Airy L. - i J MOUNT AIRY, N. C THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1001. NO. Ill VOL. 22. Mount News. BACKACHE MISS Ll'CY AXXIE REISER, OF MINNEAPOLIS, MIN. Mis. IiUcy Annie Hilnor, graduated nurse of nine years' porleno, trained tod graduated from the Homeopathic Holtal of MlnncarMill.,Mlnn., writes a. follow : Albert Lea, Minn., Nov. 8, IS99. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbia, Ohio: Oentlcmen" Although my ichool doet not believe In patent medicine, I have found It to be a fact that Peruna It a grand and valuable medicine. I have known It to cure Mr. Sampaon, Muttering with an Inflamed momb, aggra vated by malaria, after the doctor bad failed to help ber. Another of my former patient tutfered with a complication of female dlteatet; the wa to thin, nothing but thin and bonet, but Peruna cured her and the It to-day In food health and good fletb. Facta prove that Peruna revlvet lott ttrengtb and rettoret to the tick that mott wonderful blettlng of life. - health. Lucy Annie Helter. From Mr.. Amanda Shumaker, who hai charge of the Grammar Department S. P. GRAVKS, Attorney -at-Uaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. O. aat-PraeOcwa In Suite and federal courts. Prompt attention to collection of claims. Jftl. II. SPARGER. HTARY IS pUbLic. OFFICE WITH CEO- W. SPARCER. Business Promptly Attended to. w. r. CARTER, MOUNT Aiav, a. & t. ft. LEWEILYN, DOMON R.O. CARTKR St IaKWKLLYN, Attopne s -at-Uaw. ssr-practlce tn the State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business entrust ed to their ears. Dr. John E. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR'S DRUC STORE. PHONE 38. Office Hours 8.00 A. M to 6.00 P. M. Mount Airy, N. C. T. B. McCARGO. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY HOTEL SLOCK Business Promptly Attended To. W. Rv BADGETT, ATTORNEY - AT -LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. Will practioe wherever and whenever desired. Prompt and careful attention Ifiven to alt business. Ool lections a specialty. DR. W. S. TAYLOR, offioe over, drug store, Efb, Ear: Hu ill Tlrat Special attention given to this prae r tioe on Wednesdays and Saturdays. 1. a. TISB. JaO. TILLXT TESH & TILLEV, CitraciSvaiivBite, MOUNT AIRY, N. C Estimates furnished for any kind of building. Workmanship first-class. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contracts so licited. EDWARD BADM, I I, Office: 121 S. Elm St., Greensboro, N, C. (ovss rmiw' dhi'u stohs.) Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Consultation Hours : t to 1. Do You Want To save ynnraelTra and mends trouble, ir so, and you dcnlre tii buy a llano. Organ or Telephone, Dm consult WHU W. V. Pulton. Kirotrlcal alualoal suppune. Address. W. C. Fulton, Dobson, N. C. -D SALES 1ST- Cols, GddL Earial Ecbcs, Slippers, &c. A feU stack of all siaea and qualities kept tm hand, Au at rssssnslila prims. bw ram, on-stalrs avar Mr, W. W. f wksi rurs, m UiM ItrssA. WW SHOULD WARN WOMEN. Queer Hysteria In a Turkish Town. Dr. Dimopouloe, a medical prac titioner of tho town of Kntahia, in Asia MinorcendfltoaSmrns jmrnal particulars of an "epidemic" among women of that town, which has prob ably no parallel in modern experi ence. About three years ago ayoung woman became subject to a form of biccongh like the crow of a cock, which resisted treatment ; soon after a second woman began to hiccough like a cat mewing, and in six months there were 60 women in the town affected with what may be described as animal hiccoughs, exceedingly varied. Braying and barking and sounds like those made by the fox are included in the list. Dr. Dimo poulos says that to be in a room among a number of these women was like an experience of the forest or a menagerie. Some men are af fected, but the victims are mostly women, which is intelligible, if the doctor's theory is correct, that the disease, for which he vouches, is a form of imitative hysteria. Con stantinople Cor. Pall Mall Gazette. The Remarkable Bells of Pekln. Fekin, China, is rich in remark able bells, the finest specimens being located in the bell tower on the western side of the Tartar City and the Ta chung su, or Temple of the Great Bell, beyond the city wall. The latter contains the great bell of 1 ekin, cast by order of the Emperor Yong Lo in 1415 and bung in the present tower by Emperor Wanlch in 1578. This gigantic object meas ures 15 feet in height, is 9 inches thick and has a circumference of 34 feet at the rim. It weighs 53 tons, and is covered inside and out with inscriptions from the Buddhist out rage in Chinese characters, llow this huge piece of metal was raised to its present position ie a mystery which has never been solved. HEALTH IfJSURAHCE The man who Insures hU life If wise (or his family. The man who Insures his health Is wis both for his family an himself. You may Insure health by guard ing It. It Is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and mani fests Itself la Innumerable ways TAKE J And sav your health. GEO. W. SPARGKR. Attorney at-J-vaw. MOUNT ATBY, V. 0. Will practice tn State ana Federal Courts. Special attention to eoUeotloa of claims and negotiating loana. LOOK OUT FOR Aaroa T. Penn's Barber Sign, Next Door to Blue Bidge Inn, Wnere roa ean awt a Brat-claaa Shaw. Halr-ent, nhunpoo, llatr-dreeiKHl, and. In Ixl. aiiyibinw In Uie Harbnr line. Hnie )iMt rrflttrtl my snnp with Nw Dotibln RecllnlnK-bant Velwl Cunh Knl Chain and many 01 bar necemary equip swote wiiirh wv u niaae ap a (Amulets and KlrM-cLn Barber Hoop. TSansing all my cueiomera for inn; peat labors ftti soitcluuir a omiitnuaoee of Utrlr tkI ad neuronal, nod boptnn to add to tuf I tot Bianjr sew ciMtonwtrs -, pnnjla!m all my ym teal aSona to plnae lha In ewry tmvH, Ikagtoiesnaia awjMotKHUouu. JL&TC3 Ta a?$Za. of the Public Hrhools.of Columbia City, Wa.h., alio Pant Urand of Independent Order of Good Templar.. Dr. Ilatman received the following letter: I'OUKHIA t'ITT, Wash. "I can .peak only good words of the repeated benefits I hare had from the uae of Peruna. 'Too conttant application to work latt winter cauted me to have tevere head and backache and dragging paint, I could not ttop my work, neither wat I fit fo go on. Reading of the bene ficial retultt from tha ute of Peruna I purcbated a bottle and within a few day t after utlng It, began to feel better. "I conitantly Improved and before the erenth bottle wa completely umd.all palnawere gone, my strength was re stored, and I Dow teem ten year.' younger. "If I get tired or feel bad, Peruna at once helps me, and I feel you de.erve pralae for placing anrh a conscientious medicine before a .ufferlno public." Mr. Amanda Mhumaker. Mattle 0. Curtln, Hecretary Legion of Loyal Women, Hotel 8alem, lloaton, Man... wrltea: " tattered for aver a year with general weaknett and debility, man I fetted atpeclally In tevere back ache and head ache. "My phy.lclan prescribed differ- ent medicine, none of which .eemed to help me any until a club aoclate advised me to try Peruna, a. It cured her of constitutional headache and stomach troubles. I at once ordered a bottle and before it was used, felt greatly improved. "I have taken four bottles and for two months have been entirely free from these maladies. Several of my friends are using Peruna with beneficial results, especially In cases of troubles with tha kidneys and other pelvic organ, to gether with weaknesses peculiar to women." Peruna Is a specific for tha catarrhal derangement of women. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio, for free book on catarrh written by Dr. 8. B.Hartman. Saturday In Holland. Saturday in Holland is exclusively devoted to honse cleaning, within and withont. Early in the morning every stick of furniture is cart-fully rubbed and wiped and taken out of the boose. Then the women, with their skirts tucked up, entirely flaod the rooms with bucket after bucket of water, broght up from the canal by means of the shoulder-yoke. With broom and brush they souse and scrub the red-tiled floor and finally pull up a plug in one corner to let the water flow out let ue hope into the canal. While the floor is drying, a great polishing goes on in the street. Quaint old brass lamps and candle stick, tobacco-boxes and ash trays, huge milk cans all are bnrnished until, like golden mirrors, they re flect the red-cheeked, white capped faces bent over them. The lacquer-man is busy on Satur day, lie goes from house to house painting the bread-trays and honey cake boxes with designs of gaudy birds and wonderons leaves and flowers. The street is in a turmoil until noon, when order is partially re stored and the scanty midday meal partaken of. In the afternoon wash ing is resumed. The exteriors of the cottages are scrubbed from roof to pavement and every trace of mold removed, for in this low, wet air the green moss gathers quickly. Then the bright pavements are drenched and carefully dried, and I have seen the women slip off their sabots and tiptoe to their doorwayB in their wooden chaussons, so as not to soil the immaculate sidewalk. Lastly, towards evening, the en tire village goes to the canal and all the sabots are washed and whitened with pumice-stone, spotless for to morrow. On Saturday evening all the pickets of the low back fences are decorated with rows of dripping foot-gear, carefully graduated in size from the big wooden shoes of the father down to the tiny sabots of the youngest born. feenbner s. Prof. Ilayden, a mining expert ri'll known in this conntv and the man who engineered the first mork on the Boilston gold vein, is among our people again. As an illustration of what ignorance is doing for our mineral interests be showed ns a specimen ot pure umber, equal to toe best Turkey amber that our painters are using, which be eays a man in this county has been carting and dumping into the river in order to strip a lime vein. He has already dumped $14,000 worth into the wa ter to get at $200 worth of lime. The shipping of umber will be one ot toe industries ot tins county in the near future. Brevard News. The revival meeting in the Meth odist church at Jamestown closed Sunday night, having continued for eight days. During the progress of the meeting there were seventeen professions of religion. Greens b ro Record. tm ALL T0DI ! WITH Pain-Killer. A MedicMM Cheat l Nsaft. SIMPLC SAFE AND ?UICK CURE FOR Cramps. Diarrhoea, Colds, Coughs, Neuralgia, RhaHjmatlam. fS aa4 SS sswt Battles. sew OV IMITATIONS. SOV ONLY THS GENUINE. CRY DAVIS' Mattte H. Curtis. President McKlnley as a flan. Added to tho general indiirnatlon over the fiendish crime has been the feeling that President McKinley represented to the entire American public the highest type of manhood, lie has been remarkable for his tact in dealing with all public questions, for his bravery where courage was required and for the perfection of his conduct in private life. As a hiiBband he has boon looked upon as a modil, and in his recent tour through the country, the illness of Mrs. McKlnley and the attendant circumstances brought to public notice tho devotion of the president to his invalid wifo. The same qualities have character ized his career from the beginning. As a young lawyer he voluntarily defended several laboring men, strikers, who had been unjustly ac cused of incendiarism in connection with a strike. Although he secured their acquittal he refused pay for his services. During the war he fought upon tho Union side, but he distinguished himself by deeds that deserved the commendation of both foe and com rade. At the bloody battle of Antietam, under the hottest fire, with men lying dead and dying all about him, the wounded suffering bitterly from the want of a bite to eat or a drop to drink, "Sergeant" Mckinley organized a stall and went over the bloody field distribut ing food and coffee to the fighting men, cheering them on with brave words and never for an instant seeming to care for the shot and shell that were flying about him. His loyalty to his friends several times deprived him of the presi dency. As a delegate from Ohio in the Republican national con vention in lbS8. he was there to ad vocate the nomination of John Sherman. There was a growing sentiment in favor of the nomina tion of McKinley, but the latter de clared he could not remain silent with honor nor consistent with the credit of Ohio, honorable fidelity to John Sherman; or with his own views of personal iutergrity "con sent or seem to consent to be a candidate." He said : "I would not respect myself if I could find it in my heart to do or to say, or to permit it to be done, that which would even be ground for anyone to suspect that I wavered in my loyalty to Ohio, or my devotion to the chief of her choice and the chief of mine. I do not request, I demand that no delegate who would not cast a re flection upon me, shall cast a ballot for me." Four years later the same gener ous act was repeated when he re fused to accede to the enthusiasm of the delegates, but stood by his friend, President Harrison. Ilis unvarying courtesy has ex tended far beyond his home life and circle of friends. It is shown in his dealings with acquaintances and strangers, with political friend and political opponent alike. In public debates, he was never known to say an nnkind word of any man. In a country where hereditary nobility is not recognized he has shown himself to be one of natore's noblemen. Asheville Citizen. A Modern Diogenes. Thirty-eight years ago, during the war between the States, the Northern soldiers, in a chase after John Starnes frightened bira so badly that he turned over a large box on himself, and lay there hidden until they had gone. When night came ne removed trie oox to the woods and since that time he has made that box his home. John Starnes is now a wild man. His photograph does him justice. It was taken while he was feeling the effects of corn whiskey. John Marnes lives live miles north west of Blacksburg, S. C. II is box is surrounded by poles to pro tect bis hiding place. He will even run from a horse, cow or sheep. The only way by which you can see the wild man is by slipping upon him when at his box house. Then he will stop and look yon straight in the face. If yon will agree with him then he will talk, but unless yon de he will either get his un or go into his box. Starnes is now fifty-five years old. Before the war he assisted his father in making hats. The hat he now wears was made before the war by hi lather. He offers no excuse for his way of living. He will accept money from no one. Ue will "enss" if you offer him money. lie is in excellent health. He fishes, catches aud kills rabbits, eats acorns, etc. lie bakes his bread on a flat rock as the Mexicans do. Mr. A. D. Gold, of Blacksburg, S. C, is the only man that has ever been able to get a photograph of the wild man. Gibers dare not go about bim. No one can understand how be lives as he does and is so healthy. He gets food and no one knows where be gets it It has been said that Starnes has plenty of money. A Shacking Calamity "Lately befell a railroad laborer," writes Dr. A. Kollett, of Willifbrd, Ark. "Ilis fool was badly crushed, but Bueklou's Arnica Salvo quickly cured biro." It's simply wonderful for Burns, Boils, files and all skin eruptions. It's the world's champion Dealer. Cure guaranteed. 25 oetiU. Sold by Dr. W. ti. Taylor, druggist. Tbe feller thel's always huntin' around lor praise, is tbe identical one the! don't of en git it. DISFIGURING THE BIBLE. Tbe New Translations Have Destroy ed the Beauty of tbe King James Version. Vsrious new translations of the Bible have appeared of late and the work or tho American revisers, hith erto printed in an appendix to the lie vised Version of two decades ago, has just been incorporated with the text and published in a now edition. The English scholars engaged upon the work of revision wore more con servative than their American breth ren, and were less anxious to change the phraseology which had become endeared to generations of readers and interwoven with the whole fab ric of English literature sins the middle of the seventeenth century. But the ideal of both was "better English as now understood." It is interesting to uote what these emi nent scholars consider "better Eng lish." They throw out in the first plsce uses of words perfectly famil iar through long acquaintance, tho' undoubtedly archaic; they substi tute "tempt" for "try," "anticipate" for "prevent," "living" for "quick," "its" for "his," "knew" for "wist ;" they transform "God forbid" into "far tie it," "meat" into "food" and 'fulfill" into "make full." All this is done for t'le sake of simplicity. But the same argument might be urged in favor of modernizing Shake speare. Even the argument that there are misleading translations in King James' version does not cover this spoliation of English literature. Are the eminent scholars prepared to say that the person of ordinary intelligence cannot understand words with a little touch of quaint ness in them, or that it is better they should never be nsed than that any one should have the trouble of find ing out what they mean f On this principle the Bible might be printed in words of one syllable. It is quite possible, indeed, that even unin structed people have quicker appre hensions than they are sometimes credited with having. Must every thing be reduced to the sharpness of a diagram before an appeal to mind and heart is possible ? Many a school boy has spent hours absorb ed in Shakespeare, although he could not possibly grasp the full meaning of language remote from common usage. Many a simple woman has been permeated with the spirit of the Bible who could not analyze and explain the magnificent prose style, though she could feel its uplifting force. "There is a general demand," says the Churchman, "for a new translation of the Bible." This is nonsense ; the great bulk of English readers are perfectly satisfied with the Bible as it is. This, of course, is the theological as well as the literary point of view. If scholars desire a translation stri3t ly in accord with modern knowledge of the ancient tex s, let them have it by all means. But "the multitude" do not care a rap about small points of accuracy, though the Churchman fancies that tbe demand comes from them. This is the more obvions since mere bibliolatry has declined and both Old Testament and New are read intelligently, like other books. Nor is tbe need for "proof texts now regarded as a very pressing one. Men of all schools of thongbt are coming to see that the Bible is not the only witness to the truth of the Christian religion. Tbe testimony of history is potent. The Church as a living organism is more potent still. The impatience of a paper like the Churchman with the King James version is tbe more singular in that language nsed there is half a centu rv later in date than the language of the Prayer Book, and no one pro poses to modernize that. r rom the Asheville Citizen. From New York to St. Petersburg. An observing and progressive Alaska Pioneer savs that he expects to live to see tbe day when there will be a continuous line of railway from New York to St. Petersburg bv wa? oi Behrinc Strait. One link in the line is from Port Valdea, on the sea to tbe i ukon Uiver, at tut mouth of the Tanana, and another link will be from the Yukon to Nome. When those roads have been completed a line across the Strait to Si bora will, in his opinion, be sure to follow. If expanding commerce demands'such a road plenty of mon ey will be supplied, and all the engin eering difficulties will be overcome. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has tbe largest sale of any medicine in tbe civil ized world. Your mothers' and grand mothers' never thought of using any thing else for Indigestion or Bilious ness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom beard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic act ion of tbe systeir .. and that is all they took when feeling doll and bad with headaohea and other achea. You only need a few donee of Grean's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by I. W, West, Draggist, Mount Airy, H. u. Tbe Chicago Chronicle vigorous ly opposes tbe proposition to turn hogs at large and give them tbe freedom of tbe city, where they might render some assistance as scavengers, on tbe ground that there are too many hogs in that city now, who take poasession of street cars, railway trains, public places, and stick their snouts everywhere, with even less reserve than tbe f' ur footed hg would. Wbat Might Have Been Expected. A recent number of The Balti more Sun has a timely oditorUl has ed upon the attempt of sotno parti san newspapers to show that the as sault upon the President was the outgrowth of party politics and that even legitimate criticism of the pub lic officials Is an inspiration to assas sination. The Sun declares that this is tho sheerest absurdity and argtiee forcnfuHy In support of its position. The Sun says, in part ; "Such arguments find a convinc ing refutation in the statement ot Io n Czolgosz, tho man who shot Mr. McKinley, that he was led to do the deed which has shocked the world sfter hearing a lecture by an anarchist whoos doctrine is that all rulers should be exterminated. It was tho inceudiary utterances of this person, according to Czolgos z, which 'started in him tho crazo to kill.' Tho leading political parties in the United States believe in established and orderly government, and are odious to anarchists. It is immate rial to tho latter whether the Gov ernment be controlled by one party or tho other. The fact that there is a government which exercises au thority arouses their opposition and impels such men as Czolgos. to at tack the State through its otlicial head. The attempt to trace a con nection between party politics and the methods of anarchists Indicates a strange confusion of ideas and ex traordinary ignorance of American institutions and the American spirit. "As long as government by party ex'sts men will differ as to princi ples, methods and candidates, buch differences are inevitable and nn avoidable under a system of popu lar government, where the authority is created by the people aud exists solely by their consent. As long as the right of untrammoled discussion is recognized, as long as the citizen is free to speak and vote as he pleases, party differences in the United States will be settled, as they have been settled for more than a century, by appeals to reason. Our revolu tions will be fought wsth ballots and tho results will be accepted prompt ly and cheerfully. That is the American wsy. It is the system which commends itself to men of all parties. It means peace, the en forcement of law and order and the protection of the citizen in all his rights and privileges. It means a government held to the proper dis charge of its duties by enlightened f nbhc opinion. It means absolute reedoni of opinion, of criticism and of action within the limitations im posed by tho laws which tho people have created. There is no place for anarchists in such a system." Don't Change tbe Spelling. Girls, if you ever go away from home to attend college be careful about changing the good old wayof spelling your name. Some of our i,(norant fathers might cause you to feel humiliated like unto this girl of whom an exchange relates ; A Lewiston girl named Jessie was sent to a famous eastern (chool and after a year's time wrote to her dad signing "Jessica." In reply the old man wrote: Dear Jeesica lour welcome letter received. Mammica and pa pica are well. Aunt Maryica and Georgieca started for Calitorni ca yesterday. I have bought a new , horseica. It is a beauties. Its name is Monica. Your brother Tomica is doing finely, and the hired girl is a peachica." At the beginning of the war of the revolution Parson Muchlenberg went into his pulpit m Pennsylva nia clad as usual in his clerical gown. He preached a powerful sermon against tyranny and then, declaring that the time had come to tight as well as pray, threw off his priestly garb and stood before his congrega tion in the uniform of a Continental soldier. In a few moments be was leading a large part of bis parish to the battle for American independ ence in which be greatly distinguish ed himself. Ccnicrjlozso Blaod Pclccn There is no poison so highly contagions, so deceptive and so destructive. Don 't be too sure you arc currd because all external aigna of the disease have disappeared, and tbe doctor says you are well. Many per sons have been dosed with Mercury and Potash for months or years, and pro nounced crwrt to eli when too We that tfce disease waa only covered up UkB Bof use. Sf,Z oat again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them have been infected by this loath some disease, for no other poison ia ko surely transmitted from parent to child as this. Often a bad case of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe sk'n disease, a old sore or nWr developing in mtddl life, can be traced to blood poison coa- i Fba Sbt of thm PmrmnU life, for h remains smoldering ia the ST tem forever, nnlesa properly treated an4 driven out tn tbe beginning. S. S. S. is the only antidote for thia peculiar virna, the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of tbe blood, and h does this so thoroughly and effectually that therS is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. cures Contaantus niooa Poison in any and all atages; contains no mineral to break down voui constitution : It is purely vegetable and the only blooi purl fier known that cleanses tbe blood and at the same time builds up the general health. , Our little nook on contagious blood poison Is the most coeiple and instruc tive ever iraoed; it not only tella all about this disease, but also bow to cure yourself at home. It is free and should he in tbe bands of everyone seeking a cure. Send for it. TNI SwVT trCC 00. ITUHTS, , Assassination Predicted Last Nay. President McKinley was warned on May 22nd last to be cautious of assassin during tho month of Sep tember. This warning was sunt by telegraph to him while he was in Ban Francisco by G ustave Meyer, a more boy, of No. 101 Washington street, Hobokon. At the time President Mnlvinlnv vuuu watdliino Dinnrli J '- " . T over the bedside of Mrs. McKinley, whoso life was despaired of by the attending physicians for several days. Young Meyer had predicted the iction of President McKinlev. and el when ho was elected ho remembered tho prediction of tho Hoboken bov and wrote him a letter, thanking bim. When Mrs. McKinlev waa tsken ill on the western trip and was thought to bo dying, young Meyer wired the president at San Fransisco as follows : "Your wife will live another vear until about next February or March but bo csreful of yourself. Yoll will bo shot or stabbed durimr the month of June, or else in Sep tember. Tho vounir astroloucr was firralv convinced that there would be an ittcmpt maJo to take the president's ife during the month of June, but ie said that it might be delayed un il the autumn. He said that he dotcrmimd this from no other source tlixii the stats, working out tho horoscoiM) arvnniintr to the U'nll known rules of astrologists. He said it was so hrmly impressed up on his mind that he could not re frain from sendinc a teWram to Presidet McKinley at the time. He felt that ho bad the confidence of the president because of the letter which the president had written him concerning his prediction that me election would result in a Mc Kinley landslide. I feel sure." said the Hoboken boy astrologer at tho time, "that Mrs. McKinley will recover from this attack of "illness, but I do not teel at all sure that President Mc Kinlev will live another vear ot his term. It is plainly indicated by astrolotv that he will be assassin ated, or that an attempt at least will be made on his life before tho pre ent year is ended. That is why 1 wired him as I did. .New lork World. Architectural Oddities. At Frankfort on the-Main there is one street in which two houses on opposite sides of the street lean over so far that their roofs meet over the street. In one of these houses Lord Rothschild was born. In Paris, on the other hand, it is noticeable that the buildi rs intentionally cons'rnct the houses so that they lean back ward slightly to add to their stabili ty. I?nt almost in the center of I aris there is one bii stone building which leans out fully 3i feet over the sidewalk. So solid, however, are the Paris buildings that this one is claimed to be perfectly tafe. The community of Price's Mill. Union Countv, has voted upon it self a tax of $1.50 on the poll and fifty cents on the $100 valuation for school purposes. That is the way out of the wilderness. HaguG-HcCorkle Dry Goods Co., Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N. C. BUY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. We solicit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. We cordially invite all Merchants to call on us when in Greensboro, or to see oar Travelling Salesman before HT. ; I Thos. Fawcbtt, C.L. Hakes, President. First iee Pres. spsjsaa.assi mt afirBi m i mill M. A ..... mis l u.i.unnLumaLaCr-ui.uLiT. INCORPORATED. CaaMal, $50,, Pals) I . DUiBGTORS. Thos. Faweett C. L. Hanks, M. L. Fawett, A. G. Trotter, G. D. Fawcett. This bank solicits the aeoponcs ot Merchants, Manofaeturfrs Farnwrs and Individuals. The accounts of the Merchant located in towns aJ jnee;it rewivcsl oo favorable terms. Tne funds oi oar customers are seeumi cy two Dutgiar proof steel ebests and tha YaJ Tiaic Ixxik. Interest allowed on Savinirs Pwptwits Take XEBVQ TABLETS, Tfce Sreat A Vrvrtabk RpmWtr tint a-t itinvt rr on Oi Nrrvow, hmin s4 liioi!. Rrviuliilnx and wplsViiM! w--i !" Vimv. Hm-niilM-n. andfi'wKtlwTirvtf Hmm. Build, up ilic ImiKWrtslwd Mood, mnk- HTPd, and rii-h, and ttif tl cbw-ks tiny and r)umn. a SEXUAL TONIC. imim-lial- iy and dirertlyou Oie t-u! Ormtn,ai line import ing tone, strpneth and visor, no matt. how hopcli-wvotirmw bmtki-. K.xdtiwly mm tnrlil loiwo at mw. t'ur Ncrron Itrbimy IHMliM-m. Kamllur Hr-!l. lm.ol M.mor- Rd lnvsmn. 8"XimI Knluuwtion. lno, Titrd FodltMt. Pii'.'i.twwK"". IndlimNuMi, c'on.tij Uon. ami K'diiry I (. THE LATEST DtSCOVtV-Fnr all dlnw mnvii i,t a wwk. run-down condition of w nrvol.i V.lem, mfw the had cflWHi oi tolw-fft and rlu, opium . Tin wry Ikki remedy yt dlsoori-rwl fr kt nrrt- lorrr, snd will not hurra anvim or knv? miv bud ffi.-."! on tht-T-m no mri-r now V ne iis1. lott on th fMtw-r hand mrtlune toil mi -.ntwiH lolio. II ro siiuply fed ld tiK-rt b noilmt t'U.-t to Isir POICP KO CENTS A BOX Whiih S brm 9X PosteS" stamps Kke sum as oayh CVmvnnttit to rnrrr ami tek. Try one box and too can bave toot nion j' lan k if vcm an irni sBOriiiiyl. THE NERVO REV.EDY CO.. $59 WrtT Ttecj Srassv, tv'vf.i, H. k s Brother and Sister Meet. Mr. Henry Iyne, win came horn a week sgn from Lunenburg county and secured a position at tho loco motive works, had an i xperieneo yesterday that rea ls like a pretty little romance. Mi. Luytie went down t Seven I'ines yesterday afterno-in for an outing. While there ho saw a young lady whoso face struck him V very forcibly. At first he thought s nothing of tho incident, but several t times during tho evening bo saw J the pretty face from a distance and could not keep his thoughts from it. There was something strango about the face that almost haunted him. Finally he asked the stranger who tbe young lady was. s "Her name is Miss Layni," was the reply. "Layne Layne "said the young man, in puzzled tones. "What Layne ? Do you kno'V her llrt name ? ' "Yes," said tho stranger ; "Mies Iiena L iyno." Mr. Layno was greatly astonish ed, and exclaimed ; "Why, she is my sister, whom I have not seen for eighteen years," and with that, tho approached the yomg Uly; ex plained to her th a i boy weie broth er and sis'tr, and kis-scd her. Tho mcc'imrwits iti'eri'sting ami afTec tioP' te, ai d now they are both very lnppy at having met each other again. It was learned that when Miss Lsyne's mother died the little girl was taken to tho home of one of her tiuchs, in Charlotte county, where she was reared, and Henry Ityne was carried to Lunenburg, with his father. That was in 1SS3, and brother and eister had uot seen onch other since. Richmond leader. Women suffer ins from female troubles and weakness, and from irregular or painful men scs, ought not to lose hope it doctors cannot help them. Phy sicians are so busy with other diseases that they do not un derstand fully the peculiar ail ments and the delicate organism of woman. What the sufferer ought to do is to give a fair trial to DRA D FIELD'S Female Regulator which is the true cure provided by Nature for all female troubles. Ii is the formula of a physician of tt: highest standing, who devote 1 h;4 whole life to the study of the dis tinct ailments peculiar to our moth ers, wives and daughters. It is mads of soothing, healing, strengthening herbs and vegetables, which have been provided by a kindly Naiute to cure irregularity in the metises. Leu corrhiPa, Falling of the Womb, Nerv ousness, Headache and Backache. Iu fairness to herself and to lirad. Icld's Female Regulator, every suffering woman ought to give it s trial. A large Ji bottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold bj druggists. Send fur a ;, !) ii;utra!-d firr t -k eo tbe tect. Ttc fcradflelA Peculator Co., Atlanta, G. plaoing orders elsewhflre. HUT MARBLE WORKS, Mount Airy, N.O. W. D. HIYKES I CO., Proprietors. wry hFiMMGraiiMefflEffls, Iron Fencing, 3 Stone or laMe for EniiiliEi Pnrpassj,lc " wrtte tor Dws;ns ana pnoea. or c't andexamiBe oat !- atank. lonr work ana prtneortHBl. A. G. Torr. M. L. Fawcstt, - Cashier Brain, Blood and Kerve Tonic, AIWESTDBCAV wtm- t'tl'- iIiw-ovitv. Hironirihi-nii.i and .un fW the enf ire ayn-m. limk tin- old f.-.-i ounir. Tr? 'on nor. aft.-r that il llio) Wf r P a bos you wouid liav- thi-m. JUST FffOSI FtWlM.-WM and !- d: wry In im-1tt ai'H-lwiv tiimn.nw.Ml lo mre any lnrollh diwordt-r. rrodtm nlh, viror and nnww. Imparl, the ItHhijg an J powor at youut. a AIP VOt'B si:i AL OUOANS weak o INOIPFEkKM. II o four iwrnoia lnHla ton if t-fort' von fx-comi" a too vru- ii tr thi. Into! .i. niinc u.-wow-r.. ft la a no':" ir 1 ali u.-ri-ou. a;-.", or DO VOV SLFr WP1 L-t ... w T'nr-en''- tin Inn- difw :u-mh- y i or r itf-d yiUr RHHU'T. Trie ersT oiscovrcv of thr aoe JJniK. yin,r !l'!ls Hr lt! w.wh (W-nol y.?r 11:- rh -i'kx. K,Vi Ton a ha il.y. ro!"V.i jjr- ai- liK-?ii)oy!'e. is t-n davs rrtm.tit, ,wrW hi ft J I