if fl Ti " T FT,. Airy News. , yOiTTATnn VOL. 22. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1001. NO. 8 THE M MEDICAL EXAMINER Of tin U. S, Treasury Recommend! Peruna. Dr. t.lswsllrn Jordan. Pr.IJswellyn Jordan, Medical Framf. rot U.S. Treasury l'pRrtiiitut,grad Uli of Columbia Colli'Hc, mid who erred three years at Went I'otnt, hu lh following to say of I'orunai "Allow me to expreie my gratitude to you for the bentflt derived from four wonderful remedy. One abort month hat brought forth a vatt change end I now conalder myaelf a n-ell men after month of Buffering. Fellow mfterer, Peruna will cure you. " Catarrh In a systemic disease t urahl. Mil y by systemic treatment. A remedy that caret catarrh must aim directly al lha depressed nerve center. Thla la what Peruna does. 1'eruna Immediately Invigorate the nerve-eentora which lv. vitality to the mucous membrane Then catarrh disappears. 1 lien catarrh la parmanontly cured. Peruna cure citarrh wherever local ad. Poruna la not a guess nor an experi ment It la an absolute schmtllla cer tainty. Peruna has no substitutes no rtrala. Insist npon having Peruna. A free book written by Dr. Hartman, n the iubect of catarrh In lit different phage and atagea, will be sent free fa any addreaa by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbut, Ohio. S. P. GRAVES, Attorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C vpractico in Bute and Federal courts. Prompt attention to oollectlon of clalma. M. II. SPARGER. Notary m public. OFFICE WITH CEO- W. SPARCER. Business Promptly Attended to W. f. CARTEL, mount mmv, a. a, J. n. IEWEU.YN, HUM .... Carter & Lkwkllyn, Attorneys-at-Ivaw. nrpraoUoe In the State and Federal Oonrta. Prompt attention given to all business entrust- d to their care. Sr. John E. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR'S DRUC STORE. 'PHONE 38. Office Hour. 8.00 A. M to 6.00 I M. Mount Airy, N. C. T. B. McCARGO. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY HOTEL BLOCK Business Promptly Attended To. W. R. BADGETT, ATTORNEY - AT -LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Will practice wherever and whenever desired. Prompt and careful attention given to all business. Collections a specialty. DR. W. S. TAYLOR, OFFICE OVER. DR.UQ STORE, Eh, Ear, in ail Throat Special attention given to this prac tice on Wednesdays and Saturdays. J. a. Till. JAS. TIL LIT TESH & TILLEY, CoitrafcvaiJvBiSErs, MOUNT AIRY, N. C Estimates furnished for any kind of building. Workmanship first-class. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contracts so licited. EDWARD BlUM, M. D.; Office : 121 S. Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. (ovaa naim' Dace itori.) Eye, Ear. Nose, Throat. Oonaullatlon Iloura : t to L Do You Wa t To aave yourselves and frtenrtii trouble. ir no. ana yim oenire ui nuy a nana. OrpaD or Telephone, first, oousult -Willi w. v. Kuiion. Kim-weal Musical Supplies. Addreaa. W. C. Fulton, Dobson, N. C. E. i MM, a UU Hi. v , m A fall seek f all sis, and qualities kept la aaad, au at raatMabla rit, Biwa-r Mr, W. vf. m NOTICE OF Bond mill Pursuant to an ordinance, duly nnsnod hv Mm Hoard of Commm Hionors of Mount Airy, at its iimolinir Mm Kith of July, notic is hereby eivi'ii that an election has boon ordered by Mm Hoard of (JoinnilHHioiinrH to bo hold on Auirunt 10th. KK)1, at Mm follow imr'uhu:nH in tho t .vo wards of Mm town as hereinafter deserib tl. from Bun-riso to Hun-sot, to obtain Mm ronscnt of a majority of Mm qualilled voters of tho town ol Mount Airy to Mm iSHiinnco t (14.(HK)) Fourteen Thousand Dol lars of its bonds, as autliori.ed by an act of Mm (Jeneral AsHemb lv. ratified Mm 4th of March, mn entitled "An Act to authorize tho Coinniissioners to issue bonds for waterworks and oMier puriKvos." The follow nir is Mm nall or dinaneo : Ho it ordained by tho Hoard of ConinilHsioners of Mm town o Mount Airy. N. 0. : Suction 1. That on Monday Mm Ullh day cr August, 1001, an election is hereby failed to be held for the purioso of obtaining the consent of a majority of the oualiliod voters of tho town of Mount Airy to Mm issuance by tho said town of its Hands to Mm amount of (11.000) fourteen thousand dol lars, for t he iu riose, (1.) Of constructing, installing and maintaining in tho said town an e metric, unit ana ixwit tuant. Said Honds to be of Mm following denominations, to-witi Twelve (11') Honds for $1,000 each and four Honds lor $."00 each, lxaring interest from date of issue at lor ceut. iM?r annum, payable semi annually, maturing in (W) thirty years from AnUi of issu ance, as authorized by an Act of tho (Jeneral Assembly of North Carolina, ratified the 4th day of March, 1001, entitled, "An Act to authorize the Commissioners of tho town of Mount Airy to issue Honds to supply said town with water, and for other pur poses;" and for tho approval of said qualified voters of tho levy ing by the Hoard of Cominis sioners annually at the time of levying oilier town taxes, a sixK ial tax on all persons and subjects of taxation, which are now or may hereafter be taxed for any purjxxso whatsoever. Said taxes to bo collected at the timo and in the mianner as other town taxes are collected, and to be kept separate from other town taxes and to be applied exclusive ly to the discharge of the princi pal and interest of said Honds, as provided in said act of the General Assembly. Sko. 2. That tho election here in called for shall be conducted under tho same r,ules and regula tions governing the conduct of elections for mayor and commis sioners ; that A. V. Dean be, and he is hereby appointed, Registrar in Ward No. 1 for said election : that H. V. llolcomb be, and he is hereby appointed, Registrar in Ward No. 2 for said election, and that the result of said election shall be ascertained and declared as provided by law. Sec. 3. That the Registrars herein named, or their successors should they for any reason not serve, after being furnished with the registration books and being sworn by some person authorized to administer an oath to faithfully discharge the duties of registrars as prescribed by law, shall, be tween the hours of sunrise and sunset, on each day (Sunday ex cepted) fpr ten days preceding the day for closing Registration books, keep open said books for registration and attend in their respective wards and register such electors as shall present themselves for registration and who are duly qualified according to law ; that said books shall be closd for registration on Satur day, August 17th, 1901. bBt. 4. That a ballot-box shall Ihj provided in each ward, in will save the dyspeptic from many days of miiwry, and cnahlc him to eat whatever he wlahsa. Tbcy prevent SICK HEADACHE, oiiae the food to aaalmHate and Boor Uh the body, give keca appcOU, DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle. Elegaatly sugar coated. 1 Take No Substitute. GKO. W. SPARGER, Attorney-at-Iiaw, MOUNT JJBT, W. O. WtU praoWoe In Btatw and Federal Court, special attention to ooueotlon Of claims and netrottaUnr loans. LOOK OUT FOR Aaron T. Penn's Barber Sign, Next Door to Blue) Bidffe TTmt WTsere jmairMi flnt-ehui Snare, Dalr-ent, tUumpno. Hatr-dreaepd. aad. In tain, ai.vt.MtHI In the llareer line. Have ut refitted oiv shop with New Double RnititiiK-bart Velet tmn vitfO Chair aad mny other neoeeeary equlp tnenui whi. u tm u make up a Ooaiuiele and Kirni-elana BarW Shop. TnivnitihC all my custnaiera fr many past nora and antwtUng a eontisuaooe el tlietr kj d patrokHrn, ad 6of'i" lo add to BiJ Itet kBy aw cwtnwrt i pnmtniif all my van ewMiaBerr.tn ni- tn. i roa. Tiitfs Pius which the ballots of the qualified voters shall bo deposited. Thoso favoring tho issuance of sum! iiouu9 shall vote a written or printed ticket with tho words thereon, ''For Honds," and thoso opposed to tho issuance of said iMimlN shall vote a written or printed ticket with the words thereon, "Against Honds." That for tho purjKiNo of holding said election tho following places are named as Milling places : First Ward, tho Town llall; Second Ward, It. S. (Jilmer's old store house. Hko. 5. That Mm Mayor and Secretary of th Hoard of Com tnissloners shall causo notice to bo published, us required by tho act authorizing thu Issuance of said Honds, designating tho time and place of holding said election, also giving tho amount of the Honds to be issued, Mm time said Honds shall run, tho deuotnina Hons, Mm purpose for which tho money arising from sale of said Honds shall bo used, tho rate of interest said Honds draw, when payable ; which notice shall be published for (ito) thirty days irior to holding said election in Phk Mount Aihy Nkws, u newsimiMr published in Mount Airy, and by itostors SW. 0, 'J hat tho Honds to bo issued its a result of this election shall Im designated Si:hii;s "H." W. V. CAKTKK, Mayok. Attest : Fi. H. Asnnv, Secretary. July Kith, 1SH)1. THE REWARD OP.SELHSHNESS. Net long since, while hi a large city, I was talking to a married wo man who "goce in" for coif, horeo shows, dog shows, and what net. bho had been married 10 or 12 years and her liuelmnd had nutria immcv. W Uh it camu (bo desire to i-liine in society, and 'lie wife had boon a shining social light for quite a number of years, lliere was something strangely pathetic in her voice as she said to mo in a languid wsy : "Did nobody ever tell you that in some prehistoric time I was in -love with my husband f VV ell, I was. 1 used to go to afiernoon services in ent and pray for that love to last, because tho sensation was so much o my taste. -1 used to have ecstatic feelings when hie foot was on the stair and 1 sat sewing little baby clothes. We lived in a plain way then : three dollars siient in two theatre tickets was a tremendous outlay, We walked out to dinners 1 tucking un the train of my best gown under a long cloak, and laugh- ing it the wind snatched it away from me at the corners and whipped it around my teet. 1 hen he grew icher, and then how and when, aoar knows, it l can remember, we grew farther away from each other, Now when he is at home, 1 am aware f it, but (hat is all. When our hps meet it is like two dry pieces of pith coming together. 1 know no(hing of his affairs, nor he of mine. I have money in abundance. Money, raouey ,-wuo cares lor money wnen man s heart and soul and brain nave gone into it i now like that is ot so many wo- men so many men ! 1 hey give themselves to gratify a sordid desire or gain and rob their hearts of all I luiMTOiaiiuu ui namre e ujoiuuiw , i its biras and xiowers and the bean- tiful pictures it paints upon the cre6t of a sunset cloud or moon kist valley. I wnai a messing u would oe 11 a i onared tnoneana American gins, now striving to get places in shops and stores and doing unhealthy work in oflices, could thoroughly prepare themselves for domestic lite, and marrying young men 01 aoout tpeir own age, oe coDw.ni to nire a imie house and live with economy, with no need ot wealth. They would enpy more of heaven in this world than tney are ever hkely to get in any other way. Or, better still, to marry some ro- bust, honest and opnght,clean mind- ed clean blooded country man, who nows how to thank his God for an honest return for an honost dav's work and lies down at night to dream only of Nature c.id Nature's God. Hut the changes in toe conditions of life bring changes in our tastes, and we are continuously striving for the unreachable, and leaving the bless ings ot simpler pleasures untusted. 1 often wonder how many conti- try boys who go to the cities to-get rich, after striving year iu and year out, battling against all obstacles unwholesome, adulterated food, wa ter that has a million baccilli to the ounce, poorly ventilated houses, per meated wun noxious gases finally long to go oacK to the old home. Where the pine trees sway and sigh To tbe silent summer skv : Where the hopes of youth were strong As the summer days were Ions. And the nights brought sweetest rest. Ben J. PlKKBCRR. John otewart, colored, found a bee tree on Ilaw River and scoop ed in 150 pounds fine honey. 1 NOS V SIA.VCI AHtiSe I ' 3WVN 3H1 SMV39 ' . S1.U08 aumwao im 'sairuus' BOS 0N SNOU.Vi.iKI SOJ 100 OOT I I ei;j iou ( lid Jeiiw-utHat m , jo uj)u 'atcai 40 . utvd to pun eu aim OUVH NO on tAvwnv kaaaaaa... I MOO Sbta ! Tbe Robbers Die a Tunnel to a Point Under tbe Walls of tbe Smeltlnf Works. Telegraphic dispatches last Tues day from Valleio, Cal.,fell of a dar ing robbery. The report ys : Gold bricks valued at $340,000 were stolon during last night from the Bui by smelting works. Tho rob bois had evidently boon working on the j ib or two or threo months. They had dug a tunnel from outside tho hnueo, beginning wllh a shaft about (hi oo foot dorp. Thence they woiked underneath the vsnlt and, striking upwards, bored a hojo in tbe strong room floor. The hole was shaped like the manhole of t boiler, l'arts of the holes were bored two mouths ago, it is thought, and tho last ono was completed during 'ho night. Through that nolo they took tho sold bricks snd carried them to hank near (ho mouth of a tunnol oast of tho works, wiiere they wcro evidently placed in a boat, In their hurry tho roimcrs leit two of tho bricks on tho bank. Tho entrance to tho tunnol was covered with a iVauio over which tho employes of tho smelter passed rjnidlv evcrv dav. but no ono loomed to notice anything out of tho way. tMierifl Hale, of Comraosta county, his deputies, and Chief of 1 olice ban ford, of allejo, liavo been notified and aro now at the works. The polico of Han Fran cisco and all tho Rty cities aro all at woik on tho case, but so far Micro is not tho slightest cluo to the robbers Tho work was that of skilled men and their plans wero carried out without a hitch. They got all tho bullion in tho vault, leaving behind cnly tho two bricks wincri wore dropped on the ehoro. Only one days accumulation of refined gold Was kept at tho works. 1 eeterday s run was unusual v. hcavv and the gold was to have been shipped back . . r ... to can r rancisco to day. . You Are Saved or Lost. There is no middle ground. Yorr are certainly either the ono or the other. To be lost means to be i condemned sinner, one who has bro ken God's law and must suffer the penalty. You know you have bro ken llis law. Your heart tells von that you have been breaking it all vour life. You have never loved the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your strength, and your neigh bor as vourself. lsut that is met what the law aavs vou ought to do and if you have not done if, you have broken the law. You are "condemned already." That means that vou have done the evil deed. you have been found guilty, you are under sentence and only waiting for the judgment to be executed. But the execution ot that just judgmeut win oe your eternal ruin, it it is executed, vou will be lost forever. And you are either in that condi Hon or yon are saved. What does that mean I It means that Another has been executed in your place, that the judgment your sins oeecrve nas oeen oorne ov vjno W bo was able to bear it, so the mo ment votj own vour lost condition and turn to Him as your only hope, your baviour, in that moment your sirs are forgiven and von are saved Now, where are yon I Do not say, "I do not know." Yrou do know. You know whether you have received pardon for your years ot sio. lou know whether yoo have been set tree, whether you have believed on the Lord Jesus Chribt or not. ff vou have not. how sad state you are in 1 A 6inner, salvadon freely offered to yon, and yet yoo are not acceiiting it ! llow can von teo on thus when anv mo. meut may end this day ol salvation and cast yon into tbe pris n house from which there can be no escape. ivopt, and salvation ottered freely to you. Lost, and any day may be your last on earth, and yet yon de lay 1 " there is no middle ground, no place between being saved and lost. Yon must be either the one or the other. If yon are not saved, you are lost. Which is it! J. W. Newton. Morresviile correspondence Char lotte Observer. 7th : A sudden death occtfrred about five miles east of Mooresville to-day. Mies Minnie Brown, aged 10 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Brown, arose as usual earlv this moraine and while bathing her face was seised with a pain in her head and within 10 minutes she was dead. Docs It Pay to Boy Cheap ? A cbean remedy for eoturha and soldi is all right, bat yoo weut something that will relieve and cure the more aerere and dan gerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? tie to a warmer and more regular climate t Yea, If poesible ; if ot poaaiule far you, then in either ease take the only remedy that haa been introduced ia all civilised oountries with auooeea in severe throat and lung t-otiblea, ttoechet'a tieroian Kyrup." It nut only heala and atimalatea the tiaauee to destroy the germ disease, but allays iofUiuinatktu, eauaes easy expectoration. giva a eood night's mtt aad enree tbe patient. Try omc tattle. Heonmmended many years by all druggist in the world, for sale by i. W. West, Druggist, Mount Airy, N. C. The Duke factory, at Durham, made one shipment last week of thirteen million cigarette. They were sent to Japan and Synth Si Africa. Nortb Carolina's New Industrial Life Tho awakening of North Caro lina along industrial lines gives loud for very serious thought. The con trohng forco to-day is a strenuous Industrial life. This is in a sense material age. Tho mad chase for wealth in itself is far from the highest aspiration of man, but thu deslro tor wealth is a laudable one. No longer can thdre bo great wealth lo a community devoted to agrlcu Jure alone, and wealth Is necessary. it is useless to decry its power, wiinout wealth thoro can bo no decided step forward, material or mental. Tho Industrial life and I IS a a.aa .a. man s Higher mtolioctnal lite are independent. Wealth snd pros pority, education and clviliisttion are inseparably linked together lo dsy forces aro at work under- noath our Stato which if allowed full nlav will strain nlaenher where r'i? once stood, near the head in D " I wealth, lo population and In power. Tho United (States has entered upon atiewereof itsexis'Bncn Kfpnninw almost auddnrilv from nn Wihdnd powur Info (ho position of a world power, presents to us many new problems. Wo are now in tho race for the world markets and our In dustrial life is ouickenod. lint it is of North Carolina we are sneaking On every side we can soe the new life springing Into existence. Hut this young life is tondcr and weak. 1 ropcrly nurtured and skillfully cared for, It will spring into a mighty power whoso fruit shall hn wealth, prosperity and nosilion. If. how- ever. K is uncared for. certain cou- ditintis nnfulfillnd. it will i..knn anddio. It is a (rite Baying "a chain is no stronrfi r than its weakest link." Kqually so our life is no richer, no deeper, no stronger than its tunet devoloood iihasn. The dnvelniminnt of every phsso of our life must pro ceed step by step with tho advance ot industry, Our pejple must be educated in more ways than one. It must bo said no longer that the State forgets its cit 17.0118 Our wealth does not lie in our son aim m our cotton, far richer is that wealth that lies in tl e intelligent industry of an educa'ed people. The Stato cannot afford fo lose this by illiteracy. We need skilled labor, (ho inventive faculty, the directive iremns in the men who handle mschioory. In the words of that celebrated Southerner, Dr. J. Ii M. Curry, "it will not do to say we are too poor to educate our peo plo ; we are too poor not (o educ i(e them. Ignorance and wealth, ignor ance and prosperity never dwell to get her. ' A peoplo educated in the rudiments of knowledge will see the needs for higher and technical edu cation. Then the demands of these institutions will be recognizid-nd the people will give them succor ben the public school houee stands at every man's door, and the public ibranes invite our people to associ ation with the minds of every age and country, when university train ing has been extended to all who desire it, there will come that large ness of view that will forever banish from our borders all narrowness of thought. And it is necessary that this much desired result be brought about, for no great advancement, material, mental or spiritual can come among a narrow people. The world has advanced and no longer are men expected to think and be lieve alike. This we must learn. That a man belongs to a certain ecclesiastical body well and good, that be belongs to any is to bis credit, but that be belongs to none should not be held against him. lie has his rights and there should be none to deny him. W Uh the negro eliminated from politics, civil freedom must grow if we are to realize tbe highest ideal of statehood. When men divide en principle and not on color, we can turn our attention to the discussion and study of great social and eco nomic questions, and 'in this clash of intcilec's we c&n raise great minds." ' Then our ideas as to the relation of labor and capital will be material ly changed. 1 he trained and capa ble laborer will know his rights and nowing dare maintain them. Hut no narrow view of corporations and combinations of wealth will cause. as to pass laws which will cripple our new-born industrial life. No maud lin sympathy for the laboring classes will legislate destructive to the interests of laborer and capitalists alike, Dut there shall be fair and qaitable treatment for all con cerned. When this has happened then and not till then will we be prepared to take prt in, to appreci ate, to extend and develop to tbe utmost the new industrial life that springing into existence. Our hope, our tutore, ocr opportunity es in the increased attention to in dustrial pursuits. If there is no retarding force the center of in dustrialism will be here in tbe South. Will we prepare the way for it! Will we seize the oppor tunity and make the most of it . It rests with tbe yoong men ot the State to settle this question. They are the rulers of our deetiny and in their bands is the future of our State. They can fulfill all these conditions and thus establish the future greatness ot our State. D. in Statesville Landmark. The first frost tor this year is pet down for early iu October. Already there is talk of what kind ot a win ter we are going to have, but tbe corn ia not yet far enough advanced to tell, in tact ia wwt plaoc it looks like there wou'd he oo husk. Good Mothers Warned by the Great Evangelist In Plain, Unvar nished Words. Rev. Ham Jones. Marriage Is becoming a merchan d'm m enhs'itutod for hornet, wlvisare becoming society ladies children aro unavoidable nuiBMUc and destruction of life a habit. Tho few children who enter the home are tnrnod over to milk hot tics am. nurses in babyhood, to public schools in childhood, fashionable col legos in youth, are given over to society, dress and amusement in young womanhood. Instead of read the liibleand saying their pray I - . a 1 . . 1 1 1 t.. . a t urB 81 igui 1,10 R'rg l,lftl "' ""' in """cks fur bangs and tho hoys P111 ,"eir ,ou r toothpick shoes nd both go to sleep with a dirno hovel under their pillow and a lif- teen cent head on top of it. Tho old daddy is up to his chin in business and the mother, in name, up to her eyes in society and (he children are wallowing in idleness and tho whole thing is hurried to ward the grato v. hero humanity runs out. i hey have not sonso enough to he good. The brains have all run down'in their feet and hands and all tin y can do is to play pro grefsive euchre aud d mco, A few lirst class mothers would 'his wholo gang and turn H our "dudes" and "dodoes" into 1,11 " women. - I have nooljec "o" woman Biillrage, but tho wo n,Rn w,, rgi808 ionr M)?8 for I ailj the right multiplies her vote by four. I am iu favor of a woman being anything sho wants except tho father of a family of childien, but my judgment is (hat the biggest thing a woman can be is a first class wife and mother. Thousands Perish by Flood In China. A late cablegram from Victoria, U. C , says : Great floods caused by the ovcifliwing of (he Yang Tse river have caused (he death ot many thousands in China. The river has risen 40 Uot, and for hundreds of m l,"e 11,0 country is a great fake with onty tho (ops of the trees and an occasional roof showing. At Ank ing tho town is fl toded (o the roofs of some of the houses. A( Kin Ki ang, the native town is flooded and two foet ot water stands in the for eign settlement. Lower down the river towards Swu Hue, the destruc tion was greater and boatmen esti mate (hat 20,000 were drowned in (ho district. Cb.ong Teh was wiped away by floods and 10,000 drowned there and many other points have been inundated involving awf nl lose of life and great destruction to prop erty. It is feared an embankment built by Chong Clieh Tung near Wu Chang will break and cause the drowning ot hundreds of thousands of helpless people. To Snvr Iter Child from frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nannie Gal leger, of La Grange, tia., applied Kuck ten's Arnica Salve to gi eat sores oo tier head and face, and writes its quick cure exceeded all her hopes. It works wonders in Sores, uruises-bkin hruptions, Cuts, Uurn", Scalds and Piles. 25c Cure guar anteed by Dr. W.S.Taylor, druggint. . At Dunn Tuesday morning a se rious accident occurred. Mr. D. H Shaw, an employe of Hood fc Gran tham, druggists, ol that place, with the assistance of a colored b y, was charging a soda fountain, whtn tl '? entire top of the tank blew eft' knocking a hole in the building and mutilating the colored boy's leg. Concord Standard It is announced that Roscoe Mitchell, of Graham, has been ap pointed consul to Port Limon, Costa llica. lie will leave for his post about August 15tb. Sufferers from this horrible tnalady earlv alwava inherit it not necessarily from the parents, but may be from eocae remote ancestor, far Cancer often runs through several evnerationa. This deadly, poison may lay dormant in Die blood for yean, or until vou reacn mtaaie lire, wem tbe first litUe sore or nicer nukes iu ap pearance or a swollen gland In tbe. breast, or some other part of the body, gives tbe first warning. 10 cure iancer morougmy ana perma nently all the poisonoua virus must be iluninr.ted irom tne Diooa every vesug jt fo drives out. This S. S. S. doea, and tbe only medicine that can reach deep- seated. ohsttnte blood troubles like tais. U'hen all the poison bas been forced out of the system tbe Cancer heals, and tha disease ne ver returns. Cancer beginsof tea in a small way, asthl following letter from Mrs. Shirer chows: A small ptmpiecamr on my wwii rori twlow tbr cmroti the Irft side ul my Ir-oa, figasa eve oo nam or irtrf .tiven im.tt, vd 1 should haw forgotten about it bad H BH)t Dcgua to inflame and itch ; It srOMld uleed a Mttkt. tbea scab over, but seould fecal Tlua enntlaatd for some Dm, wbrn any w beau to well, becotalng very painful. TH . sneer he ana to eat aad stwesd. antfl st Urge ui baUdollat.wbraUmrd T trf S S a sad drtfrniiB- ed to five a a fairtnnl, and It SM leiMrfcsM V Si fcsd from tbe wnr brninnlnr ;tndoee toga ate heal and after ta.mc a few bottles disappeared emtfretv. Tswvms two rests neo ; tnete are mtu w SHtna of the Cancer snd V general beslla onettnuas eood.- -Mas a. Ut Plata. Ha ( is the greatest an . "4 blood nuriiwara. and tbe only oa e gtMu-acteed i a. . a purely vegetable. Scad tor oar free book oa Cancer, containing -valuable snd interest ing inf'UTiauon about this discs, en & vitieowrrkysiciunaabf-mt youre, V ajasVe vje e tn tje4cJ ta t -ii4 I. r .4. t v - Or ii Modern Attacks on tbe Bible. The clergymen of Chicago are now faced by a diecussiori which will compel them to go on record us to how they regard tho Sacred Pugo. In the regularly accepted lesson books now furnished the Sunday schools of (hat city tho Jiible ac count of the creation is treated as being opposed to history and sci ence, and tho story of the fall of man is regarded as allegorical and not literal, these views appear in the last edition of the "Pilgrim So rhs" ol quarterlies in general use in (lie bunday schools of (hu Congre gational church. One sentence declares (hat "noth ing is more certain than that (he chronology given in (he Dihlo mar gin Is absolutely worthless." Treating of the flood it says "the monuments of anciont peoples also provo th.t tho date assigned to (he do.lugo by tho lhblo margins in many hundreds, if not thousands, of years too late. Having thus knocked out (ho flood to its own Satisfaction, (ho book goes on to another triumph in (his way : 'There is every indica tion In tho facts known to science that men never liavo lived to so great an age as tho literal interpre ts! ion of this record assorts." Through such an agency as (his (ho Christian Book is attacked from within hh well ss from without. Its open c'lenii' s can he met and con fronted, but those claiming to bo its nunds and at tho satno time cnact- ng the role of a theological Joab cannot be so easily detected. Hy attempting to destroy tho faith of tho people In (ho volume which has been (ho sheet anchor of humanity, which has developed tho highest type and inspired the highest hope of tho ages, they will bo led into a pint ot self conceit and iirtsuinp- Hon from which the fall into des pair and degradation will b" lament able indeed. Atlanta Constitution. Quit "Bucking" Afainst Dispensary. The city of Charleston, S. C, has about made tip its mind tos(op buck ing against (ho South Carolina dis pensary law and (o make a reason able submission to the hw and hon eetly endeavor (o administer it to its own and the Sta(o's benefit. Liiiuor aws generally are very hard to en force in the large cities, and in many places it is found (hat illicit dealers n liquor tl iiirish and cause more trouble under (he various forms of prohibition than (ho regular ea'oons do under (he license system. Thete is, however, too great a tendency to endeavor to make such laws as icop erative as possible in practice, and then to condemn the law because i' is no more successful than it is er mit(ed (o bo. It is stated that there is a growing sentiment in CharVs ton that the bucking process ought to cease. Asheville Citizm. The Republican papers and poll ticians are making much ado ovr lat half billion of gold in the 'reasury. We would iu?t liko to now what good it is don g the peo pie to have this enormous tutu takeu from their peckcts and locked into inactivity while the country is cry- og ont tor more money to develop its wonderful natural resources. Hagus-McCorkls Dry Goods Co., i mporters and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N. C. DRV GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. We solicit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. We cordially invite all Merchants to call on us when in Greensboro, or to see our Travelling Salesman before IT. . i ihu Tbos. Fawcitt, President. O. UHakcs, First Vice Tree FIRST NATIONAL BAflK of Ht. Airy. INCORPORATED, fnpilnl, f Je.OO, ratal l. DIRECTORS. Thos, Faweett C. h. Hanks, M. L. Faweett, A. O. Trottr, G. D. Faweett. This bank solicits tbe accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers. Farmers and Individuals. The accounts of tbe Merchants located in towns adjacent received on favorable terms. The funds of our customers are secured by two burglar Ttrnof steel sheets and the Yale Time lxsek. Interest allowed nn Ravines Deposit s aVea-aVaVy1 A Rad'cai x; ri'e S tT r ek"aol II 1 ctslo;n ajid fta..cJ particu-ara. Hew c m'( yo mi twy i.i tbe and im i -y it-i.s .'l fsx i--vtt we t in ot-r, el. her iLrvct from itebory ot .i...mvU vi.r r:-.ar auiic?ira aftsts. Tlsis is an r-pof-tuot'.v Tf-a CAii.ii.ax ar.l !e r Van kw te "UTihe. vmi k now its tra--trfatvt.TiTs. XbtTf; j.-e, a utuiiia uca.i.uu,i oi ti e suaciiiue sul lis ivu' uc tun i uunecesaarv. If yott bve aa oid tnacbioe to excbar.re . we cs e er rnit Mteral tcrvna. r Zi.i UUiTsS kQ& WJnXI. Cteu!:;! 11. THE FARMER'S CHANCE. Jn writing horeloforo on the ne cessity of (irudence on the part of farmers in contracting induhtcduoa to he paid out of their crops, wo have remarked thst there i no tvo. cation in which more chances are taken than in (hat of farming. No man cau fell when he plants his crop what he will got out of it. All he can do is plant and hopo. It may be (hat drought or deluge, storm or insect will leave him little or noUi ing, or it may bo that an excessive yield will exceed the demand for consumption and leave hiui little re turn for his labor. We have a striking illustration of this this year in tho great grain re gion of tho West, and in the oot(on region of tho South, both of which havo suffered much, the former from destroying droughts, the latter from downpours of rain, followed in some sections by parching drought-. Fortunately for tho farmers of the West, and for every body else, a very good wheat crop was liar vested bo- fore tlio drought set in. If it hadn't boon for that tho farmers of the West would have been ruined, and in their ruin would have liiilh-d lowu thousands of others 'whose business depends upon. the farmer. It is too early yet (nd utill chances aro to ho tHkcn) to estimate what the d-niiHgti to tho South has beer, but ihu teliiuated damage (o the i.u mers of Mhs inri, Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska alone is between :if)iyou,ooo and l.oiyjno.ooo. ' There arc a great many farmer in tho West who raise but little wheat, depending on corn and other crops, principally corn, which thuy feed to hogH, so I hat a lues of corn moans a loss of p irk, t hoi r main dependence. Wilmington Star. After He Comes lie Iish a bard enough time. Every tuiun that thu ex)Kii:iut ntlnr cau tio to tii'lp her i-hild slie should do. One "f tile gre:itt.st blessings she ciin give him is health, l ut to do tbjis. she niuvt have health her self. She should use every means to improve her physical comlitioii. She should, by all iiieaua, sujiply herself with 4 4 J J 4 it H A 4 IS A J M s s i lothcr's Friend. It will take her through the crisis easily and quickly. Itisa liniment which gives strength aud vigor to tbe muscles. Com mon sense will s h o w v o ii -J that the a ct r ti i , c ,. ,),. muscles are, which bear the strain, the less pain there will be. A woman living in Fort Wavne, Ind., says: " Mother's Friend did won lt-rs for me. l'raise God for your liniment." Read this from Hunel, Cat. " Mother's bnend is a blessing to all women who undergo nature's ordeal of childbirth." Get Mother's friend at tha drug store. SI per bottle. I HE BRADDCLD RCGI UT0R CO., Atlanta, 6. s Write for our fw Illustrated book, " Before Hsy t Kotn. placing orders elsewhere. M MARBLE WOBKS. Mount Airy, N.O. , W. D. HAYNES I CO., Proprietors. St r CinallgThio I UpoiiitoyniinTHPTitc nuii uiu a ui uiniu iuuiLumuiii8 Tonibstoces, Iron Fencing, sides or lartlfi for Mini Parj3ses(8f write for TWjns and pnoea, or oall andexaelae.av atdek. loarwork aadartnsMsrtluilM A. G. Trotter. . L, Fasrcarr, Cafhii-r Chanire in Marketing McthcJ as Applied to Sewing Kscbines. An oriirlBnl flaai under which yoa can obtain easier femts auU N-tfeT value in the Twchase of tbe woijU i vinous ' Wiint ' elB( Machine than ever bef 'v-e oftert d. i t pu.-cIi.oe of a bvb-cri.:"? wi:-e WicLine Write to-day. A.blreia in fuTL

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