J. Word to tlxo Wiso la Oxilllcioxit i nuy XIrvxn.llton.-33iot7v-ia. Bliooo ri,t J". 223. 33o,rJiLox,'' "he Mount Airy VOL. 21. MOUNT AIItY, N. C THURSDAY, SHPTEMHEU 21, 1003. NO. liJ. ews. SUFFERED 25 YEARS With Catarrh of the Stomach Pe-ru-na Cured. 1 Comreeeman l)otkln,of WlnnM, Kn. j la a roocnt lottor to Tr. Hartman. ('imgrmwmaii llotkln nayii ' "My Dear I Hk: tor It glvet ms pink lire to cor II fr to Iho oinillout curatlvi (jualitlM of your nuMllclnne lVnina and Manalln. I liave Iwpn alllirtpd mors cl for a quartcrnf a crnturjr with ca tarrh of the atomarh and win. 1 1 pat Ion. A residence In V aniline ton haa lnrreuvd th'iM trouliloa. A few bottle of yout tncdlelne lnvo gin me almost com J Into relief, and 1 am sure that a con tin lutlloaof them will effect a permanent cure." J. I). llotkln. Mr. h. . Verdory, a prominent real slU agont, of AuriuU, Oa.. wrlteal ha v been a great tufferer from catarrhal dytpeptia. I tried many phy "win, vnneaj a gooa many tprlngn. iniiioeucvt is i tor ma than a The Postal Investigation. One of the persona indicted by th Federal grand jury In connection with the postal jovijpgauon, i (Jeorce W. lieavmsmorlV chiu of the oW' tpiutry -and allow aneta. iriilot stood tliat tl Another of the indictment! ii against Angust W. Msihon, on new sot of facts, involving him wit Beavera. The charge U conspiracy While the ofliciala refuse to dm close the names of the four remain ing persons who were Indicted, it ii Mid that none oi mom nave own eonnectod with the lYstoflice D& partmcnt, and that one ia a man of aome prominence. It ia atated that the climax of the inveetlgatlon ia to come shortly when a person not eonnectod with the department, but tonally as well known as the pout master general bimsolf, undoubted ly will be indicted for complicity in - ... m n. 1 the postollica franca, ine grana jnry began hearing tho evidence in this particular case ana li is staua that when a ropoit is made It will in II probability conclude the inreeii I lit - I ! . gallon in nasuingion. Lut woek io the northern part of town the little eon of Mr. UMIders waa bringing the cow borne from the pastnro. lie foolishly pnt tho rone around his neck and the cow. getting frightened at some object in tho road, ran towarda home, draareinflr the child behind, lie whs drsi?tred 200 tarda over rocks and runa hat done mart j ditches. When tho COW got in tho ot the above pul , i . V-. .,1 pile, carrvine tho boy with her The child was nearly killed ; all his clothing was stripped from his body and he was cut and bruised from hoad to foot. Newton News. together. I teel Ilka a new perton. " L. F. Venlery. Tha most common form of tnmmei cnlarrh In catarrh of the atomaoh. This Ih generally known aadypcMia. 1'erani cure thewn on on like magic. If you do not derive prompt and satla lurtory ronilu from tho tmo of lVruna, VriteatoncntoDr. II art man, Riving a full statement of your cane, and ho will Ixipleaaed to give you hi. valuable ad VIo gratia. Addrwa Dr. Itarlman, Treeldent of I bo HartmanS anitarlum, Columbia, ft Two feet of enow fell Tnoeday at Minot. North Dakota. The loss to tho crops will rnn up into the mi ions of dollars. Uailroads are in bad shape snd much hardship expo rienced by railroader and traveller. GREAT tir - . bought an Immense line of fall and winter IltlVC clothing, for men and boys, and in order to elear our space before our fall goods arrive, we have decided to offer our entire line of spring and summer suits for the next 80 days at actual cost, and when we say coat we mean actual bill cost, with freight added and no more. We have some extra special values selected from four of the largest factory lines in the United States, and from these lines we selected only the cream, hence we believe we have the best that can be bought and it would be to the interest of all to see our stock before making purchases elsewhere. We must close our summer goods during the next 80 days. Wf nea also offering tpecial inducements in the Heer CI V Oxfordi for ladies and Karry Oxfords for men and included in these values we have thrown our line of summer dress goods, which mut be closed during the next 45 days. Our fall stock will be a decided improvement on any line ever shown in Mt. Airy and we are very devlrous of making the room necessary to handle our fall buiiness, this alone necessitates this, the great est clearance sale ever held in Mt. Airy. DpniPITlhpt also that we have the most complete lxvlIlWHILIWl line of heavy groceries carried in this section of North Carolina all of which are offered at rock bot tom prices. Merchants will do well to see us and get our prices before buying. Our Queen of Patents Flour is the best to be had and the price is below others called "the best." Every pound guaranteed. Our lied Rooster and Farmer's Choice are excellent values and will give the most skeptie entire satisfaction. In considering our claims remember that our goods were bought for cash and all eaah discounts saved, which enables us to give full value reeeived forever dollar invested with us. Tk Sou'lli tads Ii Cotton Inilnsli) It la a verv romarkahlo and crrnt ifying fact that tho Southern cotton mills last year consumed moreen ton than Northern mills. Tho latter took, or acquired, 1,907,035 bales in limj, while the Bonthern mills set nally consnmod 2.000,72!) bales. Tho cotton mannfac'nring industry ia thus ahown to bo drifting south ward. Id the year ended August SI, 1804, the South consumed hut 30 v per cent, of the cotton nsd by all the cotton mills in the Union, whereas now the erceiitsgo is f0 42 per cont. Tho growih of consutnp tion in the South from 718,515 hah in 1894 to 2,000,72:) bales in llto.'l shows how fast tho couth is going ahead. What it now neods to turn fts attention to is the capturo rt tho lino of cotton manufacture in winch there ii most profit. Fine clot he, rinted goods, lace, etc , can be made n the bouth as well as elsewhere. Mr. Rockefeller '8 Money. There are occasional signs of anxiety for fear that Mr. John D. Rockefeller will got all tho money there is. Mr. llockcfellcr has Dot lately seen fit to publish his estimate of the valuo of his possessions, but sanguine gueaprrs rate him nowadsy as pretty nearly a hilliouHirc, smi tho most conservative coinpn'eis believe ho has more than half a billion. It would not ho possible to say what is tho total wealth of ti e United Mates, bnt tl:C accntd valuation of the several sta'es tor 1002 amounted to about thirty fivo billions. Even if Mr. Uoekefellir has a whole billion, there is amir thing lift for the reft of na. lint hit tort u no, they tell us, is prohhhly ncrcaeing by as much as htty mil ions a year, and ie not nnhkelv to double within ten years. Alread hia financial power is enormous, so that be con Id lnnnonce stock valns very materially if he chose, and, at times, make or unmake ordinary millionaires by mere whispers at the telephone. Malevolence is not at tributed to him, nor is he felt to bo mlschef maker, bnt the feeling is that his business abilities are so snr pacing, and his business judgment so unapproachably sound, that he cannot help seeing and improving nances to make millions more. To incuse him is aa little of an imper tinenoe as to discuss the Comot. He a force, 64 years old, moving through the earth's atmosphore, and believed to be rapidly increasing in weight and velocity. Persona who fear thy are in bia orbit and may be pinched may find some relief in considering that even though his fortune increases very rapidly, its growth may long be fed by the in crease of wealth in the country. If wealth in general stops increasing, nd Mr. Kockefeller a wealth keeps on increasing, then the pinch may M telt. Harper a Weekly. T. ftc finCf T0U wi"eomeKln. Makeyour- 1 1 y us uum mW fBel ,t j,ome wnen ,n our Btore O HE I'ESI-I A AAA t UL UU. S Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator on the estate of Margarrt Kiehardton, all praom owing th estate are notified t make payment at once and lave coat, and all pfrsons holding eiaitna ajrainet thMta'e must present them for pay ment in the time prescribed by law, or thia notice will be plead ia bar of their collection. 8. P. Christian, Adm'r. August 25th, 1908. Cur Cold In Maad. frrfwurt Cfcocotatre UnttK Qtritriee. av ta Ikm a4 luiri. to care a44 hi Sim ea4 Sue H . , ECZEMA 0M Sret, ttcM Piles, bkm mssasta, ABSOLUTELY CURED. HERMIT SALVE, SB SO CINTa BOX. BaM kr kit Pmrri.tt. Takr aeetbOT. jtonc. T wtwt erttrr muj) and wnnwa la the fwttj lu mterr.lrd la U Opium ud W kick? teen eae ( mr k M ea Uteee U A rtm M. Wooitty, aiaMe A I School of Journalism. There baa been much flippant criticism of the School of Journalism hich Mr. Pulitzer proposes to establish, the prevailing idea with many being that editors cannot be made except in the print-shops. The editor needs a print-shop iust like a doctor needs hospital tiaining, but both must learn much from books. Of all men an editor needs the broadest education and the best training. lie may do well without he would do ten fold better with Mr. Pulitzer may not live to see the value ot his magnificent con ception and endorsement, but his benefaction will be seen in the bet ter equipment of journalists for all time. It will not revolntionize journal ism, Education does not work revolutions. It rathor works for evolution. It will givo ambitious young men special training they can Dot now receivo anywhere, and tbey have the nose for news and tho scent needed in the chase for news and the sprigbtiliness to cook up in a savory way then the school of journalism will mightily assist them. It cannot give the editorial instinct. It can give every thing else necessary. Mr. Pulitzer hardly expects that will in every respect fill the ex pectations ol Col. Iienry Watterson, who gives aa bis reason for favorii it because it would teach what is most lacking, thorough self respect and full accountability to the pub lic." lie cites a recent case of bis own where he had been somewhat extravagantly misrepresented by a leading Jw York newspaper. He wrote the editor explaining the true state of affairs, bnt so far no correc tion baa been made, either by letter or through the columns of the pa per. "The writer of the article," continues Editor Watterson, "to which 1 refer ia doubtless a mere blatherskite caring little whether he writes fair or foul, bnt the editor who denied me aiy retort courteous is bound to be a black-guard, pare and simple." It could not convert a black-guard into gontloiuan iostanter, but it would without doubt improve the thic oit)a.pt2 fes. ion without effacing iudivida ality or destroying Tlrilitj, Kews tod QbtQTTtr. Extravagance at Funerals. The fact that Lord Salisbury pro v id (1 in his will that not moro than $ 1 00 should bo spent on his fnnera has been tho subject of a great deal of comment. Although ono of tho greatest noblemen of Great Hritain the aocond in rank, and having the pride of tho very proud family to winch he bolongod abnormally de volopod, no disliked anything Ilk display. II is funoral cost only about $70 In this conntry there aro few funerals, even among tho poorer pooplu that cost as little as that. The desiro seems to be to make a show ingof some degree ot wealth, whetb er any is possessed by the bereaved family or not. And this is not because tho family desires to manifest its ailoction for tho dead by iino funeral, but because it has become a custom for lamilK o make as good a display as possible on snch occasions. It is all right etionuh of conrso for those who can slTord tho expenses to msko a display that will attrsd tho attention of the friends who at tend tho funeral ceremonies and al so tho street observers, bnt in a vast number of instances money ia spent that is actually ncodod by tho be ruavod family to obtain the com forts of lifo. In ordor to have a fine funoral it is olton tho case that family will spend the money that it needs for the next month a rent ol tho house in which it lives.. It wil go without needed articles of cloth ing and food for days and weeks m ordor to bavo the funeral for its do parted member commented upon favorably by its neighbors. Of course rufcrenco is bad to fu nerals in cities. Tho desire to erati fy prido of this kind does not exist n tho country to a very great ex tent, but it does exist, and ia becom ng more and more noticeable. It is regrcttsblo that thero isn't a general ellort to put a stop to ex travaganco at funerals. The money hat is wasted in this way conld be used to so much bettor advantage in bereaved homes in other ways that it would seem as if tho pulpit especially would use its li llnencem favor of economy and simplicity. Perhaps if the rich wonld lead the way those having but little of this world's goods would follow their ex ample. No doubt Lord Salisbury had in mind tho custom of the poor people within the sphere of his in fluence, when he wrote in bia will that his funeral should not cost more than $100, to go into debt far beyond their immediate meana to pay in making a display at funorals. In thie country many a family would bo more comfortable if simplicity and economy instead of extrava gance were the rule on these sad and solemn occasions Savannah News. noble. Thero you will find peoplei huddled together as persons made in God's image should never be, and yet, despite thoso surroundings, you will nod tho unselfish mothers and fathers, and it is in such homes as sacrifices and real true unselfish love I , is given day after day with hardly a hope of reward. This ie the bless ing that aorrow often brings, and through many difficulties many a soul is softened and made to see a brighter and better lifo. The raes sage of the saints is one of good choer. Christian influence consists of being kind and loving and help ful to others. It is by loving acts of kindncas that we will bo best re membered when we are dead and gone, and not only that, hut such acts will make our own lives the sweeter while wo are living. Dr. Swanson. He Deserves Credit. The last whiskey distillery that existed in Union county has folded its tents and stolen away, and Union county is perhaps as clear of liquor as anv county will be so long as the B'nfl is made in the country. To whom belongs the credit! Oh, to lots of folks. Comparisons are in vidious and personalities are die agreeable. Many earnest men have worked nobly at the cause, but when the history of it all is written large space mast be given to the persistent little man large in purpose and ac complishmeut-who weut as straight for the blind tigers aa the needle to the pole and kept it np steadily, all the time, with never a flurry nor a stop Dr. Henry Dixon Stewart. Monroe Journal. Distress After Eeatlng Cared. Judge W. T. Holland of nreooburg. La., who is wrll and favorably known, say: "Two years ago I suffered great ly from indie'tion. After eating, great dmtreo would invariably result, lasting for an hour or so and my nighu were restless I concluded,- try Kodol Iy .Vuitia Cure and it chj rl me entirely. KV n.y tieeji i refn-tfuug and digea UiJ perfect. Sold by t W. Wast, druggist. Mi. iiry, K. a ft SI H Slty Improbable. The statement has been cent out from points in Texas to tho t fleet that the Standard Oil Company has eansirj the nun of many of th smaller companies by pnmpirg salt wafer into their wells, thna rninin the oil. It ia said that tho Standard Company owns a pipe line from Beaumont to the gulf and that it is nsing this as meana to depreciate the value of wells which it desires to purchase. . We have seen the above statement in a number of papers, bnt we do not believe word of it. If there ia anything that Thk Modnt Airv News detests it is tho spirit of un fairness and misrepresentation. It is the honest conviction of Ing Nkws that envy and prejudice is at the bottom of all such reports. It is very wrong- to circulate such re ports utilisa based upon facts. Strength in Weakness. The rpiritnal world sees strange anomalies. Paul writes, "When I am weak, then I am strong ;" and be speaks from the depths of a rich ex perienco. The weakest Christian is not the ono who feels bis weak ness, but the ono who feols it not. The strongest Christian ia not the one that exults in his strength, but the one that has the moet vivid realizt'ion of his own weakness. Tho strength of tho Christian is not strength of will, but faith. The man that depends noon his iron will and inflexible purpose, in contend- tig with sin, has ahead of him as sured defeat. Our strength lies in the indwelling Life, as the strength of a mueclo rests not in the atoms that compose it, but in the life that animates them. Our strength is not ours, but Christ's; and so we are stronger than ourselves. Christ in us makes our human weakness stronger than lifelong habits, mightier than all foos, master of fate itself. Zion's Herald. Advising the "Greenhorn." In one of the Inrgo railroad ofllcea in this country is a comparatively yonng man who is at the head of a large department. When he enter ed the service of the company five years ago he was groen and awk ward. He was given the poorest paid work In the department. Tho very first day of his employ ment by tho company, a man who bad been at work in the same room for aix years approached him and gave him good advice. " i onng tcllow, I want to pnt a few words in your ear that will help yon. This company is a soulless corpora'ion, that regarda its em ployes aa so many machines. It makia no difference how hard you work or bow well. So you want to uu juci as nine as poesioie ana re tain your iub. That'e my advice. I ms is a slave pen, and the man who works overtime or does any specially fine work wastes his strength. Don t you dj it." Tho young man thought over the "advice," and after a quiet little stmifglo with himself he decided to do tbe best and the moet ho knew how, whether he received any more pay from the company or not. At the end of a year the company raised ms wages ana aavancea inm to a more responsible position. I i three yonra ho wss getting a t'-iiid in re salary than when he began, and in live years lie was head cWk in ifu department; and the man who had condescended to give the greonhorn 'advice was working undt' him at the same figure that represented his salary eleven years before. lhis is not a story of a goody- goody little boy who died early, but oi a live yonnfl- nun who exists in liosn and blood to day. Th Kinrt Yon llavo Always llongfit, ami xvlili h ii lur uvrr years, ruin iiorriA fim utrw.i ,r m uml hart 1 riii.uul.Mi.nlrr hU or- kiilinl iiiitar.si. till. .n uttw.sa fix I.W.tn.n. - -'' f-a fill J 111 lit j Allow no ono to ! ivo von hi tl.in. All Counterfeit, Imitation and JiiMt-ns-iMl" nro but Experiment that trlrlo with and cndmifrcr tlio lioiiltli of lnl'uuts and Children Kx perienco agaiuxt liirxTlmeiit. What is CASTORIA Cnxtorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, P.irc porlo, rp and Hoodiing Kyrupa. It la IMeiiMint. It foiitaina neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrt-ntlc XtlhNtniH'o. It aire H Its (runrunteo. It destroy V rin nnd allays l evel islme . It cure I)iarrlma uml Wind Colic. It relieves Teethlnjr Troubles, cure Count pntioii nnd Flatulency, it aaximilittea tho Food, reirulute tho Moinui Ii and ISnwels, gUiiti; healthy and mutual nlccp. Tho Children- I'auacoa Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the Signature of Mm fS If ' The Kind You Have Always Boiit In Use For Over 30 Years. Twr crwT.ua roMp.nv. tt Bjnut Tntrr. ktw tom cmr Forests and Human Vitality. The True Spirit of Kindness. Only too often the spirit of loving- kindness is developed through sor row and in tho moet bumblo sur roundings. It is often through the power of sympathy that we first learn the jjy of Christ. Sorrow digs a deep well in the human heart i rum jWiiicn oiten springs a now oi loviiigkindness and good cheer. In passing through suffering there cornea a splendid opportunity to know what it is to sympathize with others, and what a message of good chcor means to a heavy heart. If you go down in the slums of a great city, there it is that often you wilbT JPhe first use of cavalry in thcJ nnd tne nnsomau and the trufy USalvation Army was made last week Ono has but to look back through istory to see how closely related is the forest to human vitality. It was in the forests of Thessaly that the early Greeks received their energy tliat later fljwered into genius. It was tho forest dwellers f Germany that conquered deca dent Rome and later gave to Spain the vigor that swept hack the JJoor and brought under her flag almost tho whelo known world. But to- ay what is Greece, what is Italy, what is Spain! They have been Etripped of their forests, those nur series of vigor, and their decay has set in. Everywhere the law holds good. It is in the forest that the minbood is nourished which builds p great civilizations. But cities arise, trees are swept away, and the inevitable decline sets in. Forests once destroyed cannot return, and over all the sites of ancient civiliza- on are blowing the desert sands. Arthur Goodby in New York z1 iKhee mircn through the lend dis tricts of Kentucky. Tbe cavalry ill spend three weeks in Ken'ncky and return to Cincinnati, the start ing point. Meetings will be held jn II the towns in tbe feud torritoy. these that the saints of to-day are These good people are brave ana do often tonnd. Jt is there that theHjiot apprehend the least dancrer. , Ten Thousand Churches the Uuited States have D9-d the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints. kve-y Church will be given a lib eral quantity whenever they paint. Don t pay f 1.50 a gallon for Lin seed oil (worth CO cents) which you do when you buy thin paint in a can with a paiut label ou it. s and b make 14, therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight gallons of I fc M., and mix six gallons of pure linseed oil with it. You noed only fcur gallons of L & M. Paint, and three gallons of oil mixed therewith to paint a good zad house. Ilouses painted with these paints never grow shabby even atter is years. These celebrated paints are sold by F. I. Smith & Co., Agents. Your Tongue f it's coated, vour stomach s bad. vour liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys pepsia, make your liver right. tasy to taLe, easy to operate. 23c All dratflt. W.iil your m"ut-h r brd baettUfbl brn ur nrh Mirk - Tbrii Q. DliriAtUPUiU'C RVCfpr th DUUMnunrtiii o wii-i .Whiskers CXICMftTtK I (NQLiaM fEflHYROYAL PILLS ITE. M.h I mIsk, an Ttm 9m OIH HMTKU'h F.NtUsH K B w4 twM mm 4 Ufc ae W 1klrMa4Bt atm PkMltaiMU mm tamnam- I J l'a, am mam W PantsvUra. Twtai mrt M fait. 1 TMMMtaM tf ft'Nliru. rn.tr tamtam t fc am Kami Cw 444 Mati. I-A. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo THE: MOWING SEASON Is on us and now is the time to buy a raacbir.ej ar.1 save all your grass. Davy Crockett. As an example of Crockett's ear! v electioneering methods one might mention his first canvass for the legislature. Iiegarding thi, he says, "I didu't know what the gov ernment was ; I didn't know but General Jackson was tho govern ment." Meeting Colonel Polk, later to be President Polk, the latter remarked, "I think it possible we may have aome changes in the judi ciary." "Very likely." - replied Davy, "very likely," and discreetly withdrew. "Well," ho commonts, "if ever I knowed what he meant by 'judiciary' I wish I may be shot. I never heard there was such a thing in ail nature." Again, Cockett, in what is called his "autobiography," a work which bo no doubt in part dictated or at least authorized, gives the following account of one of his speeches to a stranger at Raleigh, while Crockett was en route to Washington to take his hst seat in congress. "Said he, "Who are you !' Said I, 'I'm that same Divy Crockett, fresh from tho backwoods, half man, half alligator, a little touched with snapping turtle, can wade tho Mississippi, leap the Uhio, ride a streak of iiirhtning, slide down a honey locust and not get scratched. I can whip my weight in wildcats, hug a bear too close for comfort and eat any man opposed to Jackson ! ' Emerson iiangh in Outing. Teachers Must Not Marry. The local school boards of Chau- auqua county, Kansas, have agreed not to employ teaciiete unless tuey sign a contract to refrain from court ing or marrying during the school term, it is asserted that because I iiUlT i ,i taaM iiwaaaWiwiaijiw awiirwiw 'Hit j 1 'if Hi' if i .u& A CAR L0AD 0F ROCKDALE LIME. time courting, such a contract necessary. Many teachers object to this provision on the ground that it abridges their personal liberty and also tends to create in that state an army ot nnmarriageable old maids. Seven thousand women teach in the schools of Kansas. wir ' ' . 1 ".' i ' - """""irT i? .;-' 7-i-s ' VtA -J ' J- '-is I A' -v ' 'k I-' j li 1 ! - LOOKED fforr, ivcry pnin! c' vi.-w, VcCorrnlvK t. owcrj will fx found faultless in design, modern in con struction sod thorough in equipment, with the most practical feature. Thcs mowers are to perfcili, baUnced, to easily operated and do iuch smooth snd even cutting that they irntantly become tne favorite of every man who buys one, The McCofTOick hook, "A MOOEL MACHINE," tells ill about Model mjwn. J. D. McCOLLUM, Agent, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. YOU CAN FIND n..u 4', J u OABTOIII A. Bartth, ) fhs Hind tan Hm tm gOBgtlt , m ' If silence is golden, money must talk in silvery tones. The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be enred by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga., is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted States, Write him for his ex pert opinion of your case, for which be makes no charge. lip ii Spouti, (Both Gal vanized Iron and Ti), Also Tin and Iron Roofing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shingle Tin, uheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVEEITT. Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Eventt's. ttwt tn-r. enri(rtnl attmttne fmm th mt hr Thst? wot arv nunK-rw, tpnt thai MUlAbt, sample), tftii rmlf Fray's Yermlfago mttm vt ham, Kp th itAiHeb !- Birl at-p. B"tti bj mm,, tbe. C. a ft. FHIV, altimor. . iiaiucu Mil tuca rS2& VrnAa? Trtflf 1 1 tT trf hrtw ym vnii Wrll JOHN t.ul'VKht' K A'' V sfvi. WaMtarm. Ii t-l Uwtr $1 prm 9m e- nw buvtalrvt lnar ant t Ono r.'ir.uto Ccu-'i Curo I r OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE "1 51st Year PBEPABE3 Ur the 1-NIVERSUTtCS mm COL LEOt S mm well a Hr BUSINESS, trw TCACHw INO, aaa ter LIFE. Sltaetea NEAR OBEi:N BORO, N. C, over I .OOO tret eeevc the tta terri, la Ttrw ml ttw fMHtntala. Larrt mm4 Hr.t Eqaipree Fittlef Scfa eel lor Veaaf Mea aed Bert la the death. Ratw I $125.00 te $1 7S.00 per aaaaaj. to eturiri uniHi. aaoerea J. A. & M. H. HOLT --- Oak RUge, N. C. aOTl i i lMM?mm.lvtntriy, t4 tM Bowel tratiMt al If Viiartaeflry. " lAidi t:$atice. Ri' .:fw a, tSt binrtii, SsejijiNBa. ,0v awfl It eeaa, hC. J. tOFF STTT. M. 0. T. LOUta. VO, m. J Vl (to.e, 1 Til tWt he ItitakiktatarthI ? 4 r. TpwiiW A T"mr w. wtrfae. T fcfcrttif 4. Wf. r--, Mttiw - -r e tm fmmi ' mri mi mrmr mr 4 t e. h?. .' v ae. hmi mmAmt 4mm4 fctejTiUFs.M.il l f m f-m mm mmm . mwW-i ae tk.. '4, -