J. Word to tlxo WI0O if Sufflolonti JUixy IlniialltorL-Xlroxvii Sliooo rt ar. jo. :o,rjbc.o:r- ., . VOL. 24. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1003. NO. 7. THOUSANDS OF FAIR WOMEN HERALD PRAISES FOR PE-RU-NA Catarrhal Dyspepsia and Nervous Prostration Makes Invalids of Mor Women Than AH Other Diseases Combined. I Hystsmte catarrh causes nervousness, poor apixtltn, tired feelings. 1'uruns cure utArrh wherever located. j LETTERS FROM WOMEN. If la A ana I'raMsvtt't Letter. MlM Anna Prescott, in ft letter from (16 Sooth Seventh street, Minneapolis, Minn, write.: "1 waa completely need up hit Ml, my appetite bad tailed and I telt weak and tired all the time. My drug gltt advlted me to try I'eruna and the relief I experienced after taking one bottle wai truly wonderful. I I continued Itt ute for fire week , and am glad to tty that my complete teatoratkta to health wat a happy aurprlta to mytelf at well a to my tHeod."Aana Preecott I'e-rn-aa a Traa Frl.nd te Wmi, MU Florence Allan, beautiful Chi cago girl, writes the following from 75 Walton riaoet "A. tonlo for a worn ont system, Prruna stands at the head In my sti mation. IU effucu are truly wonderful in rejuveaating the entire eyatsm. I keep it on band U tlie time, and never have that tired feeling,' ft. ft few down alway. makes me fuel like ft different woman." Florence Allan. Tenin will he fonnd to effect an Im mediate) and laaMng cure in all eases of iv.temlo catarrh. It act qntrkly and tieneflelally on thedlseased muaon mem branes, aitl with healthy mucous mem branes the catarrh can no longer exist. Pirnu Make. Too Peel Usee Hew Pin. Mias Maris CaL, a popular young wo man of A ppletnn, Wit, and TreHident is! the A ppleton Youn g Ijulitn'Clii h, writes I "When that lanhTild, tln-d fwllrf oomes over you, km) your food no limit- r tastes good, and small annoyances int Ute yon, I'eruna will make you fool 111 another person Inside of week. "I have now used it for three so Mora, and find it very valuable and elllcaci on.." Mia. Marie Coats. I f you do not derl vs prompt and satlt factory results from the ue of IVrur.a write at once to Dr. Ilartrnan, giving a full statement of your case, and he wl X be pleased to give you his valuable a r vice gratis. Address Dr. Hsrtman, President of The Ilartrnan Hanitarium, Coluniuus, 0. GREAT ppjfjpp Sap CllilG Wf llOATA bought an immense line of fall and winter T V C lluVC clothing, (or men and boys, and in order to clear our I pace before our fall goods arrive, we hare decided to offer our entire line of spring and summer suits for the next 30 days at actual cost, and when we say cost we mean actual bill cost, with freight added and no more. We bare some extra special values selected from four of the largest factory lines in the United States, and from these lines we selected only the cream, hence we believe we have the best that can be bought and it would be to the interest of all to see our stock before making purchaset'elsewherc. We must close our summer goods during the next 30 days. llf- -an also offering special inducements In the User tllC Ox fords for ladies and Barry Oxfords for men and included in these values we have thrown our line of summer dress goods, which must be closed during the next 48 dsys. 8 s 0 g 0 o Of ft fn II C.tfrf a decided improvement VUl lilll MUCK on any line ever shown In Mt. Airy and we are very desirous of making the room necessary to handle our fall business, this alone necessitates this, the great est clearance sale ever held in Mt. Airy. Dpmpfnhpf also that we have the most comple tvCIIICUl UCr jlne be,Ty groCeries carried in tt lete ' beavy groceries carried in this Section of North Carolina all of which are offered at rock bot tom prices. Merchants will do well to see us and net our prices before buying. Off f Of lffn ' I' stents Flour is the best to be had KJUl VI 14 and the price u othen eaJled "the beet" Every pound guaranteed. Our Bed Booster and Farmer's Choice ars excellent values and will give the most skeptic entire satisfaction. In considering our claims remember that our goods were bought for cash and all cash discounts saved, which enables us to give full value received for every dollar invested with us. 'T-.-. n nnrT yoo will com again. Make your 1 V U UIICt self feel at borne when la our storfc Q . O E WEST-HILL CO. ! M, .,l4eV JeV1e.AiefS' ftAAA ft&ftf-.AA .eV A r" VVV V V-Vw V V V V V V WV W VV W 1 Honor Above Curiosity. One family in this county certain ly holds honor higher tbar, enrioeity, and bai not the least desire to open a sealed package that has been in ita possession for over 30 yeare. In 1809 a man who gave his name as Madison M. Tyler and said he was from Brooklyn, N. Y., came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. lingo Mc Anley, who live near Uantersville, and leased a vacant store-room that was on the premises. There was an air of mystery about the man. lie never, or rarely ever, spoke of his past life, and be con ducted all his correspondence through the postofiice at Ilarrieburg, which was some distance away, lie managed his store successfully and seemed to be making money. Id the second year of his life at Uantersville Tyler borrowed $300 from Mrs, McAnley. Biz months later she saw him making some preparations that indicated his de parture. Before she bad time to get nneasy about the discharge of the debt, Tyler walked into the house and paid her the money with inter est. Then he gave to her the sealed package, asking ber to keep it for bim. lie said the parcel was valu able and that he would certainly re turn for it. I Ins happened in 1871. Tyler left and has never been heard from since bis departure. Borne years ago Mrs. McAnley died, but before she died she gave the package to her sister, Mist Martha Black, and asked ber to keep it un til Tyler returned for it or sent for it. The parcel is now in the posession of Mias Black. She still holds it tor the owner. Not even the paper that covers the box has been touched harshly by corious bands. The pack age is 18 inches long, three inches thick and quite heavy ; that much Miss Black and ber relative know, and no more. The future of the mysterious par cel t Why, the reputation of the McAnleys and Blacks was establish ed long ago. Unless the owner come or sends that box will be held intact through the cetitarie. Char lotte Observer. Tlie postal acandal grows. Sev en indictments, involving nine Iersons, have been returned by the Federal grand jury at Wash ington for conspiracy, and aa the jury ia still in session, other in dictments are expected to follow. M action, the ex-huperinu-ndent of Free Delivery, is in the list. Do you wonder at Mr. i'ayuos health failing him f Wilmington 1 Star. Mrs. Mollis Allen, or South Fork, Ky., say she ba prevented attacks of cholera morbus by taking Cham berliin's Stomach and Liver Tableia when she felt an attack coming on. Sncb attacks are usually caused by iodigestioo and these Tablets sr just what is needed to cleanse the stomaca aol ward on tbe approach ing attack. Attacks of bilious colic may be prevented in tbe same war. For ssJs by C. E. Oallsws; and J. W, Xtftarsoo A Co. I The Bricklayer's Vision. When the best rm ral results fol low an unusual or abnormal event any discussion of its natural or super natural agency cannot change thr fact. Many believe that there are messages from Heaven more direct than the written revelations; and the believers are generally those whose experience answers for their faith. Eighty years ag in a country town of west New England, lived a drunkard locally known as "Dis tillery Btrnck Jones." In his early manhood he bad been thrifty, in dnstiious and temperate, the bus- hand and father of a happy family I! th he and his young wife bad in lieritcd some property. Jscob tbe brick Uyer bad a good home, and was looked upon as a rising man. When he was twonty live years oiu tue on or oi a j o on a aistiuery e'tiinney came to bim, with a prom ise vl tiiitn wages, as a skilled work man was wanted. He accepted with some reluctance, being an abstainer himself, and disapproving the then almost universal use of strong drink. While at work on the l ib he ac quired the taste for liiuor, through the cxamplo and persuasions of his mates, and his downward career be gan. Such is the story of the way be got his name. Kr twelve years "Distillery Struck Jacob was a sot. He did no work, but led a shiftless lite, spending his time with the low and rabald company lound at any tavtrn within ton or twelve miles of his home. Alcohol weakened bia mind, and vcn partially paralyzed his body No one believed that the drinking, swearing, staggerii g loafer could be rar from the drunkard s end. No one but his wife. She prayed for him, and hoped and waited. He never abused his family. lie only disgraced them. In his cups he often boasted of his "good pious wife" and bis smart children. One August night he came home from a long spree and went to bed nd slept nmetlv. 1 his was a grate fill circumstance, for his nights at borne wero too ofien so noisy aa to snggest incipient mania. In the morning he dress-.'d, washed and sat down to breakfast with the family Then, instead of his pipe, be found a pocket Bible, and went out and sat under a tree to read. He read all day. He seenud to have forgotten his drink and his tobacco. His chil dren wondered. His wife watched bim, cried softly to herself, and whispered, "God help him." For six months Jacob spent most of his time reading and meditating and gathering back his lost health and strength. By that time he had worn out one Bible and procured another. Gradually ho began to speak of his changed feeling and to seek his old associates in dissipation that he might carry to them the message of redemption. They laughed and called him "loony." Church mem bers held aloof and distrusted him when be asked their fellowship. At last, modestly, he dated the revolu tion of bis lite, and told its cause which to him never ceased to be a miracle. In a dream, that August night, be had seen the Saviour. The behavior of the renewed man was evidence enough ol bis sincerity. It was not until thirity five years later that he died, a beloved and humble old Christian, bavins; out lived all of his family and become totally blind. If it was an imagined vision that changed the sot into a saint the fancy was no less a divine visit. It was such a dream aa tbe Hebrew poet defines in the thirty third chapter of tbe Book of Job. 1 outh s Companion. nan's Inhumanity to Man. Man's inhumanity to man is no new theme nor thing, but there is not ofteu s more striking illustration of it than is found in s story which comes from Hammond, Ind. A man who bad taken a box of strych nine tablets was found dying near that town and was taken to a hos pital where he regained conscious ness long enough to say that be had just been discharged from a hospitsl, that bis home was in iSew l ork and that he was trying to make bis way there. After be died this note was fonnd pinned to bis coat. "To the 1'ublic 1 was tn a yard in Hanrtnoned to-day and asked a lady for something to eat. I was sick and hungry. Her son came to the door, took me by the Collar, threw me out of the yard and kicked me. 1 am tired-of tne struggle, and do not want to live any longer. I write this before I go into that un known field from which none re turns. With malice toward none, I die. Ellis Jooiu.w Suicide Prevented. The startling announcement that a preventive of suicide bad been discov ered will interest many. A run dowa system, or despondency invariably pre cede suicide and something has been found that will prevent that condition which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self destruction take K lee trie liilters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system. It's also a f reat stomach, liver and kdney regu-' stor. Only eoe. Patisfaclion guaran teed by C. k. Osllawey, druggist. The Charlotte Chronicle propose to the authorities of Cabarros and Mecklenburg counties that if tbey will grade aud macsdaruiii the road between Concord sod Charlotte, tbe Chronicle will establish a dtity automobile service between tb two place. I The Proposed Currency BI1L It is earn there is to be a confer ence sool of the Senators who have in charge the work of framing new currency bill to bo introduced into the Senate immediately after tne meeting ol Uongresa. a well known, certain great interests are insisting upon currency lcgisla tion at the earliest possible moment, their position being that thero isn't money enough to transact the leg ltimate bosineFS of the country On the other hand, there are members oi Congress, among them Mr. Cn non, who is to be the Speaker of tbe House, who think that the vol ume of currency is ample for all legitimate purposes, and iu this view they are backed up by men who seem to understand the fin an cial situation thoroughly. There is, however, going to be i currency bill introduced into Con gress and a determined effort made to pass it. Tbe conference of the senatorial committee on the bill will take place on August 10th, at the borne of Senator Aldnch, of Uhode Island. It is stated that among other things the bill will provide for depositing the receipts from tho customs in national banks, as well as tbe receipts from inter nal revenue. The internal revenue receipta now amount to about $500,- 000 a day, and those from tbe cus toms to more than 1 1,000,000 a day, Practically, therefore, ail iho money that the government receives wil be at once turned back into circu'a tion. Now it is complained that i vast amount of money hundreds ol millions of dollar are locked up in the treasury and thua kept out of circulation. It is proposed also that the Secretary of tho Treasury shall continue to receive State and mum ci pal bonds as security for govern ment deposits. No doubt there are those who would like to have a law authorizing the Secretary of the lreasnry to also accept railroad and industrial bonds. In that way it would be an easy matter to got rid of a quantity of "indigestible se curities which have buen making Wall street sick, but Congress will never agree to anything of that sort. Indeed, some of tbe most in llnential members of Congress are opposed to the treasnry accepting btate and municipal bonds as secu nty for government deposits. It is a fact, ol conrse, that there are mu nicipal bonds that are not first class security. The proposed bill will also pro vide tor asset currency. Ibe plan is now to permit banks to issue notes to an amount equal to one-half of their capital stock, and to put a 3 psr cent, tsx on this circulation. It will be a diflicult matter to get Con gress to agree upon a currency bill. Even the leading bankers of the country are not agreed in regard to asset currency. Therefore, bowev er energetic tho friends of currency legislation mav be, it is doubtful if anything will be accomplished in that direction in the very near lu ture. S.vannah News. Exhibit at St. Louis. It is now certain that this State will have a great exhibit of fruit at tbo St. Louis exposition, and rresi dent Van Lindley is arranging for tbe most complete collection of ap ples ever made by the State. The preparation of specimens from tbe State Museum for the ex position is in progress. Tbe heavier specimens are being numbered and otherwise arranged for packing. The collection of woods is simply magnificent, the score of specimens illustrating all tbe best kinds of trees, these specimens being of two classes, one cut boriz mtally and tbe other perpendicularly, so as to show all the possibilities of the wood. Greensboro Record. Anv church or oarsonatre or insti- r r tutioD supported by TolunUr? con tribation will be given i liberal insntitv if ta T sr rvman Xr Martin i ksseu a j uw asvusauwu w iu tsuvsi Pure Paints whenever they paint. Note : Have done so for twenty seven years. Sales: Tens of mil lions of gallons ; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfactory. Tbe paint wears for periods up to eigh teen years. Linseed Oil must be added to tbe paint (done in two minntes). Actual cost then about f 1.25 a gallon. Samples free. Sold by our agents, F. L. Smith & Co. i ' - WS " John Daniel, col., was shot and killed by Policeman George Dunn, at Grifton, 18 miles from Green ville, the other evening. Tbe negro resisted arrest and stabbed tbe officer with a knife, whereupon the officer shot hi in fatally. Tbe Coroner's J ory found that the policeman acted in self-defense. Your Tongue If It's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Aver's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys pepsia, mtKc your uvcr ngnt. easy to iaac,casy iu ujjtiai. JSC All rff ms. Mil I' u"Ut l Ward a itwliuitti BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtt&U CfiriYROYAL FILLS . . a inn n pw. i w. m . i " .m 'S tr Ml m t. sal '1 i . 1... . rim It ! "' m k s44 ! Not rauiZ, fC A Skeleton Found Secreted in the Roof of an Old House. While recovering tho resiJonce of Mrs. Mary Huntley, in this place, yesterday, Mr. O. A. Edgoworth and a force of hands made a gruesome discovery. On tearing off tho old shingles on tho roof of the hotiso the workmen noticed that a hole, two foot squire, had at some time been sawed in the sheathing. The sheath ing, which had been nailed back to tho ratters, was rornoved and the workmen were greatly surprised to find the remains of a body, which is supposed to be that of a white man. The remains, which were lying im mediately under tbe hole that bad been made in tbe sheathing, consist ed of a skull, right arm complete from shoulder blade to end of fingers, and part of bone of left arm. Thore were signs as if part of the body bad been partially eaten by rats. Dried flush still adheres to the fingers of tbe right arm. An old fashioned beaver hat, a pair of shoes and a pearl collar but ton wero also found. Tho shoes were fonnd at about where the feet of the body would have boen and the hat near tho skull. The house is a very old one and no solution of the mystery as to who placed the body in the loft where it was font d, or how long it had been there, has yot been offered. Wsdcsb.ro Messenger. TEACHERs'lNSTITUTE . An institute for the teachers of Surry county will be held at Dob son, beginning August the 17th. Every person who expects to teach in the public schools of the county should attend. Tho law requires attendance upon an in stitute or summer school in order to obtain a certificate. .Supt. J. Davis, of the Mount Airy Graded Schools, will con duct the institute. J. II. Au.kn, Co. Supt. Colored People Going North. What is declared to bo the largest exodus of colored people from Char lutte yet known, will take place this morning, when about 4) families, numbering 150 men, women and children, will leave for the North. This will make an aggregate of 230 colored people leaving the city with in one week. As has been stated, those who are leaving are among the better class of negroes, the men bo ing able-bodied laborers, and the women cooks who have beon em ployed in the best families hero. The crowd that will leave this morn ing will be ticketed to Now York, where tho womon are offered posi tions as cooks and servants, and the men are promised jobs aa laborers n tho subways and on buildings. Charlotte Observer. OAHTOIIIA. Ban th. If H?n l, Bostft Bsatut sf DeWltt Is the Name. When you go to buy Witch Ha.el Halve look fur the name lieWitt on every box. Tlie pure unadulterated v itcn na.ei is uaeu in making ue Witt s Witch Hazel Halve, which is the brut salve in the world fur cuts, burns, bruises, boils, eczema and piles The popularity of DeWitt's Witch Hazel halve, due to its man j cures, has canned numerous worthless counterfeits to be placed on the market. The genuine bears the name of K. C. DeWitt A Co., Chicago. Hold by 1. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, N, O. ini ii. i -eee a i The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experiences great ditiiculty in having their case in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Nnurrnn llathflurav f Atlanta fia is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in tbe Uni ted States. Write him for bis ex pert opinion of your case, for which ba males no charge Save the Children. Ninety-nine of every one hundred dis eases that children have are due to dis orders of the stomach, and these dis orders are all eaused by indigestion. Kodol l'yapepsia Cure is just aa good for children as it is for adults. Children thrive on it. It kerps their little stom achs sweet and encourages their growth and development. Mrs Henry Carter. 7u6 Central ht,, Kaahville, Tenn , says : "My little boy is now three years old ana est been suneruig from indigestion ever since he was born. I have had the best doctors in Nashville, but failed to do him anv good. After using one bot tle of Kodoi he is a well balir. 1 re commend it to all sufferer. Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stouiacli sweet, bold by 1. w. west, druggist, Mt. Airy, Ii. C. .Children sr Mtrtut )itj frvHsx ife aotriwr ThsHT .ut nw a. . twt I h ;aLlB, Mast pi, ftsf 1tets. twmatf Frey's Vermifuge MM ( tkmm Kmmft kt nt .'4 . 1 1 ror4 , . i I. ,w m.. immmm featvrti ilt h 4t w vw n.. r. a. a a. rat v. sim-wra, is. !lfennrl In M t"m itjsMi rnmr f4a- ts taas ks-tsu a. Writ j6.l tli.i'H.di tll ( -(. ft ssl Wsff,iawvs, D r us- $ t a urmrn ft ' W .SSs.sWl tsiVM't) vskstfatas Ono Minute Couch Curo For Cougha, Colds atissl Croup. DaWItt's KUJ 8a!vo fff fg tvrett. lr i ( Ojk r isa mm rfAt rVf! M. S TIio Kliul A'oti Havo Always Bought, nnt wlikh liaw ftcen iu ttiio for over 30 yearn, lias borno tho nlmiatriro of and ha been mado ttndcr fits iwt- fflf "o"al aupervlMloii tdnre Its liilaney. All CountcrfcltH, Imitation mid ' JiihI-um-immI" urn but EipeTiint'iiU that trifle with and cndaiiirtT tbo liealth of Infuuts aud Cliildreu Experience aguiiuit Diperiiucut. What is CASTOR I A Cnntorfa is a linrtnloas substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare goric, lroiM and Kootliiiig Syrupy. Jt U I'IcihiiiiU It contaliiH neither Opium, Alorplilno nor other Narrotlo DiilmtMiicc. lit nirn U ll giiariintcc. It destroys AVurina mid allays l''cvri.!iii. It fiirt a Dlarrliuu and Wind Colic. It relieves Teclliiin,' Troubles,, curt-ii CoiiKtiputloii and flatiili-ncy. It uiinilal' lln" 1mhI, k-iiIuU.s tbo 8lonuti'h and llowelx, k i i 1 1 lirallliy mid n.ttiirul nlot-p. Tlio C'liildrcn's I'auucMt Tho Mulln r' I'licnd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of mt amt mw m awmma w mat KM The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THff eiSfTAUfl COMMMV, Tf MUllf TMCtT, TW 0)K OrTY. R. D. De Vault -HAS JUST RECEIVED- THEEE BIG- LUES .OF. SAMPLES .INCLUDING. Shoes. Hats a lis. He also has a big stock if SPRING dND SUMMER DRESS GOODS, i IF YOU NEK I) ANYTHING I.V ANY OK THKSK LINK'S ; TO f?. 0. DeYJIIdLrT-'S For I5AUGAIK8, for he Is PKKI'AIKED to HAVE YOU MONEY. HagusMcCorkls Dry Qoods DoM Importers and Wholesalers, GREENSBORO, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. V9 We solicit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. sT We cordially invite all Merchants to call on as when In Greensboro, or to see our Travelling Haletman before placing orders elsewhere. YOU CAN FIND Guttering and Spouti, (Both Gal vanized Iron and Tin), Also Tin and Iron Roofincr, Ornamental Galvanized Iron WorK, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipo Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. r OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE 5 cf f frt s PSKPA6E5 tmt thm I NIVrBSITir aa COI . 151 I Vail LCOi:S as wH aa lr nt'SIMEM, tat Tt At.11. r INO. aa far UFe. MlasteS hP.AR QBKrNfu HUHO. N. C, aver I ,OM lerf tb aa level, la trw 4 tb aManlalaa. Lar(w aaS St Centre Ftttlac Scbsal twt mf Mr aa b;t la tba Mtth. Batasi SI2S.S4 l7i Oe per hub. roa scauTirvL caeaieavs. aesaiss J. A. A M. M. MOLT ... Oak Rldg. N. C. THEM Ism " ' Mk4 IMS wmm sjsbmsjm ts I Cm Ci:!n-lf.fi:'ja, fir -'-TL ,T " , 1 U l.bry.aa4 1 T: . . . " - ' : i " i Ato bit. iauaaa Costs Otlr aotttitl teds!. r,cXtZ' Zt" JJlOr sufl S sasSi SS C A MOFPtTr. t. D. ST. LOUIS. MO. ! Be. 1 iSiSfe IIIIMISA flWAte iIp i ew ehv na 1' Miii!tHi In mi pm rata, a laeaarr m ia j au.awwta ta a - s wmma- T Sat aeaM4s a -aa ta aa.teia tLjii.a aajren car co, y.iianii t-iw.

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