.A. Word to tlio Wiso lo sufflolonti touy IlfiiMLlltollnrowii Oliooo at jr. E3. Pn,rl.or.u- In a Airy EWS. N Trn MOUNT AIRY, N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1903. VOL. 23. vf ni TT 1 11 II ti l 1 JXEj CATARRH THIRTY YEARS. The Remarkable Experience of Prominent Statesman Congress man Meekison Gives Pc-ru-na a Hiah Endorsement. 1 f 'iit0iyXf I" CnTssaa jTeealset at Ohio. nun. Tavld MorkliRia I Wall know ftotonly la hi own Htats, but through ut America. IT WU alortf-d to th Fifty-fifth Oonjcrsaa t.jr a vry lart; majiirlty,and l thea'ktmwlifti;wllpcli' of bis party la sort Ion of the HUUv Only on. fiw marrixt tha uthsrwlst eompleU auooasa of this rising tUUw man. Catarrh with It lnslulou ap proach and tenarlou frrap, Was till nly unnonqtinrad fos. for thirty yar be waged nnuoouiful wsrfsrn against Ihl. personal enomy. At last reruns mow to tha warns. HewrltMi med .vera torres or" V. run if tea greatly benefited therf by from my catarrh of the head, t teat encouraged to believe that If I era It M thort time longer I will be fully ablt to eradicate thedlteata of thirty yean Handing. "David Meekson. Membel of Congrem. If you do not dnrire prompt and saM factory re.ulu from tha use of Pernna, write at once to rr. Hartman, firing t full statement of yourrae and )i will beplesxod to give you. his valuable ad floe gratis. Addresi Dr. TTarltnsn, President ol Tha Ilartiuaa Sanitarium, Culuiuboa Ohio. CAPUDINE CURES nEADACHES, LaGRIPPE, COLDS. FEVERI8HNESS, SICK HEADACHE. Sold by All Druggists. GEO. Y. SPARGER. Attopney-at-Iaw, MOUNT AJBY, H. O. Will practice tn 8ttt and Federal Court. Special attention to collection ot claims and BeKoUaUng loana. M. H. SPARCER, nuainetts Solicited. OFFICE WITH GEO. W. iPAROCA, MT. AISV. W.F. CARTE, LEWELIYN, mown it. a a ooaaoa .... Carter & Lkwkllyn, Mttorneys-at-kaw. sar-praetlo la the state and Federal Oourta. prompt attflotloa flren to all business entrust ed to their care. V. G. SYDNOR, MT. AIRY, K. C. STRONC LINE FIRE. LIFE A ACCIDENT Csapaslc RearcMatcd. J. A.. TESH, 'vfliv I MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Estimate furnished for any kind of building. Workmanship flrat-claa. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contract o- liotted. Call and get price on moulding, brackets, 4c. I'orcb and itair work pweialtj. Alio dealer in all kind of building material. WHOOPING One of the mont diHtrwwing sight la to nee a child almoat choking wit h the dreadful whooping-cough. Give the child Dr. John W. Bull's Ooogh Syrnp, relief will be obtained at once and the offerer will soon I cured. COUCH SYRUP Cure Whooping-Cough quickly. tun .re am all and plcaaant to Uke. Torto. ncuumd il ma as eta, At all dnc(iaCa) Buy it Now. Do not wait until yon or some of your family are aick nigh unto death, and tben send for Chamberlain' Colic. Cbolera and Diarrhoea Item edy, but boy it now and be prepared lor in emergency. It ! the one rt-mour that can alwaya be depond ed tioon in the moet sever and dangerous caava. Pot sale by C . Oallaway and 3. Y . Mcl'eraon A Co., dnigginu. Thoneiud of familie in Illinoi daring the blizzard laat wek were compelled to remain in bed eereral day to keep from f reeripg to death. Tbe article of fuel baa cut quite to coormou figure thia winter. A Mother's Recommendaton. I bare naed Chamberlain' Oagb Remedy for m n amber of year and have no beetUncy ia Baying that it W tbe beat remedy for coagba, eoid abd croon 1 bave eer naod ia my lamily. 1 bare oot word 'oegprea my eurfiJenee i thia remedy. lira. J. A- Mr, North Star, Mich. For ,.t 0, TL Callaway and J, W. V RealEsla e&Insurance A Level Head. Tlio Washington Post, under tlie head "Wlmt Bhall Wo Do With tiio Nepror thus discourses in its usual level headed stylo: "Secretary lloot asks: 'What Kliall wo do with the netrro?' We answer let him alone!" "The noero is free. Ho has the oii)ortunitv to acquire independ enco, to imiko himself a rosjected member of society, to hasten or delay his own development just ns tlio averapo winto man hum. He receives an education, such as it Is, almost entirely at tho ex tM'iiso of tho whito taxpayer, and, in tho South, at least, ho can al ways ohtain emnlovment. It lies with him to work out his own destiny, to make of himself a useful citizen, and to rear his futnily in righteousness and de cency. Why need our statesmen concern themselves over the feverisli complaints of a handful of impudent agitators demanding that to which they are not en titled and which white men of similar condition and equipment would not dream of asking for 7 There are thousands of well to-do colored men in tho South who could inform these anxious gen tlemen that the nejrro is not heljs'd but injured by this ever lasting outcry. There arc thous ands worth anywhere from 10,- (XXJ to f 1,(K0,(KX), who pet all tho 'recognition they want without clamoring for it, and they can testify in their own experience that 'recognition' conies always to him who hits deserved it This pestiferous vociferation over the negro and his Hocalled rights merely inflames the vanity of the the ignorant and robs him of what little self-respect he has." Following this the Post prints a letter from a colored mechanic in Philadelphia complaining of his inability to secure work be cause ol Ins color, uiougn ins ability is unquestioned, and then adds : 'This man is a victim of the wicked and mischievous agitation to which we refer. Evidently far superior to the average of his race, he was nevertheless credu lous enough to believe that great things awaited him at the rsortli. He abandoned a home in which he had been contented and pros perous, and transferred himself to Philadelphia with the result we have already seen. Of course he will return to South Carolina, where he has friends among the whites and is assured of remuner ative employment at all times. There are other victims, how ever, who will not so easily es cape the consequences of their own credulity, for only a few days ago the New York Tribune called attention to the number of southern negroes who had i mi grated to the metrojolis, expect ing no doubt to dine with tlie mayor and be elected to office within a week, but who had landed in the almshouses and who were then begging for transpor tation back home. The truth is that this eternal nonsense about the negro and his rights and wrongs; this mischievous cackle over him and his future, is in finitely harmful to him, and fraught with calamity to both races. "Let him alone ! Stop this idiotic uproar. The negro is all right, and for every impudent pretender and complainant filling the air with clamor for recog nition there are ten thousand honest, industrious, self-respect ing men slowly but surely worn ing out their own destinies and building up their own fortunes. Let him alone ! Sunk by Fierce Gale. A Washington, N. C, special of Friday says : During the heavy gale of Thursday night the skipper "Manoo capsized in Swan (Quarter bay. Captain Kubt Wesoott, mat tor, and two white men were drowned. lie ports are conflicting, but rnmor is that five negroes, also of tbe boat's crew were drowned. The same evening at Pamlico liiver, off Fork Point, two milee distant from the city the schooner "Father and Son" was sunk The crew, two in number, were saved. In tbe cabin is the purse of tbe captain containing $158. Tbe ser vices of John M. Edwards, sub marine diver, has been secured and an effort is being made to raise the "Father and Son." Which ? A lean and potash-hungry noil, wasted teed, wasted Ulr and idle fin. A MOKTQAOE. Or, plenty of Potash in the fertiliter, many Ur and a busy (in A BANK ACCOUNT. rft. Th One Day Cold Cur. Porenhi. xnertle twmCWi WHwss far -T: " "l k"k- Tk.y sr. I ff mwrntf win- , iS a mm. . H i f Annual Bible Conference. Tho annual Bible conference at the Baptist Tabernaclo of At lanta. (Joorcia. and of which Bev, Len. O. Broughton, is founder and director, will begin on tho night of February 27th, and closo on Sunday night. March run, There will be six sessions each day. Among those who will speak aro: Kev. (! Campbell Morgan, Northlield, Mass.; Kev. Klmore Harris, D. D., Toronto, Canada; Kev. John Bulcom Shaw, 1). D., New York; Kev. F-tnory Hunt, D. D., Denison, Ohio; Kev. l)r. George Boss, South Africa; F.vangclist A. P. Fitt, Chicago, 111.; Evangelist Bolxtrt Miller, (ieorgia; Mr. W. B. Moody, Northlield, Mass. In addition to this partial list of siHakers arrangements aro ling mode for addresses by three of tho most prominent rescue workers in America, Mrs. Whittimoro, the founder of tho Door of Hojh movement in New York; K. H. Badley, of the Jerro McAuley Mission; and Miss Martha Berry, of Kome, (in. This year there will be a Musi cal Institute conducted each day by Prof. 1). B. Towne at 3 o'clock. Be will also have charge of the singing for the conference. StM'cial Bible classes will oo taught at 0 o'clock each day in the lecture room by Mr. A. P. Fitt, President Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, and Evan gelist Ivobert Miller, of (ieorgia. Mr. Fitt will illustrate Bible Methods of Study, and Mr. Miller will Expound Prophecy. Every arrangement will ie made to secure cheap board and lodging. The railroads will sell reduced rate tickets on the certificate plan. All correstondence concerning board and the like, should be ad dressed to Mr. E. H. Peacock, Baptist Talernacle, corner Buckie street and Tabernacle Place, Atlanta. Ga. THE LIQUOR DEVIL. The late Cithop i'eck, of the Metli diet Epii-copal Chnrch, wrote the following vivid accrotjt of what ca lamity and rain intemperance brings upon a man, a family, a nation : Intemperance cuts don youtb in its vigor, manhood in its strength, snd age in its weakness. It breaks tbe father's heart, bereaves tbe dot iDg mother, extinguishes natural af fection, erases conjugal bve, blot out filial attachment, blights parent al hope, and briDgsdown mourning age in sorrow to the grave. It pro duces weakness, not strength; sick ness, hot health ; dettb, not life. It makes wives widdows, children orphans, fathers fiende, and all of them paupers and beggars. It feeds rheumatism, nurses gout, welcomes epidemics, invites cbolera, imparts pestilence, and tmbrsces coneurop tion. It covers the land with idle ness, poverty, disease, and crime. It (ills your jails, supplies your alms houses, and demands your asylums. It engenders controversies, fosters quarrels, and cherishes riots. It bile your penitentiaries and furnish es victims for your scnffolds. It is the life blood of tbe gambler, tbe element of tbe burglar, the prop of tbe highwayman, and tbe support of tbe midnight incendiary. It coun tenances tbe liar, respects tbe thief, and esteems tbe blasphemer. It via lute obligations, reverences fraud, and honors infamy. It befamts benevolence, hates love, scorns vir tue, and slanders innocence. It in cites tbe father to butcher his help less otiripringB, helps tbe husband to massacre his wite, and aids the child to grind tbe paricidal axe. It burns op man and consumes woman. It suborns witnesses, nurses perjury, defiles the jury box, and stains tbe judicial ermine. It bribes votes, disqualifies voters, corrcpts elec tions, pollutes our institutions, and endangers our government. It de grades tbe citizen, debases the legis lature, dishonors the statesman, and disarms the patriot. It brings shame not honor ; terror, not safety ; des pair, not hope ; misery, not happi ness : and with tbe malevolence of a bend, it calmnly surveys its iright tal desolation, and, nosatiehed with havoc, it poisons felicity, kills peace, ruins morals, blighu confidence, slays reputation, and wipes oat na tional honor ; tben curses the world, and laughs at its ruin. It does all that and more, it murders the soul. It is tbe sum of all vilUinits. and father of all crimes, tbe mother of all abominations, tbe devil's btt friend, and God's worst enemy. The Rome correspondent of tbe London limes draws a gloomy pic ture of tbe condition of tbe people in aome ot me provinces in Ita v With depression in agriculture and other industries, tbe only profitable business is that of tbe money-lender, wno is generally a usurer. At an illustration he cites the fact that tbe Bank of Italy and tbe Bank of Naples have foreclosed mortgages on over f iu,uw,000 worth of prop eny m uie Neapolitan provinces. The Peabody Trust may be closed and tlie princiji&l fund dis tributed. The fund now amounta to IS, 100,000. Thia large arm may be distributed among Southern states lor public educa tion, or it may be concentrated in one state to establish a great southern Teachers college, In tlie former cae North Carolina would receive about tUOAW. In Haunted House In Virginia. Tbe people of Verdon, a quiet lit tie hamlet, are very much wrought up over an apparition aeon uy aev eral reliable persons a few evenings iro. At his wife and children were away, a farmer and bis brotber-itv Ihw had been spending the evening it the village store. About 10 o'clock thty started for home. As they approacla j the bonee they no ticud, to their surprise and ainaz mnnt, that tbe windows on the front side of the Imuso were brightly liith'cd. They knew positively that they had I ft no tire or light of any description in the house. Instinct seemed to tell them that there was somuthing supernatural about it all This feeling, however, toon past ed,. and having collected their thonghtt they drcidtd that robbers mint be in the house. Koturning hastily to the village tbey called to gether soveral neighbor ; and arm ing themselves they proceeded to rJ. the house, determined, if rv;lilH to aol vo tha mvaterv. When r t j j they had alniust reached tbe boose the ligblt very tnddenly and my, tcriotisly vtnisl.el. They made a thorough search, but found tbe doors locked and the window tecurely fastened and nothing in the housa the leant disturbed. Having satis fied themselves that no human be ing had entered tbe house, tho mys tery, instead of being explained, was only deepened. Tin gentleman s wife uncle formerly owned tho place and d'ed here about twenty years ago. The pldce iuim diately pssed into other bands, and so long as the house wat tenanted by strsngers to tbe family II went well. List year it fell into the bands of this niece, tod at no satisfsctcry explanation of this strsrge illusion cm be given, the belief seems to be gaining ground, especially among those who are at all inclined to be supers' it tons, that pofsiMv something is distnt ning her uncle's last slumber and that he is coming in this questionable shape to deliver some charge to bis kinswo man, who, it is stid, is a modium. erdon Dispatch. Pneumonia Contagious. Though the fact that pneumonia is contagious has long b;en recog nizsd by physicians, it ha not beeo generally known among the people, nd this, no doubt, accounts in large part for the prevalence of the dread disease. A bulletin recently issued by the Chicago board of health, for in stance, sayt that in the last two years tbe deaths from pneumonia in that city have been one eighth ot all, and 40 per cent more than all other contagious and infectious dis eases combined. Tbe writer of tbe article further asserts that tbe great spread of ti e disease is due mainly to the carelessntss ot patients and their friends who ignore the conta giousness of pneumonia, as well as to professional negligence. Commenting on this, a writer in American Medicine declare that pneumonia is tar more contagious even than tuberculosis, and he pro duces figures to show that the mor tality from pneumonia is in some cities far greater than the mortality from consumption. It would be well, especially at such times as this when tbe weatber is peculiarly favorable to tbe disease, to bear these facts in mind. More attention paid to tbe fact that pneu monia is a highly contagious dis ease will go a long way toward les sening its ravages. Asheville Cit izen. In the Spring there will be built a $250,000 addition to the Chad- wick mill, which is located two miles west of this city. Thit mill has been in operation only a year and has had wonderful success. It makes only hue sheetings and in tbe addition to the mill fine .roods, also, will be manufactured. The Chtd wick mill was built at a cost of 300,- 000. Tbe improvements will make it more than a balf million dollar plant and one of tbe best in the country. Charlotte Observer. Senator Hinna's pension bill i'or ex slaves is more meritorious than bis bill to pension millionaire ship builders and owners.. The last was pure jobbery for the benefit of tbe rich. The a'ae pension schema is also a job, of course, but has ab nt it suggestions of benevolence and humanity, which tbe ship subsidy wholly lacked. Fat bluntly it was a plain steal of revenue, for tbe en richment of a class at tbe expense of the masses. Chattanooga Timet. We are sorry to chronicle the death of Mr. J. Haywood Matthews, which occurred at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Mat thews, near town, on Tuesday, February 3rd, 1903. Da would soon have beeo twenty years of age and wat a bright, promising yooqg man and well liked by all who knew him. Tbe family have tbe tjmpathr of tbe entire community, Pilot Newa. Dizzy? Then your liver isn't acting well. Vou suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For GO years they hav e been the Standard Family Pill. Small dose cure li 4rty'rt. . .it JUKI J faMtliwi E::xi::::'.mDYE fer th 1,000 LIVES ARE LOST. Death and Devastation Sweep Over tbe Islands of tbe Pacific, and Terrible Consequences Ensue. N)wi of a fearful lost of life in a disastrous storm which twept over tbe 6 nth Sea Islands last mon'h, rcachfd San Francisci Sunday a week ago by the ttoamfr Mariposa, direct Irom Tahita. The lost of lite is (stiinatod at 1,000 persons. Oo Jannsry 13 last, a huge tidal wave, accompanied by a terrific hurricane, attacked the Society Islands and the I'uamoto group with fearful force causing death and devtttation never before equaled in a land of great stormt. The storm raged several days. From the newt received up to the time of tbe tailing of the tteamer, it It estimated that 1,000 of tbe islanders lost their lives. It is feared that later advices will in create this number Tbe first newt of the disaster reached Papeete, Tahiti, January 20, by the schooner Eimeo. The captain of the schooner placed the fatalitiea at 500. The ttetmer Excelsior arrived at Papeete the following day with 400 destitute furvivors. Tho captaio of the Ex A celsior estimated tbe total loss ot lite to be 800. These figures comprised only the deaths on the three islands of Hao, Uikuera and Makokaa, whose ordinary population is 1,800. On Uikuera Island, where 1,000 inhabitants were engaged in pearl diving, nearly one-half were drown ed. On an adjacent island, 1,000 more were washed out to sea. Makokan and Hao are depopulated. Conservative estimates at Tahita Elace the number of isltnds visited r tbe tidal wave and hurricane at 80. All of them are nndur tbe con trol of the French governor at Tabita. Tbe surviving inhabitants are left destitute of food, shelter and clothing, all having been swept away by tbe storm. The rrencb government on re ceipt of newt of tbe disaster, took prompt met s ares to relieve tbe dis tressed districts and di patched two warships with tresh wuter and pro visions. At the supply of fresh water and provisions was totdlly exhausted by the storm, it is feared that many lives will be lost before the relief ships c-in arrive. As far as is kn jwn eiht white people were among the drowned. Included in these were Alexander Urander, N. P. Plunkett, of Oakland ; T. V. Donnelly, formerly t fireman on the steamship Austialia, and the local agent of C. Coppenrath, a merchant of Papeete. Added to this number was an nnknown woman who com mitted suicide from fright. At the islands were barely 20 feet above sea level and were not sur rounded by coral reefs, it was ntccssary for all inhabitants to take to the cocoanut treet when the tidal wave began to over the land. These treet grow to an immense height, many reaching an ahitcde of 100 feet. All of tbe lower treet were covered by the raging seat which twept with pitiless force about and over them. The ntivet in tbe taller treet were safe until the cocoaunt roots gave wav and tben tbey, too, were twept out into the sea. l be 4uu survivors Drongni Dy tbe Excelsior to Papeete gained the ship's side by swimming three and four miles from tbe tops of the cocoanut trees. The Eiemo, though badly damaged by the storm, also brought off as many persins at could swim to her tide, the, like the Excelsior, being unable to run close to tbe shores because of the violence of the ocean swell, which continued to run abnormally high for a week after the tidal disturbances. An other schooner, tbe Gauloia, from tbe Marqueean Islands, 600 miles awty, encountered tbe hurricane while on the way to tbe latter place and only tbe timely action of tbe captain in having the cargo, con sisting of 30 head of cattle, 35 pigt and 30 ton of cotton, jettisoned, saved tbe little cralt from deetruc tion. Even with th t precaution, tbe life of one mao wat lost by wave weeping tbe decks. Heavy Loss by Fire. The Newton Eatemrise says tbe dwelling and barn of Mr. Garland Arndt. on the Catawba river, in Cline's township, Catawba county, were burned Wednesday night with their contents. Sir. Arndl was away from borne. The fire started in the second story of tbe dwelling and when the family awoke they bad barely time to escape without saving anything. With tbe brn wat destroyed a reaper, wagont and farming tools. Tbe lost it estimated at f 1,500 with (400 insurance. Tbe best physic. "Once tried and you will always use Chamberlain' Stomach and liver Tablets," aajt William A. Girard. I'eaae, Vu Tbee Tablet are tbe most prompt, moat pleasant and moat reliable cathartic in use. For aale by C. E. Oallaway and J. W. Mci'baraoD ft Co, Tbe Value of Expert Treatment Everyone who it alll'cted with chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their com in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases con only be cured by t specialist who under stands them thoroughly, ut. J Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Gs., is acknowledged tbe most tkiiifu and suooeacful specialist in the Uni ted cUte. V) rite lam lev Lis ex port opinion of yesr eae, lor which Nerro Brakeman Meets Death. Tbe mangled remains of Bom Russell, a negro brakeman in tbe service of tbe Southern Railway, were found on tbe track of the Southern road early yesterday morn ing out near the fair ground switch. His bead was crushed, one leg cut off, and bis body otherwisn terribly mutilated. Particle of flesh were found twenty five yards or more np the track, having adhered to the car wheelt at tho long line of freight cart passed over tho body. for several hours after tbe ghast ly find, it was impossible to ascertain bit name. 1'nt during tha afternoon he was found to be Rom Russell, who lived at Greensboro and did brakeman's service on the local freight. This train, No. 104, is duo here at 4:30 1'. M., but did not arrive here Thursday night until 12:30, and be it supposed to bave boon on thit train. There it do wty of accounting for the accident. A part of the brakeman's lantern was in hit hand when be was found. Tbe remaint were carried to Greensboro yesterday evening and II be buried at tbe expense ot too Southern Railway Company. Kileigb Post. . .is a)ta i Lady Commits Suicide. The Newt and Observer Tuesday received the newt from Pittsburg, a, that Mra. A. B. Yancey com mitted suicide in the Hotel Lamont, of that city, night before last by shooting bersolf. Mrs. 1 ancey was about twenty-four yeart of ago and had visited in thia "city often when her home was at Kit'rell, where she was Mist Grace Blacknall. Sho was a niece of tbe late Dr. G. W. llacknall, of this city. Her father, K. II. Blackna!!, ia well known in this State, but now resides in Chi cago. At Miss urace i;iacKnati, Mrs. l ancey was quite popular in this State and after tho change of her father's residence to Atlanta she made many ' friends in that city. Tbe deed was premeditated. Before shooting herself she purchased a rubber blanket, a shroud and a bunch of roses. She stretched the bUnket on the bed ao as to tvoid soiling the linon, placed the rcsee at i . ... I ..... .1. . .1 A .(. IICI il'Ol BUU pui H1C euIUUVJ UU, IIJUII fired the bullet into her brain. No reason has been tiered for the self destruction, and her domestic life to far as known was happy. Robert Smith, a young man, was drowned in a creek S miles South east of here last evening about sun down. He was attempting to cross the creek on a foot log. When about the middle of the stream the log bioke with him, catching his arm in the break. The stream was swollen and young Smith could not free birr.self. Be was drowned be fore assistance c uld reach him. It took a rescuing party several hours to free him. His remains were shipped to Lexington, his former home. Asheboro Dispatch. Tbe United States Senate has passed a bill providiog for a term of Lnited Statca ourt at Wilkesboro. Judge Boyd is strongly opposed to the establishment of the court and will try to defeat the measure. OAHTOIIIA 111 UA st Km ian I Bifutai ef DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The only positive cure for blind, bleed ing, ItehiDs; and protruding pile, cut, burna, bruise, eczema and all abrasion of the skin. le Witt's is the only Witch Hazel ralve that i made from the pure, unadulterated witch hazel all other re counterfeit. UeWitt'a Witch Hazel Halve i made to cure counterfeit are made to sell. I. W. West, draggiit, Mt. Airy. N. C. . Questions Answered. Yes, August Flower still bat the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anythiog else lor inuigefcuon or Biliousness. Doctor were scarce, nd tbey seldom beard of Appendi citis, Nervous 1'roet ration or Heart Failure, etc. Ihey used August Flower to clean out the system and atop fermentation of undigested food, regulate me action oi me over, stim ulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that ia all tbey took when teeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. Y'ou only need a few dose of Green August r lower, in liquid torm, to make you satisfied there is nothing .. V- serious tue matter wuo you. mu can get this reliable remedy at I. W Wesi'a drug store, Miiunt Airy, N U. Price 25c and 75c. Children sr. fcpl atront: utt w.!1 ; ek e3 pud, liule folk. sr. m4 lgofi.ua Vf u UN of Uisi tauiooa reiuJy - FKEY'S VERMIFUGE OorrvrU aJ I Stoorar. of th. stoma-, .apeia aruraB., ote- fiat(.ka an4 pontile, la set ion. Batxlaby auul, Sue. St. as s PHstV, tVaJCISBoa, Si, Dr. Jclm E. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVEH TAYLOR DRUG STORE. PHONE 38. OffiM Hoars DQ A. M to 100 P. M. Mount Airy. S. C. S. P. GRAVKS. t Attopney-at-IiaWs jfiorrsT aiht, h. a as- fmmui ta iw. yaaeni o&srta. Em V Tlio Kind You Have Always In use for over 30 years, and Hyf sonnl supervision alneo Its Infancy. IJ JCOCCAJA, Allow no one to deceive you fa this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Juxt-a-goKl" arc Ixit Experiment Unit trllle with and endanger tlio health of Infanta and Children Experience against Kxpc-riiucut. What is CASTORIA Caxtorla Is a harming substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Koothfuir Hyrupa. It Is l'leaniuit. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nurcotlo suihtttaiirc. Ita aura it ita guarantee. It destroy Wonm anil alia) a I'everUhnenH. It cure Diarrhoea and lnd Colic. It relieves Teething Trimbles, enren Constipation anil Flatulency. It asniuiilal-N the Food, regt'late tho fttoiiiiu-li and IIowcIm, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's, I'anacca-Tho Mother's I'rleitd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALYAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI CCtrTAWIl eOMNNf, TV sU MA V TptTCT, Mtt VCKI1 CrTV. limwSi7iniHl.TlS kwmtkfTT 'JatSL Sal !atrt?aiT'"WTMWrTM EJJ Is the Place to Buy MS, SOU Dry Goods When we tell you we are selling BARGAINS we are not merely talking. Talk is cheap but We Mean Business, AND IF YOU WILL COKE TO SEE US WE WILL PROVE IT TO YOU. YOURS FOR LOW PRICES, I D. feW fi BL. Next Door to Prather's Clothing Store. HODflT W. O. ill I OEK HaguQ-McCorkle Dry Qcois CcM Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSKORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATH. tT We solicit trade of Merchant only, and sell nothing at retail. w. rHi.llw invite all Merchants to eall on u when in G reenter . or to our Travelling Salesman before placing order elsewhere. YOU CAN FIND (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. ASK YOUR Neighbor to Take The MT. AIRY NEWS. sMtMssk -aM ' ' f J ) Mi Bought, nnl whh li lias been lius borne tho Miniature of lias been made under 111 per- Signature of t i s M and Notions. ml All MARBLE WORKS. HAYNES A CO, PsomiETOoa, Moast Air?, N. C. Fine Marble and Granite Monu ments, Tombstones, IRON FENCING, ETC. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. CCAIAjIEEB 10 6IVI SiTISWCIIOl U'lJliiV-l. I waiTt fos on'ONi ano pricc. ranized Iron and Tin), Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. uf latter cae nothing. bf cue no c&argo.

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