J. "Word to tlio Wiso is Sullloionti J3viy Hamllton'Brown Sliooo rvt ar. m. Urtrli.ox" r 1 Airy OU'N EWS. VOL. 23. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., THURSDAY, JUNK 11, 1!)0. no. no. HE THE NEW WOMAN. if J Kn, Kmma Mitchell, 620 Louisiana Street, IndlanapoltH, Intl., writust uor the jmxt five yi'urn I litre rarely boon without iuin, t ut, lVruna hu Changed all thin, mid In a very ehort time, I think I hud taken only two bot tloa before I bcaa to recuperate Yery quickly, and lorcn but tic made me well. I do not have hcoriarho or backache any ttiore, and hove mmt lntereat In life." Emma Mitchell. The coming of what li known M the "new woman" In our country la not greeted by everyone a If ahe were great blessing. Hut tlmro In another ni'W woman whom everybody 1 lad. to see. Every day aome Invalid woman U exclaiming, " I have been made a new woman by Dr. Hartman's homo treat ment," It la only necessary to vend name, address, symptoms, duration ol llckneaa and treatment already received to Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio, and direction! for one montl.'a treatment Will be promptly forwarded. If yon do not derive prompt and satis factory reulu from thenno of JVruna, write at once to Ir. Hartman, Riving a full atatement of jour cuso and he will be pleaaed to givo you hla valuable ad-tf-e gratia. O Address Dr. ITarlman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0. A Sad Blow to Ten Hen. The Ilev. Bam Jones on ore wi a sion delivered Ml sermon called "Wives and liusUnde" before sn Immense Catherine at Birmingham Ala. lie dwelt particularly on the beauty and utility of mutual foro bearance botwoen husbands and wives and then, as though dosiruus of showing tire rarity of that qoali ty. said : "If there is a woman in this vast fathering who has never said an un kind word to hor husband, she will please stand op. A woman arose, as though she had boon challongod, and J ones, beckoning her with both arms, called ont: "Come here, sister t Come right nn here to the platform. The women did as bidden, and when she reached the preacher's side whs presented to the throng as the "moBt beautiful woman in iSirming ham 1" Jones, continuing his ad dress, asked any man who had never spoken an unkind word to his wife to make himself known, l romptiy arose ten bii?, i. rapping, soiiconsci ous chaps, who started for the plat- . . .i ...J iorm wiuioui iuruiur uiuuiug anu with an air that suggested the anti cipation of praise from the preacher, who, as they n eared aim, said : "That's light, my men 1 uotue right np 1 I want everybody here to gaze on ten of the most helpless liars in the United States f" The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telligently treated by the average phytsiciun. Those diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga., is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted States. Write him for bis ex- !ert opinion of your case, for which ie makes no charge T I - Invites the attention of the public to, very probably, the most elaborate and interesting stock of Gen eral Merchandise ever exhibited in Mount Airy, at The Trade Palace, Under Opera House. S BE O E S IheFamons Barry Beer's High Art Shoes Shoes and Oxfords Z and Oxfords for for Men and Boys j Ladies Are unsurpassed in style, quality and comfort, acknowledged as THE LEADERS When tested by actual wear. Bee them. Clothing, is line for boys. Dry Goods. S Notions. A complete line of American Tailor Suits from 5 to 115.00, Goals etta, Intra rants and a full Lawn,, India Linens, Cran- unities, rlatistes, r K s, ibravs, rercals. Ging hams, Woolen I 'reus Goods in the most Kpular weaves and faabionable atylea. siery from 6c. to title per pair in the cel ebrated Uermsdorf !al colors, bhirts. eollars, euffs, tie and in fact everything in ladiee and genu furnishing. Hata, trunks valines. wlass, crockery and tinware. A complete line of heavy and fancy groceries. q FLOUR A SPECIALTY. V Boy our Queen of PaterU. There ia none better. It is our pleasure to serve. Call and see us. r o OTIC. I win vrar mu and woman la the ran ! iklmlrt Ik Uinuia awl Wkk v a of ml tu .s Uj feata! aa k . ear of mj L a4 aaa UI bo i , All, m fi ICotfol Dyspepsia Cure DlgtMt wtaat f. aat. Th One Day Cold Cur. for owioao4ow throat mc KenRott-tChonfr Ara Voar SlUint T Wi agnor"tll viTin Sua '.li maa a Kodol Dyspepsia Curo Dtoeat what ym Mt Cur Cold In Mead. to Ukc aod qukA lo cut eul4 ia head aaa u Th On O.v Cold Cur. Cold la hrm4 an 4 Br throat nnS v Xrr- ojou ckHvilatra Liatf tttiniB. Aflaaa - uuan cf w laaat.- Mllllons In Strawberries. To date the-car load shipmt nts of strawberries in refriorator can have born ahont 1,S12 cam, with express shipments reaching abou 54,6fi8 crates, against 1,1 lfl cars and 41,25'J crates last year, beginning April 10th there hae ben a steady movement from eastern Carolina moving from 25 to 125 car loads a day from this territory. In tho distribution these shipments have covored all the leading cities and towns ot tho northern, Isow hog land and middle western States, and while prices were not quite so high In the beginning of tho shipping season as have been known in past years, nevertheless the gonoral aver age has been well nigh if not quite ap to the standard, and the aggro gate volnme has boon fully 25 if net 35 per cent, ahead of any previous year. Up to this wrung not less than 500,000 cratts have gone for ward out of this territory, yielding the growers a net sum of more than (1,125,000 and each day shipments coutinue. Uernos will go forward in car load lots for at least a week or two longer. Tho crown berries are now on the move and they are delicious, bringing good prices. Wilmington Dispatch. He Is Only a Printer. "He is only a printor." Such was the sneering remark ot a leader in a circle of aristocracy codfish qnali ty. Who was the earl of Stanhope I lie was only a printor. What was Pince Edward William and Prince Napoleon ? Proud to call them selves printers. Che czar of Iluesia, tho crown prince ot 1 ruseia and the duke of Pattenbcrg were printers, and the emperor of China worked n a private printing ollico almost every day. William Caxton, tho father of English liorature, was a practical printer. What were J. P. Morris, N. P. Willis, James Parker, Horace Greeley, Charles Dickens, James Buchanan, Simon Cameron, bchuylcr Colfax Printers all, and practical ones. Mark Twain, Amos J Cummings, Bret Ilarte, William Dean IJowells, Joel Chandler Har ris and Opio Itead were plain, practical printers, as wire Artcmus Ward, Petroleum V. Nasby and Sut Lovingood. Senator Plumb, of Kansas, and James J. Hogg, ex governor of Texas, were all printers and the leader of science and phi losophy in his day made it his boast that he was a "jour" printer. In fact, thousands of the most brilliant minds in this country are to be found in large cities and towns. It is nut every one that can be a printer brains are absolutely necessary. Century. Th On Day Cold Cur. Canaan a Ckonlatra LaaaUoa Qvtare for eat. ie ia aoaa aaa an tatta U4M laaa Postal Frauds in Philippines. The Philippines are having their postal scandals as well as Washing ton. Two cases were reported by mail to the War Department. One is that former Postmaster Milne, at Tacloban, Veyte, who is accused of not only taking $2,000 current coin of the United States, but even the 400 pound safe which is supposed to have contained the money. Postmaster Karelsen, of Calamba, Lnzon, is also under arrest. Some time ago 12,000 disappeared from the mails between tho hour it left his cfiice and when it should have reached Manila. Treasurer Jones, of the province of Tarlac, likewise reports robbery. He says he has been losing from 25 to $500 a month. His books are all right, but the balance in the cash drawer comes short regularly. The Saloon Bar. A bar to Heaven, a door to hell Whoever named it named it well ; A bar to manliness and wealth, A door to want and broken health. A bar to honor, pride, and fame, A door to sin, and grief, and shame ; A bar to hope, a bar to prayer, A door to darkness and despair. A bar to honor, nseful life, A door to brawling, senseless strifo ; A bar to all that's true and brave, The door to every drunkard's grave. A bar to jya that home imparts, A door to tears and aching hearis ; A bar to Heaven, a door to hell Whoever named it named it well. J. Noubis. "I have been troubled for aome time with indigestion and sour stomach," says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Maes., "and have been taking Cbsmberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets which Lave helped me very much so that now I can eat many things that before 1 could not." If yoo have any trouble with your stomach why not take these Tablets and get well i For sale by C. E. Gallaway and J. W. McPheraon & Co. Any church or parsonage or insti tution supported by voluntary' con tribution will be given a liberal Joantity of the Longman & Martinez 'are Paints whenever they paint. Note : Have done so for twenty seven years. Sales: Tens of mil lions of gallons ; painted nearly two million houses nnder guarantee to repaint if not satisfactory. The paint wears for periods np to eigh teen yean. Linseed Oil must be added to the paiut (done in two minutes). Actual cost then about $1.25 a gallon. Samples free. Sold by our agents, . L Smith k Co. Ten thousand lives have been lost this year in the United btat i by su eidenta, fires, cyclone, bigb water. I HgQtalsg, && They Deserved Nolhlnf Better. The new municipal code of Ohio gives the Oovt rnor authority to re move mayors for cans'1, and tho lit tie villago of Amtsvil!t, Athens county, denims to take advantage ot the new law. At the last ejection the tuu clmso for its chief xecutive th oddeat piece of hums'. ity that ever graced a major s chair in the iirck eye Mate. Ills naino is Alonzo Weed and he came to Amesville from California about a year ago. lie is 40 years of age, weighs 105 pounds and is but 4'J inches high. His election to the mayorality was the result of a joke, but now the good people of Amesville are of the unanimous opinion that the joke is on them. The village coun cil, clerk, marshal and other repre suntative citis tis have hied with the Governor sundry and serious charges against the midget. They recite that he is moutally incapable of performing the du'ics of his otliue, that he is wholly illiterate, an habitual drunkard, uuable to take care of his own property, is grosslv immoral and that, in short, he camo to the town a tr.it p or hobo and that he remains a tiamp or hobo to the present dy, notwithstanding hi t-lovation to the position of chief citizdn of the town. Upon receipt of tho shargos Gov- ernor Nash, in accordance with the provisions of tho municipal code, temporarily suspended Mayor Weed from otlice and began a hearing on the charges. If the charges are sustained by the evidence the town of Amesville will soon have a new hief executive and the midget mayor will bo obliged to look for another job. No Heart But Plenty of Nerve. There is one woman in New York who is either devoid of nerves alto gether or the possetsorof a nervou svsiem which is proof against shock of any kind. This woman is on trial at Monticello for tho murder of hr uaband. According to the teii- tnony of hor daughter, the murder- ees killed her buMmnd with a- lit'le compunction as if she had wrung a chicken's neck. After cutting up tho body and placing it in the kitch en stove to be reduced to ae'iee, the went to bed and slept until morning. hen the aros?, mixed flour for pan cakes and cooked the ctkes on the stove within which the remains of er husband were being incinerated. iter in the day she gathered up the ashes of hor murdered spouse, mixed them with corn meal and fed the compound to her chickens. A dep uty 6henll who testified at the trial stated that the woman told him, in rather amused sort of way, that she utilized the remains of her on fortunate husband as food for fowls, nd that she expressed herself as happy that he was gone. This is ot a romance It is a matter ot fact evidence in a murder trial in a civilized community. What Causes Pneumonia? Dr. Reynolds of Chicago claims that pneumonia is a highly conta gioos disease, the cause of which is micro organism in the sputa of those suffering from the malady and contracted by inhaling this germ ; therefore the sputa should be de stroyed, etc. All such talk might be set aside as bosh if it were not for the barm it is doing. So long as doctors can find the cause of any disease to re side in a micro organicra go long they can ignore the real conditions which produce them. It is not a micro organism that causes pneumonia or causes it to spread. It is improper clothing, damp, nnventilated surroundings, insuliicient food, intemperance, vice and excesses of various sorts. Death of P. F. Dufry. The Star chronicles this morn ing with jcculiar and very deep regret the death of its associate iditor, Major Patrick Francis Duffy, which occurred rather sud denly at u o'clock yesterday af ternoon at his home, No. 10 South Eighth street. Maj. Duf fy had been ill only since Sun day evening about 6:30 o'clock, when lie suffered a severe -attack of intestinal trouble, presumably the effect of some ice cream which he ate for dinner. Dr. Andrew II. Harriss, the family physician, was called immediate ly and remained at the bedside of the sick man during the night, but gradually he grew worse and Dr. W. J. II . Bellamy was called in yesterday. In the afternoon Dr. W. J. Love was also sum moned and though everything known to medical science was done by those three physicians for the jtatient, he passed away at the hour mentioned, remaining conscious almost to the ruinu'e Le was firmly in the grasp ot death. Wilmington Star, 2jd. Do Yon Enjoy What You Eat t If you dun't your food does not do you much (food. Kodol I ynif ;ta Cure is the r-oiedy tbat every one should take when there it anything wrung with the stomaeh. Tht-re is no way to maintain the health and strength of mind and body except ij nourishment. There is no way to nourish except through the stomach. The stomach must Le kept ht-allhy, pure and iM or the strength will let down and disease will aet up. No appetite, lews of strength, nervous ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, sour risings, rifting, indignation, djapppsia and all stomach troubles are quickly cured by the use o( Kodol ity. peps a Cur, bold by t W. West, druggist. Ml. Airy, H. Q. FAST LIVING KILLS. Dr. Oliver T. Osborne's paper ..ml r. - T i- ti ...11 L on "iue oirenuous ljiio, wiiiuh was read before tho American Therapeutic Society at Washing ton, D. C, tho past week, led to tin) conclusion that Americans live at too fast a Dace. This was admitted by nearly all tho doctors present at the American Medical Congress, but nobody hud a remedy to suggest. Dr. Osborne said the strenuous ness of the life of tho average American business man has a tendency to incroaso card Lie. and arterial weaknesses, and that tilifitherruusefor the many break downs is the canstantly increas ing and reckless use oi coal tar products for tho relief of pain. "We hardly realize this daily tension and tho effect on our hearts unless wo analyze it," said Dr. Osborne, who comes from New Haven. "We rise on time in the morning, whether by an alarm clock or the call of a ser vant, or by habit, cat breakfast and read the pajcrs on time, a clock in every room and a watch frequently in our hand. We then, on time, meet ollico and outside engagements, college appoint ments, consultations, always and constantly carefully predicting the amount of time that will be required and timing our noxt en gagement by this division. "During the day we rush up long (lights of stairs or take ele vators that go up with a rush and stop with a plunge. If we drive, either horse or automobile, our hearts stop, jump and receive tho vasomotor contraction check, when, by the carelessness of pedestrians or bicyclists, we are suddenly anxious lest we do them an injury. If we are in a car or vehicle ruanuged by some one else we often receive the same real or needless shocks to our nervous systems and hearts. If we are ailing we slight nature s signal to relax and still keep up the pace. If we are actually sick, unless we are seriously ill we tightand wrestle with the disease, whatever it may be, instead of calmly giving up and allowing the disease to be temponiry mas ter of ceremonies. AfU;r the heart has been worn by the strain given it by the life of the American of great affairs it is useless to expect drugs to re store it. "The constant nervous shocks to which Americans subject themselves have the same effect as fast driving on a high-strung horse. Any owner or driver will tell you it is not the distance the horse is driven, but the speed at which he goes that does the in jury. "Americans could work longer hours without harming them selves half as much as they do in their comparatively short hours, which they spend in a terrific ef fort to accomplish everything their brains have been able to think of." "This describes the life of most of the men and women of our rapid age and country. Even the school children and I might say, the young children, see too much, do too much, are amused too much, receive too much, com pete in school too much, are taught too much, are awake too much for the welfare of their nervous system." Sale of Timber Lands. Judge H. B. Stevens has re cently completed the sale of a hundred thousand acres of tim ber land in Kabun county, Geor gia, to Moses Cone, of Greens boro, and W. W. Mill, of Raleigh. There are forty-one farmers who own this land in separate tracts and live on it Options on these lands were secured by McDade and Turpin and Judge Stevens, who is now in Kabun county, and is daily converting these options into deeds and paying out five to ten thousand dollars a day. Judge Stevens and family will reside on Uiis land this summer and until the examination of titles is com pleted by him.-Asheville Citizen. Col. Frank Coxe, of Atbeville, one of the State's weal thin' and most widely known citizens and pro prietor of the famous Liittery Park 4ioteI at that place, was found dead in bis home on Green river, eight miles from Kutherfordton Tuesday morning. He was in apparent per fect health the day before. A negro made an unsuccessful attempt to criminally assault Miss Claude Pegram at Winston Tues day morning. Her screams attract ed the attention of her father who ran to ber at once. The man made bis escape but it is believed he will be captured by the aid of the sheriff and his b'oodboanda. Sick Headache? Food doesn't dijjest well? Appetite poorr" Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. 2fc All ((!. Waul four (Kioy.uu h r bi4 a taaatltill BUCKINGHAM'S DYEMa-r. Smma! t ateMs ta J 1 PARKER'S r. I HAIR BALSAM j., I nn i a 1 a kai r Bur fc ' sua Education in North Carolina. In North Carolina, which lias been in tho forefront of the Southern movement for better educational facilities, there was passed in VM a law permitting tho establishment of rural school libraries wherever tho patrons or friends of a free public school raised the sum of $10 for that puriMjse. The county board of education was authorized to add $10 to tho gift, and the State board of education $10 moro. The act provided that not moro than $.",000 should be expended for this purpose, and that the number of libraries should not excied six in any county . Within one year, according to Southern n,iucation, w .libraries were established in seventy-eight of the ninety-six counties, by a total State and county expenditure of $1U,()oO. ho successful was tho experiment that the legislature of 10OU appropriated $3, (XX) more for six additional libraries in each county, and added $2,500 for books for the libraries al ready established. Each library is conducted under rules and regulations proscribed by the State superintendent of public instruction. I be .North Carolina literary and Historical Society lias dono much to secure the pas sage of the laws. The resul's have more than justiGed the ex ix'nditure, and, in fact, the expo rimenthas attracted very consid erublo attention in other StaU-s, One small public school, that of Liocko township, for instance, has a school Utui of only four months. Yet during this period 50 books were read by the pa trons and pupils of the school. The peculiar value of the school library lies in the fact that it ed ucates the older generation us well as the younger. New York Evening Post. A law that woiks great injustice to the counties of North Carolina, or at least one that costs Guilford a 1 t of money, is that making it a oiisdemeanor to bent one's way on the train. The law in itself is proper enongh, Jor some deterrent ii needed for the protection of the railroads, but the complaint lies in the fact that justices, mayors, etc., are not given jurisdiction. A tramp is pulled from the train, fur instance, and taken before tho mayor. There is seldom any defence and the prisoner must bo sent on to the next term' of the criminal court. Of course he can give no bond and must go to jail and very often he is ktpt there waiting a hearing for two months or longer at the expense of the coun'y. l'y all means the law ahould be changed so as to give jurisdiction to justices and mayors. It is costing Guilford and of course m-iny other counties almg the main li'ie of reals a lot of rn mey with out any reason whatever. Green boro Ilecord. The Southern General Assem bly was wise in re-electing Kev. Dr. A. L. Philips as general sup erintendent of the Sabbath Schools and the Young Peoples' Society. Dr. Philips is a mem ber of a family long leaders in educational and religious affairs in North Carolina, and this State rejoices in the important position he holds in the work of his great church. News and Observer. Ladies and Children Invited. All ladies and cliildren who cannot stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups, cathartic, etc., are invited to try the famous Little Karly Kisi-rt. They are different from all other pills. They do not puree the system, tveu a double dose willnot Kr'l,ei weaken or sieken ; many people call them the Easy Pill. W. H. Howell, Houston, Tex., says nothing better can be uiied for eonsti patiuii, sick headache, etc. Hob Moore, Lafayette, Ind., says all others Rripe and sickeo, while be Wilt's Little Karly Risers do their work well and easy. Bold by I. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, N. C. p jt. yaliu amd Ym Haw ir BoiijM SifUtaia af Does it Pay to Buy Cheap ? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you wanlHouio thing that will relieve arid cure the more at-vcre and dangerous rcHulta ofthroutand lung troubles. What ahull you do? Go to a warmer and more regulur clunulef lea, it poa bible, it not poi-aible for you, then in either cane tuke the o.sxr remedy I but has bueu introduced in all civil izo) countries with suecehs in ht-vere throat and lung troubles, "lioschoo'a German tsyrup." It not only hoala and stimulates the U-kuvh to dcxtroy the germ d incuse, but allays ii flam (nation, cause cany expectoration, gives a good night's rust, and cure the Datieiit. Try onk bottle. lie- commended many years by all drug- gotta in tbe world, lou can gel this reliable remedy at I. VV. West's drug atora, Mount Airy, N. U. Price 'iba uud 75c. hr T r Bi r mimt". trt its fXIsif Mat, mmpim, vasjataMii ep4t Fray's Vermifuge t-rt event wH mrA sapsM im- ts4n sff fcf m, - .At. rt Batttmor, Mi, Wanted-An Idea ESSS Ti 1 1 Mil rnvr thf mmf tta fm mi-4, wnajnHH W lUUf Uit . Co, fuMM k .m . r ' r" , - M .z AVcCclahle Preparation for As -simil.T t infi Ilic Food ami Reg ula -ting the Stoiuucte and Dowels of Promotes Diseslion.Chmlur ness and Ilcst.Conhiins neillrr Opitim.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nam c otic. Mn (matu in rtM.u A perfect RVnii'ily for Constipa tion, Sour Slonuirh.DiiirihocA Woi ms .Convulsions, kvcrish ness find LOSS OK SlXEi. Facsimile Sitfnolure of XKW VOTW LXACT C0PV OF WRAPPER. 1101 ! For Infants and CW ro r The Kim' Yet! fen Always Bought Bears the . Signature W V, ; W tV ' T 5 ft P. V' WKW Si in Use For five or ill it f'ui 3 i.j f ' v, r . M .1 . - TMt OC i ft . M -O.I CI1 mm fa ft ms m a i . c. R. D. DeVault I I -HAS JUST RECEIVED- THREE BIG- LUES .OF. SAMPLES .INCLUDING. Sfioes. Hats id Ii?;. He also has a big stock of 1 SPRING 3ND SUMMER DRESS GOOO IF VOL N E K I) ANYTHING IN ANY UJ- THrr LIN M TO R. 0. DeVJI'tf LrT'S For 1! A RO AINr", for he is I'RKI'AIKED to SAVE iuL' Mu: : sni HaguG-McCorkb Dry Qooda Co., Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, K. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. Wo solicit trade of Merchants only, and tell nothing at retail. gjtT We cordially Invite all Merchants to call on us when In Greensboro, or 'o SKfi our Travelling Salesman before placing orders elsewhere. TOTJ CAN FIND n uttering ii Spti, (Both Gal- vanized Iron and TinV Also Tin and Iron Roofina, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Worlc, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M EVKRITT. Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. t?Lr? v Jim Dumps' young wife while yet ai. " j-. imam IV-- a - r SB UI1US I Some biscuits made with greatest pride Jim looked with (tar o poo the food, But to a bride one can't be ruoc. "Let 'a eat 'Force ' first, dear, 'tie my whim," It aaved the life of " Sunny Jim." 1 U V SM II Tim UaadJ UMMn Canal when In doubt, tit It All "Sunny Jims" Raw. "In mr h'tiwlM 'Fiifi-e'la a fa miliar ami w i.mir mm 'Cumif Jim,' at4 tliat aa) inc a t"' 1.-ai, . we an all "E L. fw." 1 fit r

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