Mount Airy bws. VOL. 24. MOUNT AIIIY, N. 0., THURSDAY, AUGUST 0, lOOJJ. NO. (J. HE CONGRESSMAN LIVINGSTON Pe-ru-na Is a Splendid Ca tarrhal Tonic. Says t OOLONKL L. L LIVINGSTON. Oolon.l L, 1. Urln.ton, M.mbtr of lh Industrial Commlaalon and the load lag Derjiocratlo member of tha Com Dilttaa on Appropriation, la the Houe If Repreeentatirea, whoee bum la at Atlanta, ., trr'te.i " I take pleeture In joining with General Wheeler, Congrenaman ttrewer and otbert In recommending Veruna ma an excellent tonic ana catarrh cure. "Col. L. I. Llvlngttoa. (Catarrh Cured. AH phaaea of catarrh, acuta or chronla, are promptly and permanently cured. It la through lta operation upon tha ner vous system that i'emna ha attained uoh a world-wide reputation aa a aur and reliable remedy for all phaaea ol Catarrh wherever located. Mr.Jaa.O. Morln, 11TB Ontario itreet Montreal, Canada, writes I ' Parana la certainly a great catarrh remedy. Jtcnred ma of catarrh of tha liead and I gladly lndorao it. Canadian are peculiarly aflllctod with thla dt.oaes nd for year, tha doctor hare triod to overcome It with elixir, powder and pill, bnt Parana! Ted tha que.tlon and alnoa the medicine ha bevn eetab lixhed here hundred, of penpln hart Iwon cured of catarrh." J a. O. Morln. If you do not derlru prompt and satis factory results from tho una of Pcruna, writ at one to Dr. Hartman, giving: I full atalement of your cava and he will be pleaaed to give you hit valuable ad Vlca free, Addreaa Dr. Hartman, Prealdent of She Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus, 0 I. ...... ... . . . Due Up 10,000 In Cotton. Sixy thousand dollari wai acci dontly discovered at i'aculot bark' in the sands alonir tha bank oi I'acoltt rivor rooontlv. says th Spartanbnrg Journal, but it was Co ton and not (fold that constituted this valuable treasure. A party waa prospecting on the scene ol in rccon t U jod disaster along the river banks not far from the site of th warehouse at I'acolet when a sma! bit of white cotton waa noticed stick ing out of the sand. Investigation followed at once and the white bit of cotton turnod out to be part of bale which in turn was one of lot of nearly one tbooaand bale of cot- ton which were lytnp buried be neath the sands all unknown to the workmen who had hundreds of times passed over this veritable mine of wealth in buried cotton. The single bale waa quickly eica vated from the sands and all about it buried some foot under the surface in the sand was seen cotton bale after cotton bale Iviug well protectod and almost uuiniured under the weight of sand. The scene waa soon the arena ot busy life and many work men were called upon to aid in gut tinir out the buried cotton. When ever? bale was dug out and an in ventorr taken it was found that nearly one thousand bales cotton valued in round numbers at about sixty thousand dollar bad been rescued. The incident is one o many of this kind showing the strange freaks which the storm and flood played, concealing goods and cotton in many instances io sucn manner that they are found with diflicultv. The discovery of the cotton was a source of great gratili cation to the mill people. When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take ana certain to act, always use Chamber- Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets For sale by C. . U alia way aud J, W. McPherson k Co. it 0 0 GRK2S.T a i pi a ? CHHf ( .TNT s 8 Xp knirp bought an immense line of fall and winter v J llctVv clothing, for men and boys, and in order to clear our space before our fall goods arrive, we have decided to oiler our entire line of spring and summer suits for the next 30 days at actual cost, and when we say coat we mean actual bill cost, with freight added and no more. We have some extra special values selected from four of the largeit factory lines in the United States, and from these lines we selected only the eream, hence we believe we have the best that can be bought and It would be to the interest of all to see our stock before making purchases elsewhere. We must close our summer goods during the next 80 days. Vp rt ffx 'so offering special inducements in the Heer t I W Oxford for ladies and Barry Oxfords for men and Included in these values we have thrown our line of summer drees goods, which must be closed during the next 46 days. flllf. -fr-ill cfrlr wiH be a decided improvement KJUl lUll dlUCIV 0n any line ever shown in Mt. Airy and we are very desirous of making the room necessary to handle our fall business, this alone necessitates this, the great eat clearance sale ever held in Mt. Airy, DpfripfTI fSpf also that we have the most complete XVllICllllsWl jjne f heavy groceries carried in this section of North Carolina all of which are offered at rock Dot- . torn prices. Merchants will do well to see us and get our prices before buying. Of f f Ol f PAM ' Pfttont Flour Is the best to be bad VUI VUCCI1 and the price is below others called "the best." Every pound guaranteed. Our Red Kooater and Farmer's Choice are excellent values and will give the most skeptic entire satisfaction. In considering our claims remember that our goods were bought for cash and all cash discounts saved, which enables us to give full value reoeived for every dollar invested with us. Try us once and you will come again. Make your self feel at home when in our store. THE VEST-flILL GO. Tale eJfraetore t aa every o of th gaaalae Ltxitive bromo-Quinine rtm STATIC SJ. I wtar i hit ma ant nn la (he r fMatr. tatrMted la Ik Orrteai awl akj fcatMie la ave at mj kmki a la.M dia- a "tire. H M. W !;. Allan!.' t Early Cisera Virginia College, Foa Youwa Laoiis. ROANOKE. Vwwnia. On. hept 1,1118, One of the lead ing hchoola for Young Ladiea in the New building, pianos and equipment. Campu n acre. Grand mountain aennery in Valley of Virginia, famed for health. European and Amer ican teachers. Full eourae. Jooarva Ury advantage In Art, and K lo cution. Certitleato Wellealey. stu dents from SO hi. lea. For catalogue add ret MATTIX P. HARRIS, President, fcoanek. Virginia. Watch tbe Comet. It vou chance to observe some person or persons rubber nicking at the hoavena those starry night don't be alarmed ; they ro simp looking for Mr. I) trellis comet which soems, from all accounts to bo a very elusive creature. Tho comet has boon seon repotted Iv br various observers. Its first appearance was noted last Frill night, when several, ignorant ol tho existence of Air. Lorolli and hi heavenly kite, described the ptie nomenon as a shooting star. Satur day Dight and Sunday night it was brighter. A groat many persons have rubbernecked in vain, how ever, and some have gone so far as to say that Mr. lioreili and his oinu are both frauds of the urst water The News' astronomical editor however can testify to the fac' that the comet is hereabouts, for auing is believing. It may bo found in the Southeastern skioa in the im mediate vicinity of the great dipper How much longer it will remain in that position is a question upon which there is a division. I lie re ligious editor of The News under stands that the comet la moving farther from tbe earth, but is grow ing brighter all the time, though he oilers no explanation ot this para doxical statement, while the horse editor contends that beginning to night the aioresaid comet will pans beyond the great dipper and will bo much harder for the lay observer to find, gradually fading from view. 1 here the matter rests, lsnt keep your eye on the comet ; it is booked to do some sort of a queer and un usual stunt that will be worth watch ing. Charlotte News. Not Deceived. Editor Johnson, of Charity and Children, who has more common sense and better judgment than any body you II meet in a day s journey, is never carried oil bis feet, lie has noted the great mturest that some of the politicians are taking the temperance movement and of course has sized the mtt'er u,. lie says : The placing in any prominent position in this the temperance movement a politician who makes hia living by politics would be a serious blunder, ibis is a good time to ask the gentlemen who are in the habit of pulling the wires to go considerably in tbe rear and be seated. No matter to what party he belongs, no man is fit to lead a great moral movement like this whose soul is not enlistod and whose fe has not been coneistontly op posed to liquor. The Alliance, it will be remembered, althongh a practical and greatly needed organ ization, was ruined by these same gentry who had no motive in the matter except to ride into power. he men who manage the temper ance movement ought every one of them to be temperance men. No opposition coed be apprehended from the politicians aa long as the people are in favor of temperance reform ; the danger is that the shrewd and wiley demagogues will be allowed to divert the whole bum nees from its original purpose and make it an agency for advancing party interest. If this should ever be done, the whole movement is foredoomed to failure. Statesville .andmark. Science and Old Ace. From twenty to fifty a man should live for himself and his family, from fifty to 100 for science and humanity and after a hundred for tbe state. Honored, useful, in full possession of all his faculties at six score years and ten, the gray beard of the approaching future will be among the most enviable of man kind, for tbe fear of death is an berration. The fact is that only one man in million at present dies a natural death. We should live till HO years of age. A man who expires at seventy or eighty is the victim of accident, cut off in tbe fl wer of his days, and he unconsciously resents being deprived of tbe fifty years or so which nature owes bim. Leave bim a little longer and in due time he will desire to die, as a child at dusk desires to sleep. The sand man will pass ! All our instincts drop from us one by one. The child cries for moth er s milk. 1 be idea of auch an ail ment is repugnant to the adult The deaires for swoets, for play, for love and lovemaking, for long walks and adventures are all impulses that have their day and paaa, and tbe wish to live is an instinct which fails also with satiety. Only at present none of ua lives long enough to be satiate with days. Professor Metchnikoffs btudies to unman .Nature. Mrs. Mollie Alien, of South Fork, Ky., Bays she baa prevented attacks of cholera morbus by taking Cham berlain a btomacu aud Liver Tablets whsn she felt an attack coming on. Such attacks are usually caused by indigestion and these Tablets are net what is needed to cleanse the stomach and ward off tbe approach ing attack. Attacks ot bilious colic rnav b prevenlivt in thai aainn way. for sale by U. h Uallaway and J. W. McPherson & Co. Judge John Q. Long, American Consul General at Cairo, died at nbar. Scotland, last Tuesday, af ter an accidental fall. Lie waa a North Carolinian and was appointed to the consular ser rice io 1SU9 from lorida. AN OLD LANDMARK GONE. The destruction of tho old hotel at Nsg's Head, N. C, removes one of tho old landmarks of North Car olina. lie f i ire tho war Nag's Head was a great res irt fir the woalthy planters of the eastern section of the S ate, many families moving down in the early sunimor and ro maining until tho col weather of the fall. They lived in cottages and tho cottHgua wrro unpretentious, but old fiishioncd hospitality made up for any lack of comlorts, and the season waa always gay and enjoy able. We do not know when tbe old hotel wssbmlt.but it had been there for many years, and waa very dear, from its associations, to many North Carolina people, as well aa to east ern Virginians Of late years, how ever, it waa not so popular aa the hotel at Morehead City, but by rea son of its piculiar location, was still a popular resort. It was located on a tmrrow sttip of land between Ro anoke Sound and the Atlantic ocean, iimnoko Island b.:ing only a few rnilis distant. On the ocean aide there is the best of surf bathing, and the sound furnishes urst class sail ing and fishing. There is a most picturesque driveway from the hotel up the coast. The driveway is through a forest of pines, with im rnetite sand hills and gorges hore and thcro, giving it much the appear- ai c j of a mountainous region. Just before i merging from the woods a beautiful fresh water lake ia reach ed, and just beyond the lake the wide ocean comes into full view, Three years ago the hotel took fire and would have been consumed but for the gallant work ot tho guests, who formed a bucket brigade and succeeded by and by in extin gnifhuig the tltmes. Many people in North Carolina, and Virginia as well, will read with genuine regret the announcement of the desiruc tion of the dear, ngly old building. Kichmond Times Dispatch. A Steak Saves Life. There was a most remakable escape from death in Kileign on Sunday morning. A child s life was saved because a puce ot oeetstesk, wtnen it bad been eating became lodged in its throat. The child, bnt a year old, was at the home of us parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aliie Ivcy, who live near the Uleigh Uotton Mills. It was alone and fell into a tub, which was full f water. It is supposed the child had been in tbe water live minuUa when discovered. Only tbe feet of the little one were out of the water when it was found, the rest ol the body being completely in the water. The body was limp and apparently lifeless and the parents were frantic with grief. A physician was summoned, and Iter some work the little one was restored. The steak which the child was eating when it fell in the water had lodged in its throat, and this prevented tho water from enter- ng tbe body, thus saving the child s lite. News and Observer. Twenty Rilled by Explosion. A dispatch of July the 29th from Lowell, Mass., says : Two small gunpowder magazinos, situated in the very midst of tho humble rest dences of fifty mill operatives, ex ploded with a frightful concussion and the resultant wave of death cut off the lives of moro than a score o human beings and it ju re J nearly litty others. Half a dozen men who wre loud ing kegs of powder from one of tbe roagszines were blown to pxe s lour unys two nunareu yards away ...... .. . - - were killed by the force of tbe cx plosion, and fourteen frame houses ithiii a radius of four hundred yds, ent down as if they had been built of cards, ceven ot theso housi s im mediately caught Ore, probably from tha kitchen stoves, and wore com pletely consumed. At least three persons were caught in tbe ruins and Dumod to dealt), wuiio seven or eight others, who were rescued, diod subsequently of their injuries. . i The Power of Sentiment. Tho story is going the rounds of the papers, on tbe authority ol Gov ernor l'ob Taylor, that accounts for the fact that Senator Dates of Too nessee does not smoke but carries an nnligbted cigar in his mouth. At the battle of Sbiloh, General Dates after potting a cigar in his mouth found that he did not have a match and asked his younger brother, to whom he was devoted, to give him a match. Ihe younger man, who was on the General's staff, struck a match, leaned over the neck of bis horse to touch it to bis brother s cigar and while in that attitude was struck bv a bullet and instantly killed. Sonator Bates had been an in veterato smoker but from tbat day to this he has never smoked. In stead he carries an nnligbted cigar in bis mouth, a perpetual reminder of that death on the battlefield forty years ago. Such incidents aad aswectnecs to life, testifying as they do to the deathleasnces of true nil, cti n. IVr baps no ore who did not know bitu intimately would have attributed that much of scntimont to the Sen ator from Tennessee. Truly love is stronger than death, and the love of two brothers is an especially pleasing form of true affection. Senator Rates has honored himself by this form of faithfulness to tbe memory of the boy he loved in tbe long ago, killed in rendering him a service Alter all that may be said in ridicule of sentiment, it remains one of tbe mighty influences oi this world of ours. Charlotte iSews. Suddenly Lost His Mind. One of Tlowan'a well to do young farmers, Mr. William liollobaugb, f the southern part of the county, suddenly lost control of bis mind on Sunday. Mr. Uollobaugh was at tending church services at Faith at the time the attack came. He waa seen to act strangely while the ser mon was being delivered, and at tbe onclosion of the services he made is escape, running to tbe woods. A searching party found him in a nearby graveyard at tbe tomb of bis child, who had recently been uried. It is thought that the death of the child affocted his mind, caus ing, it is hoped, only temporary in sanity. The friends of the unfor tunate man carried him to the home of a relative, but at an unguarded moment be made bis escape a second me. Searching parties are out looking for bim in various parts of tbe county, but as yet be baa not been found. Salisbury Dis patch. A dispatch from Evanaville, Ind , says for the past twenty four hours many strange negroes have been pasting through the city on their way to the South, where they will seek homes. Many of them came from Danville, IMs, aud points on the Illinois Central Railway. Two coaches filled with negro a passed through at one time. A number of tbe negroes who left Evansville dor ing the recent riots have not return ed. The feeling against the negroes in the Southern Indiana towns has grown more intense since the trou ble in Lvansville. The Best Fighter. The home grown, hand-spanked, bare footed, hard fisted country boy mhkoe a better fighter in the battle of life, says an exchange, than the pampered, high-collared and creased clothes boy who has always been dusted with a wbitk broom instead of a shingle. Let tho town man out of a job try a year on the farm. Plowing behind a mnle will take the kink out of his throat, the gas out of hia stomach, the weakness out ot bia legs, and will give him an appetite, an honoet living and a hope of heaven. We End Where We Befln. Very many boys follow the occu pations of their fathers, but most parents do not enconrage their sons to follow their calling. They have seen all the hard sides to their life- work and only the outer and brighter side oi other callings. The doctor is apt to set before his son the hardrhis of his life, his enforced irregular hours, his has of rest, tho thankkosncss of those whoso lives he has stved until the boy thinks there is not enough compensation for tho labor and the sacrilicLS, while the neighbor's boy grows up to think that to be a doctor is tbe greatest thing in the world. And so it goes most men wishing to do tho thing thoy know least about. A Kansas exchange puts the endless chain of human ambition in a novel way aa follows : "hvery farmer boy wants to be a school teacher, every school teacher hoKS to be an editor, every editor would like to bo a banker, every banker would like to be a trust mag nate, and every trust magnato hopes some day to own a farm and have chickens and cows and pigs and horses to look after. We end where wo begin." News a'id Ob server. Pointed Paragraphs. The flower of the family ist.'i al- wsys college bred. Character is the substance : repu tation tbe shadow. His satamc maii-sty must have a ot of branch ofliees. Our faults are soon forgotten if known only to ourselves. Take a few swimming leesons be fore burning your bridges behind you. If a man has no roputation to V so he can afford to lgnoro public opin ion. With the exception of lovomak ing there are many new ways of doing old things. It seems queer, but nevertheless tsa fact that illness is often the e.ult of drinking well water. It takes an experienced tindvrtak er to look solemn and conceal bis satisfaction at a funeral. Law cannot mke a man mral but it can make him decidedly un comfortable if ho is iramorul, Chi cgo Daily News. Ar Ccliibk.' Prepar.ilion for As -similaling the FixxlciiKlHctuln -ting Hie Stomachs and Uoweis of Promolcs DiftesliinvChecrriir nessaiKlResl.l'oiiliiiiiinellliiT Opiiini.Morpliine nor Mineral. NotNahcotic. Mtn .TtnMt III 7KM.U A iH'tfi-cl Remedy forfonslipfl lion, Sour Stonuvh,l)ioirNcfl Worms Convulsions .Feverish nfS4 nnd Loss of Sleep. Fn Suuile Sitfnnturc ot NEW YOHK. "fT I exact copy or wrapper. 1 1 lltl will 1 Tor Infant? and Children. The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Signature Xu Wfi i In Use For Over Thirty Years cvrnraii iCH! mim . new Tana err, OAHTOI1IA, BntU Ha 'lm BOGglt Signature af TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. An institute for the teachers of Surry county will be held at Dob son, beginning August the 17th. Lvery person who expects to teach in the public sc'nools of the county should attend. The law requires attendance upon an in stitute or summer school in order to obtain a certificate. Supt. J. Davis, of the Mount Airy Graded Schools, will con duct the institute. J. II. Allen, Co. Supt. Suicide Prevented. 1 us startling announcement tbat a I preventive of suicide bad been diaoov ered will interest many, A. run dowa system, or drapondency Invariably pre cede auieide and aumetliing baa b?sn found tbat will prevent that condition Inch makea suicide likely. At tbe flrat thought of aelf deatruction take Electric Bitter. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nervea and build up the sy.tem. It's alao a great stomach, liver and kidney regu lator Only an Kati.'aMnn guaran teed by C. k. Gallaway, druggi.t. No wouder Kansas needed bands. ta wheat crop this year is 100,000. 000 bushels against 45,000,000 bet yesr. The crop in the entire Wet will be twice as large aa laat year. There is do danger of the lack of the staff of life. lUleigh Mews and Uwerver. Any church or parsonage or insti tution snpported by voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal !uantity of the Longman A Martinez 'ure Paints whenever tbey paint. Note : Dave done ao for twenty- seven years, bales: ions oi mil lions of gallons ; painted nearly two million housos under guarantee to repaint if not satisfactory. The paint wears for poriods up to eigh teen years. Linaeod UM must be added to the paiut (done in two minutes). Actual cost then about $1.25 a gallon. Samples free. Bold by our agents, F . L. Smith & Co. The correspondent of tbe Char lotte Observer at Asheville says that it ia a fact that distillers are disre garding tbe Watts law and con tinuing operations outside of incor porated towns, and that they will test the law in the coorts. Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? Its your liver I Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. Zc All antgftau. Want jam moTtatarba m boar a baauufa fctvwa or rwb biark? Thru riirtlllrMIIIt rvrfnrih. 9 tr e f sa l ! m i Co - eMtcwrTr- insliih EmiYRQYAL FILLS r'-V a fllinit.-IUl ii ...!. I-.H aw. m tft Mr B u4 fcaj. .i.iin Mw. mm. .T -T w n-a T.kcaaMaa. BMa a VJ m BaWlMaw. a. lmi. fT a ' ..F T"' I' ...iw. m 4. m J f wwr a. PihIwJmv T ra Ul. D M HKrf a I..Ma Mw. M n. ' If knlav itMMMKkaa tM ! aMra tkiUL, fa. DcWltt Is the Name. When vou go to buy Witch Hazel Halve look for the name leVitt on every box. The pure unadulterated W itch Hazel it used in making UeW itt Witch Haze! Halve, which it the beat alve in ttie world for cuts, burn., bruises, boil., eczema and pilea Tbe ularity of tie Witt's Witch Hazel e, due to its many cures, han caused umerotia worthies, counterfeit to be placed on the market. The genuine tears the name ol K. (J. lie Witt A Co.. Chicago. Hold by I. W. West, druggi.t, Mt. Airy. N. C. pop Almost without exeepti ju the rail way sjstttns in the South and South west have placed large orders for locomotives, most of them to be de livered by the time crops a e to be moved, but even with the additional equipment, it is believed that the enormous crop of wheat, corn, and cotton will require much more mo tire power than is now available to get it to tbe market The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their casa in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ua., is acknowledged tbe roost skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted States. Write him for hia ex pert opinion of your case, for which he makea no charge Save tbe Children. Ninety-nine of every one hundred dii aaeg tbat children have are due todn orders of the stomach, and these dis orders are all caused by indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is just aa good for children as it is fur adults. Children thrive on it. It keeps their little stom achs sweet and encourages their growth and development. Mrs Henry Carter, 706 Central Mt., Nashville, Teun., says: "Mr little boy is now three year, old and has been suffering from indigestion ever since he was burn. I have had the bust doctors In Nashville, but failed to do bim any good. After using one bot tle of Kodol he is a well baby. I re commend it to all sufferers. Kodol digests what you eat and makes the Stomach sweet. Hold by 1. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, N. 0. will build a Tbe Prtsbyteriana church at Sparta. Healthy r kpt tronr and wet); wntt and fun little fnlka ir iimd viiroroii f th Um o( thai famous rii.xiy FREY'S VERMIFUGE OorrsvU all dlavon1n of the etomarti. atxfselfl worm, eU. Paint!., mil pcMitive in iuttm. Hot tie by nm it, it;. K. 4 ntK, VaitlMon, Md. a Whf caa tMn MkTU itmpli Itw taj las)tmr Wanted-An Idea 2, Writ J HN sUIkKHi'RN at ( O , KaWW HMT W b!fcvr.i, l .. f'r Ik If 1. prjaaffa at Hat a am tc va-, . i.,n mme-i One f.linute Counh Curo For Coughs, Colds) and Croup. DeWItt's Salva For PwOtif Curtus. sWroo. R. D. De Vault -HAS JUST RECEIVED THEEE BIG LUES 0F SAMPLES .INCLUDING. SIR ts id Hi. He also has a big stock of SPRING ar.D SUMMER DRESS GOODS. IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN ANY OF THE.-K LINK UO TO I?. 0. Dc YliLrFS For BARGAINS, for he is PREPAIRED to SAVE YOU MONEY. Hague-McDorkls Dry Goods Co., Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. We solicit trade ot Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. We cordially invite all Merchants to call on us when in (j.-nenoboro, or to see our Travelling Salesman before placing orders elsewhere. YOTJ CAN FIND 01 a a i i a him m aa J aOI m a a a Lit m aw ill il u Hi (Both Gal vanized Iron and Tin), Also Tin and Iron Roofing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. y " y " a - - nag- aaCar "f-g mm. aijt l" T"' V , -3 --v, " r OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE 5 c4- Vjn f PREPARES lor tba UNIVERSITIES aaa Col . I &l I LKOI S a. well a. lor BUSINESS. 1"T Tt ACh. INQ, ana fur UFE. Sltalc4 MiAR CitftXNS. BOKO, H. C. aver l.OOO led ahare the sea level, ia view of tbe amemtnla. Larfiajt aa4 Beat Eqalpaed plttlaf fkbeol tor Vaaof Mra aaa Bot. ia taa Aaatb. Rata. I ( 1 2S.M ta $ 1 75.00 per aanaai. rea at.uvirvi c.T.ieouf. anearaa J. A. & M. H. HOLT ... Oak Ridjre. N. C. 1 j J TsT i Wfcnri"- 't-ri iriir-miin-. J mm.t h, no Wf ETT'I! y7! Cri CSi!ji I'zn'iX th Bowel t rouble.' tf ChllT efinr to: CcsU Calj 25 rats it Bnoist Or aufl t mm ta C J. MOrrKTT, M. aV. BY. LOUIS. MO. aviv.. 9a.. ta. W. km kaorW4 Ik. Ifaa. Tf f mini rT-o-'M iho i u.i tTa r- aa4 tM aa ypiwwT ariiw. aa. ar amaa a fcaa tmmA if hmr r.apil fr " r " W5 1 r ' ' Em wuiamaaraliaM Wrna.rHlilat ' l ali.M v. wttmmir (t.,a. m taa MNaiw af a., caaair. W ttj wm Htfeni e alalia, if aaa.laiaill aat al laa inajira aaaai ..aaitaia awa- , ' lua Laaaa a uma Ut CO- Taatai.,', BraMa

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