.A. word to tlio "WlfJo i sumolonti Buy Iln,iidlltorL'rirowjJL f3lxocu ct sr. 33. Btvrltor'jJ' Airy News. nn MOUNT AIHY N. C, TIIUKSDAY, MAKCII 12, 1003. NO. ?37 VOL. 23. HE Praiso Pe-ru-na as a T? Mrs. M.J. Drink FIRST STAGEOF CATARRH. A Serious Mistake Which Thou i sands Are Making. The first stage of c.it.inh is what is coniiiicmly known us "c.itcl.in) cold." It may lie in the head, nose, throat or lungs. Iti U'Rinniiig is sometimes so severe as tocau.se chill and considerable (ever, or it may he so slight as to not hinder a person Irom his usual business. In per haps a majority o cases little or no at tention is paid to the first st.ige of ca tarrh, and hence it is that marly one half of the people have chronic catarrh in some form. I To neglect a cold is to invite chronic catarrh. As soon as any one discovers the first symptoms of catching cold he hould at once begin the use of I'cruna CAPUDINE CURES, HEADACHES, LaGRIPPE, COLDS. FEVERISHNESS, SICK HEADACHE. Sold by All Druggists. GEO. V. SPARGER, Attopney-at-Iiaw, MOUNT AIRY, W. 0. Will prauttoe In htuit and Federal coorta. Special attention to oullecuon o( claim and BieKi'UaUUK loaus. M. H. SPARCER, nOTAHV PUQIilG. IJunlnena Boliclted. OFFICE WITH OEO. W. SPAROte, MT. AIV. W. F. CARTER, OIMT AIRV, S. ft. 4. R. UWELIYN, aossoa a... Carter 8c Lkwkllyn, Attoineys-at-liaw.s ar practice In the 8tie and Federal Ooarta. FTompt attention given to all boalneas entrust ed to their care. W. G. SYDNOR, MT. AIRY, '. C. Real Estate & 1 nsurance. STRONG LINE FIRE, LIFE ft ACCIDENT Comp.nl.. UepreHnted. J. A.. TESH, CmMor-:-aiivBEMEr, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Estimates furnished for any kind of building. Workmanship first-class. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contracts so licited. Call 2nd get prices on mouldings, brackets, Ac. Porch and stair work a specialty. Also dealer in all kinds of building material. VUOOPING One of the most distressing eights Is to eie aehild almoxt choking with tho dreadful whooping-congh. Give the child Dr. John W. Bull's Cough Syrnp, relief will be obtained at once and the nfferer will aoon be cured. COUCH SYRUP Curet Whooping-Cough quickly. Tteee. .re small and pleasant to take. IocorJ tweoaaaieod M. FrtceMCta. At all druff lata And what will the girls do if all the young men go West t Id every issue of this paper we tell of young men going west. Eight or ten left the Low Gap country for the land of the setting aun this week. El- kin Times. What's In a Name? Everything is in the name when it eotnes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. lie Witt Co , of Cbioago.diacovered, some year ago, bow to make a salve from Witch flaiel that is a specific for 1'iles For blind, bleeding, Itching and pro truding Pile, eciema, cuts, biirca, braise and all aaia diaeases, DeWitt fcalve ha no equal. Thi has given rim to numerous worthleta ooutterfeita. Ask for be Witt's the zenuitie. I. w. Wst. d.- ursut, il AU J, R. C J; Cure fop Colds and a according to directions on the bottle, and the cold is sure to pass away without leaving any bad effects. Unless this is done the cold is almost lure toend in the second stage of ca tarrh, which is making so many lives miserable. If Teruna was taken every time one has a cold or cough, chronic catarrh would be practically an un known disease. WlM Elisabeth I txr, No. ST Baaaett street, Albany, N. Ywr!l.i "I bav always drradnt onuettled Wmthcr leUMof myntrrm.ll.bilit) to ealch cold, when aratarrlial trnub). would qiilekly develop llirouch my entire -tern, wbleh It wouM tuka work, to drlva away. lam thank ml to aay that sine I liava taken ITKl'NA I do not have any rciiaon to dread this anymore. If 1 have tx'en at all expowd to the damp, wet or eol.l weather, I take a done or two of l'KIU'NA, unit It throw, out any hint of ulrkniu from my y.leiu." Mlu Kllia bcth Utwr. Mrs. M. J. Tlrlnk, No. vn Mlehl((an avenue, fcU Joseph, Mlrh., wrlti-Hi "Till, past winter during the wet and eolit wcalherl caught a auil.ii-n and aevi re colli, which developed a ciilnrrhiil roiiillllon throuiih myeutlreayiiteiii.Bndaonflited my (eneral henlth that 1 w:i eompli't iy hmken down, and beoanio ni rvoua and hj'sterlral and unfit to miprrvlm my home. My physi cian preacrlhed for me.lml aomchow hlnmi'il k'tneold me nogiKXl. KeailliiROf I'KHt'NA I decided to try It. After I had taken but three bottle. I found niyaulf In flue health. -Mr. M.J. Brink. BIbyl A. Hall(iy,2i'. Main street, Ttnntln-r-ton, Ind., write.: " l.a.t Winter after let ting my feet wet I l't;nn to couch, which uradUMlly grew wore until my tlinmt win ere ana raw. Orillnarv roiin illi . iihl not Railroad Wreck. A wreck ocenrred on the railroad between Newton and Hickory Fri day afternoon. Botwt-en theno points the Carolina and North wt'8t ern rims over the Southern's tral:. The work train of the former poinp sonth ImcRine disabled, and before a fligiTiHii got back proper dis'unce a Soiithern f rciplit train came alonp and being unable to etop rn into the rear end of the work train. The engineer and iireman on tho freight jumped. No one was hurt. The smokestack and other fixtures on top of the Southern rnpine were battered np a little, while three of the Carolina and Northwestern care wore demolished. Every Church or institution supportod by voluntary contribu tion will bo given a lilx'ral quan tity of the Longman. & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Note: Have done so for twenty-seven years. Sales: Tens of millions of gallons; painted near ly two million houses under guar antee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for periods up to eighteen years. Linseed oil must be added to the paint, (done in two minutes). Ac tual cost then about $1."5 a gal lon. Samples free. Sold by our Agents, F. L. Smith & Co., Mt. Airy, N. C. The Stemach Is the Man. A weak stomach weakens the man, because it cannot transform the food he eats into nourishment. Health and strength cannot be restored to any Bick man or weak woman without first re storing health and strength to the stom ach. A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and re vive the tired and run down limbs and organs of the body. Kodol byspepoie Cure clnanHHS, purifies, sweetens and strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach, and cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. 1. VV. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, N. C. A Golden Rule of Agriculture: Be (food to your land and your crop will be good. Plenty of Potash in th f.rtiliier spells quality I an.l nnantitv in the har- . I we will send you, ret, by next mail, our money winning books. 0EBN KaU WntKS, urn M Haaa tew tart- I i r' ' it i'3 Thai One Oay Cold Cure. PnreoMa.nd rrthruat ae Kermif.CTO attrt Laitive juih. fcawly imkxn m caaOj wl nul w Tm Cr taeiaiH rve. T cunaret Caaev Oateartie l"e or It ( U U tt M ifV riial Nt4 SMM Preventivo of Catarrh. MlSi SARA M'CAHAN. help me and cough remedies nauseated me. lleaillng an advert Isi ment of What l'K IU'NA could do, I divided to try a bottle, and you can ImiiKlne how clad I fi It when 11 bee.n to relii e me In a very .hurt time. In leu. thnn two week. I Wua Completely eured." Slliyl A. ll.U. y. M. Rura MeOahan, X0.1H71U street, Al bany, N. Y., write.: A few month, ago I suffered with a never atlaek of liiflucnta,whii li nnlhlng aeemed to relieve. My heamiK beejime I'tnl.iny eyes be came lrriinted an J level ,h, N'IIiIhk neemej riirhtmiii leiihlni; lute Uieil r.io.l. I took rrUt'N A Jnd wilhln two week. I ytai er feetly WelU" lra M m iuhnli. If you do not derive prompt and s.it!. factory results from the use of I'cruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he w ill be glad to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Coltimhtuv O, BOY KILLED PLAYMATE. The 15-year-old son of William Oglesby, colored, who lives on Mr. Frank E, Alexander's place, utout live miles from Charlotte, was shot and instantl killed yes terday afternoon by John Walker, a negro boy 17 years old. Walker was brought to Char lotte this morning and a prelim inary hearing was held before Squire S. II. Hilton. The facts as brought out at the hearing prove beyond a doubt that the killing was accidental. The two boys, Oglesby and Walker, went out yesterday af ternoon to shoot at a mr.i k. Sev eral other colored boys accom panied them. They selected a mark on a tree and Walker, who owned the pistol, said he would shoot first. Just as he pulled the trigger, Oglesby passed in front of him and the bullet struck him in the breast, near the heart. Oglesby fell at the rojxirt of the pistol and expired in a few minutes. The boys ran to a near by house and told of the occur rence. John Walker, who fired the fatal shot remained beside his dead companion unlil the boys returned. He seemed greatly grieved on account of the shoot ing and says that he would not have done it for anything in the world. All the witnesses told one story and this story was to the effect that the shooting was purely ac cidental. Walker was discharged on the warrant charging him with mur der, but was bound over to court in the sum of 1UU for carrying a concealed weapon. Not being able to furnish bond, he went to jail. Charlotte News. THE EFFECT OF TOBACCO. The subject of tobacco is neces sarily included in this chapter. Like all elements which have an effect opon the nerves, it differs widely in its action upon different individuals and no sweeping statements can be made. Upon most constitutions, writes Dr. F. M.Crandall in World's Work, its action is deleterious. It is always injurions before the period of complete development and can not be need before the ape of twenty five without barm. Doctor Seaver, Director of the Physical I-aboratory at Vale, tabulated the record of the students entering that university during nine years, when all the yoong men were examined and measured. The smokers averaged fifteen months older than the non smokers. They were also shorter in stature. Nicotine interferes T . ... i . . . with growth, and its r fleet in that regard is very moaeurablo. At Valo during tho fotir-yrars' conrso the non-UHcrt of tobacco, altnongh taller when they enter, gain 24 per cent moro in height and 2d 7 per cent more in girth of chest than do the habitual users. Doctor Hitchcock of Amherst College fonnd even greater dill'eroneos. The difference in tho lung capacity is very s'riking in tlio two diesis and lias been noticed by all observers. It shows tho effect of tobacco on the respiration, nicotino being a potent depressor. As regards the effect ot nicotine on the mental process, it is moro diflictilt to interpret tho moan ing of statistics. Out of tho highest scholarship men at Vale only five per cent, nso tubscco, while of the men who do not get appointments, sixty per cent, nso it. It is not necessary to interpret this as mean ing that mental dtcrepittide follows the use of tobacco by young men, for thete are other factors to be con sidered ; but it is certainly not con ducive to the best work. NEGRO WAS DEFEATED. Larchmont, on Long Island Sound, is a place where a num ber of wealthy men of New York city have their Summer homes. Most of these men are Republi cans. The town is incorporated. They have pnrties there as in other towns and the ofhecs seem to be worth striving for. Hut this year a new element has in jected itself into the situation in the person of one I nomas Har ris, a negro and a Republican, who has announced himself a candidate for the office of re ceiver of taxes, a fat job on ac count of the number of fine houses owned by the rich New Yorkers. There are several white candidates, but Harris is a man of some means and has been hustling to secure delegates to the Republican convention. He started by giving a big lay out, a champagne supper, which we are told the rich .New lork men did not attend, but their sons did, and sampled his edibles and his liquids. Harris has-been hustling ever since and with so much success that he has scared up these rich New York Repub licans, who want to defeat him for the nomination or in the elec tion if nominated. One of them is quoted as saying, "It would be a tine thing to have my wife go down to the negro's office to pay taxes. I want a white tax re ceiver, or else I will move away from Iarchmont I think they are carrying this joke too far, and now Harris thinks he should bo elected." Harris, who doesn't see any joke in it, undoubtedly thinks he should be elected, that he has as good a right to that of fice as any of the white folks, and he is going to do his level best to be elected. They may buy him oif, hut they are not bluffing him. He celebrated Washington s birthday electioneering, and at the close thus discoursed to an Associated Tress reporter : "Ihey can t prevent my nomi nation unless they dig up the dead ones in the cemetery. I don't need the votes of the rich people. The boys that are with me are good enough for me. As for my personal ability, they all know me around here. I am as straight as a die. There is noth ing shady about mo. Larchmont is a swell place and I like all the people around here, and because I have lived here for a score of years I think I am entitled to hold a political office." These rich ew lork Kepuo- licans do not subscribe to Presi dent Roosevelt's "door of oppor tunity' declaration, at least, as far as Larchmont is concerned, for they don't propose to open the tax receiver's door to this negro aspirant if they can pre vent it The color line doesn t stop at the dividing line between the South and the rsortn. It runs away up there. A dispatch says the Republi cans all got together and fought the negro and beat him for the nomination about 5 to 2. He might have expected it. Wakeful Children. For a long time the two year old child ot Mr. P. L Mcrhcrson, 69 N. Tenth St, Harrisburg, Pa., would sleep but two or threo hours in the curly part of the night, which made it very hard for her parents. Her mother concluded that the child had stomach trouble, and pave her bait ot one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet, wiiich quieted her stomach and eho slept the whole night through. Two boies of those Tablo have effected a permanent cure and she is now well and strong. For sale by C. E Gallaway and J. W McPherson t Co. Sick Headache? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. 25c. All tfraKtiit. Ua:it).a. n,i h- r toward a bweufal Itrr.wn nr rwfc htrk Thn e BUCKINGHAM'S DYEwhiVaU M M . M FAILURE OF SUFFRAGE. The New York Commercial Ad vertiser is unable to find any satis factory explanation of Secretary Root's recent speech at the Union LeagneClnbin New York, in which ho siiUtmitially declareJ negro suf frage to bo a failure. The Com mercial Advertiser declares that the effect of the roeech in question has been to greatly strengthen an al ready prevalent belief that the negro is unfit to exorcise the suffrage and that tho conferring of it opon him after the war was a sad mistake, foredoomod to dismal failure. The examination made into the motives which led to the enfranchise ment of the negro will refresh many memories. Our northorn contem porary says of the paramount na tive : The right of suffrage was con ferred because it was regarded as the only thin that would prevent the negroes of the south from being reduced to second slavery differing in name only from that from which they had been freed. It was argued that the north would not continue to interest itself in the negro's con dition unless it had political roasons for doing so, and that unites he were made a citizen no such roas n would exist. That was an argument which commanded such general approval that the fifteenth amendment ol tho constitution was adopted. Ibe Commercial Advertiser goes on to say that for the past thirty years the south has nearly or quite nullified this amendment, and that it is beyond dispute that the north has tacitly acquiesced in thisnulhti cation on the ground that negro domination in the south meanssocial and c-vmmercial c'laos. "Why," this paper at-ks, speaking of the iet that the tenth's basis of representation in congrecs remains unchanged, "is it that the north does not cat down this reprcsenta tion '" and then proceds to answer the qneeton iu this wi.c : Is this likely : "t unless the north is prepared to abunduii netro suffrage and to advoc-tte the repeal of the hfti'cuh arumdmcnt. It tho republican party were to favor legis lrttioti reducing the representation of the sutith by eliminating the ne groes from the body of its citizens it wonld thereby acquiesce in the conduct of the south in diefrancbis- ng the negroes. In other words, the republican party would nr.ite with the south in nullifying the constitution unless, before redacting the representation, the fifteenth amendment should have been re pealed. There is no escape from this line of reasoning Iu not in sisting that the full power of the national government shall be ex erted to protect the negro in the exercise of his tight of franchise the north for thirty years and mote has acquiesced tacitly in the conduct of the south in disfranchising him ; but if the north were to decree by legislation that southern representa tion be reduced in accordance with such disfranchisement, this acquies cence would cease to be tacit and would become open and formal. There is no lawfal way out of the difficulty save through repeal of the constitutional amendment. The south might legally accomplish the disfranchisement it now effects illegally by force if it were to adopt an educational qualification for all voters, or if it were to adopt the al phabetical arrangement ot the A us trailian ballot system. Either one of these proceedings would be legal and would result in disfranchising the great body of negro voters. Either one would also disfranchise the great body of poor whites of the south, and for that reason neither has been adopted cxept in a few southern states. It may be that in time the whole south, realizing the disastrous effects of cheating at the polls opon the whole population, will adopt ono of these methods, but there are tew signs of such a solution in the near future. Hut that negro suffrage will be formally abandoned by the American people, or that southern representation will be cut down because of illegal negro dis franchisement, these are events which may be set down as complete ly outside the realm of probability. Our contemporary has correctly expressed the situation. Atlanta Constitution. Four prisoners confined in the county jail at Appling, Ga., made their escape from prinon last week by tearing up a portion of the jail floor and tunneling a path to the edge of the building. A pile of sand and dirt, found under the jail steps, showed that the men had been working for some time to effect their secape. A note left to the jailor said that the men had been working on the tunnel since reb ruary 10 and declared that all ef forts to recapture them would fail. The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telligently treated by the average physician. These disease can only be cured by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Ilsthawsy of Atlanta, Ga.' is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted States. Write him for bis ex pert opinion of your case, for which be max as co charge. HOLD YOUR BEST HEN. The Newborn Jinrnal says : "A State or community which permits a really able ciiizon to depart from its borders, loses more than it would through the detraction of a great industry. It is tho man who makes the community, who adds luster and crodit to tho history of a State, through Ins pers nality, and when a man, possessed of real personality is permitted to leavo a plane, it is a hard thing to make good the vacancy. The departure of Mr. Charles L. Coon, of Salisbury, from this State is a notable illustration of the shortsightedness which will hold on to money, when a really able man is the stake. "A man to a community, is in tho value point ot view, as tho employo is to the business house which may employ him. This docs not apply to the citizen, who may be nnable to got ahead in ono c immunity, there tore seeks another place for a home. 1' ut it sppliis to tho man who is prominent in advancing and sustain ing the commercial, educational, so cial or religions interests of a com munity. Such men are found in every community, the more pro gressive the place the greater their nnnilwr, for it is the progressive places which not only hold these men of value, but odor sufficient inducement to such men in other places as to attract them and hold them for their own. It is this local lack of valuing men which leads to the loss of the bebt citizens of a placo." The citizens of whom the Journal speaks are the ones who make any community worth living in and the removal of any one of them is the worst loss a town can sustain. North Carolina in the past has perhaps suf fered as much in tliisrceptct as any o her Sta'e in the Union. So much so, iu fact, that among the verges the school boys ued to memorize and doliver on Friday afternoon wws one to the effect that "the sons of North Carolina by their sterling worth are enriching every Sta'esave that which gave them birth;" and the assertion that North Carolina wh a good Stste to bo born in, but eq uity as doelrable a one to emi grate from also been extensively ciiculated in days gone by. A glance at the list of notable men natives of North Carolina but residents of other States who are expected to attend the reunion at Greensboro next fall also emphasizes the troth of these statements. Within the past few years, however, there has been a great change and North Car olina is not on'y keeping a large share of her able and progressive citizens at home, but is attracting many from other States. The fact that the removal from onr borders of any one man should be the cause of a protest U an example of the changed conditions; formerly his departure would have been takon as a matter to be expected at any time. There is nothing 60 valuable as the citizenship of which the Journal speaks, for possessing it a communi ty can easily seenre everything else to be desired. Ciiarlotte Observer. If it's a bilious attac k, take Cham berluin'e Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick recovery is certain. For sale by C. K. Gallaway and J. W. McPherson & Co. ) yv rri r- n t a. Ban th. 11 Kind You Han tiwirs BocjM Big-utiu Questions Answered. Yes, August Flowor still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilizod world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anything else lor Indigestion or Biliousness, Doctors were source, and they seldom hoard of Appendi citis, Nervous Prostration or Heart Failure, eto. They used Augtint Flower to clean out the system and slop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stim ulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when ieolingdull and bad with houdaehes and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, tu make you satisfied there is nothing serious tho matter with you. You can get this reliable romody ut 1. W. West's drugstore, Mount Airy, N. C. Trice 25c and ?!0i- Healthy Children r kfpt tmnir and wall; and Eunv littlt foiku nr ni(1 viifnrmi y Ui un of that Itemou-a riiti v FREY'S VERLliFUCE OnrrwtU all dlvonVri of th tmvh, ipel worms, te, JalaUthi-H nttd poittY lu action. Bottle toy mail, 2.fC K. ft. I'HKV, Nltiaan, Md. Dr. Jchn E. Burner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR'S DRUC STORE. 'PHONE 38. Office Hours 8.00 A. at. to 6 00 P. M. Mount Airy, K. C. S. P. GRAVES. Attorney at-L,aw, KOTJHT AZEY, N. O. Bav-FiacUuaa to Slaw jS trdral Ooarta. PmM atttattaa to eanattOae or rial ma. Gr4n ssaka tm L k Mm p y " f' ,.;. -TH0 . . Tlio Kind Yon Havo Always Dong-tit. find which has licca lu uno for over 00 years, Iium borno tho fclirnutnro of himI has born nnulo under lit iht- winal super. InIu slin o It lif.ui"y. '-CttCA-tt, Allow m ono todecolvo you H t li n. All Counterfeits Imltiitiiiiii and ' Jiist-ns-tr-MMl' nre I. .it rx'terinicnts tliut ti iilo with and entl inifcr tlio liiulili of liiliuits and Children Experience HKiiiut i:ici inicuU What is CASTOBIA CoNtorh. la n linrmlcM auhMtltuto for Cn-tor Oil, Para Iforlc, Drop ami Soothing Hyrtip, It lit l'lcii.:uit. It contain1 neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Nanotln tihtun'c. It iiiro li ltd uriiiiraiitoc. It di-stroja Whim And nlluj" FcverlkhncNH. It cures IMarrlui n and Wind Colic. It reliotc ToHlilnjr, Troubles cures Constipation and Flat u loner. It ailiiillatoi the I'ood, reifi'lutc tho Moiiiiicli and I towels lfl'"ir hi'nllhy nut natural Moon The Children's l'uinu'Oii Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Heart the -4vzf-7Y -CMC The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Yer.rc. lv. erar.ua H.H.r, n i n m Is the Place to Buy flWf BflU 1 Dry Goods When we tell you we are selling BARGAINS we are not merely talking. Talk is cheap but We Mean Business AND IF YOU WILL COME TO SEE US WE WILL PROVE IT TO YOU. YOURS FOR LOW PRICES, Next Door to Prather's Clothing Store. eon W. 0. WRITE Hsgus-McDorlils Dry Goods Co., Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HAT3. gW We solicit trade of Merchants on!y, and tn nothing at retail. UBT" We cordially Id fit all Merchant to call on ua when in Grseiiibot j, or to sue our Travelling Salesman before j.lajing order elsewhere. YOU CAN FIND Guttering li Spoil (Both Gal vanized Iron and Tin), Also Tin and Iron Roofing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. ASK YOUR Neighbor to Take The MT. AIRY NEWS. T5 fl a V f t TJUUinJ .. . Hiir. ,? M :r , Signaturo of auM. mail. ut. vol.. a. M..".A,,'Tijr rf''?".!!'-'".T ffJ ' " " ,'!T1 mm and Notions. i a. as wu HAYNES at CO, PaoraiEToas, Mrant Airy, N. C. mi m b r s n Fine Marble and Granite Monu ments, Tombstones, IRON FRNGING, RTG. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. ALL mil GUARANTEED TO CIVE SATISFACTION. FO DEHQN8 AND PRICES Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit ting's cf all kinds. T. M. EVERITT.

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