Airy TATrn H VOL. 22. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0.. THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1001. NO. 5. 1Tat n H ws. W U V U eJL- T JL1 V JL K MM - The tripping feet the sparkling eye the graceful movement be long not alone to the bul ling maiden. These graces are the right ayt duty of every woman until the hail whitens and regal dignity replace them. The mother who guards hei strength lias so much more to de vote to the care and education ol her dear ones. She should be I comfort a cheer always. Yet how many feel that thej have the strength to properly bal ance the home? The world is list less, weary and morbid. Its Wooc" moves sluggishly and Is full of im purities. It needs a kindling, in vigorating tonic to set it afire il needs Pe-ru-na, THE ONE MEDICINE iu the world which women may rely uon jiositively. Pe ru na i; good for everyone, but particularly for women. The various weak nees which afflict their delicate or gauisiu spring from inflammation ti catarrh of the mucous lining, and I V-ru in U a specific for catarrh in any oran ol the body. Any congestion of amnion! membrane siniply means catarrh of tin organ affected. Thia is why Pr-ru-ni Caret all sorts of trouble where othei remedies fail. If there is a taUrrha at feet ion the matter with you anywhere Fe-ru-na will cure you. S. P. GKAVKS. Attopney-at-L,aw, MOUNT AIBY, N. C. ravPractleea In State arjd Federal Courta. Prompt attention to collection of claim.. 31. II. SPARGER, Notary m public. OFFICE WITH CEO. W. SPARCER Business Promptly Attended to. W. f. CARTER, MOUNT AJ.T, J. R. LEWELIYN, DOM ON H.C. Carter & Lkwkllyn, Mttorneys-at-Ivaw. Practice In tue stale and Federal Court. Prompt attention given to all buaUieai eulrimt d to ttielr care. Dr. JohnE. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR S DRUC STORE. PHONE 38. Office Hours 8.00 A. M to 5.00 P. M. Mount Airy, N. C, T. V. McCARGO. ROTARY PUBLIC. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY HOTEL BLOCK Business Promptly Attended To. W. R. BADGETT, ATTORNEY - AT -LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Will practice wherever and whenever desired. Prompt and careful attention given to all business. Collections a specialty. DR. W. S. TAYLOR, OFFICE OVER. DR.UO STORE, Eye, Ear, M and TIM flpecial attention given to this prac tice on Wednesdays and Katurdays. J. a TtSI. IIS. T1LLZT TESH & TILLEY, Contractors -:-aiJvBite, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Estimates furnished for any kind of building. Workmanship first-class. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contracts so licited. BADM, III. D Office: 121 3. Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. (orca Hum' nuva SToas.) Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Consultation Hours : t to 1. Do You Want To a? yourselves and Mead trouble II so. and juti (1'nlre to bur . nttUO orifiui or Telemoiie, nnit ixihault ' witn W. :. Fulton, Kiirtrliati Musical Supplies. Address, W. C. Fulton, Dobson, N. C. -DIAL! 1ST- It HA Baril Robes, Slippers, &c. A fall stock sf all aisxa aad qualities kepi M hand, mat at reaawkabl prioM. IMsjrs room, abstain Mr. If. W. ItkVa etm, w Una BsTttt, E. 1. UAH, NOTICE OF Bond Electa ! Pursuant to an ordinniwo, duly 'Piissud by Uio ltourd of (Jommis sioiicrs of Mount Airy, at its uii'i'tiiiir the 10th of July, notice is lierehy givon that an eli-ctkm has hi'cn ordered by the Hoar cf Commissioners to be held on Ausrust l'.ith. liHJl. at the follow ino- lilnccs in the two wards of the town as hereinafter desorib ed, from sun-risv to sun-set, to obtain the consent of a majority of the qualified voters of the town of Mount Airy to the issuance of (U.(HHi) Fourteen Thousand Uol lars of its bonds, as authorized by an act of (he General Assemb lv. ratified tlie-niioIMarcn, twoi entitled "An Act to authorize the Commissioners to issue bonds for waterworks and other iuijx).ses.' Th a following is the said or dinance : Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the town or Mount Airy. N. C. : Skition 1. That on Monday, the l'Jtli day of August, 11)01, an eleciion is hereby called to bo held for the jiurjiose of obtaining the consent of a majority or tne qualified voters of the town of Mount Airy to the issuance by the said town of its Bonds to the amount of (H,tMM)) fourteen thousand dollars,, (1.) Of const ructintr, installing and maintaining in the said town an electric litrlit and power plant Said Bonds to be of the following denominations, to-wit : Twelve (1L'( Bonds for $1,1)00 each and four Bonds for $."o0 each, bouring interest from date of issue at u ler ceut. jxT annum, payable semi annually, maturing in (.H) thirty years from date of issu ance, as authorized bv an Act of the General Assembly of Xortl Carolina, ratified the -1th day of March, l'.tol, entitled, "An Act to authorize the Commissioners of tin- town of Mount Airy to issue Bonds to supply said town with water, and for other purposes;-' and for the approval of said qualified voters of the levy ing by the Board of Commis sioners annually at the time of levying other town taxes, a special tax on all jiersons and subjects of taxation, which are now or may hereafter be taxed for any purjxjse whatsoever. Said taxes to Ixi collected at the time and in the manner as other town taxes are collected, and to be kept separate from other town taxes and to be applied exclusive ly to the discharge of the princi pal and interest of said Bonds, as provided in said act of the General Assembly. Skc. L'. That the election here in called for shall le conducted under the same rules and regula tions governing the conduct of elections for mayor and commis sioners; that A. V. Dean be, and he is hereby apjiointed, liegistrar in Ward No. 1 for said election ; that B. V. llolcomb be, and he is hereby apjiointed, Registrar in Ward No. 2 for said election, and that the result of said election shall be ascertained and declared as provided by law. Skc. A. J hat the Registrars herein named, or their successors should they for any reason not serve, after being furnished with the registration books and being sworn by some person authorized to administer an oath to faithfully disc harge the duties of registrars as prescribed by law, shall, be- JUST ONE WORD that word U TE'u.ttSs, It refers to Dr. Tutfs Uver Pills and MEANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with Indigestion? Sick headache? Vlrtlifof Bilious? Insomnia? ANY of these symptoms and many others Indicate Inaction of the " im You NoocX Take No Substitute. GEO. W. SPARGER, Mttorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIRY, W. O. Will practice b stats and Federal Courts. Special attention to ooUoctlon of claims and neiroUatlaf loans. LOOK OUT FOR Aaron T. Pcnn's Barber Sign. Next Door to Blue Bidge Inn, Wh-re jroo cas gut a tlniK-laas Khars, HaJr-rul, Hlianipno. Hulr-drawi it ft ltd. la I art, anything la u krbi-r Mm. Ilin Juat rentuid toyshop U'UKt Chslrs and oiaoy otnnr ae'-ewarr eul- wiui new uoum! KreiimiiK-baca vn ensa- n;uia wuh:d iro ut Duute ap a ittuipie iriritt-ciuw Barbitr BUop. T(l.-lllkl.v all an .ltMrtAtnjiM fttr Mtnt nut laturs and soilciuut a nunUiiamw ol Uielr al iwd pstriiustri!, awl aoptng to add to Buy list uany cutoar ; promMng all my rr Mat eOoru to pieM ttteia la erery mpebt, 1 keg to reuttia msax obtxtleuUy. Aaron T. Penn. 53" ;f a DEPOSIT K K FARE PAID 209 FREE Bdkalan!ils (TrrW. Wrus ivKk s UVIHSSI OOUIOk McHI, 0. s nits Pis tween the hours of sunrise and sunset, on each day (Sunday ex cepttHl) for ten days piecedin the day for closing Registration books, keep open said lxoks for registration and attend in tnei resiiective wards and registi sucli electors as snail presen themselves for registration ant who are duly qualified according to law ; that said books shall h closed for registration on Katur day, August 17th, 1U01. Skc. 4. That a ballot-box shall be provided in each ward, ii which the ballots of the qunlitiet voters shall be deposited. Thosi favoring the issuance of said Monds shall voU a written or printed ticket with the words thereon, ''For Ilonds," and thost opjiosed to the issuance of said Bonds shall voto a written or printed ticket with the worth thereon, "Against Honda." That for the puriHise of holding said election the following places are named as polling places : First Ward, the Town Hall ; Second Ward, li. 8. Gilmer's old store house. Skc. 5. That the Mayor and Secretary of the Hoard of (Join missioners shall cause notice to be published, as required by the act authorizing tho issuance of said Bonds, designating the time and place of holding said election, also giving the amount of the Bonds to be issued, the time said J kinds shall run, the denomina tions, the purpose for which the money arising from sale of said Bonds shall be used, the rati! of interest said Bonds draw, when payable; which notice shall be published for (;to) thirty days prior to holding said election in l hk MoiWT Aikv Nicws, a newspajer published hi Mount Airy, and by jxisters. Skc. b. That the Bonds to be ssuik! as a result of this election shall be designated Skkiks "B." V. F. L'ARTKK, Mayo it. Attest : E. B. Akhhy, Secretary. July Kith, l'.Wl. The Strict Rules of Russia. The Czar has just colchrated lii thirty-first birthday. Ho is prob ably the most powerful man of liis age that the world lias known in our time. To tho rulor of 13o,0t0,0(Mi of the human race at twenty six is an experience which lias come to only one living man which come, perhaps, to only one man since the world began. At that ago N itli- olas II became emperor of Russia. Of the 1,500,000,000 people on the face of the earth one in twelve bow ed dowD to this young man, at whose bidding 2,500,000 men would rise in arms, luose who know tue Uzar assert that he is the most lovable of meo, sensitive to a high degree, liv ing a quiet family life, with a pas sionate love of home and children, yet weighted down with the cares of empire, lie longs to be known, say his friends, as "Nicholas the Ed ncator. He is an insoluble para- ox, whose act one day Booms quite consistent with hie act another day. Hut the troth id said to be that the young emperor is over- helmed by the appalling rcnponsi bility that rests upon him and half the acts committed in his name are not his acts at all. "The Cznr," said one who knows him, "knows less about Russia than many a foreigner." At the beginning of Ins reign N ich olas put himself ou the side of com mon sense in the army by setting the officers an example which they are not likely to forget. A young lieutenant bad oO ended Ins col- leagues by riding in a tram down to the barracks. "Gentlemen," said the emperor, "I fear that to ride in a tram is considered beneath the dignity of an otlicer in yur regi mcnt. I am yonr colonel and I have just been riding in a tram. Do you wish me to send in my paeri?" This little speech settled the matter and the regiment has lost its snob bishness since then. Nicholas II holds a colonelcy iu the British army. An interesting story is told in connection with his appointment. The head of the war oilice whs present when Queen Vic toria suggested that the should be made a British colonel, and it is said that he spent some time in try ing to persuade the Queen tLat such a course waa impossible, inasmuch as every other crowned head in Eti rope would expect the same honor. Queen Victoria listened patiently and then said, quietly; "It may be impossible, but it will have to I done all the aame." Chicago News. The Knights of 1'ythias arc in trouble over the squandering, mis appropriating or embezzling ot their endowment fund, effecting a short age of $500,000. John II. Hiny, ex president and member of the board of control, is charged with the chief part of the crime and has re signed. The supreme lodge has authorized the prosecution of all connected with the crookedness. CVII ALL Vail PAIRS WITH Pain-Killer. A atosicm CfcMl la Rsslt (UtPtE. AFC AND VUICK CURE FOR Cramps, Dlarrhoaa, Cold, Coughs, Neuralgia, Rhaumatlam. M sad (0 CM) aeltiaa, KWMI Of IMITATIONS 0UV ONLY THE GiNUltlE. PERRY DAVIS' tW tUJssj' (lwra PlasMtv, ttg. a4 ail grocftsta, AT CAMP AYCOCK WEDNESDAY. The Governor Paid an Official Visit to the Camp and Reviewed the Third Regiment Troops in Excellent Shape. Camp Avoock, Wkioiitsvim.i., W KDNK8HAY, July 17,1001. Governor Charles H. Aycock and staff were the distinguished guests ot tho Inird regiment today and uiu vApvi't,u iv ruuiiu l IU litKllb III QrA nvtinntml TS unnnH tKsi a-..l.t in camp. 1 hey oflicially reviewed tho trooraofthareirimRnttl.i..riarnnnn and are loud in their praise of the excellent bearing and soldierly train ing that tho men evinced by their drills and dress parade to-day. Uovernor Aycock and party wore taken on a special train to Wrights- ville Round immediately on their arrival in Wilmington this morning, Hero they wero met by the comna- nies composing the r irst battalion, in command of Major Winston, and the Ihird uegiment Band, nuder Ixmtler r red lesli. The Governor was given an entlmsitintie reception, and on arrival at "Camp Aycock" salute of 17 iruns was tired in his honor. Tho Governor and his part? took dinner at the camp and were the gnoets of Company E. A i o clock all tho stall and line oflicers, headed by Colonel Perry and Lieutenant Colonel Craig of the Third regiment, made a formal call oii the distinguished visitors. Iho review of the regiment by ho governor and staff took place at 4:'!0 o'clock, an immense crowd of visitors from tho beach and city be- ng present. 1 ho weuthcr conditions were pertect. 1 ho companies were formed in long lines the whole length ot the field, and then the governor and his stall and Colonel 1 erry and Insstalt walked the leiierth I the line, hrst in front and then n the rear ot the troops. Then the companies under command of their captains were "right about faced," and lead bv the band, they marched n review before the governor. Each innany saluted tho governor and he returned the salute. Iho (root s muo a most excellent appearance, 1: 1 . . in- mice were even anu straigni 1 uooit: uiimiichh. no ucnevu in ex id the fronts as they passed the tending merry whera mercy is due, governor were line. The party was delighted at the splendid work of tho men, and Colonel rerrv was highly congratulated on their sol- dierly liearing. About half an hour after the re- view tho regular dress parade wae held. As usual the troops made an excellent appearance. As recall was sounded, tho fUg was lowered and I the cannon boomed. When the "Star Spangled Banner" was played by the band, all the gentlemen stood uncovered, and when "Dixie" was rendered a mighty cheer rent tho I air. there were about a thousand visitors in camp today and they were all highly pieascd at what they saw. A salute of 11 guns was lired when General Uoyster csmn to camp this morning at H o'clock. The camp flag has Iioeii flying at half mast out of resect to the mem ory of Major W. II. Overman who died yesterday. All the men in the Third battalion are wearing crajKi on their arms. Tho news of his death was given to the camp in an official order from headquarters. ( Mlieer of the day to day was Cap tain liowman, of Company K, Mt. Airy, and the oflicers of the guard were i.ients. Johnson and W alker. With fair weathe, to-morrow the excursion to be run by the Third Kegiment Hand on tho Wil mington will lie lilierally patronized and every guest on the trip will un doubtedly spend a most delightful day's outing. Visitors took the camp by storm to-day. They were all over it, iu company streets, tents, etc. The soldiers enjoyed having them here and did everything possible for their W.Vii news from the Wilmington Mesaen e ger aud tho Star Blf Enterprise for Concord. Now a ptrty of capitalists are lookine for a ulace to erect an im- mouse smelter. The eountv has so mines and ao " . I r I man y valuable void much ore is mined that it is almost a necessity to have something to reduce these valuable ores in a marketable shajie and Concord is in the centre. Thousands ol dollars will be spent in these works, and it is to rival tho CoifWd milla in giving employment to the working people of the county. The parties have au eye on ;he valuable property of Capt. C. McUonaid and the tall I broom aedge that has ik.ryoara past given shelter to the loafing public will be converted into a veritable home of the honest laborer. A Poor millioaaire Lately starved in London because be I could not digest Iim food. Karly use oll, I;,.e Pills would huvo saved him. 1 Ley atrengthen the stomach, aid digestion, promote uasimilation, improve the appetite. Price 25c. Money back if nolsalia- ..,i y..i,i 1... w u 'i'.... 1,.. i... . .: fiod. Sold by W. b. lay lor, druggist r itTTu r w . t t C. C W.lbon, of Yi est Durham, waa killed by a train between Mor-1 riaville and Cary, Wake county, on Tunaday. lie waa asleep on the track and intoxicated. I Several people were killed during t severe electric etorra near Talla-1 hasuM Florida I QMmWf flVriOB. I Some of the b..ya expect to stay youngest cunu w.m was .ess an over until the Second regiment yeara of age and then recroesed the comes and play a game of ball with 8Bfll8t W,ll'f- Lcr mx ?ld . t..u. ,.,.lL (r...?. r,.;.n..., brother, across. It was in making Executive Pardons Too Frequent. Tho Ncwlicrn Nows has a wise and sensible editorial on Executive Clemency that is timely. It eays that "Executive pardons aro becom ing a trifle too frequent" and shows that there is need of reform all along tue line. It is so good that we give place to it, as follows : "A few months aeo the Govern or of this State pardoned a man who I tor somo offense or another, had I disPUtll aioitiin mnatn I ilin nnnitnn. i vi v. m Durnni VUttlB III UJU l lull- tiary, and still had a number of vears tn Ida Tl, naliti.ui asking for tho pardon, was signed by numerous citizens, among whom were tho solicitor who had prosecut ed tho prisoner, a majority of the piry that convicted linn, and last, tue judge who had sentenced him. This seems to be carrying the mat- j tor to a most unreasonable extreme. It places a rexponsibihty upon the uovernor winch he in no wise mer- its. It makes him a target for crit- icism and censuro, no matter wheth er the pardon bo granted or not "In this particular case, if the so licitor was pemiadod that the man I was innocent he should not have pressed the caso. But no matter what he believed, he prosecuted tho prisoner with such persistent vigor that ho procured his conviction. And the same with tho judge and jury. If the latter was composed of honest men, and they were satis- tied that the prisoner was innocent, they should have said so in their verdict. And if the indue himself had felt doubts as to the prisoner's (Hiilt he could have set the verdict asido. lnt none ot these things were done. Ihe man was tried, convicted, sentenced and sent to tho State pi imm. Eater on, they signed the petition to the Governor, thero- by throwing the onus of the man s imprisonment (had tho pardon been retimed) on the Governor. I "Our Courts must do lielter than this if they would retain the respect of tho people. 1 hey must not send a criminal to the penirentiary and then importune tho Governor to turn him out. If this practice con- tmues the courts may as well cease I A.-.:.,.. 1 : ti' t,i; . but when it interferes with the courts of j iMicc we protest in the name of humanity. V hen a man is tried by a court of justice, convict- ed of crime, and sentenced, it stands to reason that he is guilty. The of Beers of the court should therefore He content to let justice take its course, and not importune the exec- utive to undo what they theinsoives have done. Executive clemency is aliight when proerly employed, but liko a gnat many other things, it is likely to tie abused on various and sundry occasions. Two Children Drowned. Uertha and Willie Emery, ehil dren of Mr. Charles Emery wore drowned in House Creek ueur this city late Sunday afternoon. The little girl was ! years old and the little bov i. I hey had been to the home of their uncle, Mr. Thomas Tvson. in company with a younger sister and iu returning home had to cross House Creek over a foot log. The creek was very much swoleu by the recent rains and was very near ly up to the log over which they were to pass. licrtha, the elder of the children, passed safely over first with the !!' eS""d iri"i .w.1t,ie tl"1! iney ' u I , . u dr.iwned. Jt is presumed that one of them, most probably Willie, lost his footing and thereby caused liertha to lose her balance so that both fell over into the water which was rushing in a maddened 11 J underneath the foot log. When the two children fell off the log the infant left ou the bank began screaming wildly and attract ed tho attention of a woman who wm not fir from Air. Emery 'l house. When she reached the scene theac tions of the little child indicated that the other two children were in the creek. 80 she gave an alarm which bought several men to the ford and a diligent search was be gun for the children, lioth bodies . . j 1 . 1 - . . .. I were iounu wuhiiou out upon me bauk a short distance down the creek. Life waa extinct in both, The bodies were carried to the home of the grief stricken parents a short distance away, and the funeral was conducted from the residence by ltev. M. M. McFarland, pastor of Brooklyn Methodist Church. Uateign 1 :m. f.....n.. iHlu.s i . VaUl A llUllfltr ll 1kUrO at I I li mm i la i.FOMV..u..f .miMii:,1ii1:ii. iz3 world. Vour molhen' and Kraud- mothers- never tnougnt or using any- "'"!g TV"! "!"!" w "rV." - Milium tiMri of A iilW4niluil im Niarvntia frostratioii or lleartfailure.etc. Thev uiwd August f lower to clean out the yt"n and atop fermentation of undi- f aotionof took when feeling dull and bad wilt Leadacliei and other ache. You only few doaea of tireen's Auguat Flower, in liquid form, to make jrou Um ,g h- matter Willi you. or sale by U W. Woat. Uruscist. Mount Air. K. O. Misfortune do not come amIy. Ambassador White ouly son corn- muei auiciue, ana now nu aangn- ter issuing tor divorce, ho wonder ho wanta to resign, poor man. irTnm iMstfiMnWtM aNUMaUa,UMa1aUwn.f(aaiiaB. A RUNAWAY FREIGHT CAR. Narrow Escape of a Passenger Train on the Balsam Mountain. A sensational huir breadth escape from A frightful accident involving a passongor train occurred ou the Murphy division of the Southern road yesterday afternoon. A switch ing engine on top of Balsam moun tain tho highest railway point east of tho Kocky mountains was tn- I I ' 1 .i Tr ; i. """' 17" r- 7 ? lr"'K"1 .r "t8V"7 ,OBU0U wl,u. OUK ! lumber. As the car waa backing southward and the engine had down ed brakes to revcro its course tho car broke looso and started down the mountain. The grade is very steep at this point and the car gained a frightful momentum before it dis appeared from tho view of the hor rilied engineer and fireman in their engine tin the summit of tho moun tain. They reported immediately at the station, and the news caused great excitement, as the northbound pacsenger train had left Willets, the next station, seven miles down the mountain side, but a few minutes before. The passenger train was "ow '"""K UP monnUin, and the heavy car of oak lumber was now rushing down tho mountain side with a hundred miles an hour velocity to meet it. That a collision wiui lorrioie consequences aid not .1 . -i 1 ... occur can only bo attributed to fountain, and to achieve great sue an ailing miraculous interposition CCue ,,,, e.,,,1. jBy dwell in of l'rovidence. The engine of the the atiiuii1ii.r of hWla. Ilni.mst passenger train was just beginning the turning of a short curve when directly liefore it appeared tho wild freight ear approaching at a fearful speed and but a few hundred yards away. Ju a second it had struck the curve hardly more than fifty feet .... . 1 . . ahead of the locemotive. l!ut then came the surprise that sated the record ot a tragedy, for the lumber car, instead of rounding the curve, owing to its great velocity, leaped the track and crashed into the earth and trees, leaving the road open for the passenger train to continue its course, ihe car was completely demolished, hut the train was unin jured.- Asheville Gazette. Death of a Premising Attorney. Mr. Oliver S. Newlin, a young attorney of tins city, died Sunday night at the home of his parents near Saxapahaw, 111 Alamance coun ty. He left Greensboro altoiit a month ago on a visit to relatives in Alamance in the hone ot recuper ating his health, which had not been good for some weeks. Soon after arriving at his fathers ho was at tacked by typhoid fever and steadi ly grew worse until the end came. Mr. rsewhu was a young man of tho higitpst moral character and war highly esteemod for his many good traits. Of a quiet and retiring dis- position, I-r yet made many firm iriends. to w hom his untimely death is a great shock, lie graduated from Triintv ColWo a few vears ago and later graduated in law at the Umversitv o A or 1 Uaro ina. He was licensed bv the Supreme court I about three years ago and shortly thereafter came to Greensboro aud opened an oilice. lie possessed the elements of a true lawyer and would have undoubtedly succeeded in the profession, of which he was passion ately fond, had his life been spared. T he Grensboro bar held a meeting yesterday and adopted appropria'e res ilutious concerning the death ol Mr. iSewhn. Greensboro l atiiot. A $12,000 Fire. at Koarinf River. Messrs. II. A. I'fohl aud Juo. A Vance returned yesthrday afternoon from Iloaring lliver, where they went to investigate the burning ol the saw mill and lumber piant ol the (Jhurch Lnmljer Compiiiy. The loss was complete and amounted to aiMiut f 1,000, with no insurance. Mr. Vance thinks he can possibly repair the engine end perhaps some of the planing mill machinery, says the Twin City Daily. Poison oah Poison ivy are among the bent knowu of the, uutuy dangerous :vl i i t - p"" " "'"" quickly riroduct-a swelling and inflammation with in trnw: itching and burning of the akin. The eruption aoon diaapears, the suf ferer hupea forever ; but almcMrt aa aoon aa the little bUirters and puatulra aptn-ared the poiaon bad reached the blood, and will break out at regular iniCTvals and each time in a more aggra vated form. 1 hi poibon will loiter 10 tne system for jean, and every atom of it tnuat be forced out of the blood before yon can expect a perfect, permanent cure. Nitire's AilUote FOR Nilirc's ftlm. it the only cure for Poiaon Oak, Poiaon Ivy, and all noxioua plants. It ia com posed excluiiively of roota and herbs. Now is the time to get the poiaon out of your system, aa delay make your condition worse. . Hon't experiment longer with salves, washes and soaps they never cure. Mr a M Marshall, buokkrrptr ot itu Atlanta Ca ) Gna l.t(tu Co., waa polaonvd arttk Ptaaoa Oaa. Me tuuk kulphur Ararow aa4 Knom atber drua. and afl'ttrd axlrrMlly smimum UHtfmaaud aalvra arlth mo bHSt. At ttmithe awalllnashd UiHaaatnatloa vufoamrf m waa almuat blind Tnt etfht ymra th-; pulana would break out evry-aua. fliscondiltoa waa aaiick lmpruel altrr taking m bof tic f S. m. a , aad a few tjot.lre cleared hia Sloud of the polaoa, and all eeadaaicea ol the dwraaa diaaopcmtcd. People are often poisoned without knowing when or how. Ka plain your case fully to our phraiuians, and they wil! cbeeefully give such information aud ad vice as you require, without charge, and w will send the same time an ii.trre Ing book on tjtoud and Skia Diaeaaea. 1 THi (Win fftOiFW ATUUITA. U. Believe In Yourself. In making selections from other papers, wo came across the follow ing iu an exchange and feel that in J giving space for its reproduction wo are doing our part, in a small way, toward helping the young men of - our coo 11 try to better lives ; "Tho young man who would suc ceed 111 life must have great confi dence in his own ability to achieve success. 1 his is a foundation stone, and without it hia building will (itlinr nnvnr on nn. nr uill rm,i,l. - Tne iei) wh(J h(4V0 a(!ilievuj regult8 in life have lx;en men who believe in themselves; men of largo hopo of optimistic views. Denpair never yet won a victory. Confidence must always precede action. A young cum can never accom plish anything in tho world till ho is thoroughly convinced that he can. I'emmniuts have never done any thing except to put stumbling blocks iu othsrb' way. It is tho cheerful. hopeful man, the man who believes that the world is growing brighter and better, that is of value to the world, not tho man who fears fail ure, talks failure. As Job said, "The thing I feared has come upon me. 1 tie very attitude or habit ual condition of one's mind has a great deal to do with his success. A .1 r streain cannot rise higher than its think upward, work upward, or he can never reach a higher goal." Young men should first of all ob tain a good education. A fur their 1 ...1 1 1 .1 1 11 ncoooi uays are over uiey snouiu I liud employment of noine sort and put forth every II .rt to please their employer ; make it a point to earn all you get and throw iu a little ex tra time for good measure ; find out if possible what part of yui dsily work most interests him and do that work weil ; bo punctual every day ; live witLiu your wncs : talk little: flatter no man : never complain. It you are sick siy so. Keep out of had company, pay your debts, go to church, and you will crawl to the h'ghett point ou the ladder of sue cess, remembering all the while that any kind of hoiict-t .Jr i In. 11 or .le. Hpre is genuine Iiish wit from J '"' Uobinson in his charge to the Wakc comity gmr.d jury : "I know many men in my country-- men with lots of money- who go to the springs in siiminei, while 1 t-tay home and sweat; go to the wanner climates in winter, while 1 shiver at homo, but when you 1 xamine ihe tax books you'll think they haven't got enough rags at home to wad a gun. Tho only balm of relief ahou' . 1 . .1 . 1 . .1 1 . .1 ... t " a utile later trmy will get ' lot climate where they enn t move. It is a high privilege to pay es anu enjoy me ireeo.nn oi men a government as this, and tha man who tries to shirk them ought not to be made to pay, hut sent to the roads for swearing to a Im." lieligions newspaper property in N . Carolina and Virginia is va.'mble. rTnftTTfllUr!nrM Importers and GREENSBORO, N. C. I DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. We solicit trade of Merchants gJtT We cordially invite all .Merchants to call on us when in Ciremigljoro, or to lee our Travelling Nalesman before":it"Ii- iM&M . .. :J 51 r-rr . V Thos. Fawcitt, C. L. limn, fresidi'iit. Firn Viff I'res FIRST NATIONAL INCOHPOKil r.l. i npilHl. f Hh,0, I'Hld I p. DMi BGTOHS. Thna Faweett C. L. Ilank. M. L. Fawcwtt, A. . Trotter, O. D Kawtiett. This bank aolicits the a'courita of Individuals. The ancounta of tl Merchants located in towns adjacent received oe favorable terms, The funds of our proof iteelnnestsaud the Tale rime Miea. --a-Taie! A Radical caller i .1 r..a ever c'.-ee 0 i, a Tf.i, .lijAf,' 1 um i if m Wiite for wr i-Vr!.ttt ti 1 rni!..pme .! !tUi'.t-l i;.itiC. j. we c:fi av yon money iu Uie pun li f r. h , '.. , r.i te ,vir j ui ai"J ti;c t-.y ic. Ltd or paymini facte y or tinoulT" out n u..n uuiborui d agent. TVit in an cp4h--tuuiiy )fiu canuot :il:oid to ;,.. You know the WltHe. yoaj know Its n'snulacturrrji. TUeiclore, a Ji uikti urtk.niiuu oi tue luaciiiuc aud its coiiKiru. iim is unnerearary. If you have an uUl uarhine to exebang A wc tA .i:cr . . . !berl trrrot. t uiit SL.tNii Uktt c.xfiY. cbep'tA.) Ccvc!::t Ci'i. tUtrvwrvmwtVwvmwwWvwvi The Battle Is On. The buttle which has for acme timo been pending between the steel companies and their workmen is now on, with 74.000 men on the strike. How long it will last or how it will end no one can yet pre dict, for both depend to a very large extent on the ability of tho strikers, to hold out and that depends upon' the fund they have to draw npo Many, if not the larger nnjf" these 71,0(Ml men have (i provide for and unless the . laid up something they must f t ( vided for out of the fund the work men have, so it can be seen that it costs something to maintain a strike liko that for any lengthy period. If the steel Companies believed they could continue the strike long they would very a on come to terms because tho longer the strike lasts the more they, in common with tho strikers, will suffer, and their stocks have already begun to suffer from it abroad. nr thingcertain is that European capitalists are not going to put much money into these stocks while the doors of the plants are closed, with no idea when they will be opened. Mr. Rothschild as good aa said so Monday in London when, speaking of the slack dctiHiid for these sccu- rU'uv, he faid the strike tmiot be settled before there would lie much improvement in the market. hut the public as well as the strik ers and tho Steel companies suffer from these strikes because they re duce stocks, run up price and tho coi, sinners have to pay thee price, if they can get what they want, which they can't always do, and lor this reason the sooner the dis putants come to an agreement the he'ter for all. Wilmington Star. isvi like tlie lilossor;- iiK ot a flower. Its beaut v ami Ji '- inn trt-liils eiidri-lv 11ir.11 ;h- carr ltoii uiKiii i:-. pao-M. Kxr.tant mothers sli'i'ild lii.vp the temltrt:-! tare. 'I liey -hnilJ Or spared ail worry an I .unii-ty. They should tut plt-iitv of kxx iiouiistiiiig f "J Mli.l !;:kc if emlc exercises. 1 his will I'.oii ii'iitf wav t" ant presri v !' tni-i! tifi,l:h and their U-a.:tv as ucl! ns that of the little t.::e to i t. me. Il;.t to tie alisolutely Kurt ol a sboit and Uljoj'tui-) sIl.i.M use Mather's Friead ryu!rlT during r moTithi of i hi it 1 m t,.miU limtneiit, whn ij to he titrrinliv. It strength ai;l v or i thr inusii-i ktid I teviim ii 1 ot tfu- (liituriiiui ot IV .an y, u hit h w-un:e u-cd Uiu.fc w-ie nbn-'uttiy tr'-siit -. U r,tn M the 1 Fncfi.l : uid there it no sJtiH-r wli,irevir Oft Mot Iter's prirnd Mt U dill s'.urt,! i-r hot l Till MK0 II 1 D RrCI I 41 OH CO. ATLAM a, OA. W.M- f-r our f' U" k, " hrffir h'f hi H.r " J DrMr fifing Pffl Wholesalers, onlj?, and sell nothing at retail. placing ordure elsewLere. . w marble mm, Mount Airy, N.O. W. D. HJtiNES I CO., Propristcn. Hints Is T"" A Baby's H Birth, Iron Fencing, SIcbc or Marble for BaiMQ! Parposes,ic wrlM) (or IiKfi iJ prtoM, or cil na examine oar mumtt. mar wort tu)orifWwtilola A. i, 1 hottkii. M. L, Fawcarr, Caahietr BANK of Mt. Airy. Merchants, Manufacturers. Farmers and cutouirs are afieurea liy two burglar interest aiioweo on navinca lepooits A NEW DEPARTURE I 1" A P . -tV .t ri,nr,,r. in el,. :,, Utott,. T Change in Marketing Mcthcds as Applied to Sewing Machines. An orlylnal f.laai uujrrwhkh you can obtain ami bc'ter value in the j tin likt of 4 .he woiiJ luinoua Wuiu- ."cHirg Macbine than It mi.- u ,tn fM..V:ii f Vtun 9 nffered. t vie ru tiu-i, eu.vr U.rect 7iu Wnue tu-dav. Adrtresa In fult