J. 32. Barker, Header for Low Prices and Honest Merchandise. Outfitter to Men and Women, Mount Airy News. VOL. 24. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1003. NO. 10. ii if ii i ash THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME Are Never Without Pcruna in tho House for Catarrhal Diseases. :vcr fc. A ' -mKmr"-VfO!y MR. iXD MIIS. J. 0. ATklNNtfX, INDEPENDENCE, XO. T TUDKB data of January 10, 1W7, Dr. w Ilartman wcelved th following "My wife had boon suffering from a Complication of dlaea fur th put 2 yoara. M II r cut had baffled th tklll of soma t'f tbo Diont noted iihyalolans. One of lu'f worst trouble u chronlo consti pation of soveral year.' standing. "Sh alio wi paalng through that moat critical period In the Ufa of a woman change of llfo. In June, 1895, I ttoU to yon about bor case. Yon ad Vlned a court of I'enina and Manalln, w Men we at onoo commenced, and bare to say It completely cured bor. Bho firmly bellorea that ahe would bavebeen duad only for tboa wonderful reinedlo. "About th lima tlm I wrote yon abont my own caa of catarrh, which bad bcn of SS yara tan ding. At time. 1 wa almost past going. I commenced to um Pernna according to your Instruc tion and continued tta um for about a year, and It baa completely cured m. " Your rtmedlea do mil that you claim tor them, mod even man. Catarrh cannot exltt where Peruoa la taken according to dlrtdlont, Succaaa to you mad your remedies, " John O. Atkinson. In a letter dated January 1,1000, Mr. At kin .on ayt after fir year azpo rlenco with I'erunai " will ever contlna to apeak a good word tor I'ervoa. In my round at a traveling man I am a walking adver tlsement tor Peruna and have Induced many people during tiia pant year to um rerun a with tl. a most aatltactory results, lam mil cured of catarrh. " John (). Atkinson, Box 272, Independence, Mo, When old age come on, catarrhal dl aaea com alao. Systcmlo catarrh la al mint nnlver.al In old people. Thl. explain! why l'eruna haa booom ao Indlipemalile to old peoplo. I'enina I their aafe-guard. -l'eruna I th only romody yet dvviaed that meoU than. caw exactly. Bach cue. cannot be treated locally nothing but an effect I re aystemlo rem edy could cure them. Thl la exactly what reruns la. If yon do not receive prompt and eafc l.factory result from the uxe of Peruna, write at one to Dr. Ilartman, giving a full atatement of your ca.e and he will b pleaaed tog Ire yon bl valuable ad vice gratia. Adareaa Dr. Ilartman, President of The ilartman Baolurlum, Culumbua, Ohio. GREAT 0 0 o o o s Wf 111 VP bought an immense line of fall and winter IItVw clothing, for men and boys, and in order to clear our apace before our fall goodi arrive, we have decided to offer our entire line of spring and summer suits for the next 80 days at actual cost, and when we aay coet we mean actual bill cunt, with freight added and no more. We have some extra special values selected from four of the largest factory lines in th United States, and from these lines we selected only the cream, hence we believe we have the bent that can be bought and it would be to the interest of all to see our stock before making purchases elsewhere. We must close our summer goods during the next 30 dajs. Wf 1 'R0 ufferin8 special inducements in the Heer ' v w ClIC Oxfords for ladies and Barry Oxfords for men nd included in tbeae values we have thrown our line of summer dress good., which muat be closed during the next 45 day. Offt 'fill ctnrlf wil' be a decided improvement VJUi lUll aMUCIV on any line ever shown in Mt. Airy and we are very desirous of making the room neceasary to handle our fall business, this alone necessitates this, the great est clearance tale ever held in ML Airy. Dpfii fni I-)pf also that we have the most complete rVVlllwIlI UC1 jine of heavy groceries carried in this section of North Carolina all of which are offered at rock bot tom price. Merchant will do well to see us and get our price before buying. Off r Oil PPM b(I'at,Dt flour is the beat to be bad VUI yUWWIl nd tDB prjce i Mow otuert caUod "the beat" Every pound guaranteed. Our Ked Kooaler and Farmer's Choice are excellent values and will give the most skeptic entire aatisf action. In fTincit Printr our claims remember that our II iUU9iUCI III& goodi were ight or eMh and all eaab diacounta aaved, which enable us to give full value received for every dollar in rested with us. rp.r c nnrP naJou,lliJ1crjieaKain. alakeyour- self feel at borne when in our store. o ? THE WF.sT.H L . CO u uiu ii y vi uiyu Ullt StOTlCK. rtm ..'. hi .ad van. la fa. rale . mmnnl M Ik. Opw mm4 kfkf ' ml m' b-- mm m u . .Htr H M W-llf. 1!M 0 l ft an mm r.l mmmt toa :rm Cm Vmm, .Mp.Wia CWW.W CwaAr 0utm& lac mt law it tmm) ) ! tWiaw ' Saluda Alounlain Tki air:f mm every turn of tk fauta mmem) aMjM A dispatch from Aslicvillcsays one of the two safety switches on Saluda mount tin has been com plotcd and tho result of the trial was all that tho officials of tho Southern could have wished, for it worked to perfection and tho dangers of Kaluda are a tiling of tho past. The trial of the switches was witnessed by Superintendent Raiuseur, It. K. Simpson, D. W. Newell and others ; that these gentlemen ore highly pleased with tho results of the test is a known fact. A ear was taken nearly half a mile ubovo the safe ty fcwitch, then brakes rehmvet and the car started on its wild run down tho mountain. Uy tho time tho car had reached tho switch it had also reached a ter rific sjK'ed, but onto the switch it dashed and straight up the incline until it came to a stop, the mo mentum overcame, by gravity and tho evjwriment was a suc cess. It is said as the car struck tho switch it did not hesitate a moment but glided upon the safe ty sour as smoothly and as easily as though running at a moderate rate of speed upon a level track. We regard tins as a wonderful piece of work, and a scheme for stopping runaway trains that de serves praise, lo us it now an pears that runaway trains on tho Saluda is a thing of the past. The Coal Situation. Tho coal Bitns'ion ib one that U alreidy worryi' p the public; t r, the fc' that the Con. trut i dctci mii.td to get all the cott of lttet year's strike out of tbe consumers, with as much more in the shape of profit ou invest mcnt "as tbe public will stand," is perfectly apparent. The various stories that have been circulated as a roason for tbe main tenance of high prices are not be lieved by anybody ; but, as long as tbe independent mine owners have no independent means of cairjing their product to market, and the Trnst is permitted to dominate tbe trade, tbe consumers understand that do remedy can be found except in the economic use of coal, and even that depends upon the weather to a large extent. That there is more profit in 6,000,- 000 tons at $5 50 than in 8,000,000 at f 4.25 every one understands ; and it accounts for the endeavor of the Coal Trust to restrict tbe output of the mines and the stock on the mar ket so that all shall be taken up at the price it demands. While the tariff was in operation, its demands went to tbe verge form ed by tbe doty combined with tbe cost of transportation, and to-day tbey are regulated by tbe latter and tbe fact that no country but this has at present much, if any, coal to spare. As this is generally understood. tbe early Spring fable that there were not enough Lake vessels or coal cars to carry away the product was received with a jeering smile, as was the Summer tale that they could not get men enough to work the mines to tbe full. For, facts that became known, showed that tbcv laid off over 40 per cent of their men in the Summer mouths. Tbe result of their action has been told in Tbe American Syren, which recently said : "Tbe profits of tbe coal combination are so large that, even on tbe small output forwarded to tbe i orth western ports from tbe opening of navigation to tbe present time, the net proht accruing to the combination are about 3,000,000 above tbe profits that result to tbem from a trade of a like amount re corded eight years ago." Of tbe result here in tbe Last we are not as accurately informed ; but everybody may be assured that "the gentlemen in whose hands Provi dence has placed the (coal) wealth of tbe country, nave made quite as much use of tbeir opportunity bere as they made in the West ; and tbat ia why do coal can be had for family use under o'.25 a ton for stove sit' t to-day. Brooklyn Citiien. Killed by a Falling Tree. Mr. Isaac II ill, a well-known citi zen of Davidson county, resididg about fifteen miles southwest of tbe city, was kilted instantly Monday by a tree I ailing ou him. Mr. Hill and a companion were cutting down tree near the public road. Tbe first named stepped across tbe road to get his coat, tear ing that tbe tiee might fall on it. lie and bis friend had do idea of tbe tree frJling ao aoon. Just as Mr. II ill stooped over to get his coat the tree fe'.l upon him. Ilis hesd was crushed, besides his back and etveral ribs being broken. Tbe deceased was a man of mid dle age. lie leave family. Winstoo Sentinel. For a pleasant physic take Cham- berlain'a Stomach and liver Tablets. Lay to take. I'Weant in efl.ct. For sale by C E U alia way and J. Working Without System. A man who does forcibly work must dismiss a subject lrora bis mind when be is done with it. ibis in croupes the graep and power of the mind and kceis it cii ar for concen tration upon tbe thing under con sideration. Nothing cn be accom plirliod with half a mind ; you muet concontrate or focus ail your powers upon the thing yon are d.lng. This yen can cover do when thing by the score are half settled in yonr mind, ontinnally obtruding themselves for consideration, and hindnring the thotieht of present pr. blctns. When yon have anything in hand, sottlo i'. Do not look at it, lay it down, thon look at something else and lay that down also, bnt settle things as you go along. It is a thousand tunes bitter to make ao ncriisioiial miHUke than never to utile anything, but be always tml ih-i g, weighing and considering niHfiy tiling at a tinio. I ( is vigorcu thought which counts. A iiit j -ct which is handled, so to .p 'Hie, wiin tne tips oi me mental fingers, never amounts to ny thing. You must seia and Krs(lP with all your might tho thing you are attempting, and do it with vigor mid enthusiasm, if von wish to bear 'he sump of superiority when com pitted. Another detect in your woilt, which arises from tbe faults I have mentioned, is failure to com plete things. Your work boars the mens. of incompleteness, and seems always to lack aomeibing. If you could overcome these do ftc s von might be successful, for u really possess great ability, but ack dt finiteness. Evidently yonr mind has not been trained tocxacti tude. There bas been carolesmess in your education somewhere. It m iv be partly the fault of your eachers or your pirents in not call ng your attention in early life to thefo deficiencies. If this had been one the task of correction would avu bi en easier than it is now, but he faults may still be overcome if ir. per diligence be used. 1 hope, f..r your own sake, that you will set abiUt it with determination. Sue- COr.8. Man or o Works Hers. Uaut. Fisz er mxlnsi'y related to us a few dnysago a pathi-tic incident that occurred t j him on his run as ootid tic tor on tho Western roed lead ingou fiuo Sulibbury. To use bis language, "it shows how God bas Ilis own w ay of doing things." He had as passengers on tbatoccasion a mother and three crying children Thinking they were thirsty, tbe cap tain attempted to give them water, only to find out from the mother that tbey bad had nothing to eat since morning of the day before, and that they were hungry. Cap. tmzirr wont without bis dinner that day, and aa he related how the children soon quieted down and went ( If to sleep his eyes welled np with tiars tbat conld not b kept hack, over the scene o vividly present to his mind. Ilis c' was not unoUorvt'd. A rough moun taineer wh was noied for his drink habits and hs disregard for other folks, remarked: '-Uh1 will cer tainly reward y. u fi r Ibis some day, rrsrior. A year or af'er tins, when the mountaineer w-:u dis tribnting edibles and goodies ang a lot of children who were appsrent ly worthy objects for charity, he re marked: "I am still feeding hungry children," and mch bad been his w..rk since the day be saw Capt. Frozier give up bis lunch and be himself had contributed $2 to send a poor woman and her hungry chil dren happily on thoir way. Albe marle hnterprise. How Schools Help a Neighborhood. Paper Mills Would Pay. According to the Tradesman in the thirteen Southern States during the past three months 1,310 new industries were estab lished. Of this number North Carolina is credited with 13(1 There is abundant reason why this creditable number should bo increased. Commenting on tho figures in the Tradesman and th opportunity for new profitable industries, tho Asheville Citizen says : There is enough spruce in pajts of Western North Carolina to justify tho erection of pulp and paper mills. "That there is good profit in fiaper making may bo surmised rom tho fact that, since tho organization of the naner trust prices have advanced more than luu per cent. Tlio wlnte paier on winch Iho Citizen is printed costs an average of between fir teen and twenty dollars per dav, . - J. Ins paper, as well as that usee by most of the Southern news pupers, must now he shipped at great expenso from faraway points like Michigan and New York State." Tho proprietor of the Kansas City btar, who owns both a morn inland an afternoon pajor, has established a paper mill of his own and makes the puior on which he prints all his editions mere is in .'North Uarolina an abundance of the trees that aro used to make pulp, and there is money in it for any iktsou who will establish a pajer mill. The North Carolina papers alone would make it pay. News and Observer. Sow Wheat Late and Avoid the Fly. Story tbat Reads Like Fiction. A Roanoke, Ya , dispatch says Tbe last chapter in a story that reads like fiction was written to-day, when Uev. W. W. II ylton, formerly of Orayson county, Va , bat now of Oleason, Ark., lift bere with bis son, John Ilylton, 21) years old, and the latter a three children bound for the elder Ilylton's homo in the west. When W. W. Ilylton was 18 years old he eloped with Miss Bailie Miller, of Franklin county. Tbe pair were married at Salem 30 years ago, and after living together for a fortnight the young husband disap pearcd. He left no word as to where he was going and nothing bad tcen heard from him until recently, when he wrote to an old friond in Franklin inquiring about his desert ed wife. After Ilylton's dieapcar at. co a son was born to his wife but the father bad no knowledge of tbe son s existence until informed bv bi bi id a few weeks ago tbat is old-fV is w! V.Tsui I resides in Franklin and tbat i.r son lived at Yinton, a su burb of Roanoke, where ha bad a family. When Ilylton left Virginia, he went to Arkansas, where he was successful iu business. lie married another wife and haa raised nine children by her. Several years sgo Ilylton was converted and entered the Baptist ministry, becoming a preacher of no little renown. After being informed of tbe existence of a son and that his first wife still lived Ilylton came to Roanoke wbere he met the younger Ilylton. Tbe two men then went to Frank lin county to visit the wife and mother, lime baa erased all senti ment and the woman met ber erring husband as an old friend. Tbe preacher declares he will take care of tbe Yirginia family as well as the one in Arkansas. John Ilylton and his children will remain ia Arkan sas. The Antarctic Winter. A sailor on the antarctic ship Dis covery, whose commander, Captain Scott, haa approached Dearer tbe south pole than any other explorer, writes as follows of his winter ex periences : "We had 123 days with out the sun and 104 days of total darkness. We went through it all gay. Lowest temperature registered 5b degrees below zero. Yoo da not feel the cold very much without tbe wind. Then, witb tbe wind, look out ! Firct your nose, then ears, then fingers go. We never go out alone on account of the heavy bliz zards. Yonr companion will turn round and aay, 'Your nose is gone.' It turns as white as this paier. You turn away from tbe wind and pull your mittens off to bring your nose aroood. Df tbat time your fingers are gone. So it's no pleasure to go out in a slight bret Tbe blizzards are fearful. Mr. Dernacchi and the engineer went to a hut fifty yards away and, though roped from but to ship, were lost in a hlitzard for two hours and three-quartera." Rev. Jacob Mails, aged 73 years, while attending tbe aecui annual c in ference of the Richland Union church, at Exclsior, Wisconsin, fell into a chair and died at tbe close of a few remarks to the conference, in which be bad dwelt upon the oncer tiiinty of Hie, .J"V. .11.. "Uon I answer this letter unless you have a good graded school" is the way a man wbo WdS writing to Monroe about moving here, con cludes bis letter. People are mov ing about in North Carolina a good deal no, and tbe prime ohi'ct sought is good schools advantages for the children. Ever notice bow tbe value of property jumps up aronnd a good school ? Take the Wingate section. Before the school was begun there farm lands could be bonght easily and at no big figures. Mr. Ira 13. Mollis, an intelligent young farmer ot that section, told us baturday that thedemand nuw for farm lands in nach of the reboot couldn't be supplied, while in the village, we were told by a man who lives there, procrty is about as high as it is ia Monroe. When eople move it is for the purpose of better ing themselves, and the man whose ear is attuned to tbe new conditions doesn't consider himself bettered by a move that doesn't carry him with in reach of a good scbool. Monroe Journal. Losing Its Attraction. The Nashville American is of the opinion that tbe ministry is losing its attractions for young men. The pay of ministers is better than it once was, though in many instances it is very poor yet The churches are finer, but fewer people attend them. The simple days of old fashioned faith and primitive ideas are fast pass ing away in most places, being opposed to the fashion and friv olity of the world. Whether it be science, commercialism or lib eralism, or education or the froer exercise of thought, any of these or all of them that have influenc ed religious thought and conduct, a change has taken place. The conditions that once prevailed in this country, the isolated church es, the itinerant preachers, the associations and other periodic country religious gajfterings, and the simple, earnest and in tense faith, that characterized a far back period, have, in a large measure, been succeeded by other conditions whether less moral and religious we leave for others to say. A Perfect Painless Pill is tbe one that will cleanse tbe system, set tbe liver to action, remove tbe bile, clear tbe complexion, cur beadacbe and leave a good taate in the mouth. Ibe famous little pills for doing sucb work pleasantly and effectually are le Witt's Little Karly Kisers, Bob Moore of Lafayette, Ind., saya: "All other Eills I have used gripe and sicken, while e Witt's Little Karly kir are (imply perfect." Hold by 1. W. Wet. druggist, Mt Airy. N. 0. Sick Headache? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. 2Sc All Sraft-Ms. W ant fmr "..rb or bd bMIUfVl Diinim-pusire nvcfrhe hlskwr 'Ti'Mrt V t T ) SM MWN IffMt lailHHS sw4 law task' I C 5 r J-" r -"IT .""V T " if mmrm Haft. I t .... . ... I I 44 mmm. UlU. fm. (todol Dyspepsia Ctiro C!sjU wbat ftm tat. Farmers throughout the fad mont section snonia taKe warning from tbe past and sow their wheat late this year so as to escape injur by the IIcian Hp. We gave sue a complete account of the insect in the Progressive Farmer for June 2, this year, that wo will not repeat it bere. Let me, however, lay down a few guiding rules for dodging tbe Hy this fall. If there is no wheat up when the tail brood ol Hies emerge, they must either die without depositing eggs, or must lay them elsewhere than on tbo wheat. No eggs no fly and tbe field in which none of the eggs are laid will not be hurt, for the maggots which batch from the eggs cannot go from one held to another. All the fields in a community may be seriously damaged year after year if they be sown in September or October, while the one farmer wbo does not sow until the middle of November will escape injury in nine yoars out of ten. We should say, therefore, that as a general role wheat should he sown not earlier than the first f November in order to escape injury. It may be argued in objection to this tbat in some sections November is too late. In such cases, we would advise that the sowing bo delayed two or three weeks later than is usu ally done ; or, if this wouid slill throw it too late in the season, then sow just as late as can be done safely. It the lieesian hy does the usual amount of damage this year it will not be upon the farms of those who follow this advice. Franklin Sher man, Jr., in Progressive Farmer. Ten Thousand Churches in the United States have used the Longman & Martinez 1'ure Faints. Lvery Church will be given a lib eral quantity whenever tbey paint. Don't pay $1 50 a gallon for Lin seed oil (worth CO ceuts) which yuu do when you buy thin paint in a can with a paint label on it. 8 and G make 14, therefore when you want fourteen gallons ot paint, buy only eight gallons of L. iv M., and mix six gallons of pure linseed oil with it You need onlv four trallons of L. & 11. 1'aint, and throe gallons of oil mix-d therewith to paint a good siz-id house. Houses painted with these paints nev.r gro sbabny even atter 18 years, i bese celebrated j a nts are sold by F. L Smith & Co., Agents. At'f?ctabe Preparation Air As -s i i nila I ing llic Food and Itep; ula -tuig the Stomachs and Bowels oi" 11 j for Inf.irt3 and ChildrT. Promotes Dii;c9ticm.Cheerfur nessanriiu'st.Contiiins nciilrr )pium,Morpfuiie norMuicfaL ?'otNamcotic. rtlK .I'M fcibv -Umt h'.m ln-J A perfect Remedy forronslirw liun.Sour SlotiuM-tUlianhoea Worms ,( "orrvulions.lVvrrish nissPiHlLoasor SiJiEP. Far Simile Sitfnntur of KKW YOTJK. rr2 tXACT COPV OF WRAPPCR. The Kind You (lav Always Bears the Signaturo of r AM in Use For Over Thirty Years mm Th cifttAun ccfT. ttm " 3rv. THE MOWING SEASON s on us and now is the time to buy a machine; and save all your grass. fr fy- "V- . ' f 3 rrx ii- r"": v OABTOniA. Bar th I Ibt U nd tot Haw Ioth Bott4 Bigutan f Tbe Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone wbo is atllicted with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telhgently treated by tbe average physician. These diseases can only be cured by t specialist wbo under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Cia., is acknowledged the moet skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted States, n rite him for hu ex pert opinion of your case, for which be makes no charge. Children Jm4 mrm kf tronp and ; vank nd fmtr Hut folk a arc madfl vtrnnnisi b lik mam oi ll4 nGu rvrcitMl FREY'S VERMIFUGE Otrrt. all 6tor4ra of th atnmarH, p.uir. B action. HoUloer .ail, . K . ruKI, WIUar, GnadlnutaGonQhCtfra (for C; Colii 4 Crwjh ml L iUA,"- i','2) r mm- I in LOCKED AT frorr r.'ry cf vi:w. McCor.nick nwm will be found faultlcn in doign, modern in con itrurtion and thorough in cquipmtnt, with the moit practical feature. Thc mowers art to perfectly balanced, so easily operated and do tuch tmooth and even cutting that they irutantly become the favorite of every man who buys one. Th MtCurmick book. A MOOtl MACHINE," kill all about Model mawcrt. J. D. McCOLLUM, Agent, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. J y v7v JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF ROCKDALE LIME. YOU CAN EIND Lamih rmt AH J si m A ii I.!m aa P . - (Both Gal vanized Iron and Tic), Also Tin and Iron Roofing. Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVEEITT. Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Ev-eritt'a. r OAK RIDGE IHSTITUTE 5 c4- ffn mm WtEPAREi lor th fNIVI PSITH S aa COL. M I Cilt LfcOt S a wall aa tmr hChlNLS. lor Tl AtH - 1 V. I MO. a4 lor LIFE. Sitsss4 EA CfctL.tS- BOKO. N. C. mvmt i .000 led akov. Um aa lovcl. la vWw of IK. Bwatalu. Larfaal aa Beat Calpp Ftttinf Sckaal lor Vm Ma aa Boy la th5atk. Kataai SIM. la SI7S.M pav aaaaa. a aouT.rvt. caraLOavl. aaaara J. A. & M. H. HOLT ... Oak RidRe. N. C fV" MjStssiitnzta, l - '"iji'l .Cs0 M - aaorra-TT. aa. Tr.. . . tawa. Dm-f I MM't tr-0f Sat . rw B. . Mnn. wia Mtu.iwal mmAttimm. mTUisk. Oar lw r- tt- t l I r .'-a-. ! ZK aaamaan si.1ai;4," t . taaaaoa. K W, ua . mmm mm lhmTrhmmJLrvtMimry.mm4 th Bwl troub a Cklidacrr 4t. Aids ViftmUmt, Rt jjl ths la, itrtrv. hem TtUMISu LA.T. 1 1. T. LCHi.a. WO. Siaai aj I 9mtrt mt rmm mw a.w 4. a m'ttk m a...n.it.aa. trm i - aw a. . mmm mt a SI. m mimm Smiwh m fcra. iinaa a) 1 aa anaw a itmiSlUUajPaaa, a