-A. Word to tlio Wiso lo JSxaniclorLt i Buy Hamilton-Brown aiaooa txt cr. H3. XJn,:rX.cr'n nn EWS. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0.. THURSDAY, APRIL iJO, 1003. NO. 44 . VOL. 2tf. Mount Airy HE DAN CROSVW SAYS: "Pe-ru-na is an Excellent Spring Catarrh Remedy I am as Well as Ever." .7 . "5?.. SSl5s H0!. PAX. A. GKOSmOIt, OP THE FAMOUS OniO FUfttT. lion. Pun, A. (ircsvcniir, Dopnty Andltor for th Wu Department, In a letUr trrltten from Vahi!ii:ton, P. C, saysj "Allow me to express my gratitude to yoa for the benefit derived from ono bottle of Peruna. One week has brought wonderful cnanges and I am now as well as ever. Besides being one of tha very best spring tonics It Is an excellent catarrh remedy."- DAN. A. (3R0SVE.0R. In a recent letter he sayst consider Peruna really more meritorious than I did when I wrote you last receive numerous letters from acquaintances all over the country asking me If my certificate Is genuine. I Invariably answer, yes."Dan. A. Grosvenor. i X County Cominlmlonrr's I-rttrr. f lion. John Williams, County Commis sioner, of 517 West Snconil stroot.Puhith, Minn., says th. following In regard to 1'crunai " As a remedy for catarrh I ran cheer fully recommend Perona. I know what It Is to suffer from that trrrihle dlrwano and I feel that It Is my duly to speak a good word for the tonlo that brought me Immediate relief. Prrunacureci me of a bad case of catarrh and 1 know it will cure any other snffrrer fxsm that dia- John WUUams, A CnncreMinan's I.rttr. lion. II. W.Jgden,(;onRrossman;from toulslana, In a letter written at Well ington, D. C, says the following of IV rnna, the national catarrh remedy l I cm comtclentlounly recommend your Peruna as a floe tonic and all around good medicine to thote who are In need of a catarrh remedy. It bst been commended to me by people who have uted It, as a remedy par ticularly effective In the cure of ca tairh. For those who need a good catarrh medicine know of nothing better.' W. E. OriflHh, Conean, Texas, wrlfest "I suffered with chronlo catarrh for many years. I took Peruna and It com plotuly cured mo. I think rerun is tho best modlelne in tho world for catarrh. My general health Is much Improved by IU uxe, as I am much stronger than, I hare boon for years." W. K. Griffith. A Confraaaman's letter. Congressman II.Bowcn, Ituskln,TaKO wull county, Ya wrllost " I can cheerfully recommend your valuable remedy. Peruna, to any one who In suffering with catarrh, and who It In need of a permanent and effective cure. "H. Ik) wen. Mr. Fred. D. Scott, Lanm, Ohio, Rlffht Onard of Hiram Foot Hall Team, writes! "As asponlflo for lung trouble I place Porana at tho head. I have used It my self for colds and catarrh of tho bowels and It Is a splendid remedy. It restores Vitality, Increases bodily strength and makes .sick person well In a short time' I giro Peruna my hearty indorsement." Fred. I). Hoott. Oen. Tra C. Abbott, MB M street, N. W, Washington, I). C, writes I " I am fully eonvlnoed that yonr rem edy Is an excellent tonic Many of my friends have nsed it with the most hen eflelal results for eonghs, colds and ca tarrhal trouble." Ira C. AhltotU Mrs. Elmer Fleming, orator of Jteeer Tolr Council No. Northwestern ! glon of Honor, of Minneapolis, Minn., write, from Z'Jto Tolk street, NK. "I bar. been troubled all my Ufa with catarrh lit my head. I took I'ernna for about three months, and now think I am permanently cared. I belleTo that for catarrh In all Its forms Peruna Is tha medicine of the age. It enres when all other remedies fall. I can heartily recommend IVruna as a catarrh remedy." aire, j.imer Fleming Treat Catarrh In Spring;. The spring Is the time to treat catarrh. Cold, wet winter weather often retards a cure of catarrh. If a course of Peruna Is taken during tho early spring mouths the cure will lie prompt and permanent. Thero ran to no failures if IV run a is taken intelligently during the favorable weather of spring. As a systemla catarrh remedy Peruna eradicates catarrh from the system wherever It may be located. It cures catarrh of the stomach or towel with the samecertalnty as catarrh of the head. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write atone, to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of yonr caa. and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tb. Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. ilaj-' Mm. K.lmer Fleming,, Minneapolis, Minn. ( 6 TSUI Lib U Invites the attention of the public to, very probably, the most elaborate and interesting stock of Gen eral Merchandise ever exhibited in Mount Airy, at The Trade Palace, Under Opera House. . s : HOES Ibe Famous Barry i Heer'sHigb Art Shoes o Shoes and Oxfords z. and Oxfords for for Men and Boys jj Ladies and Kisses Are unsurpassed In style, quality and eomfort, acknowledged as THE LEADERS When tested by actual wear. Bee them. Clothing, line for boys. A complete line of American Tailor Knits irom in to siouo, ikiat. 'eats, Extra Pant, and a full Anti-Alcohol Congress. Bremen, April 18. At to-day's session of the International Anti Alcohol Congress Mrs. Mary H. Hunt, of the Womans' Christian Temperance Union, Hoston, Mass., delivered an address on the significance of scientific tern perance instruction in public schools as a preventative of al coholism. She said in part: "Temperance physiology has been very generally taught for ten or fifteen years and it is sip; nificant that during this time the rate of increase in the per capita consumption of alcoholic liquors has diminished materially; also that there has been a pain of four and one-tenth years in the aver age length of life. Thorough in vestigation in the most populous state, New York, shows that the study is restraining children from forming alcoholic and other nar cotic habits and influencing their parents against alcohol and to bacco. "The teachings that have se cured these gratifying results are: "First, the nature of alcohol and its effects upon the human economy; and Second, the physiological reas ons for obeying all laws of health, since unhygienic habits often cause a craving for narcotics. "Careful grading shows that the subject can be adequately covered by a minimum of threo moral lessons per week for ten weeks in each primary year, and four text book lessons per week for ton weeks in each of tho five grammar years and the first year of the high school. Thus with 830 lessons, a progressive devel opment is attained without crowd ing other branches, during years in which the formation of habits is especially active. "Objection is sometimes made to scientific temiierance instruc on the ground that by injuring the brewing traffic it will decrease the national revenue. Figures show, however, that every dollar of tax on fermented and distilled liquor paid into the national treasury costs thirty dollars in the cost of consequent crime and poverty. The same is doubtless true in other countries." 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 Dry Goods. hams, Wool.D Dress Goods In fashionable style. Notions, Lawns, India Linens, Organ ins, Dimities, batistes. P K s, hsrjibrsTS. Percals, Ging- the most popular weave, and I .arc. embroideries, ribbons, et. Ho siery from bo. to 60c. per pair in the eel ebrated iiermsdurf fast colors, blurts. collars, cuffs, ti. and in fact everything in ladies and genu furnishings. liau, irudks raliors. tjlaas, crockery and tinware. A complete Una of neavy and fancy groceries. FLOUR A SPECIALTY. Bay oar Queen of Patent. There is none bettT. pleasur to aerva. Call and im us. It i our A W . V aV f jrN ,r AA ifJ A Haunted Locomotive. The Graphic does not vouch for the story to the effect that the Nash County Lumber Com pany owns a logging locomotive whose conduct "startles the na tives." The engine in question, it is said, has a peculiar way of awakening the neighborhood at all hours of the night by the dep roar of its whistle, and wh u there is no one near it. It is said that even when there is no steam in the boiler tho whistle has been heard to belch forth its fury, awakening people for miles around. No negro in- that com cuonity can be Induced to go near It titer nightfall. There i a i'gii(J oonnQCted with this loco motive to the effect that years ago, pi lor to its purchase by the Nush County Lumber Company, there wi s wreck wherein tho "hgincei , who was much attached to his iion steed, lost his life. Since that time an evil spirit seems to have iosscssed it, and many unaccountable incidents have characterized its workings. It is a powerful structure and of a late typo and is engaged in ac live service each day in supply ingthn mill witli logs. Its deep sounding whistle can be heard fur miles and this story connected with it, while discredited by a majority, is believed to be truo by many. Nashville 0 rapine. WATER. Look at that, ye thirsty ones of Larth; behold it! beo its pu rity; how it glitters, as if a mass of liquid gems! It is a beverage that was brewed by tho hand of tho Almighty himself not in simmering still or smoking hres, choked with jKiisonous gasses und surrounded by the stenches of sickening odors and rank cor million, dot's our Father in Heaven prepare the precious essence of life in tlio pure cold water; but in the green glade and grassy dell where tho red deer wanders and tho child loves to play; there God brews it; and down in deepest valleys where the fountains murmur and the rills sin,";; and high upon tho tall mountain tons where the storm clouds brood and the thunders crash; and away far out on the wide sea where the hurricano howls music, and tho big waves roll the chorus, sweeping tho march of God thero He brews it that beverage of life health giving water and everywhere itisa thingof beauty. Glimmer ing in the drops, singing in the summer rain, shining in the ice gem, till the trees all seem turn ed into living jewels, spreading a golden veil over the setting sun, or a white gauze around the mid night moon, siiorting in the gla ciers, dancing in the hail show ers, folding its bright curtain softly about tho wintry world, and weaving tho many colored iri.s, that seraph's zone of tho sky. whose warp is tho rain drops of earth, whose woof is the sun- benm of heaven; all checkered over with tho celestial flowers by the mystic had of reflection, still always it is beautiful, that blessed life water. No poison bubbles on the brink, its foam brings no sadness or murders. By Gough. An Ingenious Merchant. Recently a wealthy merchant in Paris, who does an extensive business in Japan, was informed that a prominent firm in Yoko hama had failed, but the name of the firm he could not learn. He could have learned the truth by calling, but, to save expense, he went to a well knowu banker, who had received the news, and requested him to reveal tho name of the firm. "That's a very delicate thing to do," replied the banker, "for the news is not official, and if I give you the name I might incur somo responsibility." The merchant argued, but in vain, and finally he made this iroposition : "1 will give you," le said, "a list of ten firms in Yokohama, and I will ask you to look through it and then to tell me, without mentioning any name, whether or not the name of the firm which has failed ap pears in it. Surely you will do that for mo r "Yes," said tho banker, "for if I do not mention any name I can not bo held responsible in any way." Iho list was made, the banker looked through it, and, as he handed it back to the merchant, said : "The name of tho merchant who has failed is there." "Then I've lost heavily," re- pliod the merchant ; "for that is tho firm with which I did busi ness," showing him a name on tho list "But how do you know that is the firm which has failed r" asked the banker, in surprise. " V ery easily, replied the mer chant. "Of the ten names on the list only one is genuine that of tho firm with which I did busi ness ; all the others aro fictitious." Tit Hits. QUITE A DIFFERENCE. Philadelphia, it is noted, con sumes "50 gallons of water daily per capita, Pittsburg L"J0, Cleve land 15W, Detroit 140, Boston 143 and St Louis 15'J. Milwaukee consumes B0 gallons and Provi dence 54. The two cities last named use water meters. The others do not. The difference noted is the difference between use and waste ; and waste is ex tiensive. The tax payers pay for it in every instance. Charleston News and Courier. Due Notice it Served. Due notine Is herebv sorri-d nn tha public generally that be Witt's Witch nswi raive is me oniy saive on in. market that is made from th. pure, un adulterated witch hazel. UeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve has cured thousands of eases of piles that would not yield to any other treatment, and this fact has brought out many worthless counter feita. Tho.. persons who get the gen uine DeWiU's Witeb UaaeJ Hair, are fltav! rfiMMtnlntaWl Ks. n ra l awmm r W Vaal Am, ,..!. fs . V A " W hi valuta. . - f . g . a. Girl Tries to Kill Herself. Bonnie May Jones, the four teen-year-old girl who ran away from Asheville last November with Mario Kuykendall and thoro by created a sensation, attempted to commit suicide Friday. She swallowed about two ounces of laudanum, but will recover. The causo of the girl's action is at tributed to the arrest of two ne gro women Thursday on tho charge of forgery. Tho two wo men had presented forged checks at tho Battery Park and when apprehended said that Bonnio Jones had forced D. G. Noland a namo and asked them to get tho money at the bank. Tho news of their arrest and that she also was to be arrested reached the girl and tho attempt at suicide fol lowed shortly afterward.' Bonnie May Jones has lived a strenous life during the past few months. When sho and the Kuykendall girl ran away lost year, it was said they disapjieared on tho same day that two veiled women passed a check bearing the signature of Prof. Joseph on Ticket Agent Byron Luther at Biltmore and thero wero all sorts of rumors about the girls being inveighed away by members of a show that had shortly before that time been in Asheville. Wide Tires. The necessity for the osa of wide ires ii recognized in (bote com inanities that hive once nsed them In many of our States laws exist compelling tboir nee on the nnbhc roads, but in the absence of such legislation in our own State, a practical good miifbt be accomplish ed by a few of the leadii g citizens in each community adopting wide tires for wagons npon which heavy loads ere hauled. The use of ve hicle thus equipped would neces sarily attract tli attention of all pernor e ongtged in haali. g su.d if the wide tiiP- imd iLc red ir.crii claimed by tlie'r sdv et-, it wcnld not be lor-ir In ' re they might c ine into general ueo. In foreign countries tho eut j-ct of wide tires hus received coneider able attention at.d from the consular n ports the following is gathered as to the neai;e there : Austria Tiresfour and one-third inches for load of two and one fourth tons, nd six and one-fourth inches for loads of four and one-half tone or over. France Usual wid'.h of tires four to six inches, with the rear axle twelve to fourteen inches longer than the fore. Germany For heavy loads a width of at least four inches. Switzerland A width of one inch for each draft animal, and for heavy loads rot less than six inches. Most of the States in this country, and ninny foreign countries, pre scribe conditions of widths to loads hauled on the general principle that wide tiies contribute in no small de gree to the proper maintenance of the highway. If 1 were called on for aeuggestion in regurd to the matter, I would suggest that all rolling stock having tires of foor inches in width or over need on the public highways be exempt from taxation. Prof. J. A. Holmes. Submarine Wireless Test In the coarse of exDeriments with the new submarines at Portsmouth an attempt was made to communi cate with them by means of wireless telegraphy, which was found possi ble, sst a special cibie aieps'cn from London to the New York Times. A further trial revealed the fact that comruunicstion could onlv be established so long as the light Deoetrated to the submarines. It Ceased as soon as they were sub merged to a deptn where tne iignt was unable to reach them. This discover? will, it is exoected. have an important bearing on the future ot submarine warfare. c.x penmen made aboard ship to de tect the approach of submarines were also successful. Every Church or institution supported by voluntary contribu tion will bo given a liberal quan tity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint Note: Have done so for twen ty-seven years. Sales: Tens of millions of gallons; painted near ly two million houses under guar antee to repaint if not satisfac tory. I he paint wears lor ETiods up to eighteen years, inseed oil must be added to the paint, (done in two minutes). Ac tual cost then about $l.i.'5 a gal lon. Samples free. Sold by our Agents, F. L. Smith &Co.,Mt Airy, N. C. United States Senator W. J. Stone bus been examined by a Missouri grand jury in regard to legislative bcodliog. Lieutenant Governor Le baa left the State, ignoring a subpoena. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 25c All srrr'- Dropped Dead in a Hotel. A dispatch of last Monday from Statesville to the Charlotte Observer sats: Mr. E. L Cook, of Ilildo brsnd, Catawba county, died very suddenly in the ofhue of Hotel Iro dell this afternoon about 2 o'clock Mr. Cook was here in attendance on tho Federal C urt, now in session, and was a pparcutly in perfect health a few m intents before his death. Ilo had only a moment bofore in qnirod of Mr. Murphy, th clerk at tno hotel, r r Mr. I nomas n. Itollins, who was his attorney, lie turned and started toward tho front of tho ollico, got near tho center of the room, when he suddouly fell to the II or, gasped once or twice and life was extinct. The oflice was crowded at the time and parlies present at once applied themselves to the ordinary methods of rubbing to re store him, and Mr. E. O. Gilmer, tho proprietor of the hotel, hurriedly dispatched a message for a tbym ciau, but when Dr. T. E. Anderson, the first to respond, reached him, Mr. Cook had been dead several minulos. Heart failure was the cause of his death. Mr. Gilmer had everything done that was possible, but all to no avail. In a short while after death tho proprietor of the hotel had the body removed to the undertaking rooms of li. A. Critcher it Co. and prepared for burial Rnd it will bo forwarded on the 'J.M train to-night to the home of the doceabjd for interment. Mr. Cook was a merchant at llildobrand, and a man who stood well in the com munity. He had lately been a store keeper and ganger at tho distillery of A. H. Flanigao, in Catawba county, and was the defendant in an indictment which charged tint while acting in the capacity of such office permitted the removal of whiskey from the warehouse without the payment of tax. Parties who know M r. Co k well think that worry and exitoraent over this charge prob ably caused his sudden death, or at iiet superinduced it. Tho deceased Wis about 45 years of age and leaves a family of soven children, two of whom are married. A Good Word for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "In Docember.1900, 1 had a severe cold and was so hoarse that I could not speak above whisper," sgy Allen Davit, of freestone, IS. I. 1 tried several remedies but got no relief until I used Chamberlain's CoiirIi Remedy, one bottle of which cured me. 1 will always speak a good word for that medicine. For sale by C. . Uallaway and J. W. MePherson A Co. The commission of British work inmen which visited tho United States reports that the workingmen in this country are not superior and concedes that there is something to earn from the employers. OABTOniA. Bsr tb. ) IN S'Ml iwavs tSOUJlI j altars sf The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic diseise experiences great ditliculty in having their cau in telligently treated by tho average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, ui.. is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted Statea. VV rite him for his ex pert opinion of your case, for which he makes no charge W ,' MWh. f SWS S fcMUlll brew m n Mr miMiitinii s nwrfort P 'J- M r. - rnoUIC v; t-: . v r ra Candidates are coming to the front all over the State for Governor of North Carolina. Ilonor, that'a the thing the whole crowd is after. It is hoped some good man who does not seek the office will get the nom ination. It is time for the masses to rise up and change the manner of nominating candidates. The cut and dried con vent iou nominees are not the men the people want not the men they should have forced on them by political politicians and po itical tricksters. If the voters would take hold and run things the trick sters would be compelled to take back seats. Does it Pay to Buy Cheap ? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but yoo want some- thing that will relieve and cure lbs more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What ahull you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if pos sible, it not possible for you, then in either cam) lake the only remedy that has been introduced in all civil irod countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Itoscheo's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates the tiuv to de.-lroy the germ dim-use, but allays inflam mation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and ceres the patient. Try on boitle. Uu commended muny years by all drug gists in Ibe. world. You can get this reliable remedy at I. W, West's drug store, Mount Airy, N. C. Price 2 oo and 75o. Lchildrenfi! mmm siaat MNUtl tttmmtt'm turn th pjubl md4 wttH ran.!. Cwstw's I W i V et r me jt I.M. and W.H rr)r tp-j wo... ! t km Hfanl ft't( i, matt a . FV, nimora. Ss. j i AVcgelable rrepamwnrjr As similating Ilic Food andReOnla tmg the Stmnaths and Howls of C EDU Jfts SSI Promotes DieslioT.Chrerfur ncss aivl Rcsl Vonlciins iv-iHsr 0riuiu. Morphine iiorMuicral. Not Nahcotic. Ary nUft-.UM XLfmtDi tW Sr,J' Atx . lavwt W - St .fcwW . tit ieHnlHnlf ffcflp llvw.lW hmvipwm thnml Apcif'Tt liini.'dy forronslipn rion.Sour Sioirwtch.Dinrrhitcfl Worms , onvil-,ions, rowrish iu ss oiul Loss of Sleep. iW u ci'tuhtia For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho i bignaturo 0 rw F.ir Simile SiCnulur of tsCsffux. KKW YORK. lxact copy or wpappch. 'I i 1 .7 Pi M I I'm J w 9 Use For Over Thirty Years 11111 tni tiNTtti coMiNf. niw Tons errv, VprW WWf yfa "fJlWsiasjjsjssjjBsjsi i-.X -.V . .f.- . - . h SkBBMssWaaslaj swir'ijp. jmmtt t-TW9 SV -Jt SjiaSY i la-sls a 5 I I DgVAULT i Is the Place to Buy mm Dry Goods and Notions. When we tell you we are selling BARGAINS we are not merely talking. Talk is cheap but We Mean Business, AND IF YOU WILL COME TO SEE US WE WILL PROVE IT TO YOU. YOURS FOR LOW PRICES, R. D. DeVAULT i 11 Next Door to Prather's Clothing Store. MOUNT AttT HARBLE WORKS, W. 0. HAYNES a CO, Profoietors, Msaat Airy, N. C. Fine Marble and Granite Monu ments, Tombstones, IRON FENCING, ETG. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. - I ALL WOLK 6imIEED 10 GIVE 8AIISFACIIM. WRITS FOR DESIGNS AND PRICES. Hagus-McDorkls Dry Goods CoM Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. gW" We solicit trade of Merchants only, and st :l nothing at retail. gW We cordially invite all Merchants to call on us whe n in Greensboro, or to see our Travelling halerur.n hfore placing orders elsewhcrt-. YOU CAN FIND Guttering and Spooti, (Both Gal vanized Iron and Tic), Also Tin and Iron Roofing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Old Copper, fYmner on A TJiVrtu RtMTn PetTr and and Water Pipe Fit- Rubber bought tinffs of all kinds. atETentt's. T M EV1CRITT. ASK YOUR Neighbor to Take riio :.:t. aiht hews.