Airy TG1 LOXJN Tnn 1 MOUNT AIItY. N. C.. THURSDAY. APRIL 18, 1H01. NO. Ul VOL. 21. EWS. j4 CO.lCRESSHAfl ALDniCIl Uzza Peruna in His weat -"if (-J ,,-FlV COSUKE.SMA.I WILLI T. ALURH H, Of 1LDKICH. ALA. Coogrewaraari William F. Alclrlch, of Aldrlch, Al., In r.cenl l.tUr le th r.ronaMadlolnflt'ompany, written from Washington, I). C, speaks of their a; reel tonic and catarrh oar. In th. following word, t This is to certify that Peruna, manufactured by The Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, Ohio, has been used in my family with success. It is a fine tonic and will build up a depleted system rapidly, I can recommend it to those who need a safe, reliable medicine for debility. " Addr Th. Parana Modlcln. Co, Colambns, Ohio, for a free copy of Hammer Catarrh," wh Ich trat on the phases of catarrh pecollartohet weather, aodeonUlmDr. nrtman'i eiporlcnc. of fifty yeart In tb treatment of the isew. S. P. GRAVES, Attorney-at-Ivaw, MOUNT AIBY, N. O Mrpraetk! Id mate ana re4r-ril Court. r"roi-r attention tnenllentlnn nf rlHim.. Thomas II. Sutton, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MOUNT AIRY, N. c. Will practice to the Stat, and Federal court. November 7th. W.F.CAHTta, ... ItvmiYN. Mown ssrr. a. a sossos a.s. Carter & Lk welly n, Attorneys-at-Law. tvPracttoe la the Hum and Fedxral Courts Prom pi attention given to aU business entruHt d to their care. Dr. John E. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR S DRUG STORE. 'PHONE 38. Offloe Hour. 8 00 A. M to 6.00 P. M. Mount Airy, N. C. T. B. McCAK GO, nOTAHV PUB-IG. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY HOTEL .LOCK Buttwtss pRomrrcv Attiwoeo To. W. R. BADGETT, ATTORNEY - AT -LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Will practice wherever and whenever desired Prompt and careful attention given to ail buiineat. Collection, a specialty. DR. W. S. TAYLOR, ornct ovt. druo store, Eyo, Ear, M and TIM Special attention given to this prac tice on Wednesdays and Saturdays. J. i. TI31. JAJ. TU.UT. TESH & TILLEY, CotelirsvaiivBiirs, MOUNT ARV, N. C. Estimates furnished for any kind of building. Workmanship flrst-claas. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contracts so licited. MARD BAM, E D, Physician and Surgeon, CUcs: 121 i. Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. (oris r.aiss' Burs rrom ) Speelal soesuos paid to the dimes of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. OnUllOoB Uuura: S hi I. Do You Want To s. rl. r,d trtenit, tmabla. If aa. a' . j n in t iy a flauo, (krtraa or Teiei.iie. n ty.ntuii with . . KuIiob. Km trtcat Mil ml Hnpp.e-s AddrYna, W. C. Fulton, Dobson, N. C. 9B4LKB tH- E:mi Rata, Slippers, &c Ells. A fait iwt f afl - aai qaaJIUa. k.yi a kaaa, a... at tbl. p r tvawa rwa, ap'aira . atr. W. W. Family With Very Success. Proceedlccs Quashed. Tli Ritnotit ct'inent tlmt the pro pci'iinjfft in tlio Ft'deral Court at (ireeiinlioro njHttiHt npietrars for nlli yuil i I'llmion of the el dion laws 1 1 a v t luTti j ii nailed does not come at a surprint1, fur vorj few thought fr in tlw tirt-t that thtfre was anj nriniiB intention of propt'ciititig iht'w ciors '1 be firt arrests made weto iniily for tlio parpura of iiitirniJHtii'ff ri-tfiptrais and o'beis, Hiid iIihsu subsequent! rnade were to ivu color to tiie Brut. No doubt fpi'e ami tn ilic.u also Lad a good (IchI to do with the arrceK. Having liilid lo aec inplitth what they witi'ti'd ly the arrests and threaten t'i) pton ciiiions they saw they bad nothing 'o by farther pro ceeding and therefore concluded to drop them. I3ui in addi'ion to that the Re publicans were too much divided n the is tn involved io that elec tion, too many of them voted with the Democrats, and too many of tbem denounced the game of intim idation attempted by the party bosses. It is possible, also, the i en in Hiii;n d, namely that it was done in the interest of pence and quiet and srood feeling, may have imd i's iiflut'ucti with tome who naliz d that there was not enoiuh to be gained by it to ofLet the strife ai d bad feeling that would mult from this attempt to overawe citi zens for party gin- Whatever iho motives may have beeu the prosecntoit showed good sense in dropping the business even at late as this. '1 hey didn't surprise any one, however, for people who bad given any attention to these esses knew that's what they would have to do unless they wanted to take their chances of being whipped in court, which they would have been. Wilmington btar. Naval Constructor Richmond 1 llohson hat been astigned to special duty in the bureau ot construction and repair, Navy Department. He vitl at-atiiue his new duty at once. All the mi net in the black coal fields f Indiana ate closed, on ac 3 Mint of the miners striking;. Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS GEO. V. SPARGER, Attorney-at-aw, MOUNT AIRY, V. O. will pru-uoe ta Stata and Federal oottrta. pc1J u tout ion u eoueetloa B-TV.UtT.f itMsa LOOK OUT FOR Airoa T. Penas Barter Sign, Next Door to Blue XUd?e Inn, ' Kapv j rn rt frw.m hr, BtUr f wt e.r r HaT Artii 1. t la i U htnf IS H-wttr I M, H vt rf1 JS m) tnth m mmUi frti(n-sr - ftftas t,'. mm o' Mrf feaartMSAKrv qms f!. vb h - Ht Mk mp t vam pltt l 1 airJ at I WVf ftT mf Jm S'T ft ' H av.i, tU' f k '., rm- m Utf ir i-4 fl fotiakV'' t-4 tKWfttf ft It A mj i4 ifiT rw fHt.pBn; prittiff ftM my vwj bHK eBt"1 t sa tft-r a evft rwfv ara X. rtaa. Clothes Hade of Skins. Peveral garments made en'in-lf of fish skint, and are mnd to le Wi.rn, too, are ti b pot on xbibition s'K.n in the Mns'iim of Na'drnl llis'ory in Central I'ark, in re uiarksble colli c'i 'n of thinirt ir a' ti ered in eastern Hiberiahy Protestor HerthoJd Mofer, of theJ tnp North Pacific Kxix-dition. Theso finli skin clolhet are the work of the wo fnftn of the remote Oilyak and (Jold trihet of the Ii'ver Amur, tnd very odd garments tfiey are. The tribes live entirely by fishing snd hunting. Balmon, which iiscend the river to spawn, are their staple food, and the salmon skins, afUr be ing treated by the women, who are adepts, provide material f..r their clothes. First the acalos are rein ved to carefully that the skin is not broken. Then the skin it tinned and dresxxi tn make it durable, and finally the women tew it into varment. Salmon skin, when made info clothes by the Amm -Indian, is like kid in appearance, and softness, but It Is louglier than kid, in fact almost at toiifc-b at iiarclimcnt. It it dyed yellow and rel and indijto, and tome of the garment! into which it is made are highly orna'e. Curiously enough, most of the ornamentation it on the backt. The garmenti aro sown together with Una thread, also made of llh skin. Biill another uc to which fish skins is put it to decorate the boo! i of both men and women, rectiotit ot highly colored skin being sppl qued on the elk bide of which the boots are tntdo. One ot the fish tkin garments in the collection it a warm weather garment, for it it uulined. If it had been made in rant it would tie called pelisse, its front overlaps, and it seems to have reached the anklet of the wearer. In color it it a deep rnanila yellow, and it is highly ornamented. The outer-edgi tare bordered with a hMi skin band of dark indigo blue, and heading this it a narrow strip of red. tp the tide Seems blue panels are appliqiud iu t graceful arabctqtie desigu. 1 he tdgea of the arabesque are fastened to the bodv with at minute stiichosat if sowed by a machine. Bauds of simpler design ornament the top of the sleeves, aud there ate blue cuff. deooraive in outline. Another gown shows three bands about two inches wide, in dark blue, yellow and red laid close together. 1 hie garment it further orna mented with appliqued scroll figures in blue, each about two inches long, over the entire surface. Near the neck, in front, is a fair imitation of a rooster, tailfeathert aud all Now i ork bun. ... m - One Thin? at a Time. 'Early in life," relates a man who hat now spent many decade in the service ot God and bia fellow men, "I learned from a very simple inci dent a wholesome leeson, And one that hat mice been of incalculable benefit to me. "When I was between twelve and fourteen year old my father broke up a new field ou his farni, and planted it with potatoes, and when the plants wore two or three inches Ligh, he tent me to hoe it. The ground of that piece was hard to till ; it was matted wuu graee roots and sprinkled wiib nones. 1 hotd the first row and then stopped to take a general look at the tak be fore tne. Grass at high at tbe potatoes was everywhere, aud look ing at tbe whole from my point it seemed to be a solid mass. I bad tbe work to do all alone, and as I stood ttaring at the broad reach of weedy toil, 1 felt a good' mind not to try to do anything more with it. "Just at that minute I happened to look down at tbe bill Deateet my feet. The grass didu't Beeto just quite at thick there, and I laid to myself, '1 can hoe this one well enough.' "When it was done, another thought came to help me ; 1 shan't have to boe but one bill at a time, at any rate. And to I went to the next aud the next. JJut here 1 ttopped again and looked over the field. That gave me another thought, too. I could hoe every bill at I came to it ; it was only looking away off to all the bills that made the whole teem impaible. "'I won't look at it !' and I pulltd my bat over my eyes so I could s. e nothing but the spot where my boe bad to dig. "In course of time I had gone over tbe whole field, looking only at the bill in baud,-and my woik was done. "I learned a lesson tugging away at those grass roots which lnevci forgot. It was to look right down at tbe one thing to be done now, and not to Liuder and discourage myself by looking on at the things 1 have not eome to. I have been woiktng ever since that aummer at the hill nearest my feet, and 1 have always fouud it tbe easiest way to get a hard task accompliahed, as It is the tree way to prepare a tioid f. r i he harvest." Selected. lob CmMal Uarve ftla4 It If he'd had Itching Tibs. They're terribly annoying; but Baekk-n's Arnica'tHaive will cure the woiel c ..j IMo. on earth. Ii has cured thous and. For li'juriea. Tains or Bodily Ersptiona it' the text talv in th wrlJ. Pi H-e 25c a box Cutegoar- eiteeu. t-jf Ir. W. S. Taj !-! Pnigg;t, M.or.t Airy, N. C. rrr-"' ita Mat 4w7 THRILLING NAVAL BATTLE Between the Confederate Ram Ker rimac and U. S. S. Congress Will be Reproduced at tbe Confederate Reunion. Memphis, Term., April 10 It i all up to the weather man now, tod if hit pr dictiont for cloudier skiet daring the Uennion hold good, vtitort to Memphis will teethe grandest fireworks dinplsy that ha ever been given in (he South, i b spectacle will include the filing oil of thousands of rocket along tbe entire river front, and will close with a realistic representation of tbe famon battle which was tonght In the harbor at Newport New be. iween the Confederate Kairi. "Mar mine" and the U. H. 8. 'Coiigreit," when the latter boat was blown ftp and sunk by the M rriiriao. The hittilu will bn fotight by actual In mis which will p ur Oroadriiles Into each other lo the heroic accompaniment of a b( kgrotiiid of brilliant and rjedtxziiiig fire display, reaching from the hoiixnii to the xemtu I here will also bo tire picture of several of the tmt in it id Weheralt of the Couloderarj whieh will blaze into hold relief, hanging appaiently in mid air to the full view of all It was on Katnrday, the 9th of March, Mi2, that this famous naval battle whs fotight 8luami g into the bay, where wat gathered the federal II et. the Alcrrlmao waa greeted by a hail of cannonade from the Congress ' ber gunboat. Thi fnr ' shot and ball would i g another boat Would i g am t tie instantly) ' t iotn the iron slo-' ' I of the Merrii fr j-d liarinlesly i .mil the iron coated, mac the into the answering fire from the o.'Utedcra(e IUm was deadly. No ship could withstand the ten i tie death dealing volleys, much lea tb. wooden gunboat that were already battle scarred by the conflicts of the few day previous. b'lwly the Merrimac steamed toward the enemy, centuring her fire on the Congress. With almost every shell that burst from the throat of the Merriimc's cannon an answering shriek of death could be felt rather than heard as the solid ball of steel nd iron plowed through thu Federal ship. The duel wat short, for in a very fe minutes the mast of the Congress tottered and fell. The vofscl was oo tire, and the lurid beauty of the background threw it hull into bold relief. The emoke then sank on to its decks for en instant, as one would press down the lid of a jck iu the box, and then followed the explosion of the powder magazine. With the iury of a maddened tiger tbe Merrimac darted at tlio enemy and buried it steel ram iuto its wooden bosom. At the Meiriuiac backed away the water rurhed ioto the hole, and a second alterward the Congress lurched to the bottom, defeated and destroyed. Iho pictorial representation ot this fight on the river at the Reunion will be faithful and true to life. There will be the background of tithing shells exploding in the air, and the color of war will all be there. At first the CongroM will be seen, rocking sullenly at her anchor. Iheu the Merrimac will appear iu the distance, rapidly approaching. 1 ben both boat will commence to exchange ear splitting volley of shot and shell. The powder maga zine of the Congress will be exploded and then the tial act of tbe drama, the ramming of the unking vessel by the Merrimac, will take place: Tbe spectacle of war la always one of strange fascination. Though we know it tragic outcome, it is nevertheless a tremendous display. And this will be no ordinary r yurth of July exhibition, for in the one evening of thi part of the entertain ment sixteen buudred feet of barge will be loaded with red, blue and white tire, thousauds of rocket aud bomb. Another feature of the dis play will be the illumination of the entire river at this point. Acres and acre of water will suddenly be alive with hissing, writhiug serpent of tl uiie ; the heavens will be lighted as high a the eye can see, aud fountains of are will spout into tbe ir to tbe height of a thousand loot, tailing back luto a Niagara of Start and comets. Does It Pay to Bay Cheap ? A cheap remedy for couglia aud eolJs is all right, bat you want auuiethiug that will luhova aud fur. the mora and dan-p-nwia results of throat and lung What HhMl you do o to a wanner and mora regular climate t Yea, if poaaiblc ; U aot possible for you, tbeo io either ease take tha only fvuitxlj ttua baa been iotreduoed in all omliaed countries with success iu severe throat and lung troubiea, '-Kosches's tiermsB ayrup." It But only fceaia aad stimulus tha tiasaea to destroy the genu dseas, but allays tullaminalioii, causes easy excloraUuu, gives a good aighl'l rt aaU ran tb. patieal Try one bottle. KeAaumeiHled anaiiy yeara bj all druggist, in th. world. For Ml. by I. W. Weat, ttruggist. Won at Airy, N. C. Killed by the Train. Mr. Cal. Hinston whose home is 2J mile this side of Salisbury wat kitlod early tbit morning near the cotton mill at China Grove. From some cause not accounted for yet be did not move off the track a the train approached and was instantly killed. Tbt body was considerably mangled. Coticoid Standard. Chicken consumption is reported prevalent in low. Bo it i else wtiere when opply and price con form with appetite and p jeket. Conditions io Porto Rico. We have beard much recently thont distrcM in Porto Uico, about the discontent among the people and the widespread poverty that pre vails. Governor Allen, who is now in this country, on bit arrival, a few dayt ago, gave ont a roseate state ment of the condition there, in which be represented them aagrati fylng, and ttated that the represen tations to the contrary were without foundation and where not totally false were greatly exaggerated. Hit statement was substantially tn en dorsement of Governor Alien' ad ministration. The following sent to tbo New York Herald tell a somewhat different story from that told by Governor Allen : ' Govern r Allen within the last month or to ha made everl trip Into the interior and serosa the west ern end of the island. After hi re turn on each occasion he ha given to the local press optimistic state ments regarding the condition of the crops and the outlook generally, "Nevertheless hnndedt of per son In thi fertile island are actually starving because the plantort who formerly employed them have not the small capital necessary to plan' and cultivate crone. The Dovertv- stricken condition of the tailoring clatci la shown in their wlllingnes to emigrate. There are at present In the island emigrant agent for three different association one In Hawaii, one in Cuba and one in Ecuador. None of those finds it d: (Ilea It to obtain laborer. "One day last week at Goanica a load of emigrant tailed for Hawaii. They numbered nearly 900 men, women and children. Seventy five per cent, of the men were to emaci ated through hunger that it actually tired them toclimb the ship ladder. Most of them bad only the clothe on their back and absolutely no household belongings. The chil dren were mostly naked. "While it may be a good thing for the laborers to emigrate, yet the agriculturist aro becoming alarmed and are calling for Government in terference. The island press is unit ed io opposing t-x tended emigra tion to other countries. This is a statement of facts, with out any accompanying comment, by a writer who had lias motive for " Vtntation than Gov. Allen f In bis rose colored state- was substantially commending own administration. Are people ei.ger to emigrate by the hand rod from a country where prosperity prevails i The fact is that for so mo reason Porto Uico has been on the ragged edge ever since sho came un dertheU.S flag. Hut the tUg isn't tbe cause. There are other causes, and tbey are to be found in the course pursued by the administra tion at Washington. From tho tlmington . , . . Death of Rer. Solomon Pool. llev. Solomon Pool, D. D , died Tuesday morning, April 9th, at his borne iu Greeuaboro. About fonr years ago be received a stroke of paralysut and then bat been an invalid. For the past two months bit condition hat been serious and all that medical skill and loving bands could do seemed to be of no avail and he passed quietly and peacefully away, surrounded ny friends and loved ones. The funoral service wore con ducted from West Market church in Greensboro Thursday morning at 10 o'clock by Rev. J. ii. croggs, assisted by Rev. II. K. Hoyor. Dr. Pool wat iu nit CU tb yetr and cave a wife and eight children to mourn bit demise. Soon after tbe Civil war Dr. Pool oiued tbe Methodist church, and af ter graduating devoted bis life to teaching aud preaching. For many year be waa a professor at tbe Uni versity of Aorta Carolina, and wat afterward elected it president and filled tbe position for tome year. lie afterwardt joined tbe JNorin Carolina Conference, of which body he remained an active member until four year ago, when a itroke of paralytit forced htm to ask for a suporanoated relation, since which time be bat resided in tireepsboro. Dr. Pool, during bia active ministry, wat a tine preacher, and a moat euc cesoful pastor. He failed a number of tbe beet stations, as a supply or regular paur, among them being Weat Market and Centenary, at Greentboro; Tryon Street, Char lotte, and Centenary, Winston. At the division of the Conference ten years ago be remained in the North Carolina Conference and served one or two churches in the extreme east. Winston Sentinel. Late advice from Pimentel, Pern, tell of the passage of a beautiful aerolite over that place on March 31st, at 9:25 o'clock p. m. In ap pearance it wh a large as a full moon. It paseed northwesterly over the town, alternately darkening and re-lightlng io it paaage, until it fell into tbe Pacific ocean. ALWAYS KtlP ON HAND Than la ss klnal af sialn f e aerie. In tarn a I or itr ' nal, that Pln-KMIar . will rat raxtwvew I ( itsx out row m Tici sms a'B- ,$TTur. Tut 4K MU'. eoT'ii . Ci T( fclMt, r 5 FIRRY DAVIt tON. A GREAT TRUST FORMED. , Alaska Trade and Transport Com bine to Preent Conine. A late 8n Francisco pedal di patch says: A great ti oat of all trac ing and transport in Alifka whs formed here on April 6 with a cap ital of 10,250,000 nnder the double title of tbe Northern Navigation and the Northern Commercial Compa ny. two companies incor porated under the laws of New Jet sey Include the Alssk Commercial Cornj aoy and A'ai-k Exploration Company, and the Seattle Transpor tation Company, The purpose of the combination i to prevent the cutting of rati and the demorMlizt tiou of trafllc which ha reunited from divided interests in Alaska. It was found that the only way was to make a combination of all cornpa nl operating in the Yukon, Sint Michaels, Hehring Sea, and Port Clarence districts, iho Northern Navigation Company will take over tfie asset of the four companies named which are connected with transportation and will do a sirictlr transportation business with a capi tal of 1:1.850,000. The northern company, capitalized at 7.000,000, will lake over all the planta and stocks of merchandise now onder tho control of tho four companies In Alaska. Tbo new companies ex ptct to Improve the service and to reduce the price of supplies as they will be able to cut down exfiensis. The principal ollice of the.combine will be in San Francisco. Dot Day In Dafiipan, Philippines. 'Our country bat doubtless the best postal system in existence tnd tbe most varied wsyt of reaching her citizens in the remotest wildt of tlio Philippines, as well as the 'Land of the Midnight Sun.' We have q'lite a peculiar system in these islands, which will likely lie inter esting to civiliz-d people. "Htuquet province ia far Into tho interior, and ia peopled by a tribe of savage called Igorrotes, a type of Indiana almost like our North American Indians, save smaller in stature. Tbey wear no clothing ex cept a breechelout, and mi-ke the round trip of one hundred miles for one dollar gold. "They are a peaceful tribe and livo in a state of savagery, depend ing upon their hunting and fishing for a living. In their province are found many indications of gold end already score of prospectors have staked oiT claims and are waiting for our government to establish 'ime kind of mining laws. They hire these natives to wash gold for them, paying them 10 cents a day gold, and the peculiar part of it is, their pans are made from the bark of trees. "Every family hero baa from two to throe dogs of pedigree, from tho measly cur to the St. Bernard, and during moonlight night they make tho night hideous with ibeir howla. General Smith noti fied the presidento to have all dogs chained and not allow them to run at large on tbe streets, but this did do good and his next order was for the soldiers to turn out anil Hull ev ery rJig that might cross heir paths, and this was a dog day sure enough. All day long the crack, crack of the Krags could be heard, and as the sun went down there were hundreds of doge lea than when it came up. A b mnty of 10 cent was paid for each tail. "The Federal party hero is doing good in bringing about pacification. In Manila tbe American and Fili pino ladies have a Peace club which will also have an influence to bring about peace. The backbone of the rebellion is undoubtedly broken and but a few bands ofgueriliat and la drone are now injexi6tence. Tbe civil service is in vogue also and all departments are running along quite moothly. The health of the army U good. Sam'l W. Kis(smoke in Ashoville Citizen. THE OFFSPRING OF HEREDITARY DLOOD TAINT, Scrofula ia but a mwiificJ form of Blool Poison and Consumption. The parent who ia tainted by other will tee tu tb. child the tame disease manifesting i t ae 1 1 ia the form of swollen glands of the neck and throat, catarrh, weak eye, offensive a ores and ahsceaee and of tentimra white swell ingsure signs of Scrofula. There mav he no external aiensfor 7 a long time, for tnedieaae develops atow-Iy ta Borne ease, hot the yxri-rn is in the blood and will break ont at the first favnr ableorriortnnity. S. R. S. cures this wast ing. destructive disease by firt purifying and building op tha bktod and stimulating and invigorating the whole system. J M R-K tn Pahllf fcjnr Wlnr:ile.T-a ssv: " Ten frrmtmf daaa-fctrr fell sml cwt art frteh4. Ftom ihi o.nd th- gl.n, oa the tide 0t her f.rr brm twlrn . od tnire4. fe-wc l tb ht doctors bt asa l.rwhere attrndrd tier wtiboot mmw fceettt. We so tr, a. a. a., aaa a Uw koto rand as ea tswir." tnakee new and far nourttn ana the body, ran tree and or Scrofula. V aw. .."v a U'tv'li. blootl to KS aafc cwre I It overcomes all forma of blood puison, whether tnhetited or acquired, aud tie retnrdy aa thoroughly aad effectively rleansea tha blood If vow hs-re any brood troeble, or your child baa inherited anew blood taint, take S tv. S and ret the brnd la food rondiuosi and fxtvrut tb disease d.-nng f ortlser damae. fsrn.i fw iwi free bonk ad write esat ythraicu-ia about vr-ar r, V. e anak. Bs caanr shiiem me. be J elm. Ta ranrr etet c. itiitit aa. 'f Makes the food more rrvftl ftaaa) No Sunset on United States Soil. For tevcral weeks in the year, be fore and after Ju?e 21st, the tun never set on United Statet fcrritory, the territory right here between the Atlantic and the Pacific, without reference to Hawaii or the Philip pine Islands. That it to say, the ton rises oo the most easterly point of tbe United States befur it tc-tt on the most westerly point. The Aleutian Inlands, at every body know, camo into our p sion with Alneka. Attooit the west ernmost island of the group, and is, therefore, the westernmost land ! oneing to ns. Its longitude is 180 degrees, 4 3 minutes west. The m jet easterly point of the United State i QiiodJy Head, Maine, tho longi tude of which ia !') degrees, 57 min utes west. Taking tho difference in longitude between the Iwo points Attoo and Qtoddy Head wo find that United State territory ex tends from enst to west 12Qdegrtes, ono-third of the circumference of the globe. Tji is not enough to hav . the sun rise on tho mort east erly part of tho United Slate be fore it sets on tho most westerly ; but wo understand it when we con sider the latitn io of the two points, and tho varying length of the day. In the la'itudeof Attoo and (j'loddy Head the sun is above the horiz m a short time before and a short time after Juno 21st for 10 hours and 15 minutes, and as the earth turns over on is own suit at the rate of 15 tie greet an hour, it will in 10 hours and 15 minutes txposu 213 degrees of its snrfap'j to the sun. We have found I list the distance between (v (fly IJetd and Attoo is 120 degrets, counting from eet to west ; still counting west, there fore, it must be 210 degrees from Attoo to (JuodJy Head. And if the son is above tbe horizon lot g enough in that latitude to shine on 2 t-t degrees of the earth ssurfac at a stretch, it mint be time der-- high at tnddy Head when it is ret ting at Attoo. As a mutter of fact, it does ris! at ( j toddy Head about 10 ininutis before it eets at Attoo. United States to Exploit China. A late cablegram from V enna says: Tim French ecmomirt, M. Paul I.eroy Heanlieu, in an aiti'e in the Nem s W einer I agobhitt. dia- cuueitig which civilized nation likely to exploit China, says: "Ii it probable that the chief role will I til to the United States, especially when the Nicaragua cmal has been cut. Chins. will then, for economic pur pewa, becotno an American colony. The Americans know this, and 'In ir whole attitude during recent ev. trs has most certainly been nurkul by finiwse and foret bought.'' 1 Knew On Harts HmimmI' foru obftlliuitt) cold. Ju t nw 1 Pypj-tttvl hm w, Hague-McCorkie Importers and GllUKNSnORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND XIATG. gOT We solicit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. - MW We cordially invite all Merchants to eall on us w hen in (irwnslioro. or to tee our Travelling balecrnan be for HT. hFi J SioBi f d ..a... JI. 1 i- w Tbo. rawer, CUHasEa, A. ti Tirrk. M L Fawtarr, President. Firt Vice Pres. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ht. Airy. ironroKAtin- ranumi, ,. rji tp. DIHBCTOK8.' Tho. Faweett C. I . liar.k-. M. I- Faweett. K.. Trotter, . I. Fawctt.. This bank solU.ts the accoume ..f Menhant Manufaetureiw farmer and Individuals. The a-eom,ta ot the MeeebanU loe.led .n te w auja.-m.t rp-eirr-d Jl Si terms. The fund. customs, are WsN I lj two borpl.r 1 T'" -'.-' V ? llhiW bklhV f'.a L tUHa. J S V- '"-IT"-".' - - Z'uX L"" " 5sT "i'"2a 2 nVCf1' Aii-c-!;htz-.,; V- ..... J v.. I a r..- - i ' - - we I .1 i"-"" ' '-"- i 1 id t!,7-- vf ti" -t tuw.! on t t-Ki.-t r .T - '. 1 1 , .-.. Vf Ifa r. l-r,-rr. TV : -o ". .. ; J,.. -..".r.. ., .ne-c .r. if I Ca -ff-r rrnt ft-eet t - lilt ttts.5 K'.UiM" CS'-HM. (?.T'tn C!tUt:i,f. f . - . ......,,-.ssa . m. -v -.. ft I I L a I tJdkious and vvfwilesomo nW w ft at fi'.tHI, Alcohol In tbe Army. The Hritisli authorities some tune ago made a test of the tlieged value of alcohol when men are subjected to, onosnal and txhauting labor. Experiment ware mule at different timet bd under varying condition with three regiments from each of several brigade. In one every man wat forbidden to drink any alcohol whatever while the tt lasted ; in the sec it id malt li'jtior only wat taken ; io tho third a ration of whia kv was given to paeh man. The whl-ky drinkers mamfe-etcd rmre dash at first, Imt generally in about four days showed signs of weakness and fatigue; those given malt li'juor displayed less dash it first, but their endurance lasted somewhat longer, while the abstainer improved daily in alertness and cUying pmer. In IheGcrm-in army experiment ire bci'g made with sugar, whieh is claimed to have such great sustain ing powers that it i propowd to erve it as an extra ration when un usual f'atigui are to Ik homo, Medical Ilceord. It i evident that China will soon be in urgent need o rhh with which to pay indent! ity bills. The United S ah i will claim aa its share ilxoit. twenty five million dollars. A Wife Says: " I hsvt lour children. Vith the (ps-J- thrrc I -i('rrrd stinnst unbraribk 12 to 14 hou, ivfTf-; bottU. ol.iVjj child cm,. is a strong, fatV hcillliy boy, doing my housework up lowioun two noun icred but a few hard (j T e-W pains. This tni- ll J Y' Cs of birth, and snf. ; i ' ' mentis the grind- A. i Jkt .9. I.III.U ITII nude." Mother's Friend will do fcf every woman what it did for the MinnrvoU mother w ho writes the above let trr. Not to etc it during pregnancy is a mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering. Mother's Fritnd equips th patient with a strong body and cirir intellect, which sn turn are imparted to the child. It relates he muscles and allows them to expand. It relieves morning sickness and nervousness, ft puis all the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour, so that the actual labor is short and practically painleu. Dan ger of rising of hard breasts it altogether avoided, and recovery is merely a matter of a few days. Dm,! fists seU Mather's Trtend lef I s tattle. Tbe ftraJfkhl rUfuUtor Co., Atlanta, Ga. fcsnj tar ur free Jttu.-.rsted t(.-ok. Dry Goods Co., Wholesalers, placing orders elsew nere. MR! MARBLE Mount Airy, N.O, . W. D. HAYNES I CO., Proiriston. MM Ms iirats Tombstor ea, Iron Fencing, or iim far UMm Hmnli -s.iO n ..ION I ' 1 r ' i m urn rstrur ,V'.T'. r.l prtot orail inlpiwuiif on "" tr.nai ti)'e-ra- r-- ' - t " - " ' e '.' : r. , e. a-' r t tm i.svti an .4 F i fr.te tO"tT. A I' - e ftltftNi (afVMI srtla T)f at. at '

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