T. J3. Uarkor. ILofulor for Low PrieH mid .Honest AferchnndiKt. Outfitter to Men and "Woman, n Moun LIRY 1NEWS. 1 i vol. a j. MOUNT AIItY, N. 0.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEH 21, 1003. it JlOEVOLIlNT ASSOCIATION!; Of America Use Pe-ru-na for A!: Catarrhal Disease. UM. IIKHR1KTTA A. . MAltfllL tVaaua'l Ilcnovnlmi AMorlatloa af t'hlragn. Mm. Henrietta A. N. Marsh, r-rwddenl Woman's ItvnMfiilcni AnoHatlon, , BJT J season Park Trra-a, Wwxllawn, lllilragu, HI., aaril "I iufT.-r.d Willi U aHppa fur pvtd waaka and Hot Mm liclpH m. until I IrlMt I'.rmi. I Mt at one. Dial I liwt at last ivnrmt tli. Hk1 miMIHns and ki-lslatMy Impmvlnir, Wltliln tliro. a ka I wh fully rlurd." lleurlctli A. H. Marnh, laaaaaaiUat OnW tit nant Tomplura, ml ttHhtH tna. ftfra.T. W. Collins, Traatnror I. O. H Tof )?rrtt, Wah., has tiM tlio t!al satarahal fcnln, pvnina, for an aggra vated .M.nf dywHil. flhs writ I After having a "Tpri stuck of li R-rlppa, 1 also (tifTcrpd with dywiwl After taking Pmna I mold rat mjr ma? tilar msal with rnlinh, my system wat tmllt up, my health rwtimtml, and 1 lift, rninalnml In rnllcnt ntrotmUi and vigor now for over a year." M rs. T W. Collins. If you do not derl va prompt and satla fantory ri-xulbi from llis nan of lVrin Write a ones to )r. Itartman, p I v I tr I full statement of your rase and hs will 1ms pleas-it to give you hi Valuable ad (rati. AddriMia Ir. ITartman, PrMldsnl c tb Uartman Sanitarium, Columlms, 0 A New Scripture. Fur school ofllcers I Peek first o II g(n teacher nd tboM thing will follow school library, I g'"d ehool house, embellished ichuol grounds, Interested pupil, puoctiu and nir'iltr attendance. And do yon ak how yon ro to know flood lonelier I 'y bi work Is tlio but rule to guide you, I'ld lie em convert community io tint It helped him to establish ichool librnrr, bnlld decent itihool home, beautify the ic.hool gronnd? Did he aver Intervit Indiilerent pareti In the education of their children, did he ever Inspire enough Jutrrclt on the part of the children to enV them to love the chord and m tmnctual and regular In atiendatifn f Did he eter take enoujili lnteret in the poor and the llliterato children of the cotnmnnity taaectire enough Id to pot them all In ehool I Unci he (pend hli vacation in idlenem or doc he upend it In tober th Ogrbt fnlticM and In planning btittcr woik for the future I ! he know enough and cure enough about nnl vcrPHl popular edncalion to enable him to convert tppononti of inch education I Tbew are aome of the (inalidcv tlotn which' any ichool ulllcer rsn lind out without formal cumlnati m of the applicant for the p.Utc o teacher. And, unlwi an applicant have tbeaa nualiftcattona. It were hotter far that he were not eloctcd to teach the children of any com mnnity. The idiicatlon of the cbil dren cn not wait on the reformation of the teacher. Bonthern Educ tlon. Mr. Spencer and The l)ver and Mt reprint Union ban dven the dven permiMlon return to work, time finally ending the textile itrike which began In I'hiladelphla on June tat. The d era are the lat of the 120,000 atri era to retnrn to work. I: CliflllG- Iirir ImjiirM an Immenae line of fall and winter IivV' clothine, formen andboya, andinordnrto clear our apace before our fall gooda arrive, we have decided to offer our entire line of epring and summer tofts for the next 80 dayi at actual cost, and when we lay coat we mean actual bill coat, with freight added and no more. We have aome extra pecial valuea selected from four of the 1 argon t factory line in the United Btatea, and from these lines we selected only the cream, hence we believe we have the best that can be bought and it would be to the interest of all to see our stock before making purchases elsewhere. We must close our summer goods during the next 80 days. We are also offering special inducements in the Heer Oxfords for ladies and Barry Oxfords for men and included in these values we have thrown our line of summer dress goods, which must be closed during the next 45 days. a 'foil cfrifLr ke decided improvement yjUl tail dlUClX on any line ever shown in Mt. Airy and we are very desirous of making the room necessary to handle our fall business, this alone necessitate this, the great eat clearance .ale ever held in Mt. Airy. r Drtw f-M l--kf also that we have the most complete KCIIHIIiUir iimJ of heiilt, groceries carried In this section of North Carolina all of which are olTored at rock bot tom prices. Merchants will do well to see us and get our prices before buying. Of If Oflfftfl r Patents Flour is the best to be bad VJUr yllwwll n,i the price j8 beow others called "the best." Evevy pound guaranteed. Our Red Rooster and Farmer's Choice are excellent values and will give the most skeptic entire satisfaction. In considering our claims rememljeT that our goods were bought for cash and all cash discounts saved, which enables us to give full value received for every dollar invested with us. jf TrV 11C fknrf "n1 ynil,oome again. Make your V 11 J US VJUWV lt.if feel at home when in our store. i THE V E ST-H IL L J wonom. Ptatt fotrwt4 Hi tit 4tmnm nt W fcky IVMl hW f KIT Vwvk I ! 61 at.ua. AiLlaaai U U WAeJta Attataao. K-f tn. avsW M will f M ( ' fuwei Vf) ui i 'l-iw nl Mi t!" , 5-"i Wit a trtat r i " ana aw JStt -ff I v ' fv f L I I j p' S II ?V i f t 'weii j wmm.frrA. t Tn hrnatni oa e) b nf laa faaalse utsative BromfQuimne 'r wm, jam tr.u!k1t;il Ti mtTVam at aV TJioro l no inun In AiihtIcii IxitUir ablu to glvo autliciitic mid aulliorltallvo facta (uhwitiiImk tlio inaU'rlal iirojrrp of tlm Houthorn HtaU-a tlittn l'nmldont Huinuol HMnr.or, of tint Houlhorti Kal wnv. An nnulvM n or tlio In tlunlrlul cotidltloim of tlio Muted travnrnml by thU jfrt-at mvmUmii of railroiula la tnado it font urn oillin annual rcixirl of I'rcHUltMilHiion cor, who, iwiturnlly, diHruMHca tlii'in In tlio lltfht of tlio trulllc ami lranaK)rlHtlon inilili'inn 1 1 icy In Volvo, which am of pi-ruliiir lin iHirtnnco to tlio Inti'ivHiM ho rop roHonla. Tlio prlnlod copiPH of tlio report which Imvo junt liocn roccl vcl in Atlanta pnwnt noiik Intort'Htliif? dolaila In mldillnn to tlio Kotioral concluaiotia Ha aot forth tn tlio rather lu iof avimimU recently publlNhoil In i lio I'oiimII iUt.ti(it l'rt'Hldimt Bpencer aays that "tho Induatrial growth through out that portion of tho rtouthern atntPd aorved by tho linen of tho company han continued during tho year In a most rialinfuctory and eneouruging way," and, giv ing dittailft, ho ndda: "Tho number of now tnduNtrial plant n f various chiNHeN coin jdeted during tho year was Tll.'i, ami tlio numlior under coitntrue tlon at cIoho of (ho year was 1 PI. I'rovioUHly exiHting plants to tlio numlxr of "tw woro inaterlally enlarged during tho year. "Tlioro were L'U cotton mills under construction on Juno ilO of this year, an Increaso in nuinlier of H mills over correKjHindingdato of tho previous year. These new mills when completed will ilaeo m o)oraiion lu.ii.if looms uml 41.1,00-' Biiimnos; nn incroas over similar equipment in now mills under construction on Juno 30 last year of 4,037 loonm ami lOO.- K2 Kpindleu. There were largo investments made during the year along tho company b lines in new mineral development nnd tho enlarge ment of old ones. "Tho tons of mine products laulod during the year increased l,10t),l(Wor 105 per cent over tho preceding year. "During toe year Investments in lumber and other wood working enterprises completed, amount- ng to over 3,ou),(KH), and in ad ditions to existing plants to about t2, 500,000. "The capital invested in tan neries completed during the year amounted to about $tKX),000, and n additions to existing plants to about $380,000. The salo to Northern and Western purchasers for invest ment, development or settlement of timber, mineral and farm lands contiguous to the company's lines, aggregated over 2,000,000 acres, valued at about-1 3,000,000. NEW CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIP MENT. President Spencer's financial statement contains a table show ing the heavy investments for new construction and real estate which the company made during the year ending June 30 for the purpose of meeting the demands of this steady increase in its busi ness, due directly to this notable industrial development This shows a total of $2,80M,r1.84. Included in this is an item of $501,402.64 representing the ex penditure made for the second track and revision of grades and curvature in that portion of the main line from Alexandria to Orange, the beginning of the double tracking. There are also included purchases of real estate for the purpose of increased fa cilities at a number of different points, ong them: Atlanta, 117,102.55; .-inpliaro, fJ17, 639; Lynchburg, Ci,(; Mem- ihis, (39,51 .10; Washington, 40,102.75; Spencer, N. C, for addition to yards, $58,692.07- Monroe, Va.,$t'7,2 0.74; Spartan burg, $21,603.08, and a large number of small sums at other places, the aggregate reaching a very considerable sura. The Okolona Big Creek line in Mississippi cost $128,519.20. There was expended for revision tf gTades and curvature on the Ashcville ausion $216,806.45, and on revision of grades and curvature on the St. Louis di vision $199,683.88. The balance on the shops at Shefiield is $17, 599.17. New yards at East St Ijouis involved a cost of $42, 155.89; additions to the yard at Princeton $54,007.40. The several spur extensions constructed to mines, principally in Alabama and Tennessee, rep resent a total of $4, 567.62, while the net cost of the additional pass ing tracks and tracks to indus trial plants, less t-ide tracks taken tip, is $247,306.89. As stated, the total expenditures on der this heading, "new construc tion and real estate," is $2,303,-7M.S4. New and additional equipment was purchased during the year amounting to $1,826, 1 02.68. PRESIDENT SPENCER TALKS. Sneaking of the facts set lor Lb in Ut rcpoit and of industrial condition generally throughou tho southern aUiUis, Prnsldon Spencer said in a recent talk with a roprcsentati vo of 1 bo uoiiHlitu lion; "Tho Industrial growth of th south ha been remarkable Whllo tho development for tl year ended Juno 30, wa iiuito unprecedented, tho la year exceeded It by 1 7 ?nr cent I tho capital Invested In traftlc pro ducing Industrie on tho South em Hallway Nytetii proper, tho year previous such Invest tnent wore very generally of tho character of new enterprise In V'jlvlng the purchusoof premls and flie predion of factory build lug, while during last year, in vesttiipiit were moro strictly In mine, factory and mill equlpinpii tlesiiiied to Increaso capacity 0 output investment of tin character along tho Southern Kail way line were very mud greater last year than tho yea previous, and, of course, that Im plies u correspondingly heavle tax u I ion tho physical capacity o tho railroad to move tho tratllc During thi last year tho increa ed Invivdinonl in coal mines, iron mines, lumber mill, wood work Ing plants and other closely ro lated Interests, which aro tho producers of largest tonnago was even moro marked than in other classes of Industrial enter prise. "'I hi give an indication of tho tratllc requirement Imiiospd UH)ii tho railroad In addition to tho usual crop tnovptiipnts am emphasizes tho iinjKirtancoof tho fullest cooperation of all inter ests in every way possiblo to ro lievo a jKissiblo transportation congestion. I his congestion Is not limited to tho south. It is more or less general throughout ho country; but in the south whoro tho industrial awakening ins been relatively tho greatest n a short space of time, the situa ion has been more ditlicult to forecast, and to reasonably pro mi; iur, man in otner sections hero Industrial changes have wen moro gradual. l'UOMl'T LOADING AND UNLOAD ING UROKD. "The extraordinary industrial growth of tho sections of the territory traversed by tho South ern Kailway lines is imposing a trying task upon tho rolling stock equipment of tho company, and despite tho increased facili ties which have been provided for handling the increased vol ume of general tratlic including 2o7 new locomotives and 10,625 new freight cars within the last three years the company may rind itself at times somewhat em barrassed, unless it can secure tho coowration and assistance of its patrons. Tho company can bo materially aided in its effort to move the largo volume of traf fic impending, including the cot ton crop, which promises to move rapidly, through the prompt loading and unloading of tramc, and in tho interest of all con cerned it is hoped that patrons genoratvVill co oiierate to this end." .HianU Constitution. l'ollinibHs Kvon men of mtnrn years, con (ronti'd with adorsity, should not despair of rtcnperatlon, even In mor tul alTtira. Marina did not end bis rumer at tho mini of Carthago and hit defeat by Hcylla, bnt became oouninl for the sixth time and died In hit bod. He was morally, a bad ex4tnpl, bnt, if even tho wicked can be extricated from temporal dia liter, how much more shall the good man hope tor deliverance, by labor nd prayer. Here la (Senator Piatt, of New York, seventy yeara old and more, who has boen man led for tho second time. We are told that "no man whs deader politically than ho In ISM, when ho, with Conkling, re lignvd hi seat in the United H'atoa Hutiate. To be known as l'l itt man in thoae diyi was to invite political ostracism, and yot within ton years ho nominated Fasaott for (Jovrnor, and, In successive tnrna, Morton, lilack, Itoaevult and Odell, and in 1897 was circled to hli old cat in the United Biatea Situate and last January re elected." ,oo, pmorve your fortltudo, ye who are down in the world and seemingly fonwkon, for times go by turns, and everything, they iy, emu to him who waits, if ho can wait long enough, with a valiittit spirit and work while ho wait. Augusta Chronicle The WildesTscheme Yet. Tobacco Growing. Professor J. II. Connell tells in Farm and Ranch of the eerions Hurts now being made to establish the tobacco industry in east Texas and south Texas by the national department of agricnltnre, Mr. Shelter, the expert in charge of this ot k, is reported this apnng as osing two horse transplanting machines successfully at Nacogdoches and other stations. Each machine sets three to five acres per day. The tobacco now being grown in Texas is the Cuban cigar loaf of several varieties. This bas been grown in large quantities in a few restricted localities, but the market price has been unstable because the leaf has not been properly and uniformly enred before placing it on the mar ket. Here and there parties have graded and enred the tobacco ac cording to market demands and the wrappers have sold for $2 per ponnd. A crop of 800 to 1,200 pounds of leaf per acre is a satis factory yield of Havana, Only 200 to 400 ponnde of this amount can be classed as wrappers. Tf xas Havana is ot such bigh grade that when property cured it cannot tie die tingoished from the imported Havana. Besides the cigar tobaccos there are the ping varieties grown nnder two general cUcees, preen varieties and white Burlcy. Of theoe two plug tobaccos the white Barley is considered far superior, as it gives to the wrappors used oa the plops the golden color so much prized. The colls of Barley and the dark green varieties are used as plug tillers, for snuff and smoking to bacco. John "Wagner, colored, who was working with a steam shovel gang on the Seaboard Air Line Railroad at Polkton, Anson connty, was kill ed last week by a shovel foil of dirt from the big machine falling on him from a height of 30 feet lie was so badly crushed that be died in a few momenta. For a pleasant physic take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Esy to take. Pleasant in eff.-ct For eile by C E Gallaway and J. W. McPnersoo & Co, Walter Jackson, who killed a six year old boy at Hamilton, Montana, was uken from jtil oa Wednesday night and lynched. J The American Negro Co-opcra ti ve and Industrial Association, which recently met st Brooklyn, has uccooded In evolving the wildest, most visionary, most impracticithlu clieme yet devised as tho means of colonizing the race problem. It was resolved to raise a fund ot two bun dred million dollars by collecting 41 cents a month for four years from eacn one ot the ton million negroes supposed to bo in tho United States. his proposition is coolly put for ward by the educated and presum bly educated ncgreci that compose trie association, in suggesting such plan they show thcmsulve utterly eetifute of good business judgment, nd sound common sense. How can such a tax lie collected I Ne rcs are no moro fond of paying taxes than their white neighbors. Many of them refuse or fail to pay small annual capitation tax, and that, too, when in somo States it is necessary as a prerequisite to the exercise of the elective franchise, and when, too, tho proceeds of the tax are used to maintain the schools for the tqual bciif fit of white and black cMldrcn. The annual capi tation tux in no case, we believe, ex ce ds $1 PO per year, and this it collected fri m adult men alone, yet this association proposes to collect from every negro, old or young, male or female, 41 cents a month, or $4 92 a yar, or $19.68 in four years. Of conrse, the whole tax will have to be paid by the head of the family. Take, then, five as the average number of the family, then the father would have to pay $2 05 a month, or $24 60 a year, or $l'S 40 in four years. No man possessing the least m dicam of brains con Id expect to collect such a tax. Bat what if it could be done t Then what use is to be made of this enoraw" fund of two hundred mil lion dollars t la it to be need in building'mills and factories to be operated by negroes, or in establish ing schools, col legra and universities for the education of the wt, race, or is it to be expended ia hS'pnr chase of some territory outside the Uni ed States, which may b: used for building op a negro common wealth or in the purchase of steam ships to transport emigrants to the new land of promise f Oa all these points we are left in the dark. And after all, it is not worth while to dis duse them, because the question of the expenditure will never come up for consideration, because the firet step in this wild programme will never be taken. The fund of two hundred million dollars or any con siderable part of it will never be raised. If this is the best scheme that can be evolved by the educated leaders of the negro race, the case sec.ma to be hojH-less. The negroes will have to look not to their own race for the Joshua that will lead them out of the wilderness, bnt will bave to be aided and guided in their aspirations by the men of another race. Lynchburg News. Country Life. It has given alarm to those who have stud ic I thu litimtiori to sen tho tuady st renin of good poonlo h av Ing tfioir homes to sottlo in railroad town. Tbero are several reasons for thl. Ono of them was, and is, that the educational advantages of the town aro ao fur superior to theme of the ordinary country neighbor hood that parent were driven to town by sheer necesHity. Another Inducumunt has bcuu tho protection tho town afford and tho constant danger to which thu family was rx poaua in mo country, i'siu:ially In the absi'tico of tho male momheri; anu attn another reason u found in the restlessness of cur people and dosire to gut to the centre. The young man luavu and others after while follow, and the old home I inhabited by tenant and the old farm gradually goe down. We hope thorn will he a reaction Blong tlil lino, Wo fancy thero aro lign of It already. Not longalnne it wa our pleasure to visit a line old coum a . f I . m try community, neretoioro tliero wiit a disposition on the part of tho young mun to got away, and they did leave until only a fuw rcnmii ed. I. .. ! - I II a a I i arming was kl a low cnt). l'rlcs were way down tnd it wai all a farm er could do to eke out a livinir Now everything is lo. ki g up. loungmuu in that nuiu'iboihood ...!!. LI . mi are maaing Dig money, i tiey are bringing their farm up to ti.iu tato of cultivation, and they take pnuo in tlmir business. 1 ho schools are better than formerly and the neighbor live to near each other tuple protection ia all irded. We rejoiced to seo this better state of tlniits and wo trust it may extend all over tho State ; for, after all, our roal prosperity as a poonle depend on the prosperity of tho farmer. Ho feuds u all, and if he makes money and improves his farm all the pooplo are the gainer. Tho mala sorvice through most of our country dii inets is aatinraoie, ana telephones re bringing tho centres closer to tho rural communities. This thing must always be true ; the country is (lio piaco to raisd boy, it is hard to mako a big man out of any other material. Charity and Children. ' m 9 m kiv. j. a. Howie dun! J a meet ing of eight day at Involution Mills on last Sunday, resulting in 57 professions and about 30 acces sions to the church. Bro. Bowles has had romarkablo success in hit charge, there having been 203 pro fetioin during the year. Greens boro Advocate. a,SJ NvVvTJ vvi J?' 'T I -5. ! V ' V -4a vj i m m n i r? ail m i; ' pm i The Kind Yon ffavn Always nought, and which luia b-ei 111 mtUn Fi . M n M O S . a . a a.rfu iur irvi-r .r Yrnr. mia iifirnn irm kiirtiifrirn .r and h;i been miule iindei- hi -r--aotial supervision since it h Infancy. Allot no one to deceive roil In this. All Counterfeits, Imitation and " Just-as-good" are bub I'.v peri men t that triilo with and endanifcr the health or Infant and Children Experience Hgulnst I'xpurluictit. What is CASTOR. A Cnxtorlu I n linrtnlea substitute, for Custor Oil, Pare goric, Drop and Soothing Hyrnp. It U I'leuMiint. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Xnrcodo BiiliNliuiee. It aifo I II guarantee. It destroy Worio nnd allay .YvcrUhneM. It cure Dlarrlm-a and Wind Colic. It relieve Teelhlng Troubles, cure CoiiKtipull u nnd Flatulency. It assimilate tho Food, regulate t o Ktoinaeh and Itnwcls, gllng lieallhy and natural slet Tlio Children' I'anaeea-Tlio .'Vlother,B I'rlcud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAY3 Boars tho Sitniaturo m The Kind You Kavc List In Use For Over GO x. .) l)0iiIl THE MOWING SEASON Is on us and now Is the time to buy a machine; and save all your grass. . if A Perfect Painless Pill is th one that will cleanse the svsti'm. set th liver to action, remove the liilc. Clear ins complexion, cure headache and leave a good taste in the mouth. 1 he famous little pills for doins such work pleanantly and en r 1 V Witt s Little Karlv Kisers. Hob Moore of Lata vet te, Ind.. pills I have used pripe and sicken, bile DeWitt a perfeet." old by ffectually are De- says; "All other Little harly Risers are simplj I. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, N. O. The Rome Messgero fays that Count Morra, the Italian Aaihaa- dor to Bussi, has been recalled from St. Petersburg by telegraph. Italy it furious and ft big racket seems to be almost a certainty. Ten Thousand Churches in the United States have need the Longman fc Martinet Pure Paints. Every Church will be given a lib eral quantity whenever they paint. Don t pay f 1.50 a gallon tor Lin seed oil (worth 60 centt) which yon do when you buy thin paint in can with a paint label on it S and 6 make 14. therefore when LOCKED AT torn cry j -.-;-. if v.-w, VCormitk n.cr? will b found faultless in deiin, modern in con jtruvtion and thormij;h in equipment, with tht mod practical feature. These mnvers sre to perfectly bilamed. so t 'y operated and do such nnooth ind tven cuttiiaj tSst t.-y in.-'intly btcomt th favorite of every nun v -o buys one. Th HcOm:ifk hv., -A MODEL MACHINE." tclli all ahoct Koiti .vowera. J. D. McCOLLUM, Agent, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Aycr's Pills are liver pills- They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick, headache, JSC AM Srarrlota. m rT muilM- or mm a fc uufni . m hieaara L 1 PhkKLU S 1 HAIR BAUAM f "s sMsel mm'.rm w la i "iri aw hamtsnsMa f iST W ) T)tJVl S.Wiflay. . Ijanin mm. The Value of Expert Treatment Everyone who is afflicted with chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be enred by a specialist who nnder stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga., is acknowledged the most skillful and SDOceasful specialist in the Uni ted States. Write him for his ex pert opinion of your ease, for which ne makes no charge. ildrenl tjiawt hv awiaaaWii Maul i im frnm Mthr Ttr vaurt ar n janwia, tfcftt aa.ia.Vavttaas, aiaipK wafwtUf rwrndf Frcf's Ycrnlfnp mmmm MM.. br Ml M a. at. rat v. aawiwaa. . CsoCIactoCoBbCcro YOTJ CAN FIND you want fourteen gallons of paint, JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF ROCKDALE LIME. oiiy oniy eignt gallons ot U x 51 and mix six gallons of pure linseed oil with it Yon noed onlv four gallons of L. A M. Paint, and throe gallons ot oil mixed therewith to paint a good sized bouse. Houses painted with these paints never grow shabby even alter 1 years. These celebrated paints are sold by F. L Smith it Co., Agents. Ex Governor L Mitchell, of Flor ida, died at his home in Tampa on Wednesday of general debility. He was 09 years old. OABTOnlA. Bifutsn Clip si Sis, (Both G il vani-fd Iror' aai Tin), Also Tin and Iron Hoofing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit ting's cf all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt'a. r OAK RIDGE-IHSTiTUTE C 1 c4- 7fn mm PCEPARE Sar ta fNTrl PMTtt Ci IM I Cut lXtlLS mm mm tm iHONt-fc-V Iv TtAH. : : two. mm tar UPC tmml KF.AR tei?s- KMM. PC C awar I .AM b iWvi ta an kfval. a rn m to amain. I mm (Wat EaalpfwS Ptttlnc Seaaal Sar mumg aa aaS "-- la tacAaata. CHai IiU.MiiIi;.Mm vna. aa tttimfu wimm aaaaraa J. A. & M. M. HOLT - - - Oak RUffe, N. C. ISP t - 1 ' -iov aadt ' : mt m iMHI! V ::.-! t:.i-f I t tw hmtmi W m at ill asMrJ-t. - , Dt jjttna. fer tij 5 Elites tainr C JL WOf?m. WL St, IXHS IPO, C I " W? mHm !. Oaaa-a 1 f 1 Mmajefi - -i m t'je m a'wiwjsf Tr-afk -r-ar -