Mo A NT IRY EWS. H VOL. 21. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0 THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1000. NO. 1. PERUNA A REMEDY it mi M Aoni'DKR, York Co Pr. 8. B. Hartman, Columbus, O.: "I can scarcely find word to ei press bit gratitude to you for all your kind nsss to me. It has robbed the grave of on Tlotlm, (or I was in a critical condi tion when t wrote you before. Thank to yon, however, my health U fully fe atured. I wish every yonng lady in our town could read Tour book. There would be a groat deal loss sickness and puny women." Miss Bertha K. Sargent. Navahota.Tkx. Pr. H. H. Hartman, Columbus, O.: "I think it la time to let you know What your treatment has done for me. I am rid of that terrible trouble I had when I wrote to you. When I would itoop over I could not straighten up without the moat severe pain. I am well f that, and am much butter In other aays."Mrs. K. K. K. (iillo, Bog 1. OsmA, Mim. Dr. 8. H. Hartman, Columbna, ().: "I am aure that Pe-ru-na la one of the teat medicines on the market. I am S. P. GRAVKS. Attorney -at-Law, MOUNT AIUT, N. 0 e"Preto In State and Federal Court. Prompt attention to collodion of claims. WALTER D. SILER, ATTORNEY- AT LAW, Mount Airy, N, C. Practices in Ptate and Federal Court! Collection of Claim a specialty. GEO. W. SPARGKR, Mttorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIBY, W C Will practice In Slate and Federal Courts. Special attention to collection of claima and tieirotlsting loans. W. F. CAP.TM, i. n. IEWCLLVN, DOMOM ..0. Carter & Lkwkllyk, Attorneys-at-taw. ar Practice In tbe Btate and Federal Courts, prompt attention given to all business entrust ed to their care. Dr. John E. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR S DRUC STORE. PHONE 38. Office Hours-8.00 A. M to 6.00 P. M. Mount Airy, N. C. Dr. W. S. Taylor, OFFICE OVER DRUO STORE. Eye, Ear, Nose aii Tint. Bpeoial attention given to this prac tice on Wednesdays and Haturdaya. T. 13. McCARGO. HQTAHY PUBfclG. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE,- MOUNT AIRY HOTEL LOCK Business Promitlv Attindio To. N. E. BOYLES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Practices in State and Federal Courts Prompt and careful attention given to Jl business Collections a specially. W. R. BADGETT, ATTORNEY - AT -LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Will practice w herever and whenever desired. Prompt and careful attention given to all business. Collections a specialty. Vie an i. molcomb, J as. a. MraurriN MXWfM. . ft. BCMW, IL ft. '-I0LC0MB a McCUFFIN, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law. Will practice tn uie aupenor court of the tin Judicial Dlitrtet; In tbe Federal IXmrt, at Uroeusboro, abd la lue Hupreme Court, at Hal-et-u, Nortb (-aruuna. VESTAL TAYLOR, Snneyor and Notary Poblic, BLISS, N. C. -Va. iconic viitcrs usnully amir In the siring or suoiiaer, wlien tlie ttarlf fiuui the many imiuritirs that have accumulated duhng mi tnuttrs, whu-b are l i i ai as VoO-r-' Bolls Mi M rrsit '. a c . r . knildin ni the till and nddins; tbe sv.trm of all ac, umniated waste nisttrr. mm?iTl1,'il (Y.''.'mL"'.'ll ' h. t. S is mmr ,4 r.i. and hrrtm which a t direct!? on the blni, and all l.ns. bo matter nMrf lr niw. w- li u ,. , w deep-sealed, are w werruai and dnvn out by this powerful purely vrj;r1lle medicine. rwu,i....i...,n.,.H. ' I a. . izz:rj7szr:.,Ji "' yn II ! SMlknl bum I'C aaahtna 4 to cl.. m m jtrnmi ! Irrttw the Mtnow, 4 mm I w. , v- M'lnviHniiitf 1, . ( dmse. wl i la llie nd anv information e adew- wanted will fhaiew for Uta aereicn. bend lor our FOR FEMALE CATARRH. aure that I would bare been in my gravi now bad I not used It. I have told many other, the good it did me. Everybody aald tii at I had con sumption, and 1 knew that 1 ' would have it jj utiles 1 cot re- lief. I feel it wy tX my duty to X-iMSi1 give praise where it la due. I am and ever .hall be frrali-ful to the man who discovered Pc-ru-na." Mrs. S.E. Dicker. Nkw Om.KAMt, La. Dr. 8. B. Hartman, Columbus, O.i " am fueling much better now than I have for two year. I find JVru-ua to be the be. frond I cinu for fematd complaint, and In all cases of extreme weak no.s I think it is the best remedy In the world, as It has done ma a great deal of good. My friends say that I am looking better now than I have for years. They want to know what I have been dointi, I bx'k ao well. I tell them that T'e-ru-na did It. I hope Dr. Hartman will live many year more to help others as he did me." Mrs. II. Unlive, 1h.I1 Sixth .(reel. Every woman should hive a copy of "Health and Beauty." This book con tains kwm instructions for the treat ment and cure of female catarrh. It is illustrated and contains mtish In forma tion. Address Dr. Martni.n, Columbus, O The Winston Outrage. No decent white man in tlicStato will read tlin rexirt uf the BO-called trial before a I'liiled States com miiwionor at Winston of two regis trar of election without indignation. In the tirt ila, this upntart of a Federal cJlicer Iikb no jitrisdictitm in the cafe, h the registration now pending is for a Stale election ex cluaivcly. In overruling theqticstion of jurisdiction thia otlieer, however, Assumes to discover, aatuch Federal officer, whether the registrar has violated the Statu law. In the in vestigation which was proceeded with, riot a witness claimed that he was positively refused onlj re quired to hring Mtitifactory roof of his eligibility to rcinBter. The nitthods of colonizing negroes wcro strikingly developed, and show to the people of the SStitte the evils against which many communities had to contend under the fusion registration laws of ly.'.l and 1 897. Under these fusion laws all these negroes would have been entered on the list and no one could say nay. The present law was framed special ly to end such frauds on the ballot box, and the registrars are serving the best interests of the tate in re fusing to be bullied into submission. The white people of Forsyth, as they will all over tho (State, will re-! sent this astault upon State otliccrs who are simply discharging their sworn duties an assault made by vicious negroes at the instance of the Fedeial dis'rict attorneys bctore a snperserviceable Federal justice of the peace. As Col. Loge Harris says, just let Ilolton and Middleton and I'utler keep this thing up, and there will be no need of but one column iu which to print the election returns. The fusion vote will be stated under the head of scattering, aud very scattering at that. Raleigh l'oet. Finder Nails Poisoned by Pineapples. The juice of the groen and grow ing pineapple is accredited in tlava, the rhilippincs and throughout the Far Ksst generally with being a blood poison of a most ditadly na ture. It is said to be the substance with which the Malaya poison their krreses and daggers, and also the "fingernail" poison formerly in ose among aboriginal Javanese women almost universally. These women cultivated a nail on each hand to a long, sharp point, and the least scratch from one of these was cer tain death. Science Siftings. At I'arkesbnrg, W. Va., Weduea day morning a lieight train ran into an open switch and collided with a tank car containing 6,)O0 gallons of oil. The collision knocked a hole in the tank and the oil ignited, from which an explosion occurred. Five persons were blown to atoms, anoth er was eo badly injured that he died in a short time, two were fatally in jured and more than .rn others seii onslr hurt. 3 rff Carbuncle. whuU me more wiufut and daUKeroua. come must Irr iienllv on tuc ri a ol trie neck, satin); (treat bote in the Heh. eiluust the atreD(tli and oteB prove (alal. Jloils are rrsrded by some jieojiie Llrsiii(i. and the bajirntlr and uncomplaiiii'iK'T ndure the win and inrumeuirncc under toe nustaken !!. that their hralih I beuiK beneliltrd, t'.idt their 1-11 i too thak anvwsv, and this l Nature s plan al th.nning it. The IAmhI is not t rich or too thick, but Is diaraned -Is full of p. ts m and unle rr lined tlx entire avstem will sutler. The boil or carbuncie grives warning of serious internal onlr waitins; lor a !sorlile ojijxtrtumt y lodeveh even eaticer. ta the result of a netln-tra '" thesr lainfui, diafi;uring disease. 6 r. S. cures boils and carbuncle ensile and tiermaneutlr be reiiiiortine rmrifvinir and b u wS a new, untried rrniedr, but for ,m r""" smd.of bit .d .km It haaeumt thtmaan.U and will cur m It I a leMiit tonic a well as blood purifier uu !oe atietue and dirntiua, builds up your federal heslih and keeiai ywur blood in order. Our phratcuna have made blood as I skin di ease a hie studr nn the fully abuu'; voiu raw be tlteerlully flven V make no rbarw book on ti.ood aad bkia Imtan-fm, Addrwsa, Tk IwtH SseciHa C., Atlanta, (a. Cotton Milling in the South. Tho industrial trmwtli f t' South is truly wotnlorful. Tho Southern people themselves cun hnrdly comprehend it. In the past ten .years iiiiinufacturiiijr establishments have multiplied sorupidly in States long dormant that, the figures actually tax credulity. At no time has the industrial activity in the South been greater than it is right now, and in no State of the South, tierliaps, is it as great as right here in .Noi'tl Carolina. More mills are tx'in built in the South now than at any time m tier history, and in it i i II- buihling the name of North Cum Una leads all the rest. The American Cotton a'xl Wool lieiMiiter, presenting; its semi- statement of mill con struction, says ; "As has boon customary of re cent years, the South has led th North heavily in the matter of new mill construction. Of tlx ii"7 mills rejMirted for the tirst lialf of I1NKI, 1(1,1 were Northern and L'OL.' Southern.- The biggest record was made bvNoith Cam liua, with .17 new mills, of which 17 were cotton and in knit goods 1 1 1 1 ' I s . South Carolina came next with .iO mills, ii or wlucli were cotton, (icorgia showed 4-, of which o.l werecotton. Next came I'oiinsylvnnia, wilh new mills, of which (i were cotton. Fifth on the list was Massachusetts, with "2 mills, of which ." were cotton, 1(1 wool, 'J knit goods and .1 mis cellaneous. It should is1 aoiieti that enlargements aud improve ments of existing mills have been on nn extensive scale, the ma chine shops being so busy that mills have Is-en obliged to wait six and eight mouths to get their orders til led. " The first, half of l'.Mi, the He- porter goes on to sav, has broken all records in the muiils-r of new and proKsed mills in the I'nited Suites. Since January 1, I!', the construction of oi'7 mills has been entered on. This is an in (reuse or n over the Iilimher re- tHirted for the last half of l'.Ul, and an increase of h over the number rejxirted for the entire twelve mouths ended last Decent -1st. As usual, the great increase in the number of new textile mills has lccn principally among the cotton mills, l'Jt out of the !o7 under way since January 1, l'.HK), bciiii' of that class. The xtraordinary character of the movement to erect cotton nulls in this country is Im'sI shown by the following tabulation of new mills erected : Six months ending - June So, l'.Mi, HI4 December 31, l!''.'. Ill June :to, ls'.ci, 7i' December 111, 7 Hesides the cotton mills, -J'.l mills for wool manufacturing urX)sos have been erected or iroiKised against ','" for the last six monthsof IHlrO, and 10 for the first half of lrti'.t. The numtier of knit gtKKlsmills was 4.1, against L'li for the last half of 1 "'.'. i and 14 for the tirst half of l'.l'.). Miscellaneous mills nuinlered !!il for the first six months of lfloo, against 11 for the previous six months, and Ui for the first half of 1 '.)'.. News and Observer. Tbe Chinese Language. John Wesley is credited with say ing that the Chinese language was an invention of the devil to keep the missionaries out of China. Their standard dictiotiery which is the work of the Kmperor, Kang Hi, con tains 4 4, 7u different characters, and it is said that among the old debt is of the language there are at least 50,000 more. A great masa of the iharacters are archaic and absolute forms, and if a foreigner is able to master 7,000 of them be will have fair walking knowledge of tho Chinese language. It Saved his Leg. P. A. I'unforlb, ol Lutirunge, (in., suflorod for six months with a fright ful running sore on lue log, but writes thai ISuek loii'st Arnica Suive wholly a red il in five duys. For Fleers, Wounds, l'ilos, it's the best sulve in the world. Cure gnaianleod. Only LM tents. Sold by Dr. W. S. Taylor, Druggist. Attention is called to the fact that Judge Starbuck, UepublicHn, of Winston, is for the amendment. It lias been known fur some time (bat he would vote for it. UiCQf blood is mVine; an ritra rflort to trr the winter months. aIjuy an idd ore, runnini; ul-er, li ll. Danrjarous Carbuncles Important to Holders of Mortgages. Holders of Mortgages, Deeds am Conveyances will do well to read the following, as it may save them con siderable Iroiihfo and expers; Treasury Depart merit, Office of the Commissioner of Internal IJi've fine, Wahlngtoti, D C, June 27th, r.'0. To (!olh-ctors and lievenue .trents: From icporls received by this Of fice it is shown that many Slate Olliccrs such as County Ileenrder I Registers, Clerks, or ot tiers, charged with the cfhrial recording of Con veyances, Mortgages, and likoinstru tncnta affecting tho ownership of property, have omitted to note upon 'lie JJecord of such Instruments made since July 1st, 1H!H, whether the original Instrument was stamp ed as rritiired by the Namp Act and the amount of the stamp. In some 'reorders (.flieea hnn I reds of such records have been found which have occasioned invua ligations and the writing of a large number of letters, only to have the fact developed in a large majority of cases, lint the original I nstrument in the luiids of tho grantee, or inort giigte, into iM't n propei i y snunpt at date of t xtvuiion j'his ci 'in 1 i I i n of sffairs ami I he labor imposed upon Internal Keve line olliccrs thereby, and the annoy anee to the tux-payers r suiting, is luo entirely to tho failure of tho Recording !liccr to note that the original Instriimctit recorded ty tin) was properly stamped, and the amount :f the s'a:ip. In some such casts Collector! ihvo made initiirics as to whether any penalty was incurred ty snch rgligencc of tlie kconrding tdhecr. To such iniiiiiru s this Xhco has re lied that the Internal Uevenne laws impeso no penalty for such ncgli-, other than to declare I hit the defective n coid slntll not Imj used in evidence. The fact that I he record is disonal itied for use in any court proceed ings is, theiefore, a matter of gravo importance in every community is niiit-trating too cited npn roperty rights of defective records of this kind, it is only necessary to reicr to aiadrncts of title mailo from such t tlicial records The attract er finding no indication that the con veyance or mortgage had !eon stamped, could not conscientiously certify to tho title as being valid in the grantee or mortgagee. 1 lie proper remedy for such onus sums by Kecording oniccrs would seem to Im that publicity be given to tho fact generally, in their acv- eral communities, by Internal Keve duo othcers and by publication, that property rights are being jeopard ized by tho negligence of such ofli- ers. It is ol course to bo under stood that the defective record docs not invalidate the original instru- mont, if it is properly stamped. The loss of the original instrument might in Mich case cause trouble. Respectfully, (J. W. Wilson, Commissioner. OLD INDIAN TOMB FOUND, Mummified Bodies Found in a Lone Island Cave. Workmen digging in Img Island City have made a peculiar find. ?hey broke through what appears to be a tomb used by an Indian fam- ly, or possibly the burial place of some tribo. r ive bodiea were found in the cave and one of the strangest features of the discovery is that all the bodies appear to be either et- rined or ritummitied. Jo the cen tre of the vault is a stone colli n and it is a body, naked save for a breech cloth, and it ia at least seven feet in height. One leg ia drawn p while tho other is out straight. addition to the bodies, two of which appear to be those of children, there are several skulls. Everything was covered with dm; and sand, and the effect of the find was, to say the least, startling to the Italians. They id not waste time in looking at the show; they made themselves scarce with remarkable speed. The inte rior of the cave is twelve foot high, twenty feet at its widest part aud tit teen feet from the front to the rear, being inclined to a semi circu lar form. u a pedestal ia what ap pears to be a pair of human teet turned to stone with two skulls sit ting side by side on another stone. Theodore Roosevelt says he will resign if elected Vico-I'resident to go to the Philippines and lie Gov ernor ( ieneral. Well, as he is fond of excitement aud wants to afiend a number of years among the islands, he might just as well go on now Adlai already understands the work to 1 done by the Vice -President, and it is about settled that he will he elected in a few months anyway, so Teddy will save the bother con nected with watching the cat jump. John C. Calhoun is the only Vice President to resign. Ouesi he did not step down and out in order to go to the Philippine Island to be tuiss of the ople there. 1 4 ALWAYS Httl ON HAND jWirvKittcv v There la no hint of aln f 'n (eli, Internal or oator.r !, that Pam-SUHor . will f i -I rahava. j i . nut 'i a iii.Triiu,, tno i-a. ' UiRTDviia;oN. 4 Negro Rule. There is not a fair minded, truth fill white republican in all North Carolina who docs not know that negro rule in this state has proved a curse from the start and has been both hurtful and destrnctivo.It has cursed the eastern and aoine of the middlo counties dreadfully, and even the west has lieon made to snller. Those of the republicans who have written concerning their purpe to support the proponed suffrage amendment, have referred to the harm done to their own party by negro control and negro ballots. Yi lierovcr negro rule ia introduced it hurra. It matters not whether it is the congress or in national affair or in state matters, or in local and connty, business and polities the rule of the negro is one ol bale and sorrow. You may shot oat yellow jack or stamp out tint noxious dis ease small pox even among the ne groes, if jt shall take a do.r-n years to do it, but you cannot bum out, stamp out or onarantino negro rule so long as there are base, trading white men to nse them and marshal them, and drill tlicrn, and tho ballots their, to lie cant always according to tho order of" the white ingrates and plottors. The way to cure negro domination ia not to let them domi nato. The only euro of political small pox among the negroes is to isolate them from the whites, and lo shut np tho ballot and shut up the frauds. I. lack supremacy is not healthful for any laud, much less for southern civilization. It ia now a iinestion of White Rule or Negro utile. It is a ouestion of tho reign of law or the reign of tho lawless blacks. The proposed amendment would put a ijiiietus upon many a rowdy and many an aggressive tramp. It will work for the good of all, for both parties, for all races, for the welfare of North Carolina. There is no doubt ot that. It is i movement in behalf of good government, of law and peace and prosperity, for larger educational advantages, lor an educated elector ate. It will go hard with the tricksters who have for thirty years fattened upon official garbage and who feel that their cry now is "Giveine the nigger as a anporter or 1 die rust they tried to get ignorant, poor white men disfranchised, mit that wonld not work under the amendment. Now they are crying out that it is unconstitutional, and such small potatoes in law as Jeter and Marion are stiring np their pnny brains in an effort to prove it. The negroes have never voted wisely or patriotically. They have voted against tho interests ot the state and their own interest, but they were so stupid they did not now it, could not soo it. lhoy will never be wiser nntil they get more sense. N long as they are toe olitical hirelings and serfa of do signing, selfish, dangerous whites they will continue in their old courses, and the old trouble win continue. If yon are a white man show it by your acts, by your asso ciates. ote like a white man. Wilmington Meeeenger. Train Robbers Get $12,000. Tiie Illinois Central fast train from New Orlean to Chicago, was held op and robbed of f 12,Oo() early edncsday morntng near V ickhffe, ventneky. I lie robtiers, six in number, cut off the engine and express car and ran a mile and a half to rort Jeher- son, near the Ohio river, and within sight of the Missouri shore. There they blew open the express safe, te cured all valuable it contained and rossed into Missouri. A n armed posse of forty men and two seta of bloodhounds hunted all day for the robbers. A bag of money, about seven hundred dollars, was found on tho Missouri aide where four of the gang landed from kiU. The others kept on down the river into Arkansas. The rob- Iters were very drunk when they robbed the tiain and longht over the wag, leaving a bag of eleven hundred dollars they dropped in the tight among themselves. It was found by the conductor. Another ponch of two hundred dollar waa found id the river where they took to the boat. It Will Soon be Over. The assessors' report of the prop erty owned by Mr. MeKinley show that he listed his personal proierty at $'25,000. This aura ia made up of KMXK) cash and $15,000 of oth er funds in tbe shape of credits. We advise William to economize, al he has only eight more months in which to draw the snug little rate of fifty thousand dollars a year for bringing all kind of pestilential affliction upon a once free oople. - Does It fay to Buy Cheap? A rbeaii remedy for cough and eulJs la all right, but you waul something taal will rwlisva and e-jrc tlie. ntor areem and dan- prrius results of tliml and lung trouble. VN ka bii you dor t.o to a warmr and Btofwreftilarrllasatef Va, if poasiuW ; U mi aoejulil fur rou.tlie.ii is itlureas taks His oki T reitwHij that ha boon introduced in all civilised e.ii n tries wita sneuts in sevwre thru! snd In of trouble, hncit'a (rman tyrup." It ant only Wis and stimulate th tissue to doatroy ths gwra s, nut liay laaauttsatioa, e.ue eui ipeirlion, give iao4 a iff ti Is rt sad rare tk Mth-al. Trv os bottle. Kecotumotided snany year b j all ariifnist ill lb rU. for I by I. V, ft eat, IfrvKXiet, aleaat Airy, H. V. The dwelling of D R Morgan, of (iolj Hill, was struck by light- blear last Fnnday afternoon and de it rftjH. i A Free Hand to be Given Jaran. London, July 13. The Runsian (lovemment announced that it will give Japan a freo hand to apply force in China. In reply to inquiry from tlie Japanese Cabinet regard ing tho dispatch of Japanese troops to China to render aid to the foreign er in Pekin, tho Russian fiovern moot declared, on May SMh that it left the Japanese (lovernment full liberty of action in this c.onuection, as the Tokio Cabinet expressed its readiness to act in full agreement with the oilier powers. The Che Foo correspondent of the ixpres telegraphing on Thursday, say there is no longer any doubt that disaster has overtaken tho Rub sian force of 3,000 that left Tien Tsin for Pekin on June 11th The Russians had a full field gun com p lenient and carried (heir own trans port. As nothing has been heard from them in 24 days it is assumed that they have been overwhelmed Trustworthy new is received that all the country to the northeast ol Pekin is covered with the corpses of men and horses ot the estern garrisons, fighting ot a desperate haractcr took place in the inimcli to noghiMirhood of Tien Tsin on June .'ii'th. Taku dispatches say an attack in great force i expected at any mo ment. The Chinese commanders are awaiting ho arrival of more guns nnd reinforcements before making an effort to retake the city, A dispatch from Shanghai to the Dvliy Telegraph, dated July .Vh, say th?. losses of the allies up to June ',it?i totalled t;. Oiiicial dispatches from Port Arthur to the Russian Government bearing date of July 2nd, show that the country to tlie northward is in a state ol disturbance, and that bands are destroying property. Six pirate ships have been captured by Russian naval vessels at tlie Island ol huiong. A special dispatch from Shanghai. dated Friday, says the position of the allies at Tien I sin is becoming increasingly critical owing to lack of sntKeient supplies : hut only as hist resort will the town be evacu ated in favor of concentration of forces at Taku. The Amendment Sorely Needed, We believe all right thinking men .1 l. ... .1 f t i t. . ; .1 iiiroiiguout uie i uiieu ciaies tu unj really believe that the enfranehise- iiicui ui uie uiaua mij i-bi it am i the close of the great fratricidal strife was an egregious political .... .. I.l..l. l .(,.. Tl ttda Kr.-.n r V, I a ,.f ft bo. W.nrrbt a ti.tft ( BIjvflA ti llisi BAtit (1 anil lita-a l.ltir. If tl.k. I A, . UO UIUU.UI V, u t. i .t, ) uic i v uir nub in.iiu.0 iimi iiiv l Dflieve mat u,e negro wouu i ever have oeen en ran- chisod hd Abraham Lincoln lived. i m An honest eltott has neen maoc by the wople of the south to sec- how the experiment would work It has been fraught with evil, and only evil, and it is now a grave problem with which the southern people have had to grapple aud are grappling, r irst this question came home to our friends of the Pacific elope when the Chinese were about to oveirnn the western part of the I'nited States, and the Chiucso ex elusion act became a necessity. The question of suffrage has been brought to the attention of the American txople by the recent dis cussions in congress in regard to the right of suffrage in the Hawaiian islands and in the other territory recently acquired by the I'nited State. From all this discussion and thought there ha arisen a new north, which sympathize with the southern people in solving this great problem. It ia absolutely necessary, in the opinion of the great majority of thinking men of the southern states, that the ignorant and illiterate negro should be eliminated from tbe elec torate. (traded enfranchisement may take place, and to this no rea sonable man ought to object, but wholesale enfranchisement of the negro race waa admittedly a great political error, and makes it nec sary for the southern atatcs to do everything within their power, with out violating the 15th amendment, to disfranchise the negro. Ashe villa Citizen. - BLOOD POISON CURED BY B. B. B. BOTTLE FREE TO SUFFERERS. - I)eep-sesled,ottinate esses, id liiui that have resiiOed doctor, hot springs and patent meuieine treatment, (jiiickljr vield to B. H. H. Holanir Hiood Halm tlioroiililj tested fur SO year, li. li. II. lias cured such indication as mucuotis batches in the mouth, aore throat, er up. lions, eating aures, buns pain, itching skin, swollen glands, stiff joints, eopier colored snots, chancres, ulcerations on the body and in hundreds of eases where the hair and eyeorow nave fallen out and the whole am urn mass of boils. Dimities and ulcar this wonderful si-e- eitit- has completely changed the whole I bodj into aelean. perfect condition, tree from eruptions, and skin smooth with tha glow of perfwt health. K. li. jt. is the only perfect enre for blood poisnn. i Ko sufferer may text B. B. B. and kun for themselves that it cure, a trial ! 'ut ile will le sent free of charge. H. K ft. lor sale by druireisis and 1. w . West, Mount Airf . N. C. at II ter Urge bottle, or six large bottle I full treat ment)!'). For a trial bottle, addre Bi.ooi titLMt'o., Atlanta, da. Prevention Utter than cure, Tuns Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time wul prevent Sick Headache, dyspepsia, L.housncs, malaria, constipation, jaundice, toqU liver and kindred diseases. TUTTS Liver PILLS ASSCLUTELY CITL rXUTEIYtHr-RE Makes the food more oA tart) Before Llftlnf the Veil. A dispatch of July 12th from London says ; The (Shanghai cor respondent of t!:e Kxprosa gives the text of a long edict of PrincejTnan, dated June r.'th, and addressed to the Chinese Ambassadors, which the hxpresa declares is identical with the meseago from Emperor Kwang llso, mentioned by the Minnghai correspondent of the Daily Mail and with the Chinese edict published in ashington. 1 he Lx press consid ers that edict proves that Prince Tnan's party is making an attempt to disguise the fact that the worst that could lie anticipated has hap pened. llio edict contains the following paragraph ; "Ihe anger of our people knew no hounds. They could not bo ie strained. Tho task of guardinir the Legation, which before was ditti- eiilr, was made impossible." hlsewfiere referring to the debire to protect the Legations still un harmed, it says : II it is impossible for us to con tinue this protection let it be repre sented to tho powers that we must be held blameless for the anger of our people grows with the rising of each sun that sees and yet more foreigners and soldiers coming to overrun and lay watc our "onntrv ani slay our people."' 1 he correspondent say the edict is intended to pave the way for a final litiing of the veil over the re cent history of Pekin. It is bi-voml iiiiettion n admission tha' the six'een hundred foreigners Americans, (uritians, Kngliah, Jcr, in Pekin -men, women and children, have been horribly ninr- lered and mutilated by the Chinese 1mtoi and soldiers. Making History. In time to come when all party feeling lias di d away and every thing settled down, men who vote ,., i -, .,, ""Kt'i.aey wid regret 1 ' ; ''e peop e are b.nnd to . 1 l"e "laD I I J tl . as aay tn' "'e white man who ie wiute man who votes , ,. . iKiiiTi yti in nu in H'v h Hk nu , r , . ,, ..... . .... '"'j i . "uit-ti or in mi,!) aaugmer grows up and ocgniH me siuay. or history, in iu lire years tin y aro sure to ak their Uther which side he took in the memojablo and historical tiihti t I!" mi, tn wh:c!i the main iht-ue . . . . . . : e--- : Miall uie white men rule or bImII the blacks role ', Lexington IliiOia'i-ii Hon. V. J. lhvan and Hon. A. V. Steversnn are riot Grangers to each other --:ht v have met before as claimi ers for tbe best interests of sli lh- ix'.ii.'c alike. HasutS-McCorkle Importers and CailiKNSKOKO. N. C. DUY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. lO tV oli--t tra'tc uf Mi'rvliatit only, and i"'! nothing at retail. ' tJkW V ' ''oniialiv inviiH ail Merchant to call on u when iu (i-e-etmlMro or to see. our Tmvrltitig Sa!en sii t'( P. 1 Vrite for our elegant H I catalogue aud dcUtUJ r .rtictiUra, (r.w we Ckit aava yoa money in the purchase of a h.h-grade sewing ium b.u snd the term of payment we can cfiei, either direct from factory or tmoiik-U our rrtuUr authoriied apetjrs. This is an oppor tunity you csnuot afford to pas. Yau It manufacturers. Therefore, a oc - US COUbULU mil i uunecessary. If we can offer most liberal terra. unit suing tuctstt ct: 11 ttm. Taos Kswrarr, r resident. C. I.. HiSis, First Vic Pre RRST I1ATIBIIAL r- - rfj 1 rsj 1 1 OHfOlt ATII. C . . ratlsl DTUliCTOHS. Tho Fse-re't C. I . Hark. M. T.. f"aceft. A. Tr- " r i I- Tsei-ft This liank a"Iu its th account ff NerrksMs, iisnu'acturer farrier sro f r)ti.tuahi The swmili of the Merchant htl ie toros a-!;evr t reex-ivej favorable trP. lb fnrxi of our utnfrer are ci;rl ly io t. ... ,t aroof itikU o4 tbe Yaitls Uta- 'et-fti ivmt on tar.nj I'ej-v..; delicious and wholesome urmrwrn ri . r Vfn. " Threats of Blood and Torch. i I ! Salisbury has had a taste already of high handed meanness in trying to have every scab of non resident negro to register and tote against tho interest of the State and to the danger of and all that is sacred and lovely therein. Ti.e Truth-Index says thai one of this class, a new comer from South Carolina, applied last woek to Reg istrar 1. il. anderford aud w on to his being a .resident of that par ticular ward. lie was registered though a stranger. It was learned that he did not belong to that ward at all. Then on the advice of some ono he attempted to get a transfer. Mr. anderford refused to give the per jurer tlie certificate whereupon Capt. John A. Kamsey threatened Mr. anderford with prosecution for violation of tho l.Mh amend ment to the constitution. The im ported rabble of, negroc became boieteroti and threatened that they would vote if tfiey had to wado through blood to tho polls. It is said to the credit of the native ne groes, however, that they did not join in this mieconduct. Coneoid Standard. No woman CAn be too careftd of fisr condition during the period ba toT her little ones are born. Neglect r improper treatment then endan gers her life and that of the child. It lies with her whether she hall tntTer I unnecessarily, or whether the ordeal ha'.l he made comparatively easy. She had better do nothing than do aouiething wrong. MOTHER'S FRiEiJD Is the one and the only prerararton that is safe to use. It is a liniment that penetrates from the outside. External applications ara eternally right. Internal medicine are radl-j caily wrong. They are more thao vni,a7),,v - '"oJ thev endanger life. I M h. Friend helps the muscle to relax and expand naturally re- ; ,ieve, morring aickr.ess-remoyea , the cause of nervousness and head-, ! ache prevent hard and rising , breasts shorten labor and lessens i tlle pains and helps the patient to rP. nid recovery. 5 . t v From a letter by a Shreveport, La. , i woman : " I have been using your j wonderful remedy, Mother Friend, i for the last two months, and find Jt ; 3 list recommended." DrufrJiU sen It si II per bsftU. rtin BRA.OFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANT4. OA. atti for our free lliattrstrd bouh. ' Iieiere Hot u hor&." Or ttllm'Nerr Planters Sic. l ail ilrucs-lsts. Dry Goods Co. ' 1 a Wholesalers, placing order elsewher. W. RICHARDS, Salesman. Bo oroff A NEW DEPARTURE t 0 A Radical Change in Marketing Mfthodj as Applied to Sewing Machines. An original plsa under m biLh you cu oLisin easier turns aud loiter value in the j ur K cf tl.e wo.iu iuious ' V i.iu i; Ma-:hir.e :i n ever before offered. know tha "White." yow know ianeu ocfc i;iuuu oj inc uit.iiiue; aul you have an old machine to exchange Write to-day. Address in full. MM. (Dep't A.) acl'ClKl, 1!8. M MARBLE WOSiS, MountAiry, N.O. W. 0. HATHES I CO., Prettier. Tombator.e, Iron FenciLj, fir I'.rt'f frr Vr'i'tt Vrrrt lr ' 'Vrnafor rw;r.i r a e-i-c eaii ar-im!Be .ml - na. itisraors ulDnruu'Miu A (i T"TTtK. U.L tft T, CaMer. MWi of I J. Amy.