A - L JIhj Hi vv . NO. 17. VOL. iJ). .MOUNT AIRY, N. C, THURSDAY, .MAY' 18, 18011. Y Mimdilouf benefit ttixt'i t n rrtoivi,.- Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. 1 j - v'K t. l EM l HAIKOfK, of Avnea. N. Y., it srlcran if I (if :inl N. V. Artillery and for thirty jeiri of the llniieork A Murisel (arrlio-i- ', of A iiI'itii, ;iy : "I srlte to expo"-" n f rr.n H ii'lr fur the tin Me lon lienedl ri'ri ivcil (ruin I t. M;li"' Ili-ail t lire. 1 nl). n il f. r y :i n-.uli of army llfn, from "i-i.ii i a Mfti Mni i. il tny lenit In the wor-i form, m jr InnM i'iiti from tile niil.li a mi 1 hln.iti il mil II I i lili.iMii t4i tuition li.y eliilhlh!'; liii'l nIi:hi p In atxiut the Immii, 4nii:h'htiK IN nml shortness cf nri-nlh. for thrie iiniiiih I WAK llllltlill' to III iloWli, Itllll till III.! Bl. I' rot sua In mi nivi rhair. I :n trirtu-il y the is'i-t il.K tnri Imt rruilieilly pre- am-... A bout ft ) nr arn I roi.ttni in-eil I:ikni4 1 p. Mile' Now floart Cum anil It aavi'U my lifo a. If hy a mlruoli ." IT Mil.-,' It. im-ilii- sru milil l.y all liriu fKIa meier a si-iiivp iritaiaiitt-i', III 1 Nails brnt'iltri or iimney re- tllllih.l Hook I'll ill" ran a uf llm lo ol ami item . froi' Atl'ln-i, .Dr. 'vUcnrt Cur) pf Restore Ml. Mil. t-.S MKhliAl.tti.. I Ikli.irt, I ml. UKO. W. J-UWKGKK. Mttorney-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AIHY, N C. Will prartlcc In Slate, ami li'il'l Hi I'lllllU. HpiMlHl Hllriilluu to I'ulhvlliiu of clalina ainl n'tr itlaUii loam. V. GIAVKS. Attorney-at"Iinw, MOUNT AIHY, N C. c 91 l-rmi'tiift tn Slatw and Fi'ili-ral t'nuiia. Prompt Rtlontlon to mllm-llon of i lalina. VIHllll t. MOICOMH, lt.H lul. N. JS. B M. C.Uf f IN. .!... I (. H0LC0M3 & M. CUFFIN, j Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law. J - Will pra. tiro In llic Superior coiina of thr Hi j Judl' lal DNlrii t. in ihf K-uvral imirl. al j tlni'llHlioio, ami In I In' supn-ihe i utlrt. ut Kul Hvli. North rimillna. j W f. CARTER, MOUNT i. a. C. J. R. ItWttlYN, (MHM.O! N C- CaHTKK I.KWKI.LYX, Atlopneys-at-liaw. tftr-l'rarlli-e In the MUt anil Ki'uoral Courta. 1'rompt ati-mlon tftvon U) all liuaiueaa t'UtrtiHl ril to their iifl. w. r. r.iunvN. nOTMRY PUSEIG, H'Fli K WITH Ckii. V. Hl'AHllKK, Mount Airy. N. C. AS 01 No Torture Equal to ths Itching and Burning ot This Fearful Disease. v w j:ur RAW FPi Err em a which ia more than skin-deep, and can not be reached by local appli cation of ointment, aahet, etc., applied to the surface. The diaeaae itaelf, the real cause of the troulile. it in the blood, although all tuffering it produced through the ckin ; the only way to reach the diiease, therefore, it through the liliHid. Mr. I'hil T Jones, of Mixertville, Ind., writet: "1 had Korema thirty years, and after a great deal uf treatment my l.-i? was so raw and tore that it ga?e me cotixlaut pain It finally broke into a runrnr f tore, and beau to spread and j.'riiv worse. Kir the patt fie or an years 1 have ku!Ttih1 untold agony and had given up 11 hope of ever being free from the diaeaae, at I have lieen rivaled I')' aome of the beat physician and have taken many lii.l med iciiies, ail in vain. With little faith left I began to take S. S. S , and it apparently made the Eczema worse, but I knew that this wat the way the remedy pot rid of the poison. Continuing S. S. S., the aore healed up entirely, the skin becarue clear and smooth, and 1 was cured perfectly." K-zi-Yr;a is an obstinate disease and can not be eured by a remedy which il ouly a tunic- Siwift't Specifio S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD it superior to other b!cM-d reined iet because it cures diteaaei which they 00 m l re-U. It gis-t to the laittom to the cause of the diaeaae and will rure Uie worat case of Kozcma, no matter what other treatment hat failed. It ia the only bhsid remedy guaranteed to be free from potash, mercury or any other mineral, and never fall to cure Edema. Scrofula, Contagioot Blood Poiwm, Cancer, Tetter, Hheumatiim, Open Sore, I'leert, Boiit, eM. Insist upon S S S ; nothing can lake its place. f' bookt on these diseata will be mailed free to any add rets by Swift P pa cific Compani, Atlanta, (ieorna .I. Tuoi FaTtrtrr, C. LHahii, I'retidi-nt. Kirst Vine Pret. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Mt. Airy. t it OltroilATTD. tipiml, $3e.to, Pmt4 1 . DIRECTORS. Tbot. Ftweett C. I . Hank. M. L. Fawcett, H. M. Auley, i li Fawcett. . Thi bank aoli. iu the accmintt of Merchant, Manufacturer Farmer and Individuals The account of the Merchants located in town adjacent received on favorahle term. The funila ol iitir proot sleel cheat and the i ale i ime LocK. DB3 il MRS. W. lla oened a l'resamaking F.tbliliment at her residence near Trinity Episco pal church, and wi.j.cii a lilarJ patronage Ifom the citireoa of Mount Airy ana tirrounaing nsimrj. r-aiiaiariHm fruaranieea. C.3 FErsisli Coed Bond izi h'&i ta a Limited Knmbcr cf persons en Yerj FiTcrttls Terns. The Governor of Colorado Is Mad. A 1 itctlii'l'ii'fli f r- tn i)i'i:v-r,(!i.l untili', Km O'lViTimr TIiiiiiihh Imf niniMincciJ llint within a fi'W iIhvb, if I'ni'iili'iit M c Kinlry mid Sicre tiTf cf Wur Ali-r crmtitnto to iif ii(ir) Iiio fiitniiinniciitiiiliB oti tlirHiil) jict "f t lie (luliirinlo ri'iinuiit Ik?i njjr orilcri'il liuiiui fnmi tlio riiilipiiii, he will Ink" H'" H vil!W KCCNIC till' illllllflli lt! M'llll of I J 10 IriKM'H. "I cumiiit iih yet f i.V j"'1' niiiri'ii I IihI f.il'nw," im Kiiid, "lint I wiil rxliHiixt tvi'ry rrdiMifco Ht roimiiHi.il tn tiring llmwi Imji lii'ino. I Iirvci frit il iiuiicttiililn mriuiH hikI Imvfi faili'il. Now, 1 wlil lioiililiirfd to n r-'i t In eidiii'tliiii innro forfililo, mnl it. will In) Hindu pulilit!. Ol cuiiittf 1 ild imt di'i-iifi to Uko ny iictioii llmt will iinj'iHlly Iiiiiiih r the m. I im Tnt r ut it f i , fur I urn hii A riif ri i'hii, Imt I do not prMpuHt! tohiiidlv ly iiml frc thi! vtilniiti'tTH Irom I5i ..ntdo lirfhtinjr nd in tho I'hilii'l'ini't' in ilcfotiHfltif thi' policy which in iictinititiiT iIiohi' in t'lmrtt nf Iho iii'ivi'inciiiH of our miniif itliinHil. In the liri-t l id' llm vol uiitiiT troniB n ro Initio tli'titiiifd iih'i,"illy hihI in ili liini't' of tho foil stitiiiiuii. Thi'V fidit'tfd fr tho Sn.miii h wnr. Thut wnr in ovt'r and null ihi'V Hrt' di'tiiint'd in tliow! fur- nil' jylillulH. I'lldtT Ihl'f'illittltlllloll tho (luhiiitdo viiluiilt'fi will ho per fectly jusiilii d ill ht) inn down their itntiH when' thev nrt'. hihI in return inn tn the I'nit'd 'itcn. If they hIu'IiIiI Jo iinylhlry like that, pii'li- ut il y they eotihl ln court nuirli'ilcd it 1 1 I I'liiiirhed iiiuler thcfllict letter id military rule, hut in lh;it event thin mint) military rule would he pliced hIhivo the cuiiHtitii'iiiii of our ri'i'iihlie. - N curly all theeluiniH Hrii-injf from the ilt'Piiuctinn of tho Maine Intvc hcen paid tiy the Trenfniry lemrt ineiit. All net of ('oiiietiH rovided that Hiich cl.iiniH fhoilld lie divided iiitu twiielufHcH, the jrniMiity and the indi innily, tlietriii r heinu thone ol the families or relutivt'H of tho men killed hv tho (-xploKioii. Thi act ulso provided that a year's pay in ihrKi ch8c8 he trmtited in lieu of indemnity. So far the total until her of c.iti it nettled i tJn-4, Bjrerejpit in in payment fST, "'. Of the indemnity claim paid there have la-en amonntiiio; to $:tr,t5:?ri. I have hcen a sulVercr Irom chron ic di.irrhiieit ever cilice tho war and have iirt'd all kinds of medicines for it. At lai-t 1 found ono remedy that has heeii a Mioii'fs a a cure, and that is ( 'h.tsiilu rlain'e Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llemedy. P. K. (iuisiiAM, (Jears Mills, La. For sale hy Taylor V linner, Druggists. ( iiivernor Smith, of Montana, ex-presM-s himi-clf an opposed to tho war in the Philippine, as being un American and in furtherance of a policy which he believes to tie a menace to the republic itself. ECZEMA! BEEF Not much attention ii o(U-n paid to tha lint ay mptomt of Kciema, but it it not Ions before the little nil Dean birgini to itch and burn. Tin. it but the beginning, and will leal to tuffering and torture almott unen durable. It ia a common miitake to regard a rouhnett and rednesl of tha akin at merely a local irritation ; it it but an indica tion of a humor in the blood of terrible I. M. At-awcr, M. L. Fiwcirr, r-econd Vice Pre. Cashier, customer are aecured by two burglar intereat allowed on having liepoaita. EstiHint! B. OVGRBY Edward Atkinson's Offense It appears thut the Cnhinct at VVHHiiifiBtoii has resolved to treat Ivl ward A'kinson with ("intnnpt, while treating- his piiinphleta against tho anncxiitiofi of the Philippines as trcHMirmhli) and seditions viola tions of the law. There is no pn-s-tion of the wisdom of tbn first clause of this policy, th'iiit;li (hero were a few d njii some indications of a purpose to proceed against Alkinton personally on a chiirirn of diHeonr ainif cnliHtments. Wiser coiitisels, it sppears, havti prcvcnteii the per pctration of this blunder. As for tho Fiipprt Hsinn of a half d m-n of his pamphlets in the mails, that hc! has had tho i lf ct of crentm an im fpctiso iletnand for a kind of litera (uro which otherwise would never lu vo been read, while the author woiild not have ho suddenly been iniido famous. Put what 1 1 : i b this Postnii man done to call down iimn his head tho vciiKt-ance of (lie (toverniueiit f J I a ii a r.ealeiii opponent of the admin istrativo policy in tho Philippines; ami whether thai policy tie uood or bd, wise or otherwise, ho has lie ri;lit of anim nlveriiuy upon it which belongs to every American citizen. In tho course of his opposition to this policy ho published some pam phlets which, tin im it ii ti of Senators Catrery of Louisiana and Jones of Arkansas, were ordered to be print ed as Senate di-euments in the clos inK sesaioii of tlie Kifty-liflh ("on urcss. Thus the ( iovt rnmenl .it in the position uf preventin); the ciicil latliui of its own documents in the mails. It impiite ploleible that the Senators on whose motion the din trilsi-s ot Kdwitrd Atkinson weio printed never read tin m, and it is jutt as probaMii that they would liave been rend by fewothtir people had not this governmental interfcr cnee excited h ilcmand for them. As for the contents of these docu ments, they are no more reprehen sible than were the s-eches of the Ucpnhliean Senator Mason of Illi nois, of the Republican Ucprcscnta five Johnson of Indiana and others on tho 11-Kir of Congress-. Thev arc said to lie largely made lip of ab stracts from Congressional speeches ; heneo the pr t-eedinj; t- prevent their distribution in the mails is ra ther late, w hatever i lso may la-s.iid about it. If people" have not )onj; since read much that was in Mr. Atkinson's p:imphleta it wsa not for w ant of the opportunity afforded by tho Congr ssional Kecord. Put tho question is not whether the opposition of Kdward Atkinson to the administrative policy m the Philippines be wise or foolish, or whether he ha& jliown much or lit tle ?;u-t in addressing his pamphlets to military and civil ollicers at Ma ni la. Tho paramount ijuebtion is whether this (iovernment shall in fringe on t lie constitutional guaran tiee of free speech by making casts of constructive treason in accordance with the worst examples of tyranny. A thorough support vl the admin istrative policy in tho Philippines and in Cuba is entirely consistent with the demand of the citizen for lull lila-rty to criticise in speech aid print the conduct of public, affairs. This ie tho very essence of American lilierty, and it is more priceless than all the arcliielagoeg of the seas. We have not como to the pass in this country when it is treason to oppose a traneient policy of administration. kdward Atkinson will not be prose cuted for treason, for that would lie ft blunder; but bis pamphlets have been stopped in the mails on an al k'trntion which is an infringement of the light of free speech. Tin re is no need of contending over the want of propriety in the advice of Mr. Atkinson and others to our volunteers in the Philippines. Tho volunteers are entitled to their discharge, and it waa no violation of law by any citizen to advise them of their right, though in thiscae it was nnneewnsary as well as inoppor tune, ror the rest, the tiest cause can be made unpopular and odious by n excess of olhcial zeal in main taming it. Of this kind of zeal there can be no worse manifestation than in the attempts to suppress op position by attacks upon the tree exercise of individual opinion. In tins way ft sound iKIiry is often in jured more by its ovetze-alous cha'n- pious than by i s most relentless enemies. Philadelphia Uec rd. . - Out on the Iaramie plains, there is a grim mounmeut to the ttrrois of tlie past rigorous winter. Do- twecn the two Ltrarnie rivers there stands a horse which was froze to death during one of tho very severe storms of the past season. The animal was frozen while standing, the snow having drifted in about him and held the carcass e ect. The snow has since melted away and the horse ie till standing, bis four teet be ing extended in a bracing potition. A special from Pvroo, (i a., says that Sunday night John and Mary OJoni, olored, chax-d their hi ose and went to church, leaving four children at home. The children wrcnt to sleep, the bouse caught fire and three of he children burned to ashes. The elJest child barely eeiipi. . CASTOR I A Jos Xalaata and Ouldrea. TU Yci Ban A!i fji E::gtt IWan ths Sigt.tre of How Trusts Affect Prices. Ono of tho great fallacies rl the eager friends of tho grasping and tyrannical trusts is that thi so i.ioii sters in iniquity and oppression mako prices lower. I hey point to otio trust only to make good their contention io tho Standard Oil Company. Thev fail however to state, which candor and fairness cer tainly require, that this company has monopolized not because there was no opposition to bo ottered, but tMt-anso tho opposition was mado in effective la-eauso of the threat dis crimination in rates against it and in tavor of tho trust. That is true, and it was so great as to positively ire- vent coiii-etition on tho part of sev eral companies. Put do the trusts renlly favor the people by reducing prices and main taining tho average finality of goods J (lovernoi Voorhei-s, of New Jersey, defends tho action of his State in fostering so many monsters on tho ncoro of ''economy in produc tion" in making prices lower to tho buyers. That it is a deceptive, base plea is probably true. Tho governor pointed to two examples and said "the low prices at which oil and sugar sell arc pretty good evidence tint tho public does not HiilTer from these gigantic combina tions," This mutter is of eo much importance to a long-sulToiing and outraged public that wo yield much space to show that tho plea s-t up by tho grabla-rs and stllicters is specious and iintrun in the light of facts. The New Yolk World has ren dered good service and supplied much needed information in this particular. It gives many examples and tacts as to the operations of but ono mouth, April, we think it is. It says : "Sitieo the organization of the American Steel and Wire Nail Coin pany tiiere has la-en an increase of Ion jut cent, in prices. With the latest advance of 1.1 cents, small lots now cost $'2..".ii a keg, or f 1 a ton. In addition to this, thousands uf woikmeii in shut down plants have been thrown out ol employment. At the meeting of tho Missouri Petail Hardware and Stove Deal ers' Association in St. Imis it whs decided that 'there is no altei native for retailers but to advance their prices for stoves,' as the manufac turers' combination has advanced prices 0 per cent, since March T. At a meeting of the Gas and Ya tn r Stove Manufacturers at Cleve land on April fith the prices were advanced from 15 to ."0 per cent. Galvanized eaves-troughs, water pails, fire pails, etc., were advanced l'i cents at the same time. At an opening of bids in Chicago for cast iron ies the I'nited States Company of Cleveland, which con trols 10 per cent, of the output, ti.xed the price at an increase of a Jon over last year's contract an ad vance of more than .10 per cent. At (ho same time a brick trust in Chicago raised the price on .VUlou,- (MM.) brick required in city work this year from $4.7.1 t( $,! and f (! .10 per l.ooo. Iron castings were raised five- eighths of a cent a pound on April 1 throughout New Kntfland. The American Window Glass Company, controlling the supply of the Last and the Central West, has withdrawn its schedule 'preparato ry to a genera! increase of prices on ali i'g goods.' Preparatory to this the company shut down a large por tion of its works at Pittsburg for the purpose of creating an artiti -ial tcarcity on which to base its rise in pi ices. Tin plate has been so much ad vanced in price that importations were threatened, and the trust keeps the price just at the oint to pre vent foreign competition." 'These ar) but t-ati pit s. They indicate what the trusts are organ ized for. Monopoly can always le trusted to make the price tho market will bear."' Wilmington Messenger. - - - Muttering of Race Conflict. A dispatch from Sargents, (ia , suye : Negroes of Noith Coweta have been holding nightly secret meetings, discussing the r.cent lynchings and organizing tor re venge. Charles Sewell overheard the discussions and went in hun-i'tr them, warning them against such proceedings. Pope Jones visited those on bis farm, advising them to desist from further proceedings of the kind. (ireen Kirkland, one ot the lead er among the negreaps, received an jnonymtius letter, giving him five days to leave the country. He left last Sunday. It is reported that negroes about Carroliton are holding secret meet injjs, planning some kind of demon stration. In all this section there ia a feeling of uneasimss and un certainty. The maj .nty ot riegr-iva can te deierided upon to mniniain order and diseonrope any attempt on the part of the ri -tons portion to cfeate trouble; hu should the latter laind together, it would be difficult to prophesy where the trouble would end. m- Ati inventi has bit opoo a meth od t-f pu'ting atone tib on boot anJ rhor-e. He mixes water proot g ue w i'.li asuitabk- uaiiii'y of clean quartz rd and atarea It it .ver the leather wide need a a foundation. These quart vle are ssii t le fi xible and almost indttruet,:ne. rs Wat m 92f rtae!ir. eer enMfiasoA I tr 9 lit CC H.i. Mas The Oregon's Great Trip. Captain Ch'irlos K. ('lark, f iriiKi ly of tlie battleship Orcg'-n, who ar rived hero bis- evening, snys a J'os ton correspondent of the Now York Commercial Advertiser, said, in an interview, that he is still suffering from the strain of tho long, anxious voyago around Capo Horn a year ago, mid that he cannot sleep much. He added : "I did not averag.i two hours sleep in cich twenty-four hours during tho voya! o. Wo strained every nerve until wo got to tho Straits of Magullan. Then I had to keep constant lookout for the Span Mi gunboat Tomerario. The chan nel through tho Magellan is narrow and tortuous, and I was afiaid that tho Teiiierario might make a dash at us at any moment fioin behind some headland. Mir rapid-lire guns wero loaded and ready, At Uio wo found tho Teiiierario, and I learned that war had been declared, i sent word to the captain of the Teinerario that if hn came within a mile of tho Oreiron I would open firn on him without further riot i to From Pio there was uncertainty at every r.tep. If we had met Cot vera on our way up, my plans were to run away and let tho Spaniards chae me. That would have compelled them to get into some sort of column formation, and 1 would only have to tight tho nearest vcmsoI, If able to inllict sutlicieiit daniHgu in that wav, I should have put about and given them battle. I was advised by the department to remain at ltahia, but was given carte blanche, s.) I du- fided to go on. Tho responsibility was fearful, and men stood or slept by their guns day and iiiht. Pur hadotij was reached March IS. There I learned that Cervera's ll .et was at Martini'juc, just north, eo to 'fool' him I beaded northwest, a fact I felt would bo communicated to Cervt ra In the darkness I changed my course to duo south and ran lie- ovv liarbadoes, thenco east and north again, passing far east of Mar tinique." Captain Clark says that Let ver knew that ho was doomed when ho left Santiago harbor. "Had be renuinid there tluee weeks longer our soldiers would have been in sad plight, and there was a chance of a tropical storm scattering our ships. Sautiago could not then have been taken without consider able bloodshed." What North Carolina Needs. North Carolina ought to produce corn and liojjs enough to satii-ty home consumption. If the farmers of tho State will meet consumption in these two respects, no one will olsject to their cotton acreage, no matter how large it may be. A State that is full of corn, side meat, S 4. t - 1 eggs, cows and liens is a Mate mat can allord to ignore the current talk as to a great cotton acreage. Put the trouble is North Carolina is not full of these needful articbs. We need more acres in corn more hogi-, more ,cattlo and particularly more hens. In some States the little brown hen is the most important i .. . .-i and lucrative ereauire conraineu therein. It has been the salvation, it is claimed, of Kan-as, as the cow has lieen ot Iowa. Goldsboro (N. C.) Argus. Cows Now Use Spectacles. For more than six months of the year the Ku-fian steppes are covered with snow. Cows sutieist on the tutts of grass which crop above the snow, and the rays of the sun on tlie snow are s dazzling as to cause blindness. To obviate this calamity, it occurred to a kind-hearted man to proect the cows' eves in the same way as thoe of human beings, and he manufac tured smoke-colored spectacles which could lie safely worn by cat tle. These spcctM-lcs weto a great success, and aro now worn by up wards of forty thousand head ed cattle, who no longer sutler from the snow -blindness which once Ctiia ed untold suffering among them. ' Great Improvement. 'I had severe headaches and rheu matisui and suffered intensely. I could riot rest, had sclis of cramp ing in my stomach ;nd I had con stant pain all over. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. I am now m Utter health and weigh more thin ever before in my life." Mrs Cath erine K. Moyle, Huntington, W. Ya. That dtress alter eating is pre vented "by one or two of Hxd's Pills. They don't gripe. The Michigan Senate Mondsv afternoon passod an income tax bill, which provides for a tax of orn fourth of 1 per cent, on all incomes of $ l.tf 'O and upw ards. iigiria!!y the bill applied only to persons, but an amendment makes it apply toa'l corj orations within the b'ate. It iaestima'ed that if the bid ptss thrHouscand receives the G per nor's signature it will yiell fully t l.i "', iKt annual'y. Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, ludscste that your liver l out or1er. T Rfdlrtn ta muae the li'sr an4 core all yiew ills, t tuatti ta Hood'o Pills JF. evnta. J J all so4ati ). The Philippine Railroad. Tho single railroad line of our new Oriental colony traverses some of tho finest country to lie found in all these islands. For probably ninety miles it runs diagonally across a continuous level or slightly rolling area, separtted from tho sea and hemmed in by mountain ranges which in places rise to the height of vim mi loot. Ihe northwestern corner of tho valley opens on the shallow Gulf of Lingayen, whereon is situ .atftd Dagupan, termius of tho road. On the southern end this ideal valley region is bounded by Manila Pay, the Pasig Iiiverand Lake Hal, tho most important lake in these islands. In this valley region and tho bordering mountain region is included all of tho s x provinces wherein was begun the Spanish subjugation of these islands apd to day they are tho most important part of Luzon. I heso are Manila, I'ulacan, Pampanga, Tarlac, Neuva Ecya and Pangasinan, all of which are traversed by the manila and Oagupan Koad. Tha scenery along tho JinV of this railroad is most picturcujue. For fifteen miles.ont of Manila tho land rises in irregular, long, sloping hills, scaicely half a hundred feet in hciirht. On one hand is a succession W't rico fields, and on tho other tlie hillsides are terraced with queer native bamboo huts. At Calooean aro seen tho first real signs of civil ization. Twenty-five miles from Manila is Malolos, the capital of the so-called Filipino republic. Like many other native towns, it is stretched out for a considerable dis tance amoiing tho bamboos and ponds. Petweon Malolos and Ca luinpit, a distance of nine miles, there are twelve luidges across streams of sullicient vol nine to be called rivers. Ten miles from Ca Iumpit is. San Fernando, and ere wo reach this place we have left behind tho bordering hills of Manila Pay. Twenty miles beyond San Fernando wo pass through a cut about three hundred yards long and thirty feet deep, the only ono of any conse quent on the road, and here at Pamban we have reached the moun tains. Peyond Pamban the land scape changes, and cocoanut groves begin to supplant tho bamboo flats. Tarlacis is oneot the mot important towns on the road. It ;s located in the province of Tarlae. The remaining forty-live miles of tho road to Ilagnpan rnns through flat land, well drained, and thero is a succession of rice fields, cane fields and cocoanut groves. The only important town on 'his part of the road is Payambant, the Kiver Agno. The Kiiiflii-li . oi of Smith, Pell -k Co. have a large rice mill there, and at Calastas, the next station to Dagupan, are made the finest of the Manila lints. Such are the scenes along the only railroad line in the Philippines, and in spite of its insignificance this road has done much toward improving the, country through which it passes. Ere long American energy and capital will begin the grand work of development so long delayed through Spanish misrule, and the. toot of the American locomotive echoing through the bamboo awaken these oppressed islands from their long sleep. Scientific American What of It ?" "Supposing they (the American soldiers) had a little spoiled lec f ! ' exclaimed Sictetaty Altrer at De troit ; "what of itf" What of it, indeed ! According to tho gospel of Alger they ought to be glad they did not have to make snip out of their boots. Pursuing tha Algerian method of reasoning one might ask : What of it if tiie men died ol typhoid by thousand f There are worse forms of death for example, tho plague, or lepry, .r elephantiasis. Are the thanks of .'7.1,'f M' volunteers and regulars nut due to the War Oi'lioe for iminimit v from thtsedis eases ? Philadelphia li-.-eord. IIeali I he Klondike. Mr. A. C. Tlioma, o! Marysville, Tex , ha" found a mote Valuable die- covery ihun ha J et been made in the Klondike, ror vear he nutu-red un told agony from coti-umption, accom panied bv hemorrhages; and wnaab solutelv cun-d by lr. King New Discovery for Consumption, Con thi and Colds. He dev hue, that g"hl m of little value in eompsrion with th;s marvelous cute; would have it, even it it cost a hundred dollar a bottle Athma, lironclol'S and all throat and lung nfTceiinrn are posi tively cured by lr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Trial bot tle tree at Taylor & Banner' Drag Swire. U'-ifuiar s:e-a .1" els. and 11. uaranleed to cute or price refunded. Greensboro Nurseries, GREENSBORO. N. C, For all kind Fruit Ste aifl Omaxatal Tress, Tub ul Plait We are the introducer of the Fnoi. "t.renl-ro" and l.onnet !H(ithem Pesr he Catfthajrw free. irn!a.ro herd of neitred POLAND CHINA' HOGS, Firwst herd in the Soilh. Writ- bar prr. Ji dl N A Y'V SU, !-j r-tor. V Mokes the food more ryva, Russia's Treatment ct the Finns. lU-presontatives of the oOOioo Finns in the I'liited States have organized a national committee for the purpose ot arousing and crystal izing public opinion In this country against the campaign of oppression and denationalization of the Finnish people of Kussia. Tho recent de cree of tho Cztr hn annulled the ancient Constitution of Finland and crushed tho unfortunate nation tin der a system of serfdom as galling and pitiless as that which followed tho dismemberment of Poland. It is hoped by tho Finns in the I'nited States that our (iovernment, sus tained by public opinion, will make representations to the Czar in favor of a modification of his decree. Meanwhile thousands of Finns arc preparing to immigrate to this coun try to escape tho Russian lionihtge; and as they arc a sturdy, thrifty and intelligent race, their advent here will nut meet with the opptsition frequently directed against less do sirhle immigrants. . .. Pound Dead in the rield. Calvin Wvrick, once a deputy under Sheriff Hoskins, and who lived here fur some years, was found dead in a field this morning about ll o'clock on his farm in Malison township, where he had been living recently. Ho went out to work as usual and ono of the hands found him neat a spring of water. He had not been complaining, though it is said he had never been stout since an attack of meslcs a number of years ago, having some heart trouble, lie whs perhaps about tif.y years old and leaves a family. Greensboro uccotd. ..... . -. You know what that tired feeling is and vou may know what will cure it by giving Hood's Sarsapa rilla a fair trial. 4 The District-of Columbia Com mander)- of tho Loyal legion has declared forfeited the membership of Genera! Charles P. Fagan, com missary general of subsistence, who was court martialed but whose sen tence ot dismissal was commuted to suspension. No womAn can he too careful of her condition during the period be fore her little ones are born. Neglect or improper treatment then endan ters her life and that of the child. It lies with her whether she shall suffer unnecessarily, or whether the ordeal shall be made comparatively eaty She had better do nothing than do something wrong. MOTHER'S FRIEND Is the one and the only preparation that is safe to use. It is a liniment that penetrates from the outside. Kxternal applications are eternally riyht. Internal medicines are radi cally wrong. They are more than humbugs they endanger life. Mother's Friend helps the muscles tJ relax ami ctpand naturally re lieves morning siikncss remove the cause of nervousness and head ache prevents hard and rising breasts shortens labor and lessens the pains and helps the patient to rapid recovery. From a letter by a Phreveport,-L., woman: "I have tittii us..ig your wonderful remedy. Mother's Friend, for the last two months, and find it just as recommended." I'm I rot arH It il pr' hoOW. Till: BKADI IU 0 PIXil I.ATOH CO. Atl.T. OA. Mai or r f f iielr I I '. uT booh, . la WI la," Do noil! Farmers' Warehouse, .WINSTON, N. C.,- IS THE PLAGE TO SELL YOUR TOBACCO. We always work hard for our customer and ieer turn .i;c !.ae at.t.l r. fj bid is in. We are glad !.')' that all er.de.. .f t..baeeo are eil ii.g well and oor ",jr ere at ,..i b-r it ai d will PAY YOU GOOD PRICES. It inal- nod. J-renre what sale w, hare, drive into our bona where jo slsajs receive a heartj weleome and aUsjt (ret the r-if best market once tor every file ft jrc,r tebco. Your fritn.Isi, A. n. CORRI'LL & SOX. HT. , V ( Fin i ( ft.., iimmi i wm '- ''C delicious and wholesome rthrwr ro . ft www. Died From a Cat's Bite. A dispatch from Cleveland, O , says: Joseph A. Mackman aged thirty sixyears.diedatCharity Hos pital to-day as the result of a fi ' from a cat. He was playing with a cat at his home on Monday, when he was bitten on the index finger of his right hand. The wound was not serious, and Mackman paid little attention to it. On Tuesday he wa thrown into convulsions, tho jaws stiffened and finally 1h.h-.hiho locked. Death resulted from lM-kjiw. The cat is a Maltese and has been in the family for nine years. .. . . The Senate of tho Stato Legisla ture of Texas, a few days ago, piss ed linally its anti trust bill. When originally introduced the bill was identical with the Arkansas law. It has been materially aineudoJ, however, and is decidedly the tn ire drastic in its provisions. BAD BREATH "I hmw rnmimm AOi.lt IIm.m it 1 11 . ixl fftsM't no ix i r tlir f arr iuiij ! IfTful Mr iljiiath't-r Hint I wrrr ttti'iatj wllti t"'h. atlt h ftiid our riT. nth r t.M.4 A1l-r taking a fctr il'wn uf . rfta ar l.ttf1 tini-f ufJ ofnltff fuilf l'i-r m ifn'ftt hi- lit Hi .will Wit Hl vjtNa Nai.ii. 1147 KitW-urMii M . I im i it lift, 1 1 Oh', l'vtnf I'.lilih.f -.ri-m Tl( thv-A H ,Nimt Sirieti. W fSleii ot (tii Hw , Ax. !AK- ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... M.4. Ra.tjt IMtfHi. t-trac, mUwm - ftrft. Sit Hyl U-DAW isu ui l K : i ..i.cei. Dr. John E. Banner, D1INTIST. oilice Hours k.isi A. M.. to 5.00 I'. M. LfOrlASD B'JiLDiNd, FRANKLIN T., Mount Airy. X. t'. T. II. McCAHGO; HOTAHY PUUBklG. Qtti&Jwmrt "nTws office," MODS AiSV HOTEL BLOCK. BusiNtss Promptiv Attended To. J. H. Slakemope, PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. -0 4Vw l! prvjtrtrfil tn mnkf all th Nfw and ArttntM l Ie. Im up w lib Hit timi'ti anJ glt uu flr'st-t lium work. Nasal Catarrh CAN UK Ct'lSKD II Y SLMPSOX'S Eczema Ointment. For Momsi li ami I.irer Trouble. I'.- SIMPSON'S LIVER PILLS, The Pest ill the World. sKNT HY MAIL KIK CKXTr. Ak jour I'ruKs'isI for them. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY, it.vi.i:ir.ii, J. WILLIAM SIMI5N. Manager. Salem IcalEiiF and Mm. FH n-r U yti una litvin uf Ion tvt lb' h:j;ti f r-ii'i Imii of vou'iif wuiii-!! Uma '" u pW'd If?r irrf(f rsl.k. ami as hrvrt Utrv AtimHij utrtftit tiiKti imi. i m not tm.y tri4 nb a huh rr ire i (mrv lnii -t-tt-rt ib alio! f" ' l.ff Mti4 . Art y.Um utioii i -miiti' r i aiil smtrtnl Htnd! f ill - pi i" ti:ur rm il'' fit. Titti U-k'l' rw-rtu fr.fM-i t. H'lt ii t 1-U li . Ii.i'irau hajfis.. Nisrtl. mntin.s. AIRY MARBLE WORKF. Mount Airy, N.O. 0. ftTS l Ca.,frtr.!tt. KErtli & GmilB Tsn.bitor'i, Iron 1'erciif, sT " T " '' P--. U l.iJsL l.l ltu.a,L4 ltirMi,l l' ' r-wjra aa s e.t siskN fin canov if sslf CATHARTIC j Im K;m Bar rtsM tic. !! fMra,