Mount Airy News. VOL. 22. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1001. NO. JJ. SUBSTITUTE FOR A VACATION, VlaVS I fc Its LW1IB fTMIT. I I rtT-l nor. w, c wimth. IK I II It TAB BCtll ITBIIT, I fen II H CITIM.HJ. JjLf Prof. Wm. C. Webster, Principal of Wsbstor's Muslo, 000 Stolnway Mill, 17 East Van liuruu strset,Chicago, 111., In a recent letter, suyst "I hareusud your niodiulue and cannot ijr too much for it. I will recommend It to anybody. I keep it In my school In vase of need." A New Han. K. 0. May, Oak Mdge Btatlon, l a., Wrltest "Mr. L. P. Bailey, whose health was impaired and who alwayt telt tired and haggard, by my per suasion, begun to use Peruna about a month ago, and now he looks like a different man. lie says be feela 100 per cent, bet ter." N. C. May. ThuHednlrltiK a free book on the ratine of nerve weakness, anosmia and other devitalising diseases should address The Peruna Mudlulue Co., Uuiumbua, Ohio, S. P. GKAVKS, Attorney at-fcraw, MOUNT AIBY, N. O. tar-Practice" In state and Federal Courts. Prompt attention to collection ot claims. M. II. SPARGER NOTARY ffl pUbLic. OFFICE WITH CEO. W. SPARCER. Business Promptly Attended to. w. r. CARTER, MOUNT AINV, N. & t. K. LEWEUYN, DOMON S.0. Cartkr & Lewellyn, Attopneys-at-kaw. r Practice In tbe State and Federal Courts. Frompt attention given to all business entrust ed to tbelr care. Dr. John E. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR S DRUG STORE. THOME 38. Office Hours 8.00 A. M to 6.00 P. M. Mount Airy, N. 0. T. 13. McCARGO. D0TAHY PQSIilG. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY HOTEL SLOCK Business Promptly Attended To. W. R. BADGETT, ATTORNEY - AT -LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Will practice wherever and whenever desired. Prompt and careful attention given to all business. Collections a specialty. DR. W. S. TAYLOR, OFFICE D00 8TOR.E, Eye, Ear, Nose ni THroat. Special attention given to this prac tice on Wednesdays and Saturdays. J. a. USE. JiS. TILLIT TESH & TILLEY, GoitrafcvailvBuiirs, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Estimates furnished for anj kind of building. Workmanship first-class. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contracts so licited. EDWARD BAM, H. B Office: 121 S. Elm St., Creensboro, N, C. (OTtK nm' Dare stors.) Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Consultation Hours : to I. Do You Want To Bar yonraelves and n-lenln trouble. If so, and you desire to buy a piano. Organ or Telephone, first oonauli wilh w. C. Kullon, Klectrlcal Musical stipplles. Address, W. C. Fulton, Dobson, N. C. e. i nut -DlALM IH- Caskets, Burial Robes, Slippers, &c. A ftui eteek of all atxea aa qualities kept CM kaad, au4 at reiobls prions. Star reom, natalrs iw Mr, W. ft. ?vsi Men, oa Ksia Stnet, Con, Mr. Charles Newman, 174 -j vy Loomis strsst, ajf Chlcsgo, HI., writes lbs fob lowltiK In regard lo lVruna. Mr. Newman says "I took oneliottlsof your wonderful medicine and have so Improved that I feel like a new person. I am very thank ful that I got hold of your wonderful remedy. I cannot say too much In your behalf. I had doctored for two years until I felt there was no relief. "My wife lias takenous bottle of your grand medicine and It ha helped her so much. I And it has improved her health so much fiat I will recommend It to anyone die Vly." "Youi t;.tcfully, Charles Newman. Nervous Depression. The month of July is peculiarly the month of neryous diseases, especially nervous prostration and other dcprvmied states of tho norvous system. 1'eoplo who are at all Inclined to be nervous or suffer from weak nerves And this month twpuulally trying. Hultry heat and electrics' disturbances of the atmos phere Is probably the cause of this. Invalids need to be particularly care ful during the month of July to fortify inenervouB system by the use of I'uruua, The Thank-You Habit. We nro sometimes Immiliatod tli fit wo liavo bIiowd bo littlo appre ciation for kindness dono to us. We are often amazed that others think ro little of our attempts to serve them. Wo are often amazed toeeo how much some will allow us, and other people too, do for Miotn with out a word of thanks. SometiuiGe this is duo to a luck of appreciation, sometimes to thoughtlessness and sometimes to pure neglect. Tho thank you habit is a good ono to acmiire. We need to get into tho way of alwajB thanking tluo who serve us even though tho servico they rend er iH small, and unimportant. It may bo a greater service in their eyes than in ours, they may have taken great pains, and they may bo looking for the appreciative word. We are not advocating flattory, and we liavo no atienco with gush, but wo do think those who serve us should be thanked. And tho more humble and lowly tho ono is who serves the more readily should they bo thanked. Vet our observation goce to show that those who care less about such things are the very ones wo are careful to thauk, while those whoso faces would light up with a smile ot gratification if we should beetow a hearty thauk-you upon them never receive it. It will be good for us and for those who are about us if we should acquire the thank you habit. Put it into practice with the children and the servants about the borne and you will not likely neglect it when you go out into the world. AN OLD ADAGE SAYS -aa. "A light purse is a heavy curaV Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER Is the seat ot nine tenths ol all disease. go to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action ol the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. Take No Substitute. a, GKO. W. SPA JIG Kit, Attorney-at-taw, MOUNT A1HY, K. C. Will practice In State and Federal Courts. Special attention to ooUecUon of olalms and negotiating loans. LOOK OUT FOR Aaron T. Penn's Barber Sign, Next Door to Blue Ridga Inn, Where you can eft a tlnrt-elass Share. Hair-cut, Shampoo. Hair-dressed, and, in fact, anything In tue Barber line. Have Just re(l(ll uiy sbop wtthNfcw Doable Reclining back Velvet cush ioned Chairs and many oilier necesmry equip ment which go to make up a Complete and First -clwm Barber shop. Ttianklug all my customers for many past rators and solleiune a continuance of their val ued patronage, nd hoping to add to my list many new customers ; promising all my very heel eOoru to pleaae them In every respect, 1 tug to remain stoat obedlenuy, Atron T. Penn. VMDftt 4 $5,000 DEP05IT K R. FARE ralO 200 FREE Br eRercd. vnaaKta A.LA. BUSINtat COWk'fCt, Wcof,Oa. utt's Pi lis Ungovernable Tempers. Tliero is in all the realm of ihr ion uotliinif more destrndivo tlian itidiscriiriitiHto hate, first of all, it frorigiua the norvous fsnt'lia. TIioho I'ooplo who Oflsily 11 ir up on littlo provocation, go into hih dtnliroon, lake utobiat'f) without reason, unai you up (inck, have mined thoir norvt's, and tliore is only ono thing worse to ruin, and that is the brain, and we say of ono that is given to frecnierit ehtilliluma of tuinpor tliat ho it an uiihalanRcd man. A htisi nere man ol oar Ht'tjimiiitniieo said, "I cannot afford loget mad ; it hurts me so. And if sinful arigor dam ages tho body how much mora it rivus tho disposition! 1 hero are thousands of men clerks in stores who would have boon members of great business linns, and underlie cliaiiii'S who would liavo been hops carpenters, and attoi neys who would liavo been leading advocates, find preachers to congregations who are Starving them to dealh who might lavo had appreciative surrouiuhi gx who have been kept Ixiek and kept down by ungovernablo tempeis. Tho outbreak lanted only a little while, but it impeded a lifetime. A man thoroughly mad ran say enough in two minutes to damage him for UO years. It took only live minutes for the earlliiinako lode strojr Caracas, One unfortunate sentence uttered in slTront In a speech in tho l'r''"d States Huniito hut forever the tioor of Hie White liouso against one of thu iihihI bril liant men of tho laxt century. You can never trust a horsu that bus once run away, and you do not foul like trust mi a man who lias juxt once lost his equilibrium. You need to drive your temper as a man drives a fractious span amid tho explosions of a J'Viirth of July morning or the pyrotechnics of a fourth ol July night, with curbed bit, taut rein, Commanding voice, mastering your self and mastering what you drive. If you aro naturally high tempered, do not unnecessarily go among irri tations and provocations. J)o not build a blast furnace next to a gun powder mill. Then also such dem onstrations of ungovernability belit tle one. Men take out their lead poncilsand in estimating such a one take DO per cent oil. About the most hideous spectacle on earth is an angry mau or woman, burning not with tho anger commended in my text, but with thesin reprehend ed. After such a display of gall, inuicibility, virulence, his inlluonce with many is forever gono. Ihe world is full of politicians, doctors, lawyers, merchants, mechanics, min isters, housewivos, who have by such explosions been blown to pieces. T. DoWitt Talmago. m -e " The Country Homes Are Improving-. Ouo of tho best signs in connec tion with the home life of our pco plo ia tho improvement which is so rtmrked in the surroundings and fur nishings ot the average homo in the country. We have closely observed this for tho past ten years and this improvement is gratifying, l.are floors aro giving place to carpets and matting : silent walls are being made to speak eternal uieesagos from ap propriate pictures, and pianos and orgaus aro on every hand to cheer and gladden and entertain. And whenever there is a gathering of the yonng people in the country home the sweet songs ot Zion are sung with a beauty and richness that is wonderful. There is very little of the light and frivolous in their mu sic. Ana trotn these homos are coming men and women who are loaders in our churches and impor tant factois in the social life of tho ountry. This botteruiont of the homes bears better interest on the invest ment than stocks and bonds or cat tle and lands. It makes home more attractive givos it stronger holding qualities and a placo that tho boys and girls are rot anxious to leave. North Carolina liaptist. Causes of Mental Deficiency. After investigating 10,Chk chil dren, Y. A. MaeNicholl (Phila. Med. Journal, June 8, 1!01) is thorough ly impressed with tho belief that heredity plays an extremely import ant part to determining the mental capacity of our school childreu. Of this number, 885 showed more or less mental deficiency ; 471 were born ot drinking parents ; 221 were classed as due to heredity and 153 could give no satisfactory informa tion, lie was ablo to trace the fam ily histories of 463 children throngh three generations, and of these, 313 had drinking fathers and 51 drinK ing mothers. Of these children, 76 per cent suffered from some ecu rosis or organic disease. In 51 fam ilies having 231 children with total abstinence antecedents, only 3 per cent, of children were dull and only IS per cent suffering from neurosis. Medical News. CUBE All Till aiS WITH Pain-Killer. a Btcdicia Chest la SIMPLE. SAFE AND QUICK CUftE FOR Cramp, Diarrhoea, Cold, j Cough, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. St aad M sent Beillt. aCWAftt Of IMITATIONS. aUV ONLY THE (.EMU IN Dr. HUM' (am PiaatanafeataOlfewMam, P1RRY DAVIS' I A Nolel Act of Bravery. The following appeared a fow days since in tho Richmond (Va.) Dispatch : "Tho Confederate defenders of Fort (Jrogf, near tho city limit of I otcrsburg, less than 220 in mini tatr, were suddenly asmtilud by sev eral thousand of the enemy and re pulsed five charges in succession be foro finally overpowered by iinm burs. When bullets ran short thu rillomon hurled stones and bricks over tho low parapet npon tho head of tho daring ussuiliints and fought tho uneijtial Imttloout until reduced to Iccsthau thirty in number of mi wounded men. Alter tliexo were convinced that all was lost a youth named Atkinson, from JSorth Caro lina, seized tho tattered Hag ho and Irsciinnidcs hail so bravely defend ed and dashed over tho parapet, fol lowed by bullets from perhaps 500 rill I'd, hut safely escaping with tho trophy of his valor. Note: Tho Dispatch would be pleased to learn moro about young Atkinson, w!.:, wo understood, was a resident of Kayettuvillu, N. 0. There appears to be no doubt about tho truth of tho Incident rolatud," The act of Color Hearer Atkin son as decrilKid above was witness ed by thti writer. It was one of the most unlliint of the whole war. Af ter getting a short diHta ico away, Allison timed, and unfurling his Hag, waved it th lluntly at the ene my, titiucritl I .Hiie mentions tho m 1 1 1 iti t in Ins history, lie was of ten cntrustud by tho writer with dangerous duties. Capt. A. IS Wil- lams, in his hiHturyol Utittery C, of tho Tenth Regiment, mentions him as ouo of thoHti who sei.ed Uciioral Lee's bridle on the morning of tho liih at The Wilderness, when the tlrcat Commander was about to head chargo. The veterans are passing away, and men of exceptional bravery like Mr. Atkinson deserve to havo ro cognition tor their remarkable deeds. Itcsidus being ono of the bravest men in Loo's army, his per ception of tho significance of largo movements in buttle was greater than that of many lino ollicors. rayotteville Obsorvor. Worth and Lacy Must Foot the Bill. State Treasurer Lacv has formally notified ex Treasurer Worth of the amouut due from him to tho (State on account of tho shortage of Clerk Martin, which amount is $ 10,000.114. 1 ho amount tbkuu by Martin was $10,131 88, or 1371.84 in excess of the amount Worth is called on to mako good. This $374.84 must be paid by Treasurer Lacy, as it was taken by Martin after Worth's term had expirod and Lacy hud gone into oflico. After Lacy came into ollico Mar tin really took $1,249.52 from tho penitentiary fund, but ho paid $i5lv 03 into the deaf and dumb fund to make good tho money bo had stolen from that and ho paid warrants with $115.05 of it, leaving $374 84 which ho put into his own pocket and which Treasurer Lacy must now mako good. As Martin was only Btaring with the now Treasurer, Lacy, for a fow days until the new clerk could learn his duties , Lacy had no bond and so the $371.84 ia a clear loss. With ex-Troastirer Worth, howevor, tho case is di Heron t. He holds a $5,000 bond from Martin, given in a surety company, for each if tho four years he was in tho othce. It is under stood that these bonds are good and the surety company will pay the $10,000.04. Mr. Worth will lose nothing. Raleigh News Obeorver. m . ... Oxford Child Dies of Rabies. On the 23rd of Mav six vear old Lucretia Chewing, of Oxford, N. C, was bitten through the nose by a ptt dog with which sho was playing. tin the nUu ot June sho began to exhibit symptoms of hydrophobia and preparations were at once made to take her to tho Pasteur Institute at the City Hospital at Baltimore. The lournev had hard v hcirun on Saturday before tho littlo ono be came wild with rabies. She fought like ono pursued and barked and bit at those around her. I n the struggle she toro her mother's flesh with her nails and also scratch ed her attending physician, Dr. Wil liams, of Oxford, as well as a stran ger who carao to their assistance. If the child s hngcra were moistened with any of the salavia tho three adulta are also in danger of being at tacked with the malady. They are still in the city awaiting develop ments and am being carefully watch ed by 1'rof. Keirlu and hie assist ants at the Pasteur Institute. At the station the ambulance was in waiting, and the aflUcted, kicking child was hurried to the hospital. Etna was immediately put under treatment, bnt without avail. Iler tortures increased as the night ad vanced, and after midnight she died in terrible agony. Her mother is frantic with grief. This is probably the tint case of its kind in the local Pasteur Insti tute where a human ahMicted with rabies attacked others so that they also may be afflicted with hydro phobia. Concord Times. A Peer JHilllesialrc Lately starved in Iondon because be could not digeet his food. Karly use of Dr. King a New Life nils would have saved him. They strengthen the stomach, aid digestion, promote assimilation, improve the appetite. Price 25e. Money back if not satis fied. Sold by W. 3. Tajlor, druggist Cosf $60,000, But the Noise Stopped "When a woman will, she will, and you may depend on't," and that Is why Miss Annie T. Jeancs, of Philadelphia, got rid of a noisy pi ano, though in doing so she found it necessary to spend $00,000. For almost half a century Miss Jeancs, who is a memlor of tho Order of Friends, has uiitdo her home in the oM-f iiihloned twin houses at 1021 and 1023 Arch street, Philadelphia. Hho belongs to a family which led in developing the textile industry of the y.iaker City and is worth several millions. She is 84 years old, but is still active and in wonder fully good health. For many years the premlsei at 101!) Arch street, adjoining the homo of Miss Jeancs, was a well conducted boarding house, according to the views of the venerable (junker City, bnt seven rears arm the olaeo chartfcd hands. --p, r n There woro several musical boarders among thu new guests and they kept tho piano busy. It was tumpty-tum from morn till dowy evo, and finally Miss J canes remonstrated with tho landlady. Rut the piano was not stillid. Nefthor was Miss Jcanes defeated, however. Sho sent for her man of busmoss, gavo him a cheek for $40,000 and told him to buy tho house next door. It wis a good price and thu transfer i as soon ef fected. Then tho boarding house keeper was notified that tho piano must be played only within reason able hours and that "Rag time" and other popular music wuru tabooed altogether. No attention was paid to thesuiiiKtiuetlons and Miss Jeancs had the landlady and boarders eject ed. The house was shut up, and though the old lady has received several good oirors to lease tho prop erty, sho refuses to do so unless thu 'onant will agrco not to havo u pi ano on the premises. So tho house is still vacant. Considering tho pur (Hume id ico, taxes, insurance anil loss in rent, the property has cost Miss J earns $00,000, and sho thinks tho peaco of mind sho secured is cheap at the price. N. Y. Sun. Disappearance at Ashevllle. I) M. Williamson, a prosperous farmer living about 12 miles from here, disappeared in Abbeville last Tuesday morning and nothing has been hoard from bun since. His brother, J. F. Williamson, is here in Ashuville to investigate tho matter, and tho polico and sheriffs ollicors have been searching for him, but ho has vanished completly. The strangest part of it all is that no reason can be assigned for hie disappearance. The usual causes in such cases have been gouo over, but none of them fit this case. 1 he of ficers have a theory, however, which they will not divulge, by which they hope to get the desired information. 1 he circtimstancos in tho case are that Williamson came to Asheville three weeks ago to load some walnut logs ho had sold on a train near Em ma. He spent Monday night in Ashevillo. fSext morning at about 8 o'clock he left here. That was thu last that was seen of hi in as far as can be learned. At this poiut the searchers have lost track of him. The logs woro not loaded. They are worth probably $100. In addi tion to this ho had about two car loads of logs on tho road ready to bo shipped, but they have not been moved. 1 be last night Williamson was in Asheville ho spent the night with a friend from Madison county. lie had only $4 or $5 about his per son, lie was 4ti years old ana was reasonably strong and able to pro tect himself. Tho authorities will be glad to havo any information that anyone can give about him. I! rider the circumstances it is very much feared that Williamson has met with foul play, as no roason can be imagined why he should wish to leave homo. He was on the best of terms with his family, his brother says, and had no personal enemies It ho had wished to leave homo there Is every reason to believe he would hiXve done bo alter having sold his walnut logs, for which he could easi ly have gotten several hundred dot lars. Tho fact that be had so little monoy on his person makes it strange that he should meet with violence, though hie relatives are forced to this conclusion by the circumstances of tho case. Asheville Citizen. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower stilt has the largest sale of an; medicine in the civil ized world. Your mothers' and grand mothers' never thought ot using anr- thing else for Indigestion or Bilious ness. Doctors were scarce, thej seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous 1 rostratton or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate tbe action ot the liver, stinulate tbe nervous and organic action ot tne system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and oilier aches. You only need a few doses of tireen's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. for sale by I. W. West, ITUggist, mount Airy, n. V. . ' It is said that Superintendent Gill, of tho model department of tho United States patent office, at Washington, D. C., can tell all about the 300,000 models there from memory. He has them all photographed on his brain. He is what might be called a model su perintendent, says the witty editor of the Wilmington Star. The Republican aayi it is report ed that Sam Poin dexter, a Wintton colored man, waa among tbe num ber killed during tbe recent flood in Weet Virginia, A Credit Check Swindle. That there la no end to the ways of imposing npon tho suffering Now Vn.k public was illustrated by tho failure of a small store recently The newly appointed receiver was surprised by having many women coino to hisofhco with credit checks Ihetio cheeks were for small amounts, rangin from $1 to $10. At lirsl the receiver cou Id n t under stand it, but upon investigation ho learned tho details ol a pretty system of fleecing. Tho firm, it soeins had made a specialty of silk and cotton shirt waists. Thefo were, with few ex ceptions, shapeltxis, ill fitting gar ments, and when the unfortunate women shoppers got home with their purchases and put them on they woro disgusted to find that the bargain salo waists were baggy and pnekory and altogether so poorly fashioned that it would bo next to impossible to make thum fit even by a complete ripping up and re making. Such being tho conditions tliev invariably took thn mmiln back and demanded other waists or thoir money. It was contrary to the principles of tho lirm to refund money, and as thoy seldom had waists moro becoming either in stylo or shapo than thu ones returned, they wore driven to the extremity of credit checks. "We will oet in a new simply of waints in a fow days," was tho suave assurance, of thu manager and his well trained assistants. "Your check will bo good at any time, and when wo replenish our stock you can select a waist that suits you." lut tho new stock never arrived. and in spite of the good dollars re ceived from deluded customers without decreasing thoir capital of waists, tho linn bocamo insolvent and then fho women began to come with cod it cheeks. Ho far tho re ceiver has been uriablo to com pensate them for their ls throticrb tho swindle which, in its way, was rather neat. New York Sun. Tramps Forced to Aid Partners. Now wheat is moving in Nebraska in great quantities. 1'ox ears are in groat demand. The cereal is being threshed as rapidly as weather con ditions will permit, and the grain is unusually firm and largo. ll.o greatest dilliculty is being experienced in securing men to handle the crop. While the wheat ready for harvest and tho extra ordinary rainfall of tho past few days giving the weeds nil impetus in tho cornfields, farmers are forced to work night and day to keep ahead. Jn many sections ot the county com is being weeded by moonlight, and wheatlields present tho satno scene of activity in tho night as in the day. lho movement of tramps across Nebraska and Kansas iust at present has ceased, bccuiiso many havo been hauled from curs along the different lines by farmers and trainmen and impressed into servico. This is no joke, as a largo crowd of tramps at (Means, Neb , discovered yesteHay. llnrty were rounded up by fanners armed with pitidifolks at tho water tank near that town just after Sab bath meeting and marched into the country. They were parcelled out among the farmers and told they would get $2 a day and food if they worked their best, arid it they didn t they would be taken to town and confined in jail or on the rockpile as vagrants. As a rule, this persua sion was sufficient and the tramps went to work with ranch vigor. - . The Kansas City Southern Rail way Company is abont to establish lines of steamers lo ply between Port Art! ur, lexas, and South America and Europe on ono hand, and ports on tho Atlantic coast of Mexico and the United States on tbe other. This looks like llanna'e subsidies were a fraud and not need ed. Tho American people will not always bow to Mark llanua. CAM Catarrh has become such a cc jmon disease that a person entirely free from this disgusting complaint is seldom met with. It is customary to sneak of Catarrh as nothing more st-rious than a bad cold. a simple inflammation of tbe nose and throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangerous disease ; if not at first, it Very soon becomes so. llie blood is quickly contaminated bv the foul secretions, and the poison through the general circulation is carried to a'J parti of the system. Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis factory and disappointing, because they da not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does. It cleanses the blood of the poison and eliminates from the system all catar rhal secretions, and thus cures thoroughly and permanently the worst esses. Mr. T. A. William. leading dry-foods mr abant of Spartanburg, 8. C, wrltra : " Fur ru 1 had severe caac of seal Catarrh, with all the diaagrreable effect which belo.f to that ataeaae. ltd which make lit palatal and Beadureble. I aed saediciaiea prescribed be leading ohvticiatia and augKete(! numbers of friends, but without letting anr better. I than beiran to take a a. a It had the deal red effect and eared me after tattnf enjHteea bottles. In mw opinion S S lathe only medi al ne now la net that wUI effect a pei manent curt ( Catarrh." is the osily purely veg etable blood purifier kaowm, and the great est of all bleoj madi cinea and tonics. If ma have Catarrh doat wait until it become deep-seated and chraoic, but be gia at once the oae of S. S. S., and send for sas book on Blood and Skin Diseases m& write our physicians about your m swift tnw ea, aTUin., a. Am lta aVMaara f Itr Rot BMfnPtlearll tinner llta Saaa ate eta. si-HuMfHw is,nt4va .t r ia rTO?N7A n AZSGLUIILY Makes the food more eoAi B.WINQ Cured by Faith. Mr. L. I. MeFaddon, who had been a sufferer of rheumatism for ton weeks, not Iming able to go about at all without crutches, went to WacksburK last Kuiiday a week ago and while there accidontly met a faith euro preacher or divino healor, who said that ho L id no busi ness goinit ftbuiit on crutches that ho could reitoro his activity in twenty minutes if ho would allow him to do so. Mr. McFadden had no faith himself in such a euro, but liu was willing fur tho faith doctor to practice on him. The preacher met him at a livery stable and going through some motions with the right hand, which ho had dipped into some water, and rubbed it on the other, aiikcd Mr. McFuddcn lo try if no could work his foot and to his surprise found lui could. Tho healer continued his motions i f the hand, when in a tew minutes Mr. Mc Fadden could put his weight on his font and linallv laid his crutches aside and walked up town and back. Mr. Mcl' uJ Jen is still limping some, but his condition is much improved. He was in this ollice Monday, feeling in good spirits, but ho is doubtful if tho euro will last, although the healor anRnrcd him it would. lie says a lady in lilueksburg who wss seriously Hlllieted in both arms has boon entirely relieved and that a colored 111:111 who could only walk with two sticks waa ablo to jump up and even to run f.ftor tho healer had worked on him for a few minutes. When Mr. McFadden left Ulaeks burg Monday the healer had about lifty patients. Lie makes no charges, but expects compensation and will take any sum of money that may bo given him. Tho doctor will come to Kock Hill aud try his power on sime of our cripples. We are no believer in faith cures, but at the same time wo have per feet faith in tho scincerity of Mr. McFaddeu and for that reason we publish this. Kock Hill Herald. Neirru Kills Two White Men. A dispatch from Ingor, W. Vs., says that a uegro desperado named Trice, Thursday niijht, stabbed and killed two men and probably fatal ly wounded tho third. Price in Btilted a white woman and a number of citizens pursued him with the in tention of chastising him. He Mod into a bar mom and stabbed the futt three that entered, with the above result. Ono of the pursuers shot the negro in the shoulder, wherupt ii he jumped out of a rear window of the saloon and swam tbo Tug river to the Kentucky sido. A constable subsequently captured him and placed him in tho Welch, West V ir- ginia,jail. Uulaiuns from the Northern Wood are lo Fyuj-Balaam, the certain cor tor uxixha Hagus-McCorkls Dry Goods Co., Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. V solicit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. We cordially invite all Merchants to call on us when in Gretsnsburo, or to see our Travelling Halesman before placing orders elsewhere. 11 ? StoiE Writ Taos. FawciTT, O. L. Hanks, President. First Vic Pres. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ml Airy. IKt OKPOIUTED. CapMMl, $50,000, Paid l a. f DIRECTORS. Tho. Faweett C. L. Ranks, M. L. Faweett, A. G. Trotter, G. D. Faweett. This bank solicits th aecounis of Merchant, Manufacturers.. Farmer and Individuals. The account of the Merchants located in towns adjacent receive! on favorable term. The fund of our customer are secured by two burglar oroof Steel aheaU and the Yale Time Lock. Interest allowed on Barings Deposit ,wVVwm.vmVwtwAmwvmii ills xlii j . i-. i as easier terms the world Unions ' White ever before offered. Wiitr for our t-lej-t't U fafcslowt JUid detailed, jarlicitiara. Ilriw we can asve you money ia the pv.n - aud the" ta- KrrasoT tiaymeet factory or ilu-uup.'. ooj rr?uur tune.,)' od carnot to fjibS. Yaw kaww the White," tow ItsswW Its rruiiuicturcr. Therefore, a ticuuica tkcii,.uoo ut liie BiscLinc aud. ita couu uc i.hi u uutucfasarr. If yon have an oi l machine to exchange we t offer moat llherel terms. WLi it tt-IN UULNL C, - afAwwwwVIWvwwVwwrw Powder tURE delicious and wholesorire arwrtiea r n , Mt m voaa. Mason and Dixon Line. Tho monuments of tlioMnHon and Dixon boundary lino Ixjtwocn Penn sylvania and Maryland have PnfTer od severely from the attacks of van dals, and they will soon bo replaced with cast-iron markers. JUpid progress is now being made on I he re location of the line. The eastern portion wis originally mark ed by tune monuments at ejuul dis tances of a mile. Many of thcRo stones have licen removed or de stroyed. Tbe western portion, ow ing lo thu great dilliculty at that time in tho region traversed by tho liue, was marked by woodeu pools, cut on tho spot, and secured in placo by mounds of earth or stono piled around them. Tiicse posts havo dis appeared, but aomo of the mounds remain. Many of tliom havo been destroyed by cultivation of tho ground. It is believed, though, thst eiioiii'h of them can bo recov ered to enable the ro locution of tho boundary with precision. The Pennsylvania leginlature uns appropriated 7,o0o to reset and re pair the boundary monntneuts, and the Mar hind legislature $7i,Wt). Dr. W. (J. Clark, of Jlullimore, is co-operating with Secretary of Inter nal Affairs l,utfa, of Pennsylvania, in directing the work. Riltimoro Sun. A Wife Says: " W have fnur children. With this first three I suficrr j almost urrfctar.iblr pains from 12 to 14 hours, and lud to be placed undei tlx influence of chloroform. I used thru bottles of Mother's Friend before our lasl child came, which is a strong, fat and healthy boy, doing my house wotk up . :.L ! . 1 . to witmn two nours of birth, and suf- $ fered but a few hard ( pains. This lini- . merit is the grand- ( est remedy ever made." Mother's Friend will do fur every woman what it did for th Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter. Not lo use it during pregnancy is a mistake to be paid for in pain and (offering. Mother's Friend equips the patient with a strong body and clear intellect, which in turn are imparted to the child. It relaxes the muscles and allows them to expand. It relieves morning sickness and nervousness. It puts all the organs conccrtvJ in perfect condition for the final hour, so that the actual labor is short and practically painless. Dan ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether avoided, and recovery is merely a matter ol a few days. Drugg-liu sell Muther't Friend for $1 a bottle. The Bra J Held Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. Send fur our free illustrated book. AM MARBLE WORKS, Mount Airy, N.O. W. D. HAYNES I CO., Proprietor. f i i N- J M iFigeMleHraiiloMieitS' Tombstones, Iron Fencing, or Mis for Bil.iii. Farjyssci.&c lor DosgDS and prices, or call and nomine oBI at-orS. lOor work ana orloee wlllole 1. G. Trotter. M. L., Cashier A NEW DEPARTURE A Radical Change in Marketing Methods Applied to Sewing Machines. An orlglrtt plan uu,der which you can obtain unitH,-tter vat je in tie pure hate of ,y:sr Machine than f.ise of a h:;.h sriaii; sewitii; nrwhine se Ciu offtr, ei Jur duett ficno aulhotitrd ajjtnta. This is as oppor Vnte to-day. Address ia full. iY. (CWt A.) CkUlill, CL't.

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