Air MOUiN 3WS. MOUNT AIRY, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 17, UHX). NO. 17. VOL. 20. HE Y CRITICAL PERIODS la Woman's Life Are Made Danger ous by l'elvic Catarrb. Mrs. Mathilda Itlvhtur, 1 ti Iphao, Kali., says: "I suffered from catarrh for man; year, but alnee I have been taking J'e ra ni I feel strong anil veil. 1 would advlae all peopla to try l't -ru na. Ail used IVrn-na and Manalin w h lie I wan passing through the change of life, I am jxstltlvcly convinced your beneficial rcrnedli-s have relieved tn from all my 111.." Pe ru na ha raised morn women from lied of alcknesa and set (lie in to work again tlian any other remcd v. Pelvis catarrh la the bane of womankind. IV ru na 1. t ! u bane of catarrh In all fonnl and stages. Mrs. Col. Hamilton, t'olum tiu.,0., aayai " I recommend I'e-ru na to Women, believing It to be especially hentillclal to them." Hrud for a free book written by lr. arttnan,eutltled "Health and Ili auty." Addresa Ir. llartman, Columbus, 0. i3. 1'. GRAVKS, Attorney-at-L,aw, MOUNT AIEY, N. O tar-practices tn stale and Federal Courts. Prompt attcntloD to collection of claims. WALTER D. SIXER, ATTORNEY- AT - LAW, Mount Airy, N. C. Practices in Ktute and Fedcrnl Court., Collection of (,'laims a Hn'cialty. GKO. W. yi'AKGKK, MttoPney-at"Iiaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. 0 Will pracllre In state and Federal courts Special attention U collection of claims aud negotiating lomia. W. . CARTER, MOUNT ua. a. a. i. R. LEWELLVN, DOM ON M. 0. Caktkk & Lkwkllyn, Mttopneys-at-liaw. ls-practlc In the auto aud Federal court.. Prompt attention given to all business entrust.- d to their care. Dr. John E. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR S DRUC STORE. PHONE 38. Office Hour. 8.00 A. M., to 5.00 P. M. Mount Airy, N. C. Dr. VV. 5. Taylor, OFFICE OVER DHUO STOKE. Em, Ear, Nose anfl TJiroat. Special attention given to this prac tice on Wednesdays and rtnturdafs T. B. McCAR GO, nGTARV PUBLIC. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRV HOTEL BLOCK. Business Promptly Attended To. N. E. BOYLES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Practice, in Ktate and Federal Court. Prompt and careful attention given to all business Collection, a specialty. W. R. BADGETT, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Will practice wherever and whenever desired Prompt and careful attention given to all btisinrss. Collection, a specialty. vmo.iL i. holcomb, SOC.UaO. H. 6. JAS. B Mi OUFFIN DUMO.. S. a HOLCOMB & WcCUFFIN, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-law. Will prai-tu-e to tlie .uinr court of tlir th Judicial lunriet; lu the Federal court, at flreenstioro. and In me supi-ruie i ourt, at Ral eigh. Norm ( arollua. VESTAL TAYLOR, Snneyor and Notary Public, BLISS. N. C. Mrs. MathlMn llli-lio-r. In aoine casra the external atna of Contagion Blood roimn are ao altRht that the victim it firmly within the gnwp of the monter before the true nature of the diaraae knon. In other casts the blood ia quickly filled with thi. potsonou. virua and the awollen elands, inurua patches tn the ttouth, aores on acalp, ulcer on tongue, aore throat, eruptioua on .kin. n;.i-r colored tj.lotrhea, and falling hair and evebrowa doubt, a. these are all unmistakable mtu of CuntHirioua Blood Toiaon. leave no room for preatto mercury and pota,u as the only cure for Blood Poijon. Theae rxrtaonou. min jTala never yet a complete and peniuuirnt cure of ConLairious Blood Poiaon. The drive the diaraa Daca into lite system, cover it up for a while, hut it lreakaout again in worse form. These powerful minerals produce mercurial rheumatism and the niost offrniuve s rr and uh-era, cauinK the joints to atiffen and finder nails to drop ofl. Mercury and potaafi mako wrocka, not cures, and those who hve been dosed with these diuga are never after free from aches and pain ' " entirrW different manner, twin,? a purelv vegetable remedy ; It forces the poison out of the system, and lnstea.1 ol tearing down, builds up and invi(foratea the general health. S S 8 latht only antidote fur this specific virus, and therefore the only cure Contagious BI.k.1 I'oison. No matter in what stage or bovr hopeless the case may appear, even tnewKh pn.tKiun.-ed incurable by the doctors, s. S S. can be relied upon to Biake a rapid, permanent cure. S. 8. S. ia not a new. untried remedy ; an ernrnce of nearly fifte veara has proven it a aure and unfailing cure for this disease. It Is the ttnly purely vegetable blood medicine known. t H L lrs i. M'iHitttt t Newark S t m - 1 .. ... ...-. .... j . i .. u.l,.M. I lmK, bndT lh sooa broke out for this. AH CorrTspoaaJaroe b ai4 Thankful for Mother. '.Mother lM'l jut yoi? ii-. hlic tliil when you khw her, and better tliiin ever," mud a young man in answer Ut tuy (piest'ioii us to (lie welfare, of Ins mollier. It 1 tii I been many vein s since I Imd looked into tluit mother's face, for we lnul (1 rifted in different directions, but I reitieinbered lier us a vonii'' mother with a family of little children, and I hail noted her sweet devotion to their inter ests, and her patient ways in her daily ministration to them in the home. I had not seen this motli er's bov since he was her "little cavalie'r" in a fur-off town in the West. I had congratulated her on having it boy so thoughtful of the little things that make a mother's daily routine so much happier and lighter. I wusghid to find that with the growth into manhood he bud still kept up that lienutiful way of thinking all the while of something to help anil cheer mother. "1 see that mother tret a vaca tion every year before I lake mine," he added, with n bright smile on his face. " I Ins year she has been KuM to viit her old home and the friends she knew w hen she was a girl, find it lilts done her lots of good." " 1 lit? same mot her s hoy as ever," 1 said. "What a blessing you must lie to her ! She has thanked (iod very often forgiv ing her such a son, 1 know." "I've thanked (!od many a time for giving me such a mother," he rejoined. "It is a great blessing for a l)oy to have a good mother such us 1 have, and 1 want to do all I can for her, because she has done so much for inc." "That is the secret of her look ing so young and being better than ever," I thought. There are many, many children in the world, mid moist of them love their mother very dearly, with out doubt, but they are not thoughtful of them. They take it as a matter of course that mother should do for them even if she is weary, and they often try her and vex her in many ways instead of malting the days of her toil anil care easier and happier for her. My cultivating this lcautifu characteristic in childhood of be ing thoughtful of mother, the boy will not neglect his mother when he goes out into the world to makea place for himself. Tin? interests of mother will always be in his mind, lie will not forget the little attentions that tnaku her so Imppy, or the small gifts that come just at an opjMirtune time. "I wish 1 had done so and so for mother, but I never thought of it," said a young man after his mother had passed away. Ho loved his mother, but In? was not thoughtful of her un til it was too lute. The mother craves the love and attention of her boys, even if they have grown to manhood to her they are her very own just as surely as w hen they were little children in the home nest. Susan I' Christian Work. His Own Business. "If a man wants to drink whis key, that is his business," says the saloon Let's see. When Mob Poland and Coon Parker were drinking in Heflin, Ala., hist Saturday night, ami in their spree ran a cur of the Southern railroad oil the switch and out on the main track down the grade, till it stopped on a trestle, it became the Southern railroads "busi ness." And when a loaded freight train came along and rushed into the car, causing a 1ik1,u wreck, destroying much valuable mer chandise, it became the business of a great many merchants iintl shippers, as well as the railroads. And when three tlead Ixnlies were dug out from under the wreck, it Ix'cume the business of some wives and orphans. And when the taxpayers are called U)toti to snpixirt the fami lies w hose natural providers have thus been suddenly taken away, it will Ix't'ome the business of several other people. One man's drinking often be comes the business of several hundreds or thousands of eop!e, and the man who cannot perceive this fact ought to be sent at once toau institution for the education if the feeble-minded. Motive. mm room lain mm s1 n la ran m tfc. .arn..m tnul simi p'M a.r,lvtns. b ibry li4 a. f i aati i-ni . eannred - - ---- - - . wm a1. 1 1 lipUMit sitit ws orliatrtea wit a lite reswn 1 tie htj., osi riirs hra to jnm tarn mmi smaller. a4 hr7,e Ions dnamwarvd entirety I k wetaai. tnam hv(w sa4 ssy aptite latmrta. I was soua rallrel, well, aa clear a s pier ol .lass- " ' ' vu atll IWIWWIJ mmA mm Sentl for our Home Traatment Book, which coo tains valuable Information about this disease, with complete dtrcvtions for self Ueatmtnt Owr medical department is in charge of phrsiciau who have Bait a life-tune study of blood disease. Ioa't ktesi ate to write for anv informatioa nr silrii't arantxl Wa twak no rharve what. (a Lb ira-t sacred coa.dewca. THt SWIFT tPCClPIC C6"AWY, ATLANTA, A Editors are Like Preachers. Them in not a day that a c iiarirn tiotis oilitor is not troubled about hat to print and what fed to pi int. lie ia a wino editor who priiitit all llie news that is newc, keeping always in mind that tlio It-won taught by the current news ia kept in the channel that make, for wholi Home mm. Tlio reader never know, how much .caudal ia ftnpprcm'd by the editor who publitdiea only whi ia so notorious or to well known that liia .utweribcra have a rigid to a correct statnment of the facta. An editor frtfjiii ntly fm& the experience rilattd of Mr. I'.cccher in recent itwue of tlio I .tidied Home Journal. We tjiioto : lu the early days of Mr. Bi echer'. career, when wit waa unknown in (he pulpit, some of the deanons of hia church finked him if he didn't think such frequent outhnrnta of humor were calculated to diminiHh liia UHofulne.g. Ileli.tened patient ly and when they lininlicd he said : "liretliiou, if you only knew how many funny thing,. I keep in, yon wouldn't complain about the few I let out." If t lio reader knew how much nn editor sujiprcMties, thcie would !o lea. critieiiua ol what he prints. And in this connection it would not he ainina to r. fer to aa'riking Hcnnon preached in the Firet Map tiat Church of Wilmington lanf Sun day by Kov. Dr. Calvin tv 1. lack well, from tho tcx "To the mak ing of many books there ii no end." ilia suhjoct waa "The Making of Mookii, 1'nntcrs, Tch'graplu r and Newspaper Men." In the eourro of hia remarks he declared that "the printing ollice is a school, college aud univetsity for the brightest intellect, of every age," aud added : "A newspaper ollice is a school of unseltiHunet. No othel elans serves a community bo well and tto otten for so little pay, either in cindi or appreciation, hvery day and night tho now.paper ia doing free work for the general betterment ot the community. If a lawyer was called upon by tho city authorities to do lor tho city tho same amount and no more vbluablo writing than that which every newsnanor does free every day the charge would he $50 or more, if the newspapers were to cease for a wcck it would be as dark anJ lonesome as if the pall of an eclipoo covered ua, and Wil mington would ho to the onbude world practically as though she were not." Dr. Illackwell ia right. The news paper ranks next to the pulpit and school as an educational and moral power. Conscious of this resp msi bility, makers of newspapers, as a rule, try to discharge it for the benefit and uplifting ot their readers. It too often iiappens, however, that the pulpit is in antagonism to the press, nd the newspaper is made a favorite subject for moralizing on the part of the minister, l'ut it is gratifying to rind one here and there, like Dr. lilackwell, who is disposed to give credit whore credit is duo. News and Observer. British Are Suspicious of McKinley. Under the heading, "President McKinley's Opportunism," the Lon don Times says : "lie hfw been cold and cautious in recognizing the growing comma ntty of interests between (ircat Britain and America, and, with the Presidential contest in his eye, he has done little practically to promote the creation of new ties between the two nations." Referring to the pro-I'oer and anti-British resolutions likely to be prominent in the election campaign, the Times says : "There is nothing in President MeKinley'e career that would justi fy us in assuming his reluctance to associate himself with tnch decla rations." TIihI Throbbing lleadaclie Would quickly Icavo you, if you used Dr. King's New J.ifo Pills. Thounund of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick ami NervoiM Headaches. They muUo pure blood and ctrong nerves and build tip your health. Ky to tuUe. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money bark if not cured. Sold by Pr. W. S. Taylor, Druggist. - - - All tho available oflicers of the Wtfct India regiment, at Kingston, Jamaica, are ordered to proceed to Cape Coast Castle to j iu tbe ee dition against the Ashantis. Mercury 40 Potash Make Wrcchs, Noi Cures I tulan 1 heoame enfitiKJ IS. I the resrh lh a aolMra. wss twiiy inrow. m m7 teswlf Te large, red ttm.-hes SMI I MQ iura WIT SiVI ArtimHI with th pint.-be altird wi y sa4 ai, akla a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. That article VI of t o Co".fifn tioii of North Carolina be, titid the same is lienthy nbrog'tted and in lieu thereof shall be HibiCi'titrd the fol lowing artielo of said Jrntittif ion : ACTICr.K VI. si int Ai.K AM I l.lo I It 1 1. 1 1 V 10 K' I li'F QIAI IHi'A riovs o( v Ki t I IOU, (Section 1 ) Kvcry male person Sorii in the l'nitd Slates and every male person who h is been natura lized, '21 years ol age atid posHeeaing the ipialiticationg a t out in this ar tide, shall bo entitled to vote at any election by tho people in the State, except as herein otherwise provided. (S clion2 ) I In shall have resided in the State of North Carolina for 2 years, in the county six month., and in the iirecine', w,rd or other election district in which he oilers to vote, tt n r months next preceding the election: IWided, that re moval from one precinct, ward or other election di.tiict, to another in the same county, Khali not operate to dcjirive any person of the right to vote in tha precinct, watd or other election district, from which he ha. removed until four month, alter pnch removal. No person who has been convicted or who has conferred hit guilt in open court up m indictment, of any crime, the punir.hmoiit of which now is or may hereafter he, imprisonment in the State prison, shall be lirst restored to citizenship in the manner prescribed by la. (Section.) Kvcry person offer ing to vote shall be at the time a legally registered voirr as herein prescrilied and in tint m inn'T here after provided by law, and the (ion erl Asrombly of North Carolina shall enact general registration laws to carry info t-lTect tho provisions of this article. (Section 4 Kvcry pcison pre senting himiielf for registration shall be able, to read and w rite any sec tion of tho Constitution in the Ivig lish language, and bef ire he shall be entitled to vote he shall have paid on or before the tirnt day of March of tho year in which he pro poses to vote his poll tax as pre scribed by law for the pri vions year. Poll taxes shall be in lieu only on afMossed property. (Section 5 ) No male person, who was on January 1, IsOT, or at any time prior thereto, entitled to vote under the laws of any State in tho United States wherein he then ro sidcd,and no lineal defendant of any eut'h person, shall be denied tho right to regibter and vote at any election in this State by reason of his failure to possess the educational onalitication prescribed in section 4 ot this Article: Provided, He shall have registered in accordance with the terms of this Section prior to I o cemher 1, 190. The General As sembly shall provide tor a permanent record of all persons who register nnder this section on or lieforo No vember 1, 19o8, and all such per sons bIir'I be entitled to registerand vote in nl! election, by the people in this State unices disqualified un der section 2 of this article : Pro vided such persons shall have paid their poll tax as required by law." (Section n.) All elections by the people shall he bv ballot, and all elections by tho General Assembly shall bo viva voce. (Section 7 ) Every voter in North Carolina, except as in thia Article disqualified, shall be eligible to otllee, hut before entering upon the duties of the ollice he shall take and subscribe the following oath ; "I, , do solemnly swear (,or affirm) that I will support and main tain the Constitution and laws of the l'n;te-i States and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina, not in consistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge my otlico as . So help mo God." (Section S.1 The following classes of persons shall be disqualified for otlico : Kirs all persons who dony the being of Almighty G..i. Second, all persons who have licen convict ed, or confessed their guilt or indict ment pending, whether sentenced or not, or under j nigment 8tiscnd ed, or any tieason or felony, or any other crime for which the punish ment may be imprisonment in tho penitentiary, since becoming citi zens of tho I'nited States, or of cor ruption and malpractice in ollice, unless such person shall be rt stored to the right of citizenship in a man ner prescribed by law. - a Owing to the constantly advanc ing price of oil a number of mer chants here, not long since, clubbed together and bought a car load of independent oil. The Standard Oil Company immediately, by their system of rebates, put two negro merchauts in position to retail oil by the gallon at a loss price than mer chants handling inde)eiident oil could buy in car lots. Monroe Ki. qnirer. Take Til. Nkws this rear and keep np with campaign news. M till ill Tlil alll wftTI S Pain-Killer. smhpii, iFf ana ootca cunt roa Cramps, Diarrhoea, Colds, Cough., Neuralgia, Rhsumstlsm. HavlH seal aWMIas. BCas. or IK Ts'-osri ..iv oxi.r Tm &ESO i.t m;Y DAVIS' I Some Very Stranee Towns. Alnttit one third of the population of the flemish city of G heel are lu ! rial ies, say. the Imdon Mail. Those : mentally deranged are sent there I from all over the continent, tho idea being that the freedom given in this town, which lives on lunatic-, will ' help to cure tho patients. Vet the ' euro ia founded on an improbable ! icgend. A king s daughter having during tho middle ages eloped to this city with a forbidden lover, was ; roiiowed oy nor lather, wtio, cnanc ! ing to meet her at a street corner, ' promptly cut off her head. Two : lunatics passing at tho time were so shocked by this act that they re j goned their reason, and thereby tho ' town .of its livelihood. i Tho town of Gibraltar, owing to ! its position in regard to Spain, has ' practically been in a s'ato of siego j for over two centuries. At sunset ! two drawbridge, are raised, and at sunrise they are again let down to tho tnno of tho reveille. The whole town is kept under strict military rule, none but Knglishmen being allowed to enter without a pass and none but residents under any con ditions being allowed to sleep with in tho town. There is a large city in northern China whoso inhabitants, number ing many thousands, never .peak to one another, eat or drink. It is a city of gravi s. Tho corpses arc do posited in earthen urns, and, having left a littlo rice and opium for tho spirits of the departed to eat or give a. offering to tho national dragon, tho living relatives hurry away from this town of tbe dead. 1 tat at night fall, from out of tho hidden caves, and even sometimes desecrated urns, creep lepers and outcasts, who, while they make merry with tho viands, laugh at the simple faith of the giv ers, who suppose in tho morning that the gods have devoured them. Load's Island, lying oil the coast of the American State of Maine, ia ideal from ono point of view, and also unique. It boasts of no polic: or ruling power of any kind, and, consequently, no taxes. This town, which hns a population of nearly one thousand, was started by a de serter from tho British navy, ono John Loud, and hia descendants to day arc the aristocracy. It speaks well tor this town that no murder has ever licen committed there, and only onco have the inhabitants licen called on to sottlo a local dispute, and then the evidence was so strong for both parties that to restore peace it was decided that both wore in the wrong, and if they did no' keep the !eaeo they would havo to give up their right to li vo in laud's Town. Strawberries in Alaska. Secretary Wilson has received a most interesting letter from the Sis ters of St. Ann, who are conducting a mission school in Alaska, giving an account of their snccoes in rais ing various kinds of vegetables and table delicacies in that arctic region. These good women have established a littlo school on the Vukon, aliout 1,500 miles from its mouth, and their experiments show that it is possible to grow turnips, radinhca and even str&wlicrries in that territory. They state that they began their hotbed work as early as April 2oth, and sowed radishes and turnips in tho otcn ground the second week in May. The first potatoes were plant ed May lti:h. May '2nth, 500 cab bage and cauliflower plaQts were transplanted, and two days later a snowstorm descended on them, but they wero not harmed, as they wore of a stnrdy character. Not a drop of rain fell until tho middle cf July, whon a long spell of cold, rainy weather set in. In spite of these drawbacks tho crop thrived. After giving away a largo part of the veg etables, tho sistcis harvested 250 bushels of potatoes, 500 heads of cabbage, 500 bushels of turnips and a few bushels of carrots. Straw berry plants were set out and giew astonishingly well, but neatly the entire crop of berries was destroyed by mice. Brooklyn Ktglo. Wafers $100,000 on Bryan. A Uto dispatch from Philadelphia says Hon. Thomas I.. Carson, foun der of Carwn City, has organized the William J. Bryan Association at 214 North Twenty-third street, in an elaborately furnished building. Colonel Bryan has been invited to the building of the association, which is the first named after him in the Republican city of Philadel phia. Mr. Carson is willing to make a wager of tlOO.OtK) that Bryan will not only be nominated, but that ho will be elected President. Hi. wa ger covers both ends. - m Question Answered. Yes, August flower .till ha. the largest .ale of any medicine in the civil ired world. Your mothers' and grand mothers' never thought ol" using any thing else for Indigestion or Hilious iieas. Iioetors were scarce, ai.d thej seldom heard uf Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, pte. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested fond, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate t he nervous and organic act ion of the system, and that is all the took when feeling dull and bad w ith headaches and other a-be. Von only need a few dose of tire-en's August Hower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious tha matter with you. ror sal. by I. W West, Druggist, Mount Airy, X. t:. Between 250 and 2"0 men will he turned off at the Washburn and Moen branch of the A rican Steel an Wire Company n t Silurday i , McKinlcyism is getting in heatj licks just now: A Much Needed Keformallon. In the I.'idiea' Home Journal fot April the editor, Mr. Kdwsrd Bok, has a well written article on "The Kane With Which we M irry." This artielo is well written, ia sir ng ;md cle:ir and deals with the qu' stio-i ol marriage and divorce in an able manner, which deserve, the careful reading and cousiderttioii of thou sands of thoughtful persons. Ho deplores the ease with which the rile of marriage i obtained in America, and shows clearly how this great fault of our nation is the cause of much of the utihappiness of the home life in America and is the basis as well of the astonishingly large unmoor of divorctw which are secured hero every year, lie de plores this large divorce list, but wio!y return k that we as a nation cannot exa cf a better record in thi respect until there is n reformation elluctud in the l.iw which inula the msrri.ige of any two people sn easi ly obtained. Ho very appropriate ly remark, that it is useless to at tempt to strengthen the law agiiiist divoiee which ho designate as the "hack door" .' lor g as the "front door," marriage, which m the, di vorco possible, is so weak. Mr. Bok is light. The rile of mairingc is too lightly regarded in Alneri 'a, and is too easily secured. If the law in this conueciion wcro strengthened as it should he there would be no marriage without li. cense aud witnesses, there would be no elopements h gali.ed, there would be no marriage poaible wht-re support could not ho girir-iiitecd, and consequently there would he more happy homes, lee. poverty, less crime and fewer divorces. Sure ly A rncrica as a nation r eeds m h a reformation. Mr. Bok pleads for the return to the custom of announcing iho mur ringr? of all persons two weeks. or me month before the ditto set tor the ceremony. This would no doubt call forth much criticism at liri-t from some people, hut thn sensilw mind can but recogni'i the wisdom "I such 11 custom. Marriage is the most serious and s'tcred compact into which two persons can enter, and it is not possible for oither to he too careful in m iking tho choice, for nfe ci mpanionship, and this public announcement made smno wicke previous would in many it erances save a hto time ot unl-appmes America t;eeda this reformation - Church and State. My Father Knows. In one ..f iho public sell "!s of h rge city, while the school w- ii session, a I ransom window f.-l! out with a cr ish. By some mentis the cry of "tire" was raised, ami a ter rible name entiled. I he euhours rushed into the street, shrieking in wild dismay. The alarm extended to the teachers, als , one ot tin in actually jumping from a wiud-w. Among hundreds of children with whom tho building was etow h-ii was one little girl, among the best in the school, who, through a!! tin frightful scone, maintained entire composure. 1 he color, indeed, for sook her chocks : her lips quivered, the tears etood in her eyes, hut she moved not. Alter order had been restored and her companions had been brought back to their places, the question was asked how she came to sit so still, without appar ent alann, when everybody elso was in such a fright, "My father,' said 6he, "is a fireman, and knows wh' to do in such a case, and b t-Jd me if there waa an alarm of tiro in the school I must sit still." What a beautiful illustration of faith ! "My father told me so and my father knows." This is the gist of the w ho'e mat ter implicit, unfaltering faith ii. our heavenly Father. London S. S. Timt s. BLOOD POISON CURED BY B. B. B. BOTTLE FREE TO SUfFERE PS. I icepsr.ted, (lie kind that have resisted doctors, hot spring and patent medicine treatment, quickly yield to It. II. H. ( Botanic Wood Halm . thoroughly t.-sted for 30 yt-ars K I, li. h.s cured such indication, as iioicuoiis patches in the mouth, sort- throat, erup tions, eating sore., bone pains, iP-long skin, swollen gland, stiff joints, copper colored .pots, chancres, ulcerations on thi- body aud in hundred, where the hair and eyebrows have fallen out and the whole akin was a nui of boil, pimples and ulcer, this wonderful pe ciiic has completely changed the w hole hod j i n t o a c lea n , pe rf ect Con d i t ion , f ree from eruptions, and skin smooth with the glow of perfect health. It. 11. H. it tint only perfect cure for blood poi-on. Ho sufferers may tet B. B. H. and know for themselves that It cures, a trial lit tle will tie sent free of charge. H. H. 11 for sale by druggists and I. W. West, Mount Airy, X.C., atl per large Itottle, or six large bottle, (full treat ment) 5. ror a trial bottle, address Biooi. Hu m Co., Atlanta, t. The Salisbury Truth Iinhv says that a cotton mill, which w organ ized bv farmers in China Grove and vicinity, will be built three miles from China Grove. The cap ital stock is t50,0oo. Tried Friends Best. For thirty years Tutt's Pills ha vp proven a blessing to the invalid. Arc truly the sick man's irieml. A Known Fact For Lilious headache, d v sjee,ia sour Momach, malaria. ron-5tia tion and all kindred diseases. TUTTS Liver PILLS AN AESOLUTE CUBE. l r ' uor u''r liWVDEB V Asscluiily Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome tV. )) The Cost of a Boy. I rend the other (hiv that itVoht live thousand dollats to bring up city boy urn) educate him and drees j ed that tbe hope of tho people in him well. I said to myself : "That j this year's general elections is in the is because everything Jin- the'eity . Democratic party. The governor has to ho bought and living is high." i has always hitherto been an mJe liut I began to study tho thin, and pendent Bnpiihlicao. Speaking of 1 ".found that even a country hoy the increasing p wi:r of Trusts, he costs his parents a good deal. said : "There is no use in hoping .Whin you count what ahoy cat. that the Republican party will do and what he wears, imd the school ' anything with them." Asked if he j books he hue to have, and the doc-, was preparing to announce hia with 1 t.n'a hill, (hut have to he paid when ' drawal from iho RepnUican party, l he gel. the measiee 01 the t'arlet the (tyvprnor mid ; "Thero is no ; lever, he will cost his (oiks at home Hniiouneomerit about it. I only any i 1,1 least 01,0 hundred dollars a year, what I have said all the while. Von j If a boy is pretty had losmash thifiga haten't heard me say anything j or to kick hi. -hoe. riiflit out, ho , against the Democrats foraometimo. i ciH-t. in ,re than timt. So when I I Miove tho hope (.f the people- is i am twenty one and old enough to in the Democnif ic put ty thii fall." do fii- tnyscll, I 'is!l have co-t - - ' father more than t ao thonsiiiid dol lais, 11 l other 100 iked my food, made ttiv clothes and patched them, wanh governor, ;i,m0 for the secretary, ed and ironed lor me, took care of 5ot for the chief justice nd it ll me when 1 wai a little fellow and: 000 f,,r two ae.ochi'c justices, whenevi t 1 whs ick, and she never . - ' cliarged an, thing fur that. If sho Robert WelNoti, a middle-aged were dead and father had to hire all ! single man, jumped from the Brook that done, it would cost another ' lyn bridge lart Wednesday after hundred dollars a vcar more: and ' noon, lie is the third person who that's two thousand dollars' worth of work mother will have done ft r me by the time I run 11 man. Koiir thousand d liars f..r h hoy ' what do voii think ..f that '. " These are hard times, patents put loi.r llioii.-atu: into it h v, h it I, t c they to expect from hi u ' Is it When 1 doiiurs a riyht ! fair t-.r o' J, a boy to play tril lilt h' echo, it Imr for him to ia hall, swimming, or hung uroiii.d ! . go ill ot n a' 1 iho lime, when maybe potatoes tire not dug p. his I I" thi hr's Wood llp lio'lt HI o- fair I 1 him to c t r . 1 g .oid ' hi- 11 othe dis ,...i,.t 1 .hk ii. g ; tl, t oi-t hi- piicti".- and 1,. eve'i 1.1 i 1 it i- 1 1 m ii it., r- ; ".- no- ot ill. p uio.le h ik aboi.t a'i .1 tin- proper? tlo v r I tit have if 1 to ' I v- it to I g rip. 1 1 ao 1 1. ii! e i whiekt. .he infers of -1 1 r i v . e, they j wili I"' p .r indeed , ' ut if v;o make ) good i i-iz "t.s and substantial men, I they vii: i el a? it tin v had good pay I for bringing n up." j Boys w hat arc yoa worth to your : parents ' I I.e Advance. Ihe -t-Jkin Ripple says Stl old fellow ill Pt-t.tiaylrania joined the Demoeratie party a short while ago , , ,. , ,. , . r and the tirat thing he did was to go to Johnstown, hunt up the exeeti- tora of an estate and tender nav for $ I oil worth of leather he bought thirty live years ago. lie tendered twico the amount, which was accept ed, and then he went hack home with a clear Democratic conscience. Advertise iu Tiik Nkws and let it : la? known you are still alive. Hasue-McCorkls Dry Goods Co., Importers and Wholesalers, GRKEXIIOKO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. tVc solicit tradi of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. We conlialiy invite all Merchant, to call on us hen in tircensboro, or to see our Travelling Salesman before placing order, elsewheri- F. W. RICHARDS, Salesman. 1 C Write for iir elegant II T catslcue and dels ir l .rii'-u!n. How we can nave you monev in the purchs and the easy terms of yiayment we factory or tlirouirh our regular tunitv tou cannot aflbrA to -jass. Vou Its manufacturers. ltie.TfoTe, a its cousl.ucuou is unnecessarr. If we can offer most liberal terms. n i StDss Tnos. Fawcarr, C. I-Hia. President l-irst Vine Prea Wm .kl SL. I I FIRST tIATIOIJALDAtlll of .It. Amy. 4C OHPK4TED. riial, Vm4 p. DIHBGTORS, Thos Fswftt C. I- Hanks, M.L. Fawett, A - r f ac This hank solu ils tha afleounta of MrebariU, MaMifaoturer iarmera ar Individuals. Tbe aeesints of the Merchartta Inratest in tow ns adjaoer.t ree-eiva) OS favorahla terms. Tie funds ot our easterners are ses-nr4 ty to bare ir roo(telctiU and tt 'al Tims Lk- lrtw s'lee4 as fanrp De f I 4 Baa. "Wviswil airw vrmw. Pinfree Out a5 a Democrat. In a recent interview, in Detroit, a1 Michigan, Governor Pinirree aesert hstimale ot appropriations for the new oflicer of the trovcrn'nei.t 'of Hawaii include o.ooi) for the lias jumped, from this structure dnr ing tlio last three weeks. A Word to Doctors V have the h.ghet regard for tha Bcvl cid profession Our preparations a:e rot soid lor the purpose of antagon- :.;v it down as an established truth that in .ernal remedies are positively Injori- ( . cr.s to expntant tnoihor. The diitres.. j J ai:d disconi'Hr's experienced during tho ' nion'f s pret'ed-.-g cbildbii'h can ba al I levia'ed on!v ,f tstertial treatment by '(j. .f ; a;.piy:ng a '.ir.imeut that sof-.ers and ra j lases t'ja mustirs. "VVa ri a-c and s,l a lltiimetit, om,( the iogre.lien's ta a mjauar iiiherto ank'i'v n, a-d ca'.l It Mother s Friend i Wo know that in thousands of cases if I. at proved nio-e 'hart a biesaing to ! expectant mothers. It ove-xoTiies morn i:.g sickness It relieves tfce sent ot tigh'.aess. Heada'.iies ceaie, at.d dan ger from Swollen, Ha d and Rising breasts is avoided l.aoor Itse.'f is " shortened and sho-n of mrst of thepaln. , We koo that many doctors recom- : DenJ m1 ,w' ,kn,w lh"- "u't'tad.. ot women go to the rirvg store, and bnv j b,.,us Ul.v ,:e ,ure their physician's i Have no ob'c-ui.ris We ask a trial ' J"st fir te'- Tht:e is co P?'i'l of i-imv bring the result, be va.ise Mother's Friend is setentino aliy compounded. I: is sold at(i a bot tle, and no"ld be ti.ed dur.rg most of the per-.od of gestution, although great relief is experienced if used only a short time befoie childbirth Send for our il lustrated book a'oiit Mo't.e: s Fries.. Ttin BRADt II I r RfX.l LATOR CO. s n svta, OA, ry NEW DEPARTURE J A Radical Change in Marketing Methods as Applied to Sewing Mach'nes. Au original plan uuder win. h you ran obtain easier terms aud better v.lua in the pi; of Uie woiid lainous W h.i. . " sr Machiee than ever before offered. if a hijih urade -ii;g msihine ran offrf. either direct from aulhoried agents. Una 1. an oppor- know tha White, you know detaiied tiest-tipttou 01 O.e m.. lune sua you have aa old mat hine to exchange Write to dav. A.I.I re.s in f-ill. kwmuu WORKS, Mount Airy, N.O. W. 0. H.YNES I CO., Pmpristot. hiinHariiGraiMoiieEits, Iron encir,g, w KarVe ftr Ei!;i rtricsalt WrtvfornS or rail aaSesanitae aa at Ars. luarwora arownr-rawinoieaaa A ii T.oT't M.I. Fnrr, Cashier.

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