Airy n MOUNT AIRY, N. C. TIIUHSDAY AV1UL 0, 1801). NO. il. VOL. iJ. r News. Mora I Miraculous Rencfit SCOEIVtO FROM Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. -. v. - , . -. t .-. '. ,--- 'z- EM P. BAlli'lK K. of Aora. N. Y., a vrterhii of l!n lol N V. Art Ul.-ry anil tor thirty yiu.'n or th liiilx'o k A Munsel I'lirrlimi! Co., of AulMirn, sayas "I write to f pnH 11 if irrut)tmlv for tlmii.lrfu luu hfiu-fli m'ivIvwJ from lir. MlliV Hi'irt Cur. I miITi nil r. .r j in it n-miltiif urns Ilf, from m lui ii u v h nrfi'i'ti'ii vif biart In tli" worn lorrn. my liin'w w ll.l from the aill.ll' Up. 1 Mn:it, tl until I w:oi ti nablu to button ri.r ''loOot.i:; li:cl sli.'ini pr.ln. aUmt tli Im.iri, .itioitu riioc Hpi-lU and Simmies of lin-arti. r'.ir thri'ii month I lu una ) lo lir U"Wn, ami till the sleep I Jul was In mi urm chair. 1 mi tn-uti-il by the host lif.-tur. lint frrartually friw worse, Alxml yur ago I I'omiiii'iiiuil Cikiiij Ir. Miles' Ni- lleiirt ( nm ami It nivcii nijrlifo ul If t'jr a mlr irif " Dr. M ;.'ti,r.ii.. are moj l.jr all ilrou uixiir ii ixi-.ii ii r giitimnti i', ilt t I' .iiIk b-m tils or i;:"io y 10'l. II.n i on llll-i'fiH,-s of V tii lii-d't unit lii-rvi- Oi-- A'l'lr. k-( .V Pi. "A MO MlljkV 4i " x -Reatorj) j 17 u ik ' UK. MILLS Jll lHrALco.. r Ulmil. IiiU. CKO. V. SPAKGKIv, AUopney-at"taw, MOUNT AIEY, N C. Will prank In Hint auil Frdrntt l oiiria. Bpi-clKl alU'Dllon to coll'iilon of claim and Ot'RotlaMnK lonun. H 1. (JltAVKS, Mltorney-at-Uaw, MOUNT AIUY, N. C. I r-ITa tli'i In Sia'n uril FimIitiiI t'nurta. PMinpt a'lfninm to rollw-ilon ot I'lmiii. Dr. Jchn E. Banner, DI.NTIST. ()!lii' Hotirn-hiK) A. M.. t fi.iX) I'. M. LEOMAR0 BOiLOlHO. TRAKLiN ST., Mount Airy, N. '. T. 15. McCAKGO, HOTAHV POBLIG. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, mount amv hotel block. Business PHOvPTLy Attended To. w. r. CARTER, M'NT Aid. H. fl. J. R. LEWELLVN, Cautkh iHt Lf.wkij.yn, Attorncys-at-Iaw. ir-Praftk-e In the stale and Fiilpral roiirt. I'romnt at(nllon glvi-n lo all bnslneaa em rotil, ed to I Heir earn. LL MOST VIOLENT CASES HAVE MAY BE i.mnv no uuKmil mil to lion! uuuer ordio IDDClDCn IT CIDCT utt treatment No one cini ti'll liow anon these ArrtAnLU A I llnOl AO will di vclop into Cancer of the worst type. MERE PIMPLES, niid are fonwl ti Kulirml to u crnol nnd iliiiiL-erous operation the only treatment wliifh the lwtm know for Ciinfvr The ihheeee promptly returns, however, mi l U even more vi.' nml destructive than before. Cancer is it deadly poiaon ill the Mood, mid an o-r:ilion. planter, or t)thr exti-niftl tri-atmi'iit can hiive no effi-ct whaU-ver upon it The cure imit Ciiiio from within the latt veetiye of poison mut he enulicnle.1. ti ' Nwtinue.1 altoretlier, leavniK a aniHll acatt which anon drp 4 "'A off. and now onir a liealtliy lit tie acar n-maint where . f ' what threatened to destroy my life once held full sway." mtki J'omtively the only run- for Cancer is Swift Ktieciflc S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD because it ia the only remedy which can go deep enough to reach tha root ot the dlwane and force it out of the system pel A aurical operation doea not reach the hlood-the real aejit of t lie diwnw hei-auae the lAuod rn y,i4 tie cut atcoy lnstat ujKin S. H. S.; nothitix ran take ite plai-e. 8. S. S. cure alw any caae of rk:rofula, ltm. Rheuiuat lam, Contairioua IJIijod.l'oiMin. Ulcers, N.ires, .r any oi her form of hloml diaesae. Valuabla hooka on Cain-er and Hiood tiaeiiae w ill lie uiaileil free to any ttddrea by Bwift Spwcilio ComiMiriT, Atlanta, tteorgia. Taoa. Fawcitt. C. L. Hak. D. M. Ai siev, M. L. Fawcett, Preaident. First Vice Pre. Heond Vicn Pre. Caihier. FIRST lATIOHALBAIiK of Mt. Airy. If OltrOKATTD. Capital, to.O, PM I. DIHECTOH3. ti.. v. C I Itanka. M. I Faweeit.D. M. Aualer. (i. I. Kaweett. Thi tmrik iMilicita the in-iiuini of Werrhanta, Manufat'turers. Faroieri and li..lividual The aeeimnt of the Merchant loeated in Uiwn adjecenlreoelred on f arorahle term. The fund of our proof iteelcheu and the Vale itne ixx resiali MRS. W. I!a o!eneft a I irmmili ina iaiiiiiw.iit at isjerrf-e oer Tnnitv F.placir tial ebufh, and otw it a l.liwal pstronaye from the citizen at Mount Ary ami itirrwiiid iig P'Hmfrf . hatisfaelion guaranteed. An Important Case. Tl. aimii'iiit) court ul the I T tt itod StH'fs will hvr t ext montlt otm of the ni"8 iinjiortant caars i .i.i w.f,.ni it ft rHfo that ver ill Jcti rtnino tl.o force and tfltsc-t of the I'VJtTftl anti trrn-t not of -if ft Imfl Any. Thif.act dcclnrcs illpgHl coiubination in the form of tnwt or other wife, or con piracy in r?(tramt ol traoooreom or ...III. f..ri.L-ll llMtiollS." liiimtiniiR are aleo f for l.iiiilcn in tlio trrritorifg and the District of (Jolnml)ia, and hoavj lciiHltic. inclndinjr, lino, itnprion- incut and lorR-mirt) oi imin:riy i provided for vioianons in inu it u also provided that anv r"n wliocc hiihincH has ix en injured by such pomhiiiKtiotia limy recover .i,....i..l,l iluuinircR. 'I'ho tcRt caao wliich tlio mipreine court will noon luivo todecido in one which was hronirht agaiiiKt iho Pipe t... h o i ia eomoopeti ni nu corporation with plants in Ohio, Kentucky, 1 CllnPwn biiu iboiiii. t i. i.iii ,.f lomitilAitit eharifd that th(w cunpaniea had entered into a poinhiimtion and eonepiraey in un lawful rchtraint of intefBtato com merce, and the I'nited Htaten circuit court wit ahked to decreo that all pipe nold and traiiRvorted from one alum tit arw iihnr hv the comhinalion should he declHrcd forfeited to tlio I'nited fctateR, a provided ny tne Sherman act. Tim agreement of bn Pipe I runt cove rn khIck a well as manufactured, and it in claimed that thi constitute a conspiracy in restraint ot coin ! nierco httween tho states. In this I respect the I'ipo Trust dill'ers from j the iSugar Trust, the latter having no agreement which coven sales, j The ca?o a?ainht the I'ipo Trust ! was first argued In-fore the circuit t-ouit at Nashville, and the decision ! of that tnlninal was in favor of tho j defendant. The circuit court ot ap I peals reversed thin ruling and order ed thara decree of perpetual in junction ho entered against tho I trust. The case was appealed to the 'supreme court, and it the decision of the circuit curt of apaU is sustained an attack upon many other trnsis will he made in the I'tderal courls. . Should the supreme court, how ever, reverse tho court of 'apiwalf, tho Federar antitrust smiiile will ho practically declared ; null and void. 1 The interest in this ease extends to every pait of the country, and ita ' decision will ho awaited with anxiety hy hoth tho tmsts and the public. ; Atlanta Journal. : Kvceptioiially cold weather c.on 1 tinucs throughout England. There ! have heen heaw anow falls in the : north, and several deaths from ex i posnre are reported. Similar weath ' er prevails on tho continent. lir. MIIm' NorTH Pla.tom for Khflumatlm. SPOT CANCER. Tho prrcatpst care should b Riven ta nv littlf sore, i' or wretch which So riifin v "il die from Cticer simply tie rs u no they lo not know jnut what the dou-iuni U; tlier naturally turn theuiwlve over to the diK-torn, Mr. v m. alpfile, of WaNlitown, S. D, sari: ' A little blotch aliout Hie size of a pea rame under my left eye. pralually frrowin-j; larfrer, from wjiii h hliooliriff paint at intervala ran in all .lini-hona I hwatue (rreatly alarmeil and consulted a pot diN-tor, who pronounced it 'lrMer, and a.lviw-d that it Ik' out out, hut tliis 1 could not con sent to. I rad in my local paT of a cure enVcted hy S S. H.. and decidi-d to try it It acted like a charm, the Cancer heomnintr at first irritated, and theu discharging 'vert freely. This ltihIiiuIIv rrew Ua and then dicon- customer are aeeured by two burglar - a. iniereat allow eu on ravingi t'epoaii. Estishint ! B. OVERBY In (lie Cold Regions. MR. HOWARD PADDISON, OF MT AIRY, TELLS OF HIS ROUGH EXPERIENCES. He Describes His Trip from Dutch Harbor, Alaska, to Seattle. Sufficiently Amused. 8. S. Kxeolsior. 2 21 '!!. Mv Ikar I'akkstb: A wo aro homeward bound, I will commence a letter to mail in 8eattlo. Afier leaving 8itka we had a s!"od run to Kcsiirrcction Hay, JOit there one morning at 2 .'to A. M., rrnd about S A. M., a northwest t'ale set in and made thine hum and wa dead ahead. Our nearest port was I'ort Dick, a little to the south of Capo Klizahoth, and the Captain thought he could make it hy dark ; it wo couldn't, would have to "heave to," aa ho was ijettinu; iced s hadlv couldn't drive her into it much longer. We ant into I'ort Dick aliont I. M., and glad we were to get out of tho rtfrm. It wag noth ing more than a "hole in tho wall, like (ie of tho Norway Fiords, hut afforded good anchorage and shel ter. Tho next day was iSunday, and wo laid there all that day and left about midnight for Kodiak. I wish you could have seen the ship when wo got into 1 ort Dick. It wan one of the prettiest sights I ever saw. Iler deck wcri! about IS in. deep with snow, and from the smoke stack to the how was a solid mass of ico. We were driving into a head sea all day, and the thermometer waa down to r.ero. i he pilot house, bridge, forward deck honse, fore castle head, etc., wero six inches thick with solid ice. When we came to anchor tho Bailors had to take axes and chop away the ice and anchor rigging In-fore they could get tho anchor swung out on the crane. We arrived in Kodiak Monday, Feb. 'Ji, and sailed a few hour afterward. Another north west gale made our acquaintance about 5 t). m. in tho strmt of 8he- likof, at S p. m. Tho skipper heav ed to and laid "hovo to" all night, and a miserable night it was. About .s a. in. we nmdo a run for Knak Hay just to the north of Karluk ; got in there and came to anchor ; laid there Tuesday and Tuesday night and started out again Wednesday morn ing for Cliicnie and Isuga. I he rest of our trip was uneventful, with the exception of snow and log. which dctainud ns at several places. We arrived at Dutch Harbor yes terday morning at 'I 'M a. in., and sailed at 3 p. m. for .Seattle. Have had stroug headwinds, but clear. Last night was bright and clear with full moon. We were skirting along in sight of the land and you could see the two volcano on Nnnmak Island !elching forth fire all night long. We made l.elkfsky at 2 this afternoon and will arrive at Nuga about in to night. I hope wo will have more favorable weather going down, but I expect March will ring us up. Monday, March l;5. Well, alter many trials and tribulations, we are at last on the inside route and will arrive in Seattlo on Friday, if everything goes well. Since 1 last wrote wo have had another lot ot bad weather. Wo left Nnga March 1st with a stiff north eaeter blowing, and by midnight it had developed into a howling gale, and we Had to "heave to." It waa a bitter cold and wild night. We were "hove to" nnder sail and about '!. in. the wind blew the foresail into ribbons, broko the boom in half, eairied away the port side of the bridge and stove in about half the pilot house, doors and window. e wore in the straits of Khelikoti-again and ship wa beginning to ice np Imdly. The ski per worked her up under the "lee ot the mountain in the forenoon and put all the crew to chopping the ico away. She was a solid mass from stem to tern, and every piece of rope and rigging was frozen still. I lie nm oniucr got loth ears frozen badly and has !een laid np sine. The storm abated Thursday night and we had a good run down to Oeca and Valdcs. We got aliout 100 passengers at Valdes returning from the so-called gold fields. They have Lad a good deal ot suffering in the mining camps this winter. Scurvy set in, quite a number died and some were frozen to death on the glacier trying to get back to V aide. A party of six were frown on the glacier a few days before onr arrival and were buried In Valdeee last Monday, the day we were there. We left ( eea on tie morning of the 7th, but onr boiler Iwgan to leak and we put back, blew down and caulked it, and left aain edueday morning. Had strong lisad-winds and now storms all day and night ; couldn't make Yokntut by datk Thursday, o bad to heave to for the night. Arrived in okntat r ndav after noon and sailed gin at 6 p. ni ;en connttred strong head-wind and at which delayed us akin, and could not make Sitka entrance be fore night Saturday, so SiS-d to hosts to oil there all night and ran ic yes terday morning, arriving there at 9 . tn. SalU-l a -zaiti at 1.3" p. in. To put tfcc finiihing touches to our bard lock, ran on the rocks io Wran g! Narrows this morning and took sctrt of lb ootttioi ot of tip, ha ta iViUfig badly, bit w too'd keep her free with the pump and will have to go on tho dry dock when we reach Seattle. Thev pull ed her off the rocks when the tide rose. Now, if this Iiaa not been a trip filled with hardahipj and ill luck, then I don't know the reason why ; and if I am forgiven this time I will never be found running up in this country again in the winter. I am just about ten year older than I was when I left Seattle on J ob. t'.th. Thursday, March loth. We will arrive in Seattlo to-night at It. 00, The weather has been perfect since we left Sitka just like summer. Your devoted son, IIOWARK 1'ai'IUSON. Schools and School Teachers. C. It, Mebanc, State Superintend ent of, schools has issued the follow ing : Tho manuscript of the public pchool law and notes thereon were placed in tho hands of tho printer on March lo, but owing to law suits, injunctions, etc , 1 have no assurance of a definite time aa to having tho school law published hence this letter. The supervisor will hold his office and discharge his official duties until tho end of ttiu school year, or until his successor, the county superintendent of schools, ia elected and qualified. The county superintendent of schools will be elected by tho county board of di rectors on tho second Monday in July. Tho county supervisor can not do any visiting of schools since the 7th of March liecauso thero has not existed a county board of edu cation since that date under whose supervision this work must have been done in order to bo in accord ance with law. The new county board of directors will allow the county supervisor pay (or his services rendered in public school work since i th of March, such aa examination of teachers, signing vouchers, etc: such compensation aa was allowed by law by the county boards of edu cation. It would bo well for the county suporvisor to meet with the county board of ion and conn ty boards of directors on the second Monday in April and assict in evciy way possible to make clear and plain matters of record as to the public schools and give all the information possible, so that the school interest and work will not be injured by change of officers. The township committees will sign orders cf teach erg salaries to finish np contracts made with teachers for the schools now in operation. 1 hose orders to le endorsed by the county super visor as heretofore. Saw Her Boy's Death. Uridgeville, Del., March 2!'. A variety troupe, with a biograph as a side attraction, performed here last night, and during the entertainment a scene occurred which was not down on the program. 1 mo of tho pictures shown by the biograph was a square of Twelfth Cavalry boys loading stores aboard a transport at Tort Tampa. Tho maehino faithfully portrayed their motions, and their features were very distinct. Suddenly a pile of clients and boxes, which the soldiers had piled up on the dock, over turned, and one poor fellow waa crushed beneath them. At this juncture a Mrs. Woidmer, who had arisen from her scat and was staring with ashen face at tho screen, rank- in her seat, sobbing piteously, "My Will ! My poor lioy : and swooned away. teveral ot t lie audience lan to her assistance, and she was carried ont in the fresh air, where she soon revived. At firs', it was thought that she had suddenly Ix-como in- eano, but it was snlieequently learn ed that her eon William, who waa a member of the Twelfth I'nited States Cavalry, was accidentally killed while loading stores at Port Tampa by leing crushed by a pile of overturning boxes, and the heart broken mother saw a picture of her toy by the revolving films of the biograph. . Rheumatism Cured. My wife has used Chamberlain's I'm in l'alm for rheumatism with great relief, and I can recommend it as a splendid liniment for rheu matism and other household use for which we have found it valuable. W. J. Crri.nt, lied Creek, N. Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading meichants of thia village and one of the most prominent men in th vi cinity W. (. Phippin, Kditor Kcd Creek Herald. For sale by Taylor Ar l'.anner, Drnggists. Tho postmaster at Kocky Mount baa defaulted to the extent of about three thousand dollars, and ha abandoned the office. At the pest office department but little informa tion can lie obtained, but it is prob able an inspector will lie sent to the office. The postmaeter at Ux-ky Mountisa negro, and was appointed despite the protects of the white resident of the tow n. The nomi nation when it was sent to the Sen ate wa violently opposed by Sen ator Hutler. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and CMldrcn. yi vt.j v it 1 1 n.nki lui Mi. ivy naii Aiis bwuKi Bear til B'-a't-atwr of CjCaS, M-T Hh far fifty real. RntmitM mme aai.if mrm a SiWM.iiM f.-.i- ut 4 aii aruft'sia y?r'ir(i niitt.kPi vw rj!b4. Vm-I a AI8r.,fj,ofc r .m s r - ' " NEARING THE CITY OF MALOLOS. Americans Within Three and One- Half Miles of the Rebel Capital. More Bloody Fighting:. Manila, March '11. Fighting its way through the lines of 1,001 I' ill pinos, who huil taken their stand at Marilao, north of I'olo, Malintaand Meycauyan, Gen. MacArthur'g di vision to day resumed its northward advance on Malolos, Aguinaldo's capital, and captured tho town of Marilao, at the junction of two roads that lead to Malolos The 1,000 Filipinos fell back upon their main body of fighting men, all of whom are gradually movicg toward Malo los and burning their bridges and villages as they go. Six Americans wero killed and forty were wound ed in the engagement. I'olo wa also taken to day after a hard tight. Hawthorn' battery shelled trenebe opposite I'asay today. I'lnlucan whs loiini to be partly burned, but tho tiro had been confined to lower portions, the best hoiif-ca remaining intact. It is learned that during festerday's terrilic battle Urig. Jen. rving Hale was seriously wounded. Tho American forces advanced from Meycauvan to day, and soon dis cerned white roofs and steeples among tho green trees beyond the river. The rebels had an unford- able river in front of them, and they poured an effective lire into our men, but the American artillery put a diamatic end to tho battle. When the artillerv appeared our men cave a great yell, and the Filipinos were panic stricken, many of them seek ing safety in lligbt, while a white flag waa raised by those who wero in tho trenches. Col. r nnston and 20 Kansas soldiers captured Kt prre oners with. all their arms, and the Tenth Pennsylvania regiment cap tnrcd 40 prisoners, l'rince Joe- wenstein was killed yesterday. 1 ho evacuation ol Malabon, north of Manila, was a picturesque sight. 1 hoin-Hiids ot men, women and elm then, loaded down with household goods, some with their dearest treus tires fighting cocks under their arms, poured across the swamps in tlio early morning. Ten Oregon soUliers, while searching for two of those killed earlier in the tight, sneaked into the city in tho morn ing and found the place in a condi tion of chaos. The inhabitants, see ng them, fled in a panic, thinking the American forces wero in posses sion. If the statement of 3." pris oners capt.ircd today is true the ma n body of the enemy has retreat ed to Malolos. Washington, March 27. Advices received by tho War Department show that the number ot casualties in yesterday's and to day's fighting was three officers and 2." enlisted men killed and nine officers and !i3 enlisted men wounded. Hot fitfht ing was going on today, with our forces advanced as far as Marilao, whilo the insurgents, under the com mand of Aguinaldo, were being driven back with great slaughter. With tho American base advanced to Marilao and the insurgent bae foiced back to Malolos, the main bodies of tho two opposing forces are iboiint ten or twelve miles apart. The tactics ot Aguinaldo are taking him gradually beyond the range ot Dewey's guns, Mahilos is about seven miles back from iho bay, al though there arc shallow estuaries which would permit light-draft boats to get within a mile or two. Manila, March 2'-' At daylight M ac A r t h u r's d i v i s i o n a d v a 1 1 cci 1 f ro m Marilao along the railroad to Iligaa, five miles distant. They met with strong opposition in tho jungle. The rela;ls burned the villages as they retreated and also tore up See-! lions of tho railroad in many places. Th'V had not finished their trenches along tho line of today's march, showing they weie not pieptred tor our advance. Manila, March .'!'. MacArtbur reached t i uiaju into, three arid one half miles from Malolos, at 5 o'clock. Fierce lighting in tho afiernoin. Troops tiiiide crossing ot fiver at (i uignimo bv working arti'lery over railroad bridge by hand. - Better Than Ever. "1 suffered from a disease and had such an intense itching that I could hardly sleep at night. Nothing gave me as much relief a Hood's Sarsa parilla. I have taken three b-ittles of it and now have better health than ever in my life la-lore."- n. liKKvT. 1'aynk, .VI North Augusta Street, Staunton, Virginia. Hood'a Till give strength even while their cathartic qualities are at work. Kasy to take. Probably the best way to smash tho Trusts would I to stand still and leave them to the comminution that awaits them troin the oj-eration ot irrepealable economic laws. They can't do bnsines) on the basis of tin ir organization without en countering coniietitinn if they suc ceed, or bankruptcy if 'hcv fail. Constipation, Headache,' Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Di2ziness, loiHeatr I list y.air hwr I. out ul ,.rirr. The tst medicine to ,us I he l;-r and rare all fhrnw :, t IVwusd tn m m w w m 2' reel. i hy w ;T-'r. mis er lo i una urn DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WILL BE RESUMED BETWEEN UNITED STATES AND SPAIN AT AN EARLY DAY. The Duke d'Arcos, Who Married Ad miral Dewey's Old Sweetheart, Miss Virginia Lowry, Will Be Spain's Minister. A late Washington dispatch ays : Much interest attaches liero to the report in diplomatic circle that dip lomatic relations lietwcen this coun try and Spain will bo resumed at a very early date. I ho announcement that Spain would soon appoint her minister i not surprising in view of the course which she has pursued since the beginning of hostilities last April. Spain conduct while war was on was strictly in accord w ith the finest conception of civilized iroprieties, and no act of her can as named which is subject to con demnation. Her course ha been manly and bravo ami no defeated nation has ever yielded more grace fully or with greater dignity. It is not surprising, therefore, that Spain announces her intention to disregard custom ami to send quickly to ns a minister. The man who will prob ably be selected i Senor Don Jose l!runetti,ducd A ten, one o! Spain most learned and polished public men, whose appointment would be particularly happy because his wifo is an American lady. 1 he Duchess d Amos was Miss Virginia I.owry of Washington city, and one of the greatest belle ever in the cosmopolitan society of the capital. She remained single for a long time, hesrating between two polished and courtly suitors, (tne was the Due d Areos, her husband, the other being no less a person than Admiral George Dewey then com modore. For a long time ii was thought that Commodore Dewey was the favored suitor, and on one occasion their engagement was an nounced. Commodore Dewey was a great favorite socially here at that time, but ho waa necer dovoted to but the one woman, the woman wan afterward gave him the unite! and to Ins rival, tho Due d Arcos, Ker hand. It was after the announce ment ot her engagement to the Span iard that Commodore Dewey ap plied for sea orders, being naturally desirous to leave Washington. Put for that disappointment it is possi ble that he would not now be at the head of the navy more honored and sung than any other one man in tho world of present affairs. The Itwry mansion in Washing ton is one of the most shitely and beautiful residences in the city. It is situated on the corner of Vermont avenue and Fifteenth street. Since the marriage of the daughter of the house it has never lecti occupied by any member of tho family. It i understood that if Due d' A roof is appointed minister, the I.owry man sion will become tho legation of Spain. As both the Duke end the Duchess arc wealthy in their own right it is expected that they will entertain sumptuously, as a matter of noblesse obl ge, if for no other. Itrnlo I lie Klondike. Mr. A. ('. Thomii", ot Marysville, Tex , ha found a more valuable dis covery than liasyel been made in the Klondike. For year he sittlcreil on told agony (roni consumption, accom panied by hemorrhages; and was ab solutely cured by lr. King's New Discover)- for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, lie do. lures that gold is oi htllo value in comparion with ihis marvelous cure; would have it, even it it cost a bundled dollars a botlle. Asthma, liionthitis and nil thiout and lung a fleet ions aro posi lively cured by Or. King New Ihs covcry fur Consumption. Trial bot tle (ice at Taylor .v. Hatuier limit St tore, Kcguinr si.i t. and f I. naranteed to cure or pi ice relundcd. . It is ra'tter to preserve health than to cure disease. Therefore, keep your blood pure with Hood Snr saparilla and be always well. . The popular actress, I!o Pan zolla, exclaiming "'Ti love that kills," shot herself with a revolver on the stage in full sight of the au dience during a performance at Cilli, Styria, and wa removed in a dying condition. 1 PAfta.tR S I HAIR BALSAM j .1-4 k. ' 4' l'(Miwrt . Isi..i fflh . . ,M. Fails I. Her army I Hsir I', reuta'sl Color wsiifrri tfv. h- l a. aike, jj,psM( t , it. i ai't'f' W rt' Ut fim;l tr n-i '"M i-r"r" 'ffc ftlal i. - I SmtU H- r.dMh, rV Vtfttltt t HOI CO rksi) C jt.. I'M' ftajaytai a molcomb a wcCurriN, Attorney and Counsellors-at-law. W ill fra tx la ibf aijs-nia-o n ' ia lwll1al OIl rst la IW rWl twtrt .1 liiswhm a, la ittr s.ipnw rwt, Ssl ett. S.m iwrojiia. v. r. i'.kown, nOTAHV- PUBLIC Orm wrfB .. W, 'rin il, Mmml Airy, H. C. T-AYA.siinr 4. LlWOMd Ifr V7B2B V ASSOWTILY PURE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Urn mm vwfaa rry , . wit. Unearthed at Last. The Kansas City Star of the 211 March prints a three column story regarding the arrest of a remarkable gang of Kansas criminal who have for years lived by mean of robbery and murder. no ot the gang n lielievcd to lie tho murderer of Jos. New, who was killed in ( ireenwood county, Kansas, two years sgo, for which New'g wife and George II. Dobbs are now serving lifo sen tences. So firmly does Warden I.andis, of the Kansas penitentiary. believe in the innocence of Mr. New nd Dobbs that he will im mediately urge Governor Stanley to pardon them. Frank Altgood, alleged to he the real murderer, is in jail at Iola, Kansas, under a charge of forgery. . Alvin Pulliird, serving an eight year sentence in tho Kansas penitentiary for horse steal ing, has confessed that he, Altgood and Turner were the murderers of New and that Mrs. New and Dobbs were absolutely innocent. Turner ha not been found. It seems that the very men who murdered New and robbed his dead body conspired afterward to convict the widow and Dobbs. Tho supposed murderer (Altgood,! Recording to Milliard, even went so far aa to try to get on the inrv which convicted them. Milliard g cs on to say that he, Alt- good and Turner were niem!ers of an organized gtng of thieves and murderer that operated in South eastern Kani-a. As a result of his confession, eighteen stolen horses, a bag of counterfeit silver dollars and a counterfeiting outfit have been recovered. Mesidu Altgood, P. I.. Mathes, Mary Mathts and Herbert Simpson arc under arrest. Fifty other horses stolen by tho gang have been located. The otliceis are on the trail of other members of the gang. Milliard also alleges that A It goixl murdered Wm. Coiiltener, near F.urtka, in ls'-'. Ulicera who have been working on the case have corroborated mostol Milliard's Btato We are glad to itate ih.UiUsiness generally is reviving inrongnou Statc,and that many manutartnring enterprises are springing up. A Wife Says: " Tc hivt four children. Vilh ttK fint tfur I tuffrrrd ilmost unbxiribU pin from 12 to 14 houn, and hid to be phctd under th influence of chloroform. I wed three bottles ol Mother's FrienJ before Our Lut child came, which u a ttrong, fit and healthy boy, doing my housework up to within two hours of birth, and suf fered but a few tuud punj. I hu hm- j 1 d men! is the jrand-.' V ' ' A I j jk V-.V- i made." V Mother's Friend M Lf will do for every woman what it did for the Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter. Not to one it during pregnancy a mislate to be paid for in pain and (ufiering. Mother's FrienJ eqmpe the patient witi a strong body and cUar intellect, which in tura are imparted to the child. It relaxes the muscles and allows I hem to expand. It relieves morning sickness and nervousness. It puts all (he organs concerned in perfect condition (or the final hour, so that the actual j labor in thort and practically painless. Dan I ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether ! avoided, and recovery is merely a matter oi few days. Drug fi." Kll M..lhr I rirn tor $1 a Wttla Ibe KraJilcU Regulator f., Atlanta, b. 'f illui'tattil book. .IiiIIN I. Vii;ril 0, J T Worth & Carter, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. We he iiiiiisl a real lt i.fti.e in lh U.aa nf Mmoit Airr anil tv.n. i tl- .ab. lie to n-s.l ei-fully Ih liill.iwiBj; aiiaouiH-fmeiit. -. . r 1 1 ao.l hi'e in charg' f"r 1 n-Mral Hun li.-.l A ie of fafwitijf Uail V Ii ty'" " 'Herent 'n f f"nrij- s.ii:il, in h.lie. ol from ' iw Hua.lrn) lo Turn lluielrl Acre; Ihi'-c limls f S'l "r the i.riii ot T..I... ,, lira t'h.trr ami t.r.-.; wmeol Ihrw Islets bae fn,ll mif.reH-t, lit It. kunniiy in Ihe wtu'inil ft re ; can rnl iii in pan-el. I nut pur. ha.rr, su.l Tm K-,yf0 tor p mi-iil- We a;-o I y eral f" -iter pve?, en lts nail .mail M-s, rnrw ; rsiw rt tnii ime lre.1 anu t.l'T l"nr p ' r iVwti tn l..-M i-tm m.r, H,. tariwrt .. hiki. iMiiii-hatl on Ibe aiianiicX VaJkia li.i'n.s-l . In. r ) -l. . I A 1 . V s. one f -loth "I niilc Nrlli of Ararat Mnui. We itn ami hve ennfol -.f i!m- Xak-n.-ti.- Imn 'r. Ir. ihn.ii.-h i.r t esMioly 4 mrl of Mnk' b" a Oi.tarw-r !' tiiin-a iiim-; aie-n. plm-e 1 1 W.l" h r !.n ike. f"f Kre fku on hiiBiltil j.-r la llir ei.l li.o.ii l.lwrtn.. m ; thr tn ,. ',,,t ,-r.-- this lr near Hie itre We al" B wh-r n.os-ial lml said to e..titaia l'i f--, Irmi ami lLii,-fce. v,luc iiU. w h I-"" "ikl fa pa- VV al- ewn rnl hT. at .t (b i t'"" " M"""' A,r?- """ " "-i,u'i' itx ""t'"1"''' tlwe'liecs l u rsi ef Uh-h, aie ' '."Oi! I" ! rit r .t ke-alne in !. XVs i r is.alml ol " ibe rtle f xr-J f-l Um:t in llrf if urn V'l sir, i,s. 1, wtN-te4!e4 ia t '"- ,"5'"'s! " 1 ' ' i. a sin""' '' taonKiglot a.i-ia t.l iih lb. !.- irr. n ' .!! sf -iif.r, (( yrar. iwre-- a .nrnif. ami I l.e .-(ii-T of ttt . ,'.i.,r.. J .ri."f t ' '"' "I " ' -' til rr,Hn in rti. rrat'n- H-1 '.' . inSiracati'Hi 4wie4 ! e-ir ' 'isiaew !! W fl-i:y fuiwi.W. woirniat c,virri:n, hriar ', !"'' The action of Congress voting thank to the Ued Cros Society and a gold medal to Miss Helen Gould lias called attention to the aletice of Sisters of Charity and mem hers of other Roman Catholic sister hood from tho battle field; add cainj) during theSpanish-Amerieaii War. When the question was nn- , der discussion, Senator Hoar asked that it might be delayed for a day and have a wider application. Put -next day, whenlthe question again came up, he withdrew his abjection on the ground.lthat the ' Sister" had imt been in evidence during the war. And will not lie long before such a claim will be made tor them. Journal and Messenger, m Ollicial figures show that the Cu ban army has 1-1, '.'I'.' private and non eommiMMoned officer. iliousness HRT hI tun. tttni aXTfett. 4 mucin t Uv will.. tui tiM-fti I fcuit uril ifert fr am ttBir fur iml'g'-t Nn tnti u i.ooafl tt3 nri no iomi P'tri urn) Km t'Hffiis-mJ ibrm it eT one One trii fou n-rr r ititiii thfiu to thf famnif ' A M At 1. A-t'H) . N V. CANDY CATHARTIC B,fini, Pa'aiah Hnirrtt Tt Omwl m O'hmi, Nftrr bti Ufii. w saim vt Utn. jft . a, ii ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... MHNa( rtaav. raaftwo. atral, t, Ml Hfl Til Blf iHtrnH M lildtuf N U" I U'BAW iuu tu l six iibt Hi.i Crow ned Again. take great, pleasure in stating that the world-renowned WHITE SEWING MACHINE Handled bv me, in keeping with a long line of notable conquests in the axt, was again victorious at the Omaha fc'oition Wing awarded the highest obtainable prize, THE GOLD MEDAL, as the best family sewing machine made JOS. NATIONS, Agent, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Nasal Catarrh CAN HK CI'KKD BY SIMPSON'S Eczema Ointment. I or loiuach end l.iver Trouble, t'ae t SIMPSON'S LIVER PILLS, The Heat in the. World, m-:nt hy mail kok ?s ckxts. Ask jour 1'rugKint fr them. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY, It AI.lCKill, ?S.O. WILLIAM SIMP50N, Manarer. W. K. CAUTKk.

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