J. "Word to tlio XWitJo In Quffloionti 33viy IInmiltonBrowii ruijoco n,t r. 13. xmrJi3.e:L7i Atdv jDUXto JL l JtiB XjyW.Q VOIi. 2. MOUNT AIIIY. N. 0.. THURSDAY. Al'ltlL 2ih 1008. NO. .r "Vl "POOR DIGESTION, LANGUID AND TIRED." An Interesllnj Letter Concernlii Pe ru na. fi-M" 4 yM If Ut-iA - MlM rell Janroan, Gloho Hotel, Ottawa, Ont,, is from one of th olrlost anil bout known French Canadian fanilllos In Canada, Ia a reovnt lottor to Th Toru 0& Medicine Co., of Columbnd, Ohio, iho snys ! . . " Last spring my blood teemed clogged up, my digestion poor, my bead ached and I felt languid and tired all the time. My physician prescribed for me. but a friend advised me to try Pcruna. I tried It and am pleased to state that I found It a wonderful cleanser and pur ifier of the system. In three weeks I was like a new woman, my ap petite had Increased, I felt buoyant, light and happy and without an ache or pain, Peru n a Is a reliable family medicine. " Llonoy Valuo of Good Road lit Adl BritleJn, of Sokltan, 0., writes. " After tiding your wonderful Toruna thro month! I hare had groat relief. I bad continual heaviness In my stemach, Was bilious, and had fainting spells, but Ihojr all have loft me since using Ponuxa." o-Adia BritUlo. If yon do not dorlv prompt and satts factory results from the vto of renin a, write atonoe to Ir. llartman, plrlnir ft full jlatoment of your case and he will bo plowed to glre yuu hU valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. llartman, ProHldont of The llartman Sanitarium, Coluuibua, 0. H re Invites the attention of Uip public to, vrry probably, th most elaborate and interesting stock of Gen eral Merchandise ever exhibited in Mount Airy, at The Trade Palace, Under Opera House. 7 awmamKmwrj .razm O E S f3 jE3l Ibe Famous Barry Shoes and Oxfords for Men and Boys Q Z Heer'sHign Art Shoes and Oxfords for Ladies and Hisses o t t 0 0 0 0 0 Are unsurpassed in style, quality and comfort, acknowledged as THE LEADERS When tested by actual wear. Bee them. Clothing. line for boy. Dry Goods. Notions. A complete line of American Tailor arte Hulls from 15 to f 15 IX). Coats and Vests, Extra Pants and a full Lawns, India Linens, Organ , IHmities, Ratifies, I' K's, smbravs. Pereals. Gine- hams, Woolen Dress Goods in the most popular weaves and fashionable styles. In view of the findtiplnl lioricli and the tnanr oilmr advanti bm of good roHild, it is r..!mhl! tint m rrm iorltv of tho farmers' of tt.e Bute would favor thc;ir construction bj rspidly as practicable, tinder some i tllcicnt, economical and imiitahi system of liiiiliway improvement I Jut a considerable proportion, ssy one fourth or one filili, who have little knoalediifl of the horn 11 a of eood rotids would ol' on acd'unl of tho crcBt ci ct ot hiuhwHV im orovement. Tliev do not lulitvn the atatcmonle of mary writers rol ative to the Ioopo and iii'm to fur- men from poor and Rood rosds, ro apeciivplj, thorofore fhry lot k ankance opon (hit general npitnnon in favor of improve-d hicliwavs. Sayinir nothing of tho rdnctmna and locial advantagt-a of good roadt-, or of the'ir comfort and er j .jment, or of feeling nnahle to pay tor them, theeo men regard with dieravor all plat'i for highway imnroviMnen', and are likely to oppoBO r (Torts for the hetterment of our roads. nnl"pe ihey can ho convinced that vood road will be a p)ing in v. fitment. rpoaking then, only of tho money tide of tho question, it wonld bci iii that all muot aprec in the lollowmg reasons for good roadn, bringing -- lara and cents into tho farmer's pocket. A good road will : 1. Economize time at,d torco in transportation between farm and market. 2 Enable farmrf to take advant age of market fluctnationa in buy- ng and silling. 3. I'irmit traneimrtation of faun products and pnrehaced c immodi- les during tiaieii of comparative eit-nro. 5. Enhance the market vain;) of teal etate. s - siery from 6c. to 60c. per pair in the cel ebrated Ilermsdorf fact colors. Blurts. collars, cutTs. ties and in fact everything in ladies arid genu furnishings. Hats, trunks valiees. Glass, crockery and tinwar. A complete line of heavy and fancy groceries. FLOUR A SPECIALTY. 0 0 0 0 Buy our Queen of Patenta. There is none better. It Is our pleasure to serve. Call aod see us. fkl. i-seatar. ) ea nry of th. pniM Lottin BrositHQuiaies raw. t. nmU 'a a GEO. W. SPAEGEH. Atto?ney-at-Iaw, MOUNT AIHY, ST. O. "1 aOrsuoB to .teaMUaa tt tl'lfS tilj egoMkUig loaoa. THE LAPOR SITUATION. Ktrikos on the jwrt of jioojilo omployod in tho various kinds of hibor soom to be pretty jrcneTal all over the North, with throats of increase in numlx-r. Dun's Trade Review, issued Saturday, estimated that "probably fifty thousand men are voluntarily idle who might be employed at tho highest level of wages ever paid in this or any other country an economic loss of this magnitude affects many more than those di rectly concerned." In point of number of men out of work the New England cotton mill strike ranks first, but the disturbances in the building trades lines are more widespread and hurtful generally and their number is being added to daily. Here is one day's (Tuesday's) fctriko record in New York : Extension of the strike of Con necticut mechanics for 20 per cent increase in wages to West chester county, New York. It is estimated that the strike has caused the suspension of work on 2,000 buildings in Westchester county and Connecticut. Twelve thousand masons in New York make demand for in crease in wages from 35 to o7i cents an hour, demand to go into effect June 1st. Two thousand wagon makers in Brooklyn strike for shorter hours at same pay. Three thous and others will join them next week if tho demand is not granted. About ,ri(X) more were added to the Pottsville, Pa., coal strik ers' list and there is every indi cation that the operators will have to grant the demands or face another general strike. About 6M tar, felt and water proof workers in New York have struck for higher wages. Oilier manufacturers have grunted their demands. In Chicago the situation lias been improved by the concessions to over 40,000 men, involving an increase in wages aggregating 1,000, 000 annually. Some trades are on strike and others present demands, and negotiations pend ing will probably eventuate satisfactorily. It is encouraging to note that in this widespread disturbance of labor circles the South is little involved. Having a very small proportion of foreign population any disagreements between em ployer and employe arc usually easily settled and hence strikes have never been popular in the South, and it is to be horwd that they never will be. The most costly way of settling labor dilli culties is by a strike, and, remem bering this it behooves both parties to take the utmost pains to settle their troubles without resort to striking having been had if that is possible. Ashe ville Citizen. ing and of n nation aro identi cally tho sumo. These wisa pooplo maintain that the child from infancy to miiiiliooit goes through till the phases of development In exact ly the same way as does a nation in tho inn king. The child has his period of aimless existence, his period ef Ravage destructive ness, his period of war with all mankind and his perfect period of civilization. If through nil these periods he has self e;ontrol lie Is master or the situation HeirinniiiL' from his infancy tho child should be taught self e-on iroi. homo ronumito persons inherit this best of all qualities : others must drink of the bitter waters of remorse before the les son Is learned. Having taken uiwin themsedvos t lie rosiMiiisibility of reannc hu man beings, parents should sec to it that their children grow up properly equipped to tight tho buttle of life. 1 lie proiier equlp merit Is self control : without it, no matter how brave tho fighter, ho will fall by tho waysido. . . Christ's Coming Daily Expected Mr. fife Has Quit Preachtnf . It iv. W. P. Fife, known as the "drummer evat'gnliot, who former ly did .ennf iderahle business in his lmo in IS o th Carolina and who held meeting in Htietesvillo abont a zen years ago, has blossomed ont as a dealer in mining stocks in Texas. Fife is a North Carolinian nd after he took to preaching he worked this part of tho country for all there was n it and then gradnally drifted Went. For some time ho has been holding meetings in Texna Evi dently the cvangelietic hnoineps isn't as gi od ae It once was, for Mr. Fife and his son, ill, have established business in Fan Antonio, Texas, under the name and style of the File nvi'ftment Company, their oncct being to sell mining stocks to enrich heirciist.-rrers. It is xplained, by the way, that .Mr. I'ifo has stopped preaching on account of his threat, hysicians having ordered him to stop, etc. Kcv. Dr. J. C. R-iwe, of ho Methoditt Church, used to gay bat whenever a preacher gits to making mone y, or thinks more aboot Kinking money than he docs about his calling, forthwith he enlfcrs an attack of throat trouble and has to qnit preaching. It is probable that M r. Fife, having made all he conld ont of tho evangelistic bneiness, fonnd it expedient to change his calling and the throat trouble thus came in handy. Statesville Land mark. Blaze Bankrupts Twenty Companies. A Reanmont diepa'ch says: A careless workman kicked over a lantern at one of the Caldwell oil wells on block 38, Hogg-Swayno tract, on Spindle Top Wednesday and starttd a fire that reunited in the loss of property valued at f 1,000,000 and the bankruptcy of twenty or ranre smaller companies. There are 175 wells on the three blocks of the tract and only five of the derricks and pnmp houses are left standing. Every company that had property in the Hogg Sway ne tract is a loser. The fire swept the three blocks, covered with derricks and pnmp honsee, clear of all its buildings. The derricks left are on the edges and are few and far between. None of the companies had a cent of in surance. The fire started near the southern edge of block No. 38 and spread three ways. Pumping sta tions, derricks and pipe lines all fell before it. Large engines and thick pi)e melted in the heat. It is csti mated that 170 of the wells sustained an average direct loss of $ 2,000. This is exclusive of half a million dollars m ire, the aggregate lofs on production and other damages. Fifty or more wells probably are ruined by the dropping tubing into them as the result of the fire. Every sensible man and woman should live as though they expected the s eond coming of C'irist Ht the prcs-nt moment, Ivcmihi! it Is pi tin ly recorded in the Ferip'ures that the Son of Mm wl'l come like tbief In the night 'when no man expects Him. Therefore, we shoul always be ready, for wo do not know I lie day uor hour. A dispatch from Ronton Harbor, Michigan, of recent date, gives the following in regard to tiie "House of Israel" people and their move merits a chnrch that expicla the coming ol Christ within three years "Renton Harbor Is preparing for the second coming of Christ, and in anticipation of the event the mem birs of the Church known as the House of Israel aro gathering here According to the Scriptures, as in lorprctod by the House of Israel, tho event will take place within thre years, i lie chnrch has crYwen non- ton Harbor as the gathering place in America, and it is expected that one hundred and forty four thousand members will be gathered here be fore the three years have elapsed. Special street meetings and grove gatherings will commence as soon as the summer is fairly begun. lhe lionso of Israel has had large number of followers in this city for several years. A fow days ago a delegation came in from f os toria, Ohio, and among this number are the leading spirits, benjamin and his wile, Mary. I'onjamin says the seventh mes sage, spoken of in the Hook of Rev olation, ia nearly completed : that if consists of S0 pages, is divided into tonr parts, n.id Hist the prir'inp", which is b.;ic ; d ;i a'AUnd, Ohio, is ntjrly ri.iihcd. The tn s sage is known k ''The Slur of Roth lehem," or the "I.'vin? Ril ef Life." The book whs writttu by Benjamin and his wile. 1 he sixth tncFssgp, given ont in 1S75, was written by James J. Jay- reel, of England, while the fifth was wri'.ren in 1S22 by John Wove, also of England. Other representatives are expect ed to arrive shortly from Los An geles and San Francisco, also from Springfield, Mo. A farm east of Benton Harbor has been secured, which will, with other places, be made to provide accommodations fur these people as fast as they arrive." The Lord tells us "to watch as well as pray," and every one should do this. Thev should watch their lives and their conduct, but no man can tell when the end will come. Habits of Self-Control. Re sure love rules the world, and behind love, sustaining it, is that greatest power on earth, self-control. It is self-control that has made the great nations of to-day. Let a nation lose its self-control and it is as a little child grouping feebly in the dark. Every individual is a small na tion ia himself. Ho has his ups and downs, his warfare and his peace, his seasons of prosperity and his seasons of depression, and if we are to believe the fol lowers of Froebel and Pestalozai, the development of a human bo- To Gobble the Peabody Fund. The trnsteos of the Peabody eda cational fund met in New York this week, and the fact is scarcely con- coaled that there is a scheme afoot to withdraw the aid the trustees have been giving to the various cot ton states for educational purposes. The money is to be returned for the purpose of putting both capital and interest into a big normal college in 6 mo Southern city. The proposed change in the plan of the truetees rests in its lust analysis upon the de sire of Atlanta to gobble the whole thing in a dejire to boom that particular town. Oae of the trustees of the fund, ex Secretary of the Interior Hoke Smith, and the acting agent of the fond, Dr Glenn, reside in Atlanta, and they propose to put the em ire fund amounting to several millions intoa college that will boom their own town. Goldsboro Argus Due Notice is Served. Due notice is hereby served on the public generally that DeWitt's Witch liarel Halve is the only salve on the market that is made from the pure, un adulterated witch hazel. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Pal ve has cured thousands ol cases of piles that would not yield to any other treatment, and this fact has brought out many worthless counter feits. Those persons who get the gen uine DeWitt's Witch Hszel Halve are never disappointed, because it cures. L W. West, druggist. Mt. M. O. Ten persons were killed Tuesday by a cyclone in Alabama. Burnt Cork, Evergreen, Primitive Ridge, Campbelltown, Peterman, Rnckton and other towns were in the storm's path. The property loes is great. Have yon registered for tha town ttcctieiD t The tine is sV.rt. Popularity of Rural Free Delivery. If one were called upon to name the most popular innovation in gov ernmental service during the two past decades looking to toe greatest good to the greatest number and in creasing the intelligence of its citi zenship such as one would unbesi tatingly name the establishment of the rural free delivery system. It is probably the most satisfactory service for the great mass of country people tnat has ever been undertaken by the government. It give them many of the convenience of a city life without the extra cost of living, It saves ranch waste of time in going to and from the postomce. It en courages the habit of letter writing and increases at a manifold ratio the circulation of newspapers and maga zines. 1 he farmer is now able to keep informed in respect to the mar keta and the general movements in the political and financial world. In deed, the establishment of this sys tem, in connection with the tele phone, may bo accounted among the greatest ot the educational machin ery of the country, reaching classes of people too old or too busy to at tend schools. This system makes country life an ideal one. Southern Farm Magazine. Every Church or institution supported by voluntary contribu tion will be given a liberal quan tity of the Longman &. Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Notk: Have done so for twenty-seven years. Sales: Tens of millions of gallons; painted near ly two million houses under guar antee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for Cjriods up to eighteen years, inseed oil must be added to the paint, (done in two minutes). Ac tual cost then about f 1.25 a gal lon. Samples free. Sold by our Agents, F. L. Smith & Co., Mt. Airy, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fries, Miss Adelaide, and Miss Nellie Fries, the latter the daughter ot Col. Frauk H. Friea, will sail for Europe June 4th to spend the summer in foreign travel. Winsteyi Sentinel. Plowing With Elephants. It may be said of P. T. Barnnm that he was tho mnj irdumo or lord of laughter and fun, tho protean dispenser ot amusement. How wcl he became known through thi function ono curious Irieidorit certi ties. Some years before ho died an ohscnro ptrsun In sonic remote part of Asia wrote a letter, which ho dropped In the poult (lice near him directed to "Mr. Itaruum, Amor! ca." Tho letter reached Its destina tion wlth ii.t an hour's delay. The groat showman unaffectedly enjoyed being Known Imm tho very begin ning of his celebrity, and when he found his celebrity was a tremendous factor In his success he did every thing that he could think of to ex tend the exploitation of his name this was not to nourish vain im agininga or because he felt exalted It was to promote business. Around his successive homes at Bridgeport, Conn., he was fond o putting something that suggested a show. Oneerly marked cattle, the sacred cow or an elephant was frequently among the stock to be noticed in his fields. On one oc casion ho had an elephant engaged in plowing e,n the sloping hill where it could bo plainly seen by the passengers on the New Raven and Hartford railroad, an agricultural innovation that he knew would get notice of some sort in every news paper in the conn'ry. It was even said that he received letters from farmers far and wido asking how much hay one elephant ate and it it as more profitable to rlow with an ... elephant than with horses or oxen His replies were invariably frank and were of this purport: If yon lave a large museum in New i ork and a great railway sends trains full of passengers within eyeshot of the pertormance, it will pay, and pay well, but it you have no such insti- ntron then horses and oxen will prove more economical. Joel Ren ton in Century. The News and Observer says : Old railroad men believe that if there is one wreck t jere will bo three n close sue-eession. They seem to bo borne out in the three wreck? on the Southern Railway on Monday night one at Jamestown, one at xington, one on the ineton- Salem branch." A Good Word for Chamberlain's Coufh Remedy. "In December,1910, 1 had a severe cold and was so hoarse that 1 could not speak above a whisper," say? Allen Davis, of treestone, I. l. I tried several remedies but got no relief until used Chamberlain s Couch Remedy, one bottle of which cured me. 1 will lways speak a good word for that medicine. For sale by C. K. liailaway nd J. W. McPherson 4 Co. CAHTOniA. tf Sick Headache ? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. ISc All irmtttt. W ant jour Bioa.tarlw or fcr4 ft botauftll WnflrnffcWwC Thn u BUfSKIWHAM'SDYEiaas, I- cr swan U ft t. S.l . ! The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is alB'ctcd with a chronic disease experiences great iflicnlty in having their case in telligently treated by the average hysician. Inese diseases can only be cured by a specialist who nnder tands them thoroughly. Or. J, Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Oa., is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted States. Write him for his ex pert opinion of your ease, for which he makes no charge. 4 IV II I i n II it V-'7"X. II I 1 1 J 1 1 sa. v aviif I u i ii ii h vls . U , NX u PA Z, 1 If 1 t 1 a - -A I Hi JL'ru The Klnel Yon Have Always Itonglit, nnel whirl. Im hern In UHO for ve-r HO vrnrs. lom liorno llin nlmnd ro of iiml tin been ninelc u uler li e p-r-sonnl aiipcre ImIihi nlin n Its I iln n y. Allow no one todee t lie you In I tt is. All CountcrCc'lta, Imlliitlons and Jiit-nu r .eMl " i r tiuu I tperlmeiiM that trifle with nnel cn1 nitre r t 'to lie tlt'i of Infants uml thlldren-lliperleiico nguliist Kipeiinicuta What is CASTORIA Cnstnrlu I a harmless nulistltute for Cn-dor Oil, Pare-porle-, irropa nnel Soothing fsjnip. It Is I'leasont. It contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor ettlier r.':irootlc unltsiimce. Its nun is Its guarantee. It elcti-oys Worms nml nllujs FeverislincHS. It e urs Diarrlm-n and Wind CJeilic. It relieves Teething- Trouble, eure-s CoiikI Ipatloii nnel Flatulency. It lumiinilate-s the I'imhI, regulate the) Moma h anil HowcN, giiiiir healthy and mil urul Moe'p. The Childieu's l'anaceii-Tho Mother's I i lend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of SIX . yTl y-4as-7Y -cut The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Twr etxTAu CflHfi HT. at,.., aTftrrr. at cv. Questions Answered. Yes, Angust Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in lhe civilized world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anything olno lor Indigestion or BiliousncHS. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendi citis, Nervous 1'roHlration or Heart Failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the systorn and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stim ulate tho nervous and organic action of the syBtem, and that it all they took when iecling dull and had with headaches and other action. You only need a fow dosea of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. You can get this reliable remedy at I. W. West's drugstore, Mount Airy, N. C. Price 25c and ?5o. The postuffice scandal at Wash ington grows worse as the probing progresses. The investigation has revealed much rottenness and many changes in the department are occur ring. There should be a complete "wipe out" at Washington. IlWwiiil J Children MPS re kept ittronf and wtl ; wmfe nd pars little folk r made vlKorouy by the ate of that faniout remedy FREY'S VERMIFUGE CV)lwt all 1lortlcri of thr stomawh, fxpels worma, lr. PsItuiMe and poultice In oiion. Bottle by itmil, c. Bt. a. FKKY, Rmtllraori., Kid. Dr. John E. Banner, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER TAYLOR'S DRUC STORE. PHONE 38. Office Hours g.00 A. M, to t.00 P. If. Mount Airy, N. C. S. P. GRAVES, Attorney-at-Taw, MOTJUT AXBY, N. O wrNtHsM I. D. DM Is the Place te) Buv 1 Dry Goods and Notions. When we tell you we are selling BARGAINS we are not merely talking. Talk is cheap but We Mean Business, AND IF YOU WILL COME TO SEE US WE WILL PROVE IT TO YOU. YOURS FOR LOW PRICES, I D.1 I i CO.. Next Door to Prather's Clothing Store. j j ITU MOUNT AffiT HARBLE WORKS, W. O. HAYNES a CO, Proprietors, Must Airy, N. C. Fine Marble and Granite Monu ments, Tombstones, IRON FENGING, E.TG. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. ALL mi GCAHNTEL'D TO GIVE SAliSfACIlW. WRITE FOR OESIQNS AND PRICES. Hagus-McDorkls Dry Qccds Co., Importers and Wholesalers, GRIiENSRORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND XX ATS. laf We snlinit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. jV We cordially invite all Merchants to call on us when in Greensboro, or to see our Travelling Halenman before nlaeing orders elsewhere. YOXJ CAN FIND iter i 9 kit (Both Gal vanized Iron and Tin), Also Tin and Iron Roofing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work; Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. YOUR Neighbor' to Take .1" i X ilQ xvx X . -XJLjlX X XN Xli L'V u

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