MOTJNrJ Airy News. HE MOUNT AIRY, N. C THURSDAY, JULY m 11)00. NO. 5. VOL. 21. PERUNA A REMEDY a-, i r 4 ii Maori ukii, York Co., Va. Dr. S. I). Hartman, Columbus, ().: "I on araroely lind words to exprena my gratitude to you for all your kind dui to me. It ha rolilied the grave of on victim, for I was in a critical condi tion when I wrote you before. Thank to you, however, my health In fully re stored. I wish every young lady ia our town could read your book. There would be a (rreat deal less sickness and uny women." Mis Ilertha K. Sargent. Navaxota, Tkx. Dr. H. B. Hartman, Coluinhtiii, ().: "I think It in time to !t you know what your treatment liss done fur me. 1 am rid of that terrible trouble I had I. hen 1 wrote to you. When I would itoop over I could not straighten up Without the moat nevere pain. 1 am well it that, and am much better In other ways."-Mrs. K. K. K.HIIle, Ho In. Ontka, Mm. Dr. 8. H. Hartman, Columbus, .: " I am sure that Pe-ru-na 1 one of the teal medicine on the market. J am S. I'. GKAVKS. Mttorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. 0 tar" Practice" In State and Federal Court. Prompt alien lion to coIlerllOD or claims. WALTER D. SIXER, ATTORNEY- AT - LAW, Mount Airy, N. C Practices in Ktate and ledernl CoorU Collection of l.'liiima a specialty. GKO. W. SPARGKK, Attorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIHY, N C. Will practice in Itlate and Federal courts, special attention to collecuon ot claims and Begotlatliig loans. W- f. CARTER, MOUNT Al., N. fr J. R. IEWEILVN, D(4k(M S.C CaKTKR & hKWKLLYX, Mttorneys-at-Iiaw. eo tar Practice tn the state and Federal 'ourui. Prompt attention given to all business entrust ed to tbelr care. Dr. John E. Banner, DUNTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR S DRUG STORE. PHONE 38, Office Hours-8.00 A. MM to 6.00 I'. M. Mount Airy, X. C. Dr. VV. 5. Taylor, OFFICE OVER UHltl STOKE. Er Ear, Nose anfl Tliroat. Special attention given to this prac tice on Wednesdays and Saturdays- T. 13. McCAK GO. nOTARY PUSklG. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY MOTEl BLOCK Business Promptly Attendeo To. N. E. BOYLES, ATTORNEY- AT - LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Practices in State and Federal Courts. Prompt and careful attention given to all business Collections a specialty. ' w7r. badgett, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN. N. C. Will practice wherever and whenever desired. Prompt and careful attention given to all business. Collections a socially. VIRQIL E HOLCOMB, J AS. B. M.OUFFIN aw'M.iLfl. Imiw, a. a. HOLCOMB . McCUFFIN, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law. Will pracUne tn the auperlor court of the tlb Judicial Dl.trvt. la tne federal Court, at Oreeoaboro. and In tbe nupreiue court, at Mai-Sl-U. North Carullua. VESTAL TAYLOR, Snr?ejor and Notary Public, BLISS. N. C. mm As th Mood contains s!l thr clrtnrnlt nscesasrf to sustain life, it i. impor tant that It tie kept Irrr of all unpuritira, or It tK-eomre a source of diwaae, prMralng instead of nourisi itiK the tdv. snd loss of health u sure to follow. Some pumona enter thr Muod irm without through thr skin by abeorptiou, or laoeulaiKKi ; others from within, as when waste pr-xtuets accumulate in the retem and ferment, allowing dotes Krnns to tlrrrlop and be taken into the rtrcliLettoil While all Idood tnniMea hsc one common oriKin. each has some pertiluritT to distinguish It from (he otlirr Contagious Blood Poison. Scrofula, Cancer, kbeuniaturat, Ixema and otlirr bloat can Ik- distiiiKuiahed bv a certain sore, ulcer, eruption or lurlaiinuation aptiraniiir on the skin. Event Mood disease allows sooner or later on the out Mir uu.l on the weak r.t part of the bodv, or where it finds thr least reni.tHiu-r. Many mistake the sore or outward sign for the real diaraar, and attempt a cure bv thr use of salvrs, liniment, and oihrr raternaJ applii-atioaa. Valuable time Is lost an I no permanent benefit drnved from suih treatment BLOOD TROUBLES ftCOUIRC BLOOD RCMCDICSf the po.n must I co,,!rtr'T .,) ,,rm. aratlr eradicated the Muud reinforced, punned s'nl cleansed, or the diaeaar goea deeper and mps the vrrr lite Mern.rv, putaala and araraur, the treatment usually tairtled in tins class of duraara, are etolcut ummjiis. even whru t.krn iu small doses aserer cure, but do much haraa b saliur another potaun to the already overburdeur J, diseased blood 0f any aisa'Ur hlood trouble, write them fully for advice aljout your caae Ail rorrespuiKienc i. d.ioIh. ird in sn test i.iii. wncc. We Mil Ur( f ar this arryus. hvuk oe Uoud and akia tlwsiej (re. f WIFT 6PICIFIC CO., Atlaata, U. FOR FEMALE CATARRH. sure tint I would have tieen In my grays now h a it 1 nut umul it. I have told ninny other tint (icIIKl It did in e . Kvprvlxnly said tliat I lntd roil sumption, nJ 1 know that I would imvo ii unless I gut re- 0 Ullieni V lief. 1 feel it sWy my duty to -" in y duty give pralae where it Is due. 1 am and ever shall be grateful to the man w ho discovered I'e-rii-na." MrH.H.K.lHcker. New Orleans, I. a. fir. 8. It. Hartman, fuluiiiliua.O.: " am feeling much tcttr now than I have for two yearn. I lind Pe-ru-na to I io the lie fined i- clne for female complaint, and In all casoa of extreme weak ness I think It Is the beat remedy In the world, as it has done me a great deal of good. My friends sav that I am looking bi tter now than I have for years. They waut to know what 1 hare been doing, I look so well. I tell them that 1'e-ru-na did It I hope Ir. Hartman will live many yean more to help other, an lie ill. I me." Mrs. 11. Hullo-, KH Niith street. Kvrrv woman should have a copy of "Health and Beauty." This book con tains pcVI' limrtictlotis for the treat ment and cure of female catarrh. It is Illustrated anil contain much Informa tion. Address It llartinan. Columbus. O- UKarcucs Arc iincnnnK uur coys. At the recent m-m-ion of tlioSlutlby District ( 'iitift'ivripo, wliilc t lie ym Hiding t'KIir was 'jtiretidtiiiig the pastors tlmut tlie condition of their charges ami to what extent worldly aimiHonientB were practiced hy their )eo!c one of our trued and mot-t oWrvant jiroacliera rqwrtod that there wero s inio dram drirkern ainoiiLf his jieofilo, wiino who d.tncod (i-PHKionitlly and h nntiiher whu went to circnsi h, all of which was dntn HgiriLT to their piety and hurtful to the elinieh. hut that smoking eifar etteH wits duiiK nmre hartn on liin work than any other one thini;, if not all of them. Another brother reported that no youtiLf man in bin pastoral charge who had the eitarette habit was do inany Lrood religiously. This view was tudoreed by other ininiKtera us true. When wu think ot the preva lenee of thin terrible habit, when wu reineniUir that huudted and thousands' of tho sons of our Medio dibt petiple are already confirmed and habitual cigarette Hunkers and that a'muet iriesirtible influence is j being brought to bear ujion boys i from six year old and upward in almost every town, village, city and country place to begin the ue ot them and contract the habit, is not the outlook threatening indeed. Is is not time the church is waking up to the real situation Is it not time some action is lieing taken to save our boys from this fearful evil ? Is it, not time that our preachers are crying out against it ? We are not un alarmist. We are not among those who magnify small evils. We have no disposition to turn the minds of the readers of the Advocate to an imaginary wrong; but we have looked into this matter ; we have taken pains to inform our selves and we are juite sure tho time has come for every minister and member of the church, for every editor and lover of his race, for every parent and teacher to uke a stand and Seak out against the seductive and desttuclive evil that it destroying the bodies and souls of so many promising youths. Sometimes silence is golden, but at other times it is criminal. Surely no pastor who understands the situation and keeps silence can be guiltless. Tho time has come for a crusade against the cigarette. Christian Advocate. It 5aved His Leg. I. A. Iatif'orlli, of Luliratigc, ia., Buffered torsi mot: t tin with alright f ul running sore on his leg, but rites tliul Ituckleii H Arnica Sulve wholly cured it in tivo days. For I 'leer, Wounda, J'iIdh, it'h the howl sulvo in the world. Cure gtinriiiilrcU. Only I!.1! cents. Sold by Dr. W. S. Tu b.i , Druggiht. Our government having fully de fined its intention iu Secretary Hay's tn to of July 3rd, the other governments interested iu the Chi nese situation have entered into the spirit of that declaration. (Mkmw. IS Tip u u Hies h h B , Nat are a owe maoa of roots aiol hert attw ks the d-.wse in the bhaad, antidura and firres out all impunties, makes weak, thin IiIidkI m h, stroiiK and healthy, aud at the aaioe time builds up the a-rntral health b S S la the arilv Cirely veyetalite blond pun her known, aiul tlic only one that ran rri h derp-aeaird o"t trouble. A reoird of i years ul eu reaaui noes jmrs It to be a irhable, unfailiii( specifir for ail ttloud and akin troubles. frmm Mmdiottl Trmntmt ur Uetlual Ia-ifrtmrnt Is in rharyruf akillrd pln.i. lan. wnu have made I hl and lim dtaeaae a hie alu ty. o if you have ContaKHMis fllajd t'oiam. Caoi-er, S rotula. Kiie imati.ut. 1 . -ina an :' r ur t 1. n, Thinking for One's Self. It is sotnetitn'.'s rcc iiii'iicnded that young people be encour med to think for themselvis, thiiMhey may become self-reliant, and tho recoiii- menoa'ioti a g oif one under certain conditions not alvtavs ol - seivrd. To make the practice i-afi tho young people must be cupabh of really thinking for themselves, and (hat rnjiiin s the pot-ses-ioii of an amount ot knowledge which they seldom have. Tho dilliculty, in this country at leact, arts s not b m any ditlidet co upon the prt of the VotiiiL'. nut from tin ir iicsiimiiioi . j I'.iren'H ainl guardians do not Invi to teach their wards to rely upon themselves ; tht ir inun concern is n get the children to listen tn ml ic- and to accept tho ksins of t in ti 'etico. Americans, and especially young Ainericais, lack reverence for age, for reputation, for experi ence. '1 hey owe their independence and their oiiginaHty to this trait, and it would not be well, even though it were p issibh', to clnttitre their characteristic self reliance into dependet ce upon others. Hut as the young can be trusted to develop tho American habit of mind long before they hnvo reached maturity, it would lie for their bent interest to keep them as long as poKHible under the rule of authority and tho in fluence of experience. The school boy in especially troublesome. He wants t j regulate his studies, to de vote his time to those branches for which ho has a liking and to drop those which are irksome. He re fuses to listen to the advice of his elders, rejects their experience, and comes in time that he has made a mistake and tlmt it would have been greatly to his advantage if he had tailored in his youth to master the disagreeable studies. Jt is too late to repair the fault when as n man with children of his own ho realized his folly and is confronted with a similar independence of thought on the part of his otb-pling. In vain hi: relates his own experience, us his parents hud done I" tn'e him. l oiing America known beltir, and drops mathematics or the lan.-uagi s or some other branch of study as Iteing ot no praciicnl value, in spite ot the ad vice of teachers and parents. A good fcIiimiI withahit;h standard is abandoned for one where there is a less exacting course of study and a principal ready to huuiir his pupils for the 6ke of their tees, and the end of it all is that the hoy, without experience of any kind, without knowledge of the world or its re 'juireiiiyiits, is allowed to prescribe bis own course of study, and of course prescribes only that which is agreeable to his untutored taste. I'altimore Sun. Ruth Bryan's Happies! Day. The most Interested spectator at the great Democratic Convention at Kansas City, Mo., was Until Uryan, the 15-year old daughter of out can didate for I'rceident. She wus not the only mcmlier of Mr. lityan's family who attended the convention. Ilia brother and sister were Isith there. On stveial occasions Kuth was caught up and swept along by the great enthusiasm of the throng. Several times she rose to her feet and shouted. Jn the height of the enthusiasm she rose to her feet in an effort to get one glimpse of the centre of attraction. "Why don't they make him stand uii f" she said. "1 want to see Mr. Ilill and I am going to see him." "There he is, there lie ie that man with the bald head. No ; that's the wrong bald head." Then, catching a glimpse of David 15. Hill as ho sat surrounded by the New York delegation, she said: ' Isn't it splendid to listen to all the men cheering and yelling for him. See how coolly lie sits there, sway ing the fan. Why, he looks the coolest man in the room. Fouith of July has always been happy for me, but this is the happiest of them all." Miss Uinh lby&n has all the ac complishments of a Western girl. She is fond of bursts, rides well and handles the ribbons with dexterity. The free outdoor life she lias led has lent to her an easy grace which is in fcrfe't harmony with her whole souled, gracious manner. The Southern Industrial league rejects the report of iis sj-ciiil committee on the southern com mercial condition ta'canse it ir an endorsement of republican party principles. Cancer, Scrofula, Qfoi Soros, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, -r---:-.-'..:t. m-l f -M.:f kT llfVs .. . IS"!1 I ia ',t"sa-!) -' . , j -. - .-.-". ft'- n&t THE FAMINE IN INDIA CONTINUES TO GROW WORSE. A late dispatch from Chicago says our Missionaries in India are break ing down under the strain of famine relief work, and calls have licon made for young men to take their places. A niimher from Chicago have volunteered to t". The Chi cago India Famine Relief Commit tee has just forwarded f 7,1'on fo In dia for the famine sutlrers. Occiii reiici s that are big are iron- erall v of intt test to A met icans. Tbe present f wnine in mil l is tho big (jest in the world's history. It is a tl.ingof millions - millionsof broken homes, mil lions of scattered fatuilit s, millions ol empty stomachs, millions of living skeletons and millions ol deaths. Says (iilsnti Willets, who recently visited a place where they wero burning the dead : "Never shall I see a charnal house more dreadful. In a great basin among the hills lay heaps of ashes, the ashes of one thousand human bodies. Here was a crt uiatory, similar to thous ands of others in the famine area, where the burning of the bodies of famine victims was conducted on a mighty sc ilc. a. e . x i. mwm !- :.'-,;-' ;: 1 "1 iievt visited Dohail, and was met by an American missionary with a 'tonga' i a two wheeled cart), and driven to the pooihotise. Through out that two mile ride through the scorching heat and blinding clouds - ii -.i.t ol oust, tlie air was laden with me horrible odor of the dead ! All tho (icople tn.t in the hospital slept on the ground, ate on the ground, lived on the ground, in the dirt and dust. Of the thousand inmates, half were women and children. All the hor rors of famine, all the misery and suffering resulting from starvation and neglect seemed to be cornvn trated here. Tho sick and the well, the weuk and the strong were hud dled all together. They had come there to die! Many could be saved, but no note was taken of this. The emaciated forms lying under the big shed looked exactly like the pic tures we see of famine sufferers. Some of the poor creatures crawled to our feet on hands and knees, and, placing their heads in the dust, moan ed out their supplications : "Oh, my king, help us, and it will be well with thee ; for we are very hungry.' In the hospital wards the scenes might have represented all the forms of fitilleriiig depicted by l)anto in the Inferno.' Mothers addrcsud us, saying: Miive tie food, and the gods will give theo many children. ' Kvery now and then U'hrers would come with stretchers of matting and catry oll'yet more lifeless bodies to the burning place. "The roll call of the (iovt-rntneiit famine Relief Chiiiiw in India now includes nearly iimummiii people. During the last ten days the increase has amounted to more than tid.OOO daily. Jt is possible at this time, while the land is dry, for people to work and eat and sleep without shelter, and with only few rags by way of clothes. I!ut when the wet season Im'oIuh, deal h will surely come to many thousands of those who are unsheltered and improperly clothed, unlesstiovernmetit and private phil anthropy provides roofs, blankets and clothing. "I write this in l he shade of a bit of straw matting, in a great iovern ineiit Relief Camp, -too milts north of RoiiiliHy. These poorhoiiscs, set apart aaplaci of refuge for those who are too old or too feeble or too young to work, are simply huge open snrc on the face of starving India. Many go in ; ft w come out. I have seen a hundred ieople in a single group enter at nightfall. At daybreak fort v of them were dead. Vj cutt ail Tin raiil win Pain-Killer. a a.,!., Chast ia assn itf tare aao Ooiea etiac ro Cramua, Disrrhoss, Cold. jki Coughs, Nauralgia, Rhaumatlam. ! ri m4 to (l tniaa s al t-r .u f . r.,s j J a .- i rs oiNjrht j PiStajT DAVIS' Tens of tliousaruls never reach either relief works or poorh iiise. They stray along tho highways, often times till death mercifully overtakes them. Among these wanderers are thousands of children, who have either strayed away from their par ents or havo lost them by death. "I have just returned from anoth er and more extended tour of tho famine districts, and with mine own eyes have verified tho worst stories I havo read or heard of tlie suffering and distress of these starving people. Children wander atxnit like chips adrift on tho sea ; people die along tho roadside through sheer lack of food ; jackals and vultures feast upon human flesh all of these things are only too true. The land swarms with multitudes of living skeletons. 1 have grown accustomed to tho sight of stomachs hollowed out like basins. The death rate is appalling, despite tho fact that thetiovernment is doing its Ix-st to save human life. The money raised and sent by Kng land is doing much good, but it is not suflicient to cover tho wide spread distress. The scenes I Iiave witnessed are heart rending in the extreme, and servo to emphasize the fact that the help of tho American pet plo is sorely needed. The money sent here from the l iiited States through the Christian Herald is do ing an enormous amount of good. "At the poorhotise, near Nadiad, I found I,'JoO people, many of them ill with cholera, dysentery and otli er iiise tses common to a fatniue poorhotise. The place was fearfully malodorous, and tho patients in the hospital were shamefully neglected. Tho condition of things at another pooihuiise, about .r" miles from Na diad, was infinitely worse, the stench from dead human bodies tilling the air. ( ur very clothing was iiupteg nated, and we carried the dreadful odor away with us. Cholera pa tients were wallowing in the mire. Out of .'374 ptticuts admitted in lti days, all but '' had died. Nothing but dirt and rags was visible, while the microlie-laden dust, the heat and the filth rendered the place really intolerable fur human habitation." Iiundoii, July lo. In Iudia rain either does not come at all or is in sufficient, aud the ofticials fear an indefinite prolongation of the fam ine. India alone is unable to cope with the tremendous obligation, and the general opinion of the well-informed here is that the woibt is pi sibly yet to come. Bryan Grows Strong er In the East. Tlie American people like to have their own way, hut they like still better to see a man who is not afraid of them. They can follow a leader, however much they may disagree from him, who, when he sees "a plain duty," or lays dowu a "code of morality," will hold to either even against a world in arms. It is certain, therefore, that at least some of the influences which have swayed the caucuses and conventions of the democratic rairty will be felt in the catnptign, and at tho polls. -No one can doubt that Mr. luyau has an opportunity to make a more formidable campaign, here in these Kastern States at any rate, thau in ls'.n; when his personality was un known and grossly misconceived, and when even his patriotism was challenged. Moreover, the ieople of this section understand now that he embodies more than one issue, and is the foremost champion of certain principles which lie at the foundation of our republican deru. ocracy, and which apeal to all Americana alike, regardless ol geo graphical lines. l!toii (ilobe. . e- Politeness is not only a nice thing. but. as a general thing, it pays and doesn't cost anything, arid aotne- liines iavs well, ikceeutly a rich old lady died in New York and r ipueatbed $.1,hki to a few shop girls who had lien polite to her while she was shopping. If you mistreat a man or woman you will some day suflor fr it. You will not receive a prtent in the sha(e ot 15,000. . Question Answered. Yea, August Flower still has the largest aale of an; medicine in the civil ir.ed world. Your mothers' and grand mothers' never thought of us 111(5 any thing else lor IridiKestion or rtiiious lies. liictore were) earee, a 'id t hey seldom heard of Appendicit is. Neryous frustration or Heart failure. etc. They used August flower to e lean out tbe sj.tem and stop fermentation of undi- I f esuHl nuu, repciiiaiv in. ar.Hin ui 1 rie 1 ver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of tlie system. and that ia all they took when feeling dull anil twd with headaches and other eyhea. 1 ou only nee-d a few doaea of tren 'a August I-lower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there ie Dolhllie serious tt.e matter with you. For sale by I. W. West. I'rufcgial. Mount Airy, N. C. Cur Cwtd In Haae). Kr-UOTM . l S.lalr. La.sOny o-ta ts uke a4 a is airy ivt4 i ka aad swa. HONORABLE POLITICS. The groat national deba'o whiel precedes a presidential election ought to be a training school "t 'lo corum and a true campaign of edu cation. Tho people should emerge from these "noble wars of reasons with clearer and fairer grounds for their political faith, with a finer and broader public spirit, and with a pro founder wnse of the value and dig nity of free institutions. iefore the heated term of poli. tics seta in, it will not be amiss for men of all parties to put themselves under bonds to keep the inward eitcc, to bethink themselves of the respect that is duo to honest differ ences of opinion, and at the same time to mount guard against the manifold forms of deception which play a conscious or unconscious patt in times ot general excitement. Kven citizens of long experience are not always exempt from a rush of blood to the head. Our modern freedom of speech aud printing, like our swift tneth oils of communication, are easily H-rverted to other uses than the spread of sound knowledge arid no ble feeling. In tho main, the re suits of popular agitation are doubt less beneficent, and the incidental disorders aro largely self corrective. Yet, if we may ipiote two thirds of Lincoln's quaint aphorism, "you can fool all the people a part of the time, and you can fool a part of the people all the time." It is safe to predict that the busi ness of fooling aud leing fooled will constitute an active branch of polit ical industry daring tho next six months ; and that there will be scv era! new illustrations of the old proverb that a "lie will travel tor leagues while truth is putting on its iHKdS." Amid the rattle of popular noises, contradictory evidence and plausi ble argument, and tho heating of party gongs, tho- vcter who thus not care to lind himself "used" and led blindfold will do well to keep his wits about him, along with thtt nameless equipment which is la-ttcr than wits a lively atfinitv for the common weal. Tho Youth's Com panion. THE SITUATION. There is no doubt of the change in conditions throughout tho State in favor ot the amendment and the Democratic ticket. One actually feels it. And the threats of l!lck burn, the incendiary teachings of lititler, the assaults of Ilolton and negroes upon Democratic registrar have aroused the people from one end of tlie State to the other. We have only known tho good people so aroused twice lie fore, in July of lhitt, when Tennessee rag-a muilins were brought in to intimidate the iajople, and iu lV.'S wben the negro ilanly perpetrated his infamous slander upon the "tor white wo men of the State, for which lie was driven into exile. We all know what the result was on both tlose occasions. Now federal officials with the aid of jietty tools acting as I'nited States commissioners to the disgrace of the government, are at tempting to intimidate registrars and force upon the registration books ineligible negroes whose votes aro wanted to offset the votes of hon est white citizens. Without the thousands of illegal negro votes Ilolton and Abe Middleton and their associates, 1'earsoii and JJutler, know they have no chance of do feating the holiest white men of the State, and it is to prevent the do bauchery of the ballot box by such illegal voters that the "Simmon Kloctioii Law" was enacted, and in telhgent and brave registrars were appointed. Ualeigh 1'ost. Coventor Russell aays the cnsti tutioiial amendment will lie carried He advises he negroes not to vote, lie thinks tho question will be car ried to the federal courts. RHEUMATISM-CATARRH ARE BLOOD DISEASES-CURED BY B. B. B. I tot tie free to Sufferers. It is the deop-aeated, olist iliate cases of Catarrh and Kheuiuatiaiii that h HI', (botanic Hlood lialm 1 cure. It mat ters not hat other treat merit a, doctors, sprays, liniments, medicated air, blood punliers hate failed to do, H Ii. H al ways promptly reaches the real eau.e end roots out and drives from the tame, joints, uiiicuoiia membrane, and entire system, the Sw'itlc poison ill the blood that eatiaea Kheutnat ism and Catarrh h. 1'. H. the only remedy strong enough to do this and cure and ao t here can never tie a ret urn to the .ymptoma lmn't give up hope, but try h. It I. bo tanic LliKid baluiorH li s. fur sale by druggists and L W. We.t, Mount Airy, N. C , at II -r large 1m tie, or , large Littles (full treat metit 1 IV To prove our faith in H. Ii. H we will send a Trial bottle 1 ree lo stiff -r-ers, so they may test the remedy si our expense. Address ItblM i IU I. to, Atlanta, (ia. Doctors'Say; Iiilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis trict, are invariably accompan ied by derangements of tbe Stomach Liver and Towel. The Secret of Health. The liver is thereat "driving wheel" in the mechanism of man, and when it is out oforth r, the w hole system liecomes di -ranetl and disease is the result. Tutt's Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. a) SC&Li 4SS0LVTELYPDRE Makes the food more THE TRUST OCTOPUS. When the won! "icIiiiiih" wai firnt aiiliml tu the trnntn it whs in fciiiJtil to dcKcribo their jfreat vora ciiitiHiii'ha ami their ail vanta over MCfarafe cotiofniH in beitiff able lo Kiick the Jlif'i! blood of tho (ooolc, sinco tint (K'lniua of natural hittiorv hitH a iloiible row of tmekcrs on chcIi mile of its leet. Hut m the U'M e ill t i (i uce to evolve iti)cvclop jutj. ticationa for the tillo which were rmt originally tluuioht uf. Within tho iiHet week it bus been revealed how terrific in the power of the truist iiuiiiitb' over the financial market. Front what a little cliijue of ii.side otlicials of tho Steel irtirtt were able to do with its Mock bv ahiittirj down a few iiiillm, and exiilainin : that overproduction whs thecaiiHC,! aliiinpt ireciiitatiiii M'iaiioint! pan- ' ic, wo ctn nee all too clearly howl completely ut the mercy of the triiKts h the whole ayrtt'iri of hanking, e change and liibirii-er. T'hev can ! raire or lower every listed stock, force the loan rate of timtiey up to the prohibition point or depress it. shake the coiintrv trotn end to end, or cLIiij it at wili. We have fos lercd a cri atiire unlil it doinitiRcs theulioic nation, which can otilv tioiiihlirivly await its will. Hut another f-ot of thin trust oe tuptis rcetri on tiie ovetntiient. I'oti Ureco dare not but obey its beheftf, and the adiniiiit-tration i its servant, i I';irl,itiHi le;ir t i luehthc without ieiininfiii!i. When the next nation al election ('..rics the voters will be Im tiiilit ii;i by the inil'ioin. or ilitlm idit'e 1 by tlnte who are bought up, ' into iloiiiir the t rofc'ti' w II. tin lees ' nraoe nttd an ititftrr .t v arc exhib 1 i fa--f ltcyn'td ativth!ii4 in ex perielte. I'lie trn.-t Ktiif the .iberty uf the American people oannot exist to 1 tret her. ( hie or the other timet io h-wii. Siiriiiof'i Id M its Nes. ( UnJerrating: Bryan's Strength. M akin j; ail J ic a' io ii,-e f- r th- ex it-'crHtioii ot p,.i:!ie.ii paitt.-an-ehi p, it ii a f.ii t 1 1 al .l t. I'.i rc rceelite the brum) plincip.'ee of le-unM-rncv the 1 uie of the vt hole pen pl- .us dih: i ot.irht d frutn the d un instice of a piitfi'Ci atic cittNT. In hie oppueitioti to tnir-te, hi to the acquirement uf foreign territory except wilh I he view of making it an integral i h r t of the I'nited Statee, bib declaration aaitu t niHit. tenance of etatulitijr tntiii, a'ld his altitude riyirdiMjj eeoriotnic ijuee liotie jfciieraH v, lie rcpret'IJ,e what li:i- Collie to Ih- regarded ae the pop ide. The Kepiihlican mariai; ein w ill iiinke a fatal mistake if they iindertate .Mr. I'ryan'a abilitiee or pupularilv. lt.ietori Herald, licp. (iciieral t'hatice. on hii" wav ti take cuiniiiand in t'liitia, has been pi inoieil lo in .j .r 1 neral. H3guc-McCcrkle Dry Goods Co., Importers and Wholesalers, (.lU.I.NSIiOUO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. BT Ve m.) eii trmle of M.-ri-httiits only, and ei! n' at retail. a7 We ei.r.lisliy inv ite s I' M er'li ants to fail ou us w tif u iu t ireetil-! o, if to i"r 'ra.-!lmn Vnle.ium, l. fore ila',HK orders elsets here. P. W. RICHARDS, Salesman. ?f A NEW DEPARTURE 5 1 "t.::. A Rad;Cal Wii'.r f .r our el'X-'i.t il 1 1 siii'f ir an 1 fb t 1 i y rtii . .! !: e lun save vm monev 111 the t-nri hse if a hrn te srx it j; 11. x uiu an d tite a teima of r vment taetory 01 Lii;ouh our tuu ty jou cannot afford to . Vau i It irianufaiturera. Therefore, a u, lUiou.uai 0011 j uiinecrarT. Jt you we can offer moat liberal terma. il N Finn . ; I . k If' ST Jjj f l Writs Thimi Ft a-py, C L. Uisis, Pri-sident, First Viee Pre FIRST lATIQHAL DAIJIl of Mt. Airy. i oitt'OHATrii. iMi, .. i. D1KECTOH8. Thna FaM-rt C .flanks. V L Fatt A i Tfittr. C 1 fivf This bank aoiii i'a the awunia of Wrehant. ViroVttri-iy t iiimti at 4 ladiyttluala. Tae aeinit of the Meert ant 1 eall in uans a4;.t r-,4 favorable toraia Tfce funUa of our rutittmrn a eirl ty tobi.n' frootft! afctata tbe Taie 1 iojs Lek. Irtrett aj4 e hayitgs Wja.Ml IU0 delitious and wholesome BaJ for Prltctiard aoJ Norton. , The setisstiiiii of the pat week in Wen tern North ('erolina has wmn the expoMiiie id Jamea K. Norton, editor of the Asboville (iazttte. The fact is thatiu Apnl.MSVy, he made a bargain with Seuat t I'ritch aid and other to op j tone the adop tion of the t'otietitutional aiiieiid iiietit for the eutn ot J5,0ou. The paper had beforn been Democratic and in lavur d the amendment, Norton' only reaaon for fighting the amendment wa the receipt of aforesaid film of money, and in Lia depraved heart he is still in favyr of it. (hie tiitniticant fact i tLat the Itookti uf the Gazette Company do not show that any juoney waa received. Not ton poolu-ted it him self, while the p'tpcr and etuck- holth'rs Miller liy the rei-ul'f of hia irifattiuue treactury. Nosuchcaeo hti ever o-cnriei before in North ( 'arolina. - At ranementt are waking to eend the e'liudrm ot the Third cavalry at Fort Myer, "a.,toSati Franciscu in a few w evke, m order that it may einhtrk on the tr.uo-port Meade, scheduled to r from that xirt the tirut of A uu-t. Take Tiik Ntwa ;hie, year and keep up with -ampairj uewt. in ixansas lives 1 happv :fe. She rirt: " I hse ucd Mother's I'rlend hfor to toiifincinen's. Tlie ia-t time I bid frinv anJ ass in Istwronn s few min utes. Sufferml very lrtlc." Tfcoresson a hy Mother's Friend due expectant mothers ao muc!i good is brciuse it u an external liniment, to he applied upon the outside, ahero rnuih of the strain comes. It helps be cause the pores of the skin reaJilv absorb it, and it comes into direct contact with and Is absorbed by the psrts involved. Morning silliness is quickly banished, and nervousness is kept completely sway. The ene of dread snd foreboding is not experienced, ecn during labor itself. Confinement is short and almost without pain. Kecoverv is quick and sure. Bet of all, Mottiei" Friend benefits the unborn just as much as the expectant mother, and when the little one comes it a ill be strong, lusry sod healthy. Urutitsts Kit Mother s Frtcaa for SI s fcottl. btnd ior oi.r lr hook 00 ths sut.lct, hniv TMli BKADI IPl.l) RKOL'LATOR CO. A1LANTA. UK. Change in Maratting Methods I rMh i if t ! vyui as Applied to Seirg Machine. An original pimn ua.lrr nhih J ou i u ol'.iw est.lrf terms ,ui lcf..-r value ia tbt j t 1 ! : , . 11, : u 1. i tii.oaa ' ol... .- 11 k ir n ':.. 'ver b -fore ottered. se au ollrt, ei lor ii.'fii tiou. k ...r auiliorin-d arrets. Tiiis is au ';;.:- kaow h "WHtf." yim knew uorvl ur t ij-iioii 01 n. in, i.u.c i..i Lsve an o.a ma. utne 10 eai ijuj(e Write to-day. Adjrrss in full. im MARBLE WOK Mount Airy, N.O. . 0. KmS l CO., Prcpriiten. IMp I Rritfi MnnnrnpntQ U1U U UtkUilU iu.kiiUiUltiiU Toinbttotc. Iron Fcuciif, w l, . . II w tor IkMifsaand norm it salt aa4-ia,lts s W. 1. Fa,-rr, CasLier,

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