ount Airy MOUNT AIRY, N. 0.. THURSDAY, SKPTKM J5EI. 20, 11)00. NO. IU. VOL. 21. M News. 1HE GOVERNOR UsesPe-ru-na r For Colds lp csis; a am - XIM'J-'UIM": CAl'ITOL iiuildino, sam:m, ohegon. Ltter From the Exrrnllve OScc of Oregon. Th) Governor of Oregon Is an snlcnt admirer of IVru-m, lie keeps It con tinually In th house. In a recent 1ft Ur to l)r. llartman he sayst Htatb or Oreoow, Exei iitivk Dki-ahtmckt, ISai.km, May , lt. Th I's-runs Medlclnc('o.,('olunihus,0.: Dear 81rs; I have had occasion to use. your I'e-ru-na medicine In my family for cold., and It proved to he an sxcsl lent remedy. I have nut had occasion to urn? It for other ailment. Youra vary truly, V. M. Lord. Any man who wishes perfect health mu.t be entirely free from catsrrh. Ca tarrh la well-uth universal ; almost omnipresent. IV rn nit I. theonly abso IqI. safeguard known. A cold la llio be ginning of ralarrli. To prevent colds, to cure r Ms, I to cheat catarrh nut of S. T. GRAVKS, Attorney atliaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C I-Pracllce In Slate aod Federal Court. Prompt attention to collection or claim. WALTER D. SILER, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, Mount Airy, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts Collection of Claim a specialty. GKO. W. SI'AItcJKK. Attorney-at-Law, MOUNT AIHY, N C Will practice In State and Federal courts. Special attention to collection ot claims and negotiation' loan. W. F. CARTER, OU.T AI.V, M. & i. R. LEWtLLYN, DOW(Ml N.C. Caktkk & IaKWKlm'n, Attorneys-at-Law. ravpractlce In tlie htate and Federal Court, prompt attention given to all bunlnesa eutrust- d to their care. Dr. John E. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR S DRUC STORE. RHONE 38. Office Hour-8.(X) A. M.. to 5.00 P. M. Mount Airy, N. C. Dr. W. S. Taylor, OFriCE OVER DKtKl STOKE. Eye, Ear, M nil Tlroal. Special attention given to this prac tice on Wed n end ay. and Saturday T. B. McCAKGO, nOTAHY PULSblG. OFFICE 0PP0SITE"NEWS OFFICE, mount airy motel block Business Promptly Attended To. N. E. B0YLES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Practice in Ptate and Federal Courts Prompt and careful attention Riven to II business Collection a specialty. W. R. BADGETT, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Will practice wherever and whenever desired. Prompt and careful attention given to all business. Collections a specialty. J. E. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, UNION REPUBLICAN BUILDINC, WINSTON. N. C. Keenue Law si Kpecialty. Inter state Tlione 101 Bell 'I'lione Jul. Will visit an; points on Kailrond upon no tice. All burliness entru.ted to luin will be carefully attended to. VESTAL TAYLOR, Snr?ejor and Notary Public, BLISS, N. C. Time was anc-n Cancer as considered as incurable as leprosy. Phvsii isns and friends coiild Kive little relief or encouragement to one afflicted with thi terriMe disease a blood disease, they at ill insist that there ut at the aamc time cannot assure vou fiat it will not return. You may cut or draw out the sore, hut another will come in its place, for the (iiaraae is in the blood - it deep-oetrd and destructive, ami beyond the reach of the surgeon's kmfr ot rautir, flenh-de-droyiug plasters The b!sl must Ipc puritied and strengthened, the synleui relicvrj ol all poimnout, effete matter before the Cancer a-rt will heal S S. S. is the only medicine that can overcome this powerful snd contaminating jMiiton and force it nut of the bhxxl. It Hiihla op and invigorates the old. and supplies new. rich, lite giving blood. S. S t. 1 a purely ve;ctal'le reniedv ; no miueral Caa he found in It ; the roots and lieiln ftom which It is made contain Hjwertui uniing propeitie that att ihrcctly ujn.n the blond sytern and make a safe and permanent cure uf Cancer It has cured thousands, why nut im' Cancer is not always inherited ; your family may I flee from any taint, yet your blood m.iv l-o.nic so js.'.hited that a seiert ! . and tuMirn form of the dir-eaae mar impure BIoou invilcs Disease drvr"Ptmn !; f-your 't,"" or other pari of your !ly ; a alight brm- ot hurt, a little pimple on the evelij, hp or ooae. a small lump on the jaw or breast a harmless looking wart or mole, ami other cause so ini,mt"'ul an to attract -little or no attention If you have an oUtmate sore. dtn t n-Tv upon salrcs ir ointments to cure it bj;in with S. S S. at once ; it will cleanse your blood and prevent the formation of camerous cells ' Sirs It Shtrer La ftsla Ho writes " A astr o ths tefl M te of as fsi SI Srst H faee Mart! the )w hegaa l aweti aa4 hssar Mw. k al Int t n Sesti aaa aare aae Hlleswe Mm 1 fml 1 ISea hevaa the laar erf S H S ana atei aa mom a i 'g m im mtmrmmt I na was iwu reara $ Seed fur our aper la! honk on Cancer ; snra : it ta free. W nte our rihrcians alout your cawe, kase snade hie study of Cancer and 9t for thia (if nRFP.nri a w mm mm 0 -mw w m in His Family j 3t and Grip. if Hf Ho victim.. lVrn-na not only curei ca turrh, hut prtiveiita. Kvery liouehold should he supplied with thia (treat rem edy for coughs, cold, and so forth. Jt mill be noticed that the Governor ssvs he has not had occasion to use I'e-ru-na for other ailments. The reason for thl Is, timet other ailments bln with a cold. Vslng, 1'e-ru na to prompt ly euro cold, he protect hi family atfalnat other ailments. Thl la exactly what every other family la the United Htate. should do. Keep I'e-ru-na In tha bonne. l'e It for nrnuhs, cold., la grippe, and other climatic affeotlona of winter, and there will bo no other all menu In the house. Such famlUe liotilrl provide themselves with a copy of lr. llartman' free hook, entitled "Winter Catarrh." Address Ir. HarV man, ColumbiiH, Ohio. An Endless Job. A fow days we iiuliliHliod an extract from letter of a ttolijier in the I'hilipt'inee, in which ho ex jircfsed the opinion that it Would require an nnny of 2nVMi() men to snhjiiato the I'hilippiiies. (Jen. I.awton said tumie time he foru hie dentil thiit it would take an army of li.M),0tin men. TIu hu may be lare fiiints, hut wo have (.',( i kj men tlif.ro and after two years what has hoen Rcciiinplished ? The Archi pel:ii;i, with the exception of the territory within Mint-hot of thenar rifntiN, h in pitet-i-ion of the nativeo. An army ollicer recently returned to Waiiliini'ton f r.iin Manila, npeakino; of the probable duration of the war, i iiKited as s:ty injj; : "We have been there two yoatp, and it would take at leat twenty to subjugate the itlandi). The natives do not like tin one bit, and I do not believe they ever will. Thin talk of the Tairal rebellion, ad if only one branch of the native population wis disturbed by our presence, iii somewhat inacctitate. None of the tribes tin re in 'dead in love' with up, although the tolerance of timidity exists in different degrees, naturally, in different parts of the archipelago and among different tribes." He further expresses the opinion that if McKinley be reelected the Republican leaders will devise some scheme to get out uf this predica ment and bent "a tmu-terly retreat." There is no doubt that they arc heartily sick of the job they have undertaken and that they Would gladly get out of it if they could tind a plausible excuso thai would not put them in a contradictory po itioii after so fully and boastfully committing themselves to sub jugation and declaring that they would never "pull down the tl ig " Wilmington Star. blood foisFn'cureFFy b. b. b. BOTTLE FREE TO SUFFERERS. 1 cep-sentel,ulifl innte cbkch. t lie kind tlint have resisted doctors, hut springs and patent medicine treatment, tiiekly yield to II. II. I! I llotanic lllood lialin 1, thoroughly testtd fir3iyears It. H. It. has cured such indiculious an tnucuoiis patches in the mouth, sore throat, erup tions, eating sores, hone pains, itching skin, swollen glands, still joints, copper colored spots, chancres, ulcerations on the body und in hundreds of cases where the hair and eyebrows have fallen out and the whole skin whs a mass of boils, pimples and ulcers this wonderful spe cilic has completely changed the whole Imdy into aclean, perfect condition, free from eruptions, and skin smooth with the glow of perfect health. II. It. li. is the only jierfect cure for blood poison. So sufferers may te?.t II. H K. and know for themselves that it cures, a trial bot tle will lie sent free of charge. II. 1'.. H for sale In druggmts and I. W. W est, Mount Airy, N.C, at l per Urge Imttle, or six Urge bottles full t rent n.eMlJ.'i. for a trial bottle, address lii oon i'.ai wt'o., Atlanta, da. When you speak to a man, lock on big eyes : when he speaks to you, lock on his mouth. I'.ewatc of little expenses, a small leak will sink a great ship. Kveu now doctors know of no remedy for this 14 no hope ouUide of a surgical operation, mail p,ai,ile rsma na anv Uw ah ie t tT.jie aa.l 1 .lij nui'ihtna tnrtaitted At lte same time the au lrie-t evervttanur I rtmU1 lier ,J USit g aeve.al Utiles I ru- a- aasl l aai sou ac tar, fad a. it contains much information that and for anv advue or informal ion wanted ; I her Va ,-. -ay , mii blood rii.aaae,. W e make no charts-'what- - Addiwssv, THI 11 mClFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. tA. A TOUR THROUGH EUROPE. Interesting: Letter From Our IrlcnJ i wr. w. m, tundiii. llo'l t I. IU (,'OMMKHI K, I Km .vmMHAAr 4.V47, Amhiiudam, IIoii.ami, An.ivr 25, lH'iu KimTok Xkws : If I could eoll tb tieo into one brief letter a whole volume, I would write with ph nsure, that your readers might ei y at leaht b ten minutea' t ur in Kurope. it is, wo w ill take a runnit'L' start, jump across the Altan'ie and mink our liist heel prints in London. A week here g'tve us a sort of panoramic idea of what it into live, not die, in a jttn. The streets are not wide, (mil the mrging crowds li rid inndi (ju.ite facilities for getting around on f ho two story omt ibuses. Tho underground mil ways do an immense hmincsa, and yet it seems to a casual observer that all the world is in London on foot. I fiw not a street hb splendid as I'road way, New York, nor one so palati.il as Killh Avenue. Everything wears a dingy, aged, venerablo look. liven the Houses of Parliament, though not old, arc beginning to look sombre, solemn ami time worn. While the interior is exceedingly gorgeous, many apartments are dark, "lootny and cheerless. Wis' minster is, ol course, just as wu had expected to find it a huge sepulehcr, gray w ilh age, crumbling from time's icinorse less hand, venerable, peaceful, holy. We walked lightly about Ihu ashes of many bad kings, as well as over the tombs of honored statesmen, warriors, poets and divines, not a few. P.ut history makes London great. One need not go to the Tower or Windsor to study history ; the very etoncc under our feet along the Strand, Fleet, Pal! Mall, Picca dilly and many other streets, have felt tho tramp of London's onward march for centuries pat-t. We paid our respects to about all the "lions'' here, even those caged in the zoolog ical gardens, and then crossed over to Paris. Ah, what h change! beautiful. airy, cheerful, splendid Paris! Old as London, but not half so gray and wrinkled. How those French do love sport, beauty, fun, wine and American money! Everything magnetic and draws one, with all hie belongings, tewards one gieat centre -the gay, joyous, frivolous. Godless lu art t f the city, the Klysean Fields. Paintings, sculptures, poetry, music, are everywhere blended into one grand panorama that glows and flashes resplendent rays upon all the houses and through all tho broad boulevarda of the city. The Ex po sition is hardly so great as ours of ''.h'5. Tho buildings are not so gor geous, nor tho general arrangement so uniform. Ten days satisfied me that 1 did not care for a palace in the gay capitol, for the Freri'di are not so modest nor so good as North Carolinians. Switzerland next, with mountains towering above tho clouds; waters thundering over declivities a thous arid leet high ; great masses of snow pent up within vast caverns; huge boulders a mile above your head, looking almost straight down into your lace and threatening to leap upon you at the least provocation and crush yon to atoms; a vale as green as Erin's Isle, Risking in the genial sunshine far below; spots here and there covered with vines, with crisscrossed railroads running along the valleys, around and through tho mountains; palatial homes, gunny towns, lovely lakes; preat and magnificent hotels, crowd ed with people from all lands; this, this is Switzerland. With what rap ture I looked up among the clouds and saw heaven and earth kissing each other! while down, away down below ran a silver etrem, bordered with richest green and sprinkled over with flowers of many hues, al together making a picture as lovely as Eden itself. Put let's go under rather than over the Al, and come into the sunshine of fair Italy. We stop over in Tu rin, (ienoa, Piso, and then on to K-inio. It Virgil and Horace sing tha praises of tho "Eternal City;'' I shall speak of her vAst ruins most ly. I have never been more aston idied. 1 have leen reading and diligently studying Roman hietory all my lite, and had thought that the "City of the Cicars" was buried forever from the sight of man. I knew that there were euino isolatid columns, Some broken paveim-nts of the Korum still remaining ; I was US LlfBT fearful malad rhile admitting it to l and ad ie you to have the Cancer cut out well aware that the Colosseum still remained, the grandest of all the woihl's ruins; I knew there were traces ol the ancient walls to be seen ; that the location of Nero's "(lolden I'ahtco" was printed out to the cred uloiis tourist ; I was awareof theex istenco of some Triumphal Arches, together with other scattered re mains, but I was altogether unpre pared to behold such vast ruins as have been nccritly unearthed about the Palatine Hill. You walk thro' vnst chambers where the Ciears once lived, ruled and reveled. More is the Audience Hall; I hero the VV ine Cellar ; yonder the Emperor's l!ed chamber ; over on this side a Theatrical II all, and ju-t to your riirht are the Vaults lor Archives, Tallies id' I h'erees and lit cords Not far away are the remains ot the Tern pies of Jupiter, Concord, Saturn, Cator and Pollux. Twenty-live acres of marble Hnd brick have been exhumed in recent years about the Palatini; IliM, where hot only lived tbt! ( "icsitrs, but Cicero, Calaline, Evsiidcr, Koitiiilus, Vespasian and many others whose names have ufone down in history as ureal as notori ous. I tiniMil in wonder and sum. incut for hours about these enor mous ruins, landing n iw where Cicero did when he hurhd his first te iiliit.g philipicH Hf ainst the in I hid i us (Va'i:hc ; and rmw where. An thony stood wbt n he d 'livertd his famous funeral oration over the (b ad body of J uliiirt ( 'ie-ar. I walk cd shout the Collotsftnn ami listen ed to the groans t f dying (ilitdia tors, ami the shouts of tens of thous ands td wildly excited spectators. I entered the lions' del s and alinoet felt their sharp, cruel fnni cleaving my ijtiivenng II sh ! Mil s get nut ol hero and go to St. Peter's. Ob, what a disappointment is the out side view ! Within a stone's throw are a hundred beggars poverty in its most repulsive lorm all along the ways leading up to earth's grandest Temple of worship. The building itself shows age, dirt and dust. Put within everything is perfectly gor geous. Poor deluded mortals march ing u p by scores to St. l'etel s statue and pressing their lips reverently to its great, toe till it is tiiminislnno slowly, but surely, by the constant wear ot this si.ly bp worship. St. 1 eter s I omb is pointed out near by, and I hail ijuite a spat with our guide; la-cause I i .xpn seed a doubt as to whether St. Peter had ever been in Koine! Why, he had al ready hhown me the spot where he was martvred, and how could I be so incredulous ! St. Paul's Church and Tomb were also seen, as well as the chains with which he and St. Peter were bounds) Pilate's mar ble stairs, which Christ ascended to his trial, was of interest, inasmuch as I counted eighteen persons at one time climbing them on their knees, no one laiing allowed to ascend them any other way! No, 1 didn't as cend. All these wonderful things are eliown yon for a consideration in cai-h : hut bear in mind Iloine is Catholic and contains several bun dle J churches. Florence is sur rounded with mountains, washed by the Artio, and is tilled with works of art. A day here, and wo ran up to Milan. Oli, what a glorious, ethereal, marble pinnacled Cathe dral. Put all Italy is cursed with churches! A run through her lakes b.iek, under, through and mong the grand old Alps, on to tho Khyne at Mayence, then down this castled stream, praised by all European travellers, but not overpraised ; aday in Cologne; two more renowned Cathedrals and off through a dead level KID miles to Holland, the land of wind mills, e.iiials and tat, sleek people. Here I rejoined Mrs. C, who had been stopping at the Hague since the loth of August. Lastly, have just learned that our steamer, the Potsdam, on which we had intended to sail for home Aug. .'J"th, can not pt.sibly go before Oc.-tobi.-r-ith. Have tried variousother lines all full. We arc offered our money buck, but that alone doccii't carry us homo. Such luck tourists often have. Look for ns well, I don't kimw when. Truly, W. M. Clndii v. TbelrNfr-air. Fairs arc very numerous in Sibe ria and poesies a great iuiortariee. The gretteet and ancient Siberian fair is that of Irbif, foundtd in lt43. The J r bit fair is open from Febru ary 1st to March 1st, and during this time the little town wakos up and welcomes. 2.,'iu0 strangers, do ing business worth from h)hm)0ho to 5."i,l.ioo,oni) rubles. The chief ar ticle of trade are tea, peltry, honey, wax, nuts, hardware, cutlery and woolen and c jtton goods. Mr. A. A. M unlock, a Voiinv farmer, four miles east of town, in Little liiver township, bad his dwelling, barn, warehouse and still house destroyed by fire on Tudy night of last week. The dwelling was not occupied and the fire is sup posed to have In-en the work of an inr-e iidUrv. li;i!erhri Hs-ervcr. li CCM all TOUI siai WITH grain-miier. mW 9 a a BiiM laeai m Saatl mi'il. rf aao owes cost roe Cramps, Diarrhoea, Colds, Coughs, Neuralgia, Rhaumatlsm. ! li 7i a4 S3 teat Srfl.aa. til U' fjC -.( , . s.r ..... . ... it PEHHY DAVIt' I TOTTEN'S PREDICTIONS. Will There be a Great Chinese In vaslon of America? Many of tint readers of tin Messenger will n ' 1 1 tlio nnnit' of Liouteiiiint C. A. L. Totten, formerly of the I'nitotl States army. Some yours ago bis Ixaik.s on tin- "Lost Tribes" und othor historic events nUriu'ted nolittb' iitlfiil ion. Ho is ugaiii prominent by reason of n d renin bo lutd in 17-', find w hich was imtb' public in 1. It will U recalled that be Wits in Is'.lL', detailed to Yltb' I'liiversity us professor of mil i t.uy science, lie isn bright innii with consideritlib' ability. Tin' New York Sun snvs his "Hiblical researches iilong the lines of chronology bin clod him tostudy the Mlil icul future of the nut ions. He views the trouble in China wilb iiiti'iiseiinxiety. Mr. Tot ton Irflieves Hint ull things tend toward the carrying out of tin prophecies of llio Hible." Tlli'uecouiil given ill the (Ireiim would till ii column und it half of the Messenger. Ho is snnl tolx' watching the unrolling of tin events in China with uncommon intt'ifsl. Hisdri'iim represenli 1 1 us t n grout horde would attack her, but she would coin' out sti -promt'. Secretary of War Pain-ev published the dream in I"". Ii seems that it was not China in vaded, but China invading that tilled the terrific dream. The Chinese in endless force was in America. In bis book it was said : "Their onward movement was like that of a vast m;n bine, a perfect horror of tactical lire cision ami blind obedience. 1'he vast army seemed to be actuated by the same impulse which sends an army of ants onward in spite of fire and water and smothers all opjaisition with the very Imdiesof 'forlor n hopes,' 'sacred bauds' that leads the rest." The description of the tierce buttle that followed is most graphic, most awful. The Sun's account is this . 'In Ibis dream the prophetic part is hardly to be put upon that which relates to a "Hut tie of Hoiking " with the much abused Mongolian, but who shall say it may not faintly grasp some of the tactical possibilities of that awful warfare of the future, whose deadly arms, inexhaustible supplies, and relentless control of electricity and the higher ex plosive, and whose utilization t f all the infernal mechanism of human military ingenuity shall tend towards a battle like to that of Armageddon," Time will show and iiclore many years passes, what will Im tin! tinal output .of the Chinese murderous campaign wbelln it will remuin or become a great power among the powers or be overrun and desiKrileil and dually disinouilierod. Mr. Totten in his interview with the Sun, gives a very vivid tlescriblioii of the great changes made in war1 like instruments of destruction. We copy a paragraph or so : "Wlnle heavy artillery is straining every trower of nature to fabricate enormous guns, engineering is taxed at all her skill and genius uion the counter questions of more permanent defence. Now explosives are harnessed to new machines, and the most recent offspring of tho terrible torpedo brood, shunning its appropriate element, ami essaying the very air itself, leaps forth ujam its errand of destruc tion from tho cannon's mouth ! From the liight-mare of experi ment that these efforts are sug gesting the very air seeks the re lief of vacuum, and the ocean, unable to oscai', quivers with anticipation as monster after monster, each more horrible in deformity, and more instinct with infernal aitence than its prede cessor, launeiie.s wnii accelerat ing sequence into her troubled liosoni. "Field artillery has w itnessed the successive abstraction of solid shot, canister und shell from the astonished limU'rs, as each in turn has been pronounced a hoireloss efficiency ; and now the very guus themselves, the single, muzzle and breach load ing cannon of the best pattern, art! threatened by machine guns, as but lately rifles and breach small urms threatened and drove into the curiosity shops the good old 'Hrown Bess' of our fathers. und as today the magazine ami threatens to displace them. Nor does tho confusion end here, for afuntry, still in doubt and ex citement over this long-range controversy, and burdened down with an overload of ammunition, is now urged to add to its 'march ing weight,' not a trowel mut ters are far more desperate-- but the pick and shovel, und to cling to them as to their rifles as n their lives! it almost seems as if wherewith to dig, if not their graves, then at least the very last trenches of human warfare " W i 1 mi n gt hi Messenge r. A Psmslsr Hill r.platUia. lUnioves every thing in sight ; so do draatio mineral pills, hut hoth are mighty dangerous. No ruvd to dy rainiie your tnx'y hen Ir King's Nw Lite 1'illa ilu thn work o rasily and jirrf'ftly. Cure Ilea. lac he. Con stipalion. Only !'." cenls al lr. W. S. Tat Its Iiru'g Moic. A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shine. A GOOD CAMPAIGN ARGUMENT. The Standard Oil Trust Has Showed Its Fanes and Snarled at the Brave, Noble Democratic Standard Bearer. A New Vork dispatch says James Creclman send the following to tho New York Journal from Wheeling, West Virginia : "The Standard Oil Trnst hns showed its teeth. Stung by the great sensition which Colonel llrysn by his magnificent speeches against tho Trusts, Imperialism and other llepnblican idols is making among tho voters of West Virginia, II. II. lingers, of Vir'"'! a big man in this State and a closo friend of Stephen II. L'kins, head of the Standard Oil I'ipo lines, and presi dent of the Ohio liiver railroad, re fused to let tho Uryan private car bo sttached to a regular train, ns he was requested to do, arid forced tho standard liearer of Democracy to travel in an ordinary car. "No such extraordinary insult has ever before lieen put upon the candi date of a great party. If is nolignro of speech to say that the people of West Virginia, irrespective of par ty, are furious at the high handed proceeding. It was, moreover, an act grossly illegal, for under tho charter of the railroad as a common carrier it had no right to refuse the car tho transportation asked for. "It is lauievtvl that this lingers episode will carry thousand of voters troin Mckinley to l.ryan not only in this State, but in others. The llepublican managers admit that it is as unfortunate an incident as the famous speech of a New Vork clergy man who unwittingly neipeu to elect (i rover Cleveland ami defeat Janus (i. liUiue. "The Hryan party has been tour ing in a special car supplied by tho liiltnnore ami Ohio railroad at a cost to the Democratic committee of this State of 4 4 1 . In map:ng out Colonel liryan's itinerary, Colonel John McOraw, national committee man, ligured that be could send the special ear on the regnlarOhio liiver railroad train leaving l arkersbiirg in tho afternoon and arriving at Wheeling at 7;oi o'clock. I be committee having charge ot tho I'arkersburg meeting asked (ion oral Manager Hurt it tho car could Ikj put on the regular train. It was a riqiiest which would havo been answered in the aflirmative for any railroad man in the country, no mat ter if he were a mere director in some back-country by road fo miles ong. " 'I see no objection,' said Colonel Hurt. "I will ask the president.' "It is said the atmosphere in the ollico of II. II. lingers grew lurid when he received the request and that his language was unlit for pub lication. Ho had been greatly stirr ed up, as all the Standard Oil mag nates are, over the straightforward, unanswerable arguments of Colonel Dry an against their great throat grasping combination. Hero was a chance to get even, he thought. And tho answer went back, mono syllabic, but plain as to its meaning : " 'No. U. 11. lingers, president.' "The whole thing is looked upon as such a petty, childish bit of mal ice that Republicans are amzed that a man of the supposed good sense of lingers should lie guilty of it. It did not hurt Mr. Uryan a hit. He laughed and said it was one of the lust campaign arguments against Republicanism and Trustism he had ever known a Trnst llepublican to utter. It was as good as a whole trainful of stump sieakers. "'I could force him to haul that car,' said Committeeman MeOraw. "'No; don't do that. Ask Lim no favors,' was tho wise response. And the contemptible act was left to do its work iu behalf of the Dem ocratic party. "So Mr. llryan's coach was side tracked at I'arkersburg, and Colonel McCraw bought a ticket for Wheel ing on the ordinary train, for the candidate, who was almost over whelmed by the crowd which tried to get at him and shake him by the hand, and which said things about lingers and Klkius which they would nit have liked to hear." Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civil ized world. Your mothers' and grand mothers' never thought of using sny thmg else for Indigestion or liiiioos ness. Iroetors were soan'e, and they seldom heard of A iendicit is. N ervous I'rostratiun or Heart failure, etc They used August, flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate th action of the liver, stimulate the nervous ami organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and hadnitii headaehea and otiu-r aches. You only need a few doses of t.reen's Augut Mower, in liquid form, to nuke jnu satisfied there, is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale ly 1. W. Weat. Druggist. Mount Airy. N. C. A Strong Poiiification. l-'ortily the Uxly against disease Ly Tutt's Liver Pills, an al.o lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constitution, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. "The Fly Wheel of Life" Dr.Tutt; Your I.ivcr Pills are the fly-whetl uf life. 1 shall ever le grateful for the accident that 1 .rotroht them to my notice. I feel as il l had a new l a.e uf lib?, j. I "airlcigh.PLtte Cannon, CoL Tutt's Liver Pills uyr u''r irovDEa Aesclutely Pure Makes the food more delicious and wtrofosome Chrlstlan-Homes. Mrs. (iladstone's death and he burial in Westminster Abbey beside her noble husband, who died a com morier, and not a duke, because he so preferred, have called forth many expressions of admiration and grat itude for the Fnglish home which these two congenial spirits exalted am! adorned. 1 he (Jonntcss of Ab erueen, an intimate irienu ami a frequent visitor at llawarden, pic tures, it in part :J sr' "The pt-rfect home! Vet the thoughts of many are turning now to those daysspent in the hospitable castle in the lovely r.nghsh park amid the Velsh hills. It has all liccn so often described. Mr. Glad- stone's morning walk, by the wood and path he had made, to thedaily t; clock service at the psrish church. Mrs. (iladstoiie gathering her household tot'i-th'T for family prayers, rich and vaiicd coners tiori at meal times or during walks and drives, the instant and regular rt sumption t)f work at the appoint ed hours, the consideration shown to every member of the household, each of whtiin seemed to be an ob ject uf solicitous interest, the wide sympathies flowing out from that home to nil who were in trouble and sorrow, whi ther the sulTerers dwelt in palaces or in lowly cottages, the orphanage at the Castle gates, and the innumerable agencies for good in which a personal share was taken bv the family, the sense of duty lirst and pleature afterward which per vaded all the daily routine, the per annul devotion to flic (vhiccn and her service shown whenever her name was mentioned - thci-c are but a few of the memories which are left w ith ns of surroundings which must have been lived among tola; understood." Such limnis, in spirit and Chris tian purity and courtesy an 1 intelli gence, though lacking as a rule these externalities i f wealth and social dis tinction, are the salvation of Kng land and America. They are not so lew as we sometimes think ; they are riot so numerous as they ought to Int. More powerful for domestic happiness and national welfare than are our armies and navies and all the machinery of legislation, it is the highest piivilege and duty of church and state alike to aid in their creation and to promote their seen rily and perfection. i?uch homes are ripe, consummate fruit of Chris tian civilization. Common wealth. -m Mooresville is tohave a bank with capital of $1."i,ihmi. It will beirin business .November 1, 1 ;'. Hie follow ing are the board of Direc tors : S. C Ilankin, J. K. Sherrill, (ieo. C. (ioodman, J. I. Mills and V. C. Johnson, of Mooresville, bee S Overman and J. S. MeCubbins, of Salisbury. S. C. Ilankin was made president and C 1. Xeeiy, cashier. Hagus-McCorkls Dry Qoods Co., Importers and Wholesalers. ;ri;i:nsiu)k, n. c. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. IW Wi- solicit trails of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. tm9 WV cordially inv it e all Merchants to call on us when in iiree usborn, ur to see our Travi'llins; Pali-snian lie fore placing orders elsewhere. P. V. RICHARDS, Salesman. HT. Writs Thos. FawciTT, Tresidf nt. I.. HaNcs, Firt Vice Pr"s SW-mZirftri ''Situs FIRST NATIONAL BANK of LIT. Airy. IX Oltl'Ult tTi:i. ( naiial, f AO.OO0, I'mIsI p. . I31IIECTOK8, Thos Fssveett (V I . Hanks, M. L. Fawoett, A. (f. Tmttr. 05. D Fae-Jt. This t.atik solicits the- accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers Fanner and Individuals. The acmints of the Merchants located in towns adjacent received on fsvorahle t.-rn.s. The furidn of our customers ar swured Ly two burglar r.rmif steel attests and the Vale Time Look. Il teres t ailimed oil havints Deposits Wn'.e fur f ur c'l-Kssit 11 T caUofuc and detailed rartimUr, Jl ve can ssvs you nvmrv in the jurchs of a bih Kr.le srir,; m hi at d the . Itiim vl raymait fat tory cm luiuUU t-ur rr4,a tun'ty yoo cannot afford to paaa. Its msaufa, turees. Therefore, a a. iisvu-tiu. m.u unnecessary. II ynsi e C fiffer siwt liberal terms. inn mm wciiAt cciY. (D?t . atvcini. t Press Trip to Niagara Falls. The Secretary of the Njrth Caro lina Press Association has completed arrangement for an excursion by tho member of tho Association and their wives to Niagara Fall and New Vork, to bo taken September The party, about 10 in num ler, will have two special Pullman cars from Charlotte to Jersey City, leaving Charlotte at !:50 on thu morning of the "tith, They will go through to Jersey City without ehange,arriving (hero at I'A'i Thurs day moriiini. They will leave New Vork via the New Vork Central at l":..!) a. in., arriving at Niagara Fall that night. A day or ao will Ui spent in Niagara sight sewing, when the party will return to New 1 ork. .Many of the nnrnbur will also visit riiiiatlclphirt, l.altnnore and Washington. Jn Niagara the editors will 6too Mt tho Cataract Hotel and in New Vork at the Mroadwav Central. A side trip is being arranged to Toronto, Canada, which will le greatly enjoyed. 1 he editors of our State papers are a hard-worked class, and they owe it to themselves to take such an outing at least once a year. Con cord Times. A Wife Says: ' Wt have f ur childrm. With iht tint thrtre I tufirrcd almost unfc.u-ibU fuins from 12 to 14 houn, and lud to fcs pltcti under the infWncs of chloroform. I used tiirts bottles ol Mother's Friend before out Lul child came, which li a strong, (at and healthy boy, doing my housework up to within two hours of birth, and suf fered but a few hard pains. This lini ment is the grand est remedy ever made." Mother's Friend will do fur every worrun wfut tt diJ for the Minnesota motlier who writes the bos let ter. Not to um it during prrgnAncy it a mistake to be fjnd lot in paid and suffering. Mother's Friend equips the patient with a strong body snd clear intellect, which in turn are imparted to the child. It rciaies the muscles and allowi them to expand. It relieves morning sickness and nervousness. It puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour, so that the actual labor is hurt and practically painless. Dan ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether avoided, and recovery is merely a nutter oi a few days. IlruftflsU sell Mother's J rlend lor tt a bottle. The BraJfL-IJ Regulator Co., Atlanta, ba. beaJ for our free iUualratad twoa. Dr. MUHaIStti'TS. I'iMtcran:. at sllilrusslaU. MI MARBLE WORKS, Mount Airy, N.O. W. D. HAYNES t CO., Proprietors. IriKmitiiMiMts Tombstones, Iron Fencing, or MirSIe for BiiUinz Pnrjjjcjl! (or I)sg-ns sna prices, or call anismtnf our UK-k. lour ork and DrUswir.Dinu- A. ti Tkhttsr. M. L. Fawcbtt, Caelisr. A NEW DEPARTURE A Radical Change in Marketing MtthoJ ss Applied to Seing Marines. An orfytwal under hu h r-n .an oMiin easier terms aod hetter vilw in Oie punbe of ti.r lhI UulOtlS ' -VWi.U .-irwiog Mat-Llll thB ever hefurs otimrmd. t i are c..n oner, ur-r r.irm in en au.hcw-isca agents. TLi Is an orpor wm kmew th Wlsltsi,' yisi kiMtw uuiru u,en., 3 svsva a oia bssv-bui to e-iiiaii U'r.t to-dsy. Address in full. J