r M Airy N EWS. 71 OUNT - 1 . MflH m..a VOL. 10. MOUNT AIIIY, N. C THURSDAY, .MARCH , 18!W. NO. IO. I I f Cfironic Dyspepsia Cared. t .".) iV ...ilrk, ili fT FTF.Il mlTerlng fur nrarljr thirty yeara - rronnlyp pla, Wr. II. E. Iiinrdala, wife if a pnctiliifnt Ini.lne.i ni:in of Warfaw, N. V.. writer "l or 3 yean, I wn a ei'imtuiit miTcrvr from iltn'i,i4 nnd a weak tima.-h. Tin- II tl.tct d.l ,rcUrrd dl.trc-j, r:iuiim aevrrr rciln nml thi forma tion uf ran. Nonwitl-r how careful of my dU-t I iuffcriiil usniii7liiK p.-iiii after cat I m I :i triMl. J Ly tunny . lain and tried nutnerou n-nn'iiiii without pi rniaiii nt help. Two year ago I bejnn tai.ing lr. Miles' Nerve ami I.lvrr bills anil N,rv,n. Within a week I coiiiDiptici'd inuiroviim, .nil por :tin In tlm tnvonji iit I wan noon ahlo to t what 1 hkil, with no evil effecta I kprp tboru at hand anil ft incle ihsie rilsriel. any old nyniptomt." l)r. MIIi-m Hi'iiicOif are aold I y all drii ilsta under a po Itlve t uarantee. flrt Let tie benefit or ti.oui y re funded. HiHik on clU i'( the hi irt and nerve free. Aihln-s.i 4 Dr. it Reatorea Health v DR. Ml I, Ed MKDli'A Liu, klknart, I rid GKO. V. bTARGKK. Attorncy-at-Law, MOUNT AIRY, N C l.0 tJ1 Will practice In Utat and Frdi-ial Couit. Uppclnl aiU'iiilori to colli'cTlon of cUiinn and Ui'KOtlatliiK loan. J. H. Slakemorc, PHOTO QRAPHIR MOUNT AIRY, W. C, r la prcp.irrd to make all the New and Artistic Htylen. Is tip li li th'' times and will glveyou Oral claHa work. v. v. inunvx, nOTflHV PQSLIG, Okkii t with ;v:t. V. 8rAiii;itn, M.itint Airy. N. C. K l GTi AVKS, AlloPney-at-Law, MOUNT AIRY, N C tr-rmitlccs In siti) and Federal court. Prompt attention to collection of clalniH. Dr. John E. Banner, hi:ntist. Ollie." IIoiim 8t0 A. M to fi.nrir. M. LEONARD BOlLDlHQ, FRANKLIN ST., Mount Airy, N. C. nOTAHV PQSLIG. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY HOTEL BIOCK. BusiNtss Promttlv Attcndcd To. W- r. CARTtR, HCMHCf IH. M A. J. R. LtWELLYN, DlriMOM, N. C. CAKTKK it I.KWKI.LYX, Attorneys-at-Iiaw. vrrae.Uon In the tt and Federal totirm. Prompt attention given to all buntnean entrunt ed to t heir care. (ireeiivSl)oro Nurseries, GREENSBORO, N. C, I'ur all kimlrt Prill, SlaSs anfl Onamtal Trees, Tis anfl Pints. We are the: inf rixlnccm of llie Katnoi.n '(reetiKlioro" and (iotinet'a Soiilherit IVaclies. C'ntaloKiit frei. (ireeiiitlioro herd of I't'iiitorcd POLAND CHINA HOGS, i'ineitt lierd in thei Poutli. Writu for prieea. JOHN A. VOL'SO, I'ruri.'lor. Tho. Fawcitt, C.I.. Hanki. "... Prenident. Fir-! Vice Prei. Heeottd Yiee Prea. Cahier. FIRST ti'ATiOIIAL DAfKC of F.It. Airy. I've okhoii ATi:n. iimi, f .o.ooo, PMid i. DIRECTORS. Thru. Kaweett C I . Hankg, M. I.. Fawcett, I). M. Atialey, i. ). Fawcett. Tt ia bank aolicita the arcntinM of Mervhanta, Mantifaoturera. Farnien and Individual. The aceoiiiiU of the Merrlianta located in tow nt adjacent received on favorable termi, The fund of our cutlnmeri aro aecured Ly two burglar protf iteel rhel and the Yale Tim l-ock. Interent allowed on Kavingi Itepoait. Dreaing Uishint ! MRS. W. B. OVGRBY I!a niened a I'remkinf Ka'aliliokment at her reaidence near Trinity Fpiaeo pl church, and colii-ti a liberal patronage f n.m the riliren of Mount Airy and aiirrouiiduig country rtali.faction ;tiarantec4. CaFnrnisli Good Board and Lodging to i Limited Kesber of Ptnons on Yerj Faioratls Teres, Why Preaching Has Declined. If in (.'fiicrally lii lit veil tint lite pi r-Hcti 1 1' if ol t"-ly l I'"' KrM thf tuitlli il'tH'f ! MK'll R VllfUf-'ll Iv rh llmt ol tliu fatlmrs tlid. Tlii lutliif. we eui'iioi'P, lm kiiiio ftiiin dalion in fact. While the pnfpit, ho ii ii ni'ml rule, iH ijinto iif iiiteliiueii ami rh utroiijr h in former genera tioiiR, if yt t fhilR, in pome mendm to wiiflil tliu eomiiianditiK motivt nf the 1'ocpi'l w ith llie did time vii'or. The Uev. W..J. Diwrou, in direitesiiiK the ouhj-e, tnkts the uroiind, eorriflly, r we Hunk, that there it- a uiurked teniler.ey towiirtl niakini; mini rather tlmn (Jod the et nler :l renirioii tfRehii'i-'. If ttim view iH eorreet, it will c far towan exiilainiiiir the rxintinc (MiiidiiionR, We ijiioio h j.RiiiKrRili : "There are eerfmn tlutiefironi iiin niwurn man w hich we nil eo to he liuM nnd in eviinli'e. It is enny to ireaeli eiich diiln h, and they oiilit to he ireR( h ed, hut w here thene dutie ith'iip Hre iirertflied, in eoiirce of lime, man and not ( iod, lieeoinea the eeliler ot reliuimi for n. We do not notiec the ehiiiiL'e, ii rliH ; we i;lil 'ft ly away toward the itreaeliini; of 'lu-ae heal ( lirmii.tiiily, as we vl it, fiotieiniy, hr a niRii w ho KliileR flown a river notice?, that certain old land mitiks arc lircnmitijr, ohnciire in the liftRiice. e licconie reconciled in their lost". We are ntiito haiy with out the old, t r. li'ileHome theological formnhv of regenerittion, ntf.iplion, int-tilicHtion, and po forth; and wt fire a little aMouihhcd and a little fcoriiful to tlit-cover that many men mule so much ot Hu m Hill. On that Rinoothly flowing river many i great ministry ha hcen cxlingiiiah ed ; for nothing is surer llian this. that when (iod and man relation to (iod eeaf-cs to le the center of re ligion, the very keyptone of religion, an Jcciis understood and taught it, plucked out. From Christian Advocate. ---. JiiPt hefore"To'tr' Marsliall made lis tiret vieit to I'oRton an ordinance wan piifsed imiKieing a fineol for pmokiiiir on iho KtreetB. "lorn lighted a eiirar, ttrted down the btreet, and wan arrested. He went hefore the roier oflieer, was duly lined, planked down l("and started away. "Hoiii on, phiu me juugo; there ih pome change coming to you. Jo whicli "loin ih pani to have repl; 1 : "Oh keep t lie change, hh,tll want to ppit presently. A Cure for Sick Headache. I have a friend who had suffered l'U vcars from Sick Headache and had tried every remedy available, hut found no relief. Finally I in- luced him to tiy liamona Liver ill and Tonic. IV Nets, and he is now free from headache, and looks ike. a new man. d. J. Murray, )orj, Kentucky. The Cilifornia Legislature has adjourned without electing a Sena tor to succeed White, Democrat. Crippled by Rheumatism. TlirtOA wlm tint a riiAiimnfiiim ftnrl tlipmw'lvor prowm pti'Mtiily worne nil fllM nllilM 4 I f fHlt 111 tf I Kid la! t tlM t tlit ron)itis j)niH'i'ilMHl by the diM'toin rontmn mercury arM jvttah, wiii'h ul timnMy intensify tlioticii4A ly r.itis iriK the joints tt swtll nml tiflVn, iipRlj'inff a s'Vre aching of the bonPH. 8. H. 8. Inn tMvn curing Khi'iiratism for twenty yeum even the worxt cas1! which pceined uluuwt im-urahi Cftnt. O. K. TTtitrhM. th Dnriiilir mlln.ml fmluii4ir ft Ot.lutnliia, S. hud an r n fncfvnii Kiifuiniiu-t i ulilcij cmivinct U Ultu mat tiiT ih nni.r tiif curi'fi-r that (tnliifiil li- It HM' ri ; "I NM great miiTf wr from jhu tulitr KlifUuiHiit-iu f 41 r two ytAin. 1 enuUX K' t do per niitifn l r li fruiiisny mi11cin( nr i.Tilii ty my pbvptU'Un. Uiok ..tUtlti-ti f t-ti.- of your M. h. H , fi.1 new 1 tttn m wt-11 km l w h I ii ni v 1 1 fit I M in v i twti llmt your fiiduaiH' . --?.T.f J1 ruri ni.tid I would ':, ' -mJ rt'rtimiiii'tiil ii to any nm -J -r. uffTiii( fnm any Mnn c1ipaw.M Kvfryhody knows that llhouniutiHin a (ii-''n.-n-l Htnto of the I-KhmI, and only a lilottd remwly !h the only iipfipff trMilntMt, hut a remedy r mlftininn pntiish nT.tl meroury unly aKPnvute the trouble. S.S.S.ThcBlood lieinK riirely VfgelaWe, (foe direct to the very muse of the (liwane and a per niHitt'tit cure always nnlls. It ia the only blood remeily (.'tinrniitced to eon tain no potash, mercury or other dan gerous mineral. Booka mailed free by Pwift SpociDd Gmipany, Atlanta, fleorgi. I. M. Atat kv, M. L. Fawcett, ft Navy Department Ir.tr'.fties. I lie iNavv I it'iiartment Ina re- lolvt'f! (ol severitl oecHn'oiiR recenlly to tHko no fiVlher action in the Sainppon Schley confroverpy, w liich it provoked, hut it appear to he nn nine to adhere to itpgood r'-soliitiona. Vepterday it pent out a letler from Samppon, in aiiKwer, apiarenl!y, to one wnlten hy hccrebuy Long, in which Saiiii'S'tn, live tlaye alter the adjournment of CotigicRR, rcj tifnts the department not to allow hia name to prevent (he promotion of oilier naval ollicera, hut (o naiiio them for promotion and leave him (Sampson; out. The letter of llig ginpoti and Ward, tli ('lining promo tion, are altogether different from that of SanipMiii, They were pro moted, hut were unwilling to mar Iho prospeeta of tliose ahyve tlit-ni. Samppon was DHiiH-d hr promotion, hut the Senate declined to confirm him ht'faiiM! of hi extraordinary le havior to a brother ollicer. Saipp aon'i letter, moreover, cliaracter- it-tie. lie vaunts his services dur ing; the war, hut tys he never asked lor, and doe not care for, promo tion. 1 ho pnlilic w ill naturally aek w hy, if this lie true, he entered into piich unworthy intrigue with the strategy hoard to belittle and ob scure Schley' gallant service to the nation. It in difficult to believe that a navttl ollicer would prefer charge against a brother ollicer, and Riiliprt s the es idciicc which he him self hail furnished of the lntter'i good faith. The world will prefer to think that SitmpHoii wanted the lotioi wliich belonged to Schley, and that In newly developed dis taite for promotion is because the grapes have tinned sour. 1 he fact is.SampHon did not tin unite as much a ho would have the public believe ho did in tin letter. Schley can very well afford to wait for the special honor due him, because the Amer'cai people know what he did without any information from him self. Another oncer contrast fur nished by t ho department is the dif ferent orders to Sampson and Schley r examination preliminary to pro- motion. Sampson lias been order ed to select a board from officers under his command, before which he is to appear for examination. while Schley is ordered to Washing ton to appear before a board select ed by the, Navj Department. In a dispatch tAtffured by the depart ment it is said that the examination of Schley will be physical, mental and moral, and will include his en t'te record ; and it is further inti mated that the public will learn how he is regarded by his brother offi cers, it is impossible to determine beforehand how far any board may yield to official intluence. 1 he pub lic has been furnished with some nnpleaeant surprise recently by the Alger Relief lioard and the I kef Court, but it would not he fidvisable for a naval examining hoard to un dertake such a role. There is a limit to public patience, and some time or other there may be a different secretniy, without a strategy board at his elbow. Laltitnore American. Greed and Ignorance. The people of the Wes; and the South are not disposed to adopt New l ork suggestions that the fight gainst the gold standard be drop ped. In New York, as in lxindon, the newspapers and political bosses are controlled by tho money and the lders of IkiiiiIs. I be amount of wealth congested in New York through the interest tribute paid by the West and South is something too enormous to be realized, and its tower is great. T he money of all street usurers has recently turned the jRjIitical scale in several Western states against the interest of the people of thoge slates, but that will lie impossible two years henco. The selfish interests of the holders. of lionde and mortgages upon all of the communities and inJ vidnals in the West and South, directly or in- lireetly, will no longer lie served by tho voter of these sections to the injury of themselves and their hildren. It is cvi.le.nt to all that he gradual adoption of the single gold standard throughout the world la resulting in a general reduction in price of tho products ot laoor, to the injury of tho producer of those products, and to the advantage of the boarders of money and the ex torter of interest, whose dollars are, year by year, given an increased Mirchasing power. 1 his scheme is beginuing to be understand. Aeid it may lie pertinent to the discussion to call the attention of our New York friends to the fact that it was ery well understood in lS9t!bya arge majority ot the intelligent voters. No one will assert that the negro voters knew or cared any thing about the silver question in 1S. Subtract the negro vote from Mr. MeKinley's total, and of the remaining I ml lots, free silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 had a majority ot nearly one million in lfb And this majority is growing. DtK1 the Hon. Air. I roker cxpen t tint pre- ondi ranee of the intelligent vote f the country a preponderance Inch i enormoti it the est and utitli alone is taken into considera tionto give np conscientious con- letions at the dictations of Wail t. greed and A fro-American ignor ance t The intelligent voters of the et and South are opped to oldiui hecacac it i wrongand be- cane it it ruinont to our interest. hey will never give up the fight until a complete victory it gained. IVmocraMe I'roof Sheet OUR HERO OF SAN JUAr. The remain of Lieutenant W. Y.. Sh!pp, who was killed in the buttle of San Juan, ('uba, were brought hack to thi country recently and interred at Lineolnton on the 17th instant, in the presence of a large number of people, the Lee K lie, of Charlotte, being t lie miliiRry es fori. A lale issue of the Chailottc News contained the following in teresting sketch of Lieut. Shipp's eventful career: Devotion to diilv ws the dlstiii- guibliing trait in the life of Lieu tenant Shipp. Son.o incidents in hi career will Ik; of interest, as throwing light on his character. He ws one of the officers of Capiain Crawforle s.iiad v.hich wag sent out to capture Ocroiiimo and his hand of Apache, for dava they rode across the arid lands, an ideal country for gueinila lighting, and at last crossed the Mexican border in pursuit of the Indians. While there encamped, they were (ired on by Mexican sold 'cr, who pretended not to know Ilia' they were I'niled State troop. Lieutenant Shipp's commander, Capiain Crawford, a.t wounded and several of the soldiers killed. Shinp and one of his cm - radea made a litter and for several lay earned the wounded captain between their horse. At last, the mountain to then intersection Willi wounds, the heat and the dust of the !,ll "tbern boundary lino of the desert ovcrc'iine him, and Captain Su, "f Xorr h Carolina, knowing Crawford died. Shipp placed the i f"1"1 livp stock or cattle to beafflicted hotly on the pommel of his saddle ' w i,n 8 contagious or infection dis and carried it for day through the j cases, or fever, ticks, Morphiln blazing heat of llie alkali lands until j bons, or other injurious pests, lie he reached Ilia guarded territory, ! fil"'11 be liable to an action (ordain- where be could Miry the remains where they would rest in peace, st cure troin the Apache ilocfc who delighted to mutilate the bodies of the dead When the troop werelandin at I'aiijniri, Cuba, the horses and men j from the east of said line et out wete carried in little cockle shells 1,1 Section I of this Act to any part of boats from the ransports to the j " M '"'c "" tl'C west side of said shore. Shipp was acting .piarter- I ""c. whether such cattle are dis master of his regiment, and bad on j CHS,,,i ,,r "t, or whether snch person his person a lartre sum of g-.vern-I or persons know them diseased or met.t money. The si a ran h L'b, j hf "' period of the year be the horses in the little d.-ry reared ''en the I.Mh day e-f February and and plunged and all on board were j ''"J !;i.v November in each threatened with drowning. Shipp ! cveiy year, shall for each of said to his companion: "1 cannot j ft'"e l,e r"'il,y "f a misdemeanor Bwim, and I think 1 shall be drown- j sn,i pnnisiie.1 'y tine and imprison ed. tin can swim and may ,,,.M' shore. I cannot have the govern- j ment to lose through my death." I And lie forced the money on i,ig i brother officer. I In the battles "in fruit of Santiago i he had a "liomb proof" position as j quartermaster, and should not have j f,'r'c fro' after April 1, IS'.'iV been in the fight, lint he thought j "An A(,t to Kepeal Chapter F.ighty the duty ofa soldier was in the front j nve- Laws of 1 V'7, and to lietorm J . ! .1 . I . . I I. rank and in the battle of San Juan j lie was servim? at Col. Iiooaevelt' I aide. The Americans were fighting j ''Tbc (ieneral Assembly of North in extended order and the line was j Carolina do enact : straggling. Shipp was sent back to "Section 1. That Chapter eighty bring up the firing line. lie led the ! five 1 s5 of ,,,e 1'"'1'C Law of charge no the lieifhts of San Juan and a Spanish bullet struck him i the heart as he was leading the American line in the victorious as- sanlt. Ilia was a noble life, and a glori oub death. Cen. Miles said of him : "His death is a distinct loss to the army. I regtrdf d him one of the finest young officers m the service. Me was a model officer, the hand somest cavalryman I ever saw. lie lived a soldier s life. He died a sol dier's death. 1 1 is life will I a great legacy to hand down to the genera tion of North Carolinians who shall come after n. II is mem. -ry deserves all the honor we can give.- j - - j After the Richesof Arabia. i i The shipment of two car loads o ! inanufactured goods from the Hen- rietta Mills, in Uuthcrford county, direct to Aden, the old fortified sue- port in Arabia, noted in the ne s Columns of tho Observer, a lew days ago, is worthy of more than passing notice. It is (he first intimation the ptiblichas had that theSoiitheincot ton mill are reaching ont after the fabled riches of Arabia and it is only another eyidence oft he success which (hey arc achieving in finding i lie i "ojM-n door"' to the foreign maikets. I per.-oii w ilfully violating such regu This shipment if goods was billed 1 Iaiioiis slmll be guilty of a misde direct from tho Henrietta Mills to ! niesiior. Aden. The goods were shipped by through freight to .New York and there transferred to a vessel for trans portation to the port of Aden by the Suez Canal route. Making imjuiry as to the exeiihe of transportation, tho Observer learned that they are comparatively low. This shipment in question was made at a total freight rate of '- per loo pounds, whicli is quite reasonable for a long haul. Some of the cotton inillsot this section several years ago opened a trade with China, wliich has been steadily growing until now it may be said to have reached noteworthy proportion. The Southern cotton mill are making good progress in the invasion of foreign markets. The day it not ftr distant when they j many next week. They w ill attend will tie able to dispose of all their j the General Synod and I gone ev purplnt products at their own tig- j etal months. ores. Charlotte Observer. CASTOR I A Jor Infant and Children. Tlsi Kind Yea Kan Always Eocght Sitftatwr. of CJf-d4Y. K-T-M far rift. fM. OuflnlMKi lsi SMl ru? r itM .Mk aairMf ee4 pure. c l An drug g4 rrfil"HV-url lni..i.ai.Sy Pt V WV .1 tMt.i. .-Ml a AtitnmiM THR ANTI-TICK LAWS. Acts Passed by the Legislature for She Protection of Cattle. The legislature enacted several laws for the protection of cattlo Irom the iibiiuitoiiscow tick, against which Dr. Cooper Curtice ha be gun Ins relentlcp war of extenni nation. Through the kindliest o Dr Curtice we aro enabled to givg the act herewith : "An Act to I'rotect Cattle From Splenetic Fever and Other Dis ease, in certain parta of This State. "The (ieneral Assembly of North Carolina do enact : "Section 1. That if any person shall transport, drive or cause to ho driven, "r allow to stray, any live "' " ,r01" ""y pace in ims mate, or iroin .outn Carolina inio mi State, west of the following line: beginning at the northeast corner i of the county of Cherokee, thence along the southern boundary of tho com, tit of ( herokee, ( lay, .Macon, Jackson and Transylvania to the southeast corner of the county of 1 ransylvHtiia, then northwesterly along the eastern boundary of 1 ran syhania county to the southwest j corner ol Ibo county of l.uncomlie ! V! ,,,e f"""""' of the nine Ki-lgc j Mountain ; thence in northeasterly , 'H'C' tioii following the top of said i "s" ". - j 'oi or-, io or nw ciued by any person who may sue lor the same. "Sc Tlat any person or per sons who drive, or cause to be driven, or transport any cattle live cattle ii i,1Cumuiiuii uiotwi. "'s,,c- ' hat Section T.Vl- an1 "f the Code of l.'Jof North Carolina, and all other laws 'n conflict with this Act, be and the Ban,e are ,lri;,,y repealed. 'Sec. 4. That thia Act shall he in "'e fcpanmeni oi agriculture, lminigration and Statistics. eighteen Hundred and ninety seven (1 v.'Tj and all other laws inconsistent with this act lie and the same arc hereby repealed. PI TIKS 01 MOAKP 0 AOKRTM I I.K. "Sec. 7. The Hoard shall investi gate and promote such subjects re lating to the improvement ol agri culture, the hctirlicial use of com mercial fertiliers and composts, and for the inducement of immigration and capital, as they may think proper, but they are especially charged With investigation adapted to promote the improvement of milch and beef cattle, and estieeiallv the investigations relatinc to the discuses of cattle and other domestic animals, and shall publish and dis- tribute from time to time informa- tion relative to any contagious dis- lease of stock and suggest remedies therefor, and shall have power in such cases to jnararitine infected aiimals, to regulate the transporta- tion of stock in this State, oi from one section ot it to another; and may co opera.'e with the Cnited States Department of Agriculture in establishing and maintaining cuttle districts or quarantine lines, to prevent the infection of cattle from splenic or Spanish feverr-Any "Uatified March 4, lvi'.'." Is My Blood Pure ? This is a question of vast import ance to all who wish to tie well. If your blood is impure you cannot ex pect good health, unless you begin taking Hood's Sarsaparilla at once. This great medicine makes the blood pure and puts the system in good health, cures spring humors and that tired feeling. Ho. d' I'ills cure nausea, si"k headache, biliousness and all liver ills. 1'riee 'Jo cents. Quite a number of Moravians, of Salem, including Kev. J. II. and Mrs. Clewell, will leave for (ier OilQ Dosq aTrlii th tirT. Mhft 1'mtf brail . Ath, BIMl JIMl IWI tillHMl. riMlill- nttl. and out if fun, Hh tir I tomtf h amir .i1 no apprttU-, ut i I Tuy a im fcav U Hood's Pills end tulte a . from I to 4 1" i tu he .iiniri"-- at bo aMiiy ih- void, ibeir work, rti rr your I 1 s-t.-f .ml tMlrmr-v rmie l,e j l;.-r 'm1 m.. fm p-el hrt -rfln. J two 9 HI Sr a! mnth liw .Wrt . 0 Restored to its Mother. A d ppatch of March :21st from I amesville, Ohio, sav: A Hart ling sfiiit'l to the abduction of Cerald I .apirier, the .'! year old son of Mr. and Mr. Louis Lapiner which occurred in Chicago March .'!', Vi, developed here to thy in the recovery and restoration of the child to his mother and the arrisl of Mr. Ann Ingersoll atid John C, Collins, who live about a mile west of 1'aiiiesville, at whose place the child was found and where he had la'en kept since last June, On March .".nth Gerald Lapiner wa abducted by a mysterious woman troin in trout of his parent's home, in Chicago. The woman ami child were traced for a short lime and then all track ot them was lost. A large reward was offered for the re covery o( the child, and although the Chiengo police made every effort to tiling tiie kidnappers to justice, nothing further could lie learned. Two months ago a newspaper ac count of the abduction ami the re ward offered came under the notice of Mr. L. V,. Ferris- and Ins sister. Miss O. C. Fcrri, neighbor ol the ngersoll-i. Mr. and Miss Feiris suspected that the little boy who had been at the residence ol Mr. Inger- oll since last June might tie the missing child, and Ihev entered into correspondence with the Chicago j xilice. After about two month investigation and correspondence, it was determined that the child was the mining Gi raid Lapiner. Mrs apincr was not sitislicd and ar rived In re tins morning. Mm was met at the station by Deputy MierlT I. May, who has ticen in charge ot the eH.-e, and was takon to the ngersoll place, while Sheriff St. John went on abend to prevent the escai' of the abductor. Acccm to the liousc was gained through the tear door, and there, tied in a liigl hair, half dressed, the boy w.is ound. I kith Mrs. Ingersoll and llii;s were placed under arrest. Mrs. I ngersoll denies the charge of abduction and could be induced ti sav "nothing about the case. The hearing of the prisoners. which was set for this evening, was postponed until Thursday morning fherilt M. John tins evening re ceived a dispatch from Chicago, saying that an officer was on his way to take charge ot the prisoners win will probably be removed to that lty a soon as requisition paper an be secured. Some of Our Wise Politicians. When we have eonqiiere d Cuba and l ncrto K co and tho I bilippine ands away f T on tin ast of Asia, and annexed and fortified .lic Sand hich Islands, then, as we under stand it, we are to have a canal across the Isthmus, through which our 1 nited States vessels can pass bile all other vessels of the whole world i except when we choose to KTinit iti must take months to sail around the southern point of South America Mhe norm We wonder ow long Luropean and Asiatic and routh American nations wiiUc m sent to this ni-e little arrangement, and what w ill happen if they do not ; Washington adxised us to keep out of difficulties with other natio:;s, but though every steamer going up and down the lVl'Miiae tolls its U-ll when passing the home of Wash ington, it seems quite cliar that some ed our wise politicians of to day think little of his ml iit. Our Dumb Animals. A nrre l:re-. Tlmnklrti wolds written by Mis. Ada L. IJait, ol (irolori, S. I.-Wiis taken wild a bud cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finnl ly terminated in 'oiiMimption. Four HclOH gave me up, saying I could live biit 'a Vbort lime. I gave tnv se't up to my Savior, ilcleiitiineil ii I cull I mil stay with my friends on en rib, I would meet my absent ones above. M v liilsbfim! wiih Ivrse I to get IV. King' New I ieov rv lor t'otisnnij lion, t'otighs and I 'olds. I guvc il a trial, look in all eight bot tle. It has cured me, and tliimk (iod I lint Htived and now u well and hialiiiv wottian." Tiial bottles free at Tu lor A. Haiioer's I 'rug Store. Jkgtiiur si.e "in.-, ami $1 no. tiinir. an teed or price refunded. It was reported in Washington hist week that John Sherman was dead, that be bad passed away in Jamaica, but it's not so. Sherman w ill be here long after Cleveland and McKinlcy have gone to their graves that is, in all probability. (ieo. I! Secord, the well known contractor of Tuwandrt, N. Y., says: "I have used Chamberlain' Cough Remedy in my family br a long time at d have found it superior to any either." For sale by Taylor A: Hanner I 'rtiggisfs. I PAW KIR'S I I HAIR BALSAM I 1 j IOvm arxl K.i to SttL '-' 1 " " J-LCCTRO- SILICON Shines Silverware Surprisingly xx ithout Scratching. Samples Sent if You Say so. Ii well,. tl i ffe.t rv,,. . .-I. im at. sif t, e i t. - i iif.. 1r ...im n.t i ti r-M, ?. T I v y w Makes the food more avtM fcAVHrti Spring's Got Inter Town. Home murniiiK youe nit. out ' Im-iI ariout ill. time a jenr. An' can't nil Trough yer dopy head Whlll lllllkei ymise feel no ,l,-er. le pun it shine, uliu.linl bri'bt , A -Ihiiitlin' nil the utreel : V Fee like it rini i.hhmin all nijjht, lie air t mi ire.n ami pueet. An' 'er, yer it nrl in' nut P-r walk Yer feel Hie up and down A if dey bole u, made ,,' mrk It Piring cum in I er low ti. tie uii climbs up an' glow an k'ow-, An make vuuse p eat nn weat: Yousn ant ler shake yer inter elu e Itut tla.ocn l on it yet. n en de nir nit go.nl an arm Iseltent the liooii-ilny Inre Ihs-k o' bum begins ter nrm t'ott n ill the corner son are ; An' jhI n Ioiil' n sutibeniiiii 1 1 i 1 1 I'ey'll hold dein beiiehe- ilnw n , An ibil i alstut the nup'! ltn I'm iriiig' got inter tow n. - - . -. Fnpland's Motives Are Selfish. In a speech before the Hibernian Society, in Savannah, G.i , on llie night of March I 7th. Senator A. O. I! iron, of lie -rgia, K:d : "We arc to-diy formtilatiug a w ar in Asia ui.ib'r the pr itectioti of the guns of the I'.ritish navy. W itli that proteetioii withdrawn, the iov errnnentof the t nited States would be at the mercy of any two of the smallest of Furopean nations. Lng land, for her own Hellish purpose, is encouraging us to this policy, which will place us absolutely in her power. When we are commit ted to that policy beyond the pow er to retreat, then F.ngland will be in a position to dictate stu h terms as w ill be necessary f"r u to accept, to maintain the policy which we have undertaken. To .Jay, the great power of the I nited States is being exercised to overthrow the only re- 'iiblican government that has ever icen organized on the continent ot Asia. The results of the war thus far have been to revolutionize the fundamental principles of republi can government." Sweet, icfieshing sleep is given by Hood's SarsaparilU, which feeds the nerves, tones the s'omach and cures si! dyspeptic symptoms. A bill prohibiting the mannfa" ture, importation, sale or giving away cigarettes parsed in Arkansas I Beautiful! Women j There are few women as bean- " tii ul as they might be. Towder " and paint and cosmetics don't make good looks. P.eauty is S simply an impossibility without 2 health. Beautiful women are few Ix-cnuse healthy women are J few. Tie way to have a fair " face and a well-rounded figure is to take a iratliicld's : I female Regulator I This is that old and time-tried medicine that cures all female troubles and weaknesses and drains. It makes no difference what the doctors call the trou ble, if there is anything the matter in t he distinctly feminine organs, Kradfield's Fe male Requlator will help and cure it. It i good for ir regular or painful menstruation; for leucorrhiea, for falling of the woinh, for nervousness, head ache, backache and diir.ess. Take it and g.-t well. Then your old-time girlish features and figure will lie restored. Sola hf 4rufit fc.rH. bottle TnE BRAIiri) LD PEGt'LATOR CO. ATLA5TA. CA. MtltltltlfltlltltHHUH Southern Railway. Standard Railway of The qoTTTH The Direct Line to All Points. Texas, California, "Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. Striet'y rn;i ei's- uuiu -m ,.iiiil!Throii;li an.i i..-at irin Piilbnnii I'Bia.e Meej.ii.g far. .ti all Sorht 'Irani; l'at and (sHfe ficheil ib- Trae! by tbc S.eiiln-re .ml jmi re as sured a r-aie.e oiinorio,e aim r.p d.tioii Journey. Apply to Ticket Afc'enf. f..r 1 rue la hi- Kate ana erenemi iuh'fih. t n.ii. or aiblr- . vt.ai-' r . a ri, i r. t. . Vf!. eville. r. . irlott- eb t rai k fiamion. 3i V r. a v XV A. Turk. ahinff " J xt e'ulp. Tr. ti. r a. delicious and nholesome m . r o. The Supreme court ha rendered an important ibcisioti in referencei to the liability of proprietors of to bacco salesroom. I' rider thi de cision such a proprietor is liable to the true owner of tobacm wrong- , fully taken to the salesroom and put upon the tbnr by the proprietor or nuetiootier, whether the proprie tor had actual knowledge of such wrongful taking or not. Theconrt cites an old time authority in ret eretice to the liability of auctioneers i and agents fot goods that have been stolen and sold by them in ignorance of the felony, Mrs. Sallie Spring Yates, widow of the late W. J Yate, editor of the old Charlotte Democrat, died at her home in Charlotte Saturday morn intr, aged i years. Three children, two sons and a daughter, urt ive her. Lazy Liver " I hat hrJk frukl4 a treat !! Milk a i,ri a iiv.r. h', n po1u,M o.tipa l .,n I f. i.. i AKSTs i., Ih,I .rwti.iB f. r larm ai.il w ii.il . k-Ii rl -I lh Br.t trial, tt.ai I pin ttfttr.l .Bfiihrr iirru. and ira coa. a t .n.ii mil b to., i.ft Ut rc- oitiai.na i . -,ar-'. wl. never the epportuh;!) pr-.-nira ' j, a stjna .vn s.,1u.hiii a A. Phii.ileifh a Fa CANOV CATHARTIC tftsnf. flitar.i; fi.tht Taaf fk Ufi, nn, Wnih oi f, r.fi H . Jj Um ... CURE COMSTIPATION. ... tar Bk4y r.ajkftasjy, t kvn., Hfil. m 1r. M NO-TO-BAC I Crow ned Again. Itnke Rreat pleasure in stating .I- .....i,t .......,..,. I WHITE SEW' MACHINE If andletl by me, in keeping with a loli' line of riiiiable conquests in t he iast , v RRnin victoriou at the Omaha Kx' poisition itig awarded the highest obtainable prie, THE GOLD MEDAL, nid' hih inniv JOS. NATIONS, Agent, MOUNT AIRY, N- C I 1 llffill -lO il.r IN- Bnrial Robes, Slippers, dc. A full stock of ail aizea ami ipialilica kept o hand, ami at rrnncnaMc pru-ea. Mor room, iip-Mtair ever Mr, W. W. I '.il rkc'. atoitf, en XI ili ttrtee. For Low Rates Vest, TI AS, I.."K'.. CAI.I- K iKNl K, or any oth.-r "tnt, with KKKK IAI, write to FRED. D. BUSH, I'istrict Passenger A cent, Looisiille & Naslmlle R. R (to. 1, B-o Building, Atlanta, Ca. Nasal Catarrh CAN PE CI l:KI) EY snrrsoxs Eczema Ointment. I or Stoma.-h and I.tver Trouble fr SIEPSHS LITER PILLS, The IWnt in tb World, T r.Y wail you a ct sr Ask your I'nicjri-I for tbern. SIMPSON'S ARMACY. ij.vi.i:iiii,x. Wit I I KM SIMP.)N. attar'. VwJ3 His, Can,

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