J. Word to tlao WIdo i jgufflolonti XXxxy Hamilton-nrown QIiood ckX 3". UJ. asxrlior'o. Te nn H v. VOL. 23. MOUNT AIRY, N. C THURSDAY, APRIL 1), lUOtf. NO. 4 1 TV AT Airy News. N DISGUISED CATARRH A Stealthy, Insidious, Weakening Enemy to Women Many Thousand "Women Thera are a mnltltndo of women. e jvyilallr honaewlvoH, anil all other women olillireil to tm on their feet Ron tantly, who are wretched twyond de scription, Nlmplr bncauao tliolr trenirih nil vitality U anntmdawav hy catarrhal aihariro from thu imlvio ortran. Theae women get tip In the moniliiu; tired, draff thent.alva thrnnirh thulf daily duties tired, only to go to bud at vigu. a. ureu a. otiioro. Mr. ra Tlartho. ISA Fat ltlh Rfreet, I. V. :ty, ft. V., write.!-" I Mireri'd f..r thm jr.ar with what l generally known aJ Mucnrrh.a, In ennnautlon Willi ulceration on ui wumu. -i ii. awiiira aiivnraum an nitra tion which I uroiulrtl very uiuuli, and .ironir- ii omnrwa ui go umirr u. Heading in linn or I this wll-kni1w reraeilr a trial, ao I DonsutJ am. or I'eruna, I thou nnrht It bail to lv inree iKitl lr. of It at nun. Now I am hanged woman. Parana cured mal II too. In. buttle, but I fait an tniirh ImnroVMl 1 .pt taaln It, a. I dreaded an nurntlon A piutn. i am uwiay In nerreot nmi, and have not Ml ao wall for fUUwn yea." Mr.. jianno. MISS LOCINB MAHON. MlH I.onlx Mahnn. 8 len Ilallle Rtraet Toronto, Ont. Can., toirretarv of tlia King. aue;litftr. and Kc rotary ef Lady Maer-e-Ws, write i" 1 1 nil wnmn knew of tin benefit, to b. derlred from taking 1'eruna Wf Would hav many hiimitcr end more health ful women, ly health ha. never lie. n too footiNt, and 1 am enlly rntlffued and ran not aland much. Ahnut a year .bo I waa n nil) down thul 1 had Ui lake to my lied, and he e.m. weaker and wenker. A friend advlied an. to try lN'rnna. and I have ureal reanon to be grateful, for In two week. I wag nut of had ana in a mnnin i we., perreeiiy well, and 1 riow And IliHt ray health ta much more robuat than formerly, ao that I tak. Tenina once nr twin, a month uud kwp well." IxiulM Al uhon Poruna Ii anch a perfect specific for each case that when patient have once tised It they can never lie Induced to quid it nniu imy are nermann? enrca. ill begin to rellev the duiairrpeaMe Viuptoma at once. The backache ceasea, the tremhlinit knee are utreut'th tned, the appetite rettored, thedlRe.tlon made per root, tne ami heailache 1. .ton ped and the weakening drain are erad tially cured. The.e re.ult. eertalalr follow a ooar.e of treatment with feruua. Ilarbara Alberty, corner Seventh and Walnut afreet, Appleton, Wl, K-rlten aa follow in regard to Perunai " For year I have .uttered with back ache and aevere pain In the aide. J doctored ao much that I became die oouraited. A .chool friend told me how very mnch Peruna had benefltAd her and X nt out fur a bottle, which dlil tuuc to relieve uie tliau all the oLh CAPUDINE CURES, HEADACHES, LaGRIPPE, COLDS. FEVERISHNESS, SICK HEADACHE. Sold by All Druggists. GEO. W. SPARGER. Attopney-at-Ivaw, MOUNT AIRY, W. 0. Will pracaoe to butie and Federal Courts. Bpeeial attention to ooUection of claim aba aeKotlatliMj loan. W. f. CATER, t. R. UWELLVN, DOWON .... CXRTKR & LKWKLLYK, Attopneys-at-Ivaw. vrracttoe la the Btate and Federal Court, rrompt attention given to all bualneaa entroat d t their ears. W. G. SYDNOR, MT. AIUV, N. C. STRONG LINE FIRE, LIFE ft ACCIDENT Ceaapanl ReprM.at.4. J. A.. TES'fl, -rnvBoiir, MOUNT A1RV, N. C. Etimat furnished for any kind of building. Workmatiabiu tirat-claa. 8atifaction guaranteed. Contract io licited. Call and get price on moulding, bracket, Ao. Porch and itair work a pncialty. AIjo dealer in all kind of building material. Makes a Clean Sweep. There' nothing like doing a tbing thoroughly. Of all the salvia you ever beard of, liucklen'a Arnica Salve is the beat. It twecpa away and euros burn, aoroa, bruinc, culm, boila, ulcers,akin eruption and 1'ilcs. Il'aonly 25o. and guaranteed to give aalisfttclion by C. K. Uullaway, druggiU Found Dead. George Parks, i colored man who lived on Mr. A. V. Foote's farm near Roaring River, was lotjDd dead yesterday morning. It seems that be was on a drunk Sunday aod started borne bat was unable to reach there. When found he was within two h nod red yards of the boose. lie was about 35 years old. North Wilkesboro Iluetler. Due Notice is Served. Due notice is hereby served on the public generally that UeWitt's Witch 11 aie 1 halve ia the only salve on the market that is made from the pure, un adulterated witch hazeL be Witt's Witch Hazel Palve has cured thousands of eases of pile that would not yield to any other treatment, and this fact has brought out many worthless counter feit. Those persons who get the gen Uina DeWiU's Witch Hazel Halve are never disappointed, because it cure. L W. Waal, druggist. Mt -v. . O. eats Wit tuaiiM eu Oaiaaetla, i tea or.Twb Esia e&IosnraDce Suffer Needlessly From Tlii "1 .fl Ittf Wl Ml Ulllil I , . Ill WTl'AT irwia,;T. ttj lam; 'sr,Tei it r-ifrnwuii k ef v ,T: r k i i. ll I f IT n (W V K lill wmmm h iv "v-" t If TrJ W 1 III H'vl W VjT x-'W III i ibi - i a i hi t a k V A M Jnn anna makii.i. A littlo two-year old child of Mr. M. . Mills came near losing its life in a singular way laot Thursday evening. It was playing in the Baptiet church yard and climbed upon the gate, which hud a email rope attached to it with a loop so that it could be kept ehnt, and the child ran ita head through this loop and fell. When discovered it was hanging by its neck and almoet life less, bat Dr. Blair was called and soon it began to recover, and is all right now. II ad it beon a few minntes longer in being diecovered it would have been a fatal occur rence. Troy Examiner. Every Church or institution supported by voluntary contribu tion will be given a liberal quan tity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Note: Have done so for twenty-seven years. Sales: Tens of millions of gallons; painued near ly two million houses under guar antee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for periods up to eighteen years. Linseed oil must be added to the paint, (done in two minutes). Ac tual cost then about (1.25 a gal lon. Samples free. Sold by our Agents, F. L. Smith & Co., Mt. 'Airy, N.C. A Sweet Breath I a never failing sign of a healthy stomach. When the breath is bad the stomach is out of order. There is no remedy in the world equal to Kodol lyi,pep.ia Cure for curing indigestion, dy.prpsia and all stomach disorders. Mr.. Mary b. Crick, of While Plains, K j , writes: "I have b.en a dynpeptic for years tried all kinds of remedies but continued to grow worse. P.y the use of Kodol I began to improve at once, and after taking a few bottles am fully restored in weight, htalth and strength and can eat whatever I like Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. I. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, K. 0. A Oolden Rule of Agriculture: Be Rood to your land and your crop will be good. Plenty of Potash in the fertilizer spells quality and quantity in the har vest, nine u. anu fiV-t-V rW 1 we will aend you, VViA 1'V trir. h net! mail. CV-IJfvV ,V i our money winning books. 01AN KALI WOSKS, M Una tew lark. A, 11 ..'iff 7 SI: Haw Arm tmmr KMMr TV ftoba.' Snaeara. P" laenre.lt kidney In. aw in. aw Vantcd-Jln Idea SS5S rilW rt aTtUaa Ct'- Cruise. mcdlclnn I havo evor taken. I tided It riilthfully for two week and It roiii ulctolv cured mo. I liavo not had any pain allien, anywhere, but fuel like a now woman. I am truly thankful for what i'eriina baa douu for ino." llar- hara Allierty. Mr. Kate Mann, yinthurit Nlreet, TornU, 4lnt. 4'an,, Ice 'reldent of the to lve praiR. Ut I'eriina fur Ihn ble.M-d relief I found lliroiif h II. line. I aulternl for year Willi backiiclin uud (I in ira I UK down nln anil .ad lea Aid HiH'Irlr, write. I" I am lile.l waa.o bitty that I could Illy bo aimrt'd. It wa. therefore a .Imnle. oilii.nd to lu. when I'eruna wa brouKi't to my notice. Kvi ry Imp .cemcd to give me lo-w life, and every doe made nie feel much leiter. and I brora- o to IK and RtHV lh.ru n.n 1 led iny lf that If 1 fourd Hint It cured me 1 would adroeal It ao I hut otli.r aulforlnf women .hotild know of lu I bav leen la perfwt health for mie year. I enjoy work and iea.ure iMicaune in audi nne iieenn.eou no rouble ice on too heavy to liear when you are in rood health, I'eruna ha. . Imply been a hoiniehoM ble.iliiK, "'! I nev.r will be with ml It again,"! re. Kate Jdann. MR.. KATK MANN. Mr. Anna Martin, 4T Ilnyt ft., Ilrenk lyn, N. V, wrltrai " I'eruna did o much (or me that I feel It my duly to recommend it to ui her. who may lie nlmllarly allllcted. AlKiutay.araco myheiilth wa. comi lately broken down, had backMclie.nlrrloeiMiatid lr reitulurltlc and life Meniel dark Indeed. We hud u.ed I'eruna In our home ita a touli, 'nna for eold. and catarrh, and 1 derided to try It fur my troulil. In leu. than three tnonthH I became regular, my imln. had en ilrely dlnpiHrnred, and I am uuw pwrftsolly wulU" Mia. Anna Martin. Mr. Wm. Hetrlck. Kennard. W'aah- lnp;trin county. Neb., wrlto. i 'i m iirtv-tux year, oiu ann navn not felt well Blnce tne ChniiKo of I.lfc ! gun Un year aire. I wa lu inlocrv Hotnewhero moat of the time. My back wa very weak, and my fle.h o tender It hurt me to lean ayaiii.t tlm back of a hair, i haa liain under my .lioulder- hladea, in the email f my ba k and hip. I aometlmea wiahi'il me!f out of thla world. Had liot and cold f-oella, dizaine.s and tremblltiR of the llmln, and wa loeinif flesh all the time. After roiiowinif your direction and ti. laliisr jPeruna Inow feel like a different per aon." Mr. Win. Hetrlck. If rou do not derive prompt and aatl- actory reao lta from the ne of I'ernna, write at once to lit. iiariman, triving a full Plalement of your caae, rdii he will le pleaaed to give you hi valuable ad vice prati. Peruna can 1 purchased for $1 per bottle at all nrt claee drug tore. AdHrean T)r. Hurliniin. PrM,ld,nt r,t The Hart man Sanitarium, Ooluxu bua.O. A Sermon as Part of a Court Record. A Raleigh correspondent tells of this unusual incident of a Cdse ect tor hearing in fhe Supreme Court. One Barrett, of Moore county, was covicted of mnrder in the first de gree and his cae was appealed. The papers in the case show that daring the trial one of the jurors asked if the jury could be permitted to visit the ecene of the crime. The jury was allowed to go there. Tho point is raised by the prisoner's counsel that on the occasion of this visit of the jury certain statements were made by a person interested in the matter which might be construed as furnishing additional testimony. The other point raised Kn that the judge allowed the jary to attend services at the Presbyterian church, and the prisoner's counsel oljjetrd to remarks made by the pastor. The prosecution, for showing that there was nothing in the sermon which could be constructed as militating against Barrott, intro duces the sermon as part of the record, it being a long and truly Presbyterian sermon, with its heads, firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc. It is the first sermon ever introd uced as part of the record of a care be fore the North Carolina Supreme Court and makes a considerable portion of the voluminous matter in the case. A Sad Story. A special dispatch to tho Knox ville Journal and Tribune from Chncky City, East Tennessee, con tains this significant paragraph : "The exodus from this section of the country to the woet continues. Within tho last two days twenty persons have gone from this station tlone. Some estimate that for some ime hence the average will bo fifty sell week. But this soetns entirely :oq large. However, many of the best people are going. They claim they cannot educate their children here, that they cannot hope for any thing more than a mere living, and if they can give their children neither education nor property as an inheritance they are therefore doing them an injustice. To keep from doing that injustice they must move out west or to some other more favored section of the country than the south. Baan tb. II T3I HaO ahrm Bogftt Bigaatar r The Value of Expert Treatment Everyone who is afflicted with chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stands tbem thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga., it acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted Bute. Write him for his ex pert opinion of your case, for which ao mixea co cLarga. MOLTEN IRON FALLS ON ill EN. A PitUbnrg, Pa., diepatch of UB Tuesday fays : One dona, sevr exptcted to live, two missing and ffviiii others so badly bnrned and dirfiurt'd eb to be almost unrecog niztblo was the terrible reenlt of an i x;il' sion in blast f nnmce"!" of th Edgsr Thomson steel plant of the (Wnrgie Company at l'raddock Pa. The name of the dead man is given as John Smith, probably an Ancliciz"d form of his proper nsme As far as can be ascertained the exp'oition was due to a supposed do feet in tho electrical equipment of the furnaco During the night tho furnaco worked onsatisfactorily and about daylight a nnmbir of mon were eiit to the top to repair tho trouble, which was located at the "bleaker." At the same time the discovery was made that tho automatic electrical equipment was out of order and ad ditional men were detailed to locate the trouble. While no von teen men were at work either at tho top or bottom, a "hang in tho furnaco was found and before tho alarm coold bo given there was a terrific txi'lo sion of gas and the workmen were enveloped in a rain of molten metsl, ke and lime, which bnrned the clothing from tluir bodies, and ren dured them unconscious. Notwith standing the danger of a second ex plosion, a party was organized and the men rescued from their perilous position. IN MEMORIAM. 1 It is a very solemu duty to en deavor to pay a last tribute to the memory of Sister Nancy McCraw, wife of Air. U. W. McLraw, who ilepurted this life on March lS'h, P.tc3, aged about (JO years. Mrs McCiuw was a charter mum her of New Bethel Missionary Bip tint church, which was organized in lSii), and remained a sincere and devoted member of the same np to the time of her death. She truly loved her church and did all in her power to advance the cause of Christ in her church and community. Mrs, McCraw leaves an invalid hufband, two brothers, two sisters and a large number of relatives and friends to rnouru her loss, but not as thooe who have no hope, for we be lieve she hits gone to rest with loved ones who preceded her to a better land. Mrs. McCraw died of that dread ed disease, cancer, but bore her af fliction remarkably well, and said she was ready to go and would he better off; her only regret being to leave her devoted invalid husband, whom she had watched over and waited upon for the past 25 years, brother McCraw having suffered from paralysis caused by a fall for that length of time. We extend sincere sympathy to brother Mc Craw in his hour of sore stlliction. Sister McCraw was buried at New Bethel church in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. W. H. Beamer and the writer. We wonder if she is not now look ing down watching hie struggles, daily guarding the pathway which his tender feet must press ? Oh ! will she not be permitted to drop one palm-leaf on bis head from the fade less branch she waves in heaven ? In conclusion, I wish to say it has been my privilege to visit at the home of deceased on many occasions, and I can truly say I have never seen greater devo'ion shown be tween husband and wife, each one seeming to lose thought of self in contributing to the happiness of the other. At our brother's door st the sun's decline The angel with the amaranthine wreath, Pawing, descended, and with voice divine, L'ttered a word that sounded like beath. Then full upon the house a sudden gloom A shadow on those feature, wan and thin And slowly from the hnnlied, darken'd room Two angels issued, where but one went in. W. J. S ATTEUFIELD. The Southern Railway Increasing Its Equipment. The Southern Railway is largely increasing its equipment to meet the demands of traffic and has jtiBt had delivered I7 new locomotives for both the freight and passenger sorvice, and 25 new passenger conches. Like almost every other great railway system the Southern Las been handicapped by the general shortage of freight cars. Orders Elaced more than two years ngo for undreds of freight cars have not yet been filled. Two years ago the company gave orders for 17 engines, but so many orders were in from all the railway systems in the country that the Southern was not able to get its stock promptly. The other engines purchased when the first contract was made are being turned out as rapidly as possible, and further improvements will be noted in the service as fast as these are put in commission. Ii required an enormous amount of money to bay nearly 100 loco motives. The new passenger coaches have a seating capacity of 77 paa sengers each. Baltimore Son. A contrsct mortgage between the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and the Central Trust Company, of New York, has been filed. It ia to secure $ 75,000,000 of mortgage bonds, payable on July 1, V.ii , ui I i i e i -f-t. HOW TO SUCCEED. A young man to sacceed must necessarily have a definite idea of what he wants to do, and mnst con tinually keep it before his mind. He tw ork as hard as he can t9 ac ..uplish it, and must not be dismay ed or turnid from his course by dis- conragemcnt. What moasnrc of Bhcems may have been rescind in my lung life Iihs leen due almost entirely to those four t in;-: I have been a very hotj mm for almi'Si i0 years, and I sin alsolu'e ly convinced that a young man who makes op his mind to succeed al most invariably will do so, if ho is made of the right material and con centrales all his tlloris with thu oi.e pnrpose in view. I have one sincere word of advice for any yonng man who desires to succeed, and it la this: that under no circumstance should he yield to the temptation of gambling in stocks. No, I do not moan by this that he should never seek success through the medium of speculation, hut rather that he should always ob serve some business method in all his dealings. When sound, good paying stocks are low, ho might do well to buy them, as an investment only, bnt not otherwise. The fever of speculation hsr been the ruin of thousands of yonng men and tho wreck of many fortunes, and it will continue to cast wrecks by tho way side as long as most of us are mad to get rich quickly. A young man who really and earnestly desires to succeed should never waste any time in dissipation. Lie should, of conrs", allow bimsell tho neceseary amoont of recreation and rest, and he should try to live a healthy, regular life. He should try to acquire regular habits that is, sleep and eat at the same hours each day and night, so as to keep in perfect physical health. Then he chould make a rule to put by a cer tain amount u lug earnings each week, and aoq'iire the haljit of sav ing. IbtM sro viry luw inon whu are not able to w.Aa a di llar, but the makirg i f a dollar is not the most important thing. Ii U tar more important to know how to Fave it. All a young man has to do is to work hard and save money. That may souna very easy, but it is the main point. It is not saving alono that counts; it is knowing how to rave. iNo oue should stint bimselt of anything really needful. This is tbe great art of saving. The fault of most of our young men of to day is that they do not stick close enough to business. The man who always tries to get off as easily as possible, and when working for others does as little as possible for the wage he receives, will never get ahead and never amount to anything in life. Cussell Sage, in N. i . American. He Cut Throat of Sweetheart. Chilicdhe, Ohio, March 30. ''red McCord, a barber, aged 24 years, living at U ournviue, tnis county, to-day killed Charity Storta, aged 20 years, by cutting her throat from ear to ear, after which ho cut his own throat in a like manner. The deed was done at the girl's tome near South Salem. McCord and a number of companions were drinking heavily Suuday and he struck one of them with a beer bottle. A warrant was issued for his arrest. He lett his home im mediately for the Storts home, 6 miles distant, and found the young girl alone. Her mother was io an upper room. He remained with Miss Storts for about an hour when her screams brought the mother to tbe stairway, aod she saw her daughter in McCord's arms covered with blood, and her head almost severed from her body. She rushed down stairs but tie fore she reached the first floor Mc Cord dropped the girl and drew the razor across his own throat and tell to the floor. McCord and Miss Storts had beon sweethearts for several years. It is supposed that McCord, fearing arrest, was filled with remorse and wont to the Storts' home and committed the deed. May Refuse to Grant License. A report is current that the com missioners of Yadkin connty will refuse to grant license for distiller ies at Williams and Shore, in that county. It is said that the Com mis sioners claim that the two places were incorporated because tbe pro prietors are Democrats. The Coun ty Fathers are Republicans. A cit izen of Yadkin was asked if tho re port was true, and replied that he had heard it, and that the Commis sioners had only said that they con sidered the action of the Legislature simply class legislation. "When the time comes, however," said the man from Yadkin, "I believe the Com missioners will give i.i and grant the licensee." Winston Sentinel. Next Sunday ia Easter Sunday and Monday is a holiday. Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's 'ills act directly on the liver, or 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. bmail doses cure. AtldratfM. c. Mt fumr b.mm.Ui' ! or Wi4 a ..ailHlat I pirfiMa!ruiu'o nyi I WWwwl a4i B a nyefor.tr FIGURES TELL THE STORY ! The New York Post says : Scof fers will pale and enemies of the in cbriatir.g rnp will take heart when they read the figures abont Quincy Mass. Q liney is an attractive littlo city near Boston, and would be quite worm a lino or two on t's own ac count, but tho figures her referred to are not so much about Quincy as a nice town near Boston as tlmy are about lunacy as a typo and as a shining extmplo. In the State of Maeeao lUttotts ovory city has chance to isy whether or not liquor shall bo sold within Us borders, and for 20 years (juincy iihs answered with a stern and determined n Therefore, Quincy is become the type of saloonlesscity. Now, read what has happened to O nncy. Dur ing tho two decades aforesaid, tbe city has more than doubled iu pop illation, its assessment valuation has increased threefold, tho depobits in i's savings banks have incteatcd fivefold, and the new Lenses are now five for every one in txietence twenty years ago. if some doubt ing Thomas suggests that all this might have happened to Ouir.cv even if thorn had been a saloon, here ) a finisher : hilo thu population was increasing 120 per cent, the amount expended for tho pjor de partment of the city decreased 12 por cent. 1 " 1 Tho fact that Pitsident R .oee volt carries but two secretaries, one doctor, three stenographers, two Secret Servico men, one poet naturalist, representatives of three press arsociations, representatives tf three illus'rated papers, one flk'ial photographer, and two telegraph operators, and will make but 2 0 speeches, rather gives a quietus to the nttion that his Western trip is to l)o anything but an unpretentious little outing for tho pnrpoeo of avoiding publicity. Washington rost. If tho wheat, corn and fruit crojs fail this year, it won't bother a bit, jui-t so we have a full crop of "base hail," about which so much is said in tho average daily pajer. The sports, yon know, are important fac tors, and busiuese among liquor, beer, cigarette, caid and pistol man ufacturers ould play out but for them. And still the yellow papers are not happy. Danger of Colds and Grip. The greatest danger from colds and grip is their resulting in pneu monia. It reasonable care is uiod, however, anj Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among tho tens of thous and who have lined this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single cane baring rcHullcd in pneumonia, which nhows conclusive ly that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous ditteaso. It will cure a cold or an attack of tho grip in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and sal'o to take. For sale by C. E. G alia way and J. W. McPberson & Co. Grip Remedies in Great Demand. When colds and grip are prevalent the quickest and surcitt remedies are in great demand. Mr. Joseph D. Williams, of McDuff, Va., says that he was cured of a very deep and lasting attack of la grippe by using Chamberlain's Congh Remedy after trying several other preparations with no effoct. For sale by C. E Gal -laway and J. V. McPherson & Co. Questions Answered. Yes, Aogust Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilised world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Biliousneas. .Doctors were scarce, aud they seldom heard of Appendi citis, Nervous Prostration or Heart Failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and slop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stim ulate tbe nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all ttey look when teelingdull and bad with headaches and olhor aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. You can get this reliable remedy at I. W. West's drugstore, Monni Airy, N. C. Price 20c and 75o. Healthy Children r knt Btronc ar-d well; weak and pan little folk art matto vigorou by tb u of tliat famous remttdy- FREY'S VERMIFUGE CorrtU all dlordrtof the atnmah, rxjtela worm, lc PalaUible una postal In trttnn. Battle by ti'tl, Ana. B.4I. rKKY. VaJt-mor, MJ. Sr. Jclm E. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR 8 DRUC STORE. 'PHONE 33. 0ic Hours 8.00 A- M to COO P. M. Mount Airy, K. C. S. P. GRAVES. Attorney-at-Uaw, MOTJWT AIHY, N. o aarrraeaoaa la Bt-et. ea Federal omuta Prwaet ittMM ta ennenttae a elaima. Th On Day Cold Cur. hw e'4 en im fi. mA . I h . liijiw tuia!, Petitions are being circulated in this community asking the county commissioners to call an election for Banbury township that tho people therein may vote upon the question of working the roads by taxation. The petitions will In? laid before tho commis sioners at their next meeting. Dunbury Rejiorter. Two largo strikes went ibto effect in Chicago Wednesday. Three thousand tanners quit work because of the refusal of their employers to grant a nine Lours day, a ten tier cent, in crease in wagos and the recogni tion of tho Tanners and Carriers' Union. Lake traffic is tied un. because the murine firemen, oil ers and water tenders are fight ing tho Lake Carriers' Associa tion on the scale. ''"" aohMMMW eaaiMB a.d. 1rm root, k.rb. a barka-caatala. Wtlfcer opiate. , ....,.. ft p.,lllH U. l.,ud ..J ,. ,I,.T.. "l rwiaitlia and all eloo dlmw.. Anyon. ceo Uk. kHLL.lAwl Jii wiiii auaL fat. aal.tr. IX iajurs la. alg.au. araaaa. nuc',AW1-"- "M TWO cuma. Tlobiscb, 8. 0, Auc It, JSM. Oentl.-m.ni I lien to suffer f rum rh.uniatif m about tlir. rears a. and kad It Tvrj had lu my llmna. At tltnus 1 eould hardly w.,k. Wa treated kr a phruclan without heoeflt. More than a rear ugn, Mr. Gor WI,on, ao end Beer on tbe Coast Line, linn In Flor ence, told d tin I " Knit aioiii" ured blm. I got a bottle aud it bene Itted ma. I took Br bottle and ara row a well a. I ever was In mj lit., rerara "R tcmcii)" a a great mad a lea. I know of others it has oured. Truly, a. t. nrjRCH. old by Druggiiti. Will b sent Bobbltt Chemical Co., - I I Deli Is the Place to Buy- Dry Goods and Notions. When we tell you we are selling BARGAINS we are not merely talking. Talk is cheap but jWe Mean AND IF YOU WILL COME TO SEE US WE WILL PROVE IT TO YOU. YOURS FOR K mm Next Door to Prather's Clothing Store. IE MOUNT W. D. ; i' ! f : : i Hague-McCorkls Dry Qccda DoM Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, IV. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND JIAT3. gjV We solioit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. JF We cordially invite all Merchant to call on us when in Greensboro, or to se our Travelling Salesman before planing orders elsewhere. YOU CAN FIND Guttering id Sputi , (Both Gal vanized Iron and Tin), Also Tin and Iron Roofing. Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Old Copper, Brass, Lead, pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. ASK YOUR Neighbor to Take . AIFvT NEWS. THE OLD REU.WIL Absolutely Pur 2 7HIKE IS HU SUBSTITUTE liaaLiaOTO, 8. 0., Aug-. 19th. Uentieni.ui Alout to run .go I kad a er evi-re .11.11 . of n.tlaniaia- tory rheum. ti'iu. 1 mtVrr.t irre.l ln and wa. conn md ui n. r l,e I for live w.eks. fiuru.y tne 1 rue I was trc-.u d of two piiyiu :.( without i-rm.ti.nt r.ilef. I apt. Humt, a i-nhjrt4.r 00 tb Atlaiiiio lwt Line hoa-d of mj coudltiou and f.nt ni tj Uiu,.,.f "Hll.l Mifoia ' 1 l.yu, fj take II and 111 a wee. 1 got up ud lk,d on orut bee. After inn 1 nre Uittieeof th remedy I g. 1 .t iirrir m-.i aud went k to ni t l imno If i personal? kri..w of a nuniN-r rf Isf other l.al c. 11 Hint i-re cun-1 Ii-. ti.e fj ti. of your ni- il ;c ii.. 1.-. tluf t'-v. ti . -1 r? vicinity. It If in UiHt yuu ria rn f r it. Jru j, J. I. SlsKKo.N. eipre.s pii I on receipt of f 1 00. . iJaltlmiire. HJ.. L'. 5. A. Business, LOW PRICES, 9 M MARBLE WOEIS, HAYNES A CO., Proprietors, Moant Airy, N. C. -way - J'm'V"B " JliI 4 CD S I MaaeeaeTeaaaa ee aaa aaaLaae ia Fine Marble and Granite Monu ments, Tombstones, IRON FRNGING, ETC. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. ALL WOCR CCAEiSTEED 10 CITE SAILVACIM WRITE FOR DCHIONS AND PRICt. Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings ol all kinds. T. M. EVER1TT.