jjl "Wore to tlx o Wlao Is sufUolonti xzviy immilton-Brown cmooo t sr. 13. XUvrls.or'M rm 10XJN rn MOUNT AIRY, N. a, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, HKKJ. VOL. 255. NO. 'Mi Airy News. HE 1 CHEMICAL Reveals That "lV - rii Tone up the HyHtan, KcHtoro llto Func tloiiM ami Procure Ilcallh." 60 SAYS PROF. L. J. vtv wl w Prof. L. J. Miller, Into rrofessor of Chemistry and rtotnny of the lli:h Sehool of YMi)antl, Mli'li., writes froina.JT N. Clark Street, Chieaifo. 111., an follows: "A several of my friends have spoken to me of the favorable rcmillH obtained through tlie use of l'ernna, especially In cases of catarrh, I examined It most thoroughly t" learn it contents. "I found It composed of extracts of herbs and barks of tnont valnalile medicinal qualities combined with other Ingredients, delicately balanced, calculated to tone tip the system, restore the functions and proenro health. contlder Peruna one of the most skillfully and m lent I fkally prepared medicine, which the public can use with aatety and aucceaa." PROF. L. J. MILLER. CAPUDINE CURES, HEADACHES, LaORXPPE, COLDS, FEVERISHNE38, SICK HEADACHE. Sold by Ail Druggists. GKO. W. SPARGKK, Mttorney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIHY, N. 0. Will praeu.ee in biate and KNlnral (Ymrta. Special attention to oollecUon of claims and ex-oUaUOK loans. M. H. SPARCER, nuelnewn Solicited. OFFI01 WITH OtO. W. SPARQSR, MT. AIRV. w. r. CARTER, MOUNT AJSV, a. a. J. R. LEWELLYN, 0OM0N M.O. Carter & Lkwkllyn, Mttopneys-at-liaw. arPTactloe In the Bute and Federal Court. Prompt attention given to all fcaslneas entrust ed lo their care. V. G. SYDNOR, MT. AIKY, N. C. STRONG LINE FIRE, LIFE A ACCIDENT CeaspaBles Rrprccntcd. J. A.. TESjET, i MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Estimates furnished for any kind of building. Workmanship flrHt-olatn. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contracts so licited. Call and get prieei on moulding, brackets, Ae. Torch and stair work a pecialty. Also dealer in all kinds or building material iJiidopifJG One of the most dintrefwinfr eights ! to see a child almost choking with the dreadful whoopinif-couKh. Give the Child Dr. John W. null'aCongh Syrup, relief will be obtained at once and the offerer will soon be cured. COUCH SYRUP Cures Whooping-Cough quickly. Poses r mall and p'.rasant to tskf. Doctor rconmrgd U. rnc 15 cu. At all drugjuOs It ia believed in Georgia that an organized band of s.:fe blowers ex ists in that State. The band has committed many robberies and they always escape- The North Caro lint authorities, after a hot fight, eaptored all four of the Grier, S. C, postoffice robbers, What's In a Name? Everything is Id the name when it eomes to Witch Haiel Halve. E. C. De Witt A Co , of Chicago, discovered, some years ago, bow to snake a salve from Witch Haael that is a specific, for Piles For blind, bleeding, itching and pro truding Piles, ecrema, cuts, burns, bruises and ail skin diseases, De Witt's faJvehasnoequal. Thishasgivenriae to numerous worthless counterfeit. Ask fr DeWitt's the genuine. L W. Mi tit, tamsuOit. Airy, It. c. Real Eskte & Insurance ANALYSIS - iui Is Calculated lo MILLER, CHEMIST. Remarkably Close Gall. Mr. C. J. Cooper relates a novel incident that occurred near Dunn Sunday afternoon. As the train rounded acorve just bcyoood Dunn, a number of small boys were seen on a treetlej only a short distance ahead. All the boys scampered off to a point of safety except one little fellow, who was so frightened that he tumbled off into the creek twen ty feet below. The train was brought to a standstill and the crew and all the passengers hurried down the embankment to the creek, where they found the boy more frightened than hurt. Fayettevillo Observer. Every Church or institution supported by voluntary contribu tion will be given a liberal quan tity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint Note: Have done so for twenty-seven years. Sales: Tens of millions of gallons; painted near ly two million houses under guar antee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for periods up to eighteen years. Linseed oil must be added to the paint, (done in two minutes). Ac tual cost then about $1.25 a gal lon. Samples freo. Bold by our Agents, F. L. Smith & Co., Mt. Airy, N. C. The Stemach Is the Man. A weak stomach weakens the man, because it cannot transform the food he eats into nourishment. Health and strength cannot be restored to any sick man or weak woman without first re storing health and strength to the stom ach. A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and re vive the tired and run down limbs and organs of the body. Kodul Dyspepsia Cure cleanses, purifies, sweetens and strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach, and cures indigestion, drsnensia and all stomach troubles. 1. W. West, druggist, Sit. Airy, N. 0. RSI IP - (lr money winning books, written by meu who know, tell you all about Potash Ther are needed by eery man who oorns a field and a plow, and ho desire to get the most out of them. TWy art fm, &mmJ pntil card, CriSII CAM WKK SS Smmm Mml. Srw Tt The On Day Cold Cur. VnroM an4 !hnjt r Kermott'.Onea. tatr umin Ouuuaa, fcaatif takes) es Sksstf HVa4 x "Dulld np the Senium.- Hon. Joseph H. Illdi-ewBy, Hncrelary of tho American Anti-Treat Hocicly, writca the followlnr leiler from the llnitiil Central Hotel, HI. I'uul, M Inn. I "UN wlih gn at pleasure that 1 en dorse I'eruna as an honei-t ineill clno, coinpetent to do all It claims. I have used It several times and know of nothing Hint cures so com pletely, and at Urn minis time builds up the system. " I have rec ommended it to a mimlsr of my friends and always feel that I do them a service for I know how satisfactory tho results Invariably are. I only wish every family hal a Isiltlo It would save milehalcknesa and doctor bills.'' Joseph It. ltldgeway. reel Itettar Than for Five Tears. " Mr. James II. Tsylor, Ilols-rU, Ind., wrltesi "1 am at the present time entirely well. I can eat anything I ever could. I bsik five bottles of Peruna, and feel better now than I have for five years, I have ilis'lored with other doctor oft and on for fifteen years, so I ran recom mend your medicine very highly for stomach troubles. I taketreat pleasure in thanking you for your free advice and Peruna." James II. Taylor. "I F.njnr mjr Meals as I I'sed to." Mr. J. W. Prllehard, Wolf Ijike, lnd. wrllest f t flcascd to say that I have lset - palbfrli of tin, N.mii'li bv 1't ron a, could hardly rat anything that agreed with me. llcfore 1 would g. t half through my meal my atomach would (111 W illi gas rauslng me much distress and unpleasant feelings for an hour or two after each meal. Hut, thanks to yonr Peruna, I am now com pletely cured, and ran cat anything I want to w ithout any of the distressing symptoms. I ran now enjoy my meals as I used to do, and it is all due to Dr. llartmnn and his wonderful medicine, Peruna. "It has been one year since I wae rumi, and I am all O. K. yet, so I know I am cured." J. W. Prltchard. Dysjiepsia is a very common phase of suuinn r catarrh. A remedy that will euro catarrh of one, location will cure it anywhere. Peruna cures eatnrrli wher ever located. 'Mint it Is a prompt an I permanent enro for catarrh of the stomach the alsive letters testify. If yon do not derive prompt and satis factory results from tho nso of Peruna, write at onre to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your rase and he will be. pleased lo give yon his valuable ao vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman (Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, GOAL FAMINE AND DISEASE. The Chicago Department of Health estimates that L'OO.OOO res idents of Chicago are suffering from ailments of a grave charac ter caused by privation and ex xsure rceulting from the coal famine. "Already," says the Chicago Bulletin, "these ailments are reflected in the enormous in crease of deaths among those at the extremes of life tho young and tho aged, in both of whom the powers of vital resistance are at the lowest ' Since the first of the year there has been an in crease of nearly "0 per cent, in the number of deaths among those under five years of age over the number in the corresponding period of last year, when this death rate was about normal. Among those over 00 years of age the increase is much greater 'J4 per cent, last week over the week previous, and 30.7 percent, over tlie normal rate of the cor responding period of 1902. This excess of increased death rate among the aged is caused chiefly by the effects of cold and expos ure in hastening to a fatal ter mination many of the chronic dis eases, the sufferers from which under ordinary conditions might have survived for many years." To this may bo added the state ment of a medical contemporary, that "from all parts of the coun try come rejorts of the increase of sickness and death due to the scarcity and expensiveness of coal, ihe hospitals in eastern cities are over tilled because pa tients are unable to get coal at homo and are thus forced into the hospitals." HIS DREAM FULFILLED. We believe there is something in dreams sometimes. Msny people bold the same views, while others pay do attention to the matter. A dispatch of the 7th inst, from Ed wardsville, 111., says : M. A. Carl, proprietor of a restaurant and gro eery store at Landsdowne, an Kist St. Louis suburb, which forms the Edwardsville electric line, was mnr dered by footpads this morning. lie was in Edwardsville yesterday and told friends he dreamed the night before that he saw a picture of death for himself. lie also said his sister had the same dream. So strongly did it strike him he feared to return home when night tell, but his friends laughed, so he took a car and went down. At midnight he cic?d his store and started home with the pro ceeds of the days' businoee in his pockets. lie had not gone 50 feet when he was suddenly attacked and JuiJe4 bJ frotftdt. Joseph ItlilKeway. DUNGEONS UNCOVERED. Workmen, while excavating last wci'k in the cellar of the Old Hall of Records, New York, found a portion of a ball rind chain supposed to have been used as a iniiiiacle fur revolutionary prisoners during British occupa tion of the city. Thu relic con sists of two or three rusty links of chain attached to a metal hall weighing twenty pounds. Tho conlnictors in charge of tho work have been bothered by so many curiosity seekers, attrucled by tho stories of discovered dun geons that they had to post pick ets about the work to prevent the laborers from being annoyed. The workmen later uncovered six gloomy vaults, which had not seen a ray of light in nearly n century. With pick, ax and crow bars tho laborers tore out a huge slab of marble in w hat was the tloor of the old building giving access to the dungeons, used in revolutionary times for confining American patriots, until New York ceased to be a British town. The doorways, connecting the half do.en gloomy cells, have disappeared, but the huge oak lintels on which (hey swung ro- main firmly imbedded in the mas- sivo partition walls. The old dun- 1 geons were built utout 1 17 years ago by tho British as part of a prison on what was then the northermost limits of the city. The stone was hauled from Had- dam, Conn. Beneath the marble floors of the prison structure proper were the dungeons, sepa rated by walls three feet thick. rour of these cells had openings far above the prisoners' heads, but two were without openings except tlie oaken doors. It is known that Ethan Allen, the hero o." Ticonderogo, was an occupant of one of tin? cells, and it is believed that Nathan Hale was here confined from the time of his capture until his execution near by. The building was re fitted in l;ii) and since has been used for municipal ollices. NO PLAGE LIKE HOME. A writer in an exchange says: A love of home and home life should be early planted in every girl and boy, and there is no way so sure of giving this lesson as the making of home pleasant and attractive. But how should we do this? "The mother says she is over burdened with the manifold cares and duties which devolve upon her she can't do more. "No, and she ought not to. It is not her duty to do all the rough work and let the daughter do the dainty tasks. Division of labor is profitable in the factory, and why should it not be in the home: "Divide up the cares, experi ences ana labors or tho home among the people. "Teach them the details and give them a personal interest. It is slow work to build the structure of a noble character; therefore the foundations should be laid early. "It may be easier to do the work yourself, but the mother is look ing for the best way, not the easiest. It is the inalienable right of the child to help make homo attractive, that in future years, as ho turns backward the leaves of memory's pages, his heart may glow while his lips express tho sentiment, 'Be it ever so numble, there's no place like homo. Death of Editor Hackney. Mr. E. 0. Hackney, editor of tho Durham Recorder, died on the 10th inst., after an illness of only a few days. On account of his death Mrs. Hackney, who has been an invalid for years, is now prostrated and is attended by two physicians. Editor Hackney was 47 years old and was highly esteemed by the people ot Durham. He helped to make Dur ham what it is to day. Danger of Colds and Grip. Tho greatest danger from colds and grip in their resulting in pnou moniu. It reasonable care is lined, however, and Cbamborluin's Cough JJetnedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among tho tens of thous ands who have used this remedy for theso diseasos we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusive ly tbat it is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. It will cure a cold or an attack of the grip in less lime than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by C. E. Callaway and J. W. McPbcrson k Co. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 25c AD trattflU. Wani fn"OftrS nr towf a MMUIsl BUCKINGHAM'S DYE for tha Whiskers) IK KILLED ON RAILROAD. Churlcd Bowles, telegraph op erator of tho Southern railway ut Bras well, a station between Atlanta and Chattanooga, wns killed at that place Monday night wfiilti preparing to boaru a south bound passenger train for this city. It seems that after the train reached Braswoll, Bowles started to cross the track, in front of tho engine, but before ho could clear the track, was struck by the en cine and killed. It is stated that lie intended to Innird tho train and como to Atlanta. Tho body was placed aboard tho train and brought to this city, reaching hero yesterday morn ing at 2 o'clock. Tho lody was taken to the undertaking parlors of H. M. Patterson, where it was prepared for burial, and It was taken yesterday afternoon at 4:40 o'clock to Warm Springs. The people of the deceased re side in Cliipley'and the body will be interred at that place, being t aken there through the country. Bowles was about twenty-five years or age and unmarried. Ho had largo numbers of friends who sympathize with the bereav ed relatives. Atlanta Constitu tion. PEN PICTURE OF MORGAN. Sitting within ten foot of J. Pier p ti t Morgan at die Ohio Club ban quet at the W'sM.itf Astoria, I Could not help tliitiki: g of the pow er represented in that one fist wle n he struck the table wall his hand in approving appUnso. His short cropped gray hir, sparkling durk eyes, shaggy brows and his bulldog mouth gently shhdjAcd by a dvk moustache there w .f a man of in ternational renowD ai.d power, and perhaps, one of the greatest finan ciers the world has tver known. Mr. Morgan has a way of gripping the big black Mexican cigar which he smokes (no banrpiet brand for him), robing it arcund in his month blowing out the stnke with the force of a locomotive, grasping it between first and second fingers even in the repose of the banquet ball. Ibeso are some of tho minute mannerisms which mark tho man who plays for any stake short of the universe. His keen eyes followed the speaker's, and his smile in a nod of recognition to a friend was fas cinating. On each ot his small fin gers he wore a seal ring. His neck tie was a simple white one, over the stand-up white-winged collar. In his buttonhole was s chrysanthe mum. After all, a primitive man in his tasfes and nnnners, but dynamic in every move and gi store. National Magazine. WONDERFUL FREAK DEAD. News reaches here that George Randall, this county's wonderful freak, is dead. The boy was one of the most wonderful freaks of nature in the Sonth or perhaps in the world. He carried on his shoulders one of the largest and heaviest heads of any person known. He was six years old when he died, and weighed only 65 pounds. His head measured 46 inches in circumference and weighed fifty pounds. His body, arms and legs weighed only 15 pounds. For five years his Lead bad boon grow ing rapidly and it could not be seen at the time of his death that his body had grown a particle in that period. He was almost skin and bones. lie ate nothing but meat and bread and occasionally drank a cup of coffee. While he had been in perfect health all his life with the exception of one illness three years ago, his parents and family physi cian did not believe that he would live long. At times he could hold up his head, bat most of the time proforred lying in bed, because his head was so heavy. The boy had a fair education con sidering his age. He read newspa pers all the while and was more fond of them than books. He could neither write nor read writing and said he never hud any desire to do either. He was always quick to catch any gossip that was aoat. He was very sensitive and refused on several occasions to be photo graphed. Several times his parents have been approached by theatrical men and olTored a big price for him to be put on exhibition. From the Rutherford San. The Value of Expert Treatment Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic diaease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telligently treated by th average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga., is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted States. Write him for bis ex- Ebrt opinion of your case, for which e makes do charge. T Cup CwutlpatlM tintii, Tak Csrara CuevffetMrtte. K r FATAL WRECK ON SOUTHERN. Another ono of th o terriblo wrecks so frequent of Into occurred on tho Southern at Banville this morning at 4:"5. Like many things of the same kind there seems so far to be no explanation for it. No. 39, the southbound train passing here at 5:03 a. ni., was standing at the station In Danville, tl o engine tsk log water. No. 32, the fitio Florida train going north, duo to pass here at 2:30 a. m , but running perhaps hlf an hour late, thundered right into No. 3'J, tho engines becoming locked in an embrace so tight that it was almost impossible to separata tlium after the crash, li th engines are badly demolished while the ex press car on 30 was shattered to pit cis, bntstrangoto say neither the engliioers uor the firemen of tho engines wero hurt. A man whoso name could not bo learned, holding a ticket from ICichmond to G.IIn v, 8 0 , was Instantly killed, his bod'y biing tiiaelicd snl bally nuniflid. He was in tho act of g ing from one cr to another when tho crach oc curred. A ctr inspector, a whito man, was extmining tho wheels of a coach on 39 and was also instantly killed. John JC. Coleman, another car inspector, of Danville, had his arm badly crushed, A negro train hand bad tho bor.es of his foot crushed, whilo a man in churgo of a coach on No. 39 filled wi h China men had his chin and face badly cut and several passengers of both trains were s'mken up, but tho t x tent of tho ii juries of these could not bo learned hero. All these fa talkies ocenrred on or around No. 39. Three ciaches of this train wero s i badly damaged that the passen gers had to bo transferred to ether cr;. Every physician in lUnvillc was haelily summoned and attended to the wounded. Greensboro Rt! ord. -. Grip Remedies in Great Demand. V hen colds ami grip arc prevalent tlie quickest i.nd surest n tnedie ar in trreat dentnid. Mr. Joseph J. Williams, of McDufV, Vu., nays that he. wns cured f a very deep anil las iiie; attack el la grippe by usin Chomberhiiirn Cough Kcincdy after trying several other preparations with no effect. For sale by C. K. (Jal laway and J. W. Mcl'hcrson Co. Trained Nurses. A bill has been introduced in the New York legislature similar to tho one which was defeated recently in the North Carolina Legislature to require nurses to take a two years course of training in an Bpproved hoppital and paes a prescribed ex animation. Of the bill the New York World says : "As matters now stand any ono can pose as a 'traiufd nurse' by putting on the regulation uniform to reinforce the 'nerve' that is called self confidence. There is tho same reason, though perhaps in a lesser degree, for re quiring preparation and certification in the case of a nurse as in that of a physician. Often the life of the patient, and always the comfort, depend as much upon skilful nursing as upon proper medicine. The bill, while justly recognizing the qoaliti catiors of really 'trained nurses,' is equally in tho interest of the pub lie." Charlotte News. Bears the Sigutore sf m in wna ten nm siwm Boujm Does it Pay to Buy Cheap ? A cheap remody for coughs and colds is all right, but you want some thing that will relieve and euro the more sevoro and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if pos sible, if not possible for you, then in either caso take the only remedy tbat has boon introduced in all civil ieed countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "15oschce'b Gorman Syrup." It not only healn and stimulates tho tissues to destroy the germ disoase, but allays inflam mation, causes easy oxpectoration, givos a good night's rent, and cures the patient. Try onb bottle, lie commended many years by all drug giwts in the world. You can got this reliable remedy at I. W. West's drug store, Mount Airy, N. C. Price 25c and 75c. an nut hv tvmatant sttettnn fmm mother- Thir wtnta art nmn"ri, tut thsvt ttifttttit, sump! sjtHltbl rmawljr Frey's Vermifuge fMottj aansn of (hoot. Ksmps) th twab fweet tn-l wil oftlsjsred , a ( I a wivtus . w laces nktnra.1 iWp. Battle) hj nai! -, t. A S. Fftf V, Bartlmor. Mrf. Dr. JcbiE. Burner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR'S DRUC STORE. PHONE 38. Office Hoars 8.00 A. M. to (.00 P. M. Mount Airy, N. C S. P. GRAVES. Attopney-at-kaw, MOUNT AIHY, N. C. ta Siai a Federal Oouta. PrassDl attmitM ta enuesttoa of eUlma. Grp (BsVes en alrtt, Weary and mm AVrtfctable I'rqinr.tlienfiirAs slmildtinfi flic rood ami IH bin line Hie 5oin;it!is anil li m, i iT Promptcs Dic.cslitHi.Cls'crrui ncMfltvl lii-st t'lMittiiti' iieiihcr Opiiim.Morphmr- nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. wi w - e o.'4.tA.l4B, h,m iw - (eW A raifer I Heme.lv forronslipa linit, Sour Slom.rh,l)i.intsvn Woi tn.vt envibioiw,rVwmlv tus em! J.oss or SlJvKI. Far Simile. Sitfnnlurt of VMV YOHK. r Hi .'TTfrf I II. .tU...U4r,-nag t KACT fnov OP UOA Bern rinaiia i iiinuii in , i in ipliW raiuuj f I iiihii I w "' w -VFV 'Tffn "i ' mivt-m li. D. ifilLHCOl! Is the Place to Buy- SHIS &3 Dry Goods When we tell you we are selling BARGAINS we are not merely talking. Talk is cheap but We Mean Business, AND IF YOU WILL COME TO SEE US WE WILL PROVE IT TO YOU. YOURS FOR LOW PRICES, 1 1 mm i Next Door to Prather's Clothing Store. sat. MOUNT W. 0. , . . , Hagus-McDorkls Dry Goods DoM Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. tf We solicit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. gJ0 We cordially invite all Merchants to eall on us ben in Greensboro, or to see our Travelling Salesman before placing orders elsewfcsre. YOU CAN FIND Mi (Both Gal Also Tin and Iron Roofing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Old copper, Copper and Rivets, Steam pfwterand and Water Pipe Fit- Rubber bought tings of all kinds. at Everitt's. T M E VTRITS?. ASK YOUR Neighbor to Take The MT. AIRY NETsTS. mmmm L U L..ILL ts Forlnfnnti nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signaturo of In Use For Over Thirty Year? DOTUP? 5 1 and Notions. i 4 I i All UARBLE WORKS. HAYNES k CO.. Proprietors, Moaat Air 7, N. C. 7 I ax;? aW 1 1 I I f 3 W W SllflSTSRfl T'ir ctTa'n rsasniv, ftw err. sSaTOTssrsirssrisrrg BflfWv Fine Marble and Granite Monu ments, Tombstones, IRON FRNGING, RTG. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. ALL mil GUARANTEED 10 GIVE SATISFAC1M WRITE FOR DtS'ONS AND PRICES. i Shu vanized Iron and Tin),

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