M Airy TTin OUNr i in VOL. it). MOUNT AIIIY N. 0.. THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 180.). NO. 12. 4 Suffered 20 Years. 4?.- MIIH. MAKV I.F.WIS, wlfs of a i.ronii Dent faru.tr, ar.il rll known by all old rtslih no nt.ir iJilmoiit, N. V,. wriua : "For twcnty-st-rtri years I Lad teen a constant sullrtr ftoto r.arroul prostra Unn, and paid birge suin of nioory for doc tor and iiUvirtlM-d remedies without bene Bt. Three yenm mo my conditioo was alarming; the 1 .-I nol would startle ind uniuTTH me. I , uimlrle tosleip, had a number of tlnl.lnit soills and slowly grew worse. I 1m pi'i umuz 1'r. I !! Kestoratlv Nervine and Nerve and l.lver I'illa. At tint tli intnllt'luc :i-iitf d to have do effort, but after taking a few bottles l began to notim a cbiim-r; 1 roicd tutu r at nlclit, u y aupe tne began to Improve uud 1 rapid. y f r-w heittr, until now 1 am a nearly restored to health a unit of uy ; may evtSH't- U4 bless Ilr.MileK'Nei fine. Ir. Mill's" IN tiii-uina are auld I y ail drun giiita under a positive guarantee, Ci-l boitlo ben fits or ttionry re funded. Hook oil dt-rM- i( tlielirirt and nerves fr-e. Address, fvV r .. O mii.. -4 F" ' serving fc.ftostore , V, Henlth I'l . Mil. hi MKDICALt-O.. hlshart, lud. GKO. W. b'I'AKCKK, Attopney-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AIBY, N. C. Will practice In state and federal court. Special allentloa to collection Of claims and Decollating loam b T. GKAVKS. Mttorney-at-kaw, mount Ainy, N. c. raTractlces In tda'e and Federal Court. Prompt attenltoo to collection of claims. Dr. John E. Banner, DENTIST. Oilice Hours 8 00 A. M to 6.(10 I1. M. LEONARD BJlLOlNO, FRANKLIN ST., Mount Airy, X. C. T. 15. McCAItGO, HOTAHY POSIilG. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, mount airy motel block. Business Promptly Attended To. f. carter, J. R. LEWELLYN, DOWM a- c Carter & Lkwkllyx, Attopneys-at-Law. tarpraetlce In the Stat and Federal Court. ! prompt at u-nuon given U) all bualneaa enuuat, j ed to t heir care. Promptly Reaches tits Seal cf all Blood Diseases and Cures the Worst Cases. S. S. S. GOES -10 THE BOTTll. ,il,"l uWa-s knows that there are no ail ment or trouble so obstinate and difficult to cure. Very few remedies claim to i cure such r-al. deep -eatl blKd diw-ase 8. S. 8. cures, and none can oib-r 8'ieh ii-..Iitr..veriibl.'evMleneeof merit 8 8 8. is not merely a tonic it i a cure! It down t, the very seat of all bhxd diseases, and eeta at the foundation of the very ori t-M-. and routs the poison from the system Itdort .. like other remedies, dry up the poiaon and hide it from view temporarily, only to break fort h n'mniiwre violently than ever; 8. 8. 8 forces out every traee of taint, and ril the system of it forever. Mrs.T V Ie, Mi.mif.im.-ry. Ala . writea: Som. apo I wan itiiK-ulated with poiwm by a nurse who infected toy babe ith bliajd taint. J wai covered with sore and ulcers from head to f ot , and in my great eitremity 1 prayed to die .N veral protninerit tthysician treated me but all to no iiurixwe J'l,e tnm-ury and pave me w-eiii-d t- add fuel to the awful flame which was devouring :ne. 1 a advised by friend who had seen wonderful cures made by it. to trj Swift Specific. 1 im pnned from 'he atari, a. the medicine seemed to go dirwct to the caup-e of the trouble and force the poison out. Twenty S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD is the only remedy that i guaranteed purely Tegetable, and contain n mercury. K,tali. arwme. or any other mineral or chemical. It never fail W cure Cancer, K ?ema. Hcrofula, fcheuinatism, Contaeiou Blood Foisosi, letter. Moils, Carbuncle. Stores, etc. Valuable hook mailed fre by Swift Bpecifle Company, AtlanU, G. Taos. Fawc srr, President. , L. I!in, First Vice Pres. FIRST nATIOriALBAUK of .It. Amy. I OHPOIIATED. Capital, $3S).00, rxl1 I. DIRECTORS. Tims. Fsweett C. I - Hacks, H. L. Fswcett, V. M. Ausley, G. I. Faweett. This baJk aoliriu the aceouru of MerchanU, Manufacturer. Farmers and Individual. The account rf tfe Merchant located in town ad faeent received on favorable term. Tb fund of our customer ae secured Ly two burglay proof steel cheats aod the Y sue Time Lock. Interest allowed oo having Iepoaita, alii MRS. W. B. OVERBY I u uftted a treirikirg F.f ablisboient at her residence nearTrinity Fpieco pal church, aod aotfit btral pat rot; see from the rttiMtiia of Mount Airy and surrounding country, hatisfactiun guarautd. in C::3 E:ird i:l Utfi ta a Lhitd Ktc? cf Pcc:s n Yerj Fi?:nt!i Terrs. Carpet-Bakers to Invade Cuba. It it iiitiiiiHttd that tlic advieHt.il ity of ri Icetinjr civil Ilk-era for the tnariHtreinent of flan in Cuba U under difciifnion ir, AdiuiuifcJretion circltB. the civil .flicer, of course, tn !.o eliipi'd to the iclnrid from llie United Sinte. The reason Hfijfn-d tor thin sugtrt-Btiofi 18 tlmt the civil oII'kmhIb. as snhntitutea for tlie mili tary authorities, wonld Ihj bnnht into intimate relation with the Cu ban people, and would thus famil iarize them with our tnotbodij of gov ernment. Kven if tho nphhot of tin's btipincm its to bo fhcatuieSHtion of Cuba, the policy of sending utter strangers to manage the civil afTir of the inhabitant of the inland would eiiiiso needleae friction and resentment. Tho Cubans have lo cine more or !ee reconciled with tho tcmpoiary military occupation of their island, which sternly sui presree disorders and protects their livtaand property, and wouia uonor less be BHtistiud with the present regime until they should be in a con dition to protect and govern them selves; hut they would seo in a swarm of carpet baggers holding their civil ofliet-s and magistracies a dfliberate purpose to keep them in i i . .1. : . 1 perpetmi SMlijt'Cnon to line iuvrrn- meiit. There is small probability that I'resident McKinley will lend a favorable ear to a suggestion which is nPerly at war with tho solemnly proclaimed policy of the American neoole toward Cuba. So long as this Government can properly exer cise any rnleover the island it should .,. I . I 1 !. lie a military ruie, lempereu i'j inu courtesy, good scneo and humanity of American army oflicers. Hut to mix with this necessary authority the intermeddling of a horde of car p t-biiggers in civil office, ignorant alike of the language and customs of the Cuban people, would bo a wanton outrage which they would not fail to bitterly resent. For all purposes of local administratiou our military authorities will have no dif- ' ticiilty in securing the services of in- tilligeiit and patriotic Cubans; ana bet ee tho carpet bag suggestion, while fraught with mischief, lias not even a semblance of plausibility. Philadelphia Kccord. It Never Disappoints. People who are troubled with any disease caused or promoted by im pure blood or a low state of the sys tem may take Hood's Sarsaparilla with the utmost confidence that its faithful use will effect a cure. Mil lion? take it as a spring medicine, because they know by experience it is just what the system needs. Hood's Pills are tho best family cathartic and liver tonic. (JeDtle, reliable, sure. Admiral Sampson, who has jnst l)cen at Santiago, went through Morro Castle, which was one of the gcveial things he didn't See at close , , , u-.f... In every U-.t made 8. S. S. easily (lemonatratci its superiority over other hlood remedies It matter not how ob stinate the cae, nor what other treat ment or remedies hare failed, 8. 8. 8. always promptly reaches and cures any diaeaae where the Wood ia in any way involved. LverTone who iia had riAHAdi with tK.taah m-lneh il.- I). M. At slit, M. Peeorid Vic Pres. L. Fawt-arr, Cashier. Estisftint ! A Wo I In urn III HARPER'S WEEKLY SEES DANGER AHEAD AND CALLS AT TENTION TO IT. But, Witb all that Has Bees Written and Said, the Trusts Con tinue to Multiply. In "Harper's Weekly" of March 2r, the leading editorial is entitled "I rusts and Socialism ; and it pro rceda without apology or hesitation to declare that the timo is emtio to Consider trusts seriously. "Never before in tho history of the country nave so many powerful eomlu nations of corporations and capital been brought into existence-. It is safo to say that the manufacture and 8alo of nearly every article of com mon need and convenience arc con trolled by a trust, as transportation is largely, and as labor is almost en tirelv," These sentences are from the leading editorial of one of the most influential of New l ork pubii cations. In a political organ, or out of the mouth of a malcontent or an sgitator they would not weigh so much. Hut from a reputable, in dependent publication, in tho homo ot trusts, and taken together with tho editorial in the commercial journal which wo recently quoted, tne amrm mat provoked it is Hope ful to a great degree. The North, the homo of capital and cf trusts, is being arouse J to the danger ; and in no uncertain tones. The "Weekly" goes on to say that tho tendency of trusts is not so much simply to work hardships or to corrupt legislation, but that it is, by reason of doing theso things, toward the danger which uc locijueville pointed out, namely "that the democracy which has annihilated the feudal system, and vanquished Kings," will come to that extreme in which it will arise in its tiMiucstioncJ power and overthrow and overrun the eiti.en and the capitalist. I'ndeibtand that sentence: It means that trusts are in danger of so oppressing or wrong ing the people, bv restiaming trade or shaping legislation or evading laws, that the people will go to the txtrme not only of overthrowing the truts, but of confiscating wealth in the name of Socialism. That editorial proclaims that trusts give forth the miasma in which Mic germs of Socialism multiply moct rapidly ; that trusts are the best bretdeis of Socialism and o an archy it might have added ; that editorial tells capital that it is its worst enemy when it invests in a trust ; it tells the man of wealth that the modern trust is the chief enemy of his hopes. And the edi torial is very sanely eonce'-'nJ. Its author is no extremist. Ileda.-e to say, ae no demaoogus would, that "there is no valid argument against trusts if they stick to their proper work, do that work honestly, treat the individual justly, and keep corrupting hands oil politics ;"' and that "what we need more than laws which restrict and prevent tho formation of trusts are laws and courts that will hold them to a high standard of honor, that will prevent misuse of their power, and that will especially prevent their opprebn oi individual competitors." That is sound, but hard to bring to pass. And so surely as our Government is so constiucted that ultimately the people rule, the modern trust, grasp ing and greedy, oppressive and powerful, evading laws and destroy ing legislation, will come to a hard end ; whether in a tornado of social ism or in the processes of legislatures and courts, depends upon which shall be necessary. We would ad vise every man who owna trust stock to sell while he ran. A day of wrath is coming. Hiblical lie corder. Anti-Imperialists Meet. A lioston, Mwf., dispatch says the anti imperialists met in Tremont Temple on ihe evening of April 4 th in remonstrance against the Philip pine policy. A. K. Pills'oury pre sided, outlining the attitude of the society against the acquisition of the islands by conquest. Kx-liovernor Iku. well announced the platform, calling for the re-enthronement of truths embodied in the Declaration of Independence; that these truths be given e foremost place in he hearts of the people and the policy of th Government; secondly, that a distinct disavowal be demanded against the United States adopting the colonial policy of Great I'ntain. Governor IJootwtU declared that Congress should extend help to the Philippines to organise a local C!iv ernment (o be recognized by this country as independent and equal among the nations of the world. A letter was received from Col. Tbos. L. Li vcrmore recommending the de velopment of commerce with the countries of this continent, and de claring the Filipinos should be al lowed to set up their own form of government. Among other speak ers were James 11 DunU r and !lobcrt M. iloore. t'uder an old Saw of oial j iaitl, seldom if ever Gsed. a man named Tucker, who killed another named Johns, "io a figh," is to py the widow Z,ifX) and Ler children (2,i ecb. A jory so derided at I'ahimure, Mart land, aftet a welfs trial lie kiitaa' ym f!mw tM. a aU SrwcfW. Glimpse at the Character of Filipinos The testimony of Admiral Dewey as to the superiority of the Filipinos to the Cubans is not to be disregard ed. lie knows both. Take Luzon. Nearly all the inhabitants have some education, which can not be even hinted at in many sections in the United Str'es. Alost can read and write, and could read their ballots or a constitution if they had one, A Spanish editor, living at Manila, honor Mora, writes that "they have the rudiments of religion and morality, and show a full capacity t o acq n i re ' t h a t ge n e ra 1 1 i n t o f s u per hcial culture which is all that the great mass of lain. ring people can aspiro to anywhere in the world. Tho nativo Filipino din's nut know tho vice of blasphemy; 'he is not ordinarily oWene ; he is not quarrel some ; lie is rcspecttnl to those who display authority ; he is docile and obedient, although he is weak and remiss in tho performance- of his duties ; he bears his punishment and believes it to bo just when hu is guilty of a fault; but ho becomes irritated if personally insulted, and he awaits with rancor and in cold blood tho moment to avenge out rages done his person or his family.' He likes, says tho senor, very much to pass hours in sloth and idle ness, lie is fond of feists and pilgrimages, of play and betting, ana spends easily for a day's sport that which has cost him a month's hard labor." Ho is very conceited, a racial de fect, and is very impressionable. He is nervous, excitable and imagina tive. He is inclined to be religious, and is ojen to superstition. Hut this applies to the lower and least educated. Senor Mora says that "tho enlightened classes are free from such supeistition. 1 heir in struction and education and their contact with itersoiis of culture invigorato tho intelligence and give them greater will Kiwer. It must also be remeintX'red that this weakness of the Malay race is but rarely exhibited by the multi tude, and only when it is excited and exploited by fools or rascals." He Ix ars witness to the "simple and peaceful habits" of most ot the rilipinos, and says they are really "delerential to their elders and superiors; very oljediunt and sub missive to authority ; hospitable, charitable and religions ; a great over of the church and of her ministers; and the enemy of tumults arid revolts." Now that is a very good indorsement as a whole, and gives character to the people who iiave been driven into revolt and have so biavely fought for lilnirty at'd independence against a boastful country forever prating of equality, independence, liberty and constitu t i o n al r ee t ra i n t g. M esse n ge r . Aguinaldo Supplanted by Luna. Manila, April V There are per sietent rumors today that Aguinal do, the insurgent leader, has been supplanted in the control of Filipino afUira by General Antonio Luna, commander in-chief of the Filipino forces. Luna, is descnlied as lieing typical belligerent. The proclamation of the United States Philippine Conmiieeion was posted in the streets, printed in Eng lish, Spanish and Tagoh g to-day. It was also distributed in the outside towns as far as Malolos, and hit- lccn received with marked attintion by the natives generally, and has been approved by a number of represent ative ManiUris. Knglieh bankers who have been interviewed on the su' j ct are op timistic upon the attitude of the Americans, assuming that it indi cates that the decisive policy will undoubtedly lie successful. A Spanish banker, who was in terviewed, expressed the opinion that the proclamation will not reach the masses controlling the relxsllion because, he explained, the Filipinos at Manila are unotly domestic and cletks who have no definite opinions and the wirepullers outside of the city have undoubtedly intcrcrpud it. The editor cf Oceania thinks the proclama'ion is the m st politic di.-Miment ever publish d in the Phi.ippine inland and that it is bound to convince the wavering of the tolly of further hostilities. An Knglieh merchant as the first clause, -ith reference to the establishment and maintenance of American sovereignty and warning the rebels, shonld settle the qtiestiou :n the mind of every thinking Fili pino. A Scotch ship owner thinks it does not leave anv further doubt as to the policy of thejited States and that, consequently, Agninaldo must submit to the inevitable, as the continuance of hostilities is op Ped to the beet interest of the iUyino. fcinila, April fi The United States cruiser Charleston, which has been cruieing along the wesi coatt (I Luzon, to the north, sent ft boat in shore near Dsgnpau last Satur day to make soundings. There!.! opened fire, wounding a United States oflieer. The cruiser there opoo bombarded the town, the in surgent evacuating it. CASTOR I A For lafistU ant CMldxea, fti IM Yea Kin AIiijs Bsfet Sig&atr cf .1rSu far rift. .. raaca immem e-, ir tuvmm. ... r-"- Mt. A-i J .-...- AT. IV WW BITS OF STATE NEWS GATHERED FROM THE MOUNTAINS TO THE SEA. What North Carolina People Are Do intr, as Told by Our Inter esting Exchanges. The fruit in the Charlotte section is safe so far. The snow last week extended over nearly half of the State. Northern capitalists will build large hotel at Tyron, N. (J. Greensboro has no smallpox, the last suspect having been discharged. Tho Chronicle says the revenues have a miirhty hankerini; to visit in v iikes county. Ti e postmaster at i'il'moru has two young alligators for cts. That lellow has fine taste. Smallpox has Ijceti discovered at iNewton, Catawba county. Iwonc groos are sick with the disease. It is now understood that Mr. U. J. Reynolds, of Winston, has "jin ed" the tobacco trust. What a pity The Presbyterian Fvangelist, W P. Fife, who is so well known in almost every town in the State, is very sick at Lldorado, Aik. Mr. Greek () Andrews, former- y of the Kaleigh Post, is now the editor of tho Havana (('uba) Her ald. He has been in ('uba only s few weeks. Judge Purncll presided over Fed eral court at Greensboro last week, and not Mr. Kwart as lias been ex- pcctcJ all along. Mr. Kwart is still without a job. A mining company has just been incorporated under our State laws at Murphy. Capital stock twenty- live thousand dollars, With privilege of increasing to one million dollars. Our exchanges contain numerous deaths of old ta-ople since the first of the year. Indeed, it is tare one takes up a paper without coining across two, three, and sometimes four or five such notices. Mrs. Pethel, of Kowan county, widow of the late Frank Pethel, v.ae found dead in bed at her homo Thursday morning. She whs appa rently in her Usual health when she retired tho previous evening. Mr. Albert lUyle and Miss Kita Kit) lc had a close call at the South em railroad crossing at Greensboro Monday night. The vestibule train etiuck their buggy and destroyed it, but the occupants escaped without serious injury. Miss Helen Lewis is an active candidate for superintendent of the waterworks in Ashevillc. Dollars to dotitfhnuts she would make the best otlicer Ashevillo i.as ever had, and that she'd keep the germs out of the water. News and OUervcr. A pledge is Iscing circulated by the Voting People's Christian Tem perance Union which binds the signer to vote in tho year J!u) for only such persons tor otlicers in both Slate and NaVn as represents a party whoa platform contains a plank demanding the immediate and total destruction of the tratlic in intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes. The pledge is to be null and void unless J.iMHyiuu signatures are secured lefore November 1, litoo. This plan has been talked of before, but never really tried. Do Not Be Fooled With the ides that any prepara tion your druggii-t may put up and try toscll vou ill punfv your blood like Hood's Sar 1?,i'arilla. This medicine has a rt titat'on- it has earned its record. It is prepared under tho personal supervision of educated phar macists who know the nature, quality and medical effect of all he ingredients used. Hood's Sarsaparilla aUolutely cure all forms of blood diecarc when oth er medicines fail to do any good. It is the World's great Spring Medicine and the ( )ne True Ulood Purifier. Tho enormously rich work va rious scheme to evade the payment of taxes, and are often successful, BufiV the rich cannot siTord to nay taxes, how it it with the poor ? We are livin" under a republican form of govci. neat, but at the sarno time the laws are framed to pro tect the rich, and in no country on earth can men with money iuvest it to better advantage and get Utter returns. The rich should not be burdened with unjust taxes, btt they should pay on a fair valuation of ther poesions. t tot Ipld , ; S bca tlrer, ao4 cur fcakautma, ! 1 bcadats. '-rti, Muaea, UAfnf tt-. C TW ar W Valuable to .rrteiil a Col 4 or break up a lerer. Milil. rj!ie.cflal,ttief arml r four .r,.i.K Purely abl. thrv can s tafcf 1 1 V ttiil'trm of aVitrM wimm frl-T ' il all otix ina U-m -ri t S auui 04 t. 1. i a .. lwU, .. rcrrnFeM t so -iiiir r v-w Al I II. "UMII' at (- iVordi GarolinaNews An Orphan's Acre. We want to make a suggestion to our fanner frionds and readers Merely a suggestion and wo leave you to act according to your own sense of duty. It is just this : That you select this year a rich spot on your farm, plant it in what you think can be raised most profitably, tend it carefully and conscientious ly and send tne prococds or the produce to aid in the support of the two hundred and fifteen orphan boys and girls in the Oxford Orphan Asylum, or the children in some other orphanage in North Carolina. This is done in other states and I know the farmers in onr own stato are as charitably inclined as any that tho sun shines upon. We arc all wholly dependent upon our Heavenly Father for food, for raiment and for all the blessings of life for life itself. From Hi in most come tho sunshine, tho rain, tho fruitful season, the abundant harvest. It is from His bounty that all must bo fed. Vou could not bestow vour lov ing labor where it would yield a greater harvest of redeemed lives, than by following our suggestion. If yon could get your son interest ed In this "orphans' acre," it would teach him a valuable lesson of un selfishness, of generosity and of servico to others. In the sweat of your brow yon toil hard for your own loved ones. Mav you always be given the strength and the op portunity to provide for them. Put never overlook these little, un fortunate children, bereft of father, of homo, of support, dependent upon onr charity. Feeding an orphan ild will never take bread from the mouths sf your fanrly. We have (rod's word for that : David declares after a long life of varied experience and close ob servation : "I have been youngand now am old ; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed gging bread. He is ever merciful and lendeth and his seed is blessed." Solomon says : "There is that scattereth and yet increaseth ; there is that with'ioldeth more than is nioet, but it tendeth to poverty." Keau in hcclesiastes : "Cast thy bread upon the waters, lor thou shall find it after msny days." Again we have the promise ; "Blessed is he that considt-eth the poor; the Ixird will deliver him in timo of trouble." Farmer friend, sit down and think over tho prime importance of this work for the destitute, or han children of our state a state iiighly favored of God in fertile s i 1 and bountiful harvests. If you give tho matter serious consideration, I believe you will plant this year a littlo garden or "orphans acre. and that, next year, if you are per iiiitted to live, you yill plant an other, that yon will continue the practice from year to year ami thus materially aid this cause in North Carolina and be blessed in giving. Rheumatism Cured. My wife has used Chamberlain's sin Halm for rheumatism with gieat relief, and I ran recommend it as a splendid liniment for rheu matism and other household use for which we have found it valuable. W. J. Crvr i it, Ked Creek, N. V. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading me'' ants ot this village and one ot the most prominent men in th s vi cinity . G. Phippin, hditor ued reek Herald. lor sale by Iaylor Parmer, Druggists. In view of the success of the ex- itcrimeuts with the Marconi system of wireless telegraphy across the Strait of Dover, the authorities pro- rose to transmit messages to hng- aud from Paris. The terminal in 'aris will probably lie the Fidel tower, ihe distance to South Fore land be i iiir 23u miles. Million (alvrn A mm). It is certuinlv gratifying to the pub lic to know of one eoneei li in ihe land ho are not afraid to be eenerotia to tho needy and sulloiing. The Pro prietors of Ir. King'a New Iriwov cry for Cona'imption, Cough ami Colds, have givm away over ten mil lion I rial hoi l of t hi great mcdi cine; itmi have the futiji-l'on ol knowing it hu nbeolulely cured thousand ol hoprlca eases. Asth ma, HfcntlnliH, II a 1st-tics and all diaeascs ol the Throat, Chest and Lu'igs arc surely cured by it. Cull on Taylor 4 Maimer, Druggists, and get a trial bottle Iree. Ilegular ie 5o cents and fl.nu. Kvcry bottle guaranteed, or pre e it funded. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM kSMM a! W- , . ! aM. rFocoiaa a acta ii -a I Half t ! VowtMul Ctt'ur. i I Cifc 9 fas t f,. - YANKEE 25 HCYCttS tat Mil I'll A iwl! . ..... . U m fcx imiAi- n-n iK-iif 1 4 ft (Hit r K-a'h Ntti-fc t ti i!!., rv tXstOatt a. C MS M0LC0WB MeCUrriN, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-law. w ill rafc t th l;n i um wa Jaflfc tal ISsll I IB IJ, fnfc-ra! l-imrt at lrrra4)S"i. a4 is ihr s-;j,-rem-e C;.-st. l ewh. Js.jft anieu. w; U I SHOWN, nOTAHY PUBLIC. Ovrt. a ITS t :o. W. Srnm.ss, Mount Airy. N. C. offCy A n . -i . r ASSCLUTELY PURE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Looking for Trouble. Some time stro we otioted tiom tho American Word and Cotton lie- porter an article predicting a finan cial crash as a result of the trust craze which is sweeping over the country. We have anr quoted from others who hold similar views, and every ono of them, as tar as we know, Lepnblicans. 'I he I nited States Investor, a linancial journal, published in lioston, takes a most gloomy view of the outlook and at tributes it all to the expansion and trust manias, the twin evils and pro genitors of disaster. Here is its hor oscope : "The outlook is distressing. We lavegoneon supremely unconscious of what we aro doing, until we have evolved a state of allairs from which escape is impossible without trreat lardship. An enormous number of water-logged business concerns. known as trusts, have been set afloat ; in the ftuash that is hound to come the certificates of these organiza tions will sell at their real value, which means an appalling loss to investors. The end will be hasten- el by a diminution in the consuinp- j live power of the country, due to the dislocation of a great horde of j employes whom the trusts have ejected imm positions jirevioiisly occupied. We cannot imagine a worse state of affairs. " There is nothing very cht ering in that, but the imperialists and trust boomers will probably call the writer of it a dyspeptic pessimist. Per hups he may be, but there are others, and a good tinny of them, who share his views, although they may not phrase their views in the gloomy style ho does. There is surely wreck ahead unless a halt be called on this expansion and trust business. Wilmington Star, The prophecy made by Senator Hoar that the decadence of the American republic would date from the administration of President Mc Kinley would sound better and much truer if it read: "The deca dence of the Republican party will date from the administration of President McKinley. There is no doubt about it, the Republican par ty issplit. lioston Traveler. ' We have three children. Before the birth of the last one my wife used four hot tics of MOTHER'S f RlhND. If you had the pictures of our children, you could sec at a fiance that the last one Is healthiest, prettiest and flnest-looklncortbem all. My wife thinks Mother's Friend Is the irreatest and frindest remedy la the world for expect ant mothers." -Written by a Ken tucky Attornevat -Law. Ak CD I mil rrevents nine-tenths of Ihe n I r II 11 suffcrlnf Incident to child ' birth. Thecomlnf mother'! disposition anJ tcmrer remain unruffled throufhout the ordeal, because this relax liif, penetrailnf liniment relieves the usual distress. A f ood-naturel mother Is pretty sure to have a g-ood-na lured child. The patient Is kept In a stronf, health) condition, which the child also Inherits. Mother's Friend takes a wife throurb tbi crisis quickly and almost painlest'y. II assists in her rapid recovery, and wardi otf the dangers that so often folio; de livery. a Sruugiftta fcir $1 a Sottl. Till- HKADI ll.l.l) kl.tit LATOR CO. All AMA, OA. Si,.l f.ir aur Or I'li.iii. rl !.' wtitUI fc.lv for a li 'IIS I.. WtillTil. IV j cm Worth & Carter, reaiestate agents. Vs r hae oMi:el a I'sl e.tals ntli. ib the U a f M -uiit Airy ami n-u-t llie j,ab-hi- to ira.l cai-fuil' lb foll.tviag aiinoiini rinnl. v. o o an.l bavr in cliri;e fin: salesen ral lliiielr. il A.-rr of fa'aiing su,ii Imii in ! i to-rent part of llrr) 1 mtt lli.M'ltl Arr-; tlie lai il are gf,l n.f tlie ,r.....n.-B of lul.ura, M a-ai. I ora, (,'osr ami I.ism; " li e ol il.es laa.i list silsII mi o-. roH-sta, ti lit nHT In I lie oiuiual fti at ; ''an I" "it up in pa reels to ..it iiri hasria, awl sl terma j;i i r-i I'. t' Biellt. X' V X'o I a e uir'j! .s-t alrr -l. on Urje atil sioa!) t fan , raii;iii( ia tioiu Kjie fciia lied ai.'l liUv l..--r i.-f i. n to larnM borss rr, II, tayr.t ( a he k s nioie.lltel f n I JtUanl VJt 11 li.or . lofm. r'f tlie I ', C, A I . V.) , f. uttb of a mile N.irtli of Aratst M ui iti. ' Wr ! sti'1 ba ri'tiltal t the Mas.tk Imu Ora nil through Nit emiai T f ail of Si. ike ounij ! a iJisianie o SH.ea lu lls , ta'Hiua Uee aioSf tina ef l,r n "ik'. for iere tkan oil Lualrs4 ) .-ar ia I ir U1 r liare.N.1 l.t9oti,sria ; i m,. r.. i r''s tin ' ee!'. We also n otle-r nios ial fiel sat lo f .otaia t if, l-a. and Ui,vn rmt S, nit tin len aatk-.l It thr hi. Wt ala nw f ii-l ! niaft. af J.i in tln-loanol Miil .Aity.s.n s "f al.eh ki i,l ial.le 1e:iiBr-s, l.i.i ,, ll-ttn a'e ai-at,1 u, li og tit -I ,1riJ is!itie in U-mn, W l ave tinr l of tlw sale of .rral r "' farm iw ih s wmii j Vfi ,(, , n ais iirt vce!d ia ll-s pft-lw-ii.a. I .-fti. VA fei. atid 1i.i-af-- toei, , I. a surtsior a'l tkoruiil,;f a-., .a sli-d )il th tt) trt 4 ids I n,!, , t hs.ir." h-i fTtv esi-s iriafe ia sieve) tog, a--l the m;t wi-.,. f , f ,,f an ' totai-y of l riity -! h i r. san l.s-rty to U: rBl 'ta i t 11 i-ai. An, ir.f Tfci.t.f l-i ia t b -f ' 'I l t'i'f fi.rt i,h4. WORTH sr CAllTKU, ,HJll j t i 1 1 .ALr'llf l Kfarv . ' t , '.- ' mvjBin Nicaragua Trouble. Washington, April The Navy Department is prepared to render speedy assistance to the American residents in Pluetields, Nicaragua, who are being subjected to pressure wrongfully by the authorities there. Acting Secretary Alien, in anticipa tion of the coining of the delegation from New Orleans lias just ordered the gtinlxiat Machias, now on the way to Key West from Livingston, Honduras, to proceed to Plut tields as soon as she can take coal. Pimples, boils and htlinors show that the blood is impure. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best blood puri fier that money can buy. - - - - . W. K. Lcland, proprietor of the Windsor hotel, recently destroyed by fire in New Vork, died at the Hotel Grenoble, that city, on 4th. CONSTIPATION "I g'ii 14 4mf t tin vr 1 1 fes a I ? mt lit ! a, fi.il t tif tbi to ) thm ati-wfi bf tttidj bi'i atti tntsKtlub. ( hroui i-sotiptiMii fs4 Mfttn fsr f)a(l tm Una lariibi i-inxliiM.il. daring tbai lime I 04 - i f thiog I bMid of but sjr ftxintf n rMf uo n nr cut until I txim siu ( I'M AKIl t h turn on to t htH tV4jM a aar n if I ru b I 4o ii g.f itfi uj fur n s atiC'TaawHii, t taturna tanaf ATI win 1. Ht'fcT rM RuiHii 1)1 . Itru1t. MlalJ Pdaaant. fa atat I'Mtrfif Tit Um.A lio . W'k4. .? ar istii, W tan, r irita tOc am jte. CUHI CONSTIPATION. ... lartlaf ttmpr, CkttMa. irJ, $m lara. m Crowned Again. I take great ileaure in stating that the orld-rennwned WHITE ...SDaJfalNG "MACHINE Handled by me, in keeping with a lone line of notable eonijtieits in the past, was again victorious at the Omaha fcx' position being awarded the highest obtainable prize, THE GOLD MEDAL, as ttits Iiest family sewing in a hi tie made JOS. NATIONS, Agent, MOUNT AIRY. N C.. Nasal Catarrh CAS !K UI'KKI) BV SIMPSON'S Eczema Ointment. l-'iir Stmnaeh and t.iver Trouble, l"e SIMPSON'S LIVER PILLS, The Heat in the World, SKXT BY M A 1 1. FOK 2b CKNTS Ak your I'rupgist for them, SIMPSON'S PHARMACY, It.VLl'.Kill.N. CJ. WILLIAM SIMPSON. Manager. W. V. CAIITKK. coiinis . in tsiu lr 'inm liua-bci tu I. . a ir-iat-) ?a a- C c c c c t