T. J3. Bnrkor, jLoadur for ."Low Prices imd Honest Aiorcluindio. Outfitter to Men and Worru:ii. Mou nnir IE )JRY T MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1003. VOL. 24. NO. 14. 3. A DAcnrnD'ouirrr CURED n i rj i vi iuvvii umiiccmm She SufTercd for Years and Felt Her Caso Was Hope less Cured by Peruna. MM. ANNA B. TLEtlAllTY, rwvnt BnperlnWndantot the W. 0. T. IT. Iieadqnartnr, atGalaabnrg, 111., u for tan yaarion of the leading woman there. Hr hnsl.and, whn living, rrn flml I'rMldent of the Nebraska Wealiyau Vnlvralty, at Lincoln, Nch. IS latter written from 401 Blity ..nth etreet, W ( hlr.ro. 111., Mr. Flaherty My, th, following In regard to Ilevlng lived trrj active life m wlfo and working partnnrnf k busy minister, tny health failed me few years .go. 1 tl biy husband ebon, th same time, ftnd gradually I eoomad to lone health and spirit. M y daughUir U k confirmed Invalid, ami we buth full greet need of an lnvtgorator. On ot my neighbor advhted me to try I'eruna. A bottle wa Immediate' ly Becurtd and a frvaf thang took placa In my daughter1 a m elt a In my oava health. Our appetite Im proved very greatly, the dlgriUon teemed mm.li helped, and reitful Bleep onm Improved us, to that ft-) teemed Ilk mew women. ' f would not be without Peruna tor ten time It cott." Mn. Anna B. Hekarty. Whata.ed tobaoallod fnm.lo INWI tor th, medical profaealoti I. now railed M-lrl e.Urrh. It has n found by experience that catarrhal dlacaaa. of tit wlvte organ, ate the Cause of. moetcaaca Of famkl, dlseaee. TT. Hartman u imonj the first of America's graet physicians to make thla discovery. For forty year he ha been trt-ktlng disease peculiar to women, and long ago he reached the conclusion that ft woman entirely free from raUrrhkl affection of these organ voul.l not be nhjeet to fomale disease. He therefore Ix gan nalng IVruna for those caw and found It o admirably adapted to their permanent core that Parana haa now beoome the moat famoti remedy for female disease erer known. Every where the woman are nalng It and prais ing It rurunk la not a palliative ilm plyt It cure, by removing the oeuae of Inmate disease. Ir. Hartman has probably cured more Women of female ailment than any other living ph yslclan. He make, theae nraa almply by Using and raoomm.nd tng Peruna, I p I m a mi Wp II 1 7t bought an Immenie line of fall and winter IltlVC clothing, for men and boyi, and in order to clear our ipane before our fall goods arrive, we have decided to offer our entire line of spring and lummer eulti for the next 80 day, at actual cost, and when we Ray coat we mean actual bill coat, with freight added and no more. We have tone extra apecial value, aeleeted from four of the largest factory line, in the United Htates, and from these line, we (elected only the ere am, hence we believe we have the best that can be bought and it would be to the interest of all to see our Hock before making purchase, elsewhere. We must close our (ummer good, during the next SO day,. Wa ifP also offering special inducement. In the Heer v C dlC Oxford, for ladie, and Barry Oxford for men and Included in these value, we have thrown our line of summer drea, good, which muit be closed during the next 46 day a. Out 'fill ctflfLr w"",e decided Improvement Vlir 1411 MUtK on any line ever ,hown In Mt. Airy and we are very desirou, of making the room necessary to handle our fall busineas, this alone nereiaitate this, the great est clearance sale ever held In Mt. Airy. Oarv fn 1 IS A I t'1' we have the most complete xl lad 11 Utl line of heavy groceriea carried in this lection of North Carolina all of which are offored at rock bot tom prices. Merchants will do well to see us and get our price, before buying. Our Queen and the "the beat." Every pound guaranteed. Our lied Rooster and Farmer, Choice are excellent value, and will give the moat skeptlo entire tatiifaction. In AncirlAr2nn' our claim, remember that our II lUIIdlUCI goodi wnra bought for cash and all caih discount saved, which enable o to give full value received for every dollar invested with ua. TfV 1IC nrtrP and you will come again. Make yonr II Jf Ud .elf feel at home when In our , tore. E MM K nones. T wawf every awl wemrnn ta fh TH.. SHab Inimtf4 ta th ihmm a&d Wbtikf tiiia la lin m f it tnnt a. iken 0 l-Uw H M. Wiit-T. Atlanta. " Te Cave C tlpt raeavar. Take ra CmkIt chntt. H. ar It (a w W tm m 4rit Htvri I Mra.AnnaH. Hiliarl. Mr.. K. !. Tlrowr), IS Klllotl itow Momphla, Tenn wrtfeei "I eaffured for reral year, with head rh bronght on by nervou proatretloit. t wa alK amirtwt with lnximnta, I wonld gel np In the morning more weary than when I retired and I and to drend Ilia approaoh of night, r.mna eame Into my home a wlcom gneat, an J within three ahort month I wa like another Womka, I have w anJoytl perfect health f'r over a year, and thou who have (tillered a. I dd will know how happy I art." Vr. 15. I Brown. M ra. Eathet U. Mlln.r, De Graf, Ohio, wrlteat M I wa a terrlbl. anfferer from fsmkla weaknea. and had the headaehe eootln noualy, I waa not able to do my hon.n work for myaelf and huahand. I wroto yon and deecrlhed my condition aa near aapoealblo. A'on rooommended Pernna. I took fonr lt tie. and waa completely cured. I think IYrnna a wonderful med icine." Mm. Father M. Mtlner. Conjrramn Thad. M. Mkhoa, of Chkmbenbarg, Va writoei " take pleaturt In com mending your Peruna at a tubgtantlal tonic and a good catarrh remedy." T. M. Ma Hon. If yon do not derive prompt and aatla factory re.ulta from the no of Pemna, write kt onre to Ir. Hartman, giving a full atatemcntof yonreao and he will bepleaaed to give you bla valuable ad vice gratia. f Addreaa Tr. nartman, Pre.ldent of The Hartmkn Sanitarium, Colunbua, Ohio. a yy of Patent, Flour Is the best to be had price Is below others called Tta rnatnr la na ataty boi nl aa fiaiilM Laxative BromfHjtaine at eV eajaaje. H $,K'V u Iicro is l our lioy licSiril Tills lil nt from tlm (in'onsboro Rccortl rIiouIJ bo cnrffully rt'iul by uinny fatliors ntnl tnnllitTS In Mount Airy, becuuso it Iboj'IiIi cablo U Ibis town : "The Hmtrd Jim'S not sot Itst-lf up as ft prondier, far from It, but It cannot rfrain from snyinf tbut nioro loy arp hornl in? straight for tho devil in Ibln plmw than any ono baa any liloa of and tlio primary rauso Is too want or im rpnUl rt'Rtralnt. lloyanny wIhto from plRbt to liflcpii art) allowed to roam tlm stiveta at will una scorpi tbcro nro wbo 8i'ldom p homo until midnight, wbimoftfti it is bitir. An Illustration is given, tlm names being omitted A man auid yesterday be had a little grandson who never rtimn homo until midnight. Hp. said ho had exhausted nil efforts and as a last resort told tbo boy he would whip him If he was not at home by nine in the evening, but when ho undertook to correct him the chap's mother put down hpr foot on It and would not per- ml it. That boy is only one of hundreds. Take a walk around the city any night and see them on the streets, see them in cer tain loafing places where they congregate night after night. We know of places in (ireens Iniro frcqnentM by these boys where almost any night they have liquor and drink it- lwys of ten and over, jierlmps younger. Wo have a ixlice force and a pood one, but its business is not lo act as guardians. Hie re sponsibility is on the parent ; if he neglects it and his boy is ruin ed he alone is to blame. We know of course that there are fathers and mothers who try to restrain their children ; who make efforts to keep them at home and do all they can fur them and yet they go to the bad. These cases, however, are the exception and right here it may be Ktated that the fact that other boys pals, if you pleaseare al lowed loose rein and this makes it harder to curb the boy whose parents want to curb him. Light is not made of heredity taint ; it is a fearful thing, yet there is such a thing as acquiring vicious habits. A boy whoso every en vironment has been of the best, who has been raised to detest li quor, swearing, carousing, will soon become an adept if left alone. It's an "acquirement" easy to accomplish. W e are told and it is a matter easily proven that many par ents nustle their children off to school to be managed and con trolled because they do not want to control them themselves or cannot do it. The child sees this in a second and refuses to be con trolled at homo. Who is to blame for all this f The answer is easy. What are the parents going to do about it ?" Leaders Among Negroes to Blame. The Monroe Jonrnal write, tem perately and sensibly in tbeiseue of aat week on the nameless crime, putting the blame for the preva lence of the evil upon the educated and influential negroe who, instead of neing their power tOBuppresthe evil among the brutal and vile, spend all their strength and influ ence denouncing mob law. lney, as the Journal well says, have the matter in their own hands. The newspapers cannot reach the rapists, for they do not read newspapers, but the leaders among the negroes tre in close touch with all classes and are perfeclty able to make pub lie sentiment so strong that the evil will be greatly lessened, if not en tirely suppressed. But these leaders rarely sav a word against the crime for which so many negroes are lynched ; on the othor hand they intensify race natrod by aesaiiing the mob, which will c mtinue to kill every negro who lays his brutal hand npon an innocent womau, and they are entirely silent about the crime which causes the dethrone ment of law, which we all deplore. This, to U8,i, the most discouraging thing about the education of the ne gro. If education made him mor ally stronger or better there would be far more hope for the race ; in stead of that, howev jr, it seems on ly to give him shrewdness enough to save his own hide, without lift ing bis life an inch higher than that of the low le?el of the ignorant and degraded. With all the money spent on the education of the negro and all the facilities that have been given him for enlightenment, the crime continues to increase and the moral forcc(if there be such a thing) among the educated has not been arrsyed on the side of virtue aud purity. Education, whether among white or black people, that is un touched and unchastened by religi on, is more ol a curse than a bless ing. Charity and Children. Dennis R. Creedon, of East Orange, N. J., is worth $50,000, but has no health. Thinking that I the open air would be beneficial 4 to him, ne now works every day tvs a mortorman on a trolley car it i t&ifivrj ox 11. vu aay, Spcndingt Neglecting the Bible. It Is the Only Chart that Points the Way to Heaven. Tlirre are tin iimih, of pnoplu who have not a Ililile; thorn are thousands of oOnr, who have one, but who do not red it. It i, Lard to tell which c'n'f i, In the most nhMilo cinilitien. The lldile Is the oldest hnk In the world. It I, b'-yniid all comparison the brrt hook. It !, .d', hook. In so far as (hid Is wler and hi tter thsri men, In s-t far Is the IMI Ix't tor thsn any other book Other books are read onco or twice, and then laid S'l le J but the Itihlo Is road and studied bj millions etery day of their live,. The more they read it the more they love l, and the newur and sweeter it becomes to 'hem The llibbt Is the only bovk that teaches us what we are and lit we shall hn In the life to come. It U the only chart that points the vay to heaven. It la the only light that shine npon the way. They hrt nrglrpt it stumble: on In nn rurtainty and tl.uk ilea. When tint Itihlrt is all thla and mnio to mankind, how strange it is that so many should neglect it. Many poeple read and study and tre well informed on the teachings of almost all other Important hooks, and yrt know but little or nothing of the teachings of the Bible. Not because these teachings are nnim porunt, or dilllrult to learn, but be-cau-e of neglect. Recently a man said to me : "A frietid of mine advanced a d'ctrine I did not believe. I told him so." I ,fkfd, 'Did yeti show him from the l.ibltt he whs wrong V "No, aid ho, I did not artie with him I did not know enough abou. the Miblo to do that." Thi, is like a man going to war with a gun in his hands and not knowing how to shoot it. It is a sin for a man to let an evil go nnrt'hnked when it is in bis power to check it. In many a home, and even in pro f eased Christian homes, the Rihle lies on tho table or shelf, and bo- comes c vcred with duet. It is a neglected book. A book agent vnoted an old lady and proposed to sell her a Rible. 8he was indignant and said : "Do yon think I am a heathen and have no Rible? 1 will show yon that I have one." She lot ked and looked for it, but conld not find it. She then called her daughter and asked : "Jane, where is my Rible t" "Ma, I think I saw it np in the loft among some old books." Hio and bring it." bhedidso. The old lady took the Rible with an air of pride to the book agent and said : "See here, I have a Bible." As she opened it she saw her spectacles and exclaim ed : "Law, here are my spectacles. I lost them a year ago and could not tell where they wore." The beet people of the world are those who have loved, read, 6tudied, , and obeyed the Rible. The worst people are those who neglect it. ! Jwuseaid: "bearch the scrip tures, for in them ye think ye have eternal lifo, and they are they which testily of me. David said : "I meditate in Thy aw day and night." One reapon why some people neg lect the Rible is, they have read light, trashy literature until they btu, vno taste for sonnd, wholesome rea&.ftg. I have known people to eat dirt until they liked it better than good food. Of course they were not hoalthy, happy or wise ; neither are they who neglect the ruble, the Rible furnishes the only food for the immortal aobl to live and thrive upon. Their souls will eternally perish who neglect it. Is it wise to perish in a land of plenty I J. A. Stkadi.ky. Oxford, N. O. Saved Fast Mail Train. No. 97 the Southern's fast mail train, came very near being ditched yeeterday afternoon just north of Danville. The presonse of mind of a small boy saved it. Just before reaching Danville and at a time when the train was speed ing along at the rate of a mile a minute the engineer saw a small boy standing some distance down the track frantically waving his hat. The engineer at once applied (he air and stopped the train. Upon ex amination it was found that one of ihe heavy iron rails of the track was broken. The little boy was walking along the track and noticed the broken rail. About that time he heard the ap proaching train and bad presence of mind enough to waVe it down After about an hours delay the train pro ceeded on its way South. Charlotte News. Five Thousand Homeless. A Mexico City dispatch says more than 5,000 people are homeless on the island of Cozuinal, situated on the coast of Yucatan owing to the fact that their houses were destroy ed by the heavy storm that recently visited YoCaa and other coast states. Distress After Eeatinf Cured. Judge W. T. Holland of reeburg. La., who la well and favorably known, aya: "Two years ago I suffered great ly from indigestion. After eating, great distress would invariably reault. iaating for an honr or so and my mpbta were reatlpse I concluded to try Kodol Iya ppia Cure and it cured me entirely. Now my aleep ta refreshing and diges tion perfect. Hold by 1. W, Wwv druggUt, Ul Airy, K. Q. tincr lit. Aiiy Mr. A. J. Ditiklns.ft former cit izen of Mount Airy and fornomn timo an employe In Tiik Nf.svs ofllep, died In Ashevlllo on Hep tember RUh. The Ashevlllo Cit izen of Hunday anys i "A. J. Dinklna died yrterdy morning at half past ten o'clock at In, resilience, SO Highland street, and will be burled this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The funersl will be hold at I ha n .ldnncn and will he conil no ted by lUv. K. K. McUrtv, pastor of the North Atheville Methodist church. "Mr Dltikin, lea vi a nuvllnn his wife, who was Miss Fhnford, and six children. II was stricken with oat l tsl, ono aionth m last blitht and never recovered from tte shirk. He was a mni'r f Aihevills tyo- gmpMetl Union, Nj. !W.V, 'Mr Ih, Vlr.s woiki d III the Klkin Tinns t.flica alter ho left Mt. Airy, nd had chance of the printing of the "Revival'" at Mont' rat a short time. Irt os hope he fotrd peace petpetnal and most ghtilouf on the other shore. John W. Hanes Dead. The entire commnnity mourns tho death of Mr. John W. Hants, whii h occurred in Atlantic City, IS J., ear'y thi, morning. The hrt message conveying me sad information to the relative here did not give the exact time of his death. It simply slated: "hnd has come. Re home to-morro morning." The deceased had been in declin ing health for a your or more, caused by some slkction of the heart. Ac companird by Mrs Hants, he went to New York a mouth a$o tor treat ment in a sanitarium. Realizing that he was not improving, Mr. Hane expressed a demre to return home. The attending physicians suggested that he be carried to At lantic City, thinking that he might be benefitted bv the chance. How ever, he grew worse anil soon be came unconscious. His conditon would not permit of him being brought home. Winston Sentinel. 10,000 In Darkness. The news item going the rounds of the pref-s that there are ten thous and white boys in North Carolina between 12 and 21 years of age, who can neither read nor write, is a dis tressing statement. It must be borne in mind, also, that it is not the fault of the State that these "young men are so illiterate. They have the chance to loam if they want to learn ; b'it this is the matter of deepest regret. They simply prefer to be in the dark. The loss of this suffrage is no great matter, for a boy who has the opportunity to learn to read and refuse to do so is not worthy of the suffrage, but the thought of this helpless element cast upon the State in tho years to come without one gleam of hope of aspi ration is enough to make us tremble. Whoever, by word or deed, can stir the ambition in a sluggish and stupid mind like this, has wronchta great work in behalf of the Stite and the race. Charity and Chil dren. Ten Thousand Churches in the United States have used the Longman & Marlines Pure Paints. Lvery Church will be given a lib eral quantity whenever they paint. Don't pay $1 50 a gallon for Lin seed oil (worth 60 cent,) which you do when you buy thin paint in a can with a paint label on it. 8 and 6 make 14, therefore when you want fourteen gallons ot paint, buy only eight gallons of L. fe M., and mix six gallons of pure linseed oil with it. Yon need only f ur gallons of L. & M. Pain, and three gallons of oil mixed therewith to paint a good six u house. Houses painted with these paints nevur grow sbabhy even after 18 yeHra. These celebrated paints are sold by F. L Smith & Co., Agents. The increase in applications for pension, will rednce the amount to each one this year. Dizzy? Then vour liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayers Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard I-amilV nil. Small dosescyre. All erarrlat.. fernwit w ni-h M-k 7 Then BUCKINGHAM'S DYE or trie) makers O CMiGMrercai-e twoLie i, EfiflYROYAL PILLS K- M FT ruiiuivrvb aviillosl piW Mr SWM ajtoisj P"-m " m. r") iia HMm, T,irM . Vrfwaaft Haa raw ftalLA faV. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure C!;hU what jem cat. 43 ft rw - Mo. at .r ii-wararaaa. aw pm -. m i rslifM SMtlflt1M 1 ISMIteV 2g , IV r,-1eUr. Teat'saeeh W aatt r-rr- 1 i mm Salvation Army. Time was when fin Salvation Army was ridiculed. It wa looked upon actually as a fraud, a kind of a f-i'hk, yi't in the fm e ol all manner of advetsfl c illciHin the orn'zation kept rlht at Its knitting and has woo hand, down, being now regtrd ed and accepted a one of the most powerful religion, organizations in the country. It Is essy to sue how this ha, hi en accotripllchod llrst, becauso the poople did not undur tand the methods they rrgarded the whulu thing , purely sensation al, the roligl his idea not being taken into consideration. Rut the Army plotiirhed along, sawed wood and made no answer. Result were what they were after and they ined prac tical method in bringing them ah ut. A hotel for poor people ha been opened In Washington by the organization ; it Is not on paper, It Is t reality j a place whore if a man has nothing he will be fed, clothed and iak'n rare of. Rut he must work. If he Is physically unable to do any kind of work he is sent to a home provided by the Army, hut at th In ti l employment Is found for him or her. It is a buajni-s orgftnix ti n and it Is claimed for it that it will practically pay its own way. Thing, of this practical kii.d looe made tho Solvation Army, tin i's face it has the apiearj'ce of a dres ptrade a(Iir, hn' His any thing eiso. Drum, tamb murine ai.d tho like are or ware nnniual In inch a cause, but there is a method in their use. It is not what one uses, but how it is used. There is a wide difference. Greensboro Record. Decent Summer Resorts. More than one of the eastern pa pers have noticed the great ppii larity the paet season of thoee sum mer resorts where there are no sa loons and nogambilng, where liter ary and religion entertainments were provided, and where the Sun days were qniet and respected. F r the firbt time, apparently, this con trast has attracted f pee i lie attention and tavorahlo comment. The fact that such places as Ocean Grove, Atbnry Park, Like Mohonk, Old Orchard and Cottle City, to say nothing of old CLantau pi a, should make so much better show ings a to crowds and profits shoald not be regarded as a curious ono. There are many thousands of people in the United States who spend pe riods of rest and recreation at sum mer resorts who are careful not to go to such places as thoee that de pend upon f aet lite, drinking and gambling. Thoy shun such places because their sense of moral and physical comfort is c ffondod by them at any time and in all places. It is to the credit of our coun trymen that the decent resorts are multiplying in cumbers and that every year more and more people overcrowd them and make other such places necessary for tntnre sea sons. The average solid American is not "sporty" and a lover of the immoral whirl. hen be takes wife, daughters and sons for a vaca tion he doe not propose to intro duce them to the half world or ac quaint them with vice. Therefore the reason for the increasing popu larity of clean resort is easily ex plained. Atlanta Constitution. While returnfrg, Tuesday last, to Dutch Gap, Va., from a circus in Petersburg, a family named L -zen was plunged into disaster. Mrs. James L zen, two sons and a daugh ter were in a wagon, and as they crossed the Atlantic Coast Line tracks at Riddell station, were struck by the Norfolk fc Western cannon ball train, and Mrs. Lesen and one of the sons, aged five years, were instantly killed, and the daugh ter seriously and the socond son slightly injured. The father, with a third son, was following in a bug gy and witnessed the awful catas trophe. OABTOniA Basra tb. ) H Von Hw Hum BiKiM Bignatir f The Value of Expert Treatment Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experiences great ditiicalty in having their case in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stand them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga., is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted States. Write him for bis ex pert opinion of your case, for which ne make no charge. litrtalttlf fl.iiMs5il re k.nt Ktponc and wall ; vmk anil Eunv Httte fnitr. ur mnile Yltrrjron y Uia naa of that ftamoaa ramady FREY'w VERMIFUGE CVTTstfi mil df nortV-n of th tmrh. rvpcHi worm; tr. Httalit and Mtttv n nctlnn. Bfieby n.iitt, ICAK. FKKV. allir9. Mil. Wanted-An Idea H nt-f)lr iimi'ba nt JOH V fcMlt?Htt'K C . Va.1 Alt' Wrr. Wwh'VU. v V c, f r t r 0i ('rM off kaarff Halt mt tet fcittarffM (uveas! . wajiiaall One Rllnsts Couh Cure For Cough, Colds Croup. odoS Dyspepsia Gvi I ANhgcLihle IVrparationfur Aa I jiinilnlint nr I'mxl nnl Iffiftil.i -I liiitf iheSli'uitUtsainUViwIiiif gllTaT Promoles DiesliiMi.Cheerrul ness and first I'onl.iiiu neillar tplum.Morpluiie nor MintraL Nor Nahcutic. fmj o-.wtt umvan Wa Smd' )it,m W Aieifi rl Hemcdv forronsllrwt- i lion, Sour Stotiutrh.Uiarrtioea I Worm,! oimilsK)iia,fVwnif nef ami I,m or SlXEP. facsimile Siv'nnlur. of r i .. . .... . a, i... .1M Lvxt eoer c WBAPPCrt. THF MOWING SEASON Is on us and now is the time to buy a macline ar J save all your grass. r' J. IT i ra it I . '' i LCCUED AT from over, po rt (.'; v.tw, MtConiiiiK will be found laultlojj in dci(n. moJern in ton atriK'tion and tho-ouh in equipment, with the most praiticl l-.itji. Thfe rrowrs 3rc sr per!r.l!y KtlaiKcd, o t.vsily opvraU-d and do Kich jmooth and even cutting that they instsntly become the Lvoritc ol every man who buyi cne. Th Wcf ormlci hook. "A MOol L MACMINF.," telle .11 ah i:t Mcxltl mowin. J. D. McCOLLUM, Agent, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. JDST RECEIVED A C'.R YOU CAN FIND Giifip and Spiii. (Both Gal vanized Iron end Tx), Also Tin and Iron Hoofing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. r OAK RIDGE IHSTITUTE C 1 J cn em pvepaRes far tiw uwvFBsrrrrs cm. O I bl I Cd 1 LFOKS m well as far HlttlNE&, r TKACrt- 111 ' -' INO. aa far UPE. Uwmtt KKAR OBKITIS. BOKO, N. C, war I.AAO fc abova the aa Wvl, la vlrv at th MnwBtata. Larnat m4 Bmrt E4)alpp PIMIaf Scaael tor Vmr, Mem aw Baya la taw5airth. Rataal US. 00 ta I7S.M rr aaaaak roa ccauvirtM cavueaue. aeace J. A. & M. H. HOLT ... Oak Rklge. N. C. L. &TJ- C ' i f JJ ma t mm a c Tr.t a..an ra-ni it- i.mt t ta It Tfe " ' 1 H b aaanaaaw an i.W"l-.'-,' aaa. For Inf.inta nnrl Chll Iren. The Kind You ilav Always Bought Boars tho Signature of In Use For Ovor Thirty Years mm Tmi eijtv rafn fw o c r LOAD OF ROCKDALE LIME. AM 0' :; Valley and Shingle 'Ail, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings cf all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. iHi'lS Vai US tn3i3b I tTsvlviaMle-y , a4 a. . a,, aaOWaasH; 4. a.orrrTT. ta. Bw t. too, i MO. afy emmr ' a.a a y " '- H I a

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