' r 'TT "TT TT nn VOL.21. MOUNT AIHY, N. 0., THURSDAY, MAHCII 28, 11)01. XO. 40. T AT Airy Th 70 7 EK-PIHME F,,!,IISTER Commends Perunato His Friends as a Positive Catarrh Remedy. 5. Hsa. (Ih Cwaar Xr sf Tli Uon.CeUo t'lenar Moreno, rs-Prlmr Mltifntor of Hawaii, and projector of thsTrana-Padflo cable, 1H78, la a dlattDKnlnhi) atataaman, and tha beat known Italian In the country. In lettvr from Washington, . C, to the Pernoa Mtd loinaCo., beaays i -lean commend your great national catarrh cure, Peruna, to ' my Mends throughout the country as a safe, reliable medicine. I know of no other tonic that will build a person up as well as Peruna. It Is a positive cure for the universal disease, catarrh, and those who will try this remarkable medicine will find a sure cure. Very respectfully, Celso Catsar Moreno. S. P. GKAVKS. Attorney-at-Law, MOUNT AIHY, N 0 tw fratiit-" II. "Hal " KHdtrnl ' mine Ptofl'P' an""" tn Mm iima Thomas H. Sutton, MOUNT AIRY". N- C. Wbl print cv In (lie rtlaUi .! rrdrl C urta Novemuir till. . r. CARTER, aouarr aia-. a. a. 4. H. LlWtLLTS, MWM a.C Caktkk fc Lkwkllyn. Attorneys-at-Law. tWPraoUcetn inr Malt- .iod rrteraU win prompt attention flvea to all mmih-m antruai ad to their rare. Dr. John E. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR S DRUC STORE. PHONE 38. Office Hour BiX) A. to 600 P M Mount Airy, N. C T. i. McCAKGO. nOTARY PUBLIC OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE. MOUNT AlRV MOTEL BLOCK Business Promptly ATTtaOEO To. W. R. BADGETT, ATTORNEY - AT -LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Will prai-iioe wherever and whenever dcoirvd I'm 'lt and careful attention given t ll tiuaineaa t'ullecliona a apt-malty DR W S. TAYLOR. OFFICE OVM OHUQ STORE, Er Ear, Nosb iti tat. Kua-citl attention given to thia prae ce on ' ediiemlaya and Saturdaya. tice on . . TXSB. iki. nun. TESII & IILLEY, Coitrasta rs - aafl -:- BniMsrs, MOUNT .A.RY, N. C. Kutimat - funiUhed for any kind of build ng Workmaiiahip flr(.-claw atiafaction guaranterd, Contracta ao- licited. BADJ. IL D, Phvaiciaa a .d Surgeon. 01ic: 121 i. Elm St , Greaatbarv, N. C. (ovia rtaiM r erom ) a penal at4rBiio a.t W Ute oi of ibe Eye. Ear. Nose. Throat. on wiuolo nuur. : t-i t. Do You Want Tn .en-eive .d rrl'e troai If W II' Kl li .) I IIM vim . . fi li.-a : iriri Hd fl ip' a '. W. C. Fulton, Dobson, N. C. 4ll4li 10- His, tete, B:riil itstss. Slippers. c A full wa t li m aua'lua. tier rama, prfta aver Hr. W V1 ! BV.-M. B. A. 11 AN a AH- OF HAVAHA. ISLANDS Mi. 2i - l'rima MlnUter of Hawaii. Stronf Drink Ruining- Scotch Cities. Or Patrick, who Is coming ont to W itini tf B0 (rinci pal ot Mitiituba O Iipch, n h rc. nt nit'etitiif of the I) ml e I'nehyteiy, in forcible ferii.8 c tiiltvniied the drtv kennpei' Imt i it vaili d in the citv which, lie .hi'iI, hi mi nnnukil'le 8ctidl. affilly he had 68' o yotiiif girlti i'h tlit-ir Imir lianifinir down their lucka, enti-rii'i? public boaws I'D Sa'tirdny afternoons, a' d sotnelinifs on other days. He qiiesiintied wimther UicrH wit aov city id och- Inn i tint et I so low iu this rep c s DDndfe O ly Hie other tiijtht he whs e- skiurf to a medical man whn had traveli d a jfood deal and whs in'in ati'ly ae"j ai ted with o her citii'B in Scotiai'd. inelnditijf ..no which Hiey reard-d as in a roe n spec's the !eo-t atTHCiivu from a uMiral point of view namely, b'itli, sin) he said in his deliberate judgment the innrnl condition of Dundee was even more d plombie than the moral condition ol Leith We em eiiniU- atateiuen'a with re s eet to other Bcnt'ish ci'iea. Ex The curitry (ms simply ben on h hili tatiildiunk. 8o long as bafi in-ss remains (food the people do not top to think that the enorm us drain of war taxes is tmipl v ttih traded from what tlu-y mijjht have hatd hut tor it. The s bering op time will Cume later. A surplus se ms to have o terrors now, but hietory never fails to repeat ttseit, and he dy ot reckoning for the ruling reckless ex ravagmce ia an re o cotim. tirt'ei sbnro ll cotd. The lottery evil in Canada has boon KuppresstHi by law, accord ing to a dispatch received at the state dojKirtment from Consul General bittinger, at Montreal. Although without any real sanc tion of the law, lotteries have fxihtd for a long time past in Canada, and particularly in tho city of Montreal, states the con sul general, but now the man agers have closed their shops. Doctors Say; DiliousanJ Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. rhe liver is the great "driving wheel" in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result. Tutt's Liver Pills Cure all Uvcr Troubles. GKO. V. SPARGER, Attotney-at-Law, MOUNT AIRY, V. O. trm mrm la Otata ana Federal rnrta lnl atWBttoa to eauaeooa et ouiaa aaa nilmt lana LOOK OUT.FOR toa T. Pena's Barber SI& Vext Door to Blue Ridg Inn. nmv- ttitif riim a 4 Is rvt.'i. h'f tf1 mm. rif tmry 4M)ttlt , - fm u, kM y vmp. .4 Tt4t,kuf ti m r4 win fnr a? pum W a 4 wMtnttrtf tihh tmi of iftr t-4 p'fitir f4 4ttar mi jM Vo my naa ' r i m pMHf fti i . i wmj t 4 u win mm omiamii&. Chartoa B. Royer, W. Wtahlnfrtetl treet, Morrlatown, Pa., -writeat 'My o Ida at daughter Malin- da IU.er,loure-l of deafneaa by Peruna. When ahe Ix-gantottke Peruna we had to gonpcloaeto her and talk vary load to make ber hear, "After t a k log one-half doaen bottleaof Pernna he can hear you In any part of the room. She ran hear an ordinary con venation." Thousands of people have ca tarrh who would be surprised to know It, because It has been called some other name than catarrh. The fact Is, catarrh Is catarrh wherever located; and another fact which Is of equally great Im portance, "that Peruna cures ca tarrh wherever located. Catarrh Is an American disease. Fully one-halt of the people are afflicted more or less with It In some form. Previous to the dis covery of Peruna, catarrh was considered well nigh Incurable. Since the Introduction of Peruna to the medical profession thou, sands of cases are cured annually. Mr. W. M. Holland, of Hart well,' Ga, proprietor of the Ilartwell Tin Worka. wrltea of Parana a follow a i "I am more than pleated with the benefit derived from I'erana. Tho win trof HUM my weigh t was I M pound. UMd aereral bottlea during the winter nd now weigh 211. "I have recommended it to all my friends both aa a toou; aud catarrh cure. If I had been lucky enonph to have Keen it aereral year a Peruna would have aaved me much inconvenienea. I can never lie too thankful to yon for the beueflta received from your valuable remedy. My mother has alw) been won derfully benefited by your valuable remedy." Addreaa The Peruna Medicine Co., f'nhi rn bun, ()., for free catarrh book. Carrying Concealed Weapons. The North Cii rolina Law Journ al says that cases of carrying concealed weapons am ever on the Increase and that how to pre vent it is a puzzle to judges ami legislators; that there, are some jK-rsons who favor making this crimea felony but this, it thinks, is entirely too harsh. In a great majority of such cases in court, it says, judgment is susjM'ndiMl on payment of cost, and it quotes wilii approbation what is said to be the rule of Judge Shaw, of tho Suix-rior Court bench, to tine every defendant convicted of this offence $13 and costs, to be paid before court adjourns, the de fendant in default of payment to go to the chain gang. We should think it just ns well for a judgo to have a rule for such cases and apply it uniform ly. All this class of legislation is wrong. It is nobody's busi ness what a man has in his pock et so long as he makes no iui proiier use of it wheu he has done that is the time to punish him; not In-fore, besides, this statute about the carrying of con cealed wcajxnis places the law abiding citizen nt the mercy of the lawless; a certain class of citizens oley the law and another class does not, but goes around tho same as if there were no statute forbidding its doing so. At the same time, as long as this law is ou the books it ought to be enforced and the punishment made to apply equally in every case, not alone by one judge but by all. The offender should know what to exiect and if he did not govern himself according ly it would be his own look-out. Charlotte Observer. Officinl retDtaig lio that there are 20,371 white citizens of Mifsin cippi ai-Ac-6d fur poll tx who tieg Irced or refused to pay the uie, md have, in coiiterjiieiice ditfran cliist d tlienibelvee. This mesne that there are at leaHt 20,371 white men in t lie State who cauuoi vote in an; election for two yearn and ctmiot ait njurietor petition for or vote iu alical optiuu election, or do any thingelHi H at a qualitii d electorcn do. The return ale" tihuw iliat tin re ure in the ftate ot MiMiwippi 1 1, 85 negroes a8e8.-d for poll tax who have failed or n fm-ed to pay the aa'ne, rod thus ditfrant-h'eed ihciuselvee. The poll tax is (2. m - Protected from foreign cfmteli- tiou by k 45 per ct tit. tariff, the man otacturers ol tin Cans have Ci-ciaa t-i form a Truft to dtroy ll do miotic competition and kiH-p the coi'sumersi f the country ondt-r iheir heel, bot the people l et d not look to a Uepublican Ooiirfs for ny iiioditk-aoou of the tariff, unli t and uutil a C"tiitiiinti n of Enropeao couiiti'ita f. rcee it by patting op a amalar tariff wall to abut out our Kooda. Brooklyn Citizen. Question Answered. Yea, Augutt Flower atill has the largr.t a la of any BirJicim- in tliv eivil unl world. Your aiuttiera' and urand mKbera' never tbougtit ot u.ing an ihinf rlaa for loaiK- i or liiliu iuh. iimitjiri wmw vak1. and thrv wldora hrard of AprwndiciLU, Nervoua frvwirattonor tlartlaiiure.eie. lorj uard Auguat lopr to cl--au out 1 1. ,j,irm aud atop fcrtnntlioii of u nUi-Kt-atMi food, rtulat ilia arlioo ol -1 lir,a(jmulailheoervrHia andonrante a. ti'ol llif '- and Ibat ia ail ihrv . . . i J.,, I , I A . L lottx w r rn irvoii"! wun u ii. awadarbr aod ol iifr arhea. Yoo only itwd a f do of tirv-u Auguat lliiarr, in liquid form, to siake ) ou aatntlrd thr ia Loilor.g arrioua lr muut ita you. J or aala ty 1. W. W aa, Prcfim Mo Arf , 0, Vi Matlnita Royar. The Faie of Ex-Presidents. The death of Jlenjamin Hard m ntruiii confers upon fSrover ClfVeliind the distmctton or w- inir the only living ex-President of th United (States. Unco te foro ho held tho saino rxiition That was in tho early part of mm, the death of Kutlierford li. Hayes, on January 17th of that year, leaving Wr. Cleveland then, as now, tho only surviving form er incumbent of tho presidency. On March 4th of the same year, however, he changed places with (General Harrison, who bcnmo an ex President, whilo Mr. Cleve land hecamo an actual a well as an ex-President. Tho Presidents of the United States have usually ljen well along in years when they have attained their high office, and, of late years fHpecuil ly, the hand of death has not Iierinitted the vexations question as to what should lo done with our ex-Presidents to claim much attention. After tho death of Andrew Johnson in 175 there was no surviving ex-President until General Grant left office two years later, hut there has always been at least one ex-President living since that time. General Arthur lived less than two years after retiring from tho presi dency, and (ieneral Grunt linger ed for eight years, much of tho time in great suffering. Four of tho Presidents William H. Har rison Zachary Taylor, Abraham Lincoln and James A., Garfield died in office, and James K. Polk lived in retirement only three months. Millard Fillmore, how ever, survived lor twenty one years, and lived long enough to again boa candidate for the of tiee of President, afU?r two inter vening terms. G rover Cleveland is another instance of an ex President running for the office after an intervening term, and in his caso success crowned the effort to return to the White House. Two other Presidents equalled or excelled Fillmore in the length of time passed in re tirenient after leaving tho presi dencyMartin Van Huron and John Adams. Tho latter passed a full quarter of a century in neglect by tho public; but Van Huron, liko Fillmore, survived his retirement' for twenty-one years, and, again like Fillmore, became the candidate of ft minor party tho Free -Boilers for tho presidency alter tlie lapse or two Utiiis. John Quincy Adams, who sur vived his retirement from tho presidential office nineteen years, occupies the unique position in American history of being the only ex President who returned to active political life as an office holder. Two years after his singlo term in the presidency ex pired, ho surprised tho country by accepting a seat in the lower house of Congress, of which body he remained an active ami influential member for seventeen years, and died in tlie jiontieal harness,1 for he was in his seat in the House when stricken by paralysis, and his last words were, "This is tho last of earth! I am content!" Few of his pre decessors or successors in the highest office of the country have been able to say as much, and none of them have given a better answer to the question. What shall we do with our ex Presi dents? Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. Honesty In Business. The part that character ploys in modern badness life comes out clearlf in an rticlon 'A Borrower as a Iki.ker S es Him," contributed by Lindsay D -itoii to the March number ot I he Wmld s Work "It la quite possible, Mr. UetiMoti rit.s, quoting Mr. Task, "lor a man ot known integrity to b rrow million dollars on a piece ol prop erty worth approximately a million Hart A man of known bad Chir ac t-r, on the oiher baud, could not pisibly borrow more than half as mnch ; perhaps not so moch aa half as mnch. Amon the men who are the powers in the banking bnsirjes it i no uncommon matter for a man to overdraw his account in a bank tor hundreds of thousands of dollars tor a day or two withont a word of comment from tne officers of the bank. They know that he knows what he is doiny; they know that he would not overdni if he were not able to make good the deficiency promptly ; they know that be is au in tn et man, and will make the deficiency good, and the transaction does not call for S' much a a vi r bal understanding. It ia bated al together npo . honor." Tbe military spirit is on top io one of tbe Nebraska d it t nets. Notwithstanding reports of baling, here are 400 applicants for Weai Point. 13ut rhre is no rush to eulitt in the United States Army as privates. im aii tisi ram viti Pain-Killer. Vcm easMt la ft fHfat at (iff A atja guttata ftiif ttfca a Cramp, D larrhoaa, Ceitfe, f j Cougha, Neuralgia, ft RFtaumatlem. 9 amI (4 oral ftsslttfttt. 3 St' Cslt l aiNun.t g PERRY OAVIt I 4 THE FHILIPPLNE ISLANDS. An Experience of Eighteen Months on this God Forsaken, Cannibal ized Blot on the Face of God's Green Earth. The Gold Leaf is In receipt of tho following unique combination of ha itior, sarcasm, trnth and irony altoot tho Philippine Inlands, written by Vance county man doinjr sort ice in that fat off land as one of Uncle Sam's boy in hluo. The author is Mr John II Ilurwell, a brother of Mr. Walter l. Uurwell, of Hendcr son. Ir cold irony, cutting sar casm and a fine sense of humor, his production stirnps him as a writer of no mean parts as to the peculiar style ftlfVcted. Mr. l'xirwo!) writes from a familiar knowledge of this niitj- ef. after ao experience of one nd half years on the aforesaid Philippine Wanda. He says! The Philippine Islands are a bunch of trouble gathered together on the Western horizon of cirilnsation. They are bonuded on the north by rocks and des'mction ; on tbe KH by fvphions and monsoons; on the tioutb bv cannibalsaod earthqnakes; on the West by hoodooism and smug tiers. The climate is a combination of electric changes well adapted to raising cain. The soil is t xtraordi uarily fertile, producing large crops of insurrections and trickery. The inhabitants are very industrious, their chief occupation being trencb building and the manufacture of bo lide, knives, and reloading Homing ton cartridges. Their amusements are Cock fighting, monto dealing, thieving and cheating. 1 heir diet counts a of rice boiled rice, stewtd rice, tried rico, cooked rice, at.d rice. The Filipino marriage service is very impietive,espcci-iily ! lie clause therein the wife is given tbe privi It ge of woiking as much as her tins band desires. The beasts of burden are carabou; on a three-mile jour ney only ten days rations need be taken, but if the journey is one hun dred miles the drivei would die of old age b fore reaching his deetiua- iiou. The rivers are serpentine in c.otirHO, the current ranning in op- poaition to all known laws of gravi tation. Manila, the capital and prin cipal city, is situated ou Manila 1'ay, a iarira land-lockvd body of water, mil i f tilth, sparks and bpamsh sub marine boats. Cavite, the next city of importance, is ootid for its naw urul laciiiiua tor a Naval fetation, and for i'S Urge number of salons and Chinamen. The principal ex poits of tne Island are rice, hemp and war bulletins. The principal impot is are American soldiers, arms, ammunition, beer and tobacco. Ma laria ia ao prevalent that on various occasions tbe Islands have bten atiakeii with a chill. Luzon, the forgf! of the group, resembles one ot Cy Green's cas. oil' boots. Com in n u iet ion has been te'ablihc-d be tAeeu tbe uuuierous lalauda by sub aiiiutiug the mosquito fur the carrier pigeon, the inotquitiB being much larger aud betier able to endure the latigue of tbe j nmcy. The native Cusiume conaisu of a flour sack tkd arouud the waist. Children twelve years of age wait till the next year for tbt-ir clothes. Tbe towns are an aggregation of shacks built of bam boo and tull of tilth, flcac, cut dog", cats, burets, chickens, pga, thus, bed bugs and lice. Tbe taimly all sleep oil leruis of equality. Tbe native drink ia biuo, concentrated tarantula poisou, cactus juict , barbed wire aud tutkod ligntiiiug. Tbe Phiiippioea is an appropriate present for a dead iy enemy.. Tbe natives are friends at tbe point of a gun. The climate, pleasaut and healthful for roaches, tarantulas, alligator , scorpions, cen tipedes aud suakes. The soil, adapt ed to raising foul odors and diseatfes. 1 be Islauda, a God forsaken, ennni bahz.d, Aguiualdo-iufested blot on Ututaceot God's green eat th. lien dtravu Gold Leal. Manila far from Peaceful. Recently a special corref pondotit of tbe Temps, in a letter from Ma nila, says the condition there baa been worse since the election than it was before. Martial law is en forced brutally, the prisons are packed, harmless folk are imprison ed or depoited on information of low cme natives or secret police employed by Americans. among loyal natives there ia a general reigu of terror, and the Coiropondeut propbeaiea a rccru denounce ot tbe rebellion iu districts now declared to be pacified. May be War. A late Washington special says the United f5tat?ttnay beat war with Morocco next week. When a nation calls upon another nation for aa apology, and that apology is not forthcoming , tbe ntx' step is nsoally to begin hostilities. If the Sultan of Morocco does not ruake prompt expression of re gret for the incident for which U. . Co.ol General Gammer has been instructed to demand an apol ogy, ibe Uoind States will probably declare blockade of tbe ports ot bis country and proceed to bring him to terms by a show of force. "A tlrrtit0atrit Of large sorva on isj UtUadauchler'a head developed iu a ee of scald fcead," writoa V. D. Ibiil, of Morgan. tA, Ttaa but lkukleii'a Amica Salve cootplcte'r reml ker. Il'aa g-uarantacd car for Ecsvroa, Tftter, Salt Rbetim, Pimple, Sre, lrcra in Files. Only V5 cents at Dr. W. S-Tayter'a Drj Store. " President Ashe Sulci.;es. IasI Tnesd'iy" Charlo e New I ont tins the following r pre id from lcrkviMe, c.m'u CV.rohroi ; Mr. John IJ. Asho, a p .onvnent cilien of this place romtii ited sui cide last night by jurnpit r in the well on his pUro. The town was aroused c ith the diytrtsaing nws shortly nfter It o'c'oek last night, the ho'!, of Mr. Ashe havinsr bwn found in 'bo woll at 11 o'clock by Mr. Geo. 'I,esry. Mr, Ashe had been very despond ent over ihe failure of i he York Cotton Mill, of which he v is preei dent, and had told his wlf . that he was going to kill himself. She did not think that he meant re ily to do so, but was nneasy about h oi. List night they retired at the o-'.tl hour. Shortly befoe 1! o'clock Mrs. Ashe woke Op and fotmd that her 'inshand had left the bod. As hi.- clothes were still on the chair shot uppostd that he was oltewbere in t! s house. She called him bat rec vtd no answer. She becme aliitmed and aroused the household. T e linuo and yard were searched but the mil in if man could not tie found. Mr 0'Iary felt that th re was soniDihing wrong, and with almost premonitory feelings of what was soon to be discovered, went t the well and throwing a strong light therein, peered down into i he dark ness. Ilit fears were co firmed. He saw a body floating on fop of the water. He gave the alarm and in a few minutes ropes and laddera were arranged and the body bronght to the surface. The familiar features ot Mr. Aahe wereatoncon c ognined. Tim distress of the wife can well be imagined. The scene was one that begKsrs discription. Poysieians were summoned and all potable done to restore life, but to no avail. The body had been m the water several lours. News &i tne d is- trtssirg affair f pread quickly. Nutn bers ot people spent tbe night at the Ashe home, ministering m iiost they could to the grief-stricken 'amiiy. Mr. Ah io was president u d gen eral manager of the York Cotton Mill. The mill failed j nUrdHy, lialiiliiies about 7o,(.miI) The failure of the mill is uattit lly snp- poind to have ix'en the cauv-ot Mr. Aelit's snleidu. He hud 'nvii is- ceedingly prosperous, and hen the reverse came he wits tmi able to btnlid it. Deceas' d was b irn and rt-ircd ten miles below Yorkville, at.ii had al wan lived in the conulrv. He was of g od family and had hi ei very sikTieeful. He had larcc' uiBimss ititerects here, and in Keul, v. He whs one of the best buritx m men in the country, and was estii-med ss one of the leading men of t y t jwn He was an influential m- ober of the Presbyterian church, lie wss 43 yeirs of ae. He was lw ice mar ried, having four or the clo dn u by each uutriage. He Got $4,250 for His $7. An Erie, I'a., special ol rtcent datecsys: After thedeatbi.' Joseph Lilyfitoiie, two weeks ag. . I, b. Sherred, adiuinietrator, s .id the dead man's effects, and Pen i Green hiltre, of enauge, boug! in the safu tor 7 and had it carrir I Ik me. It had Ijeen drilled open h tore the stle ';d uothing of value di covered. 'I think I made a bad bargain, said (ireenhalge to his wih-. " This old safe ain't worth the j'." I paid for it." He examined it ot ee more, and, reaching bis hand iu Mem tho partitions, fjund gold aud bai.k notes amount ng to 4,25U. Opened up for Settlement. A late special from Phoenix, Ariz , sys: Algodores, a rich tract of oO.OtW acres, between Yuma and the Mexican line, was opened to settlement today under Congtcs sionsl enactment. There have been many disputes over various sections, one of them ending jn murder, bn no trouble marked this morning's occupation. itch is Tcnrvn. EcrPBii ia cauttd by au acij humor ia the lihxxl cointnK la contart with lh skin ami pro-lix-iua irrrat radiv a aaJ in fUmmauou : lutir jiujluUrern .onifonn and dikhnrv a lino, Micky ft i, li.h drut an.l air oil ; amviiiaca at akia ta tuid, dry aod firord. licwr. a In any form ia a trmralux, atubtw; i diwate, and tbe itching and burning a: tunc art almost unbearable ; tba ariu tnirriin); aumor arrma lo oov out and a-1 the akin on fir. Salve, aatlm nor C er exter nal applicatiuna do any real g i. for aa long aa tba potann rrmtn iu ilia Uood It will keep the akin irritated. BAD FORM OF TCTTi'R aS Tattar oa fav aaaaa wbtrh raiMcS Ibcm to wei io i wi a Ihrtr aj.Hrral P. ft mt I h oia I h itimM wm. ia llv I." r t-l rva. aiag aArra, aeiv aa)! ful. a a4 ca'irf ana aiaHi atanakm F if Surtar ad I ht T r I'rr aad ff rcK4 Iui tar a h mri aaS th-f aaald 4 i fM tba iat m llk oaly l(M S k.MH . . a . vaaernaf.iri.'lv rar4 Tata aw tot. a fimm a ax. aa4 1 . aar aiarr aa anv af a ftf aav 4 rroa f ."Vlfc IV uln, I, Mcaiaa Bl . UnlOl) . 94a. 8. S. 9 at-atraliia taia . t foiana, eooUtha blood and Featorra it to a healthy, natural alaie. and la raah, Ll!hy tain becoenea St. BMolh aal .ear. turn Tet er, Ery. I- I F- )aaava aJw-ta ja tUxxl Si4 for oar boak aad wrte na a hoot vwf rate. Our phtw ana hava naatie tWae d.naaaa a life atiad . . ! caa kaHp yeai br ihear aairtre ; at mm cbaryv t wl ta. i w-e A.lcr.- -jubc a cea4acel ia trrai eoatdrst-a, ? fwan aWtSt STUkTa. SA "V. X S t 1 f s tezzumvt fuse Makes the food more deficious end wholesome Returns After Many Years. A dispatch fr m Grand . Ilapids, M chigan, to the Ih troit Free Prts, ssys: '"Wl'bin the p't ten days in the beautiful country home of Chits. P. LimbiTf, a proniii ent member of socidty and bisiii(:S circles, a drama has li n cuae'ed tliit in a novel would be discredited as bordering oil the impossible. "It Ihs been generally accepted fr the pist 'purler of a century that Mrs. Limhert, the ni;ed mother of Charles I.imbcrt, wis a widow. lie- cen tly tho aucd lady whs stricken wt'b piraljHi, and tiout two wet Its ago, while vi ry low, sho began to call for her Inn-band, asking to see him but a few minu'en. All attempts to soothe her wre iu in. ''One week ago an aged stranger drove up to the honse and lu-ked Miss I.itnbert, who u the constant companion of her invalid mother, if he miht si c .Mrs Limhert. all s Li in bod rufnatd on account ef her mother's illntss. "'Areoti Clara f aeked the old getitlemsn. ' es, was the answer. "'1 am your father,' he said, wHi a sob. "lie was tmlicred In when Mirs Limbert had recovered from the first shock. The old mm wa greatly agitated arid sank in a faint into a chair, but revived, and after consul tation with the doctor, was permit ted to see his wife. The recogni tion was inscatitarieons, snd as the two emhraccO the household with drew. The door was shortly shoved open, and, a-dy white, the father sugiit-nd into the hull and sought the arms of lh imrms as pr. lie rallied during the afternoon, but in the evening, when ho witmsstd his wife's ull'.riiij.', he tigain c-d lapsed and was cirrird to a bed in a semi utmoiit-ciouM condition. Later lie lucimo totally uncon scious and never reviwd. Friday lie died, aud Saturday, with Hit greatest sieteey, ho w.i buiied in a Country cemetiry tnaily ten inile out of town, 'llo ie ws no c tli i us'-d, but the ehildicn insisted ou reviving an olu Indian ideimf wmp pitig Hie body in rich linen and roll ing it n a beautiful ehal und ilu-n nsting it upon a fiamo wnh hati dies. Hofore lie die ! the vetieiabli man said he was a ranch o ner wi:b property in C rado, and ou bib person was found a large amount of currency and s tne Valuable papers'. The f inn ral w cot. ducted so quiet ly that ttie inoi her Mill belitvts the father livis and i in the room ep psite her on. 1( is feared thai she will not sunive if the news ot ; the death is coiuniimicated to her." i A Spauish railway hasorden-d 520 ears from American tiiatitifdturets The London mint produced luT, 0y,.15 coins I -r ycr. j Hagus-McCorkls Dry Qcods Cd.; . Importers and Wholesalers, GIlHKNSnOliO. N. C. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS AND HAT 3. gtj 'e aolicit trad of Merchants only, an. I e!I nuthinn at rrtatl gtW We cortlialfy invite all Mere lianU to call on u when in Uret i.tUoro, or to see our Travelling faleaman ta-fore plncing orders elaewlif-ro. HT. Fbi r ' 'z ; y fc Slace or Tor Ealliiai Hr,x.t ;' fr-t-w I "s i rtof 0"0 all prk-ea or oil I al-n . . f " w .' .w- . .1: ..' .. Je atwt h. a?w a . irr -li -i Taoa. FAwctrr, C.L.Has. Prt-aident. Firt Vie Trt-a. FIRSt.riATIQr.AL BAKU of F.It. Ai:,y. IXt'OUPO IIA1 l'I. rasitnl, rail I l. DirifiGTOItS. Thnt Fawwtt C. I . Hand. M. L. Faa-u, A i. Tr r, . HiMt. Thia bank aoli. ita : aN-nt of Vn l i la, ilaniitat turr rarit ii- ana Imlividuals. Ihv xmi.M ot tl.r Mi-n-tianla l.a-atd io towr.a dj.w -nt . iy4 on tavorabln Urma. Tbf fumla of oi.r c.o,.ra rr -.ira-4 If tv I .-fitt t,vr.f atawlfihB.iaanarh VilTlnl. Inrrrat al!r-.l nn J-Mtv t !" hf at AtvKf.. ii Scftir f'til.:-.?', ! I An rvtnt fHn nr,r -U. li f.i t.v: . ' ' ' V 4 elr'r "'''- lV't Vf h ; ... I - - v V-.. - 1 TZ . i-ui-i-v, "c. ?.-v..i.r a: -; " evrf T-'"''' ve can yon m?fiy la tUe tunUa-c 01 a 1 k1. aa! lli"t i.Vi.a f avvit at cn t.'..t, t.'J MHIJ j v. ... - . -" . - ' - - taaity yoo canti4 sffotd to j-a. Vaxs " ih " ?' fta aaaannsfarttwwa, fhorliHf, I mcw..i. k-i., u m l,i iiaca.uw.- ui i uLoeerajwry. If lava aa t l k.a to 'i. .... . . ac a T 5 -r fa.fi- f ' r.f ) ir-ma. 'SI r-a . aa.m Skull Fracture! by VSutn. Milatikw, Wis, March 'K I!ecaaje ho r tented iesul's, V. W. spin was nearly killed by l?.- rs at the Milwaukee Medical t ilege. Hin skull was fractured, li nose broken and his face terribly Ucorafed. He will live, but w .il lie diefi-inred. Gillespie is school tcsclier. viith an exc llent neord, and is tuning a medical co.irso in addition to his school duties. IIo whs toy I u'y to j iin in the htud nt' prank, arid i eurred tho ill will of some of 'hem. Whin a lighted ciar wis tlii iwn in his face he resented it w'.Ji a blow, and w s atfai ke 1 from b hind and knocked down. Then hia, face was battered. He b. lieve he kr ow ' who his aesailarit was, and mm soon as he recovers he will take s!i pa to have him punished. S me time ago Mr. It. J. Ii-y. nobis, of Winston, efT 'ted M .ive l,0i'( towards erecting a tti lmo logical and industrial school at tho Thomasrille Orj)hatia2e ns a tm mo rial of Mr. J. II. Mills, tl p to n Ai r of the orphanage, pn.ivid.d Ir. J. 15. lioone, the mperintt-ndrtit oi ihe orhanage, would rais-- $l,"0t.i. Dr. Uoone's 1X hii been rais and the school will be ready f to begin work soon. - We have three children. Bcf ire the birth of the law un my wife used four hot tl.stif MOtlH.R'S FklfcKD. If yuu t:.i the pictures of our child-en, you cou'.i sec at a eaace th;;t tl e l;istcne i& he ilthlct. rt -tt icst and Z fliicM-!ooKlu?of them all. Yj lfe thinks Mother's Friend Is Ihe creates! j'uCi , and grandest remedy la Ihe world for exrct ant mu!h;.n." Written by a Kcn- mcicy auoi iicy-ai i v- , TPICn nents nine-tenths of the 1 1 1 1 L. la U S"frl"? tncldeilt to cMld- " ' ' " Mrltu ihceom n.?ciu,:ier's dlspofitlun and temper rera..ia m ruiiled throufhout tl'e ordeal, bceause this rciax Ing, reiictrating liniment relieves the usual dhlrejs. A Koud-natured ra Jlhcr Is pretty sure to have a food-mtureJ er.lld. The patient Is kept la a strsiic, 1 eMh condition, which the child also ac.terils. Mother's Prlend takes a wife through the crisis quickly and almost paiuless:y. It assists in h.-r rapid recovery, and ward" off the dangers that so often foiiov de livery. uW by druiijHu lor f I a btaiia. THE BKADHCLD RF.OL'LAlOlt CO. ATLANTA, OA. aS fat aar fr.e lUuatra'ml txbk writlat aaji re-ly f"t expectant iiiotherf IM MM WDKKS, Mount Airy, N.O. w. 0. HAYNES I CO., Proprietors. HarilD & GraiitB Mcissints Toinbstocs, Iron Fencing, ATa .rrea M L h' m, Ca.J.ifr. tit' S. rr al.f--.-t : fe.'.riKl af-m a. l..ia la , I ia? t . t . m

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