Airy 10U VOL. 22. MOUNT AIRY. N. O.. THURSDAY, OGTOBKK 17, 1001. NO. 17. The T j News. IV NT PERUfJA CURES OF KIDNEYS EVERY TIME. DANGEROUS KIDNEY DISEASES CURED Perun. Oettnf National Sensation la the Car V of Chroale ailments of the Kidneys. t Mr. John Vance, of Hartford City.Ind. Bayst "My kidney trnabU li much batter. I have Improved so much that everybody want to know what medi cine I am union. I recommend Peruna to Tr y body and mmi have commenced to use It. Thafolk all lay that if Dr. Bartman'f medicine curei me It miut be treat." Mr. J. Brake, ot Petrolem, Ontario, Canada, write i "Four year ago I bad a nevere attack of Bright' Dlt aate, which brought me to low the doctor ald nothing more could be done tor me. I began to to take Peruna and Manalln, and In three montht I we a well man, and have continued to ever tlnce. " At the appearance of the fi rat ay m ptom Of kidney trouble, Parana ahould be taken. Thia remedy strlkesatoneethe Vary root ot the dUeaae. It at once re lieve! the catarrhal kidneye ot the stag nant blood, preventing the escape of S. P. GRAVKS, Attorney at-Ivaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. O. ""Practice In mate anil 'Moral conrta, Prompt attention to collection of clalma. M. II. SPARGER, Notary b public. OrFICE WITH CEO. W. SPARGER. Business Promptly Attended to. w. r. CARTER, MOUNT AINV, N. a i. R. LEWELLYN, OOHON N.O. Cartkr & Lkwkllyn, Attopne s-at-Ivaw. taT"Praotlce in the Btate and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business entrust ed to their care. GKO. W. SPARGER, Attorney-at-Ivaw, MOUNT AIBT, If. O. Will practice in State and Federal court. Special attention to collection of claims and negotiating loana. Dr. John E. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR S ORUC STORE. 'PHONE 38. Office Honra 8.00 A. M., to 6 00 P. M. Mount Airy, N. C. T. P. McCARGO. DOTA8.V PUBLIC. OFFICE OPPOSITE NEWS OFFICE, MOUNT AIRY HOTEL BLOCK Business Promptly Attendeo To. W. R. BADGETT, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. y Will practice wherever and whenever desired. Prompt and careful attention given to all business. Collections a specialty. DR. W. S. TAYLOR, OFFICE OVER. DR.UQ STORE, Eye, Ear, Hiss ail Ttoat Special attention given to this prac tice on Wednesdays and Saturdays. J. A.. TJHSET, CilrairvaiivBilr, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Estimatea furnished for any kind of thiilding, Workmanship first-class. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contracts so licited. Call and get prices on mouldings, brackets, Ae. I'orch and stair work a specialty. Also dealer in all kinds of building material. EDWABD BAM, II. D Office 121 S. Elm St., treensboro, N, C. (ona raaiae' dupo aroni.) Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Coniuluuoa Boar : I to 1. Do You Want ' To sat Tooraelte and friend trouble. l( so, and yon deatm u buy a Piano, Oriran or Telephone, nrm onnoall wim W. U. Pultoa, klfetne! , II luteal aappUea. Autlrraa. W. C. Fulton, Dobson, N. C. Vanted-In Idea SHSS PmMat or tmM: thr my fcrt p. va. uPitkirK a co, Pum ait.. V4. w 'nutria, t. C.. t-JT lfelr $!. prMS a . um ( to aaa4 lae weatee, CATARRH J .1 i II 11.1 serum from the blKd. Pa rana attmti laUi the kid oeya to ex crete from the blood the area mutat ing polaon, and thua pre venta the convulsion a which are aura to follow If the poison are allowed to remain. It plvea great vigor to the heart'a action and dlgKitiva system, both of which are apt to fail rapidly In this diaeaae. Peruna cure catarrh of the kidney limply becauee It curt catarrh wber ever located. A book on catarrh, written by Dr. llartman, will be lent free to any ad dress by The Peruna Medicine Co Columbus, Ohio. Worth of the Scriptures. Nowlioro uro ilicro more r.oble prayers and more exalted praise ; nowhere are the varied phrases of human life and of spiritual feeling more divinely expressed ; nowhere the hiph motives of life so loftily thrown into form; no where are more splendid exam ples pi veil of the beautiful and holy way of life; nowhere is there such a character revealed ns that of Jesus Christ, and with Him are a host of men and women who have well earned the admiration and imitation of all those who wish to live in heaven, while they move on earth. To read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them is one of our highest dut ies, a guard strength in life and an impell ing power. Let them be a daily companion and friend, whose voice, in a hundred recollected texts, conies to you in hours of temptation, in the days of des perate crisis; in trials that seem too much for human weakness; to inspire patience, to give you an immortal strength, to comfort you with hope of eternal joy. (iod speaks through them n; your soul, and mighty as His Uv is the iower of His spirit in theh;. . - Minister Conger cables the State Department that by royal decree, the Chinese government has ap pointed representatives to treat with Mr. Sharretts and other oilicera as may be appointed in behalf of the European nations to negotiate trade and tariff treaties. JUST ONE WORD that word Is It refers to Dr. Tutfa Liver Pills and MEANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with Indigestion? Sk'k headache? Virtlno'i1 Bilious? Insomnia? ANY of these symptoms and many others inUk.HU Inaction uf the ' lvt: mm You Nood. uti's Pills Take No Substitute. 1. 1. Illffill. -WULKa IK- Cols, Us, Burial Robes, Slippers, &c. A full stock or all sizns and qualities kept nm hand, and at reasonable prices. Store room, up-tairs over Mr, W. W. stare, no Main Street. LOOK OUT FOR Aaron T. Penn's Barber Sign, Next Door to Express Office, WTiere yoa eaa art a ft rut-claw Khare, Hair-cut. ?i't!Ip' ii,C",0,l- " U -t. aaytnmg in uie Martwr Mm Mare Jimt refitted m, shop with New lMubl Rfjii,g.ecit Volrol ciiko. kined Ohalra and many other BecnNarr equip mtnta wuk-h ro u make up a complete and Tbanklii( all nsr cuatnmen for many jmmt ntvora and anltdun? a cnnilnaaaee of their al 0d patmef, and nofmr to add to my Uat many new euatnoiera i pmnlunff all my rari Beet edorte to pleaae them la erery reetwet 1 begtoreasata Boat eftedteaitjr, False Prophets of the Second Com Ing of Christ. In tlie voar 1(X) A. !., tilt! twonlo of lOuroixj ct'iiNcd all lub rlntlicHl tli(tiiHclvosln hiiow wbito nrmcnts, and waitotl, with bit Ud broath, to bucautrbi, uj in tin clouds with Christ. Tho iiiipoint od day dawnrd as uhuiiI, tin hours lentheni'd into tho accn.s toinod Bjmn without Incidi'iit and tho jmojilo roturnod to 1ak up thfir lifo in tho world, wlwi tcrroMtrials if n-jt frlorlllinl cell's tials. And so ovnr and anon, ii tho courso of tho ccnturios Hinct that dav. has soma sell const! tutod prophet arisen out of tin bewilderment of his bram-lotf t prodaiai this irreut Kvent neai at hand. When tho (hie nrocoHs of time has recorded their fail- ures, they have feigned hoiiic misUiko in compulation, and, with this excuse, have lii'tfun over and over atraiii u0 enually l(K)lish lilid fruitless tnslt () Irv- inr to learn the secrets whit h Almighty (iod lias locked within the socurit v of His own Iminoiii till "tho fulness of time." Tho very fact that Christ will como suddenlv and unexnectiill v i kiiouiu prove a strong hiiinuius to thorough preparation. Mieit tho dec ::d es. with acbinir hearts and toarful eyes, stood w.Ux at tho clouds that had received their beloved Lord, two nnirels nj)Miaretl to remind thorn that His coniini; would bo as Midden as His roinir "This snme .lesus which is taken up from you into Heaven shall so como in like manner as yo have seen Him po into Heaven." And if 1 mav be excused for admitting something that is slitrhilv foreitrn to tin' lieadinir of this chanter. I would like to add that those who are inclined to doubt that tho second :!ominir of Christ will bo cormir- -f al, must ignore tho plain lan guage of this passage, and lose sight of the fact that any other interpretation of Rev. 1 :" "He boid Ho cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and them that pierced him would seem incongruous. Be Courteous. Not long ago I attended church service in a city not far distant. I was a stranger to most of those present, but 1 shall not soon for get a young boy who sat near me. When the hymn was given out, he found it each time, and grace fully handed mo his book. He was not tall enough to share it with me, so he gave it wholly for my use. As I took the book, 1 could not but think, here is a loy who is courteous; he has been well trained by a careful mother; who has taught him to be kind to strangers. His earnest face has often been in my thoughts since then, and my prayer is "God bless him;" and as he grows in ears, may ho not forget to re member others, and seek to make them happy. hen a young girl, I was stand- ngono afternoon with a group of young friends at the forks of a road, when a stranger rode up, nd being undecided which road to take, asked the way. One girl gave him a pert answer which would have misled him had he followed her direction. A quiet, plain-looking girl then stepiiod out from the group, and answer ed his question. With a smile ho thanked her, and said, "You reflect credit upon your mother' and on your home training," as he turned and rode away. This incident made a deep impression on my mind, and led me on to ask myself whether my conduct to others was such as to bring hon or or dishonor upon my own dear mother; would people judge of mj' home training by my manners abroad? Have you ever thought of this? If you are rude and bo isterous on the streets, will it be said, "She lias been brought up in a refined home; that boy lias been gently trained." Sometimes young people do not follow their good teaching; they get into bad company, and say and do things they would be ashamed to let their parents know. Mother is not to blame for their rudeness; but some will misjudge her, and she will have to bear the blame of their ill-behavior. M. C. Du- Itois. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civil ized world. Your mothers' and grand mothers' never thought ot using any thing else for Indigestion or Bilious ness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. Tbey used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stinulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all thev took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doaes of Ureen's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there la nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by I. W. West. Druggist, Mount Airy, N. 0. United States Senator Daniel is ill, at his home in Lynchburg, with chills and fever. He was txpected to lead the minority party of the Suffrage Committee, in the Dem ocratic conference. His illness will have considerable effect on settle ment of the Suffrage question in the Constitutional Convention. The State Entomologist of Geor gia predicts that within the next few year there will be hundred and fifty million fruit trees in cultiva tion in that State. Considering Consolidation. W e have had reports from time to tlmo within the pvt year or ao of pcMi'min to consoiiuiiie mo ooiimi'tu cotton mills and bring them under one management. According to a Cliarlotto uiHpatcli of bitturday cot ton men of that city are considering Uie feasibility of consolidating the mills in Worth and South Carolina, which would ombrHce a innjorlty of the mills in tho South. Nothing Iihb been doce yet, wo are told, further than conHidering thu feast bility ol tho project, but tho fact that tlioy Rro considering it means a Kond deal, for it shows that they havo lixed their thougMs on coiv solidation if it bo fcaHible. Consolidation seems to be the or der of the day, and there is no run son why it shouldn't have attractions tor lliu cotton manufacturers aa It has had lor the steel manufacturer, n i i no operators, fortilixor manufac turers, cotton seed oil manufac t nr. m and numerous other indus tries that have gono into it. If thia scheme inatonalizo it may be a good thing for the mill men, hut it will not bo a good thing for tlin cotton planter nor for tho South, for it would not only control tho home cotton markets, as oil combine controls tho price oi cotton soi d, but tho i lKct would lie to largely inter fere with tho bnil',::;gof more mills, thus retarding the progress of tho South in that direction and pre venting it from becoming tho grei t cotton mill section it promised to be. Of courso it will bo to the interest of such a combine to keep produc tion within tho present or pros- ective demand limit, and therefore it will bo to its interest to discourage and prevent as far as possible the building of more mills. It is too soon to put the breaks on tho build ing of new mills. I hero are not half enough in tho South. Wil mington Star. Strikes and Liberty. ArchbiBhop Ireland who frumcnt- y discusses soml and economical q iettions, ard always in a forceful and candid manner, has an article n tho North American Kovicw for Octobor on the proper limitations of labor unions in tho matter of strikes. The archbishop Las provod his friendship for labor organizations and it is his sincere interest in their welfare that moves him to speak out on this question. He concedes the perfect right of any individual or union to strike, but insists that neither has any right to interfere in any way with those who wish to work. He says if strikes cannot succeed without preventing non union men from working, so much the worse for etrikos, and adds : "If strikes necessarily require as a con dition of success the violation of personal liberty and the subversion of social order, then strikes stand self condemned." Archbishop Ireland goes further and holds that the entire authority of the state should, if necessary, be put into operation to protect a single workingman who wishes to tako tho place of a striker. I he archbishop says that it is perfectly proper for an individual striker or bis organization to nse all powers of suasion they can command to deter others trom working, but that when they have done that they have reached tho limit beyond which they may not justly pass. A man's right to work is God-given and is entitled to the protection of society and gov ernment. In its last analysis it is bis right to life and the protection and support of his family. To de prive him of thia right by intimida tion or force is to rot him of his iberty. Such in general terms is the line of Archbishop Ireland's protest and argument which are put in very strong form. Atlanta Journal. Its an Educational Revival. The edncational revival in North Carolina is bearing visible fruit. All the higher institutions of learn ng have opened with greatly tn- creusod numbers. The enrollment at the University at the close of the first week was 550. This was a hundred in excess of the opening last year and twenty more than the number reached during the entire year. The lull registration this year is expected to reach 650. Two years hence, if tho recent rate of in crease ba maintained, the 1,000 mark will be reached. The graded schools in all the towns enterprising and wise enough to have these most important of all schools, are also crowded with students. The conn- try schools will also soon begin, and the prospects are that they will be better and fuller than ever before. There has truly been a great edu cational awakening in North Caio- lina. Newton Eoterprise. There are 20,000 Greeks in this country. Of this number, New York has 5,000 and Chicago 4,000. CURE Alt Till PAIRS WITH H Pain-Killer. MtiMciM Ckul la RaaN. SIMPLE, SAFE AN9 QUICK CURE F0t Cramps, Diarrhoea, Cold. Coughs, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. tS 14 B0 cant SattlM. BE WAR. O I 111 TAT IONS. BUY ONLY THE GENUINE. PKRRY DAVIS' SOME STRANGE HAPPENINGS. The astrological men seem to have had very similar observations and impressions as to dangera possibly threatening 1'rcnldont McKinley in oil second term of ollice. The Mes senger hai given particolsrg of the! oliservations of tho hoavons. A third prophecy aa to McKinley and the stars comes from MaseachiiBOtta Last January an article signod "An na Pharos" appeared in an astrolog icnl journal published in Boston, called "The Sphiiir.." If is curious and interesting. The forecast made last January was strange. Hut it is all too long for tiso hero. That ar ticlo had a (juration "Will tho moon'a node affect the new Trosi dentin! term '(" To g back. Is ia stated that in August, 1S'.7, in this puttlication, there appeared a horo srope by Julius Eiickson. of 1'resi dent Mckinley's inauguration Mar. Hi, 1s7, in which we find tho fol lowing: "Wliun election day rolls round in 1!!00 the pooplo will not ciro to chango parties. If I'resident At civ in ley lives, ho will bo re-elect ed." I!ut let us ijuoto at moru icngtn. i ho article said : "Jlut whether or not this re-elec tion is a blessinir to I'rosident Mc Kinlcy remains to be seen ; for, from a certain standpoint, this presiden tial term is both inauspicious and peculiar in moro ways than ono. "in t lie first place, as an ill-bod ing omen, let us note that the moon's node, astrologically known as the l iragon, was, at the tune, iu the sign Sagitalri ns, under which the Novem ber elections take place; and when the president is inaugurated next March, the Dragon will bo in bcor pio, tho siiMi accursed. "Now, in the nation s career there have been three others elected or inaugurated when tho Dragon was in immediate vicinity of that sign ; and tlicso three were Uarheld, Lin coln and Harrison, all of whom died in ollice. We nuke another extract which is at least informing : "Now, a rather uncanny fact is that tho A. I). I'.o0 election is the fourth in an unbroken sories which at the regular interval of '20 years have been under some malelic in fluence, as will be soon from the fol lowing: Twonty years ago (1SH0) Garfioid was elected, and was assas sinated in 1881; 20 years prior to that (ISM!) Lincolu a election led to the splitting of the union, the shed ding of a sea of blood, and finally to the assassination of Lincoln in in 1805; 20 years previous to that Harrison was elected in 1840, and died in about a month after his in auguration ; all of which fatalities we attribute to the malignant pres ence of tho Dragon in the vicinity of those elections." The paper before us is curious and elaborate somowlut. It is all sug gostive of surprises. It enlarges upon what has happened while Nep tunc ia turning at the Topic of Can cer. The list is too much to lie giv en now. After telliug of the many serious and calamitous happenings it mentions that I'resident Carnot of France waa assassinated on the 24th of June, 1S!4, and on June the 13th an attempt to assassinate President Fanro of France was made, l-ct ns give some few of many othor tragic events : "In J une, 1812, Napoleon started for Moscow ; June IS, 1S15, he was defeated at Waterloo; June 27, 1837, CJueen Victoria succeeded to the British throne ; June 27, 1844, the Mormon Joseph Smith assassinated ; June 19, 18C7, Maximilian shot in Mexico; June 10, 18C8, Prince Michael of Servia was assasinated ; June, 1SS9, Johnstown, Pa., destroyed by flood ; June 15, lS',lf, tidal wave in Japan destroyed 30,(K0 lives. It is said also that the "assassination of Gar field occurring within two weeks after the snn'a turning (Jcly 2nd) should also be included in this Can cer list of tragedies." As above stated, on June, 1901, while the sun is still agitated with its turning, as it were, it will be in conjunction with Neptune (that "an cient of days whose voice is as the sound of many waters'') at a point which indicates a great turning of tide. It will be recalled that the yonng astrologist whose prophecy has been clearly noted in the Mes senger, that Jnno and September were the dangerous mouths for Pres ident McKinley. We take the facts given above from a long article in the raltimore Sun. From the Wil mington Mcsseugor. The Coming Centre. The earth has nowhere upon its surface another region so fruitful as the South in muliiplied agricultural capabilities or in those elements that multiply human industry and hn roan happiness. It is useless to go fnither in this discussion. Every year dite ivers some new resource in the South. It grows every food plant needed by man. It produces more and better textile plants than any other portion of the globe. It is rich in almost every mineral uted in the arb3 iron, copjter, sine, 'lead, marble, etc. It has phosphates to enrich its soils, coal and water pow ers to drive its machinery. It is the coming focus of the world's com merce and the centre of its industry, lis possible cotton crop can employ more people than any other one pro duct grown on the earth, and what is better, the South can feed them all from its fertile fields.--From the Southern Farm Magazine. fyy Balaam lUMavaa BiM Awmf Vtf aw catr 14 f imgm M State's Factories. Hon. II. Ii. Varner, State Com missionerof Labor, has just rot u mod to Ilalelgh from an extended trip through tho manufacturing section in which he has visited many of the leading mills and factories of the State. Ho said to a Times reporter that the number of factories is as totiishing, and they are building now ones so fast yon can hardly keep up with them. Jast at present there is moru activity in furniture fNctones than in any other line Tin to are said to be 3'.t wood work ing factories al High Point alone, and at Icxington and Thomasville there are 18 moro. New ones are being built at almost every point in that section, and the industry is as Burning large proixtttiotis. "Uno flung 1 am glad to report, said Mr. Varner, "and that is that thu cotton mills arc endeavoring to live up to their agroumetit regard in child lalair. As fast as posmhle eli dren are lieing dismissed, and there are not many in tho mills now. And the mills are building school houses and providing every facility lor the education of the children. The Proximity mill, at Greensboro, which is owned by the (ones, has erei ted a J 5,ooo school building, bus secured four good teachers and will Boon havo ono of the best schools in the State. As soon as the school opens all the children in tho village will be sent to it. 1 his mill also has one feature that 1 think no other mill in the South has. At midnight it sets a free lunch for its operatives in its lartro dining hall, l'-eel, mut ton, chicken, bread and hot coffee are served free as nice a lunch as you want. "At Albemarle there are now several largo cotton mills, and the place is growing into a big town. The Wieciifset and Klird mills are both putting up excellent school bullJings in addition to tho graded schools of the town. "In fact 1 find that the mill own ers are anxious to give tho children every opportuity to secure an cdti- ation." Mr. Varner is busy gathoring sta tistics for his annual report, which will Ik) unusually comprehensive and intereting. Ualoigh Times. $6,150 of Conscience Money. Secrotsry Gage recently received n an envelope postmarked New York, September 25, 1901, $0,150 n bills ot denominations ranging rom $50 to $5o0. This largo sum of money was accompanied only by the following statement : "After much thought I have been convinced that duties were not fully paid as desired, ditlerence estimated at about 2 per cent. The wish now is to rectify what was done dnriDg some years ago and amount is being sent, which it is felt must be paid to the L nited States treasury to dis charge those great duties and do the right. Above has been great grief. 1 he Secretary expresses gratthca tion with this evidence of a citizon's desire to make good former evasions of the law. "There are others," said Secretary Gago, ".who wonld no doubt hnd it morally healthful to follow this contributor's example. A triond ot mine recently landed from a trip abroad. 'I paid $ 1,000 duties on my goods,' he said. 'I never paid ao much before. This time it was an 'honest count' with me. It cost money, but I feel a good deal more rospectablo.' " Onr fellow-townsman and much esteemed friend, Ellison I Gilmer, received from tho secretary of war this morning his commission as first icntenant in the artillery corps, u. S. army, to rank as such from tho 22nd day of August, 1901. From (treensboro Daily liecord. MRS. IDAL ROSER Grand-Xiecfi of Ex-PrcMident JamcH K. Polk, Writes to Mrs. PinVham Saying: 'Viv.vYlna Pixkham: I have Wen married for nearly two years, aud ao far have not been blessed with a child. have, however, Buffered with a coiu- f heation of female troubles ana pain ul menstruation, until very recently. -v MRS. in I.. ROSER. "The value of Lrdla K. Pink- ham'w Y-tr-tulle i'oiupouiid was Vailed to in v attention br an intimate friend, whose life had simply be-en torture with influtumatiou and ulcer ation, and a few bottles of your Com pound cured her ; ahe can hardly believe it hcraelf to-dav, ahe enioya uch blessed health. 1 t4Mk four bottles of y onr Compound and consider myself cured. 1 am once more in fine health and anirita: juv domestic and official dutie all aeem eay now, for I fool ao Ktronir 1 can do three times what I uard to do. You have a host of friend In Denver, and amonir the best count. Your wry (rratefully, Mrs. Id L Robkb, 836 lHtn Ave., IH-nver, Oil." SOOO fflt If ktMwW te art If yon re lis, onni nnnaie to ... . . . . retabottleof I.ydlaK. lMiikliaui's Vegetable Compound at onoe. ail write to Mr. Plnkham, Mim, Mm, lor special ftdrice It U free, Ffypt's Khedlvab. Ono of tho molt beautiful of F.gyiiliau women ia the dowager khedivah, and thoso around the pal see never seem to weary of singing h r praises. Hlio is one of tho most devoted of wives, says a London paper. The khedivo ia ono of the few eastern rulcri who has lived in a genuine love story with the horo ine for his wile. The peerless Ikbal Ilauoin is of tho Circassian race. Sho waa formerly a slave of the Vididi (dowager) khedivah, at whose totiso the then young ruler of Kgypt hrst saw her. As beauty gives rank in thu orient, the young slave's condi tion did not interfere with her ad vancement. Sho wns courted and won by the dashing young prince, and finally formally married to him and mined to the rank of khedivah. The happy couple model their household after the European fash ion. Blio neither paints nor pow ders her face, as ia tho custom of hgyptian women of high rank. Sho likes European dress and lifts Eu ropean tervants and governesses for her three tlHiihters. iSho studies with her children and has an open, ituiiiiring mind. The khedive ad- oris hie wife ami is a devoted father. He has charming manners, an easy, smooth addrers, in which there is just a touch of the good fellow. Hut he never forgets his dignity. 11 is most intimate friends alwavs re- member that ho is khedive. Ha ie iiiite stout, the result, it is said, of his having when at the cadeU' school n Vienna imitated his professors in drinking beer. He is good look ng and intelligent. lie has dis mayed rare capacity for keeping his own counsel. The smooth pencil ng ot brows, eyelids and a certain i dreamy expression give the oriental touch to his face. Threw Bottle at Conductor. "The little cotton mill village of Avclon, bear Mayodun, has somo very bad boys," remarked a gentle man this morning. He added that the boys go out to Stoneville on the Martinsville train ISatnrday after noons, where they buy whiskey and return on the train from Iloanoke that night. Last Saturday night some of the boys had their dogs with them, but tho conductor refused to ct the canines ride on the train. This incensed the owners and one of them murmured that he would get even with the conductor. Winn the train stopped, the boys got off, but they waited near by and when t pulled out a bottlo containing mean whiskey was thrown at the conductor and it just missod his head. The contents of the bottle scattered over the captain. lie pulled the bell cord, stooped the train and rushed out in search of the boy, but he was gone. Winston Sentinel. A dispa'ch from Constantinople says Mr. llakell, the American missionary at SamakoiT, lulgaria, is opening negotiations with the view of reducing tho amount of the ransom demanded for the r lense of Miss Stone. Mo-To-Mar tor rirtjr (rnla. Ouantn!'d tohaeco liabll cwr. make v.rk naea iiii-otut. biood pure. 6uc. II. Ail drm.-jsi I Know One Sare Kemedy for as obstinate cold, ita uame is Prn y-Bal a Hague-LIcDork.s Importers and GREENSBORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. AT We solicit trade of Merchant only, and sell nothing at retail. tJW We cordially invite all Merchant to call on us when in Greensboro, or to ee our Travelling Salesman before HT. I I Stone writ' Thob. Fawcbtt, O. L.Hakkb, President. First Vice Pres. FIRST NATIONAL is US INCORPORATED. Cnpllal, (30,000, PU Vp. DUtBGTORS. Thcis. Faweett C. L. Hanks, M. L. Fwertt, A. O. Trottor, G. T). Fawcett. This bank solicit the accounts ol Merchants, Manuiacturpt. farmers and Individuals. The accounts of the Merchants located in towns adjacent reeeived on favorable terms. The funds of our sustomers are secured by two burglar nronf steel eh eats and the Yale Time Lnek. Interest allowed on Havinir Dennaita Taks KERVO TABLETS, The Great a Piiiwlv VfWMaitkt Rixnpdr that wt rtlrert- ly on Ihe Nervous System. Brmin and hntl. n-tt'.Attii. wasted Nerve Fnne. Mrengtiu'n. and fcrds thu Tired Brain. Bu i!d lmrwrerwhi'd blood, makv It rwt.'aui rlrh, and llie pk elkH'ks rosy and phimp. A SEXUAL TONIC-Ai t, iniiuedmtelr and directly ou the HtiuhI Oiymi. at owe Impart ing lone, Mrensih .nd viiew, no mattrr now boM'em your rimv nerw. r"olurHy .top. ntirhl trmm at onr. t tinni nprmn. twmmj, jMuttnmaa, K.lntliif Srpll, Lom ot Memory, Hri Ir.-m. Eilution, Ijtnjtitor. Tln-d FrwlHig. H!ftlMn. lmti(fc.n, Cunwipa tkm. nd kidneT Hhmmcv THE (A TEST" DISCOVRRV For 11 d!wM Mused by a wk, rnn-doon rendition ot the min svxU'Ib ram lor td eftVi-W o toharTO and wta Inky. opium. The very bwt rvmolT TM dtuporr H-d lr Ion Bro force, and will not harm anyon or )nvv mif it" I rtWts on the svwm no matter how ltir un-d. twit n tbe thrMr hand notttinshntin! rvu!!wtn mm low. it voa uailr nt bad tbt-rr i wHlaiug U-tbt to taK. PBICB EQ CENTS A BOX Witich fi boxes i Pnttare stsuupa taken mm a cah. so mnr and take. Try otM box and yia en haro yoor mony W-k ifvyoo are not an.tttd. THE NERVO REMEDY CO.. GIT IB Qiseuir BaKin Perfect, Delicious, Appetizing. Siberia's Vast Area. in discussing Silieria, statements of dimension and distance etmfuse and bewilder rattier than enlighten, it is of small ii'h mituk'o todwell up. on its an a of over 4,!oo,oii) Biisru miles. It the fi.riy -live Slates which the American l uioii were taken up and planted bodily iu the midst of Silieria they would be en closed in every direction by a wide border of land. In this border terri tory all the countries of Europe ex cept Uussia could likewixo lie plant ed bodily, and there would remain still unoccupied poo,000 square miles, an aroa twice the si.e of Im perial Germany. A Baby's Birth is verv much like the Ll-wsom-ititf of u rlowcr. Its beauty and i-rtecti"!i deenils entirely upon the care bestowed upon its parent. Kx-i tant mothers should hve the ten.lerest tare. They should lie spared all worry and utiviety. Tlieys!iould eat l!entv of vhA tiourishint; food and take ircMlo exercise. This J o a iouk way tow .t:u pi dci -iti their health and their beauty as well as that of the bttle one to come. But to be absolutely sure of a short and painless labor they should use leather's , . i ... Friend! reeularty dor ing th mmth of pe.ta tton I hi a in in .vtni -It liniment, w hich it to U tpilid t-xurtittlly. It kiVs str-ni(th kil l v-r i th musrlc and prevent Hi if tin- !iciu:f rts prt'if pftney, uhuh wniTu-n usrd to think were rm)utelv tifii 'V:tr v. When M the' YiwuX is W I tiier t no Jrt'llTPT whhtfvrr. Oct Voters Fr end ftt th drug sL t r, 1 KT botilv. Tilt RRtDfifl D R.G11 AlWt CO. ATLANTA. OA. W: tl tat r fre bn,,' future tLy la Inn Dry Goods Co., Wholesalers, placing orders elsewhere. AIRY MARBLE WOHB, Mount Airy, N.O. W. 0. HAYNtS I CO., Proprietor. aFiMMGraMoiiiits Tombstones, Iron Fencing, or Eartiie for UUiu fcricsc for UAagns ana prtcea, or nail andpxamtne sal mark, lour wnr and ortoilUole A. G. Tbottbb. M. L. Fawcitt, Cashier DANK of .It. Airy. Brain, Blood and Ksrve Tonic. ARREST OfiCAV Hv inline thidatnt urifn- tfic dixiirwy. Htrt'htrThens.f lwiiw'KP,nd purl. lip threittiri HTU'm.n3.1le ltn'ld -1 jouof. Try one tKi. alicr tlmt ii the) were 'i.t a boa yon wonld hTvthMn. JU5T FVOH FltRor. Ijh and hr-x 41 fovcry in mr-lirwl twieiirv. titiHranll torurw any nrrvou. diwtrdrr. i'rluw wurnuh. riror and IMiwifr. llMrwru lite elinK and owol of youtti. ARF VOtR SEXUAL ORGANS WEAK OR INWHFERKMT. II - voir nt-rrn. y-m neri. a toutr t.for rim fwyw a total wnvit. ritrn.for tin. Uttt wn-'!m' ittrfwr. It ta noHteve rm- for all wmim diwwwea, or woak pmrt.. DO VOO MTPP weil.-tr not. w rn ant, th imr diwtnerj 01 fwir yo or refund your mom-y. THR BCST ll-COVFBY OF TtlR AOE- Vail your kin rternd moHh, S'lmit r.tnr ,Mle tbe-feit i-inw ti a rwiiby. rtii i'ir-aM-r. Make litcu;o'l.w. in ten dara trfrjirtt, lucnlrd U mail )

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