.A. "Word to tli Wioo is Suffloiont Buy IIamiltonIJrown Sliocu nx J", m. i3-rls.or'- Mount Airy News. H VOL. 24. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., THURSDAY, JULY JJ, 1003. NO. 2. FOR SYSTEMIC CATARRH . . Peculiar to Summer Prompt and Permanent Relief. O. ft. Rhoadi, Indianapolla, Ind., wrltaa t For tb paat two pin I hay. hardly raatful night'. sleep. Carol and overwork se. in.it to wolgh me down more than It should or would had I been a hi. to get ray proper re.t. My doctor waa unable lo help m. and ordered me South for a eoraplete re.t and change. As this waa (Imply oat of the que. Hon, and aa I had heard .eTeral of the men under me apeak tf how tmioh Parana had hclMd them, I dvcitlrd to Irr II uml am glad Indned thai 1 did. Six bottlei made a new man of me. I cat wi'll, dorp well and gel up feel ing refreahed and runted. "My utllolal dutiea are not half o hard and I oertaluly hare good reason- ts aioarui euuoree reruna." u. N. juioada, Judge Wm. T. Z.nor, of Washington, IK C, write, from 813 N. Capital street, Washington, D. C.I " I take plea. ore In laying that I ran thoerfully recommend theuMof Parana aa a remedy for catarrhal trouble and a tn. exo.ll.nt tonic for g.narai oondi tlnni.1 Wm. T. E.nor Mr.. Amanda Morrill, 130 Raid street, Elliabeth, N.J, writ. I i " I hare been ilck or.r two yean with feenroua proetratlon and general debil ity, and heart trouble. Bare had four doctoral all said that I could not g.t Well. I had not walked a itp in nine Inontha, mfferlng with partial paraly.li and palpttatloa ot the heart every other day, mad bad become to reduced la tleth ma lo be a mart akeleton, weighing only SJ pouodt. Up to thia date I hare taken Parana lor aeren tuonths. It ha. eared my life raFCK Prominent Business xjJVW Mm of Indianapolis Re- ll 'JH yl 4t0re, Wealth and k;; ; VUor by Pe-rn-na. He "- 1 -,7 ; y$: "Pe ru-nj made a C C'S'RflOadS' J ; New Man of Me." rxs CmIIIIG- Wf ll 1 VTA bought an immense line of fall and winter YY C IltlYC clothing, for men and boji, and in order to elear our apace before our fall good, arrive, we have decided to offer our entire line of ipring and lummer luiti for the next 80 dayi at actual coit, and when we say oot we mean actual bill Coat, with freight added and no more. We have some extra special values selected from four of the largest factory lines in the United States, and from these lines we selected only the cream, hence we believe we have the best that can be bought and it would be to the interest of all to see our stock before making purchases elsewhere. We must eloae our lummer goods (luring the next 30 days. Wf 1 ff 'B0 offerin8 special inducements in the Heer CIC Oxfords for ladies and Barry Oxfords for men and included in these values we have thrown our line of summer dress goods, which must be closed during the next 45 days. ftif 'fall cinrVr wil,l" decided Improvement VUI lull dlUCIV on any line ever shown In Mt. Airy and we are very desirous of making the room necessary to handle our fall business, this alone necessitates this, the great est clearance sale ever held In Mt. Airy. nfkfYtatnlyfv also that we Lave the most complete rvCIllCIllUCr line of heavy groceries carried In this section of North Carolina all of which are offered at rock bot tom prices. Merchants will do well to see us and get our prices before buying. Oflt OflPAtl of Patent Flour Is the best to be had vur vjuceii Mi the prioe ti below oluert en "the best." Every pound guaranteed. Our Ked Kooater and Farmer's Choice are excellent value, and will give the most keptia entire satisfaction. In rntlcMprinrf our claims remember that our II lUIlSlUCrillg goods were bought for cash and all eaah discounts saved, which enable, ua to give full value received tor every dollar invested with us. 1 lj U5 UI1CC .eif EnST Ilodcl Dyspepsia Cure j BigMu wiwi jm I ltS.t' Ecrly Risers i Pe-ru-na Gives known what II u to har. a sweat, f a I can tately ttttlty, I bare mot Hit to well la Ira yean, baring walked over one mile without III mult, mail bare alto gained thirty poaada elnoo commencing to take Parana. In fact, I cannot pralae It too highly." Mrs. Amanda MorrllL Peruna nerer fall, to prevent lyiUmtc catarrh or nerroni pro.tr.tlon it taken in time. Peruna It the moat prompt and permanent cure for all aaaea of nerroni proetratlon eauied by ly.temla catarrh known to the medical profe.ilon. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory re.ulta from the me of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Bartman, g I ring a full atatement of your caae and he will bepleaeed to g ire you hlaraluable ad Tic gratia. Addreae Dr. Hartman, Pre.ldeal of The Hartman Baal tar lam, Columbus, Ohio. feeit borne when In our store. - HUIL 0 GaVltt's KI2 Gnlvo raw ruwwf am rue), i Qua Kllnuta Cur h Curo SOMETHING ABODT LOGAN. How He Acted When He Held up a Train and Robbed It of $40,000. A Knoxville dispatch says : II h r 67 Logan alias Kid Curry alius a d zen other thinirs is one of the nerviest humans who ever breathed the air of the Black Hills of Mon tana. His escape from the jail at lVDOXville baturuay afternoon wat clever and darintr. if he was not aided by outside connivance. When Logan and thrne or four pals held op a Great Northern ex prees train at Wagner, Montana, two years ago next Friday, the bandit who is credited with foil twenty mnrdors, the most of them in cold blood, showed what sort of disciplinarian be was and the man ner of man with wh m the Knx county sheriff recently had to deal. One man held the horses near the railroad track, after the train had been (lagged, another coven d the engineer and hrenun, a man on each side of the train shot along tbe coaches in the direc ion of the I'nll man to keep the people from pnttin? their curious heads ont ot the win dows, while Lrgan cracked the ex press safo and took a co $40,000. hx press Mtssunger buiitn, in do scribing it afterwards, io the United States conrt at Knoxville, said Lo Ran was as cool as if he was taking a bath nnder bis own vine and fig tree. Wben tbe desperado, who has a face liko a fox. showiug, perhaps, a strain of Indian blood, came to sev eral bolts of fine si'k be dinned them in a sack where he placed the $40,000. 'Most take that to make my girl a drees," be said wiib a laugh. There were a Lumber of watch cases in tbe express fafe. L 'gan looked at them a moment thought fully. "Uoin to take em f politely in quired tbe express messenger. "JNope, replied Logan, "they don't look good to me." After finishing his work be starti d to leave the car. "Say," the pnli'C xprpfs rrrMoti- ger said, "aren't you going to leave me something as a sonvemr I "Let s see, said tbe hold up man, taking his time for it, as ho did everything else. 1 ben be slowly took one ot tbe Smith & Wesson revolvers from his belt and started to band it to tbe messenger. "Wait a minute," he said, and he tnrned to the door and fired all the loads from the gun, "guess I'd bet ter not leave those in there," and he was gone. This train from which Logan took $40,000 was three hours late. "Say," vouchsafe d the outlaw as he passed the engine on bis way to where the horses were in readiness for escape, "yon engineer ! the next time I'm going to bold up your train you want to have it on time." Ibat waa tbe last seen ot Logan, except by his pals, until he was ar rested near Knoxville in .December, 1901, by a twenty year old boy, a resident of Jefferson City on a bitter cold day. Logan was nearly frez n to death and could not resist, be sides he was not armed. A Ne?ro's Brare Deed. A Beaufort dispatch says . Mr. Joseph and family, from Kinston, who are stopping at tbe Manson House, came near being drowned to day on the Birds' Shoal, about a quarter of a mile from Beau fort. They were in bathirig and one of the party accidently step ped in deep water, and the other members of the family went to the child's rescue and they were soon over their heads and in great danger of losing their lives as none of them could swim. Palmer Davis, a colored boatman, went to save them, and he succeeded only by good judgment and heroic efforts. They were all nearly exhausted and Mr. Joseph was so completely overcome ho had to be laid on the shore until he recovered sufficiently to be taken to the hotel. The party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and their two children. They are all right now. For a lazy liver try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They invigorate the liver, aid tbe diges tion, regulate the bowels and pre vent bilious attacks. For sale by 0. K. U alia way and J. W. McPher. son & Co. It is said that the scarcity of cot ton has caused many English mills to shut down. The Winston Sen tinel says : "Tbe scarcity of cotton may be indirectly tbe cause, but tbe chief reason is that in the past few years tbe mills have multiplied at a rapid rate in that country where tbe need of increasing their number was not apparent as hat been the case in tbe South." Brutally Tortured. A caae came to light that for per sistent and unmerciful torture baa perhaps never been equaled. Joe Goloblck of Col a mi, Cat., writes. "tor 15 years 1 endured insufferable pain from rheumatism and nothing relieved me tbougS I tried every thing known. 1 came across Llectric hitters and it's the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it completely relieved and cored me," Just aa good for liver and kidney trouble and general debility. Only 60c. Satislalion guaranteed by C. E U alia way, drug-fist. North Carolina at World's Fair. Yesterday at the Governor's of fice plans were matured for a can vasa of the public spiiitod men of iortli Carolina to raue the money nrcf snry to make a great exhibit at the World's Fair in St. Louis next year. The appropriation made by Hi' Legislature is available only if a like amount is snbeenbed ny indi vidua's or corporations. It is be lieved that this amount will be sub sciihi'd many times over when the matter is presented to the banktrs, railroad men, manufacturers, bqsl nees ti e i, tmckers and other pros perons and progressive interests in the btate. North Carolina has been ahead ol all Southern S'atus at all the great Expositions. For fifty thousand .1 .lUre It can make an exhibit that wii hn as fxcellcnt as any other SutMctn nink by an expenditure oftu ico that sum, because tor twenty ya wo bsve been collecting a tiormanent exhibit, much of which can be transferred to the St. Louis Exposition. The eontlemon who were lit re y stordsy had talked with other sticcusxful men in tbe State and they are confident that the neceeonry money will be subscribed to guarantee a suitable exhibition of IWth Carolina s resources. There bss never been a time when tho Stato was in a better position to nine a snfllcicnt fund for this pur poso. The sentiment among pro gressive mon is unanimous for North Carolina to have a great exhibit. At the request of the Governor aud other leading cinzuns who are deep ly interested, Mr. Hukh G. Chat ham, of Elkin, and Mr. F. Ii. Aren dell, of Italei?l), will vii.it a number of the leading towns and cities of the S'ate and pnsnnt this matter to its most progressive bututiees men, barkers and manufacturers to the end that a sufficient sum may be guaranteed so that the work of pre p-ti ii g the exhibit may be soon nn- di-rthken. We have never had any di u .t that North Carolina would go to tlie. World s rair in its best bib a: d iucker, and that all its people wnnia ra prona, wnen comparing its xhibits with other States, to say, "1 am a North Carolinian." A great exhibit can be had a great exhibit will be had. The men of means and public spirit will meot the present emergency by promptly guaranteeing the money and putting in place an exhibit worthy of the North Carolina of 190. All to gether I News and Observer. A Strange Case. Mr. Sam Mulwee, tbe young man who The News stated yesterday was bleeding to death at his home in Lower Steel Creek, is at the point ot death and it is feared that be will not survive through to-day. Tbe cause of the young man's sad plight was told of in yesterday's News. He was cut on the foot by the falling of a small piece of glass from a broken window pane. The wound, a very slight one, com menced bleeding soon after tbe accident aud all attempts to stop tbe flow have proved unsuccessful. A telephone message to tbe News this afternoon from Long's store states that the young man is in ex tremis and that his life has been de spaired of. Mr Mulwee is the 18 year old son of Mr. John Mulwee, of Steel Creek. Ueisayoungmanof many excellent parts and his sad condition is mncb to be regretted. Charlotte News. At R binson church, Mecklenburg county, lives Mrs. John Wilson with her three children. Last Tuesday night abont 11 o'clock two negroes paxeed the Wilson borne and stop ed. One went in and grabbed the yonngest child, an intent of twelve or thirteen months old, and ran in the direction of tbe woods. Tbe other negro went in another direc tion. Mrs. Wilson ran after the man but could not catch him. She tcreamed, but her cries only served to quicken the pace of tbe fleeing negro. She rsn until she was com pletely exhsusted, but never over took the negro with her child. She then returned home and gave the alarm and several people went in search ot the negro and baby, bnt could not learn anything of either. Next morning early tbe child was found in a deep hollow, some dis tance from its mother's home. The little one was fast asleep, having cried until thoroughly exhausted. Aside from this it was not injured in tbe slightest. Catarrh of the Stomach. Wben the stomach Is over loaded; when food is taken into it that fails to digest, it decays and inflames tbe mu cous membrane, exposing the nerves, and causes the glands to secret mucin, instead of the natural juices of diges tion. This Is called Uatarrh of the Stomach. For Tears I aufered with Catarrh of the Stomach, caused by in digestion. Doctors and medicines fail ed to benefit me until 1 used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. R. Bhea, Ooppell, Texaa. Hold by I. W. West, druggist. Mt Airy, N. a The Value of Expert Treatment Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty io having their case in telligently treated by the average Ehjsician. These diseases can only e cured by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga la acknowledged tbe roost skillful and successful specialist in the Uui ted States. Write him for Lis ex pert opinion of your case, for which M mcJtea bo charge. DIGNIFY THE FARM. Beautify the Home Surroundings and Make Them Attractive. I f life is simply and only a matter of hoeing cotton, eating tat meat and soggy bread, and of going to bed, then lot a commit barikari at once and end the matter. It were better. The man who does rot lift his life above ti e clds and ut of the fur rows dots not care h w he lives Uis home with environments is the sons' ii dex of histht.n 'its and 1 t'e Men and houses are interchangeable types, the one for the other. Where are so large a proportion of all our farm boys going to! Why don't they continue on tbe farm i Why is the farm unattractive ! If called upon !it an answer, I shon'd say that one of the Motors in the case is that we do ntt sufliciently dignify tbe farm. Wa oo not earn ciently respect the farm ; we do not give it the air and atmosphere of re sp ctability I Tbe whole business and outfit gives us the impression of drudgery and hnmdrnmness. As 1 look back at tho various farms that I have seen, the English farm, I believe, has most impressed me. As a boy, and growing upon it, I believe here it is that I would have been most apt to remain as a man. I have seen hundreds of thousands of faims elsewhere that I, as a 12 year old lad, would have run away from to escape such a life and such a home. No man could love, nor could he tolerate, a thing be could not respect. An outline of this English farm may be helplul. In the hrst place, every place is an "estate" the place's name is one of dignity. Tbe approach to it is through a gate with dignified and great pillar poets, no matter how rude and rustic. Un tbe gateway poets is the estate's name. It may be or need not be fanciful and high sounding. Tbe name often is chosen to designate some individuality of the estate. The home always lia a setting no matter bow humble t e house. This setting contiats of a little path of walks and grans, shrub bery and trees, and not one ol them, prehaps, from tlourist or uursery man. Vou respect the whole outtit place and owner tbe moment yon see it Tbe boy grows np with the same feelings yon have for it. Every farm in North Carolina is worthy (dignity means worthiness) of jest sucn settings as above. 1 ou may say that this is not prac tical and that it is only an appeal to the imagination. But the moment you leave imagination out of your life, I would not give a farthing for your lite. And if your boy is about to leave the old farm and yon want him to settle ab.ut you and not go away then a plan that keeps bim and holds him even though it be imagination becomes a practical way. We should not give up this beautiful country to tbe negro crop per. If the four or five children of every man in tbe country could only be made by some means to settle in tbe country in the place of going to town then what a great future the South would have ! Southern Cultivator. Mr. Felix Leonard died suddenly Monday of lat week near Midway, Davidson county. The deceased bsd just returned borne when be fell and soon expired. Mr. Leonard was abont sixty years old and he was one of Davidson's prominent farm era. Winston Sentinel. Any church or parsonage or insti tution snpported by voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal quantity of tbe Longman & Martinez Pure Taints whenever they paint Note: Have done so for twenty- seven years. Dales: lens or mil lions of gallons; painted nearly two million houses nnder gnarsntee to repaint if not satisfactory. Tbe paint wears for periods np to eigh teen years. Linseed Oil must be sdded to the paint (done in two minutes). Actual cost then about $125 a gallon. Samples free. Sold by onr agents, F. L. Smith & Co. Mr. Morrison Johnson, one of the most promising young men in Davie county, died of typhoid fever at Mooresville on Monday, lie was about 22 years of age. Tbe jory in the case of the men charged with the murder of Fercy Jones at Wilson, N. C, failed to agree and were discharged. Judge Shaw is faithful and painstaking. An election is to be held in Salis bnrv Anarust 4th on the question of issuing $90,000 of bonds for street improvements. Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't acting well. Vou suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure All Unifba. ate. mi r' moo.u-'b at Wu4 a fctMUlw DUUMRUIlHin dUIL Whiskers EflNYBOYAL PILLS euicNiiriii caaLjaM M rHltMKkTEK'l tKliUUI j 1 1 ll MMMla. urn ll-Ma. ii.. ? r-w - mmt 4. la mt -a-aW im L.!.." una-. -T te-a KaaV I a- 1 i VaMtaaa SaUai C- Electric Railways. There seems to be "bier money' in electric railroads. They are not only more cheaply built, maintained and operated than steam roads, but they go into places and create business that the more tionderous steam road could never -reach. The Street Railway Journal prints figures showing not only a remarkable increase in mileage of electric roads during the past twelve months, but an immense increase in earnings, as well. For instance thirty-eight of the large traction systems showed gross earnings last year 01 a hundred and ninety- eight million dollars as compared with a hundred and eight mil lions the year before a gain of 00 jer cent in a year. And yet the trolley has by no means reached its full devolooment or attained the capacity of which it Is capable, either for entertain ment or for business. In the line of tho utilities it is going to bn some day that fresh farm pro ducts will come to town by trolley as a regular thing. Milk and vegetables will travel unit way because of its sujerior conve nience and its simpler and prompter transiwrtution. And the same is true of it as a means of traiisjKjttniiou of jr-isous. Ashevillo Citizen. Hot Times in Ashe. A correspondent writing to the Charlotte Observer from War rensville says : At 1'ine drove church last Sun day, J.O. Wilcox and bis brother, Henry, got into a row with Dave and Jesse Rowland and others, in which Jesse Rowland was seriously cut about the face and head. Dave was hit on the bead with a rock by Henry Wilcox and perhaps fatally hurt J. O. Wil cox was arrested, but Henry, it is charged, by the assistance of the officer, made his escape to parts unknown. I he oincer, John Mil ler, was arrested to day and bound over to court for aiding his escape. . All the parties were drunk. Alex. Woodard undertook to whip his wife last Friday morn ing, when she struck him across tho back of the neck with a roll ing pin and instantly killed him. They lived just across the Ten- nesseeo line. The woman was taken to Mountain City and placed in jail. One hundred persons were killed or drowned Sunday night n Spain by tho falling of a bridge. Two engines and sixteen cars went down carrying 300 passen gers 50 feet below. At least half those who escaped death are in jured, many latally. No Pity Shown. "For years futo was after me con inuously" writes F. A. Uullodgo, Verbena, Ala. "I had a terrible cane of piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed Buck leu's Arnica Salve cured me. Equally good tor burns and all achos and pains. Only 29o at C. &, Gallaway's drug store. Robert Rich, of Swainsboro, Ga., who loved bis mother and waa very much attached to her, shot and in stantly killed her a few days ago while fooling with a pistol. Ilia grief cannot be described. The Foundation of Health. Nourishment is the foundation of health life strength. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure is the one great medicine that enables the stomach and digestive or gans to digest, assimilate and transform all foods into tbe kind of blood that nourishes the nerves and feeds the tissues. Kodol lays the foundation for health. Nature does the rest. Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, and all disorders of the stomach and digestive organs are cured by the use of Kodol. 6uld by I. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, N. O. Bawstaa lla KaJ Yw Haw klmn Bought Bi(sstaie af Questions Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your moth era' and grandmothers' never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Biliouaness.. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendi citis, Nervous frustration or Heart Failure, etc. They usod August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stim ulate tbe nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with beadacbea and other achos. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious tbe matter with you. You can get this reliable remedy at I. W. iV eel's drug store, Mount Airy, N. C. Price 25o and 75c Hcdihy Children mr kpt trotif n4 welt; wnk and Cny fitil folk r Bisvd virnroua Ui of Uiavi famous rmdy FREY'S VERMIFUGE Onmats all dlaof 4n ot tha atnmarh, aipaia worm, ale. faiaiai.ir and poalllT la art Inn. Botlla a? mail, ml a a. raatv, awi mo. Vanted-Hn Idea pTMaM 7f t4; hr Vi VtMUtaV sar V O. Nat V ,V p4 M Ms t w tmmi Imwm u r-r-t r-a an CfiSTORl ANegchiule IVeparalion for As similating thcFoodarKlItegula ting the Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes Diftcsliort.Chwrfur ness and Itrst.Conlaiiu neither Opium, Morplune nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. Mmra'OUf.UMtnrrCam Apcrfect hYmedy forConslirwi lion.Sour Stonwh, Diarrhoea Worms ,( :onvulsKjns.r"ewnsh-IH-SS arid LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOHK. EXACT C0PV OF WRAPPER. K-kjuua- III ?nrMiJUm tx Java 1 i R. D. De Vault -HAS JUST THREE BIG- LUES SAMPLES .INCLUDING. Shoes. Hats and Notions. He also has a big stock of SPRING 3ND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN ANY OF THEl?K LINES GO TO 9. DeYafl-tfbT-'S For BARGAINS, for he is PREPAIRED to SAVE YOU MONEY. HaguG-McDorkls Dry Goods CoM Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N. C. DRV GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. We solioit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. We cordially lorite all Merchants to sail on ns when in Greensboro, or to see our Travelling Salesman before placing orders elsewhere. YOU CAN FIND n..ju til (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt'a. r OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE 5 cf ffn aa PBEPABE5 for tha t'NIVEBSITlES mm 4 COL. lOL I Ctll LEQbS aa mnU aa tmt BUSINESS lor TraCH T" WO, am far LIFE. SHatatca NEAR Okfcl NS BORO. N. C. avar 1.000 fort aaa tka aaa knl. la vlrw al lh aaatain. Lartat sati Bat EoalfpS Flttiaf Scfcaal lor Vaaag Mca aaa b . la tattath. Bataat Slit. I SI7S.0 ftf aaaaai. J. A. & M. r?! HOLT". '""".' QakRi J-e. N. C. j pr. m QFrrnrs I 3 mdn ii k (TEETHING Baa. t. W. Bvr. t ltmmmm Via - ! at -Tl7k.. t . far i pnhM t "TH7itil?i sV 5 jtmmmm tm w ha rmitmt sftasrsjs H. ?a tj ma)f m tv pmtaiBmmt a S Sjasawayal tm4 aWSMSl sat SI st UlllUll tfcpan bmmm Wat mi I -rW mm4 UhMf staaiii4 tmmmv 4 avf ffatf mm wiwisja TIITK ll" mm For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years Hi twi ct tu eosasHissw. sstv rr. RECEIVED- .OF. I tin. vanized Iron and Tin), Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron Work, i At M LahiM Ma sw at (1m AH u k m m valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVERETT. POWDERSJMt. tasjeiMsjMjr tasj

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