j. "Word to tla Wiso io Suflloionti T3wy Ilamllton-nrown nhoco at ff. m. JJctrlsLor'r- Air EWS. UNT ,Y MOUNT AIRY, N. C THURSDAY, JULY 80, 1003. NO.. 5. VOL. 2A. Mo if n "1 tUbi KIDNEY TROUBLE CURED. Goneral Health Greatly Improvod by re-ru-na. '- .- ' MRS. M. i. DXNLEY. Mr. M. J. Partley, Treuornr of ths Hatmoca IxxlRe, I. O. O. F., write from I'Jt ."1rtstwt,N, Mlnnnapolla, Mlnn.i M I wu mfltioted for seYeral year, with kidney trouble which became quit eei Iniu and caused me considerable an ilety, I tpent bundreda of dollar! trying t be cured, but nothing gae m an permanent relief until I tried Peruna. It took leaa than thrta month mni only ten bottlea to effect permanent cure, but they were worth mora than ai many hundred dollar to me, I am full) fr-stored to health, know neither aclx nor pain and enjoy life." Mr. M. J lUnlejr. Thla experience ha been repeated many times. We bear of anon cum Dearly every day. Mr. Danlcy had catarrh of tha kid- pofit hma aa n a ukik me IiQlu j remedy ahe made a qnlok reoorery. A PraaBlaeat Snathern tdj'e letter Mla Laura Hopkins, of Washington, K 0 abut of Hon. E. O. Hopkins, on of the lerrwet Iron tnannfacturer ot Birmingham, Ala., wrlt the followin lutter eommendlno; Peruna. She says : " I can cheerfully recommend Peru ma tor Indlgeatlnn and atomach troublt and at a good tonic "Laura Hopkina. Inina cures catarrh wherever located. Peruna I a apeclflo for the catarrhal derangement of women. Address The IVrnna Medicine Co, Columbus, Ohio, for free book on catarrh wrltUin by Da. b- B. Uartmaa. r m 4 11 9 i imyMMMMi.wMi.. .main I BWWT OT1WMTII11.111II ' i r. . bought an Immenae line of fall and winter WC IlVC clothing, for men and boys, and in order to clear our space before our fall goods arrive, we have decided to offer our entire line of spring and summer suite for the next 80 day at actual cost, and when we say coat we mean actual bill cost, with freight added and no more. We bave some extra special values seleeted from four of the largest factory lines in the United State, and from these lines we (elected only the cream, hence we believe we have the beet that ean be bought and it would be to the interest of all to tee our stock before making purchases elsewhere. We must close our summer goods during the next 30 days. Wa lf"A also offering special Inducements in the Heer VYC tlTC Oxford for ladies and Barry Oxfords for men and included in these value we bave thrown our line of summer dress goods, which must be closed during the next 45 days. riif fall dnrU will be decided Improvement UUl lfcUl LUUIV 0n any line ever hown in Mt Airy and we are very deairou of making the room necessary to handle our fall business, this alone necessitates this, the great est clearance sale ever held in Mt. Airy. DomAmfiAr also that we bave the most complete IVV 1 1 1 C 1 1 1 Uw I nne 0f heavy groceries carried In this section of North Carolina all of which are offered at rook bot tom prices. Merchants will do well to see us and get oar prices before buying. Our Queen of Patent and the "the beat." Every peund guaranteed. Our Ked Rooster and Farmer's Choice are excellent values and will give the most skeptio entire latiifaction. I cyiA a.r our claims rememler that our in con&iuenng KOOdf were bought for cah and all eaab diacount saved, which enable us to give full value received for every dollar invested with u. Try fC nnrp and you will some again. Make your 115 OnCC aelf fttel at borne when in our store. f. 1'jf.st.hii.i. r.n O HIM IIUUI 00 t0oo e to oeoo$i thia elH"e Ii ea erery koi of tke r;ae I relive RmmOOuinine Tablet She tear the atancsE. 1 wawrenerf awa end wneaa la tbe Jaat-. Ft.. latarMM la l tHm mmJ wai.kr kktl to ei !" V t Ecrly HUzn TtteaamUftt Poisoned by Eating Err. A letter from Chadwick Milli Mecklenburg couotv, to Mr. A. A Klmrrill. f Ktatosvillo. dated Mon day lust, brinRS the sad inteiHfrence nf t ha dnath of Mr. urceKtnnre ana hi. llttln danvhter of that place as result of eaiinjr, cfcps. The letter .tain, tliut Mr. Creekmore drove to n.nrMtn lttttt week and while there inmhasmt aome ecflrsand took them home. Ou Saturday evening the i ant Hown at the table to e by the eR, bBt ,oon ,ner 100 1 osst the enlire family were Ukon iun. .ink. Mr. (Jreekuiore to IIVIUUU . v. - , ' , much ao that he was renuoreu Inntl Itiaane in few hour and died c.l.. mnmlnir. Ilia little srirl AA If ondav morninc and the doc UtlVIVT a.aw. ..-e. r tori fettr they will be onable toaave tka Mmalnlnir mean hers of the family. Btatoaville Mascot. Methodist Ritual Revised. TK 5lnt enininitttiO of the Meth I iiu r'lui v - Churches. .North KA.ih h.. nnmnloted lU ritual uknra In 0ean Grovo rcTioivi The new order of worship adopted lays special itiesa opoo revereu tnn.hin an.i nmvidea for knoelini in silent prayer on entering a charch Thnm am extonsiye chanir.ee ii the catechism. In f ature a primary and t standard catechism, aimosi new, will be nsed In place of tin throe now in ose. Uisbop 8. M Morrill, of Chicago, In an interview said : "The ntmoat harmony baa pre .;)..,! and thn Methodist Episcopa Chnrches, North and Sooth, are closer to day than tbey nave oeei since they separated in the days o slavery." Tl, rvrAnr nf WonlllD is DrSCtl aV IIU V - I clly the same as now nsed in the Church North. The body of Pope Leo XIII was buried Saturday, July zotn. iuo cercmonus were very improve. Flour is the best to be had priee is below others called lliUU uu 0 Virginia College, Foe YoimaLou. ROANOKE. VatotMiA. Op"nii Spt. 21,18. One of the lad iug HcIkh.Ii for Young Ledie in the Kouth. New building, piano end equipment. Cam put ten acre. Grand mountain aeenery in Valley of Virginia, famed for health. European and Amer ican tachere. Fnll nouree. Conewrve tory advantage In Art, Mueie and K lo cution. Certificate tfallealey. fttn dnta from SO fctats. For catalogue, ddrea MATTIX P. BARKIS, President, loajioka, Virginia. Tbe Five Great Evils of Society. All young men of to day who are anxious to win snccss and anxious to fullill their full duties ascit'zins should realize that society of torinv is confronted by fivn great hv very great evils : Divorce, which strikes at the root of the iam ly and society ; and imperfect aud vicious system of education, which under mines the religion of our youth ; th desecration ot tho Christian Sab bath, which tends to obliterate in onr adult population the salutary fear of Uod and tbe homage that we owe Ilitn ; the gross and systematic election frauds, and, lastly, the un reasonable delay in carrying into euect the sontonccs of our criminal courts and tbe nn morons iuhurtug a by which criminals evade the t xern tion of tbe law. Our insstiable greed for gain, tbe co existence ot colossal wealth with aH ct p'very, the extravagance of the rich, the discontent of the poor, our esger and impetuous rushing through life, and every other moral and social delinquency may be tracoJ to one of the nve radical vices enumerated above. Cardinal Oibbon. Wlldcat Insurance. Insurance Commietiioner Vuung says be is in receipt of information that the "Old Wayno Mutual Asso ciation is again making extra efforts to do business in this Stste. Very much to his surprise he is re- coiv.ng inquiries from lile i nun ranee agents io the State asking him of tbe standing of this association. Those inquires are no doubt br tight about by a circular that is being issued by this concern in winch tbey are offering extra "bonnsi-s" in ad dilion to large commigHious f r any business sent them. A letter re ceived some time since from In surance Commissioner Hart, of Indiana, says, "that this company generally pays from 10 per cent, to 15 per coot, on the lace ot its policies, when it pays at all. It is a disgrace to Indiana that such companies lx permitted, nndur cover of law, to do a legal business, and I unl r" lot g that the courts will be iu position io decide aa to whether these methods can have their endorsements under the statute." Tbe above should bo sufficient to satisfy any citizen of tbe State or any agent as to the relia bility or character of tlm frand. The commissioner says be desires to call tbe attention of the agents in tbe btate to the fact that noder tbe aw they cannot legally represent non-admitted companies or associa tions and that if tbey do, then they not only become responsible for the taxes and fees that such companies or associations would pay in the State if legally admitted, that in case of loss they become personally responsible to the assured for tbe full amount of policies issued through them. A Peculiar Law. There are all sorts of funny laws on the star ate books of North Caro lina. For instance, there is the law providing that only tbe clerk of the Snperior Court in the county in which a will may be filed for pro bate can take tbe acknowledgement ot witnesses to the same. Iu tbe ex ecution of almobt any other kind of legal document tbe clerk of any Su perior Court or a notary public cau take acknowledgement, but not so ith wills. If a will should be tiled for probate in Mecklenburg county and one of the witnesses resided in Cherokee or Carteret county, it onld be necessary for either the witness to come to Charlotte or clerk Russell to go to tbe witness. In tbe case of a deed or some other docn ments, the acknowledgement could be taken by a notary public or tbe clerk of any Superior Court. Char lotte Chronicle. Brutally Tortured. A case came to light that for per sistent and unmerciful torture has perhaps nevor been equaled. Joe Golobick of Colusa, Cal., writes "For 15 years I endured insufferable pain irora rboamaliam and nothing relieved me though I triod every thing known. I cume across Kiectrie ISillers and it's ibegreatesi medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it completely relieved and cured roe." Just as good for liver and kidney troubles and general debility. Only 60o. Satislation guaranteed by C. E. Gallaway, drug gist. Annie Msy Parish, 11 years old, waa killed near Urowder s Moun tain, Gaston county, Tuesday, by a tailing shall in cotton mill there. The water wheel of the mill eot out of repair Monday night and a man was put to work repairing it. After the repairs were supposed to bave been perfected the water was again turned on. The belt lapped, however, and the heavy abaft waa jerked down, striking tbe girl on tbe head. Iler sknll was crushed and she died within an hour. Aebe- ville Gazette. For a lazy liver try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Tbey invigorate the liver, aid the di?es tion, regulate the bowels and pre vent onions attack's, for sale by C. F Gallaway and J. W. Mcl'her son & Co. Notices are posted io the Nor folk and Western railway shops at ltoanoke catting off the night force and reducing the day work from ten bourt to eight hour wi h eight boon pay, Abont 1,800 men are erected, Patriotism tbe Test of Civic Virtue. Rome tinio ngo Mr. diaries FranciH Adiims predicted that tl us tiino would coino when a bronze statue of Hubert K. Leo will (K'cupy a (oiiimuiKlitig site in the city of W asliington. I ollow ing Hpcedily upon tliis prediction is a movement in F.ngl&nd to erect a statue of Ueorgo Wash inton in Ijondnn, nnd a site for that statue in ht. Paul s Catho drill lias been offered. It lias taken just atxiut a century from the ueath of the great American for this movement to come; but it lias come at last, and it looks like a continuation of Mr. Adams prediction concerning Leo. Gen oral aw lias been dead just one third of acentury, but it is likely that the statue will be made and the last vestige of opimsition will disnpper longtwfore the century is completed. I he tHjople oi fng land knew Washington almost entirely as an enemy to their country. Up to the beginning of tho War or the Kevolution it is not likely that the great mass of them bad ever beard of him. Af tr lie bad assumed command of the Continental Army tbey knew hi in as a general, and all his sub sequent career established bis fame as a great soldier and EMitriot. Englishmen everywhere mow that bo bad drawn bis sword against them in defense of principles tbey all bold dear tho principles or freedom winch bave been for centuries the birth right of the English people. In his preat struggle Washington had the sympathy of many of his kindred in the mother country After the independence of the L nited htates was established and acknowledged and the Fed eral Government had been or ganized, it was the policy of Washington to establish trade and commerce and friendly rela tions with England. He opposed steadily the policy of many of the leading Americans with re gard to France, which might have made the United btates a sort of dependency of that coun try. Washington, in fact, bo longed to the Anglo-Saxon race on both sides of the ocean, just as Shakespeare belonged to the same nice on both sides of the ocean. The Angio-haxon in America and in Australia has the same pride in the great poet as the Anglo Saxon who dwells in London, and the same right to claim him. And now the English people are claiming the right to honor Washington, a man of their own blood, by erecting a monu ment to him in their grandest cathedral. The remarkable similarity of Iee and Washington has often been pointed out lktth enlisted against the flag under which they had previously fought; both were V irginians and both dearly loved their native state. The Sun on Thursday published a letter from Field Marshal Lord WoIneley, the former Commander-in-Chief of the Hritish army, to Mrs. Hugh II. Lee, of this city, in which that great General said: "I have always felt as sure as I could of anything that can never be tested that, had (roneral V ashington been alive in 161 2 3, ho, like th6 great Lee, would have thrown himself heart and soul into the cause of Southern independence." Of this we believe there can be no doubt General Lee said he could not draw his sword against his own people of v lrginia. Those who have studied the char acter of Washington and know how intensely ho was a V irgmian can never believe that he could have brought himself under any conceivable conditions to make war upon the Old Dominion and her people, who were his neigh bors and his kinsfolk. The American people glory in Wash ington for going along with Vir ginian, and doing just as Lee did. If he had done otherwise the people of the United States would not celebrate the 2-nd day of February. Baltimore Sun. Trolly Line to Yadkin River. The Salisbury Sun of recent date says that the eloctric car line from that place to Spencer and the Yadkin river will certain ly be completed in the near future. WorK on tne same win ie resumed within the next few days. It is expected .that cars will be running, at least as iar as Spencer, by the first of Novem ber. The line was graded and the ties laid over this portion of the road some months ago. It will take comparatively little work to put the road in operation as far as Spencer, two miles from this city. IJesiues a number oi local financiers there are several northern capitalists interested in the movement It is learned that the company proposes to develop a power plant of a very large capacity on the Yadkin river at a point near Spencer, from which motor pow er is to be furnished a number of manufacturing concerns in and around Salisbury and Spencer, aa well as furnishing electric lights for both towns. Another project of the power company is to inaugurate a pleasure park on the banks of the Yadkin near the Piedmont toll bridge, which will be a popular evening resort for the people of Salisbury and Spencer . A severe earthoatke shock wu felt throughout tha Island of Saint Vincent on tbe gist lost. Prohibition In the South. The newt of the sweeping pro hibition victories in Texas to day the fact that Tennessee and North Carolina made such strides in the direction of prohibition during their last legislatures and the progress o other Southern States in this dircc tion, when it is also known that in tho New England Sta'rs prohibition Iihs r.ither loet ground, snggt that tlitro is some reason for the do termined opposition to t' mI on in the Southern btatos. it Is co'ti tutionslly prohibited in South Caro Una and the alternatives there are the Dispensary and Prohibition, a fact that aboold be kept in mind by North Carolinians that have always tbe dread alternative of the saloon before them. Doubtless one reason for the decline of prohibition sonti ment in New Englsnd is the change in tbe charscter of the population from the old Puritan stock to a mixture of the foreign element with the dregs ot the old stock that btve been left on the barren farms. The social and religions condition f rural New England to-day is appall ing, and the ci'iea have a bad foreign element to contend with. Hut in the South we have a child raco, eight millions of thorn. The inferior rscea who live in tbe South Sea Islands and on the coast of Africa have been protected against the exportation of rum by the civilized governments of the earth But we bave the negroes here as sn integral part of our population. Our laws forbid the sile of liquor to a minor. Oa tbe same punciple, it ought to be forbidden to the negro race. Hat this cannot be done with out prohibition or some other meas ore that takes the motive ot private greed out of the business. Tbe ne gro needs protection against himself and bis love of strong drink, fur the stloon is his worst enemy. But more than this, the negro is the main criminal, iu the Southern States, and the statistics prove be yond pread venture Ilia, a litrtre pro poriion of hecrimtsot wine i h.-na well as the white man are finl'V can be traced to tho saloon. So a on dition, not a theory, oufronts us. The man that advocates the saloon should realize that he is advocating every crime in the cilendtr, and especially those that are the result of the biutalizition of the hnmn na tore Our own white women, who are so horribly the victims of negro brutes, in every Southern State, cry out to us in their agony to proteot the negro fruin any incitement to crime. It is doubtless the recognition of this fact that is moving the whole South to day to prohibit the saloon frmn further ill doing in tl e manu factiire of criminals Charlotte News. Watery Grave In the Catawba River, Mr. A A Brown, a weil known young man ot llillsboro, was drowned at the bis? dam on the Ca tawba river yeeterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Brown bal only been at the dam for a few days, having gone there to gam some practical informs tioo in connection with his life's work civil engineering. The trag edy an exceedingly sad one took place shortly before 3 o clock. Mr. Brown was on top of some cars that were being moved on the tram road. By some means three cars broke loose from the train and ran down he tramway. Tbe young man ap plied the brakes but the cars bad gained such momentum that the brakes did not hinder their progress. They continued down tbe tramway and ran over the dam into tbe water. Tbe young man did not jump but i . i 1 1 .-i.i remained on me wuu cars uum luty nmbled ovor in the water. A force of bands went immedi ately to tbe point where the cars plunged into the water and a search was made for the young man. This search was kept op for an hour or more, when tbe body of the unfor tunate young man was found 50 yards below where the cars went over the dam. Charlotte News. Any church or parsonage or insti tution supported by voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal Juantity of the Longman fc Martinez 'ure Paints whenever they paint. Note : Have done so for twenty- seven years. Sales : Tens ot mil lions of gallons ; painted nearly two million booses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfactory. The oaint wears for periods np to eigh teen years. Linseed Oil must be added to the paint (done in two minutes). Actual cost then about $1.25 a gallon. Samples free. Sold by our agents, r. L. bmitn & Co. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. -1 JSC AU Srecftrts. Vi.nl r.Mr m.witiM lM. or fcwM a MmBUI BUCKiHQKAM'SDYEw for the hieker CMicxreTte-e ineuex VI a. ...! i-i - M 'Wk.l .J.'- imp FOiriYROYAL PILLS l I twl4MU 4 j I axe. . r.s as. rmrHfr.TKH-f KVOLIMi eak I '!--, r. NORTH CAROLINA EXHIBIT. A Fine Showing to be Made at the St. Louis Exposition. Secretary T. K. Bruner ssys very extensive preparations are now he ing made fur North Carolina's par ticipation in the St. Louis LxposI tion. A great show will be made in minerals and State Geologist Holmes has two very capable men now in the field collecting spec in ons. Tho display of woods and timbers will be a great one, and State forester W. W. Ashe is now in the Gold oxtending tho collection Mr. Brunor says it is the phn to have extremely large panoramas of monntams and forests in North Carolina These are to be from 00 to 120 feet in length and to be used as a frieze in the buildings where North Carolines exhibits ara lo cated. Mr. Geo. F. Greene is in lUloigh in connection with the mak ing of those panoramas. Photo graphs are first taken and then enormously enlarged and colond in the most perfect manner. At the top of the wall spaco of North Carolina's exhibits in the depart ments of forestry, natural hiatorv and fisheries, which adj tin each other, it is expected to have one of these grand panoramic vi.s 150 feet in length, repreeeMii :' thi three depart munts above r. fi . n d fo Our Cuban Pension Roll. About 20,000 soldiers in all went to Cuba, and a few went to Porto Kico for a very brief tune. Discate played hivocm a good many camps, but only a few hundred were wound ed in war. A to'al of 243 were killed in Cubs, including thoae who died fiom wounds. Yet 12,000 claims for pensions havo already been allowed ; and although more than 1S,00j have been rejected, many of the rcmiinder will have to bo put on the list. It is already plain that the claim agent is likely to cost ns more than the war coer, lor his work will g) on year aftei vcar, year after year. World'6 Work. Acc .rdine to the Charlotte Ob server, the Ileinz p;cklee aro grown dovvn at ilaxtoti, shipped to l ilts burg, Pa, and thm bn.k to MoU'it Airy, and, no doubt, to every other ton of any importance in the State. The II inx Company planted this year one 4"0 acre patch of cucum- T . . .... .... . Dors m ino vu-iui'v oi iuaxton, ana that is j tit oiie among many big patches they now have. Can't our popple do the pick, log and savo ail this unnecessary freight ! OASTOIIIA. Ban tba A 1 ' U H3S BSUJIt f Catarrh of the Stomach, When the stomaeh is over loaded ; wtinn food ik taken into it that fail to digrt, it decay and inflame ttiemu omii membrane, excusing the nerven, and causes Hie glanda to secret mucin, instead of the natural Juices of diges tion. This is called catarrh of the Stomach. For year I ua"ered with Catarrh ot the t-tomach, caused by in digestion. lhK-Uirn and medicine fail ed to benefit me until 1 used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. K. Khea, Coppell, Texaa. Hold bj i. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy. A. U. John R. Rhodes, who murdered A. A. King near Capella on the morning of June 5, is now safe behind the bars in Danbury jail. He surrendered to his uncle, Deputy Will Shelton, at the bat ter's home near Jewel Saturday. Sunday morning the deputy brought his prisoner to Danbury and turned him over to Sheriff Joyce. He was immediately lock ed up. Danbury Reporter. The Value of Expert Treatment Everyone who is atli'ct-ed with a chronic disease experiences great difhculty iu having their case in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stand them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway oi Atlauto, Ga., is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted States. Wrne bim for his ex pert opiuion of your cato, tor which ne makes no charge The Foundation of Health. Nourishment is the foundation of health life strength, kodol Ujapep aia Cure, ia the one great medicine that enable the stomach and diguetive or gans to digest, assimilate and transform all foods into the kind of blood tliat nourishes the nerve and feed the tissues. Kodol lays tiie foundation for health. Nature doe the rest. Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, and all disorders of the stomach aud digestive organ are cured by the use of Kodol. ISuld by 1. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, N. C. ksTt Mstut tttjtiwi fmam tfc tot ha Ttxrir wins- ate nunstntt, lul I feat faitsblsa Maw pis. atll Tmxl) Frey's Vemsf&ge asisetai sf thwem K'wwpsi th tswti rst and well fUre! i (r la warn." , Ma 1 wtp ltl by aun I. A S. Frit, tatttmor, U .Vanted-An Idea 2 rr a thtvtr SKtl- imi'isf IU4 to j un if rVvKswt nr fc1M: tbw ray Hctf y v wess.it rie John E until iit' Km ., f - t tfw Mat f . f-a.1 Ono r.Tlnute Coush Coro For Coughs, Colds amd Crcwp. CsWftf's M G&!vo Btflt yx SSaafT ,W9. m TTZ- i . ." iWT.Al il The ICind You Havo Always Douglit, nnd Mlilch lia ln;cii in use for over l0 years, lms borne tho alsrtintnrn f f - uiid lias been mrule tinder Ms per- Lfi "onnl stipervlalon lnco tn InCincy. VaVuVV -CUcAiS Allow no one to deceive yon In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd "JiiHt-nH-cood" are but Experiments that trlfte with and endanger the beallli ot Infant and Children Experience ngaln.xt Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria ia a liarnilcia snbNtitnte for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops nnd Sootliin Sympa. It is Pleasant. It contaliiH neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotla unbalance. lis ago ll its guarantee. It dexlroys Wiirnm find allays 1 Yvci l-dmos. It cures I)iarrlii-a and Wind Colic. It relieves Tecthlntr Troubles, ures Coiistiputiou find Flatulency. It u.liiiiliitcs the Food, regulates tlio fSloniach and Itowels, giving beallby aud niitiirul hlccp. Tho Children's l'anacca The mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tbe kW awr MMaWaa Y aT The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. . R. D. De Vault -HAS JUST THREE BIG LUES .OF. SAMPLES .INCLUDING. Kta Hats unuuu. niuu unu i.uuimu j He also has a big stock of ( h rtnniuri nun iitiiirn nnrio r n n r r orniiiu unu ouui.itn uncoo uuuuo IF YOU NEED ANVTHIXG IN ASY OF T1IEE LINES CiO TO f?. D. DeYJIHIrFS For BARGAIN'S, for he is FREPAIRED to SAVE YOU MONEY. Hagne-HcDorkls Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. We (olicit trade of Merchant We cordially invite all Merchant to eall on a when in Greensboro, or to see oar Travelling Salesman before YOU CAN FIND Guttering and S T..AL I J T (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. r OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE 5 c4- Van fm fBePARE5 r the fNIVnBSrTILS Bad COI.. 1 M I Cell l.fiOLS as wall as for BLSINLS. tor 71 ACM. - INO, tor UPS. Kltaat4 KKAK OlftXN itORO, N. C, ever ttOOO tt abav the eoe level, ia vlrw the bmkUiu. LarM( mmi Beat Eaalppra Flttleg SVchaal Iar Veaag Maa aaS Buys la tha Saaith. Bates! Sl25.eo ts S17S.OO ear aaaaai. ro acauTirvi cartLOOua. aeaarsa J. A. & M. M. MOLT - - - Oak Ridjre. N. C. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaw.aaaaa t Sa J,,,, auil S aaaaj C mrH mum riwoif rai . . i a r- SJaj.4 ta,Pi SM atm prtSWaaty ahrSaV (a4 Stew I . smmmsv ew-sM1 -to arv 9 k ftMatl " Was an sat saswsry, W W iiiiiiiiiwiiiiN.WHM ? V 'V'ewi, . i i t : ii Signature of RECEIVED anil flnfioos Dry Qcods Co.- only, and sell nothing at retail. placing orders elsewhere. vanized Iron and Tin), Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron work, HIP. Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. j liarrhoc.Ltvatry , anil ii y a ; f . fill ChUdnmeHipt. 1 atm U a .4. Ia.t. 13. l.i a UtSTfl Inw rSn rv -. I tht ewria, Stn Hes Costs OeJj Stents at IVbipA wu?r aj. asOrFrrT. k. B S)T. LOUift, MO.

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