j. Word to tlio Wiflo io J3ia.fxioioii.ti J3xy Ilamilton-Hrown Blioos at J", us. XlnrlsLor'O' Mount Airy VOL. 24. MOUNT AIRY, N. C THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1003. NO. 12. r 1 IHE .NEWS. I J?03A OXPBtMQ. HEALTHY WOMEN Praise Pe-ru-na as a Curo and Preventative of Catarrhal Disorders. ' N ,.bEA'gy"-tl WOMEN WHO jif PE-RU-NA. Miss KUzahath TJber, No, 07 nassotl street, Albany, N. Y., write. i have alwaya dreaded the fall and winter became of my extreme liability to catch cold, when catarrhal trouble would quickly develop through my entire ayttem which It would take weeka to drive away. I am thankful to tay that el nee I have taken Peruna, I do not have any rea- ton to dread thin any more. Lett fall when I autttrtd with my old trouble I took Peruna and In nine daya waa completely cured and alnce that time. It I bare been at all ex acted to the damp, wet or cold weather, I take a dote or two of Pe runa and It thrown out any bint of nlcknett from my ayttem. I gladly Indorte H."Mltn Bllaabeth Uber. Mrs. Wm. Dewey, Saranao Lake, X. Y., Is srnd coB.ln of Admiral Dowry. In a reo.nl lntter sayst "Peruna In the niout valuable of any remedy that I have ever used for coaghn, coldn, etc. I cheerfully rec ommend It an a certain cure It uted according to directions. ''Mm. Wm. Dewey. MUi Ra Garbing, a popular aooloty woman of Crown Point, iDd., wrlto.i " Lett winter I took a long drive In the country, and being too thlngly clad I caught a bad cold which nettled on my lungt, and which I could not teem to nhake off. I had beard a great deal of Peruna for coldn and catarrh and I bought a bottle to try. I am pleated that I did for It brought apeedy relief. It only took two bot tlen and I coanlder thin money well npent. " Yon Have a firm friend In me. and I not only advlte lit uta to my frlendt, but have purchated teveral bottlen to give to thote without the meant to buy, and have noticed without exception that It ban brought about a nptedy cure wherever It ban been uted. "Mitt Rota Uerblng. , To neglect a cold la to invite chronic catarrh. A. aoon aa anyone discovers the firs t ymptom. of catching cold he should at once begin th use of Peruna according to direction, on the bottle, and the cold 1. aare to pass away with out leaving any bad effocta. Unless this la done the cold U almost rare to end In the at-cond stage of ca tarrh which li making ao many live miserable. If Peruna waa taken every time one nam a cold or cough chronic catarrh wnld be practically an un known dlaeaae. If you dotnotderlr prompt and satis- factory resulta from the nae of Peruna, tu at once to Dr. XIartman, giving a run .lawmen eour CMe ,ni ne WM be pUaaad to give you ma vain cue advice gratia. Address Ir. ITartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. GREAT Wp ll 1 rr bought an immense line of fall and wilier WC IltlVC clothing, for men and boys, and in order to clear our space before our fall goods arrive, we bare decided to offer our entire line of spring and summer suits for tbe neit 30 days at actual cost, and when we say cost we mean actual bill cost, with freight added and no more. We bave some extra special values selected from four of tbe largest factory line in the United Kates, and from these lines we selected only tbe cream, hence we believe we bave the best that can be bought and it would be to the interest of all to see our stock before making purchases ele here. We must cloae our summer goods during the next 30 days. also offering siiecial inducements in tbe Ileer v T C tl Oxfords for ladies and Barry Oxfords fur men and included in tbee values we bave thrown our line of summer dress goods, which must be closed during tbe next 45 days. Our fall stock will be a decided improvement on any line ever shown in kit. Ajry and we are very desirous of making the room necessary to handle our fall business, this alone necessitates this, tbe great est clearance sale ever held in Mt. Airy. T)afxfkfYV(f -ltbatwe bave tbe moat complete , tCIIlwIIl Ufcl i;ue f groceries carried in this section of North Carolina all of which are offered at rock bot tom prioea. Merchants will do well to see us and get oar prices before buying. Cif fiMPfrt rfI'tnt Flour is tbe best to be bad VSUT VlLi'I u,d the price is below others called "tbe beat." Every peund guaranteed. Our Ked Rooster and Fanner's Choice art excellent values and will give tbe Boost skeptic entire satisfaction. In rnncMpritirr our elaims remember that our 111 CUlldlUWl I11& roods were bought for cash and all cash discounts saved, which enables us to give full value received for every dollar invested with us. T-v tfC nnn and you w ill eoroe again. 1 lJ UIIWC alf feel at borne when in Make your- our store.. e mm co. y V W W-N Discovered Secret Borrowed Trouble. Ai I escaped that waste basket before I will write again, add a lew word on "Borrowed Trouble." How maoj of jou are addicted to thia ple&aure destroying babitl I believe when it baa once become deep seated we may rail it incnrable. We bave real troubles enough, have we not ! And why will we borrow trouble? If we will view this mat ter in the proper light we will no donbt find more of onr real troubles. We cannot avoid onr ahare of real trouble. It it perfectly natural and right that we ahould bave tome trouble in order that our strong hearts may be softened. At I have beard the remark "Lord look down on these bard hearted tinners and soften their hearts." So our hearts need softening. Some times sore trials are essential to soft hearts. I mean by this real troubles This world is what we make it. We can make life a pleasure to ourselves, neighbor! and friends, or on the other band we can make it a burden. One kind word spoken it worth more than a dozen harsh words. I think every one should contribute that which is good, that which will brighten and bices the moet unsuc cessful day. Also we should try in every way we can to lift the burden from tbe hearts of neighbors and friends, perform every little act of kindness that we can and note bow bright the world will appear and bow light our own hearts will feci. W. in Danbury Reporter. State Fair Premium List. The premium list of the forty third State Fair of North Carolina is just from tbe press. It it a pamphlet of 104 pages. In the in troduction Secretary Joseph . Pogue says : "Every farmer is invited and orged to bring forward Lis products from tbe farm, orchard, stock yard, parden. duirv. Dooltrv vard. in the r r v j i - generous rivalry for tbe best results of bit avocation. There is no entry feet or charges lor space. Articles are returned by tbe railroad and ex press companies free of charge, on certificates from tbe secretary. "There will be a brilliant Mid way with BothiDg to offend or de moralize. Tbe attractions will be the most novel and thrilling ever abown in our State. "Some of tbe beat borscs ever shown on the track will be in the trials of speed. This is the great annual reunion of friends for North Carolina. Tbe great masonic Biziar will be beld bere during tbe Fair. You can not aHord to miss either one. All are welcome to the beauti ful capital city. Let ns greet you one and alL" Tbe pamphlet contains cuts of some of North Carolina's famous bones. Full instructions and rezu latiooa are printed in the front part ol tbe laaoe. The man who dir covered teleg raphy, according to tho Greensboro Record, is still living and bis Dame is not Mi rso. The Record sayt : It is a matter of history that Mr. J. L Clemmont, of Lexington, dis covered the secret ot telegraphy and that he bad a conversation with Morso on the matter and that in less than three years after this time, Morse perfected tbe system as his own. This has been a long time ago and it will surprise many to know that Mr. Cletninuns is still li viol? 11 is home is in Louisville, Ky., and Mr. W. A. Watson, Sr., formerly ot Lexington, now of this place, is in recoipt of a letter from him in reply to ono written him about the re union to be beld bere in October. Mr. Cleinmona' letter is so interest ing that The Record has been per mitted to publish it. It is of date Augast 24th and follows: "I have received and rettd with pleasure your very interesting letter of 13th inet. Whilo I remember but few of the small boys, I bave a very clear recollection of all tho old citizens and of none more vividly than that of your father. He was the life and inspiration of every crowd he entered ; alwayi jovial and full of fun. 1 suppose, like all the est, he has long since passed away, though 1 never heard of his death. Oaring tbe 53 years that I have been absent from Lexington, death has cut a wide swathe and left but ittle stubble behind bim in the town of Lexington. About 15 years sgo 1 made a short visit to my old home and was appalled at the clean sweep be had made of the entire old popu lation and felt as if alone in a grave yard. As to the general progress of the town and county I have kept myself pretty well posted for the last 20 years by reading tbe Dis patch from week to week. I am glad to believe that great improve ments bave been rosde and are now being made in the refinements of lite and material prosperity of both towu-od. wipntv, When! left North Carolina tbe tow.nf. Winston did not exist and Greens boro whs a small affair ; they are now both clashed with trie most im portant cities of the State. There were no railroads then in that sec tion and the cultivation of tobacco was unknown. The changes that have been made in tbe face of tbe whole country are wonderful indeed. "Yon seem to be engaged in man utactnring and I trust are doing well. Yon must now be over 60 years of sgo, which seems strange, as you were only a boy when I saw you last. I suppose the Clemraons tamily is now about extinct in North Carolina, though quite a number mav be found in Indiana. Illinois and California. I am alone in Ken tucky except one sister, with whom reside. My wife died 14 years ago and all my children are dead. I am very old, iost closing my 90th year, but thank God.have always had excellent health and am now with out disease or symptoms of disease, and strong both physically and mentally. It will surprise yon when I tell you that 1 have not been put in bed by sickness in 70 years. While 1 have been subject to the vicissi tudes common to all men in my long history, I have generally passed the way smoothly and am now enjoying a lite ol ease and independence. Though not as particular in my morals as I ought to bave been when a resident of Lexington I bave been a member of the Christian church for 50 yeart and have tried to live up to my calling. I know that I have not long to atay but do not al low tbe near departure to give me much trouble or thought. With my best wishes for your health and prosperity, "I am truly yours, "J. L CLKsmoNS." Tbe yellow fever it spreading al ttoswrtji 141x100. "The Holy City." Thirty men, red eyed and dishev eled, lined up before a judge of tho San Francisco polico court. It was the regular morning company of "drunks and disorderlies." Some were old and hardened, others hung their heads in shame. Just as the momentary disorder attonding the bringing In ot thu prisoners quieted down, a strange thing happened. A strong, clear voice from bolow be gan singing : "Last night I lay a-tleeplng, 'Hit1 re came a dream so fair." Last night! It bad been for them a nightmare or a drunken stupor The song waa such a contrast to the horrible fact that no one could fail of a sudden shock at the thought the song suggested. "I stood in old Jerusalem, Heside the Temple there," the song went on. The jodge had pa u sod. lie made a quiet inquiry. Aformormemberof a famous opera company, known all over the coon try, was aBitinsr trial for forgerv It was he who wat singing in bis cell. Mdaoiime the tong went 00, and every man in the line showed eino tton. U.ie or two dropped ou their knees; one boy at the end of the line, after a desperate effort at self control, leaned againet the wall, bu riod bis face agtinst his folded arms. and sobbed, "Oh, mother, mother I" The sobs, cutting to the verv heart the men who heard, and the tone. still welling its way through the court room, blended in the hush. At length one man protested. "Judge," said he, "have we got to submit to this f We're here to take our punishment, but this" lie, too, began to sob. It was impossible to proceed with the bubinees of the court, yet the udge gave no order to stop the song. Tbe police sergeant, after an i ffjrt to keep the men in line, stepped back and waitjd with tbe rest. The tong moved on to its climax ; "Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Sing, for the night is o erl Hosat.a in the highest I hosanna for evermore I" In an ecstasy of melody the last words rang out, and then there wat silence. The judge looked into the facet of the men before bim. There was not one who wat not touched by the song ; not one in whom some hotter impulse was not stirred. lie did DvmII tbe cases singly a kind word of dvic, ud be dismissed theui all. H v uu sentenced to tbe workhouse that morning. Tbe song had done more good than punishment could possi bly have accomplished. Youth't Companion. Kd Turks Kill i'jii::i;ihnr A dispatch of the 8th inst, from Bona, Bulgaria, aayt : All reports from the vilayet of M on astir agree in describing tho sit uation as appalling. 1 Jet ween thirty and city thousand JJnlgarian tnbab itants are believed to have been massacred by the Turks and every Bulgarian village in the vilayet hat been destroyed. The refugees in the mountains and forests are dying of starvation by thousands. At present it is impossible to obtain precise figures. The revolutionary headquarters estimate that thirty thousand Bulgarian men, women and children bave been killed, while at least the samo number of refu gees are slowly perishing of hunger. In oll'cial circlet these tig ores are regarl 1 as an under estimate and ('flieialsx icline to the belief that the number of the massscred exceeds 50,000. The Turks are apparently determined to exterminate the en tire Bulgarian population of the vilayet. In government am here tlie situation is viewed with increasing alarm. It is reliably reported that tha Turkish forcea in Macedonia number aoO.OOG. 1 ia ronsidemH impossible that such a force baa been assembled merely to crush tbe rebellion. It is feared that the Sul tan is meditating an attack on Bul garia. It looks dark lor Uuigana. Professional Reformers. People will learn after while that the best thing to do with people who carry around a great surplus of tem perance, piety, and "right living ia to give them a "wide berth." In North Carolina, and we pretend to know the State pretty well, we have plenty of regularly employed min isters without employinj Aguinaldo, the ex revolutionary leader, but now a prooounced sup porter of the policy maintained by the United States government in tbe islands, has just addressed a letter of advice to bis countrymen. In thia be urgrs them to forsake their be setting sin gambling; to improve their methods of agriculture and to attend the public school to generoua ly provided to furnish them educa tional facilities. Prevents Suicide. A special of Tuesday from Ral eigh says : Ten miles from Raleigb todsy Rommey Pool and Herman Kirk, white boys, about 15 yeart of age, were playing with pistols. One in the hands of pool waa discharged, the bullet passing through bis band. entering Kirk's abdomen and going out at tbe back. At Kirk ttagger ed back from tbe shot, Pool attempt ed to shoot himself. Kirk seized tbe pistol and prevented suicide. Pool tben took tbe gun and, placing the muzz'e at his own bead attempt ed again to kill himself, but Kir IT terribly wounded at be was, seized the gun and again prevented suicide. When people ran into the house tbev fouud Kirk lying on the floor entirely naked, tbe run undertU body and both pistols beside biaT while Pool sat weeping in a corner. Kirk told the whole story. His con dition is extremely critical Distress After Eeattnfr Cored. Judge W. T. Holland ot nreesbars;. La., who is well and favorablj known, says: "Two years ago I suffered great ly from indigmtion. After eating, great distn-as would invariably result, lasting for an boor or so and my nights were reattee I eoncluded to try kodol I'ya ppia Cure and it eurxd me entirely. Now any sleep is refreshing and digee Uoo perfect Bold by L W. West. Aruggitt, Vt, Airy. V. Q. A man will rnn at fast as be can to cross a railroad track in front of a train. Tben be will watch it nntil it goes out of tight. Tben be will walk leisurely away. He seems to be all right, and probably is. That is a man. A woman n a street car wili open a satcb'el, and take out a purse, take out a dime and clote the purse, open the satchel, put in tbe purse, close the satchel and lock both ends. Tben the will give tbe dime to the conductor, who will give ber a nickle back. Then she will open the satchel and take out the purse, put in the nickle, close the parse, open tbe satchel and pot in the purse, close the satchel and lock both ends. Then she will feel for tho buckle at the back of ber belt K.ueaa City Journal. All Ministers should remember we give a liberal quantity of tbe Longman & Martinez Pore Paints toward the painting of Cborchee, parsonag' s, or instil utions supported by vol notary contributions. Note: Have done so for twenty seven years. Sales : Tent of millions of gallons; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfactory : 1 be paint wears for periods up to eighteen years. Linseed Oil must be added to the psint (done in two minutes). Actual CJSt tben about f 1.25 a gallon. Sam ples free. Sold by our agents, F. L Smith & Co. ploying me proies sional evangelist who is too otten in tbe business for what takes place in the collection baskets. As for tem perance, we are folly of the opinion that we bave plenty of men who are sober and alwayi bave been and who are zealous enough and influential enongh to regulate their own local affairs in regard to temperance with- nuAi (J1 . a.-uili" in. sotne urofeasional who is often an extremist, and uses metb ods wholly at variance with the judgment of the conservative ele ment of tbe community. Finally, we are sure that the wo man who takes it upon herself to teach the mothers and good women in North Carolina "right living" is clearly without a mission. If there are any people on earth who are liv ing right and whose lives are fit to form a counterpart of the abode of the blessed, these are the folks. Tbe truth is nobody needs reform ing so much as tbe self constituted individual who feels called upon to reform the world and the rest of mankind. Such preachen will tooner or later be found selling bogus oil stock. Tbe politician, when he runs bit race, will be found at last employed by the trust be nsed to cuss while the people applauded. As tor tbe woman who feels the necessity of traveling over the country to teach good women tbe "art of right liv ing," better begin at Jerusalem, wash, teach and comb tbe heads ot her own children, and if she does not find congenial occupation in this sphere, then she better join in with "Mother Jones or Carrie Nation and make a campaign right" Raleigh Times. Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver 1 Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. ate All afrt- Bnth. The Kmd Ydh Haw Kmn Bought Signatar sf The committee who have been going over the books and papen of ex Sheriff Boyd Hod a shortage of near $6,000 alter deducting all avail able uncollected taxes still on tbe books. Lenoir Newt. Tbe Value of Expert Treatment Everyone who it afilicted with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Oa., it acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in tbe Uni ted States. Write him for bis ex pert opinion of your case, for which be makes bo charge. Children burJ s) llfeU frtww m rrh Utah- T m BUCKINGHAM'S DYElTh? the akere s afl ft ssasaias H. tfiflYROYAL PILLS f-v tJ m4 -i . ,4 fHll HJ.T.K' ' V CHU H -T K KX.LItH ' . "r. mm-im M 4 V n m 1 1 i. IttmMfaft Slrf V I . B4 jr """" X? lLaj JB H4 L U-H-t " M - ET w9m II WIiwiii.1i M tf '..'XT. mt m an rsuiA. rk Kcdol Dyspepsia Curo mymf 1at r est er ktt .tranr and nil puov iiui foik. r mm). Tivonxu by tM of that ftunou. ramad? FREY'S VERMIFUGE OimhiIi all SlannSen sf Ui. suimarh, "!' "form-, lr. -ai.Uhh and po-lllr. la arimn. fVrttl tiy uiill. 3.. k. a. raat, stai Wanted-fin Idea PHttft mm tAamm the m, m JoM N .iiiEttat sXH , f-e,im A ft, svMsMT. t t. f r ffcartr $! p-tajs t pan em it rtja. (ft n OTfln AVefctable Preparation for As similating UieFoodanriRetiula-hngrJieSsjinachsandliowliof Promotes DigcslionChferfur nessandRrs(.Conlaii neither Opium. Morplune nor MiueiaL Nut TIarcotic, jmrefMdJSiMJtmaati stum .few (IWfiW Swff wsii f nmmt A perfect Remedy fo tiun.Sour StonwhJ Worms ,( onvulsioiw .Fevensft nrss mul Loss of Sleep. FacSunils Signnlurt of NEW YO UK. !EEa Mi For Infants and Children. The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AAV IF i it In Use f-. - Thirty Years Anon THE MOWING SEASON Is on us and now is tbe time to buy a machine and save all your grass. s pram wiffl LOOKED AT from (very pi.i.4 o.' vitw, McCormtck mowers will be found faultless in deiign, modern in con struction and thorough in equipment, with the most practical features. These mowers are so perfectly balanced, so easily operated and do such smooth and even cuttinj that they instantly become the favorite of every man who buys one Th McCormkk hook, "A MODEL MACHINE," tails ail about Model mowcrt. J. D. McCOLLUM, Agent, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. - J0ST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF ROCKDALE LIME. YOU CAN FIND ttrip id Spin. (Both Gal vanized Iron and Tin), Also Tin and Iron Roofing. Ornamental Galvanized Iron Wcrk, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Eyeritt'i. r OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE ' E 1 c4- VHO f WEPABE fmr taw UNtVCBSTTlEa 4 COU. O I a L I ,H 1 LEOLS aa srett aa tmr BUMNE. Ut TEACH. ' tNO, mm4 1mr UFB. HaaS KEAR OtreENf. BOU0, N.C., an ,SNM akav.tlMSM ams. U W tu MMalu.' iMrtt em4 But Easts. Ptttlnf kkwl tor Ywrac Tt tW5Mtli. Ul I tlll.M W IHt.SS sir sw. vaa icivtim CArit...t. aaaataa J. A. tt M H. MOLT - QW Ridg. N. C. nn f rrq P.f i t? Jmmml Sm Bin-fiBta. I . r - "" s j jnaiitiaas.il iw iKi.m4 I m te fftixL a latas Cfi6s!Sa at f lataa liisrtaj . jtem saa m m o. J. worriTr. at. a, sr. lousx acx a a OnoHTInuta Couh Curo F4 Ctjtrgtn, CM a)ctsj Crsxtp, iSnMUM. aT 'I MrtmJ m n mmm F,iir bio Smi 'T fH.m-i iw 11. mm mmm rmm mt . .--.m t-m immil to bn m M H '" il.trti.'i: , hi n wpmwin in am mm mt a- Ia i i mn i -T- ! " - ' . . f

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