IETTL8 HOM FOCKIOFD. i Cniil Step Kotser. f, " .. , Jl, .'., 'I, 1 f'ie ,." yr, II Oil li-, i?ii.,ti'f s mcifitii. ,25 PAVABI.K I.V ADVANCE. nini umi f)i-r"t Moant Atry.S, rVnstttr !er, of NM.'a, ha laJ hi name jlo'd ori I tie ltptir !' n He fx en I ilvc-f ptrtjr mm f-r the lit ! !glt Mr. Kllzi W. Miller, widow of tho A.',iitc Jotici Kan.uel J' ililler, of tlie United Statu 8u jreme C'onrt, wan fount JimJ in bod at Lor home iu Washington, l C DentL (worred from ajrj'j' JCt'tOti. The wrd of f.ho 8wii govern incut 'id tlie Frncn lirszilinn bnnnd r depute ffiM limil 147.0UM Vi'ire mile of the rontcited tcrri tor. France go' bot 3,000 jiire tiiilcn, imrtliwarJ ol the Tutniic LIuiiiHC range Word reached Mdcon,U.,Bttir daj of tlie KK-iwfliimUun of Egbert Hill, a farmer in Trlirii county Iliidnad bod wia found in the fluid with a bullet hole In the back. The cauio of the killing ia unknown and there in no clue to the awawiii. (Joirmtrollor Color, of New York, Hfinnunwa that tlie total cmt of the pollco di-partmont for Greater New York for the coming year would reach 111,163,830 that the In per cHpita to inpport the dnpaitment would be tl.lo and that tlieaveragii salary of tho rmrubori of the force 11,377. The State Department lm acnt instruction to Uuited BtateaCouanl Unmuiere, at Tangier, Morocco, to proceed to the capital of that coun try a far aa possible, on United States man of-war to present afrteh the claim of tho United Blatca for indemnity on account of tho murder of Marcua Kxagul, a naturalized American, who wae killed in Juue, HK)0. Tho warship which probably will be the Kentucky, re called from Smyrna for that purpose, will convey the consul from Tangiero to Mazngan, which ia the neartst port to Ft Js, the capital of Morocco. RELATIONS WITH TURKEY. Tho rumors that a rupture of di plomatic relations between the United States and Turkey is immi nent are nufounded. The relations between the Porte and the United States legation are excellent. In fact, the United States charge d'affaires, Lloyd C. Oriscom, has beon received in audience six times this year. Only a fortnight ago he was invited to a musical entertain ment at tho Yildiz palace. This proves he is jwsona grata at the palace. The visit of the United States battleship Kentucky to Smyrna does not Influence the nature of these relations, though it does induce the Porte to more strictly concert itself with the United States claims for indemnity, 'vhich wore already on the point of solution. Dr. Thomas II. Norton is going Monday, to take possession of his post at liar poo t. The United States legation will continue to press its demand for an exequatur, but prompt solution of this question ia not likely. The order to the Cramps of Philadelphia, for a cruiser, will be small, the price being lees than 500,000 Turkish ponnda. ROBBED THE MAILS. A New York dispatch of Novem ber 30th, says : Edmund O. Bell, aged 19, was arranged to-day before U. S. Com tniasJoner Alexander, by Chief Post office Inspector King and Iuspoctor Jacobs, charged with having robbed the mails of $2,000. Bell made a complete confession when arrested and later waved examination. lie vras held for trial. The theft was very recent one, and $1,59? only was recovered. On November 24th, the Eufcnla National Bank, Eufaula, Ala,, sent a registered letter con taining $2,000 in ten, twenty aud fifty dollar bills to the Western National Bank, this city. The letter reached here Novem ber 27th and paescd through Bull's bands. He opened it aud totk the money. On Wednesday night he was aeen by inspector Jacobs open ing wise in a reeorl It was also known that he had made very recent purchase of jewelry. This morning when Bell left the poatoffice he was followed by Inspector Jaeoba. He first wert to a Loose on the west tide ia IlarWru where be called on young woman at d remained there for two hours. He gve her diamond ring wor'h about $50. He was then followed borne and arrested. When arnettd the hotiee was awrcLf d for the n tnalnder of tie money and f I,.'fJ7 t found ia a old U v.,-.-. I ; in this Thriftily, res att : Bhck- 'li nrcd out" -9 in? Iltnton 705 1 .5.15 1,42 1,175 m4 1.H.31 2.017 2,121 1.H08 462 born. 74 1,87-1 Alleghany, Aht, Ilorke, Caldwell, Fori) th, Alexander, Wiike, 8urry; Cleveland, (l"Monf Mitchell, TUI, . 1.131 2,415 032 1,4 1 2,fiH7 1,21'J l,i4 17,778 19,62'J May Intercede for tbe Boers. A cable dispatch from Paris says : It is stated here on very good an thority that the French Foreign Minister, M. Del Casse. has given Dr. lyyds assurance that if Oer many will undertake to raise no ob- juctions and not to place herself on F.ngland'a side, France and Uneata will see what tlioy can do in the matter of intervention ia the Trans vast. In conac'iuence of this assur anoe given recently, Dr. Lydes, in company with other Iransvsul dele cates, hits go no to Berlin to try and persuado the Kaiser to ait quiet if rrnnce and lnsia should acton be 1ml f of the Transvaal. The best judges here confess theinselvra with out an opinion as to what will come of it. Home interposition on behalf of the Transvaal may arise, but it is doubtful it it will d any good. Puerto Rlcans Held off Our Shores. A dispatch from New Orleans, La., dntod Nov. 2!, lays: The steamship Arkadan Is anchored in mid river wi'h 111 Puerto Kicans on board, waiting for a decision as to whether they are citizens of the United Mates or of a foreign nation. If it be ruled that Puerto Uicana are for eigners, then back to their native shore tho whole lot will go, for they are under contract to go to work in Hawaiian sugar fields, and nnlcss they are under tho protection of the Stars and Stripes they will be do ported as contract laborers. The authorities of the Treasury Depart metit at Washington have been ap. pealed to for a decision. A FATAL EXPLOSION. Jackson. N. C . Dec. 3 A ter. rible explosion occurred here this evening at 6 o'clock, completely do molishincr Matt T. Kdwurdu' mnrn and killing Kd wards and his five year old son, Waverly. There waa onlv one other person in the store at the time. This wss another son who eecsped. This bnv BAVS hit littln hrnllior was ulavinir about s Voir of nndr f i i - -- jiidt re ceived that was on the count or, and it is supposed that the child struck a match on or about the powder. Timbers were blown hnn. dreda of feet into the air and tell at some distance from the bnildinir deatioycd. 1 ho shock to the town waa terri ble. The scattered timbers were iet on tire bnt were soon extinguish es au aw tut calanntv. The Mistake of Mothers. But no one can Uke a mother's place, and it ia an awful mistake that that mother makes who sacrifices borne duties for anv church meet ing, however important, or any hospital, however merciful, or any beneficence, however glorious and grand. Not understanding thia, we wiio.ano nucu no If J lO i;lTB BIBUS- tics as to how many Christiana there are in our churches aud in the world. We understate the facta. We look over our church andianwa on the Sabbath or our weekly service and conclude that they represent the amount of piety in that neighbor- nood. vh, no! Ihore are many most consecrated souls that are not found in the churches. Look into those houses with lares fmilii nf children and little or no hired help. For much of tbe year there ia some one ill, and a special guardian care ia requisite. Jlow much time can that mother give to churches and prayer meetinge when most of the family are down with hcarlot fevnr or have colds that threaten now ona kind of disease and now another ! That mother watching at home as much pleases the Lord as the moih er who at church takes the sacia. metit or in the minion school tells the waifs of the street how thev hn. come sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty. That mother at home is deciding the destiny of tbe utate by the way she leads that boy lino iuc rigui minting ana acting and is deciding the wo! fare of .m future home by the example she is set' log that girl, and though the world doca not appreciate the un observed work heaven watches and rewards. On the other band, you have known women who are off at mettiriirs. humanitarians and ni.ilan- thropio, planninsr for the destitute and the oMcast, while their own children went unwashed and uokept, their garments needed repairs, their manners impudent and themselves a general nuisance to the communi ty in wMcd. taey live. Dr. f. Le- itt Ta!mae. Wanted! Salesmen to sell Lu bricating Oils, Greases, Btlting and SptcialtUs to tbreUjermen on com mbaion. Good goods . nd liberal proposition. Address viv1 refer ences, Tbe Howard Oil fc Grease Co , Cleveland, Dbio. I have a few children's refers luft which are going at cost. HuTy op if yon want a brgin. J. 11 l-AKKlH. CVI1 ai.d see enr 1; r-.Vs. tad die blftkets au4 horH-tl kvti at II. ikb&ter's, TU Cons factoiies scld. The R. J. Kynf.lda Toburro D.mptny has gcbbU.'d up two ruoro big Uthacco manufactaring plant fit Winston, 'llii time it ii tbe plant of P. If. llan; A Company and H. P. Ifanvi A Co. Tho thing in narrowing down to a fine jioint. In s fchort time tb thing will Ui M-ttlcd like tbe oil busin: and you will arnoko arid cbcw the product of ono cron cm. Just let Iter teo. "GallnL'or"- tlin fanii-ra can juit raising the wwd and arrow more bog and hoioinv. But don't forect it big prices lor louf tobacco have playwl out. Nortb Carolina to Lose Four. WashlnRlon, Uee. 3. The first bill ot the session 'ntroduced in the House of KepreMintatirea wa by ISepresentative Ccompacker, ICcpob lican, of Indiana, making an appor lionment ol Hepresentativca in Con erosa onder the eleventh census. It provides an increase of membership from 357 to SC5. The following Slates gain representation: Arkan sas, ona: Colorado, one; Connecticut, em . fllll.lA f M IA . f IlihlIM 4 M.A ' Ull saohosetta,one; Minnesota, two; Mis souri, ons; New Jersey, two; New York, three; JSorlh Dakota, one Pennsylvania, two; Texas, two Wnshington, one ; VV. Virginia, ono. Tbe following Stales lose: Kansas one; Louisiana, two; Mississippi throe; Nebraska, ono; North Caro lina, four; South Carolina, three Virginia, one. Roasted to Death. Dallas, Texas, Doc, 3. Screams of agony brought the police to saloon in hast Dallas to-day. Seated in a chair, unable to move, waa man whose garments were a mass of flames. The oflicera say Lugene Faulkner and J. W. Chapman were standing behind the bar smoking cigara and watching the unfortunate man roast to death. The oilicers declare the men refused all assist anoe, when called on. An officer beat out the tire. The man was sent to the city hospital where be died later. His eyes had beon destroyed. He waa Pate Bain, lor manv years a constable in tins county. Unclaimed by tho otlicera that liain wss drugged and as he rtcliuod in a chair unconscious quanity of turpentine was poured over him and a match applied. The man was literally roasted. Shortly after 10 o'clock to night a mob of fifteen or twenty men called at tbe jail and demanded the prisoners. I have just received a lot ol good warm house slippers for ladies the thing for a Christmas present. II. Nchafer. SlDdml The most biMutii'ul thiiv,; tlie world i. i lie lu!;y. a! dimples and joy. The r,: pitiful thing is that;-- thin and in pain. And thv mother does not know that : little fat makes all the differ encc. Dimples and joy have jjont. and left hollows and fear: th' fat, that was comfort r.n color and curve-all but pk and love-is gone. The little one gets no f. from her food. There is sor.v thing wrong; it 13 either her !och or food-mill. She has had fat for weeks; js livinsr on vh. she had stored in that plurr little body of hers; and that ' gone. Mie js starvum lor it is death, be quick! Scott's Emulsion of C- Livcr Oil is the fat t-he cv take; it will save her. The frmiine ha th: i i.i .. it, take no other. Ifvotthavc not inf i i for irt uttnple. : SCOTT tt BOWN'f Chem title , 40 Pearl fct.. I SOe, a-.d S all tirucc e 1,000 ACEES GOOD LAND FOR SALE IK ONE BODY! Lying on both sides ot Big Fih river. One hundred Acres Mrxt-cUas bottom lsnd In on body, besides other trntll portions of fist land on the brtnehes. Three dwelling houses, s sufficient dis tance srart to be suitable for three homes. The land is well timbered with Oak, Chestnut, Pine, Hickory, Poplar, Walnut, Mthnpany, Birch, Maple, etc. An unusually large quantity ot Chest nut oak, which ia now in great demand by manufacturers of furniture. This tine body of land is tituated about 10 miles up the mer from bobson and 15 miles west of Mount Airy, on the publk) road leading from Klkin, via Dobson, to Los Gap. Termsof aale, one-third cash, halfttKMon time to suit the purchaser. It yitu want s good, cheap boms, come and see m befors some abarp fellow geu ahead of you. k. THOM11OX, 1 ow lilf. N. C. Stccttcl-trs' Afcssal Kecting. Ths Annual Meeting of ths Ptock holders ft ths t-imt National Bank, of Mount Airy, S. C, for tka election of I'lrectors and transaction of any other buameaa tliat snay ems belurs that meenns, ill be held at the oifics of lbs bank, on Teeeday, January 8th, trm 111 A. W , to 12 o'clock, noon. M L A Wl KIT. Oaahier. V. Airy, K. C, I-ec. 6h, mm. i. -i Frank Fproill, Ea , wss hen to day oh his waj home from Nsih county, whera lie aipearsJ yertir day as one of the i rosecutirig at torneja in rasa which sayi is tbe most revolting in ifi heartless crnoltT i ji .i i? i , i i or bii vi wnuii ne naa ever nag koiwlodtrft in North Carolina (leorre Griffin and wife, white were tried for canning the dlh of Griffin's four children by a former marriage. The oldnst of the four was barely ten. Grifliti and the Hep-mother put these children in an Odthotise, () feet from their homo and left them there in one miserable bed, with no attention. They fell 111 with dropsy, and In fact were hall atarved. ia June ono died The body lay on the bed beside the living children. All were covered with bed sores, and these and the bed itself were alivs with nuegols The evidence waa so horrible as to aieken the jndge and the jury. It waa in evidence that the inhuman step mother had tald she waa "going to move tbe miserable little dirt- eating dovila out into tho out house and let thetn dio. The grand iury returned a true bill for murder, but It waa decided to try for man daughter, as it was contended for the dcfinco that on account of the grinding poverty of Griflia and his wife tho children died aa much of disfase as of neglect, becance he could not furnish them medicine, No medicine was given them, no doctor saw them. The home ot the Grilllna is in ths darkest part of ash county, iho people who lived near clearly did not understand their duty aa neighbors, for thev should have taken the children away by force if necessary, aa soon aa they discovered their horrible condition. Whenever the neighbora wont to aid the children Griflia made threats of vlolonce and drove them away, Thev took awav the bodv of the first child who died and buried it, after it had remained tome time In the bed with the living. At intervals of about ten days the other children died and the neighbors had to take away their bod as. It waa urgod in the attempt to get clemency for Uritlin that he waa nek with typhoid fever part of the time, lie waa given a 12 years' sentence to the ponitiDtiHry and hia wife 0 years bho got the shorter term becaueo she was no blood relation to the chil dren. If over two pooplo deserved tho gallows it was thia pair, and it ia a wonder they escaped lynching Colonel Olda in Messenger. The Best Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's 1'sio Balm and bound to the aiiectea parts ia superior to any plaster, hen troubled with lame back or paina in the aide or chcet, give it a trial and rou are certain to be more than pleaded with the prompt relief which it affords, l'aio Balm also cures rheumatism. One application gives relief. For sale by Dr. W. 8. Tay lor and J. W. Mcrhereon & Co. Four men and ons boy were in Hlsnlly killed and thirteen pooplo in j u red by the en plosion of a boiler in the power bouse or tbe Chicago and Northwestern road at Chicago last Monday. Several of tbe injured are burt so badly thai Ibey may die. Food Changes! to Pslaon. Putrefying food in the intestine produces envcts like those ot anionic, but Dr. King's Now Life Pilln expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Uon stipation, biliousness, sick headache, fevers, all liver, kidney and bowel troubles. (. ty Z5 cents at Dr. W S. Taylor's Lfug Store. DeWitt't Little Early Risers are dain ty little pills, but they never fail to cleanse the liver, remove olt ructions and invigorate the system. 1. W. est. Mount Airy. a. u. Ts Care at Csll In On Day Take Laiative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if ft fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. MORTGAGE SALE. By virt'ue of tbe power contained in a Mortgage Peed executed to me on De cember lftb, 1896, by J. W. Fulk, to se cure tbe payment of a certain Bond, and duly recorded in book 18, page 108, Reg ister of Mortgages of fcurry eounty, J C. ; and default baving been made in the payment of said Bond, 1 will, on tbe premises, on the loth day of January, 1901, st 12 o'clock M., expose the fol lowing described tract or parcel of land to public sale, for cash, to the highest bidder: Lying and being ia Burry coun ty, N. O., Miosis township, and known as the J. W. Fulk land, beginning at a white oak in K E. Marion's line and runs north 12 chains and 33 links to a aourwood in said Marion's line ; thence east 87 chains to s bunch of sourwood saplings in John Garili's line; thence south 12 chains ana JU links to a stake and pointers; thence west to the be ginning, containing 46 acres, more or teas. l. a. asiibi-bn, Mortgagee. W. fi. Needham Att'y. This the 3rd day of December, 1900. Criminal Court North Carolina. I rii... VYeMora trimioal DisUict Court, j It appearing to ths Court that a R fe cial Term of ths Western Criminal Dis trict Court is necessary for rurrj County. It is ordered that a Mpecial Term of said Western Criminal District Court, for Hurry County, be held in the town of IK)lmon, in said eounty, beginning Monday, neoemoer loin, twoo; to con tinue until tbe business is dmposed of. It is further ordered that the County Commissioners of Surry eounty draw tbe names of 3d Jurors to serTS aa a grand and petit jury, at least 10 days before said December 10th, 1000, to be summoned by the Sheriff. And it is further ordered that s copy of this order be pooled at the Court Mouse dour in said eounty for 2o days and that a eopy also be published once each week for 8 waeks preceding said term in soaie newspaper -published in said county. 1 be Clerk will cause copies of this oruer to be posted and published as aforesaid. Dona at Winston, Nov HUi, 1900. HlKST H. hTBVKIS. J oft ye Western Criminal District Court. A true copy. C 11 tlaynea.. B. u. trtrliH for nrrj Cm wa MTuaa. IwM pel- . SL Au dri Danviiit r Southern. The Interstate Commerce Com mhwion hasdisrniMird the jn-tition for rehearinjr In the cwiof the city of Danville, Va , 8f sirnt the Bontb era lUiiwsy Company and others, decided last February against the railroad company. The original decision held that the freight rates between the west and I.inville should not be more than 15 per cent, above thff rafea to Lynchburg, and that freight rates for northern and eastern cities and rates on cer tain commodities from New Orleans to Danville should notixceed those to Lynchburg by more than 10 per cent. The Southern Kail way claims that to obey the decision wotild chiiso It a total loss of over $i:)-'!,000 per annum through tiecimsry changes at other points. Inferring to the claim of the company that ita f 1 20, OOftyKX) of common stock paid Do dividend in 181)9, and that the order of the commission would deprive the owners of their stock of their property without due processor law, the commission aaya that tho stock was issued as part of a reorganization scheme under which the company came into txictetice, but it dors not appear in testimony that anything ever waa paid for. The commission, rulea "that it doea pot rest in tbo whim of a re organization committee on Wall atroel to imposo a tax upon that whole eouthern country; that tho property of tho railway company should bo most carefully proticteu, but tho property ot the citizens of Danville ia juet as sacred as are the securities of tho railwsy company." How to Cure Croup. Mr. B. (Jray, who lives near Amenia, Dnchesa county, N. V., sayi: "Chamberlain's Cough Bern eily ia the best medicine I have ever ns d. It is a fine children's remedy for croup and never fails to cure. When given as soon hs the child be cornea hoarao, or even after the croiipy oiigh has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Bemedy kept at bund rt ady for instant use as oii sa these symptoms appear. For sale by Dr. W. 8. Taylor and J. W. A Co. A dispatch from Tien Tin, China, anys: It is by the imperative order ol tho C'cur thut the Iin-ians are banding over tho Mmiigliai Kuan railroad to tho Germans. The occ- canary documents were signed on last Monday morning.. A cable dispatch from I'ort Said snys the 1 S. gunboat Wilmington bos arrived there en route lot tuna. WHY COUGH Dr. Bull's Congh hynip cures Cough or Cold at once. Coiunurs Croup, V'hooping-Cough and MeaahvCouit without fail. All mothers praise it. Dix-tors prescribe It for Bronchitis. Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia and Consumption, (juick, sure results. COUCH SYRUP Alwaya cures when others fail. tV.Bull'sPIIUcanCoiMtlpatkm. go pills loS. THE QUESTION IS, Who Appreciates Latest Styles of Pictures At Price's Leonard Block, Franklin Will Soon Close Our Old Pictures Copied and Enlarged! J. W. FRY, rre. J. 8.COX,Vioe - fiiiAAnonnnA I nan on1 Ti UiVlllOUVIV JJUUII UIIU 1IU0U UUlIIjHUlf CApijA1- sjocK. $100,000. Does a General Banking Business ; Make Loans on Improved RealEhtat': Negotiates Mortgsges on Real Kctate; Kond on Manufacturing Plants ; Acts as tor of Estates ; a Legal Depository for SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. DIRECTORS: J.A. O.lell, Gill. Bsliimur, Md. II. F. Mvliane, K. M. Reea, W. II. Watkins, Kami-Mir. N.C. W. L. Griwm, Geo. g. Sergeant, O R. t ', Oeiar Falls. X. O. W. I). McAdoo, R. R, King. W. K Williams, Rod Springs. N. C. R. P. (iray, J. S. Col., J. A. Hadlev, Mt. Airy. X. U. J. W. F'ry. 8. IlrTsnt, Randlontsn, X.O. J. Klwoo.1 Con. llih Point, X C. WM. G. MOORE & GO., Of Mount After due consideration of the mercantile ing that there always comes a reaction after long business depression, and that wars, whether domestic or foreign, are sure to open the flood gate of speculation, and that all the money, whether little or much, would be put into circulation at an early date, and. as a consequence, price in all line were sure to make rapid leap upward, We Took Time .i , t-1 . - . auu iui r eoruary anu again in may piarm irpi oruers w un me pot teries, both of this and the old country, for future deli very, and are now daily receiving the largest and most select stork of Silver Tableware. China, Ulass and gucensware, of both foreign and do- , Biestic make, ever seen in Mount Airy. While we carry a large and complete etook of Blank Books, Office and Pch lol Supplies, Cheap and l ine Statiopery. Boi Paper from cheapest to finest, Wedgewood' with white ink to correspond. Everythig in the LATEST STILE AKD RIGHT The largest line of Dolls Toys and Holiday Oo.d ever seen here, at wholesale and retail, and bought before the greet rise in iron and other materials of w hioh they are made We are Fing to give our customer the benefit of gmtds well (ought. W bare also made arrangements with Mr. A K.. Hawks, of Atlanta, Ga., to handle hia rsmo'is Spertacia and Ev-g!ases ; there may be some as good but there is none claimed a better. "The belter toe grade the bigger I he trade." - tret ftmr measor taken at Moore' for a sua of Royal Tailor M tus-to- M nasurc I lot be. liEXT DOOR TO BANK, KpiTkb Ni;ws: Onr py.t le itill have the progressive mania. The oi l Burry K!ler mill Is doing tome fine wrk; Mr. Hwmliri will soon hare his Urge brick store hnse com pleU'd and ready fur the goods ; the foundation ia being excavstcd fr a tobacco factory 6oxl0 feet; Mr fc. H. lloece haa completed hia mod ern new dwelling; Mr. J. F. Bland haa made lome improvements on bis building. Married, at the residence of Mrs. C r..Thore, on Wednesday, Nov, 21th, Mr. Chan. B. Davis to Misa Maliie Burma, Bev, Seymour Tay lor ofllciatiDg. Mr. T. E Davenport left for Win iton Ifcii.t week to accept a position In the general grocery store of A (J. Logan fc Co. Tho Hurry County Musical Con vention will meet at Stony Knol on Saturday, Decmiber ISth, em bracing Sunday. Everybody invlt ed to come and bring some Ixiok On last Saturday lie v. W. II. Beamer was elected pRstor of the Bsptist chinch at this place for tho ensuing yesr. Bev. Seymour Tsy lor, our Former pastor, ban boon re turned to this, tho Kockford circuit We are glad to have theo brethren with ns again. Mr. I. T. Davenport thia year raised two novelty beeta, one of them weighing eight pounds and the other being 22 inches long, The Farmers' Mi-tuiil Firo Aaso ciation met lute laht Saturday and transacted some important bmmiess Messrs. E. L Byrd and Adam Ji-fsie left I net week to till positions In response to calls miido by the Soutnern Kulwiy Co. Bun Dick. It-ickford, Dec. 3, l'.W0. An imperfect skin is always caused by bad blood. Remove the , cause I Improve your , blood. How? Dy talc- , ing the blood purifier , that has stood the test , for thirty years Johnstons Ifiarsaparilla qc art Borrte. It has thousands of happy friends. Quart Bottles sell every where at $i. -TMB MICMIOAN ORl'O COMPANY," Ditrolt, Mich. IJvrrttst (or LW-t Hit, Tba Famous Liute Line PUav Hold in Mount Airy by J. W. Mi PHKRSON A CO .Hki-ooists GIVEN AWAY! To good Farmers, owning stook anil tools, ten farm plots of 20 Acres and ten of 40 Acres. Fine Cotton, Tobacco and irain lsnd near Henderson, X. C. I'n cleared land, two years for clearing and six years for usual rentals At the end of the six years Ueed is given for proper ty without further payment ror information, w rite JOHN T PATRICK. Pobtsmocth, Va Fine Art-DO YOU ? at Lowest Possible Figures Art Gallery! Street, Mt. Airy, N. C. Gallery Come, All I Prei, W. E. ALLEN, 8eo. and Treaa Jiicir nmnaniT Acts as Trustee; Negotiates the sale of (iusrilian ; fc.xecutor and Administra Court and Trust Funds. Airy, N. C, field and financial situation, and know by the Fore-Lock , , i , , ... . i DP TO DATE IN EVER! LINE. H0UI.T AIRY, K.a FIlDdipll!1 I JI.1 II si I I I I !ll II 11.1 II I Li- ( A- I 1 I . ' I i I I ' l i 1 I ANcpcl.tMir IVrpfir iliun Tir Ai -1 similniirvf itr nml Hot iila I uiiglttfMnm iUmitillkwelsii' Promote! Dis;p!im.Chrtrfur rifssaivl I1-hI Cinl.iiii5 neiiluT (hmiiii.Mniutiiiie nor MultjI. Not Narcotic. tv Arotd nrsm iirtratrt Alt Amnm ' li imttnirtmlf IW Hitm W fl:,h tip hhvywmi thHmr. ApcrfiTl IlrniiHly rorCriirslltwi llon, Sour Slum, k ti, Di.ii its Worms 'tinviilMoiH.revi'rish nt'ss Mud I.OH'-t or SlJEI'. facsimile SiSnnliirs of NKW YOTIK. I"1 .ill-WS ' -"I 4 j'mmmJtS-mMm lAAtt copy or wppr. FORECLOSURE NOTICE. My Tin ni of tin jviwcr nnili'if1 In lffii of Trtjxt xf tiii to iitr- iitiiUTMitfiKMl Tr'i-IH n on tbe itli uh of Juy, hy John A. tUiiln m1 uri nt A. Mhrnri. hi ift to -tir ih. p, ni'F)t of ft Horxl tn hr nolo of i v' iw tlif and imfM in tiiiiMif lntitHui( n't. Hin rimi Mt if of Trtint iwiiiif duij rN rt-'l Hi IIih ofln nf Hi'Klhtcr of of iirrv ruijiT, In Moil- tfMkjt boo IU, Itatf 110, r'(nfii IOh! lit II' r- nr liiH'lt : ii full IiuvHik tet't n ot ole in II. (iiinni of in ho ml i m tii tnil )n ilis)th) . t l of TruM. w' ii prm to iifti, ((, prfiiitM'N, In Moftnt Alr, N. ( ., mi (h Kill dty of iHi',vfiitir, iv"" in'iwo'ti ihn hoorn of lit w in Hlni 4 t III, l loihllr HitH'n, lo I ti htyiM t hMl-iiT, lor ruhli. tii foil'tw Intf d-M'f l o rt'nl I'KlHW, to W tt ; A lot of In t. l UK mttA hrtg iu Hi itwn of Mount Airy. N, , ti'kitinlfn( nl roriitTof K'lLfir tHthr k loi on iUi-) As- not' ftiid r a hft isri li 7s, tV Ktii it t( to iih' rorni'r. th'hi- with uu-n' ltn North it n. if ft u-fl to forner, ti- Uti.t (on nir , thf-IK'f rmtli tU rf. M i-vf! (oritfiifrot (iHiht-r n t Mni , tio nt f-ii'h t di'tf Ki-t lit frri to Hh') Avftmp mid Htf t k it'Ufikf it RiiU iNMntf ntHlM Mi nHtlHf) lutlftfHC (Imp U)ou Bd Id HoIhI. wtltl lliiTi'M and com to add B. Hand ViiiiH.l . , I.KI). W. rl'HUtR, ( 1 Thia NoTrn.iH-r ltftti, lvw. FORECLOSURE NOTICE. t vlriuf ot Ihf for ri.nt!iid Hi Dfi of Tr.t txtMiiud to uiiili-fitfiit d liiitn', on IU- Slut day ot ! iiiUt, WW, hy J It Am nn. Ui w( 'irn the (m in ut oi h Hiiinl In All Ml Of ll.HltJ HI dUr lnd pnvAhlr tn rotl(llll 111' RtnUfiitTiij, tli' n4id hr A Tru-t i.diikl duly h'cordrd In tlio uftlr ot l(flHi.-r of K-rd ot iirr cuiin'y, N . tn Mockim i k I". r tTiMM ' to whit b lb itrrHi rnadf ; drtult having tnvii imtdc In t if tiiiiC' I ( th o-d i nt ij iiil ;ii ni i n i n rttd 0 d I rru-t. wi' wit rrix'-rd u Md I. on in omnim.-, in Voiint Airv, N. hnn lit nib U) ' f iH-irmkr !'. h-tw. u lli bourn trf to a in and 4 p m., at uili' taii -tioii, to tin- bilu-nt lidtT. for nihil, tin r llow hiK df 'n-d rM I tinu-. ti wit . A lot of fund lUiii ud l i Kliiih" it.w n of JM-mnt Air. N , dint tKiUfidi d an follow ; Ht'ionli at a sink on tiif north ldf of h mfdum ri-t-t am nm norm ift d'kf. wt"t I'M t'-i to it ti'ftfecin lift H fv'D , Ull'IMI' ffillth f-H d'tf- iSl. 1 rt. U a utie ; tti"i i with Hih liunn 'n ll To taie itt t ( cd,'- ol Krnkliit sti . thfin With Ad ill -dm lirrl ?A ilt-STi'l Hitst Vi ft'.'l to the hfh'ltiiduif Hi V . It. MiflUmii -,( rornr-r, toK--'ii-r wliU ll ,riUi -' add piur t4tii'itiriaa) itinuito t"-loinrr'if . .uldil hiiitf niat'ie to iMv ih b iir ' an nr. t"fi uie UxiU ivlorcftuld ui-i-t. nnd com of M.e to add. H Hand Tr,lMm Tnln NovfttiUr imb, Propose to do the follow lug, U- it; you three grades of Flour at from t."o to 12 20 per hundred. fell you thrve grades of t'lmp, at from S) ct. to $1 35 jier hundred. Hell you Wheat Hran at $1 per hundred Will make you lirst-cls-is Kye and Hiifk wheat Flour on our brand-new Mill. We try tJ kefp on hand Wheat and Kye tiranam ; also Cornmal of superior quality at from 65 to 70 cl per bushel ; Corn at 70 cts. We also have a Crusher to Cruoh up Corn in the ear and then grind thro' IJuhrs for feeding purpose. Mr. John C. W'ade, of Koanoke Mill, with 15 years' experience, haa accept ed a position in our Milis, and guar antee salihfaotiou to all reasonable men and women. If you do not want to engage in conver sation with the Miller, or some ouu else present, you need not hiteh your team when you come-to our Mill. WOKTH A WOKTH. ept. 24th. ItoX) NOTICE OF SALE. Purtiianl lu an order of the Superior Court of Hurrv county, N. 0., to nie direct ed, I will sell an the premises, in Mount Airy. N -., to tlie hif liel biilUer. tor on- Ihird ciuli. one third in six mouths and ih ba'sne in twelve mom In, on "stunisv, the '.'2d 'iav of December, 1!K)0, at it o'cliy-k n m , ono h " and lot of land situated on fit sln-et lm Mill street, and where.. K. I.. Natl livvi at tlie time of hi death. anil roaUiDiiigone half alsu, sulijwt tooae llurd' allotted lo .Mrs Klustietb Suit as Dewrr heretofoi s assigned. IXne I fvlf SHUels to Jay llell. Ki.i7.ahki ii I TT, Adn.itiiairatri j ol K. T. Nuu, deceaocil. i This Nov. 12lh l!ou . j LS. Iron or No Extra Charge for Riveted Seams and Braced Elbows. The Very Lowest Cash Prices. Don't Buy Before You Price Them. T. M. KVKRITT. i lie lliirill Wagon nlImlPlIiU-. J ... -i lie LEUks- h mzmd ii j. s. k ijwmiiim PiH.a Justly celebrated tbroufhmit Ike entire eour.try !or than 4 W o in . Every w-son fully wsrranted for one far Anydcfect in ship or enw terial wiii be maJ fnod t-smple w -or at iUnn'r n-bmiM ti4 eiilipr. K-lteiling yur faiare orders and Ibankinf Vo for pat ptr'We its Wb.t 1 ,.os, Mch. li. Yowr rMpeeUujr, J. S. A li. 1L H At WlAU nn Hi !l j hi Tor Tr fnntg and ChiMren. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought T - Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years IDtl.a HNDf, Ml VMfl fTV. Burial Robes, Slippers, &c, A full stork nf all (in n I iislltls kept 'ia hand, anl at reasonable prices. htors room, upstairs over Mr. W. lV. Hiirkr'i tor, on Main Nlrsst. NOTICE! W. L. Keei-e, silm'r of ) North Carolina, ('leinatitine Matter- ( 'urry Cuuntv, Ueld, deceased. ) Superior I 'ourt, v Before Clerk. John W. al. j To John W Mullin, I. aura Mitchell and hiisband, t.icero Milctn-ll, . W. Mullin, Mollie HatterMeld, Mrs Thomas ItaiiKS and hu.iliand, 1 h,nnn Itanks, Mrs. Lew Webb and hunhand, lew W'tbb, you will hereby take notice that an action entitled aa above, in which I you are urieiiuttnis nas oeen coiiimeiic- ed in the fviperior Court of Hurry coun ty for the purpiiso of selling land for S'kith to psy the. debts of said (,'lenian line Hatterlield. You will further take notice that you are required to apiear! the Clerk of the Huperiur Court of Hurry county, at his ollice in Dob son, on the 22nd day of Iec It), and answer or demur to the complaint in naid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Thi Nov 10th, 1IM) C. II. Ilaynes, U. H. C. Hy R. 8. Folger, 1). C. H. U. Greensboro Nurseries, GREENSBORO, N. C, For all kinds Fri,SMsaiii(taEaial Trees, Vinus nl Finis. We are the introducer of the Famou "Oreensboro" and Uonnet Houthern Peache. Catalogue free. Greenslniro herd of Kegistered POLAND CHINA HOGS, Finest herd in the Houth. Writ for prices JOHN" A YOUNO, Proprietor. For Low Rates West, TEXAS MEXICO, CALI FORNIA, or any other poiot, with FKKK MAP, write to FRED. D. BUSH, District Passenger Agnt, Lonisiille 4 MasbTille R. R., No 1, Brown Building, Atlanta, Ga. FLUES ! Stee! D AM aW am AT 1 M 'III:;, ...... J 1 " '

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