j. "Word to tho Wioo lo suffloionti Duy Hamilton-Drown SHoos ,t 3T. ia. Barltor'o Mount Airy News. T71 1 MOUNT AIRY, N. C THURSDAY, MAY 28, 190JJ. VOL. 2tf. NO. 48. FOR FIFTEEN ' YEARS, SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Professor Powell, of Washington, D. C, l Recommends Pe-ru-na. SUCH RtrnlKtitforwkril evlilr-nos run not bo overlooked. What the com mon people any carrlvK weight, liiitwhmi a man of national liromlncnre says "1'e runssrimilcl l.o lined In every houwihold," It Id significant fact to tlm imrvuulua tiroinlnouoe and undoubted elllcauy of Jl PROF. W.B.POWELL (lv27 V SUP'T PUBLIC SCHOOLS VM N$?V WASHINGTON es. Vs Prof. W. B. Powell, of Washington, P. 0., Is one of tlio t known educator In the country. Tor fifteen year he ha boon Superintendent of tho Fuhllc Hi'hooti of Washington, which la conKldored Iho lxnt school ay Btcm in the United Plate, Professor Powell la the author of ft number of achool books which are luud throughout the United State. Tula well known gentleman doe not hesitate to recommend Peruna to hi oountleaa friend, and acquaintance! all over the I'll I ted 8Utea. In a recont letter Iroin 1410 N street, N. W., Washington, I. C, to Dr. Ilartman, ho aayat " Persuaded by a friend I have used Peruna as a tonic, and I take pleasure la recommending your remedy. Peruna Is Indeed a good medicine and should be la every household. " W. B. PO WELL. I'eruna. Peruna la of national famo a a catarrh remedy. It la the only Internal v temlo catarrh remedy known to the med ical profoHMlon, Jt muke. dlHoaiiod mu rium nieml ranc healthy, whether It U tho miicnua membrano lining the none, throat, lung, stomach, kidney or pel vic organ. It cure various (Unease of all Ulcus orgamt, Ihvhiiiu) two-third of the 111. of mankind are duo to catarrh, With healthy miicou membrane oil tnatio dlee lo.fl their terror, the y tern I enabled to throw off contagion, and health follow Inevitably, , Mr. A. T. Wood, Mt. Htorllng, Ky, write i " For many year I have been a tut tcrer from catarrh, and hava tpent lima and money with phytklana and used many kind ot remedies which wera guaranteed lure cures , but In every caia It wa money thrown away. ' I reaped no benefit whatever from them. In my aeemlngly vain search tor relief I purchased a bottle ot Pe runa, having no confidence In It what ever at the time. Thl wa ahout one year ago, and I began to Improve and wa able to attend to my butinena without being constantly hampered hy every kind of pain known to a human being. My hearing, which wa almost entirely gone In one ear, got very much better. The medicine not only seema to cure, but to prevent disease. I Thl winter when every one wa tufferlng from la grippe, I Blood like a ttone wall, absolutely proof against It. 1 lam not a believer In 'patent medi cine,' having found the majority of them fake, but I do not hesitate to recommend Peruna a the bent medi cine for catarrh the world ha ever teen. . I keep a bottle of It at borne constantly and shall continue to do to, because I believe It to be the bett med icine on earth. I never leave home that I don't put a bottle ot It In my grip." A. T. WOOIX M t. Evan I). Bowcn, Podge City, Kan., Conductor on tho A. T. 8. F. H. H., write t "I have had catarrh of the atom ach foreven year, and I began to think that 1 nevor wa going to m cured. At he time I began taking Peruna.I wa en able to make more than one or two trip on the road at a time, not being able to keop anything on my stomach. I then weighed 1'IH pound. I have boon taking l'cruua lnce that time and have never lout a trip, and now woigh 200 pound." Evan D. Bowcn. If you do not dorive' prompt and satis factory remilts from tho use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. ilartman, giving a full statement of your cao and ho will be pleased to give you hi valuable ad vloe gratia. Address Br. Ilartman, President of The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, 5 rH WEST-HILL CO. I Invite the attention of the public to, very probably, the moat elaborate and interesting stock of (ien- O eral Merchandise ever exhibited in Mount Airy, at The Trade Palace, Under Opera House. SHOES Ibe Famous Barry t Heer's High Art Shoes Q Shoes and Oxfords Z and Oi fords for for Men and Boys Ladles and Misses Are unsurpassed in style, quality and comfort, acknowledged as THE LEADERS When tested by actual wear. Bee them. Clothing, isr A complete line of American Tailor suits from o to V 16.00, (Joata est, Extra Pants and a full line for boys. TV Lawns, India Linens, Organ- I ilOOflS. dies, IHmities, Batistes, P K's, J V- WWW-Je chsmbrays, Pereals, Ging hams, Woolen Dress Goods in the most popular weaves and fashionable style. Notions. t t 0 0 O t s 0 0 V"V W V V W V w V V V "w v Laces, embroideries, ribbons, etc. Ho siery irom oo. to ouc. per pair in tne cel ebrated Hermsdorf taut colors. Blurts. collars, cuffs, ties and in fact everything in ladies and gents furnishings. Hats, trunks valiees. Glass, crockery and tinware. A complete line of heavy and fancy groceries. FLOUR SPECIALTY. Boy our Queen of Patents. There is none bettor. It U our pleasure to serve. Call sod see us. The History of a Fake. Aim, for tricks that are vain 1 The petrified man who was on eanhed in Henderson county a few weoke ago by Squire Sitton is the Bame petrified man who was ix hibited in this city iu 1895. The petrified man who was brought here in '95 caused a great sensation and mde a lot of money for his owners. The story was that he bad been dug op near Columbia, S. C, and bo passed as a genuine article nntil some prying scientists discovered that he was made of !laster of patis or something of that ;ind. This petrified man was langhed out of history. For many days North Carolina has been busy discussing Squire Sitton's petrified man, and if the curiosity or phenomenon was a fake no one has been able to prove that fact But a photograph that has been found in the Van Ness' stadio in this city proves beyond peradven tore that the two petrified gentle men are one and the same man. I Nan Ness exhibits a photo of the man who was unearthed at Colum bia, and it is a perfect likeness of Squire Sitton's man. The rtsetn blance in the smallest details is exact, and every one who looks at the two pictures that are now in The Observer office is forced to come to one conclusion. Where the Columbia petrified man has been all thie time, how he happened to be buried on a crtxk bank in Henderson county that is another story. Char. Observer. Any church or parsonage or insti tution supported by voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal quantity of the Longman & Martinez i'ure Paints whenever they paint. Note : Have done so for twenty seven years. Sales: Tens ot mil lions of gallons ; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfactory. The paint wears for periods np to eigh teen years. Linseed Oil must be added to the paint (done in two minutes). Actual cost then about $ 125 a gallon. Samples free. Sold by our agents, F. L Smith & Co. A Sure Thing. It is said lb at nothing is uro ex cept death and taxes, but that is not altogether true. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption U a sure cure for ail lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to that, if rs. C. B. VanMetre of Shepberdtown, W. Va, says : "I bad a severe case of bronchitis and for a year tried bverytbing I heard of, but got no re lief. One bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery then cured raj absolute ly." It's infallible lor croup, whoop ingcoogb, grip, pneumonia and con sumption. Try iu It's guaranteed by 0. E.Gallaway, druggist. Trial bottles free. Keg. sises 60c, f I 00. It it a mighty hard tl io for men to racist the temptation to steal from the government when an opportu nity presents itself, bat til "stealing sins'1 are alike. He Cures Without Money. On January LTith an article ap peared in Tlio Constitution giv iritf particulars concerning' tho remarkable psychic force- which U. U. Harrison, the well known inunuger of tlio Southern Press Clipping Hureau, laid developed. It was also stated that Tlio Con stitution would rjivo tho results of some of Mr. Harrison s expo ritnents. This publication ro suited in a deluge of letters and personal visits by people various ly afflicted, who beirgod to bo healed. It was a matter of im possibility to treat all tlio appli cants, or even to answer letters. Mr. Harrison nirreed to treat fen patients and publish the re sults. Ho lias cured between twenty fivo and thirty people and has letters from them show ering thanks and invoking (Jod'a blessings for tlio relief ho lias brought to them. He slates that ho has only exercised his healing jiowers for an hour each night, us Iio does not allow it to Inter fere with his regular newspaper work during tlio day. Iho fol lowing summary of cases treated and cured makes an interesting exhibit. Heing a business man, who only exerts his healing imiw era for tho benefit of suffering humanity, tho certificates aro not convertible into coin, but are treasured as pleasant memories of good deeds. The cases cured wcro as fol lows : Man of 50 Had rheumatism so that he could not leave his room. Cured in seven dnys (without being seen by Mr. Har rison) so that ho could return to his regular work. . Girl of liJ Chronic indigestion, which caused hiccoughs after cacti meal, uureu in two min utes. Marked improvement in general health, and not a hic cough in three months. Cured self of spasmodic stric ture of the oosonhasrus. Three years' standing. Have boon cured for twelve months, with no re turn of the trouble. Extreme nervousness also cured. Young lady of 17, who had the headache habit. Suffered daily. Cured in two minutes. Two months have elapsed and there has been no return of headache. Health greatly improved. Lady employed in Tho Consti tution building. Acute indiges tion. Cured in ten days. Health restored. Lady employee of Tho Atlanta Constitution. Case of rheuma tism of twenty-two years' stand ing. Had decided limp. Wrists and ankles swollen. IIal not laced her own shoos in twelve months. Cured in two weeks. Swellings reduced in one week. Walks as well as anybody now. Negro man Porter for The Constitution. Cured of severe case muscular rheumatism in four days. Bootblack cured of severe case of headache while shining a cus tomer's shoes. Scrub woman, Austell building. Cured of severo case of muscular rheumatism of four years' stand ing in four days. Lady of Hawkinsville, Ga. Bad case of rheumatism cured by what is called absent treatment in four days. In her letter she says: "I am happy to tell you I have been free from rheumatism since the fourth day I began your treatment. I shall ever feel grateful for the relief you have given me." Young business man cured of severe headache in two minutes. No return in two months. Negro washerwoman cured of rheumatism through medium of a 6-year-old child who made the suggestion for Mr. Harrison. Case of rheumatism of an old man, bedridden. Was enabled to sit up and walk about the house in six days. Carpenter and contractor had rheumatism so badly that he dragged ono foot behind him in going up stops. Thoroughly cured in ono week. No return of trouble after three months. Lady of 70 had rheumatism so badly that she could scarcely walk. Another case of absent treatment; patient was IK) miles from Atlanta. In her letter she says: "At first I felt so sudden a change that it made me almost forget that I had been an intense sufferer for such a length of time." After five days' treat ment she walked a mile to a neighbor's home. Porter of state capitol had a case of rheumatism which had made him a cripple for years and walked with a stick. Threw away his stick in three days and cured in two woeks. A Confederate veteran whose foot was so drawn and cramped with rheumatism that he could not put it flat to the floor. Cured in seven days so that he could walk without use of cane. In addition to this list, num berless cases of headaches, back aches, hiccoughs and minor troubles have vanished under Mr. Harrison's magic touch. A remarkable feature of Mr. Harrison's use of his powers is that he has never accepted mon ey for a treatment and believes the treatment would not be suc cessful if he accepted payment. The cases he has cured was done for the purpose of following up an interesting experiment and he is using his powers only when be can benefit some sufferer who has failed to find relief elsewhere. Atlanta Constitution, 1 A Younf Tar Heel Scientist. A young southerner, who his won great distinction in the icionifio world, though bo is now only 24 years old, is Dr. Harold Pender, brother of Mr. D. Pender, of this city, and of II. D. Pender, an officer in the United States navy, stationed at tho Norfolk navy yard. Dr. Pender is a rmt vont Tsrbro, N. O, inn of thn lute li II. iVid.-r. He lived in Tarb ro u .til t' edt:tb of his father, when he wi tit to lUI'i more to live with sn nlder half brother, Mr George L IVridtr. Hero he entered the MeDonongh school, established twelve miles out of Piltimore for the education of Iialtiinore orphan boys, where he spent six years, luading his class and winning a scholarship in Johns Hopkins, lie fore reaching his 11 1 year ho won bis Ph.D., being the yonngent Ph.D. over graduated by Johns Hopkins. Tho following Is from tho Syra cuse. (N, Y ) Standard : "Dr. Harold Pender, tho former instructor in tho department of physici In Syracuse university, re turned from Parii yesterday morn itiir. where he luccussfullr nerform ed iiis now celebrated experiment of showing tho relaion between static and voltaiu electricity. M. Crcuiiei), a French physical of noto, had disagreed with Prof. Pendur and the latter waa invited by the rrench scientists to j urnoy to Pans and perform his experiment. The demonstration was a complete suc cess and Prof. Pender conclusively proved tho correctness of his former work. ''Before Dr. Pender left for bis native land, the two exnerimeuters trave a coninlete detailed renort of tho work before the Physical Society of franco, composed of the leading scientists of the country. They illtiHtratid their report by a number of experiments, anions? them buine one showing directlv the Dreecnce of a magnetic field around a rapidly rotating, statically charged due This ex pet i me nt had never beture been performed in t ublic and its success tok a a a v the Frenchman' breath. "Tho monev to carry out the experiments was furnished by the University of Paris and the Institute of France, while the Carnegie Insti tute at Washington paid the per sonal expenses of Dr. Pender. Tho nrufussor has resigned from the faculty of the Syracuse Uni versity and has accepted a position with the Westinshouso Electric Company of Pittsburg." The purpose of Dr. Pender in entering tho employ of the Westing nouso Company is to learn the prac tical side of clectricitv. and to that end he enters as an apprentice and will spend two years working his way up. Norfolk Virginia-Pilot. Danbury-Sallsbury Railroad. Danbury is basking in the fine Srospects of a railroad at an early ay. The last legislature passed an act incorporating the Salisbury Kauway Company with a capital ization of $l'5,000 and privilege to increase to two and a hall mil lions. This company is compos ed of a number of wealthy Salis bury citizens who desire to reach the abundaut iron ores, timber, water power, produce, summer resorts, mineral springs and other fine resources of this region. The route of the road will be from Danbury via Germanton, Winston and Salisbury to some point on the Carolina Central in Union county, probably Monroe, making a line something over a hundred miles in length. The promoters of tho road, among whom are doubtless mon eyed men of the Twin-City are, it is thought, aroused by the ef forts of Danville and Greensboro business men to control tho trade of Stokes, Surry and lower Pat rick (Va.) It is well known that a railroad through this section from a point on the N, & W. in tlio eastern part 0i the county has been in embryo for some time, and that a number of the wealthiest citizens of Danville, Greensboro, Keidsville, Leaks- ville and Madison are at the back of it. More than one city within a hundred miles of this rich and untapped region, whose trade has built up Winston, is laying plans to divert it from the old chnnels into their marts. Dan bury Reporter. The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telhgently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga.. is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uoi ted States, Write him for his ex- Ecrt opinion of our case, for which o makes no charge. Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure sue. All Srrt t- V. .lit T.Ktr nui i- m 1a!I . buUitti fcrvw m neb kau-k ? Tl-n I "OTSHAM'S DYtWh the iskere Home Improvement. The question of home improve ment ia always a live one, and now that tho mortgage is paid off and there Is a little money in tho bank some thought should he givon to this subject. We hate to ieo a twenty thousand dollar man trying to live In a two hundred and fifty dollar home, f.r ho ought injustice to his family it live in something better. the house what it may, (here is (till a chance for all to im prove thn home surroundings. So much may be acc uiipliched with paint, straightening and cleaning up, tree planting and lawnmaking that oven the comparatively cheap and poor house can bo made tho nucleus of a pretty and attractive viow. American women aro rated as tho most attractive of any women, atid largely bocaueoof tho taste they exhibit in attire and manner. In the same way tho American home should bo madu equally pleasing. It looks like foolishness to pnt ('!, 000 In a lino houso and then pile firewood and old harness on the front porch, whilo the Poultry be f ut tho walks and make dusting places of (1 iwer beds. The Roll Call of the Great. If tho roll woro called fur tho truly great, who would dare to answer I Would it bo tho who have clean hearts and clean hands, who have takon advantago of no one, but have helped everybody, and have retarded no one s progrese, would it bo thoeo whose lives have boon a perpetual benediction of cheerfulness, encouragement, help fulnecs, and inspiration, regardless of whether they have accumulated money or not ; or would it bo thoeo who havo blocked the way for others and used them as stepping atoms upon which to climb to their own goal, regardless of their welfure, would it bo those who iiguro most conspicuotihly in tho gazo of the world and tho publicity of news papers f If tho roll wero called, and enly really honest responses woro ac cepted, would not thousands of so called successful men of wealth be dumb? Would not many who figure in the world's fatno also be mute ? Would not tho tongue of a man be tied whoso success is full of the ghosts of ruined lives t Wtuld tho millionaire who has gronnd life and opportunity, hope and ambition out of those who have helped him to make his fortuuo dare to answer to this roll call ? Yea, would we not get more re sponses from tho inmates of poor houses from the poverty stricken, than from tho millionaires them selves ? Mr. Joseph Pominville, of Still water, Minn., after having spent over $2,000 with the best doctors for stomach troub'e, without relief, was advised by his druggist, Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. He did so, and is a well man to day. If troublod with indi gestion, bad taste in the mouth, lack of appetite or constipation, give these Tablets a trial, and you are certain to be more than pleased with the result. For sale at 25 cents per box by C. E. Gallaway and J. W. Mc Pherson tfe Co. Too Great a Risk. In almost every neighborhood some one has died from an attack of colic or cholera morbus, often before medicine could be procured or a physician sum moned. A reliable remedy for these diseases should be kept at hand. The risk is too great for anyone to take. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Kemedy has undoubtedly saved the lives of more people and relieved more pain and suffering than any other medicine in use. It can always be de pended upon. For sale by C E. Nalla way and j. V. Mcl'berson A Co. OA-STOniA.. Brtth f 11 l& fa Haw ;warc BongM Does it Pay to Buy Cheap ? A cheap remody for coughs and colds ia ail right, but you want some thing that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troublos. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate Yea, if pos sible, il not possible for you, then in either cusu take the only remedy that baa been introduced in alt civil ised countries with euccosg in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It not only heals and etiraniales the tistK8lo destroy Ibe germ diacbse, but allays inflam mation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rust, and cures the patient. Try onb bottle. Ko commended many years by all drug gists in the world. You can gut this reliable remedy at I. W. Weal's drug store, Mount Airy, Jf. O. IViee 25u and 75c. mother. Th4r wBt ar flstm rotit, hn th- Frcy's Vermifuge motet nt hm Kpej tb ftnd U ttt4T& . tpi rru . la- t. ft. FfttY, lttimor, Met. AYcfifliihlc PrepnMlionrnr At similaimfi itichKHlnndllciM'i -ting the Stoinuilis nnd Dowels of Promotes l)ieslion.Checrful nessand Rest Contains neilla r Opium, Morphine nor Mmirul. Not NAitcoTic. w w- Alt Smnm ' lymk-ilt Ua - Hi t,itt0u tts ' Apctfrcl Itemed v forronstipn lion, Sour Stomarh.DmrrtKHVi Worms .Convulsions, rewrish m ss nml Loss or Sr.KH'. facsimile Sitjnnlurc of KK,W YOHK. tXACT COPY Or WOAPPrP. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears the Signaturo of M l 1 Is il a L w In 1)SG For Over Thirty Years TMt ttMVknn fOHT. Nl tt'Tf, wHtmaj Wanted-Hn Idea ftoM think f frMU SKfi.S m tlib Its HSfctCdttr P3j3t frmt brio Oh mW4ISkut It ft CI" R. D. De Vault HAS JUST RECEIVED THREE BIG LUES OF a. SAMPLES INCLUDING Shoes. Hats and He also has a big stock of SPRING ailD SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Notions. IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN ANY OK TIIKSK LINKS tio TO 0. DeVJTtfLrFS For BARGAINS, for he is l'llEl'AHIKD to SAVE YOt; MONEY. Hagus-McCorkls Dry Goods CoM Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. ffiT We solicit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. gjgy" We eordiallv invite all Merchants to call on us when in Greensboro, or to see our Travelling Salesman before placing orders elsewhere. TOU CAN FIND n..u an an Snout ms. (Both Gal vanized Iron and Tin), Also Tin and Iron Roofing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. 11 - TO Jim Dumps had scarcely slept a wink, AH nigh, he'd toss about and think. Bat that's all past he'll ne'er endure Insomnia, He's found a enre t Tis " Force." At night, when lights are dim, It soothes the serves of " Sonny Jim." 4 l maKes one chummy with good sleep. WwUnl Believe M first. 1 woaMa't twJww n till 1 UWrt It, b ' ! HMftlt Ifter BlgfaL N" I l tvt wad Mf aad I Sav i il f 1.J W f t V 4