NO. 34 VOL. 2tf . MOUNT AIIIY, N. G TIIUKSDAY, FEHKUAKY 10, lOOil. HAPPY AND HEALTHY. A Beautiful Canadian Girl Saved From Catarrh of tho Lungs by Pe-ru-iia. i ' i, - 4t KISS FLORENCE KEXAII. Miss Vlorsnoa E. Kanah, 434 Marls street, Ottawa, OnU, wrttnii "A few months ago I caught a severe cold, which settled on my lungs and remained there so persistently that I became alarmed. I took medicine without benefit, until my digestive organs became upset, and my bead and back began to ache severely and frequently. ' I was advised to try Peruna, and although I had little faith I felt so sick that I was ready to try anything. It brought me blessed relief at once, and I felt that I had the right medicine at last. Within three weeks I was completely restored and have enjoyed perfect health since. ' " I now have the greatest faith In Peruna. " P. E. KEN AH. WOMEN ahonld bewarsof contract ing catarrh. Tha sold wind and rain, slosh and mud of winter ars ep dally oonduclre to catarrhal derange ment. Tew women escape. Upon the first symptoms of catching Cold Peruna should be taken. It forti fies the system against oolds and ca tarrh. The following; letter gives one young woman's experience with Peruna t Miss BoseOerbins; Is a popular society woman of Crown Point, lad., and she vrltes the following;! Reoently I took a long drive In the conn try, and being too thinly clad I oanghta bad cold which settled on my lungs, and which I could not seem to Lake off. I had heard a great deal of fame for oulxl nd catarrh and I, CAPUDINE 4 CURES. HEADACHES, LaGRIPPE, COLDS. FEVERISHNESS, SICK HEADACHE. Sold by All Druggists. GKO. W. SPARGKR. Attopneyat-Iiaw, MOUNT AIRY, JX. C. Will practice In Btate and Federal Court, special titenllon to collection of claims and negotiating loans. M. H. SPARCER, nOTARY PUSklC. Hulne Solicited. of net WITH OEO. W. SPARSER, mt. airy. W. F. CARTES, ' mount Alffv. a. a. J. R. IEWELIYN, DOMOM N.O. Carter & Lkwkllyn, Attorneys. at-Ivaw. asr-Practice in the State anil Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business entrust ed to their care. W. G. SYDNOR, MT. AIUY, N. C. Real fista te & Insurance. STRONG LINE FIRE, LIFE & ACCIDENT Campaale Represented. J. .A.. TESH, Contractor -:- anfl -:- Builfler, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Estimates furnished for any kind of building. Workmanship Brut-class. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contracts so licited. Call and get prices on mouldings, brackets, Ac. Porch and work a specialty. Also dealer in all kinds of building material. Minnesota calls upon Oougreee to abolish the duty on lumber. Doubt less this is due to the failing supply of timber in the SUtetnd the conse quent injury to its water supply. Of course it is expected that the lumber needed will largely come trom Canada ; as this is a question that affects the water supply of the Great Likes, as well as of the Mis sissippi river, it ought to be taken in hand by the Governments of both countries. Brooklyn Citizen Buy it Now. Do not wait until you or some of your family are sick nigh unto death, and then send for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholora and liarrboea Kerned)-, but buy it now and be prepared for an emergency. It is the one remedy tbat can always be depend ed upon in tho mom. severe and dangerous ta. For sale by C. K. Callaway and J. YV. McPburaon & druggist. A Mother's Recommendaton. I Lave used Cnambrrlain's Cough Remedy for a number of years and Lavs no hesitancy in saying that it is lbs best remedy for coughs, colds and croup 1 bave ever uud in my . family. 1 bave not words io etprees my confidence la this remedy. Mr. J. A Moor, North biar, Mich. For sal by C. C Ualiaway and J. W. f - 'r0 .. a bonght a bottle to try. I am pleased that I did, for It brought speedy relief. It only took about two bottles, aud X considered this money well spent. " You hare a firm friend In me, and I not only advise its use to my friends, bnl have purchvied several bottles to give to those without the means to buy, and have noticed without exception that it has brought alout a speedy cure where ever It has beou used." Mias lioso Qerblng. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the nso of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Ilartman, giving s full statement of yonrciwe and he will 1 pleaaed to give you his valuable ad Vice gratia. Address Dr. Hartman, President ot The Ilartman Sanitarium, Col uui bus, O. Hinges on Germany. Minister Bowon has given proof of marked ability in his manage ment of Venezuela's case with tho triple alliance and has thus far bhown himself equal to every emergency ami to every new turn in the proceedings. As in the be ginning of the trouble ho proved himself the friend of England and Germany, which entrusted their affairs to his keeping when their representatives withdrew from Caracas, so now ho is proving himself the friend of Venezuela, which has entrusted her case to his management. It is well that he has won and has the good will of both sides. As the case now stands the peaceable settlement of the dis pute hinges on Germany and that being the fact Germany is not, for the amount of money involv ed, going to face a combination of several nation.-?, all having claims against Venezuela, with an almost certainty of a combi nation of tho South American Republics, each of which is more or less interested in the outcome of this dispute. The British gov ernment cannot stand by Ger many if it come to a question of rupture with other nations, for it is already in an embarrassing position in Laving invited trie German Government to join in the movement while letting the impression go abroad that the proposition tirst came from Ger many. Wilmington Star. There is a question in New York of the expenditure of $80,000,000 on canal improvement, but the peo pie in the interior demand that be fore that is done $50,000,000 be spent on road improvement. The ' xr , J . I. .' , A .. iew iom duo euuornue uuo uc mand and adds that $50,000,000 spent on tbe roads would be worth more to the State than $100,000,000 spent on canals. This shows tbe importance attached in that State to good roads. Wilmington Star. The London Daily Mail publishes a dispatch from Guatemala declar ing that war has been proclaimed between Guatemala on one side and Salvador and Honduras on the other. ASK J ' 'SJ Our money winning books, written by men who know, tell you all about Potash They are nwdrd by eery man h) ov ni held anu a plow, and a tin deairrs to let the moat out ol Iht-tt,. Tbcf r M. Stmt paMal canL l.l ttwtl CAM Welts SS Viuw. Mwt .V t act Ths On Day Cold Curst. Par cold aaS aorvthroat aar KerararfeCtoieift. tore Laiatiaa liaia kwlf take es a4j ac4ii.t Stttaa THE PEOPLE OR THE SALOON ? Sball Ibe People Govern the State or Shall it be Controlled by the Saloon and Its Evil Influences? Charlotte Daily News. The Soot hero pooplo havo al ways lmd a genius for government Scratch any Southornur a U you will find a politician, f rom W abh ington to Incoln the Suiiih rnlod the nation, and taking thouircudo partments of the Gover nincnt, Lcgis lativo. JuJicial and Kxicutive into consideration, durinit that whulu tieriod it was nevor without a con trolling voice in public hlliis. Tins is not to sy that tho governing function whs always wist ly ueed, or thatiorioiis blunders were- not come times insdo. Hut the fuct is that the South was "in the saddle" as the phrnse whs. During the war the Mine genius for government was dmplaycd ar:d probably no nation in history, whoso whoio Citroir was spent in tin; midt of war's alarms and war s contusion, ever governed itself better or lmd so many statesmen who wvrc com- patent to the tHtk, as (lie Con feder ate States of America. Sinco tho war, the defeated tac tion has had to play a onmller purt in national sfTtirs. Hut they had a tHfk fiillicient to alwotb all tlieir interest and attention in the sphere .f local govern mt'iif, and tho way the ruling race, in spite of overwhelm ing odds, has wres'ed tho govern ment (rem tho hands of the wchker race and won r cognition ot its rijjht so to do from its former cnemits, spite of bsyonets and constitution, will grow a larger and iHrgi r wonder i i the perspective of the years. Another problem has now arisen that w ill have to be eu t'ed and ti e qncBti n finally resolves iteelf into lliisMic: Shall the raloon control the people or t ho people the saloon I Tl o American saloon is an irstitu tion of slow growth, but as an iiistrti nietit of evil it seems to have at tained its perfection. It old bu lluiilt to suggest improvctnent in the direction of more certainly pro moting drunkenness, anu the vices that are akin to it. At one time everybody was free to manufacture and to sell intoxicating liquor. It still contended by some that it would have been better policy to allow full liberty in this regard. Out the liquor trsthc was soon seen to be the source of disorder and crime and law laid its hands npon the business to restrict and control t. As it bicamo an unpopular business, through its associations, tbe government fontid it a con venient institution to tax and in ternal revenue and license taxes were lad upon tho business of roanfactnring and selling. So the grocery that once sold liquor to its customers without either shame or reproach, gradually withdrew from the traffic. Then laws wero passed requiring one to secure a bar-room license in order to sell liquor and then requiring the liquor business to be conducted as a separate busi ness. So the saloon as a plnce for selling and drinking liquor evolved from the process. Ihen it was made possible for a community and later for a state to rid itself of the business altogether, and the saloon as forced to go into politics to save its life. Soil-preservation is tbe first law of nature. As the saloon cause has always been a wrong cause, itt method of securing favorable and preventing unfavorable legislation has been tbe method always em ployed by the unscrupulous, namely the dabaucbery of government it self, both of the voter and of the representative of tho people. It has been tbe greatest contaminating source in politics and it has often made the whole stream foul. Io the South the saloon has used the negro as in the North it has used the foreign element to keep en trenched in power. The marvel is that its impudence and effrontery should have been endured so long. No other traitors to party bave been treated with such distinguished con sideration. It is a notorious fact that the saloon has been holding tbe menace of negro supremacy over the head of the Southern white people for years. The threat has been in plain language this: "If you will not accept our dictation as to can didates and as to legislation we will join bands with tho negroes and pnt .1 a . .. tuera on top. n e are voters tor our own pockets all the time. We can become Democrats or liepnbli cans over night and the party that favors as. no matter what its policy may be as to other matters, is the party that will get onr votes and tbe votes of every ward heeler and bar room bum that we can control." Xverybody knows that when the issue was made on the suffrage amendment in this state the Liquor Dealers' Association, through its President, threatened the defeat of tbe amendment if the agitation against the saloon did not stop. And now the word is going forth from IUleigb that if tbe Anti-Salooa bills there are pat throngh it will lose tbe western counties of tbe State to tbe Democratic Party. We hope that the western counties and tbe Republican Tarty duly appreciate tne delicacy of tbe compliment That would mao that every preach er of the gosnel would be consider ed a Democratic emissary and tbe turning uaen into Christians worjld be recruiting the Democratic Party with voters. I!ut tho menace Is an idle one so far as negro rule is concerned. The saloon is turning for help to the rn st degraded of the whito people and to the politician who needs the i' fiuenco and the money of the saloon to get himself elected to i (lice, or who fears that the saloon can defeat Imn if ho turns else where for holo. Tho man that con trols tho saloon vote is the man that is controlled by tho saloon vote. The man that is controlled by tho ikIi, on vote is tho man that will con trol tho s 'i loon vote. And so the question becomes a very practical one. Shall the people control tho e-aloon or sbull tho siloon control tho people ? I' might have boon better if the law of the Ihii 1 had never laid its hand Upon tho bunion, )tut it is a hundred rears too late to talk about that now. In the midst of tho battlo it is idlo to wnsto breath wishing that the cot Hit had never begun. It is trim that the pe.rplo have the legal power to control the saloon iu any way they pluHso or to blot it out altogether. I ho preco dents of a hundred years would havo to ho set at naught to make that no longor truo. devolution never rolls backward. There is no prospect ot surreiuh r on either side. Those who are fighting the saloon think that they are doing tho will of God and it is ot rucli stuff that martyrs are nude. Those who aro lig ting for the S'ilooti areit lhienced by tho motives that appeal most s'roi;gly to the c'hss wliii'li they in lliitnee at all, tho Juve of money and the lovo of power. Io ultimate 'lutiou it is tho conflict between right snd wrong. And hence it re mains inevitable, that until the saloon is controlled by tho people, that tnot-t malign of all political in ll unci s is going to debauch the electorate and bulldoz j tho repre sentatives of the people so that the government in its last analysis dors not ret-t with the people hut wiih tho coterie of sloon keepers that meets io the bnck of a bar room. And the point is mado that there Citn hardly be any worse govern ment than this. I here is one thing that even negro rule could uevor have done while tho hills stood, namely, debauch the conscience of the white voter. Ilesides, the sa oon does not stand by itself. It is in intimate alliance with tho gamb ling den and tho house of shame. Where the saloon rules a city yon havea"wido open city,'r where a man who has boys to raise or girls to give in marriago should hesitate to live, and whether a decent man should hesitate to come lest he be pitching his tent toward Sodom. tho man who is subservient to tbe saloon is not fk to hold any eflicial position. Aud where the saloon is n control ho is the only man allow ed to fill any official position. from the community upward to the State iteelf the evil grows. Sinco the Legislature has the exorcise of the polico power so that it can pro tect the decent citizens even in a saloou ridden town, the legislator who wishes to be nominated or el i-ctcd most get on his kneees and make his obeisance to the saloon. And finally with the building up of a saloon controlled political ma chine, the very highest offices in tbe gift of the people are dictated by ho lowest of all political influences. Even the courts become corrupted and the ermine itself cannot be worn by any man who is not wili ng so prostitute bis high office to the saloon and decide in its favor the Ciscs that come before him. The saloon sees its interests in eimla'.ion that would not be sup posed by the inexperienced to touch e have known it to nmte tne negro vote in solid mass against a proposition of tho white property owners to tax themselves for the education of both races. The sa- lojn thought that the people might learn to do without the whiskey tax lor education. And the trouble about the saloon politician is, that be is almost infallibly on tbe wrong side in every question in which there is a moral issue. Tbe church and the school are both against the saloon and tbe saloon-politician sides with the saloon. Whatever affects tbe moral and educational as well as the political life of tbe people is decided against the high est interests of the people, Govern ment by the saloon is government by tie devil. .... . i Tins is tne issue oeiore me peopie of this state, of all tho states e xcept where the saloon is so strongly in trenched that tbe issue need not be made. It has been made in this state and in the South, where tbe purified elector is more clearly con cerncd with the questions that affect the moral and edncitional life of the people than any body of voters anywhere. The saloon is fighting for its life with all the desperation of d.spair. No good citieen can keep out of politics when the saloon is in. Tbe people, tbis great Angio- Saim peopie of unmixed blood, who Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is tad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys pepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 3 He. Alt druirUW. trove ir T" l bm4 a r Th.n u EUCKINGHAfl'S DYE vMk. have never been governed by any body but thomselvei, when onco the is'tieof self government bus beon raised, should meet tlijs issue as they bave met other istnia, with the same indomitabie spirit, with the same intolerance of opposition. We are not even suggesting ex pod ienta Lot we insist npon the grav ty of tho ino and npon tho right of the peoplo to govern themselves without the bolp of any special in teres!, least of all the lowest of all Tho people should set their power of the siloon and match its wrath with their wrath ; till every rep rcsontativo of tho people shall learn that his duty is to thorn and not the saloon ; until the man who tarn pcrs with the saloon voto will com in it political snicido ; until the f,tr of the people shall control and not the fear of the saloon. Until that lime shall come, government by the poople, for the peoplo, is a roaring larco, and government of tbe poo plo by tho saloon is the dismal real ity. s Building and Loan Associations. The Spartanburg Herald says that Spartanburg is the home of bnild ing and loan associations and tha they have been more "success managed" there "during tlm past quarter of a century than in any other si ction of the South" This is a broad claim, which, if put to tho test, could probably not bw support ed. We havo no doubt that tho tpartanborg associations have been properly managed, but none could have been bettor or niorosuccesslul ly directed than thoso of Charlotte, which invariably in tt nre their stock on schedule time, and Sometimes earlier, and have never ! st a dollar. Spartanburg is to be congratulated apon its building and loan associa tions ; so is Charlotte upon its, so is every other town or city that has one or more of these institti'ions. Hut the opportunity oilers here to warn poopta against becoming stock holders in any concern b?aring this name which is not purely domestic in its character, which is not man aged absolutely and exclusively by men of the community, i ho name is an honored one and it has been mado tho cloak of many fraudulent aifiirs which, if r.ot begun for rob bery, at least ended with this result to iis stockholders. There are not a few North Carolinians who can testify to this, to their sorrow. Such is the beneficence of these home in stitutions, especially to tho salaried and wage earning people the in dustrious and well-to do of the popu- anon holding over tho share holders as they do a gentle whip which keeps them np to the pay ment of the woekly dues and thus inculcates the habit of saving, that the general assembly should hold its protecting hand over them and foster them by every proper means, while it would discharge an equal duty by levying such tax upon tbo foreign concerns as wonld forbid them doing business in North Caro lina. Charlotte Obeervor. Bill to Pension Ex-Slaves. Senator Ilanna Wednesday intro duced a bill granting pensions and bounties to all ex-slaves who were freed by the proclamation of Presi dent Lincoln dnring the Civil War. It provides that persons over fifty years of age and less than sixty, whether male or female, shall re ceive s cash bounty of $100 and monthly pensions of eight dollars per month ; persons between 60 and 70 years old bounty of $300 and a pension of twelve dollars per month, aud persons over 70 year old a bounty of $o00 and a pension of $15 per month. The bill also provides for tbe pay ments of the bounty and pension to relatives who may be cbargod with the care of ex-slaves. President Mitchell, of the Nation al Industrial Council, at whose re quest the bill was introduced, issued a statement to night to the effect that no one has authority to charge the petitioners who will benefit should the bill become a law, any money to further its passage. Governor Joseph M. Terrell pre sided at a banquet which was ten dered last week br Atlanta's lead ing citizens to General William Booth, founder and commander of the Salvation Army. Fjllowingthe banquet General Booth addressed an immense audience at the Baptist Tabernacle. The bent physio. "Once tried and you will always use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liiver Tablets," says V illiurn A.Uirard, 1'ease, t. 1 hose Tablets are the moat prompt, moat pleasant and most reliuble cathartic in nae. For sale by C. . Gallaway and J. W. McPLeraon A Co. Two colored children, aged three and five years, were burned to death in their home in Lenoir county last week. Their mother locked them io the house and went away the house caught fire and the children were burned with it. The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who ia a til ic ted with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty iu having their case in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cared by a specialist wbo under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. V tT.taw.a rjt itt.fil. II. is scknowledged tbe snoct skillful and successful specialist in tbo Uni ted States. Wriie biro for his ex pert opinion of your caw, for which ha makes no ciutrrsj. ATrafedy ot Life. Tho tragedy of humun lifo as it may bo road in tho contomrwr ary history of any town is onotifsli to mako tho hoart of the coldest to blcod. That wiih a mid, a very sad doath which occurred at tho Twin City hospital early this morning, when Mrs. Hortha Sonzini sue combed to the burnings of pneu monia fever. This world may b'n a stage and each ono ujKin its boards a play er, then the part of this good woman was indeed a sad one. Originally living at Inglesido, West Virginia, she was comiiell- ed to leave homo through tho cruelty of an inhuman drunken monster, called God savo the mark a husband. Arriving in Winston-Salem aliont ten days ago with her four helpless littlo children, sho sought a welcomo shelter with Mrs. Willson at the corner of Fourth and Church streets. - In a day or so she found refugo in tho home of Mr. G. I). Jackson, Ml) Liberty street, where with tho good offices of his wife, tho mother and the little ones were tenderly cured for. In a few days by previous exjKisurc, want and buffering, the poor mother was taken ill of pneumonia fever and on Thursday of last week was re moved to the Twin City Hospital. Everything that could be dono was done to'save her but to no avail, for at '.i a. m. to day the grim reaper claimed her. She made a sjiecial request to Mr. Jackson, who by the way de serves the heartiest commenda tion, that he tind homes good Christian homes, for tho child ren. Three of tho children are boys and tho youngest an infant of but 7 months. They are now at tho homo of Mr. Jackson, at the flats, Mil Lila-rty street. Winston Sentinel. The LonJon Dill. At this writing, it seems that the friends of the tempermco cause aro ikely to triumph. It is simply marvelous that, alnn st with nit or'anizition, such overheIin ng power should have developed in this movement. It must be a surprise even to tho mi mbers of the General As-emb'y ; and the Honor forces havo been in consternation. Not withstanding their organization, and their lavish use of money, they have by no means been able to cope with the forces arrayed against thorn. The developments of the last few days show conclusively that the great mass of our citi.miship is for the London Bill, and that the party will best take care of itself by en acting it into law. With such an array of support as has been plainly demonstrated by the mass meetings, petitions and delegations of the past week, it would seem a haztrdous thing for the present Legislature to. even compromise this matter. The fact is, it seems clear that this is the opportunity ot the party in power to demonstrate its right to live by enacting a law that will commend it to the decency and intelligence of the State. Greensboro Christian Advocate. OABTOXIIA. gw, ins amo ion mn vm boujtu 8igBtar tt DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The only positive cure for blind, bleed ing, itching and protruding piles, cuts, burns, bruises, eczema and all abrasions ot tbe skin. DeWitt's is the only Witch Hazed Halve that is made from the pure, unadulterated witch hazel all others are counterfeits. DeWitt's Witeh Hazel Halve is made to cure couuter'nits are made tc sell. I. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, N. C. Does it Pay to Buy Cheap ? A chcan remedy for couirhs and colds is all right, but you want somo- thini; that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climaief ies, H pos sible, if not possible for you, then in eithor case lake tho only remedy that has been introduced in all civil izod countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Iioschec's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ diseuse, but allays inflam mation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cares the patient. Try on bottle, lie commoDdod many years by all drug gists in the world. You can get this reliable remedy al I. W. West's drug store, Mount Airy, X. C. Trice 25e and ?5c. ildren aButhvr. Thk want- r naam-T, but lf, pAiavtaUilsx, MMpIs, cHiJ tmmig Frey's Vermifuge tMsta motH of hwa- Eearpa thai yWael. mm skbd wwll ordwTMl : VI 'm, ksw 4ms uUftl ) t. totti l.y msul s-, K. ft. PfttV. Batttmor. Md. Dr. John . Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR 8 DRUC STORE. PHONE 38. Office Hoars 00 A. M, to 80 P. M. Mount Airy, V. C. S. P. GRAVES. Attopney-at-fcraw, MOtfWT AXRY, N. O. YLJT' i "'Am.' T' a . I I 1 t i ItarrracOosa la IMm Yvasral Cowls, I Fiiisssi atasMtaa eauacasa at elaUaa. I ANcgclalle Pre paction Tor Ah -similatinf Hie Food am I ltd? uln -ting the Stomachs andiJowels of Promotes DiftcsliinvCheprlur-; nessandRest.Coiiliiins ncitlrr I Opiuin.Morpliine nor Mineral Js'otNakcotic. nun Apptferl Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Slonwvh.DinrrhiH Worms ,( .'onvt lUkms .f'owmh ness nml Loss or SLEEP. F.U Simile SiCiwilurt of NKW YOTIK. WJBSI .1 tAACT COPY" Of WAPPCH. IfcasWaWsl mmammm fill Is the Place to IJuy- ncu5Hni ran H Ml Ihy (joods and Notions. When we tell you we are selling BARGAINS we f.rc not merely talking. Talk is cheap but We Mean Tr 117 7-vtt TTrrT IMJ ir IUU VTILiLi tOiUC. IU OCC US WE WILL PROVE IT TO YOU. YOURS FOR LOW PRICES, 8. D. DeVAULT I CO Next Door to Prather's Clothing Store. MOUNT is Hague-McCor&le Dry Qccds DoM Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N. C. DirS" GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. gj9 We solicit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at r. tail. gJ0" We cordially invite all Merchants to call on us wht-n io Oreensboro, or to lee our Travelling Salesman before YOU CAN FIND Guttering and Spoil (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. ASK YOUR Neighbor to Take The MT. AIRY NEWS. T3 For Infant and Children. . ifrhe Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature it o In Use For Over Thirty Years l. lifi Li E ' Mayst r isfsv, at voft T. teja. a. la 1 . t..l! I Business, -j T nrvrr frv ccr Fl AIRY MARBLE MIS, AM W. D. HAYNES It CO., Proprietors, Meaat Airy, N. C. a.av.tOTuaiaa o aaa aaaiaaa ia Fine Marble and Granite Monu ments, Tombstones, IRON FHNGING, ETG. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. ALL WOES GtmHEED TO CUE SiTiSMCTiQ!. WRITS FOR 0HION3 AND PRICES. placing orders elsewhere. vanized Iron and Tin), Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron Work, valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. J a.

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