine heavy artillery. An immense mpo of greens was festooned about the lighting top, each loop hung with laurel wreaths four feet in diameter, ind tied with red, w hite ami blue ribbon. Tho Cuban club of Havana had placed an artificial wreath on the boat crane and ibis Captam Kiton trans ferred to the peak of the galT. At 10 o'clock high mass was cel ebrated in memory of the Maine victims in the Mereede Church, at which Major General Ludlow and several of bis s'alT were present. The ceremony, which was very im pressive, was attcnde.d by Brigadier General George R. Ernest, repre senting Mmi ir General Brooke; Commodore H. J. Cromwell, Cap tain of the port and other naval officers, the citv council, the ecn live committee of tho Ciibin As sembly and other members of the assembly, the secretaries of the civil departments and many officials to- j gether with representatives of the Havana tire brigade and other local organizations. Manv womt n of the better classes were in the con gregation, which crowded the edi fice. I his afternoon the graves at 'obm ccineteiv were dtcoratcd in the pn of American ' officials,. military and naval attaches par'ici pating. The numerous graves were thickly covered w ith ll tw ers. I'a'her Sherman had ! n invited bv Mrs. Rathhone, who is President of the Woman's Association, to read pray crs at the grave side and he appear- d at the Amencan club, from which the pioc si-ion s'arted, in full ves incuts and with the assurance that Mgr. Saiilatider. the Bishop of Havana, had given his consent. I ommodorc Cromwell said that as the Bo-hop was not willing that a protestant chaplain should otliei ate, he i Commodore Cromwell i would not consent to the reading of prayers by Father Sherman. The latter thereupon went to his tel. lie had deterred his sailing on receipt of Mrs. Rathbone's invi tation. Commodore Cromwell informed the newspaper correspondents that the sailors felt deeply on the sub jects, regarding the ceremony ot decorating distine'ly a naval affair. Theretore lie could not permit any except a naval chaplain to officiate. Although he was quite willing that both a protestant and Catholic clergyman should act. Cause for Gratitude. cannot speak too highly ol Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has cured me ot a bad cough arid given me a good appetite. My little girl had a stomach trouble and did not see a well day up to the time she began taking Hood's Sarssparilla. This medicine cured her." Mus. T. 11. St u.nt, Stephen's City, Va. Hoop's Pi i.i.j cure ail liver ills. Mailed for '2? cents by C. I. Ilood A' Co., IjowcII, Mass. Tho Ninth regiment of regular infantry, now at M .dison Barracks, New Vork, has been ordered to go to San Franeieco and to le held in readiness to go to Manila. The United States army transport Sheridan, on the liUh inst., started on her long voyage with troops tor Maniia by way of the Suez canal. Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, Indicate that yrmr liver la nut of order. The hc-t medielrte to rouse the liver and rare all these lilt, is found In Hood's Pills 2. cent. Sold hy all roediitlue dealers. FARM FOR SUE. I have a ffvwl farm f lift) acres i mile f m n I lotnon that I will sell ad Terr low ii?ure fir hall euh and balance mi linn one ami two vara if dircl. 1 Unit ta adapted I., the growth of lin Inbaea and K well wa'ercl. A pood lotir rr dell iftL ,- thn fams SB-i utr nutlniihliacv It Mi inily is Biilea freia Mmint Airy and three no lea fnu. Whita P! tins. K'W any Intoimatma aihlrew, POET JONES, l;-f 1 am in ptlSrml, Turner" M ntaift, VC a r-oit'iHi t se'l )! teres. If Uyr u' Moke the food more M (Mfmfl John Wesley's House. j Whatever the merits or demerits i ol (he Philippine question, cn fact A sum of foooo having Irecn j remains. Tho undertaklngof Agnln providml hy an anonymous donor ; al Jo and his follower to carry (heir for (ho purpose ol maintaining 1 frivobui declaration of war into ef John Wesley's house in the City I feet on mero suspicion of tho good Road, London, as a permanent j intentions of the American imople Wesley museum, the formal open- J ruined their cause by demonstrating ing has taken place. The rooms I to the world their licentious disre are three in number. Hundreds nf j gard of tho restraint which eivili- Americans and other visitors annu ally make a pilgrimage to these rooms, which aro today in much the satiia condition in which they wete in Wesley's time. Deeply interesting and affecting is the room in which Wesley dieii. In the front room is the high back cd, coiiilortable chair in which ho used to sit and in which tho presi dent sits when presiding over a con ference. On the landing stands the old "grandfather's clock." once W esley's, and on tho buret the f mons tea pot presented by Wedg wood to Wesley. Tho lid is gone and the spout is broken, but an American ollered f 2ooo for tho tea pot. 1 ho house w aa finished eleven months after the chaa;, and Wis- cy lirst occupied it, as he savs in his journal, on October s, ITT'.b The third room on the floor is the "prayer room," which Wcsltynsod to enter at 4 o clock each morning. All these ind resting relics are now permanently preserved. -The ('on- grega'ionalist. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In the City of Chicago. Hisgen Bros, the popular South Side druggists, corner ti'.'th-st. and entworth av , say: "We sell a great ileal of Chamberlain's Cough Uemedv, and hnd that it gives the most satisfactory results, especially among children for severe colds and croup. l or sale by T tylor A: Ban ner, Druggists. - - The Norfolk Virginian and Pilot has been studying figures and it dis covers some peculiarities worthy ol mention in those constituting the preset) f year. It says: "lv.e.i is compost d oi :r.fivfor 1 is twice',. Taken backward it is still sj! nines, for M is it times as !: is ITTi 1 and are 0 ; and ! i- said to lie the magic number." ALL WOMEN AGREE. A druggist in Macon, Ga., sivtr hive sold large quanriry of Mather's Friend, and nsve never known an in stance where it his failed to produce the good results claimed for it. All women agree that ir makes labor shorter and stst painful." Mother's Friend is not a chance remedv. It good effects are redilv experienced hv all expectant mothers who use it. tears ago it passed the experimental stage. Vl'hile it always shorten labor and lessens the pain of delivery, it is also o' the greatest benedt during the earlier moajt of pregnancy. Morning sickness and nervousness are readily overcome, and the liniment relavr th strained mi'H'lii, eermirring them to expand without causing distress. Mother' friend g'ves great recuperative power to the mother, and ber recovery is sure and rapid. Danger from rising and swelled breasts is dene away w ith completely. Sold b drutgl.t. far SI a kottte. The BRADfin.n rpoi'lator co. ATI.S.M A. OA. a ... t ... .-m, e ', ...-ai.,! b.. -t t, .,.- ti iih Southern Railway. Standard Railway of The SOUTH The Direct Line to All Points. Texas, California, Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. strictly F1KST-Clxe,! Koioemetit on all Throutfi, atui l.ocnl Train- . Pullman PaU.-e Hm-fiui: "ar on all Ni'ht Train : I sat and fafe S-hotulfs .nnmv Travel hy the Southern and yoti ar aa sured a rafe. t'omfnrtal.le ami Kxpe--diliout Journey Apply to Ticket A tents for Time Tshl.'S, Kate and evnera! Informa tion, or aii'!r . l.VTSWr, . C!?V, T f. .. i . f. 4 T. . Oiarlott". X C. A.lHil'.OLC. Irt'li s Oinnoti.1 J V T e a i ff wV, " W A. lr. li. I'. A- .',oi,i, V.C, U0VBEB delicious and wholesome Wf'H r0 , Iff AW cation impose and their utter Inca pacity for self government. New Meant State, Dem. , T..... a. Success come to thoo who per severe. Il you take llood't Sarsa parilla faithlully and persistently, yoa will turely be benefited. - . We may bo adding to onr mili tary glory by mowing down with grape and canister naked tavagea armed with lawt and arrows, but we are harassed with doubt. Au gusta Chronicle, Dem. BAD " I (IM AtlTlMlM mi l ind laiaiita thf r iiiitf vk I ft aioftiat'h ami out bit-mi) ti ttrbM Aftr taking ft fw ! ttf 4 lit Wtt ifufft wvterfttitf 1 h? tr t (rft( in ifc rHUf U II Nil MIA hAtill. tin Hittnb'Na M.UtitKiill Ufeto Paiaaa. smmi ? Umi .."l -i ten weaken r tint Sic la IS ... CUt CONSTIPATION. ... i.rti., a...., i...,. iti.,. iina s im. m K0.T0.R1 C " senee a KM- I V-BAlt g u ( at luoaac BerialMf. Slippers, k A full stork nf all sine and qnalitia kcjt oa hand, and at rcaeonaMc price. Mora room, upstair ever Mr. W. liurke's store, on Main 8trtt. Sw Rates West, TKXAS.MKA ICO, CALI FORNIA, or any other point, st ith FRKK MAPS, write to FRED. 0. OUSII, I'istricl I'ssai'ltRor Agent, LoaisYille k KasbYiile R. fit. 1, 6ron Building, HtUnu, Ga. Trinity College I tTi'r full rnursei in Fuliah l.anpuape anil Literature, Attpie-nl and Jlmtern lugungea, History, Sn'tology, Xalbe-matii-a. Philosophy, I. I.le, Law ai.'l t'emmsree. Wornm admitted K ail cours of stint). Th larf.t ndo -el institution ot l"riong in tl.e state. Staaird liaaa t . saw aaama. lanSaa, Venr. t seion open S)ptemlr ?, ljr. For Catalogue5 iidre. Jso. C. K n Purham, N C. TRISIT7 AGiO, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. ilotint Airy Tttrt)-l .-.rwiI ai-il ril ling sil for Tnnit j ( .. i.-f Opens Aujut 35th, i . Latn of Brl an T u . - reaa-n t Y nt fuli iifirniur. a i,!eK, fifZhYi CANOV IL JJ Cathartic a i i Crowned Again. I take great pleasure in stating 1 1 that the woild-n'tiownptt , I i WHITE ii rnws 1 t 1 MAChiThae Hsndleil liy me. in keeping with a 1 lout; line of notable conquests in I the past, vi as again vi'-torious at 1 ;' the ; j; Omaha fc,'pottion ; ' la'iug aw arded the higlicst ',' 1 olitaitmble prize, ' !;; THK GOLD MEDAL, i; '1 as the txst family sewing I1 i mai'hine mails 1 - , J JOS. NATIONS, Agent, ;i I; MOUNT AIRY, N C. ' . I. IH...1II. , nr. i f l 1 f 4- i f i f

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