JX Woi'd to tlio WiJC la OtiUloioiat ! xmy IlAmilton-Iirown GJiooo vt a, m. xiarlior'a- nn nt Airy VOL. 23. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0.. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1908. NO. 10. News. THE POPULAR GOUNTY CLERK OF THE CITY OF SAW FRANCISCO. BOX. WILLIAM A. DEA5E, OP SA!f FBAKCISCO. Hon. Wm. A. Done, Clerk of the city nd county of Ban Francisoo, fu Thief Deputy in the office of hi. predt-n-uor during the Utter p.rt of hi. term. He is Katire Bon, having bwn bora and rald in the city of 8n Franclnoo, and hu for many year been prominently identified with tho Order of Native Bon. of the Golden Wat, as well as other fraternal orirfcnlxaUona. Ho is an exceptionally popular yonng man, socially and politically also, as evidenced by the ballot. rat t the late election, he having defeated hi opponent for the office of County Clerk by nearly 8,0u0 votes. In a letter written January 28, 1W0, from San Francisoo, to Dr. Uartman, Mr. Deane has the following to say of Purunaj The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen: I would not be without Peruna, as I have found It to be the best remedy for catarrhal complaints that I have ever used. I have tried most all of the totalled catarrh remedies advertised, and can conscientiously say that of all the remedies for catarrhal complaints recommended to me none have been so beneficial as Peruna." WILLIAM A. DEANE. CATARRH assamos different phases Jn different seasons of the year. There 1. therefore, four quit well-marks' varieties of catarrh. Winter catarrh, spring catarrh, slimmer catarrh, and CAPUDINE CURES. HEADACHES, LaGRIPPI., COLDS. FEVERISHNESS, SICK HEADACHE. Sold by All Druggists. GEO. W. SPARGER, Attopney-at-ivaw, MOUNT AIHT, If. 0. Will practice in bune and Federal Courts, pedal attention to collection of olauns and aeicoUaUOK loath.. W. f. CASTER, i. ft. LCWELIYN, sou war. a. a. soM .... Carter 8c Lkwkllyn. Mttorneys-at-lvaw. wPractlc in the mate and Federal Courts. Froopt attention gtreo to all easiness entrust ed te tbetr care. W. G. SYDNOR, MT. AIKY, N. C. Real Estate & Iosoraoce. STRONC LINE FIRE, LIFE ft ACCIDENT Cexpsatc RcprcMatcd. J. A.. TESH, nr-'.-iivBfflir i MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Estimate furnished for any kind of building. Workmanship tlrst-claas. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contracts so licited. Call and get prices on mouldings, brackets, xc. Porch and stair work a specialty. Also dealer in all kinds of building materiel. Makes a Clean Sweep. There's nothing like doing a thing thorough I j. Of all the salves you ever beard ol, Bucklon'i Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures burns, sores, bruises, cuts, boils, ulcers, akin eruptions and JMes. Il'a only 2jo. and guaranteed to give satisfaction by C. . G alia way, druggist Over four miles of rails have dow been laid upon the extension, of th Raleigh and Cape Fear Road, and before the close of tbe week this mileage wilt be increased to six, aa tbe rail for tbe additional two miles are on tbe scene. A shipment of bearier iron sufficient to lay tbe remaining eight miles to Lilliugton is expected to arrive witbin a few days and tbe work will go forward wt b vigor. -News and Obeeiver. Due Notice it Served. Due Dot ice is hereby served on the fublie generally that le Witt's Witcn iazel halve is tbe only salve on the market that is made from the pure, un adulterated witch bazL beWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has cured thousands of eases of piles that would nut yield to any other treatment, and this fact has brought out many worthless counter foils. Those persons who get tbe geo uineDeWill Witch Uaxel Kelts are sever disappointed, because it euros. L W tt !.. druccist. Mt !. ft. O autumn catarrh. In each of these varie ties different organs seem to be the prin cipal .eat of tho catarrh. la the winter the catarrh Is more fre quent la the head, throat and respiratory Couple Kept on the Move. Saturday night a man and woman got off tbe train from the east and registered at tbe flenry House as man and wife, and thereby hangs a story. A Statesville man was on the train and bis attention was called to the couple by another party who knew the man to be unmarried. Tbe Stateeville man notified tbe police and Chief Kareher went to the Hen ry House and told the conple if they remained here they would be ar rested. When last seen they were walking tbe railroad track towards Salisbury. The man admitted that he was not married to tbe woman. It was learned the woman had a hus band and children in Davie and that the man's home is in Winston. Stateeville Landmark. Every Church or institution supported by voluntary contribu tion will bo given a liberal quan tity of the Longman & Martinez Pure l'aints whenever they paint Note: Have done so for twenty-seven years. Sales: Tens of mil. ions of gallons; painted near ly two million houses under guar antee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for periods up to eighteen years. Linseed oil must be added to the paint, (done in two minutes). Ac tual cost then about 1."5 a gal lon. Samples free. Sold by our Agents, F. L. Smith & Co., Mt. Airy, N. C. A Sweet Breath Is a never failing sign of a healthy stomach. When tbe breath is bad the stomach is out of order. There is no remedy in the world equal to Kodol I'yrpepsia Cure for curing indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. Mrs. Mary 8. Crick, of White Plain.. Ky , writes: "I have been a dyspeptic for years tried all kinds of remedies but continued to grow worse. By the use of Kodol I began to improve at onee, and after taking a few bottles am fully restored in weight, health and strength and can eat whatever I like. Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. 1. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, K. 0. Wm Am twrnm llllinl 3;tpat FeId l"" make a fat puree. I f A fertilizer without " f sufficient J Potash C, 1 is not complete. J M Owr books artj CAtsplsrlt tfaUuM JT M M frrta uc, writ Ism bw JT' saam h know. ,11111111111 a Wat far savubv. ,N organs. In the spring the catarrh anems to chiefly affect the stomach ami nory oils system. In the summer tho bowels suffer theoftenest; while in the autumn the livor and kidneys seem to be partic ularly subject to the ravages of catarrh. Of course It is not meant by this that catarrh is absolutelyVonflned to these parts of the budy during the season to which we have ao.lgnad them. Catarrh may attack any organ In any soason of the year, but the liabilities are so much greater for catarrh to attack partlculr or gans in certain soaaons tli at these four d Is tinct varieties have become recognised. Mr. Robert Douglas, Homeopathic Specialist, cor. 6th and V fits., K. W, Washington, D. C, In a recent letter to the rerun Medicine Co., of Columbus, 0., has the following to say concerning their noted catarrh remedy, Ptmnai " have beta a practicing physician for soma yean, during which time I bava administered Peruna to a number of my patient tor colds, catarrh and general debility with great benefit to them. I ba ye paid particular attention to It i effects, and I have absolute con fidence la ff curative qualities, and have no hesitation In giving It a most emphatic endorsement." Hon. Clement M. Hammond Is one of the best known new.paH-r men In New York City. He was for years editor of one of theprlnclpal papers la Hart ford, Conn., later was prominently connected New York er and few World. traveled extensive ly and is known all Huu. C. M. HainiuoaJ over the United States for his talent as a newHpaper man. Writing to The 1'eruna Medicine Co., he says t "For about six years I bare had trouble every fall and winter with my voice. At times it has extended to my bronchial tubes and lungs. I think all this trouble came from whooping cough, which I had when I was about twelve years old, and which left me with ca tarrh. Since I have taken Peruna, my voice has been clearer than in over two years, all of which I am willing to testify to." Mr. Hammond's address Is "The Arlington," 64 Montague street, Brook lyn.N. Y. reruns is an Internal remedy a scientific remedy for catarrh. It cures catarrh wherever located. ItscurcshuU Peruna gives strength by stopping waste. By s vine the nincuxit enriches the blood. By cleansing the mucous membranes it preserves the vital forces. No remedy can possibly supply the place of Peruna. Insist upon having Peruna. Take no other remedy. There is no substitute for this catarrh medi cine. Bend for a free book on catarrh Address the Peruna Modicine Co., Co lumbus, Ohio. A Curiosity of the Simplon Tunnel. The engineers digging the won derful tunnel that runs through the great Simplon mountain to connect Switzerland with Italy are expert encing great difficulties because of the presence of boiling water in the mountain. The water comes from the top of the mountain and is heat ed almost to boiling point by the friction and pressure of its percola tion through tbe limestone beds of tbe mountain. Before the tunnel had been dug very far on the Italian side the beat became so intense that it was impossible to live in it. The mountain was piped, and soon 15, 000 gallons of steaming hot water were flowing out of the south end of tbe tunnel every minute of the day and night. The immense flow was baroessed and made to drive re. frigerating plants and cold air blowers. To day the temperature of the tunnel has been reduced lrom a height that would have roasted a man in a minute or two, and the atmosphere now has the pleasant warmth of a June day. The hot water also drives pneumatic drills and boring machines, so that it helps to dig the tunnel as well. When completed, the Simplon tun nel will be tbe biggett in tbe world fourteen miles long, with a c et ol nearly $1,000,000 mile. Governor Aycock has appointed John I'. Kerr, of Asbeville, to be director of tbe State penitentiary. Tbe work of putting in electric lights at Mount Airy begins soon. The people are anxious lor tbe au thorities to commence operations. Mrs. Murphy Green, of London, a Quaker minister, died at Stokes Whitehead Sanitorium, in Balis oury, recently. Uon. Kobert N. i'age, of Bucoe, nember of Congress, will deliver tbe annual literary address belore tbe graded school of High I'oiut in May. OASTOniA, As a result of tbe Watts bill pass ed by tbe last Legislature the dis tillers of this county are preparing to go out of business, as it would hardly be practicable to run a dis tillery inside the incorporate limits of Salisbury. Correspondence of Charlotte Observer. tea with th, I l 2efLi : Tork rAW-J h h. t Tke Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is sfiiicted with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telligently treated by tbe average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a Jpecialiat who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. j. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga., it acknowledged tbe most skillful and sncceseful specialist in tbe Uni ted States. Write him for his ex pect oplfcioa ol joer eaa. for whih H UikkuS DQ cjtrg REV. JACOB C. MENDICANT. KKV. WIM.1AM E. MATC'IIKK, D. I), (Kroin the Baptist Argus.) There is a tradition in tho tiHigb bothood in which Mr. Mendicant was brought up that whenever Btran gets or friends came to bis father's bousn during his childhood he evin ced superior skill in despoiling thorn of their Kh se change. It was said by his incorrigible brother Amos that when Juke wai sent to a neigh Ikii's house be was sure to come back with a "slap jtck in his pocket or still farther in. Of course we would bo slow to believe another re port about this brother which was to the tIT. ft that when his godly father undrtook to persuade him during a rovival to accept of the Jord, ho sat with down-cat evrs for a while and then suid suddenly : "Tap, 1 tell you what I'll do. If you will promise to bring me a new pair shoos and a big big of ginger snaps tho next time you go to town, I'll j in the church.' To this very hour Amos sticks to it that Jacob said it, and got the shoes and the cakes. lie also had from his youth an in stinct for free treats. He could go to a church festival or a picnic where no one knew him and got more lemonade and chicken breasts than any two other boys. His father never thought of putting him on a horso when ho sent him any- where, for lie said that be could al ways beat his way to any point in the county. Amos, the talkative member of tho family, who bad a gunoral conviction that Jacob was a humbug, admitted that he believed that the said Jacob would certainly reach heaven, for he would get in it he had to beg sorno other fellow out of his ticket. Von see at once that Amos was weak or doctrine, but he had strong moral perceptions oncoming his brother Jake. The news that young Mendicant was going to be a prencher struck the community in a new sput, and ploughed a new wrinkle 00 every fitce. Tbe simple hearted felt on fused they loured to doubt him, and made poor headway in reasoning out how he could ever be hammered into a preacher, l'ut he took on an abnormal zeal at the time his call to the ministry was supposed to be agitating him, and bis llurvescent i-tithuciamn was a veritible sensation. On one occasion lie persuaded a yoong man to walk out of the church with him doting the sermon that he might talk to him about eternal things, but he met scant encourage ment. I be young man declared that he was in no mood for con sidering religious themes, and so Jacob quickly said to bim : "Very well, we 11 drop tbe subject ; but by tbe way, won't you give mo a chew of tabacco V To this day that yonng man insists that the crafty Jacob adopted that device to escape from tbe sanctuary that bo might indulge his inordinate passion for the unhallowed weed. Ilia brother A 111 os was given to exaggeration, and we must not trust bim too far, but be insisted that "Preacher Jake," as be calls bim, though he stubbornly refuses to bear him preach, tried to make bis uutber promise bim ti.at she would make bim a pound cake if he got through well on bis hrst sermon. Mr. Mendicant worked throcgh college without money. Of course he did have little, but a mere fraction of what it would take to put an ordinary human being through in a decent wav. If ha wanted a suit of clothes be would go into a clothing store ostensibly to boy sho s or some other object not kept in that store, and be would wear a suit of clothes which onght long ago to have gone to tbe paper mill, and by degrees he would drift into personal history tell of his strug glee d we!! tragically on his poverty and speak pathetictlly of bis widow ed and dependent mother, declaring that be was ever panting and gasp ing to wear rags that be might make her last days cheery, aud as a neat result be would stroll out of that store with a new brown suit. Shoes are a specialty with bim, and be learned it at college. He quietly boasted that he bad six pairs of shoes at college he always talked as if Le bad a bulging purse no two pairs alike and all in good order, and be might have added that be "euchered" a half dzin merchants out of that rare array of foot gear, and did it by shambling into their stores and exhibiting a patched and leaky pair 01 slippers which be proudly wore because of his having bis mother to support. His borrowing talent is inborn and was tbe first of bis gifts to re ceive educational advantages. It began with marbles, strings, kuives, etc , and by the time be got to col lege be found it dead easy to carry on business with pencils, paper, ink, pens, books, collars, socks, ties, buttons, cants, umbrellas, etc., and things and things and things which be bad either borrowed from the students or talked oat of the mer- Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys pepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. js. Ail srw- er the; r't!ier chants. It U due to history to say that he never reached that grade of education in the science of borro ing which included the homely art of returning things. That was not taught in bis school. When ho went home after his lirst vacation, he made quite an exhibit of his col lege toggery, but bis pride was wounded internally nr.d bled pro fusely when Amos, till thenariluut olm rver, said : "tie Cracker I Mx teen cravats 1 I'll look for the sheriff to-night, and hy the thining stars there s otic of mine. Jake, did yon graduate in taking what you didn't bnv I" Jacob was flustered and closed the exhibition beforo bo bad gotton down to bis rare collec tion of shirt buttons and knivos. He didn't speak to Amos until after bo proached on Sunday, and theu Amos heartlessly asked bim to ex hi hit his stock of borrowed sermons. This derided the young ministerial borrower to suspend relations with Amos. But we have as yot viewed our shrewd hero only in his formative and unmatured performances. Tho Mendicant strain in his mako-op has been drilled so thoroughly that it asserts its skill and pewer in tho highest form in h s pastoral rela tions. When le went into the pastorate his first device was for getting a team. lie visited a buggy maker and by complaint ofsore toct, exposure to weather and the failing health of bis wife one of bis un failing pleas bo wrung a reluctant buggy from the brother. With his vehicle, which lacked self repelling attachments, he sallied forth in quest of a borse, and true to his record he landed bis trophy, though it is due to Deacon Strsitly to say that bo declared that be would rather burn op his stable than to have a begging pastor. In a little while Brother Mendicant foil out with his buggy, saying that it was entirely too small in tbe body. The explanation of this complaint turned out to bo that in making h's - sue red round, of visitation his revenues of pijtatots, hams, fowls and quilts wero ruth lessly cutehoit by a liick of carry irg facilities. The result was tint be traded his buggy body tor a rather monstrous looking creation of a carpenter, the chief charm of which was an enormous capacity nnder the st at for cabbages, fresh moat, boxes at d bnckete- indeed, be had fixtures for holding things in place and carried empty wares of his own in case they might be necessary to realize poetiible concessions which might come under pressure and which yet might be withheld at last tor lack of sacred vessels of the sanctuary, as he facetiously called tbem, tor getting them homo. It is not possible here to enumer ate bis devices for raking in stock. If he spends a night with a family where turkeys prevail, conversation will tend toward turkeys, tbe failure of turkejs at bis bouse the summer before, the fact that his family has gone sj long without turkey that the taste for turkey is dwarfed. When he is deciding on Saturday where be will pass tbe night, he first adroitly ascertains where he will find tbe best pickings his own very words to his wife. Wben it is potato season, he is sure to devote bis pastoral blandishments to the potato raisers ; when it is the season for the wheat harvest, be times his calls so as to catch bis happy brethren carting their new grain to tbe mill for tbe years Hour, and if be does not get tbe promise of a barrel he count6 that night lost ; if it is the season for bog-killing, he by do means fails to take along bis buckets tor lard or bis boxes for ribs, brains and souse. A sister of bis church, noted for her superb lot of Jersey cjwi, tells a fine story oo herself. She says that Brother Mendicant came to spend the day with her, and was unusually sympathetic. She said he was decidedly charmiog she bad never seen bim so interesting. He ctrolled about tbe place, praised her garden, commended her flowers, stroked her vanity delicately on ac count of her domestic management, dwelling with boundless enthusiasm on her dairy and cows. After din ner be grew quite pensive, spoke of bis love of cattle, bis long pent up ambition to own a jersey cow, and went into raptures over tbe calves. He dwelt upon tbe large number of these frisky and captivating calves. Then be took another walk and re turned finally to the bouse in a morose and despondent mood, often sighing deeply, until tbe dear woman became alarmed and begged to know what was the trouble. For quite a time be was loth to uncover bis soul, but finally admitted tbat bis heart was set upon the possession of one of those superb calves. He got tbe calf, but be also secured an entirely new place in the opinion of that sister. Mr. Mendicant has at least he thinks be has what is now vaguely called the evangelistic gift, and be contrives to get tome invitations to render this type of service. It is truly harvest time with him, though no souls are gathered in. He agrees, however, tbat it is de sirable to have conversions ia his meetings not only because be re gards it as worth while for every body to be saved, but because his little bosioets schemes are notably aided by tbe religious success of a meeting. He baa a noisy and im petuous manner in bis revivals, but along with (bis ia singularly brewd eye to business. By the fm sKst ,n f n?M f tie ud liiiittoslf i b ti il. From one revival he departed carrying an overcoat, two live pigs, a large hido lrom a tannery, three barrels o appels, a dross pattern for bis wife, and a small incubator. A senti mental old lady told Mr. Mendicant tho night tho mooting closed that sbo hoped that if be got no reward for his work in this world he would get it in the npx', whenupon the bali-witted BilJie Ihorn, who heard tbe remark, said cut loud right in church; "Lord, dun ot it now j I seed it at the docpore just now, pigs and all." lie built a church some time ago and went out bogging for it. lie got one man to give bim fifty dol lara, one-half to be taken nut in shoes, and tbe man declare that bo never had a man pull bim for s many shoes as Mendicant did on that twonty-nve dollars, t rom an other he secured a subscription for tbe same amount, to be taken out in silverware. Yon must not think that this pe culiar man is not kind. He is sur prisingly kind, swoetly kind, flat teringly kind, but it invariably hap pens that ho hands bis hat around at the cloe of the demonstration. Ia bis exceeding candor he some- timessllowshis acute personal wants to career through bis sermons, and several times he has posted some idolatrous admirer to follow bis ser mon with a "whooping appeal" for "the stuff," as he expressed it. Cie of his sons was asked what was prayer, and his answer was it is ask ing for things just like papa does and getting tbcm just as papa does everywhere he goes. But the boy was small and received private in struction later as to tbe proper treat mentof family secrets. To boar Brother Mendicant talk you would think that he has these things thrust upon htm by devoted friends, given entirely of their own motion and in the teeth of his pro test. His family is made to rogard this stream of gifts as proofs of his matchless popularity, and be often uies the different articles as bribes to obedience ar.d attention to him self on the part of bis household. II is pastorates are numerous and fleeting, and one of his sarcastic dea cons said that after sending him nearly everything else they bad, they finally sunt bim his resignation. Lie is Dtful in mood. Jacob's brother Amos is now over foity, and much sobered by time and care ; but when atk d lately where bis brother was living, solemnly re plied : "In the ill-shapen box of his old buggy, and he lives on the cream and the fat of his people." K.chmond, V irgima. Danger of Colds and Grip. Tho greatest danger from colds and grip is their resulting in pneu monia. It reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Kcmedy taken, all danger will bo avoided. Among tho tens of thous ands who have used this remedy for tbcite diseases we have Tel to learn oi a single case having resulted in pnuumonia, which tthotvs conclusive- y that it is a certain preventive ol that dangerous disease. It will cure cold or an attack of the grip in les time than any othor treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by C. K. Gallaway and J. V. Md'heraon 4 Co. Grip Remedies In Great Demand. When colds and grip are prevalent tbe quickest and surest re mud ion are n great demand. Mr. Joseph l. Williams, of McDuff, Va., says that be was cured of a very deep and las'.ing attack of la grippe by using Chamberlain's Congh Kemody aftor trying several other preparations wi'.b no effect. For sale by C. E. Ual lawav and J. W. Mci'hcrnoD & Co. Docs it Pay to Buy Cheap ? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds ia all right, but you want some thing that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous renults of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if pos sible, if not possible for you, then in cither case tt , the oxir remedy tbat has beeo iutilv"d in all civil ised countries with success in severe tbroal and lung troubles, "Boscheo's German Syrup." It not only bcals and stimulates the Iikbuvs to destroy tbe germ disease, but allays inflam mation, cause oasy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try on bottle. lie commended many years by all drug gists in tbo world. You can got Ibis reliable remedy at I. VV. West's drug store, Mount Airy, N. C. I'rice 25o and Tie. ildrenj ut hftTS) onfaartftst attention from rh Bui bar. Thstir wsnt (- n umrtv.sa, but lk ai Frey's Vermifuge wis .vasjt of tha-wa. Kmm th Ms( af4 mail tnt9i ; ri ade t.nua. M 4aM fartoMl !. Bottfc hf smil aa. S. . fy, attlmor, Md. Dr. John E. Bm&er, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR S DRUG STORE. 'PHONE 38. Office Hours 8.00 A. X. to 6.00 P. M. Mount Airy. K. C. S. P. GRAVES. Attorney-at-Ivaw, KOtnrT ATJBT, N. O am fiaosuaa la Sue as4 rsterai osvta. nasaa snaansa at ssijtvw RE AVeCcfaule Pre pamtionfor As similating tlichxxlaixl Modula ting die Stomachs and Bowls of Promotes DieslioaCheorfur nt'ssand Hrst .Contains neillar ( ipuim.Mm pliine nor Mineral. Not Nakcotic. Mnr effMfrSAKt TLliKJOJi Alt tmvt . .Sw.lMf - liitmitMmt, mU II.V.IW- ItMrfWi ft! Aperfrrl Hrnu'dy forOonslipA lion, Sour StoiiiAch.Diarrhoca Worms .(.onwilsioitsievvrislr rwss tuul Loss or Sleep. I for Simile Sitfnnlure or Jjf, j NKW YORK. 1 exact cony or wbappcf?. I B I 1 1. Mil i CO -Is the Place to Buy- mm 3 Dry Goods When we tell you we are selling BARGAINS we are not merely talking. Talk is chp.ap but We Mean Business, AND IF YOU WILL COME TO SEE US WE WILL PROVE IT TO YOU. YOURS FOR BJ. Dg V A u Next Door to Prather's Clothing Store. ft MOUNT W. 0. writs Hague-McDorkls Dry Goods Co., Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. W de of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. J We eortliaTTy I all Merchants to call on ui bnn in Greensboro, or to see our Travelling Balesman before placing orders elsewhere. YOU CAN FIND Uig and Spiti, (Both Gal vanized Iron and Tin), Also Tin and Iron Roofing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. ASK YOUR Neighbor to Take For Infants niid Children. The Kind Yea Have Always Bought Bears tho A t In Use For Over Thirty Years Mi i and Notions. LOW PRICES, II i CO., AIRY MARBLE WORKS. HAYNE8 ft CO, Proprietors, Msaat Air j, N. C. .a Iff 1 hi Fine Marble and Granite Monu ments, Tombstones, IRON FENCING, ETC. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. ILL mi tUi&imiD TO G1VI S1T1SF1CT1GI. ton OSJIOMS ANO PRICES. Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVEK1TT. .-j-lH IV t a' if H filling

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