lOXJN Airy VOL. 11). MOUNT AIRY, N. C.. THURSDAY, JUNK J. 189.). NO. 4U. ft N E ws. THE Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Our Pr.mintnt Attorn.y. avi '9r r , a "j. Mli. It. ('. IMII 1,1 ', the ..1ll,,,.nlui1 lltloril.y r llflfust, N. V., rll.-: ' I w.n Jiirli.-ir-eU trom the uniiy oil lu'i'mmi ijT III lii'iilili, and mifTcrid fioni l,i in I run I ! f T'lm I fri-iieu I ly li.nl fl.llltllK lllltl fcl: -!!hrritl; .ltlll. My fnriii :m l i,t .i it tii.in nf m. I ( i in-ta I, r : y H,,ri. tin i.w-t.'i ;i', cvi ti ;n MiiMiui.r, fur ffur nf tioonsi ''KM. I i luii, I nut nili'iid In my ! u I IK. My ii'-i :n lin .I;iiii liy eo'i n i:iin a mill Hie li. .'ii I anil li ft i liunlili r. Tinee yi ;m tti'u I i uii.iiii iir.il u-lriK I r. MlliV lli arl Cnri', rrii li lii iiiiiIhik I liitit ued 'i inn. h luii ni in. ',11. Ini' mill taken ilruK fmm iliM loii f. it i 1 1 llliuiil Winn br I x il . Pr Mllf' Heart ( mi' rt lnn il nm to lii'iilili. It l truly a mi,ii i tul mcilii-tup nntl It alTiiiilit hie lunch )i!e:i-ulH In rt''nlnrtii'iid thin re fily lo everyone.' It. Mil. .' I!, iii.'ill.- JV r, "V " j ""ir cm uniter . m-i(i KHUKltllri', til- t ImiUU' I I'lii'lils nr iiiiiih y re mind U. Ilmili nil lli-i. lm u- v 1 I nf tin- henrt nnil I "VT I Kit. .MII.I.S Ml.l'h 'A I. ;., r.lklmri, lnd iHsanCucsJ nNtorw ji GKO. W. SI'AKGKK, Attopney-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Will practice In Ntute and Federal court. BK'i'li'l alien i inn to eollerilun ul clHlnia and Diiriiilntlii( loan. K V. OK A VMS, Mttorneyat-kaw, MOUNT AIUY, N. C. ir-Praclli-ca In stum add Federal Court. Prompt attention t nullxi'ilim of rlaliim. vinnn c Hot comb, rimi, N r. J AS. B M. (UK UN, DUMP, li I:. HOI COMB McCUFFIN, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law. III pra. Hi p In the S"ii rlnrfourta nf Hie lh Judlilul IHHtrlrl; In IIih Friti-riil imirl, at lirt'i'DRUim. find In upiriiit i mirt, hi Kul civil, N.irlli ranihiia. The Mother's Prayer. Ktarting furth on liff'ii roii)h way h n t li r, Riiid" thnm ; O, i know not what of harm May I'Ctide llicni ; 'Nfnth tlif ahaddw f thy whir, Father, hide IliPtti ; Wiilkinu. alft'pinB, Lord, w pray, (Jo hi'tiide ttiem. When in prayrr they cry to thw, )u thou hear tlifin ; From the Htaina of uln and uliarnfl o thou clear them ; 'Mid the (iiickanda and tlie roi'ki I )o thou ateer them j In tempt nt ion, trial, uriet, lie thou near thetn. I'rito thee we k'v' thetn tip; Lord, receive them ; In the world we know must, he Miieh to prieve them Many t riving, oft and itrotir, To deceive them j Triiatful, In thy hand of love We miiKt leave them. - William Ciillert liryant. - Proposes lo Eliminate Poverty. At fn-lny'e wiion of tlio twenty- hi x t li iiHlinrml oiitifcrtttico of I han- tin riii (Jiirrcciion Dr. Ooorgo K. Ket-tie. of Howard, road a paper on tlio prevention and treatment of I fully embroidered, arid mado with eontiiuioim (liwaneg by miiniciiiHlc a flowing train. Doth sexes love lies and it wag fi.llowed ly a tcn- rnueip, and the f ilipino music is not eral disencHion in which Dr. rlyle the wild banking of tom toms and laid stress on tho necessity of pre- tlio beating of cymbals and drums vi ntion from contagion tn cases of nor 16 it the squeak of the two tiilx rciilosis. stringed violin and the ponnding of Mayor .loties, of Toledo, read a I slicks attune, as with the Chinese paper entitled "Charity or Justice " Jipanoro: but it lias melody Which " in which ho said : and air, for the Tagal plays all the "Able bodied men ever walk tho instruments of the huroiiean, and streets, alley and highways of our outplays him on many, Agninaldo's country pleading for work, yet there I 'Hnd of dO pieces is one of the finest is no lack of useful and beautiful M" the island. hd win Wildman, in work that uiiirlit to U done. Inas much as private interests and pri vate greed have fai'ed to find a plan licit will Id all who are willing to w'nik have the light to live, the time seems ripe for collective effort to solve the problem : inasmuch as la bor produces all wealth, let us have failed on account of the pressure of more wealth. Kin-kin says that 'the other business, consequently it is wealth ot a nati n may lo estimated wnnin Hie xwer ot thesuiar plant by the hiiiiiIht of happy people em- t'r t" continue to employ contract Joyed in making useful things.' l,l,or, composed lor the most part t us set tho example ot a Mate 01 ciiner Japanese or i;inneso cool Peculiarities of the Filipinos. Tho Filipino is artistic and his clothing is clean two tremendous stride toward civilization. Tho men do clever work in wood, silver, and bias. Their old war knives are highly embellished. Their pot tery is often pictnrcfqne, at,d the ciotiiing oi the women, mado of the indigenous fiber that abounds in all part of tho islands, is picturesque, and has g jaunty, attractive stylo, wnicn tnoir straight form and ex posed shoulder carry off well. The nber is often woven a finely as silk, and some ot the drawn work of the r ilipino lace maker is most exquis ite and rxpensive. I have seen single handkerchiefs which could not bo purchased under 'MH). The r ilipiiioa lovo icwelrv. and some of the cruoS setting contain migniti- etil pe;irls, found alonir tho shores of tho islands. The women, a a cla.s,aro attractive- many are really pretty. While cschewinir shoos. gloves and hats, they often wear ureases ol tlio tinest texture, Itcanti Dewey Wept. Leslie's Weekly. Conditions In Hawaii. Efforts were made nt the lust ses sioti of Congress lo enact legislation lor tlio government ol Hawaii, but W. r. CARTER, .OuftT A), N. & 1. . IEWELIYN, fXiMOM n c. CaKTKU & IKWKMYN, Attorncys-at-kaw. ir-Praotlee In the SUte and Federal court. Prompt attention (riven to all business en trust ed lo their care. W. 11 I5K0WN, nOTAHY PUSIIG, OFrica with ko. W. Kpahokr, Mount Airy. N. C. made weaiiny according io tins lofty conception ; in short, let us apply (iiirn lvcs to the task of inau gurating and perfecting a just social system, conceived and carried out upon scientific lines, und poverty, crime, vice and human misery will be t hints of the past and the prayer of'onr Lord will have been realized, the kingdom of Heaven will beset up here and His will done on earth as in heaven." Cincinnati (Ohio) Dispatch. There was a terrific storm at Ash loro Thursday afternoon. Light ning struck a barn belonging to Dr Henly, binning the barn, together with the doctors horse, buggy and other property. There was a very heavy rain in that section. High I oint hntcrprise, Meerschaum is a silicate of mag neeia and is to be found chiefly in Asia Minor, dreeee and Madrid les, A dispatch from aneouvor says "the plantation owners have de cided to issue orders for some t!,(M(" NEVER TO TOO OLD BE CURED S. S. S. is a Great Blessing to Age does not liPCeasarilT mean fiebleneti and ill health, and nearly all of the sirknena anions Old People. It Gives Them JSttS but it is wholly unnecewtary. I)y keep- lloui DlrinH 9fH I if n ""'ir ,,1,kk1 l"" tl,e' CHn f,,rtlf.v themselvea nCW DIUUU dllli LliCi to taie three fourths of the ailment from whirh they autfer ao generally. 8. 8. K. ia the remly whirh will keep their ayntemii yoiinK. by purifying the blood. tlioroiiKhly renioviiiK all waste UTumulatioii, and impart iiiK new htn-nKth and life to the whole body. It Increaaea the Bix'U1e. builila up the energiea, and w-ndn new life giving blood throughout the entire ayatem Mrs .Sarah Pike, 477 Itmaiway, South Hoet.n, write : " 1 hiu aeventy year old, and bad not enjoyed good health for twenty veara. I wa airk in different waya, and in ailJuiun had rma terribly on one of my leg. The, doctor suiil that on a-"comit of my age, 1 would never be well HKHin. 1 took a dozen Udtlea of S 8. S. and it cured ni completely, and I am happy to nay that I fi i-l h well an I ever did in my life." J V I-ovin. of ohiuitt, (in , aava: " For eight een year 1 ufferedtorturea from a tlery eruption on my kin I tried a(mol every known reine.ly, but they failed one by one and I told that my age, which ia ality aix wa ugainsl me. arid that 1 could neyer hope to be well attain. I finally t.k M. M. H., and it cb-ansed my blood thoroughly, and now I am in perfect health." 0. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD I the only remedy which can build up and Ntretigthm old people, lieraime'it ia the only one which in guaranteed free from I'lHMi, mercury, arwuic auu omer uaiiiagiiig uiiieral. It made from root ami herb, and bin no chemical whatever In It. S S S ur- the worst 'ft of Scrofula. Cancer, Kcrema. Klieumalnuu, Tetter, t)eii Sire Chronic l'lifn. Boll, or any other distune of the I.1(1 book on tliew duvaaea will tm hrut free by Hwift Kjiecitic Co., Atlanta. Cia. Mr. Tho. FAwrrrr, C. L. Haar. President. Firt Vice Pre. D. M. Arai.tr, M. L. Fawctrr, Second Vice Pre. Caahler. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of LIT. Ainr. ll OItPOItATED. Capilal, $50,000, Vmt4 I . DIRECTORS. Tho. Fawcett C. I . Hank, M. L. Faweett, I). M. Aualey, C. I). Faweett. Thi bank !!cit the account of Merchant, Manufacturer. Farmer and Individual. The eocount of the Merchant located in town adjacent received on favorable terma. The fund of our cimtonier are aecured by two burglar proof iteel eheit and the Yale Time Lock. Intere.t allowed on Having Depoaiu. liiiii nlii MRS. W. B. OVHRBY He opened a In-eaamekina; F-atablixhrnent at her residence near Trinity Fplaco pal church, and eolieit liberal patronage fnm the citirene of Mount Airj end urrounding country. hati.fartuKi guaranteed. aa Fcrnish Good Board and Lodging to i Limited Ksmber of Perseus ca Yerj Faiorable Teres. 611(1 now a great many Japanese in the islands, probably three or four times as many as the American and hu roiean reeidenls combined. If many more are imported Hawaii will lie practically an Asiatic colony, with only a handful of whites. There is very little American immigration to the islands and no demand for American mechanics or laborers, t' tiles tho number of whites in creases more rapidly in tho future, the Asiatics w ill constitute tho prin cipal element of tho population in a few years,snd if the government does not maintain a strong garrison on the islands, they may yet give serious trouble. The climate of Ha waii docs not seem to Ikj adapted to whito men who lead an active ex istence, and apparently the Japan ese and Chinese coolies a'ono are ablo to work continuously in the cane fields. A rebellion in the is land may some day open the eyes of this nat on to tho difficulties of a colonial system. Haltiniore Sun. One ot tho bravo jackic who "'was with Dewey" at the battle of Manila I'ay tells this new anecdote of the great admiral. The teller is Harry Deghman, a sailor of the cruiser I'oston, and hi story is this ; "Tho most affecting incident which occurred, and which all tho sailor will remember through their live, was tho accident of a powder boy. These boy act a aiJe to captain and lieutenants in carrying message and doing errands. When the order was given to strip for action, one of the loy tore his coat off hurriedly, and it fell from his hand and went over the rail down into the bay. A few moment be fore ho had been gazing on his mother' photograph, and just bo- lore lie took In coat oil he had kissed the picture ami put it in hi inside pocket. Wlion tho coat full over tKiard ho turned to the captain and asked permission to iiimn overboard and get it. Natunlly the request was refused I lie lxy then went to tho other side of tho ship and climbed down tho ladder. He wam around to the place where the coat had dropped, and succeeded in (ret ting it. 1 believe it was still floating when ho got there. "Whon ho came back lie was ordered in chains lor disoliedieneo. Alter tho baltlo he was tried by a court-martial for disoliedienee and found guilty. Commodore Dewey became interested in tho cam;, for ho could not understand why the boy had risked hi lite and disobeyed order for a coat. The lad hud never told what his motives were. Hut when he commodore talked to him in a kindly way, and askec him why he had done such strance things for an old coat, ho broke into tears and told tho commodore that his moth- er's picture was in the coat. "Commodore Dewev s eyes filled with tears as he liatened to the story. Then ho picked the boy up in his arms and embraced him. He ordered tho little fellow to be in stantly released and pardoned. l..-.1. . .1 , novo no loveineir moiners eiioiioli to risk their lives for their picture Cheerful Obedience. or 7,000 Japanese laborer laifow Hrannot be kept in iron on this Het,' me iiuuu oiates immigration law for the prohibition of contract labor ers iroes into force." There are he said." The Gospel Through the Press. The effort being made to have the postoflico re-established at I.ake City, S. ('., shows that the oflieials of tho postoflieo department have rather a peculiar idea of justice. Two year ago tho postmaster at that place a town of about five hundred inhabitants was killed by a mob of pcrhai twenty-tive per sons, and as a punishment of the guilty parties the poetoflice was dis continued and the resident of the town are foteed to get their mail from another office, which is some miles away. It would never do (or tho internal revenue dcpaitment to adopt this policy. Charlotte Ob server. Better Than Ever. "I suffured from a skin disease and had such an intense itching that I could hardly sleep at night. Noth ing cave me as much relict as Hood's Sarsaparilla. I have taken three bottus ot it and niw have better health than ever in my life before." ttll.HKKT 1. l'AVSK, ,r)0l orth Augusta Street, 8taunton, Virginia. Ilood'a Tills give strength even while their catiiartic qualities arc at work. Easy to take. A late New York dispatch says : (itistav ISock, of Havana, is in this city arranging thr "Union of his to baeco syndicate with the nearly formid Havana Commercial (Com pany of which F. (Jarcia is the lead ins spirit. Mr. liock' syndicate is hnglteh. It u expected that li ar rangements for the union with the Commercial Company will lie com pleted by June 1st. If it is com pleted the effect will be a monopoly of all the higher grades of Havana cigar. The Southern railway will erect a new passenger deot in Rich mond, irginia. The improvement will e.wt from ft.o.iHMi to f H im0. and it to b completed by the l.Mh of September next. I. CASTOR I A Tor InlaaU and CULLta. Tli Kiel Ysa Kan A!w iji B::gM Bear the B!T.tmr of aU imiW. 1. atll sm Mam i n me. M In the First Presbyterian Church. Camden, ome night ago, Kev. W. 11. I'lsliburn, D. D , preached to a congregation which crowded the church, on tho power of the print ing press. Hi wrmon waa espo eislly to "newspaper men and news paper readers,'' hi theme being: "I.et tho People Know." Ho said the world was nearing the time, through tho tried in in of the press, when it would bo possible to preach the Gospel to every creature. He traced the origin of printing from its beginnings, and spoke of some of tho triumph of our civilization as wroneht throuji the publication of news. He said : "The President can speak, the King can roak, the Kmperor can speak, but tliere is a voice more po tent and more loud, that speaks when they are done speaking; that sends a trembling to the knee of president and king and emperors who dare to do wrong, and that is the voice of the press, that catche up their sins and tells thetn to the people. The fear of exposure thro' the columns of the newspaper keeps more men toeing the line of public rigbtetinsnes than all the policemen and all the courts of law. One might bribe the judiciary to be si lent, but no man is large enough to bribe the public press to lie silent when he has done a great wrong." Another Biltmore Story. A New York stecial sav that Mr. George W. Vanderbllf, the millionaire owner of Ihltinore, ha tired of In vast estate and country seat near Aehcville and that he will make a present of it to ihc State of North Carolina. Mr. Yanderbilt denied a story to this fleet a year or more ago. l'ut here il is h new form, as contained in the New York special. "There are ginxl grounds for be lieving thai George Yanderbilt con templates presenting his magnificent estate, liiltmure, to the State of North Carolina, to be used as a State institution, presumably an agricul tural, stock and cxM-rimeiiul sta tion. It was thought at one time that lie would leave it at his death to the I'nited States government, but it i rumored that he has changed hi mind." A Problem. Suppose a man take a sack of wheat and an ordinary checker board and sit down just for want of ( iiiettiing better to do, and un dertakes to put a graiu ol wheat on the first square, two grain on the second, four on the third, etc., how many grain would be use bt-tore all the sixty foursquare, were fill d f It does not seem possible, but a mathematician has figured it out at !,2a?.,3;i,!si.fi53 bushel, allowing one million grains to the bushel, or aa toned wheat as the I'nited State would produce in l,44t' year. It is said the Craig bi I, which domesticate f. .reign insurant-- e m panies, will drive nnnr ( tbe Ut eottiiiie out of the s'at-. If it only drive out the Ut-t it will l unfortunate, hut there are niny cm panic that the state ouM wefl afford to do without. Grip auttt M nek, weary aad lewlna, IV M J. ttreratt Strsmt bn errf. If the young man- beginning his career aa an employe could etart with the experience of his employer, he would aim to give cheerful and unquestioning obedience to order a tho surest nu ansof making him self helpful and attracting attention to his usctnlneiK rlio men to whom an order can bo given with an aa Btiraneo that it will bo faithfnlly and intelligently executed are very rare, except, perhaps, in the naval and military service, where absolute obedience to order is exacted. In civil life much latitude is allowed to the injury of tho service. The servant (using tho term in the broad sense as meaning any one unde orders,; if ho lo a civilian, scarcely ever moves to ol-y without asking some quest ions: hy do you want this dono ? Cannot some one else do it f Theso and similar question btsjt tho employer who direct something to bo done, or if the in quisitive spirit has been suppressed, tho order is sullenly obeyed more as a matter of form than with the purpose to accomplish tho end to which it is directed. This is the standing grievance of the emnlover or moor, no welcomes tho cheer ful employe who frits to carry out ins wishes or even to anticipate them, and it ia this employe who is selected for advancement 'when the opHirtiinity conies for promotion llic grumbler who, instead of at tending to tho work in hand, con cerns himself about a fnir division of lalmr; who wants to know why some task cannot bo assigned to a fullow worknian or question wheth er it is worth while to do the thing that has been ordered, doc not favotably impress the busy man of affairs, who has little time to ex plain to his agents the purpose he may have in view. The young man just entering business life will know and understand this some year hence, when ho is either in the position ot an employer of labor or has failed in life and finds hitiiM'lf a scarcely tolerated workman becmso of his Peevishness and inabilitv In promptly respond to the orders he receives. Put he ought to know it now or accept the advice of those who have learned the lesson by ex piriencc. Civil administration of alfaiis differs from military rule ; it is necessary, perhaps, that there should bo this difference in order to pern, it individual development, and yet the civilian who has had military training in the matter of obedience to orders is more useful in civil life than one w ho is not amenable to discipline. Tho man who can be trusted: who works as earnest I v during hid employer's absence as when lie is under surveillance ; who can lie given an order and le left witnoiit supervisor) to carry it out, i me man who is almost insensibly admitted to greater and greater re sponsibilities and drifts naturally into position of command and iuto confidential relations. The civil- Mjrviee examination to w hich gov ernment employe arc subjected are cinmsy but necessary imitation of the examination to which employes in private lite arc almost constantly subjected. In the store, or office, or factory I here pro no stated riids at which an examination for pro motion is held ; there aro no set questions to lie asked and answered, but the employer or some one in an thority is constantly examining those who help him, that he may learn their capabilities and de termine which among them are ritted lor higher place. The young man should keep this in mind, at d he should aim to tit himselt for com mand by learning to otiev. lie should also cultivate tho habit of attending strictly to his own duties, resisting the temptation to attend to the division of work lictween himself and his feIlor-clerks, or to inquire info the rca-on for the orders that may bo given to him. Py following this rule he will attract attention to himself as a cheerfu employe who can le trusted, and he will surely reap the beta tit of the ixpcriet.ee of ages, during all t.f which time the man who has ln-eti faithful over a few things Ims lcen the one chosen to Ikj lord over many thiiii-s. Paitiiuore Sun. A True and Toucbinf Incident. A young man and his wife were preparing to attend a Christmas party at tho house of a friend, some miles distant. "Henry, my dear husband, don't drink too much at tho party to-day; yon will promise mo, won't you " said he putting her hand upon his brow, and raising her eye to hi face with a pleading smilo. "No, Millie, I will not, and you may trust me,"andho wrapped her infant in a soft blanket and they descended. The horse were oon pranctngover the turf, and a pleasant conversation beguiled the way. .Now, don t forget yonrprorniae, whispered the voting .ifo a they passed up the steps. Poor thing she wa the wifo of a man who loved to look upon tho wine when it wr red. The party passed pleasantly 1 ho time for departure drew near the wife descended from the upper a ... . cliamlier to join her husband UxV U'V I70VDER V nSSCLUTELY PURE Makes Hie food more delicious and wholesome m Mefl tVrWTW , tf Ww Is There Such a Thin? as Mental Telepathy? pang shot through her beating heart a she met him, for he waa mtoxi catcd ; he had broken hi promise Silently they rod homeward, save wlien tho dnuikcn man broke into natehea of a ong or unmeaning laughter. Put the wifo rode on, her babe pressed close to her grieved breast. 'Give me t lie baby, Millie; 1 can t trust you with hitn,' he said, as they approached a dark and swolcn stream. After some hesitation, she resigned her first born her darling babe, closely wrapped in great blanket to his arms. Over the dark waters the noble stee.1 safely iioro tiiem, and when tliev readied tho bank the mother asked for the child. With much care and tender ness ho placid the bundle in her arm ; but when she clasped it to her bosom, no babe was tliere. It had slipped from the bundle and the drunken father knew it not. A wild shriek from the mother aroused him, and he turned around just in time to see the little rosy face rise one moment above the dark water, then nk foreve:, and that by his own intemperance. The anguish of the mother and remorse of the father aro Isetter imagined than described. '.Caleigh Christian Advocate. Blew Out His Brains. A shocking suicide recurred two miles below China Grove Friday night. David Dougherty, a middle aged man with a family, tm k ls life in a tit of depression following upon a protracted drinking spell. He woke his wife and asked if he had nt been drunk and abusive to ward hi family. She answered that he had been drunk, but had not maltreated tier or the children in any way. He then said that he would never abuse theto again, and reaching for a duuble-Wreled shot gun, placed the nmr.z!e under his chin and pulled the trigger with his too. Hi face and the front part of lii head were blown off, the brains spattering against the wall of the room. Winston Sentinel. Havana's Pasteboard Forts. A late Havana sH'eial says ; Col. mm lias lxen making an inspec tion of the fort around Havana, preparatory to a report to General rooke. He say that enormous sums were spent by the Spaniards upon defense that are now utterly worthies. Cabana fortress alone cost originally $M,00m,0oo, but two or tbree well directed shots would demolish it, and the same ie to be said of all the other fortifications including Motro Castle. On the land side the forts sre equally un protected. Col. Keid says that one sharpshooter stationed on the roof of lacon Theatre, with an ordinary service rifle, could practically. render any Havana fort untenable, while a single artillery shot could, in many instances, make a whole wall crum ble into dust. There are many who believe in what is known as mental telepathy and who declare that they can send or receive message or impression irom Iriends thousands of mile away, and that 't is so distinct it can not lie attributed to any coincidence. Recently Kev. Dr. Fafferty, editor of the Richmond Christian Advo cate, lost a much loved son. In the last issue of his paper, Dr. I.afferty tell of tlio premonition or mental telepathy that came to him in tho in atant of hi on's death. We quote : llio ahbtli eapie- a perfect day. The air wa vernal. The sun shone brightly in softened and mel low radiance. On returning from worship I sauntered from my Con ference home by a little park, pang ing for full draught of the rich tonic of a cloudless atmosphere. It seemed the bridal of the earth and sky so pure and so calm was the empyrean. "1 joined the liishops at dinner at Governor Jackson's. While at the table there came a quick strange shock to the brain, dimming my sight tor somo seconds. I gM.od steadfastly across the table at Pishop Galloway to test my eyes and re cover my poiso by fixing attention. There was impression of an im pending evil. I canvassed the w hole field of possible harm. It was at that moment the spirit left the irokeii body of my smi at Cro.et bv the Plue Kidgo in Virginia. As the terrifying sensation was pfisino away the telegram was announced and I roso from the meal to read the appalling tidings at the door. I lastenoil to my home in irginia " News and Observer, Boy Killed by a Toy Gun. Monday while the twins, Clement and Howell Smathers, and Wiil Davis were shooting bull frog at Welch' pond aliove town the ritle of Howell Sitiaf her wa accidentally discharged and the 'I'J ball entered hi right groin and ranged upwards in the region of hi breast. He was carried to the Welch resi dence near by and a messenger wa dispatched for hi father, I r Smath ers and for Dr. May. Medical at tention was promptly rendered and later he was brought home. Tho wound proved serious, and Tuesday afternoon, about '24 hours later, ho passed away, alter talking sweetly with the family and telling them good by. Howell was about 11 years old, and was one of a family of 11 children. This is the ti ret break in the family circle, and thus the sad blow is doubly sad. Way iiesville Courier. HEAD ACHE "ih my wire en4 rav Mlf have In ca-m'aI.'KI s a. 1 ihry ar. ib. b-..t m.illclne me h.T ii.t hid in thr hnii. La.t in? wtf. mt fr.mi. w in h.d.ib. tor two day hr ti ni.iue i.t four CAT K fcl S, nil thu relieve.) um j,a n in hr head ataunt imm'd -. v r i ...id rreon ai.iiS Cucaivi ' On, .s. 3funi. Plttab'irt ,sf HrK: f'o , Pituhurt. f. if "j CATHARTIC ra.oi Ma aieamaa g' - - - Mr. John Pevins, editor of the Press, Anthon, Iowa. says: "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemcdy in my fami ly for filteen years, have recommend ed it to hundreds of others, and have never known it to fail in a single instance. For sale bv Taylor V Pat,- ner, Druggists, Mount Airy. Thirty -aix negr.K-s from this place boarded the train yesterday morning bound for New York. They go to work in the brick yards tliere. All available space around the depot was crowded with the colored popu lation, who assembled lo tea them off. The men were in charge ot Stephen Mosely, colored agent, originally from poynton, Va. Milton Herald. Tonirjht If your liver t rml of order, eanainf liiiiiHitne, ick Headache, Heart burn, or Com-( i pat ion, take a dose of Hood'a Pills On retiring, and loinorro) your li geetire organ w ill be regnUted and Toe w ill be ImfM, a tire and read, tor any kind of work. Ttue ha. be. e the expenence ot ntlier; will be wmr. IP 'P s TI Lt e od by aU aaedictne dealer. JS cte. li4'ovrrril by a Woitinn, Another great d scovery has been made, and that t"o, by a la'lv in this country. ''Ihtcuse t.i.lened Us clutch es upon her und lot seven years he w ithstood ita acVclisl test, but tier vilul organ were iiii'lc rmincd nnd death seemed imminent. For three inon'.hs she coughed inccsnatil I y, und could not sleep. Mio finally dis covered a way to rccovoiy, bv pur rhuxing of un a bottle ol ir. King's .New Ihscovery lor t onannipiion, atid was mi much relieved on taking tirnt dose, that alii- slept ail nighi, and with two bottle., has been ahso lutely rnred. M r la-me i Mr I.tuh-r Lin." Thii write W'.C. Ilamnick A Co., of Shelby, X. C. Trial boltlo lice at Taylor A Ban ner's Drug Store. Ju gular ice 5'c and f 1 (Ml. Fvery bottle guaranteed. Take Aa Interest In Fruit Growing and Give Variety to Life and Labor. When a free d.e not bear good fruit, or none at all, it i hewn down. We haven't Un hewn down ye', but to the contrary, more of i ur tree are bearing good fruit than ever. iii,hi patron testify to this annually. It's a fact that there are all sort of everything; of fr'iit treeeow U-ar good f i d it, true to name. ! 'ur growth for over thirty year it a pitive proof. Fruits for all section. Five varieties ot Japan Pluiii ripening in ticcemion lor neatly two month without break; tweke vrietiot Peacbe riening in siiccrseion without break from June till frnt ; and o of apple, etc. Free CetaUigu and pamphlet of 40 ege on "llow to Plant and Cul tivate an ( rchrd," ga particular. A cMr, J. Van Findley Xtirser Co., Pomona Hid Xurerie, Po mona, Nth Carolina. Scrofula, salt theniii and all dis- eas(s caused by impure blood arc cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, w hich is America's Greatest Medicine. Mary had a little lamb ; that time has passed away. No lamb could follow up the pace that Mary sets to-day. For now she ride on air shod wheel, in skirt too short by half. No lambkin share her airy Might, but you can see her calf. r j Every J Month P...iii C.i.i.s . est.ni Ttt Oo I Wood, M.t.t Si km W kn ot (irp Hie. af. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... '''t Inimi. ttw. .MmL a Vtrk. SIT there are thousands of wo men who nearly suffer death from irregular menses. Some times the " period " come too often sometimes not often enough sometime th flow if too siant, and again it il too profuse. Each symptom show that Nature need help, and f that there is trouble in the or- f g gan comrernea. te careful when in any of the above con- T ditiotis. Don't take any and f everv nostrum advertised to i cure female tiouble. 10. TO. I1C "" .''"" s .ii ioi. Dr. John E. Banner, Dl.NTIST. Oflice Hour-..!) A. M to 5.U0 I'. M, LEONARD BOiLOiNo, F.A.rOl.iN ST., Mount Airy, N. (.'. T. R McCAKGO. HOTAfvY PUBLIC. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT Alv HOTEL BLOCK. Business Promptly Attended To. p J. H. SJakemore. PHOTOGRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C, -0 C 4 1. tiri'i'itrert to make nil tlie New and aniatic :yle. Is up with tlis limes and will give juu Orsl-cliiSii work. Nasal Catarrh CAN KK Cl'RKD BY SIMPSON'S ! Eczema Ointment. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR is thV one safe and sure medicine for irregtilar or pain ful menstruation. It cure all the ailments that are caused by irregularity, such as leucor rhrra, falling of the womb, nervousness; pain in the head, bark, breasts, shoulder, tide, hip and limlia. By regulating the mensc to that they occnr every twenty-eighth day, all those ache disappear together. Just before your time cornea, get a bottle and see how much good it will do you. Druggist sell it at$t. S.nd f.ir our b-li. 'Per'act Ha.li Int um.n " THE RMDHtlD PHjl'LATOR CO. ATIA1TA, A. r for Stomach nnd f.iver Troubles, t'ne SIMPSON'S LIVER PILLS, The H..t in the World, KNT BY MAIL Voll 25 CK.Vis. Ask your lriif!ist for them. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY, HALKKiII.N. C. WILLIAM SIMPSON. Manager. SalBBi Acaflfiiiifflie. FH tt rU imi yput thit IttMiifiiMnii fr itir li k,'hr-T t'AiK-iil ll'tl "f 'l!ttf W.'lltrn ha fait H p!-i m vcr tptni rat-ik. mu4 ner b-or ti(it!ii-ntii aM-tif1 (1 Hutu now. i in nui ou.v itrn flHti wit li bin d i.'riil-1 Yli-tf i iHirMf. t"i( tijs -mrf h iti nil or nti-iBi rH-ii'-oN of Mnaj-. Aft. KM H U'li. t 'oililnrn IhI m'ni IhdUfit rtI Mt.tf tt W r 111 t- lo ft( t -Btikt;i Oil i)'tMi allofl. Teriti Im-H.k Viemhf iu. JoHN H. I. Hfcll. I'oiKnriF n nielli. NorWi 4 iiroijii Farmers' Warehouse, WINSTON, N. C., IS TEE PLACE TO SELL YOUR TOBACCO. We !) work hard for our cu.tonier. and neier turn a juie I.Mwe until everj bid i in. We are glad t.i-ay ttiat all nr. He. or toi.a.-eo are sell ing well and cur buyer" are union, for it and will PAY YOU GOOD PRICES. It make nodiff-reiice t.at ale e liafe, urive into chit rmue vniere yoii ,ii alway receive a heart) welcome and alJ get the hiL'lie.l market (irice f..r every rile of yoir tolieceo. Your friendsi, A. II. C.OUUKI.I. &; SON. t vJ:&fV M BT. AIR? MARBLE WORKR. Mount Airy, N.O. W. D. HIYHES I CO , Preprtjten. Fii3Hr"8 & Gritito U::iz::!s I Tan htr'i, Iron Kerctry, "t:i tr Sin'e fa litLrt rsrri. 1: 1 i j vm nt rvftt m rv m Mt ? 5