J. "Word, to tlio Wiflo ia Bufflcionti 23n.y Hamilton-Brown Olioco it if. in. Uarlior' Moun Airy Tnn X VOL. 21. MOUNT AMY, N. 0., THURSDAY, JULY 100JJ. NO. J. News. 1HE SUMMER COLDS Produco Chronic Catarrh. Vassal Isabella Elle Haveaa. 1 Madams Isabella Elian Ilavaaa, Ijfe Governor Grand Ixxlg. of Fro. Masons of England, In a letter from Hotel Bare loa, Chtcairo, 111., says t -mt4 "T17 mm mar while traveling J Contracted a moat penlttent and it toying cvld. My head ached, my tye and mott teemed conttantly running, my lungt wtra 6r and I lott my ap petit, health and good aplrlta. Doc tor pretcribed tor m all manner ol pill and powder, but all to at purpote. ' I advhed with a drurrht and hi apoka to highly of a medicine called I'eruna, that he Induced me to try my ftrtt bottle of patent medicine. I lorn: erer. It proved tuch a htlp to me thai I aooa pure ha ted another bottle and kept ca until I waa entirety well. " Madame lube I la Ellen Bavea. I Summer cold require prompt treat meat. They are alwaya grave, and aometlme dangerou. The prompt nta and aurety with which I'eruna acta la thete caaea hat aavid many Uvea, A largo d.we f IV run a should I taken at the flrst appearance of culj In dimmer, followed by email and oft repeated d'wet. There t no other rem edy that Im-dlral i-lenoe ran furnUh, no reliable and qntrk In Its action a. IVruna, Address The I'enina Medicine Com pany, Columbus, Ohio, for a free lunik entitled "Hummer Catarrh," which treats of tha catarrhal diseases peculiar lu aammar. Suicide rrora Brooklyn Drldfe. Jsow Voik, Juno 2'l ArcLIbalJ Morilnon. t lilk salesman, commit tod idIcIJo to day lu a novel war from tho Iirooklrn bridge, lie climbed the platform railing outb of the lirooklvn tower, jumped on top of train bound Iir lirooKiyn foil off (lie liitt car. rtrnck tbe tliird rail, wan Hun. across tbo track, ll lliriiij.Mi tbo lie and landed on Front Street, more than 100 fuel below, a nmrifflod corpao. It waa cold, clammy and drla.W oo tbe bridge and few were walking over. Morrison wu not aoon by any one before be landed on "top of tbe car. A passenger on tbe rear plat form of tbe lait car of tbe train aaw I) I m iomu and veiled. At Mormon jumped part of tbe ctr ran coder bar crowing tbe trntle woik and be wu bit by It. It a wept him of! the car, landing blm on tbe third rail, lie waa probably dead I fore be full to tbe ilroet. Riant Waa Her Terror. "I would conirh nearly all night long," writes Mm. Ohaa. Applegato, ol Alomndiia. Ind.. "and coulj hardly colony sloop. I but con dmilion an had that If 1 walked i block I would cough IViglilfUllj and H.il blood, hut. when all other meli cine failed, throe 11.00 bolllea of lr, Kina'a New lieovorr whol.y cured me and 1 gained 68 pound." It's alaolulely guaranteed to euro eoiiirha. rohla. la erinpe, bronchitis and all throat and lung trouble l'riee ftOe and 11.00. lrial botlliS freo at C. K. (iallaway'a drug alore. In Atbevilleaome dayi ago boy named William lndroth climbed a cherry troo on tbo atrcet and grssp ed two live clecttin wirca running tbrongh tho tree. He waa thrown to the ground and Ins hands terribly bnrnod. 1-ater both hands were am. putatod in the hope of saving his life, bnt he died of lockjaw. -m - Mra. Thomas Chapman, of Chan, lor's Mill. N. C, killed herself with s m r Monday. o & o o l 0 t if n r( hought an immenae line of fall and winter v IIVC clothing, for men and boys, and in order to clear our space before our fall goods arrive, we have decided to offer our entire line of spring and summer suits for the next 80 days at actual cost, and when we say cost we mean aetual bill cost, with freight added and do more. We have some extra special values selected from four of the largest factory lines in tha United Btates, and from these lines we seh-cted only the cream, hence we believe we have the best that can be bought and it would be to the interest of all to see our nto" Wore making purchases elsewhere. We must close our maimer goods during the next 30 days. GPljiiG- The Wbltevllie Horror. II. 11. Kegister and son, Jslm llegistor, the white men charge. with being Implicated In tho horr ble murder, on the nlaht of Mure 2'Jtb, of Jessie Holes, whim, and Jim Stanley, colored, In their home ton miloa from Wbitevillo.ln Colnmbiie connty, have boon arr etcd and are now In jail. Tha crime with winch the me are charged it one of tbe most atro cioua In tho criminal annals of th Btato. Cross Kdmondson and an other white man, who were arrested Immediately after tbe murder and who are still In jail, made confoa slon and warrants were at once sworn oat for the ltegis ers, but tboy disappeared ai.d were then out lawed. tbe M.tvernor t tiering a re ward of f 200 each. Soles and the negro Stanley lived alone in an isolated house and were snpposed to bn moonshiners with abont 11,000 on tho premises. In men were murdered and robbed and the hou'O burnt d down on their bodies. Kdmondson sys in his cm fcMion that on Saturday beforo the killing be met Jahcl KcirsttT at Pavall i stable and he told him his Register's) father wanted to tee him at the bonso. K.'giHteri hither, II II. Register, told K lmotids n ho bad a scheme to make money cay an wanted help; thn way to get I he money was to rob Staley who bnd at least f 1.000. U ulster said, "hi I bim, if he dickers; he's only a niif ger and the people want to gut rid of him anyway. Kdmondon said bo got II. II. Uegis'er's gun ; JaUil took his and they all went d.wn in the vicinity of Soles' house, laid around until Sund iy night when they went up to tbo bonso and Jahel shot tluni through the window and went in tho house. K Imondson said ho did not know Jabel Imd tut tho houso on file nntil they had gone lome distance, after the rolib ry Aehevillo Citiz m. The Oldest City In the World. amram Wp 1 tP '80 on'er'nK special inducements in the Heer v v w cl I W Oxfords for ladies and Barry Oxfords for men and included in these values we Lave thrown our line of summer dress goods, which must lie closed during tbe next 45 days. fttf foil ctnclf w'"he a decided improvement JUl I ail IUVI. on any line ever shown in Mt. Aly and we are very desirous of making the room necessary to handle our fall business, this alone necessitate tiis, tbe great est clearance sale ever held in Mt. Airy. Remember also that we have the most complete line of heavy groceries carried In this section of North Carolina all of which are offered at rock bot tom prices. Merchants will do well to see us and get our prices before buying. Of ft" OffPffl ' f'snts Flour is the best to be had vjui vuccu ,,nd the price i( Mow othen ca,lftd "the best." Kvery pound guaranteed. Our Red Rooster and Farmer's Cboiee are exoellent values and will give the most ikepliu entire satisfaction. In considering our claims remember that our goods were bought for cash and all cash discounts saved, which enables ns to give full value reoelved for every dollar invested with us. T(M tic finpt n Jou IllcomeasIn. Mskeyour 1 V UO UIIC .eiffee.ut borne when In our store. E WEST-HILL CO. AAAA T,dr. tvroTT errs rrrn (TEETHING POWDERS)Vj m. . w. awr f a W. I ilmiKnUtlUl." DlIMaM IMliMMMtlWtal4.IMNMf wtm lll 4i i him w i re4i mill m i tasTaii4" No city in the Ets? presents more charming pictures of Oriental life and color than Dumaecuo; and nu other city contains so many tnagnif icent private houeee, whoso shaded courts and luxurious chambers taku us back in fancy to the enchanted period of Oriental splendor cele brated in the "Arabian Nights." Bat however luxurious the houses, the gardens of Damascus have even greater charm, and they are not only profusely scattered throughout tho city, bnt they stretch for milos around, where tho waters have ree cuod almost a province from tbe desert. "Damascus," says a writor in the Cosmopolitan, "has had a longer continaone existence than any city that is standing in tbe world to day. Over this garden spot of tho desert there has been eternal con flict. Bloodshed has been its por tion, and century after century has witnessed battle without and massa cre within its walls." Tbe article quoted is entertainingly written, and it is illustrated with a striking series of photographs. United States and England Did Right. The Stateeville Landmark says : There has been tome question as to what the governments of tbe world do in regard to tbe recent Servian incident whether they would ig nore the incident, enter a protest or refuse to recognize a government fonnded on assassination. Russia has recognized tbe new regime but insists tnat tbe murderers of the King and Queen should be punish ed. Tbe now King bavin? been brought to tbe throne by aesaesina tion is not exactly in position to talk about punishing the slayers of his predecessors, to whom be is indebt ed, and he would lose bis own life if be was to try. Then virtuous Rus sia, wnere murder and pillage is rampant, is hardly in positipn to offer advice. Tbe sensible course teems to have been adopted by Eog- land, tbe United States and a few other countries. They have for the present broken off diplomatic rela tione with bervia. Whether the relationa will be renewed in tbe fu trro depends on circumstances ; and how this will affect tbe now rule in Sorvia remains to be seen. Greensboro Female College has been closed. The expenses have for some time exceeded the income. It is generally regretted that this ex cellcnt institution has been perma nently closed. For a lazy liver try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They invigorate the liver, aid the diges tion, regulate the bowels and pre vent bilious attacks. For sale by C. E. Gallaway and J. W. Mcl'ber- 80,1 & Co. Brutally Tortured. A case came to light that for per tiattot and unmercifnl torture haa perhaps never been equalod. Joe Golobfck of Colusa, Cal., writes. "For 15 years I endured insufferable rain from rheumatism and nothing ! Sieved roe though I tried every thing known. I came across Electric Bitters and it's tbe greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it completely relieved and cured me," Just as good for liver aod kidney troubles and general debility. Only 50c. Satinlation guaranteed by C. E. Gallaway, drug gist. mt . m t John Brownfield, colored, who killed Deputy Sheriff Scurry near Georgetown, 8. C , in 190(1, com mitted suicide in jail Tuesday morn ing by taking poison. Abolish Human Suffering. Tbe McCoy Feudists on War Path. The pnrietit rear iirriiniaea to be I A distiateb sava a tiartv of tllOlin- . j i . . . .i '. . . .:. i .. '. notable, among other things, for the Uineeri led by t loyd MctJoy, rncm important additions which it will bur of tho McCoy-Ila'fiuld feudists, ka to medical science and to I went to tlio mining town ot ney- cura'ive agencies in general. While itono, McDowell county, West Vir- tho wo uiorful woik accomplished ginia, hist Sunday night, took the by Dr. Lorenz may perhaps hardly full within the cLm thus indicated, the stimulus which . the famous Vi n n se surgeon has given to un doubtedly help to make the year I additionally memorable in the dun (notion of human suffering. Among tho positive announcements of the A Divorce Crusade. Despairing of securing uniformity among the divorce statutes of a state and of securing a national Uw eminent clortry iiion and lavmen have formed an organization among themselves to see what can bo ac complished by thoir own persona efforts to check the divorce evil law into thoir own bauds and iusul ted many people The abuso wat resen'ed by J;din They aro not Indulging in oratorica! Reynolds, an employe f a brewery, flights in railmunt Hnirat divorco McCoy s crowd crossed the rilroad nor in bitter and vituperative de and oputit d tire on u vtioi u. A nunciahon through pteta and pulpit large crowd gatnoreu anu tne en iru uiey aro striving, by their own police force wont in pur-uit. M'-Coy personal influence to secure an atrrco- year thus far In the direction of I retreated 400 yards, took bis ttand merit among the churches not to re medical aifcoveries inty be included ana opened ure on me ouicort anu marry any person wno may have .. .. - - . i . t ..ails that ot serum cure for bay lover, a pitched battle raged in tbo dark been divorced. niHilo by Professor Dunbar, Ameri neas. One of McCoy's men wss kill-1 Jo the movement aro included ctn l ead of the Hamburg llygienic ed aod another fttally wounded, I tome Methodists, nearly all Catho- 1 iHilute. While hay fever It Dot I others boing also injured. X tin po lies, a lew 1 rosbytoriant, hifb 1 1 ba regarded as a fatal disease, it I lice escaped injury. The McCoy I church Episcopalians, stray I'ui is a most distnaeinff malady, and if crowd escaped to the monntaitm, vorsalista, and Christian Scientists a ythleg can be devisod to cora it a taking thoir dead and wounded with l he loaders In tint movement be. great b on will be conferred uponlt'icm. The names are unknown, lieve that as lone as marriages with ti e human race. Great excitement prevails. in the church predominate so hoavi- Oi far greater importance it the The McCoy't have not boon on ly ovor marriages without, that tho announcement that a probable cure the war path fortevoral yean. The church may have some inllm nee to has liocn discovered for blood poi- Ilatholdt livo In an adjoining coun- repress the freedom with which i niing, a malady which carries otf a ty. Tho feudists will be fendistt divorces are now teenrrd, and with Urge number of people each year, till they all dio. which the divorcees remarry. Key. and which has hitherto resisted, in I I Dr. I'ardow, a Jesuit who is direct- many cases, tbo best medksl skill. I Train Dashes Into Town. ing tbo church union st-nlnct di Recent experiment with formalin I v..rce, presents a startling array of in hospitals in New York and else- On the Spokane Falls it Northern statistics, showing tho great extent where seem to show that this agency I Railroad, a short distance Irom tho I to which tho divorce curse It ramify may oo rcnea upon in many casts io I cenire oi wiu my, iuihj u.m i ii.r.iuiioiiv mo country, .irriatthe process known as blood of 00 cart loaded w ith coal, without It ia estimated that there are 1. is niingandillcct permanent cure, any engine, rushed tonr miietdown 0(hi,uihj children In thit country to- f this i rovet to be the case it will grade through town today, de- day who are tho t lTpring of di- bo, as one high medical authority molishing a dwolling home, wreck vorced parents. And the tlToct of las truly said, "the most important ing tbo Crystal laundry, killing at broken homes, disregard of parental c intubation to medical science in Kast four people, injuring eight authority, and more or less pre- Ins generation." Bull later than othert and piling np a tangled mast vaient misery must have a debasing heso comes the newt from Rome, of debris nearly ;) feet high. Ihe etlect upon the minds of children that I'ruftssor Cormsgin, of rsvie, dead are: William Thomas, a thus afllicted. During the past as discovered tho microbe of hydro- working man ; hlmer blec, aged y, twenty years there have been 32S, hobiit. Jt has been tho general and two nnidentilied men : uio divorces, unring the time mprcttion that this disease was be The train began to slip while poriod, P.uropo, with its population r . 1 ! .1 l 1' I 1. I . - - I , r A,.jt ji.i.a I I 1 r m a i a rg sncceesiiiny treated wiin me standing on ncavy giauo auu eoou oi oouaiuu.uhu, naa oniy su.ru rt inedy devited by l rofessor Koch, gained terrinc speed. An empty divorces. The I nited States, with a population one fifth that of the population of Europe, has had .'0 per cent, more divorces. This proves that tho divorce evil it not characteristic of the times, but more of a national disease. Dr. l'ardow believes that the ut if this now discovery leads to box car in which Thomas and an metbing ttill more ctticicioua the anknown tramp were sleeping we ia - . a I c . . a. a 1 : . I. J L.lL wt-rid iil have reson to no pro nrst struck ar.u acmoneneu, oom ui.dlv grateful. II vdrophobia is men being killed. Then the ir ne of tho most frightful maladies crossed the stioet, rati over a ink own to hnmanitv. and whatever Pile and crashid into a r.x n-om teidf to diminish itt ravages or to I dwelling 3"0 feet from ihe trik eprive it of its terrors will bo un I occupied ny the iaun.it; oi jojnicnorch can partly provent remar old benefit. Iblie't Weekly. Sice and Mrs. Meyer. The house mgo of divorced pe-nlc, but be I was smashed into kindling wood, finds the great power of cominr to F-akirs Come to Grief. Two hundred feet farther on. the the rescue of the conntrv in tho i.ra frame hnildinff occupied by the vention of divorce has Ix-en removed ... , , i . A year or more ago a Brooklyn Crvstal S'eam laundry, was struck from the church to socictv. The man by the name ot Miller let it be and wrecked aud tho force of tho religious penalty of tbe church does nown mat money in vi-stea wuu train was spent. Nine people were not seem to act as a deterrent toward lm would earn b'HJ percent, tor ns sleeping in the Slee honse. J amet chicking the evil m the slightest de owners, and tho money came in so pie the father, was pulled out of gtce. The only hote lies in social frtst that bo had to Store it :n barrels, thnrnins nracticallv nniniured. Tbe ostracism of thermit v. Tniseonrafl Alter tne ponce naa suppressed mr. dead body of his ton Llmer was is arbitrary, but it is tbe course of miner tno newspapers commented found near by. Another son, last rceurt, and clergymen and hy pon tne latuny tn peopie wno c Urence. and the babv. were imnred men are united that it must be in n-.itl.t K n.iml)t kr an.hnnnt.l. 1 .1 - . .l I . I . 1 1 lr . .. .1 Tt,iiiv4 w iiiiK... ou.. nn uuv-. ann anrR laKn io mi iioaoiiat. o. i voktu. ii il ever ri,mn aoinr a . the threo children of Mrs. Mcyors, cioty must be very different from who were e'oeping in tho house, what it is now. "The beet society" only one was injured. ?pokane, lie made up mainly of divorces. Tho Klntl Ton Hiivo Alnnya Itongbt, nnl wbh h lias In -n In line for orer 'M venrn. Int luirno fli Hltrin.fi.rt iitid Iiiim Itecn imule tinder Ms m r Honnl HlipertlNloil allii n IH Ihl llir j. AllotvtiiMinn todecrho oti In (IiIh. All Counterfeit, linltntloim nnd Jnt-H-K.i...l mi- but i:xierlmcut Unit trlllo with nnd emlimci r tui lu-alili of Infants nnil Chlldreu-l'xperlcnco uunln-t i:iurliiniiL What is CASTORIA CnMtorht Is n linrmlesa uliatituto for CiiMnr Oil, I'nrc. porle, lrom ami Kootliln(r Hjriin. It U rieuoaul. It loiituiiiN neither Opium, Jlorphlnu nor oilier Nunolln KiiliHlance. lis ntf" li Hi jf"aruiitie. It ileiroja Wornia mid iillayi lYverlMhnpMi. It i iiri i Diarrlot-1 liud V Iml Colli. It relleU'H Teelblnir Troiililcs, cure Cotislli;iilni Anil rialiil. ticv. It UMMiinihili i Hie Pood, li uliili Urn MomiM h niitl Itowi li, ghloir ln ullli) and natural hlei p. Tli ( bililrt u'M I'aniui ii-'l lio JMolli. i 'n I'i IiimI. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Hears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tt etatTAU MMNNV, f ull TIIIIV, HtW TO. fnv. ragoous scheme. )x cdnesday ast Mr. Robert A. Aramon, of the rani 'in Syndicate, a New 1 ork gentlema.i, was convicted of fraud- ently receiving f3',5H). II is was another "get rich quick" scheme, though ho promised only 520 per cent, per annum. All of which goes to show that there are still plenty of people wno will believe 10 any Wash., Dispatch. Boston Advertiser. Clifton Company in Luck. No Pity Shown. 'For rears f:ite wa after me con tinuously" writes F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala. "I hnd a tonihlocane of piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed hucklun s Arnica Salve cured mc. Equally good for burns arid all aches and pains. Only U'Sc at C. E. Gallaway 'a drug store. It is stated by one who knows that tbo Clifton Manufacturing Com nanv had on hand ft.OOO bales of scheme, however improbable, if it cotton at the time of the great flood promises a groat deal tor a little. jn the Taoolet river. Of this amount And these people don't deserve any e. ooO bales were saved and tbe re- sympathy. They were trying to get miDder is scattered here and there something for nothing and they got iong tbe bank of the Pac .let. left. They would be abarpera them Immediatelv after tbe destruction selves instead of victims if the? had f Charlotte Chionida. aa f r. rtnn kim .t n.Hr county. His estate is estimated at n ""H" ..' " .'r " " r I oin Ann r,i .;ii r...,;.-! f... ot anrrifith irur ke fl.r)0.000. The T",-v uu ,uc n.,. pv,. Satan Would be Disgusted. high price of cotton just at the time the mills were swept away, was a The will of tbe late Ool. Frank Coxa haa been probated in Folk an equitable diveion among member of the family. the Dick Morse, who, never for a mo- God send to the Clifton Maoufac- ment, forgets the evil of the liquor toring Co. It is stated that of the iramc,anu wno persistently inveignt i 3,000 balet that are scattered aown The Foundation of Health. Nourishment is the foundation of health life strength. Kodol Dyspep. against tbe church members who the Taeolet, the company will real- ' Cure is the one great medicine that ,Alnl- n.,m ; ik; I . ' . c. I enables the stomach and digestive or- are luke warm in their efforts to sup res the business, walked into tbe ty editor's ofKce, to-day, and said : If tho devil could got converted ud leave hell and come to Char- otte, I know he would get a peti- ion, and try to get men to sign it, cell an elec'ion to close the saloons; and he would be disgusted ith many church members ind tbe xcuBca they gave for not signing it. wonld rather be the lowest down stlo-.n keeper in Charlotte than to be a chnrcb member and refuse to a anything that would help in any way to put the liquor poople out ol their hellish business. Von can put me (iff. and ttlvo me vonr flimev ex- , - r cuses, but what will you do when ou have to give account to Gad ? t will not be long until you will have it to do." Charlotte Observer. ize another neat profit on. gans to digest, BHHimilate and transform all foods into the kind of blood that nourishes the nerves and feeds the tissues. Kodol lays the foundhtion for health. Nature does the rest. Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, and all disorders of the stomach and digestive organs are Mies Alice Aycock, the Got ernor' daughter, who was operated on for appendicitis at Wilson, con tinues to improve, and Governor Aycock was able to leave aud return cured by the use of Kodol. Bold by to lUleigh last week. 1. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, H. Q. In a collision on the Seaboard Air Line Tuesday two engineer and two firemen, all white, met instant death. Tbe accident occurred three milea from Southern Finos. OASTOniA, Ban tb 9 I IH aiM You Haw lwars BdlljM it is learned that an iff rt is to b made to continue tbe school at Greensboro Female College. Questions Answered. Yes, August Flower still hus tbo urL'osi sale ol any modicino in the civilized world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anything clue lor Indention The Value of ExDcrt Treatment - - i . . . . . " Everyone who is afllicted with a or "ouanea. lectors were scarce, chronic disease experiences great . " 'rJ ir V-A. il i . ; cilia, Nervous i'rosiration or ilcurl d.thculty in having the r case in- jj1 r ... Tbov U0(J ... Mhgently treats by the average Kluwer't0 c!e90 ou,'thB physician. These dweases can only ..,. .,.,.,: . ,,;.,.. ben food is taken into it that fails to be cured by a specialist who under- re,,ual0 lne aLiion 0 the hver Btim- 6tsnds them thoroughly. Ut. J. Uluio the nervous and organic action Catarrh of the 5iomai.li. When the stomach is over loaded ; K! -"Seta: Newton HJ r l,"e 8lom' R"d, V'"1 ia tU' gest, it decays and inflames the mu cous membrane and causes the nstead of the natural juices of diges on. This is cal lea catarrh ot the tHomach. For years I suffered with Catarrh of the Ptomach, caused by in gestion. Hoctors and medicines fail ed to benefit mo until 1 used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. B. Khea, Cojipell, Texas. Bold by I. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, N. O. is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted State. Write him for his ex port opinion of yonr case, fot Vhich he makes no charge. Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean Easy to take, easy to operate. 23c. All arntgisu. Any church or parsonage or iasti tntion enpported by volnripry con- lbution win De given a noerai nanlllnf ihii Tiinnmin .t- Martina iinu.K T ' i"u w . i t ' ' uiaiiiLi.ii I - - I . . . An , m i m . r r nrfil'a nta whenever they naint. VOUr loneuc. vuic uui uv - " W I i a. . Note : Uave done o for twenty-1 pepsia, make your liver ngnt SQven years. Dates : iens oi mil lions ot gallons; painted nearly two million houses nnder guarantee to repaint if not satisfactory. The paint wears for periods ap to eigh teen years. Linseed Oil mnst be added to tbe paint (done in two mir.u'es). Actual cost then about fl25agallon. Samplesfree. Sold by enr agents, F. L Smith & Co. Tbe pps'oflice investigation con tiuues at Wabirgtoo and lo'.s of dishonest transaction are being on art h An I T ii.'i'- i..n i tii . - - .ill ft.HH A . Ml A took when feeling dull and had with h cud ac b o and other aches. You only need a few doses oi Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satistiod there is nothing serious tbe matter with you, Y'ou can get this reliable remedy at 1. VV. nesta drugstore, Mount Airy, JN. C. Price 25c and 75c. Children Jg3 VJ Want your uiwt f Lrl b uUfui tmtn or rri biavrk ? Th-o BUCKINGHAM'S DYEfw?,.Va.r. CMiCHrsrta-a inolish sEfinYROYAL PILLS "IL- SAFE. !,t.I,'i 1 alt. ft !'rx.rri I fHU HKsTEHI F.M.MH Umatt ta Urm o4 awMtklHt hmmm n -lU. k.a.r't-tett Tashf tbr. Rffsw raw aktllaliMS M1 laBtt tfuf at atf CrCgut,, mm! 4. alt r ltFtlrm. T?s1b. a ttaalal u RW 9am 111 , ky pap. ra hrt Btronc nnd wtl; wank And rmny ioikm r maid virr,rm by lh uh of tliai farnoua remwj) FREY'S VERH1IFUCE OtrrrtHm all Hordtn of the iton i,. h. a flfMia) itrmi, t?U. 'atiaitt.tf I poitiv to stction. Hott.t'tiy nutit,. i am. i. a w.m , pauiimnrv, r.d, .k kv imam matkm. l 444 Who ran thtnt Of tHRIf ajiinpisj ibUag to av(Vtll Vanted-Hn Idea rK Xnnr ,v7- 'V britf j a wMUttt. R. D. De Vault HAS JUST RECEIVED- THREE BIG LUES .OF. SAMP LBS .INCLUDING. Shoes. Hats id i He also has a big stock of SPRING aND SUMMER DRESS GOOMH. IE IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN ANY .OF THESE LINES (i 1 O I?. 0. DeYJIHIrFS For BARGAINS, for he is PKEPAIKED to SAE Yol MONEY. Hague-McCorfcle Dry Goods Co. Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N, C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. (UT We solicit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. IW We cordially invite all Merchants to call on us when in Greensboro, or to see oar Travelling Salesman before placing orders elsewhere. YOU CAN FIND Guttering id Spsuti, (Both Gal vanized Iron and Tin), Also Tin and Iron Roofing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVEKITT. Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. --s: iiawnai wii n W l'im Dumps' phyiiciao once H V3 S fell ill. i; VTtS J Said he: "I'll have no np--jfti' draught or pill." ij S JViWji v VH Said Jim: "Ho, ho,you're i --o-Y tc ,uLI on th helf- I A, 11 II on W'H cure others, I PII-jr L .. . cure yourself." ' - 'jfA IJ " I Then Jim aeut up aomi Ji 2 s3J)tl " Force " to Viim, i 11 il "That's what bt needs." 1 I J?C rfSM I quoth " Sunny Jim," 1 I for doctor fV fJX I paUent 1 j S Htva. Eavten TKre Csvm. B I t wm anactl Ul Mt arr- ll 1 U I nl I hetran to ca arwnd tnt a nutMrdirt II I B I ind m i MElt I'll pi ' f .,' rb Hf -J I I han lm a wnnrtf-rtMl h.m to m. t h I t) I eaten almoat three cam. 11 H. Miuil J I ,-. ft . 77-.

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