ja. word to tlxo -Wicio iei eiumoionti nuy iiamilton-Brown anocn it ar. , 7r. jirir.av'' Fl N EWS. 1HE MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., THURSDAY, MARCH 2U, lOOii. NO. vol. as. A3 Airy MOUNT A GEORGIA JUDGE WAS ALARMINGLY AFFLICTED WITH CATARRH OF THE LUNGS. CURED BY PE-RU-NA Up ill? JUDGE DURHAM, OF GREENSBORO, GEORGIA. Catarrh of the Lungs the First Stanc of j Consumption. So All Medical Authorities Agree. Jmlirn rurlinm, n Vi'U-lcnown local Jtidgccf in "Minloio, (it,, liutl unrxpe rli'nne with lVrima well worth rwllins. A report liiul Iwcomo eurn nt atnonp; the Jalt'i friends that lie Mil tlirt-aU'tii'd Vith consumption. It won feared fur a time tliatUoorgla WiU to lone ono of iti most promiuuntaud Influential citlzena. It was also reports that tho JuI liail failod to got auy relief from Any of tho mediral aid nt hi. command, that lie bad modo una of tho now world famous , A reward of $10,000 has bus, Ohio, as a guarantee that the above testimonial is genuine ; that we hold in our possession authentic letters certifying to the same. Every one of our tes timonials are genuine and in the words of the one whose name is appended. CAPUDINE CURES. HEADACHES, LaGRIPPE, COLDS. FEVERISHNESS, SICK HEADACHE. Sold by All Druggists. GEO. W. SPARGER. Attorney-at-Law, MOUNT AIUY, N. 0. Will praotlce In bt&ie anil Federal courts. Hpecl&l atieoiton to collection of claims and BttgoUaUnf loans. ' M. H. SPARCER, nOTAHV PQSEIG. l!ulneH Bollclted. OFSICI WITH CEO. W. SPARGER. MT. AIRY. W. f. CARTER, MOUNT MSY, H. S. i. R. LEWEILYN, DOMON S.Q. Carter & Lkwklly'n, Attopneys-at-law. swPractlce tn the state and Federal Courts, prompt attenUon given to all business entrust 4 to their care. W. G. SYDNOR, MT. AIHY, N. C. STRONG LINE FIRE, LIFE & ACCIDENT Companies Represented. J. A.. TESH, ;-aivBr, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Estimates furnished for any kind of building. Workmanship first-class. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contracts so licited. Call and get prices on mouldings, brackets, Ac, I'ornh and stair work a specialty. Also dealer in all kinds of building material. WHOOPING One of the not distresHinfr sight ! to so a child almost choking wit h the dreadful whooping-cough. Give tho child Dr. John W. Bull's Con(,h Symp, relief will be obtained at once and the sufferer will soon be cured. TSi COUCH SYRUP Cure Whooping-Cough quickly. Poor, are nn.U and plrM.nl to .ke. Dortnrs recomniesd U. Met 15 ct At U dmtgutm Real Estate & Insnrattce. Tbo failure of u larjre and im portant firms in the City of Mexico, Saturday, is said to b the forerun ner of t general financial crash in Mexico aa an inevitable result of the effort to place Mexico on gold basis. What's In a Name? ETerrthing it in the name when it eornea to Witch llaiel Halve. E. 0. De Witt 4 Co ,of Chicagn.discovered.some years ago, bow to make a salve from Witch Haael that it a specific for Tiles For blind, bleeding, itching and pro truding Piles, ecsema, cuts, bums, braises and ail skin diseases, DeWitt's &aij baa DO equaL This baa given rita to Buojeroni worthleis eounUrfeita. Ail for T-e Ti?f k" swj'nr. I. W. West, dmggUV Ml. T. H. 0. remedy, reruns, nnd madn a prompt rn covcry. The affair created quite a flota tion In tnodlt al circle pHpwIally, and tho many friends of Judfr Ixirhnm wero not only exoi'i-dlngly ((ratified at his re covery, but were ciit)iiinlRntlo In their pruledf tho remedy that bad brought him reli. f, Tho following written Ftalomont from thu Judge lilmaulf net forth UiufitoUl (lreenshom, Ga., Marcb 3, 1000, Some time ago I contracted severe cold hlch settled on my luns and In my head. I tried ninny remedies, all of hkh gave me no relief. I con cluded that my case was catarrh of the head and lungs, and seeing Peruna so highly recommended I began using It, experiencing the very best results from the first bottle. been deposited in the Market Strange Railroad Accident. A railroad accident that was ro markublo both for the way it hap pened and the results that followed occurred yesterday shortly after noon when a passenger and a freight train on the Southern road collided at the McDaniel street bridge. The accident was a tnoet peculiar ono, because it happened whilo the freight train was being pushed by a locomotive in the rear and another locomotive in tho front was trying to stop tho train. The passenger train, which was strnck by too front engine of the freight train, was not injured in tho least, while the freight had four cars badly wrecked. The reason of this was that the freight train tolescoped itself on ac count of two engines working agaiust each other. Atlanta Con stitution. Every Church or institution supported by voluntary contribu tion will be given a liberal quan tity of tho Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Noti:: Have done so for twenty-seven yours. Sales: Tens of millions of gallons; painted near ly two million houses under guar antee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for E'riods up to eighteen years, inseed oil must be added to tho paint, (done in two minutes). Ac tual cost then about if 1.25 a gal lon. Samples free. Sold by our Agents, F. L. Smith & Co., Mt Airy, N. C. The Stemach Is the Man. A weak stomach weakens the man, because it cannot transform the food lie eats into nourishment. Health and strength cannot be restored to any sick man or weak woman without first re storing health and strength to the stom ach. A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and re vive the tired and run down limbs and organs of the body. Kodol lfyspepsia Cure cleanses, purifies, sweetens aid strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach, and cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. X. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, n. u. 1 Which ? A lean and potash-hungry soil, wasted seed, wasted labor and idle gins A MORTGAGE. Or, plenty i f Potash in the fertilizer, many bales and a busy ginA BANK ACCOUNT. Write ut foe xir books T k y Mosey w in sen. Wt Mod ihrm fret to farmer. s . . ir I "I continued using Peruna for a short while, and have never felt the least symptom of catarrh since. Pe runa Is certainly a good medicine, and deserves the highest praise which Is given It by the general public. " Jticlpo Imrbam haa been Keorelnry and Treanurcr of the cltyof (IreeimlKiro, (;., for tho put threo year., and ha been a local judge for ten years. )rrad Comiiiiiipllon. Ther are three roarl. which lead from health to consumption. Over one of these roads pa.i all of that great multi tude of peoplo who dlo every year of oonsnmptlnn. Each route. be(lns with health and bapplnoss and ends with d!a ease and death. First road: a slight cold neglected settles In tho head or throat rhronlo catarrh extend to tho lungs cuusump lion death. fieeond Toad t a slight cold Ileplceted couch xettles in the. innps cutih pnid tially un)W-no worse consumption death. Third rnadl ft Cold ne(;lceled nettles In tbo throat hoarseneMs nhort breath consumption batli. Thousands liavo Jii.-t sinrte1 on one of these roads, all of whom eould beeasllv cured by l'eruna. Thou-anils nw 1 e at" half way to the falal end of ono of them roads w ho arc Btill curul.lo by n . .ti . -of treatment by l'eruna. Yet otlu r thousands are near tho end w hose 1ft-1 days could bo niado bearable and hopo of recovery more probable by commence lag 1 oruna wiinout auisy, Exchange Dank. Colum AS TO PISTOL TOTING HABIT. Ilecent crimos iu North and Son'h Carolina, where tho man who killed his enemy or antagonist whij ped a pistol out of hie pocket in a moment, shows that pistol toting is all too common in tho Carolinas. The pross and tho pulpit tho twin teachers and leaders of grown up men must use every inrluenco to pnt an end to that unlawful and dangerous practice. Many a man has stained his hands in tho blood ot his fallow man in a moment of passion, who would otherwise have no guilt of taking another's life, if he had not been in the habit of carry ing a pistol. South Carolina has passed a law forbidding the sale of fistole except to officers of tho law. t is a good statnto. But, whilo tho pooplo of North Carolina and South Carolina are looking their faults ftpiarely in the face, and seeking to remedy the pistol toting, which is very rare among us when the number of homi cides is considered, the people of other States ought to do likewise. In fact the practice in these two States is much less common than in some localities that aesume to lecture the Carolinas. A special telegram from Kokomo, Indiana, to the Chicago Chronicle shows that the area of the chief pistol toting is north of the Ohio river. Tho tele gram reads : "Superintendent Ogg, of the city schools, to-day ordered all tho buys in school searched for weapons. About five huudred small calibre pistols were found. All these had loaded cartridges in them, and Chief of Police Taylor pronounced them deadly weapons." No such examination in any Southern city would show the young boys growing up with the deadly weapon toting babit. Our men do more killing, but our boys rarely carry deadly weapons on their person. The next generation will show an improvement in the matter of homicides. Speakingof pistol toting a thought ful member of the State Senate who lives in Piedmont North Carolina said it bad been his observation that no man, save in case of an expected apeault, carried pistols except men who have some secret sin and who were conscious of being violators of tho law. And he is very nearly right about it. News and Observer. Professional safe crackers got io their work at Lincolnton a fsw days ago. Tho blew np the postofBce safe and took therefrom 700 in cash and stamps. There is no clae as to who the robbers were. Three strange men were seen in the woods near Liocoloton the evening before. It is probable these are the same men who robbed a aafs at Rn WfdHtnn fr'ndsy oigM injure. THE LEADER'S RICH REBUKE. The News has had something to sny about tho agitation over the resolution parsed by the Virginia Miphiuiro looking to the orection of i statno to dun. Kobert E I-oe in Washington's statuary hall, and incidentally expressed i's opinion of a person so small as to throw ob htructions in tho path of so noble and tminently proper n memorial. Tho Kichmoiid News Loader, in a rcct nt ifMie, touched upon tho agi atn n and disposed ot It in a way that mutt cause the two principal belligerents the Kanstis represont ativi s, to bo ashamed of themselves, if they have shame iu them. Says the News 1 eider: "We aro threatened that if Vir t'inia ineidts on a statue of Leo in Washington, Kanaas will ineixt on placing John Drown there. If KaiifBs prefers to go before posterity villi John l'rown as her typical hero ami representative man, there is no reason why Virginia t-fiould object. Wo aie entirely (aiicfied to have Leo represent us, atidil Kansas ia satiflied witji l'rown wo can con sider the matter with equanimity, especially as wo had tho pleasure of hanging that distinguished citizen of our sister State. "Come to think of it, however, wo do not know but that l'rown is about as well as Kansas can do ; and lie msy go into SUtuary Hall, not as the demonstration of her malice but as her honest rllort to presont her best. The two other leading and fH tin m 8 Kansas men we recall at the moment are John J. Ingallsand Snckltfg Jerry Simpson, and l'rown seems to siz'.1 up well with any of them. "And as to the matter of thejuxta p'iHtinn of the statins, wo are not sensitive. At IInipir"s Ferry, on a time fuity five years ago, General I'O insisted on getting close to l'rown, along with some marines, when his company wna not welcome; and we have no ol j cti n to having IJrown iti the same hall with him now. Iu fact, for our part, wo are willing to make overtures to Kansas and propose that if we can get room enough and she will put np her Brown staiuo wo will put np Gen eral Leo, who ought him, on ono side, and Governor Wise, who hanged him, on the other. Char lotte News. Profits In Tanning. In computing the profits con nected with farming it is never fair to take results for any single year, i here is ot necessity, ow ing to climatic conditions, mark ets, crop failures in other por tions of the earth, wars, legisla tion nnd other things, nothing uniform in fnrm profits one year with another, and to correctly estimate the profits of a well managed farm no less a period than ten years should bo taken, the average profits for such a term then fairly representing the profits of the business. For instance, wc have been told by several business farmers that tho profits on their farm operations for the year l'JOl were not less than 20 per cent, upon the capi tal invested, this net, anr all expenses were deducted. Then we have known more man one year when the farm was operat ed at an actual loss. But few farmers keep any book accounts with their farms, and, as ono man told us, the only way he knew when he was making any money was when he took a load of hogs to market and there was not some fellow waiting for tho money when he got home. A Catholic nriest at Wilkes- barre, Pa., who has been experi menting lor several years, nas evolved a wireless teletrranhv system by which he can send messages over water or tlirougn tho earth. He can send messages seventv miles on land, 700 on water, and believes he can send them more than 1,000 miles on water. His system differs from that of Marconi in that he can use either air or earth to make a circuit. He also claims that his system is simpler and cheaper. Danger of Colds and Grip. Tho greatest danger from colds nnd grip ia their resulting in pneu moniii. It reasonable caio ia tisod, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among tho tons of thous ands who have used this remedy for these diseases we havo ycl to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusive ly thai it is a cortain preventive of that dangerous disease. It will cure a cold or an attack of tho grip in less lime than any olhor treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by C. K. Gallaway and J. W. Mel'herson & Co. Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back cf your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver 1 Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 2V. All SrKfKlst. Waal your BnalMlw r bu4 a feaMUtoli toowa at rtrk kttrjiT Tbm m I BHfWIllfMUM'O nvt forth GENUINE PET RIFIED BODY. One of tho most remarkable discoveries made in this section for some tiuie was the finding of a-petrified body on Mills Uiver Inst Tuesday. A perfectly pre served petrified body of a wliite mail was unearthed by two no groes who were digging a ditch on the farm of A. M. Sutton. The find may 1ms called a treasure as Mr. Button now has in his possession a petrified body which can bo sold nt a high figuro to nnv museum of conseouenco in tho United Ktates. Two negroes were digging a ditch when one of the men s picks struck something solid. Pres ently out- of the men shoveled the dirt from the unmarred imago of a man. As tho face lay up turned in the bottom of the dihdi it no doubt presented a decidedly weird and ghastly sight. At least the negro thought so and with a bound he leaped upon the hank, took flight and has not been seen there si nee. The other negro was not flustrated, but be gan uncovering the remainder of the body which was taken from the ditch. The remains showed indentations across the shoulder and a slight sunken place in tho stomach. Other than these two imperfections and a broken toe, broken by the laborer's pick, the body was well preserved. Tho general contour of the head was convincing that the petrified body was that of a Caucasian. The veins of tho leg were plain lv visible. Several who went to view the specimen were of the opinion that the petrification was that of a man who tind been kill ed and the body hidden to con ceal the crime. The posture of the body was that of oik; prepar ed for burial. The eyes were closed ami the arms placed across the breast, 1 londersonville cor respondent 'A'sheville Gazette. Drunkards as Lunatics. They passed a law in Iowa last year permitting the confinement of ntiiim'd dnink irds in lunatic asy lunifl. It made little stir, but with in e'Klit merit lie J0U alcoholic patients were under restraint and treatment. An Iowa dispatch savs that inebriates continue to tbwinto the state asylums at tho rate of about lifty a month, and that an Iowa court has just ruled that their con stitutional rights are not violated by their detention, borne ol the ine briates don't like to bo shut up, but tho treatment thoy get seems to bo humane and salutary. Their lienor is stopped, and they havo to work on farms, and are enconraged toim- prove thoir habits. When they seem to be cured they aro diecharged, and report says that, so far, about 5 per cent, of tho cases have so re suited. This seems like excellent manage ment of drunkards. Men who can not, or will not, control their thirst ought not to be left at large to get . l. . . 1 J .it : . . t ' e ineinseiveB anu oiners into miscniei. Neither should they be sent to jail. If they are irresponsible becsuse of their propensities, they should be shut up and looked after until they are cured, and while under restraint they should be made to work for their living. The Iowa method seems a good deal more enlightened than tho Now York plan ot keeping up an endless chain of dipsomaniacs between Manhattan and "tho Is land." An easy, legal method of securing timely periods of seclusion for unmanageable drunkards ought to make for the peace of families and the diminution of drunkenness. Men have no moral right to be drunken. If they have demonstrated a dangerous and continuous lack of self-restraint, some other sort of restraint should be substituted for it. The Iowa idea seems pretty sound. Harper's Weekly. The Senate having ratified the Colombian Treaty, the News and Observer says : With the Fanama Canal open at last, what a picture looms np cf vast commercial inter ests transformed from the West to the South ! For it will mean that very many of tho vast processions of trade that now go V est via the northern cities will, in the future, be directed South through New Orleans and other Southern ports. What the resulting development of the South will be by this means alone is entirely incalculable. It is now recognized by every State of this nnion and by every ci v ilizjd nation upon the earth, that the free education of the peoplo is industrially profitable to the com monwealth. The universal verdict of all history is, that man's power and capacity as a wealth producer is multiplied in direct proportion to bis education and training. Got. J. B. Frazier. The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stands tbem thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Jsthawsy of Atlanta, Ua.. is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted Staea. Writs him for his ex MANY GRAVES TO BE OPENED. A Philadelphia dispatch says : I he police authorities have di rected the opening of ill graves having secured evidence which lends them to believe that George llossey, the negro "herb doctor" is responsible for at least that many deaths. llossey is in jail as an accessory to the murder of William G. j)anze, whose widow is charged with having adminis tered to her husband slow jmiisoii furnished by the negro. "Wo do not know how many poisoning cases can be traced to llossey, said a police ollicial to day, "but thus fur wo have se cured evidence that has warrant ed us in directing tho opening of 61 graves. 1 Ins step will begin at onco and we believe the result will show that Assistant At torney Shroycr was not exag gerating when he branded llos sey as an urch-Misoner. This case is assuming propor tions far beyond the compre hension of those connected with it at the time llossey was arrest ed. The real investigation is just beginning and before it proceeds mud: further startling develop ments will crop up. There may be several arrests but they aro not likely to come until theorgans of the bodies exhumed have been examined by tho chemists." Detectives aro searching for a white woman who is alleged to havo represented llossey in tho preliminary dealings with his patrons. Buylne Cuba Tobacco Land. A special letter from Tampa, Flu., to tho Charlotte Observe r tn) s ; Advices from Havana state that whilo in Cuba recently, J. Pierpont Morgan, representing tho American T jb.icco Company, closed negotia tions for tho purchase of all the ands in tho Vuelta Abaj dis'ri'-t. upon which is grown the finest pi io of loaf tobacco in tho world. It. is used in the manufacture of c'gars. Tho pnrposo of the purchase U to secure Hit oi thu hue tobacco ex clusively for th- Uic of tho factories of tho American Cigar Company, which is a branch of the American Tobacco Company. If these inten Hons aro carried out the independ ent clear Havana factorica in Tam pa, New Orleans, New York and other cities will have to look else where for thoir fino grado of leaf , tobacco, nearly all of them being supplied now from tho fields re ported to havo been bought by Morgan. It will be a great blow to independent transactions. The sale involves soveral millions. Negotia tions had to bo conducted with a number of individual owners of lands. Grip Remedies In Great Demand. When colds and grip aro prevalent the quickest and surest remedies are in groat demand. Mr. Joseph IX Williams, of 51c Dull", Va., says that ho was cured of a very deep and lasting attack of la grippe by Uhing Chamberlain's Cough Iwemcdy after trying soveral other preparations with no effect. For aide by U. K. tral laway and J. VY. Sid'heraon k Co. Bwntk. i m M "m 'm Questions Answered. Yes, August Flower still has tho largest sale of any medicino in the civilized world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anything clso lor Indigestion or Biliousness. Doctors wcro scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendi citis, Nervous Prostration or Heart Failure, etc. They usod August Flowor to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulato the action of the liver, stim ulate tbo nervous and organic action of tho system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other achos. Yon only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there ia nothing serious tho matter with you. You can get this reliablo remedy at I. VV. West's drugstore, Mount Airy, N. C. Price !25c and 75c. Ex Senator James K. Jouos, of Arkansas, who has boon very sick iu Washington, is improving. Children runy little foiku nr mnta vtur-u-by lt) umc of that famous nmd FREY'S VERMIFUGE Corrwli nil dlnordnra of th unmitrh, expels worm, elc, i'ilMt; nnd poittr In rtmn. Rotttebjr mi,xo. K. ft. FKICT, Bl4 moras Ml. Dr. John E. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR S DRUC STORE. 'PHONE 38. Office Hours 8.00 A. M. to 6.00 P. M. Mount Airy, X. C. B. P. GRAVES. Attorney-at-Iiaw, MOTJ1TT AXET, N. C svmouesa ta Sim raosnl Oomrta. Franrttttnooa msoumim MaltiM. Oip suks ma Stck, wears a4 Ml Health? OKX' Tho Kind Yon liavo Alwnyt iu line for over .'JO years, - and 7 J?-s-) Sdtitil Mip r Islini liri e IU I f; . v. ' CCCC -iA. Ml,, w I,,. (1i,n o K t vrm In tl All Counterfeit, Imitations and " Ju-t-uM-r nmI" ut l ot lierliin'iils (hat trillo willl nnd ond.iiiK'i tlx lit .Mi i f I ni'a nl untl Children rxiurlt uco iiy.iJnsl l'xi'Ci iiucnU What, is CASTOR! A CJustorU It a harmless Hiibstltnto for Cantor Oil, Paro Kttric, lrop and Nnotliinj; Syrup. It I I'lcn.-iint. It roiitiiin. neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier luirt'iths MilMiuirc. Iti tK'i I ll Jfiiaruntct'. It destroy Worm mill alloys rcvorKlnioNM. It t-iiri- Jllurrhiru uimI Wiiiil Colie. It relievo Teeth liitf Trniilile, t oris Const i pat loll find flatulency. It flHsliiiihito tho 1'immI, resolute tho Kloiinn li mill lloweln, gitliir lit-ullliy and nuturul sleep. 'U Children's I'mmceur The .Molln-r'it l iiciid. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the r j ill r.r r ss coy '-cut The Kind You Have Always Boii$t In Uoe For Over 30 Ya.rs. TMI eCWTAUN COWMNV, T Mutt MAT TKflTT, hCW Cm. 1. S. MM! fi Is the Place to Bty-- mm w illy Dry Goods (t ucu wc icii you wc aic atmiig unnuiun ) u we are not merely talking. Talk is cheap but We Mean Business, AND IF YOU WILL COME TO SEE f I US WE WILL PROVE IT TO YOU. G YOURS FOR K. D. DtifMI i C Next Door to Prather's Clothing Store. a tUatbMasii IIT W. D. IRON ALL YOU Hagus-McDorkls Dry Goods DcM Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSRORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTION3 AND HtJS XT' We solicit trsJrt of MerchsnU only, snd sell nothing r r-tiil. gjET We cordially invite sll Mercbiint to oa'.i ou ua wben io jrtcr.aboro, or to our Travelling Falesmwi before plaoirig orders eUewhnr. YOU CAN FIND i 111 (Both Gal Also Tin and Iron Rooiing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet ow copper, Copper and Rivets, Steam Perand and Water Pipe Fit: Rubber bought tings bf all kind J. atEveritfs. T M EVERITT. ASK YOUR Neighbor to Take x -tie xvxT, Ix x vu 8. Bought, nnd uhhh lnm been lia borno llio tdgnnfiirei f has been in.ide under .' r t- Signature of Na. uu u wimm i - jbUyial5 1 and Notions. U LOW PRICES, AIRY MARBLE WORKS, HAYNES & CO., Proprietors, AWunt Airy, N. C. Fine Marble and Granite Monu ments, Tombstones, FENCING, RTG. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. GCAEAMEED 10 GIVE SiTlSFACIIiiS. WRITE FOR OESIONS AND PRICES. 31 hjWi, vanized Iron and Tin),

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