J. 33. Barker, Leader for Tow Prices and IToiicst Merchandise. Outfitter to Men and "Women. n lOUN inn EWS. VOL. 21. MOUNT AIHY, N. 0.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 28, lOOH. NO. 18. Airy a A FAMILY REMEDY. - Pe-ru-na In Uso In Thousands o! Homes. Oung realm an H. Honrjr Fowere, of Vermont, writes from Morrlavllla, Vt.i , now. n. n. powers. I Ptrvna v vaerf fl my family whb iwmm, can recommend It at ma excellent family remedy and very food for cough, colda and catarrhal affection." H. Henry lowert, John L. Bnrnett, Member of CongreM, ttoventh Alabama DiHtrlct, wrltcat MI lake pleaniire la tontlfylng to the merlU of your Feruna. At the aolloltv tlonof a frtond my wife uaed It, and It Improved her condition generally. It 14 a remarkable remedy. lean cheerfully rooommend Feruna at a good, iuImUo tlal ton to, and a very good catarrh roinedy." Prn-na Cor. Catarrh, Half the 111a of life are due to catarrh and catarrhal derangement. Feruna U the only Internal, ayatemlo catarrh remedy known to the medical profuaaion. Parana curea catarrh wherever lo in tod. Perana U not a gneaa nor an experiment It la an abeolute, acienttna certainty. Parana haa no aubatltutea no rivala. Inilit upon having Feruna. If you do not derive prompt and at la factory rciulta from the use of rerun a, Write at once to Dr. Ilartman, giving m full atatement of yourcaae and he will be pleaaed to give you hie valuable ad vice gratia. Addreaa Dr. Ilartman. Prealdent of u uarimaa sanitarium, Oolumbaa,0. e , . Stupendous Land Frauds. Portland. Ore.. Oct. 21. The Oreironian iodaf savs i Tho government has unearthod stupendous "land grafting" that Iim been carried on as b Duauiess iu every well Umbered area on the Pacific slope. This ring not only acquired "base" lands by "dummies" and other fraudulent means, but has debauched State land olhcials, mak ing them birelinga or partner! in the haa maintained In the general land ofllca at Washington amenta whoso dutiee wcro to "leak" abont proposed reBorves and other prufitablo msttors, and, by uie of money, has influenced placing of boundaries to iti own in terpat. Washington. Oct. 21. Oulr gen pral confirmation can be secured here of the report of extensive lis Adoption it i ImiillolliM Some dayH ngo Tlio Gunstitu- tion auggcHted that tlio demur nits would do well to keynote their cumpnign next year with the commandment. "Thou hluilt not steal." There seemed to us a a peculiar appropriateness about Its iteration in tlio face of recent revelatioions of tlio republican record in administering the gov ernment. We are surprised and distnv pointed, in a measure, to find our m, . I a I. I I i mi nr . i . auduient pracuces m me Kvuriux v&iucti contemporary, i no m umi of public landa on the Pacific cowl. I ington 1'ost, in disagreement with The Interior Department ouiciais our proposal, llio I'ost UKes have boon convinced for over a year tlin broad grounds that "Thou there were various combinations of I shalt not steal" would bo an tin peculators seeking control of the convincing and unconverting the itund, but their failure to do so was entirely in favor of the defense, the men and women who testified for tlio prosecution being admitted ly unimpeachable Tho citizons of South Carolina who read havo heard the evidence and the arguments. They have Been the defense abandon the gronnd of self-defense : they have soen thrm leave the only position which might shield tlio mansiaycr in mi trio cimrgo of murder, abandoning it because it was untenable and then, practically admitting tlio mMieo and tho assas nidation, they have seen them ap peal to tho lowest passions and po litleil hatreds as tho sole gronnd for saving a life forfeited by tho law of (rod and man I There is jnst one important pirco of information posnefned by tho I'iington jory which baa been . . . a s .1 . wi'titicid irom me great i ay oi cittK"n wno nave near a tno icsti many. The Lexington jnrors knew that heforo the trial began the inclinations of almost evory man on tho panel had been scctirod and tlut when tho case was entered npon a public lands for their own pnrpoees plank in tho platform, because m' J ,r"7 0 lmn. wn lworo 1 . u ., . - 'i... I ..-..i-.i i. !.'...:... i. ....!..,.! tin v wiro imnrtial and hsd never and more recontlv a nomber ol special agents have been working in the field to secure evidence which would asHiiit in stopping the frauds. A common plan of operation on the part of the speculators is to rmy State lands inclosed in aross which are liable to become parts of forest reservations. There, it is said, they often secure at one or two dollars an scro, whereas, when the u scrvations are created the valne is increased to five or six dollar per acre. Uov. Chamberlain, of Oregon, is now in WaahintMon conferring with the Secretary of the Interior concerning these land transfers. He claims tht the State has lost a considerable sum in this way and is endeavoring to secure a settlement which will re imborso the State. Secretary Hitchcock decline to discuss the question, but says that he will make a statement at a later day. GREJS.T emmm Wffi it rrf bought an Immense line of fall and winter '' lltaVC clothing, for men and boys, and in order to elear our space before our fall goods arrive, we have decided to offer our entire line of spring and summer suits for the next 80 days at actual cost, and when we say cost we mean actual bill cost, with freight added and no more. We have some extra special values selected from four of the largest factory lines in the United States, and from these lines we selected only the cream, hence we believe we have the best that can be bought and It would be to the interest of all to see our stock before making purchases elsewhere. We must close our summer goods during the next 30 days. Wf o fp also offering special inducements in the Heer C cIC Oxfords for ladies and Barry Oxfords for men nnd included in these values we have thrown our line of summer dress gooda, which must be closed during the next 45 days. Ollf fill ctAflV wil' 1)6 a decided improvement JUl lail IUWIV on any line ever shown in Mt. Airy and we are very desirous of making the room necessary to handle our fall business, this alone necessitates this, the great est clearance sale ever held in Mt. Airy. DpfYIPtn hPl a'go that we have the most complete IV 1 1 1 C 1 1 1 UG I line of heavy groceries carried in this section of North Carolina all of which are offered at rock bot tom prices. Merchants will do well to see us and get our prices before buying. Olir OllPPn rrat'lintl Flour is the best to be had VUI VUtfc'11 and the price is below others called "the best." Every peund guaranteed. Our Ked Kooster and Farmer's Choice are excellent values and will give the most skeptic entire satisfaction. In considering: our claims remember that our goods were bought -for eash and all eaah discounts saved, which enables us to give full value received for every dollar invested with us. HTt-my c nnrn and you will come again. Make your 1 1 laO Ulll; aelffeelat home when in our store. HE WEST-HILL CO. WOTICM. M 1 wFT miry maa and irnrnaa la Itn TaBU, flj j fUM latarMlMl la O.. Opium mmI Wbiakf ff ' 1 I.UIW a. ban o mr Inou OB tbM ll Vl Tl I " , Art-lr B. kt. WimII., Atlanta. I Uom an. a4 emm will ha Mat roa tr T)l. aipi.tar. 1. on rr.rr box o( the tBle Laxative Bromo-Quinine xim Wanted-An Idea 3 , ' ! llcdcl Dyspepsia Cura ''SMWaiaat-(Ml CJWWpat T9 Sl cverylxxly bohovos in tlio princi plo and least of all would tho re publicans contest it. Indeed, taking alarm already over tlio n results of their own investiga tions, they are trying to head oil tho democratic attacks on ropub lican inal feasances by promising prosecutions and a congressional investigation. 15ut udmiting all the Post says concerning the cases at bar, wo still insist that the commandment is an available issue with the re publican sysmtom of polities far and away beyond the rjhh'iIic instances of mail bag fasteners and time-clock contract, or any other of the cheap criminal grafts pending prosecutions " I hou shalt not steal is a valid issue to make with the republican tariff policy. To make it does not involve a wholesale attack upon a protective pohev wisely adjusted to conserve the actual interests of American mnnufa tures, labor and commerce. It does go, however, to tho very root'of the system of bounties embodied in tho Dingley bill and reaped bv uncountable millions to those who havo no valid claim or honest right to over charge and thereby rob the American people at large. lhou shalt not steal ' is a proper principle to oppose to the republican system of national finance, under which tho money powers of the country are given power to either command or coerce the public treasury to servo the purposes of the money mongers and speculators of Wall street. If the advantages thus given to that crowd is not rob bery of the people's rights and revenues, then all the termin ology of loot has lost significance. Thou shalt not steal" would exactly fit the use of the public funds as a loan supply to western states for the establishment of irrigation systems of doubtful value. The whole arid lands irrigation graft is a plan to rob 1'eter, John and James to pav political debts and party retainer fees to Paul, the western apostle of paternalism " and assisted boomerism. Thou shalt not steal" would answer with a plain, unimpeach able principle the specious and impudent demands for ship sub sidies the scheme for puttine many millions of the jKsople's money on the profit side of the ledgers of American ship owners who even now do not know what to do with their profits from cur rent business. In fact, we are of tho candid belief that there could come only good to the country by raising tho issue of morality in govern ment to a position of paramount cy over mere questions of com mercialism and sectional partisan issues. Nothing can put our po litical discussions of next year upon that high plane than to indict the whole republican outfit for offenses against this great commandment. Atlanta Consti tution. Comment of Columbia State. The execution of James H. Till man for the assassination of N. G. Gonzales wonld have carried no comfort to the relatives of the mar tyred editor of The State ; would not have ameliorated their sense of personal loss or caused one less sor rowing hour. The taking of a hun dred such lives would not atone in any degree for the loss of the one ; a hundred years in the penitontiary, an eternity in the bell of a lost soul would not compensate for the ab sence of him who was so foully done to death jnst nine months ago. That is their personal viewpoint. Bat every citizen of South Caro lina, worthy of exercising citizen ship, had a citizen's iuterest in the verdict of a jory in a cafe in which the state of (South Carolina was the prosecutor. Evory man, woman and child who believes that laws are made to be obeyed and not be vio lated was concerned in the result ol the trial of J. H. Tillman if they were concerned in the god name and honor of the state in which they lived. Every citizen of South Car olina who daily read each word ottered in the court room at Idling ton is competent to find a verdict. On one point these readers of evi dence have been at a d ssd vantage; they could not teat the witnesses by t their ippcAraace and demetrox on expressed an opinion were partisans for tho doftiriNO. That tho jury would not convict nnderany circum dances was a foregone conclusion : it would not have lound the defend ant guilty hd no testimony been made in his behalf. And tho Coun ty of Lexington must lorever bear the shamoof a monstrous crime com mitted against our system of gov ernment. Jlut what is tho verdict of tho pub ic j iry, tlio tree and nnpurcuaaable opinion of the iutclligeneo of !5.uth Carolina! In expresing our con victions as a citizsn, we believe the views of tliat portion ol tno public to which reference is made are given vuico. This newspaper h?t repeat' edly called attention to the mis curriago of justice in this state ; it lias (-Iten seen evidence ot tampering with the juri s and of snarp practice y attorneys, tho employment ot any Hi:d every means to seenre the re- Ic.iee of tho red-handed, and it has begged the public to heed its warn- mgs. ro thts is y no mcsns the first time justice has been outraged in onr courts, out never uoiore so shimeletEly, never before so brszjn- ly, in the foil light of day, have the men sworn to guard, to shield and to honor that representation of pub lic virtue holding the scales ot jus tie, so defiled, corrupted, debauch ed hor. South Carolina is the vic tim, ravished of her honor by Uu natural offspring. Well msy the worthy sons and daughters bow their heads io abjjet shame ! Columbia State. talent Issues . President Uooeovelt lact week is sued tho following proclamation : liy the President of the United States. A proclamation : Whereas, by the resolution of tbo Senate of March 19, 1903, tho ap proval by Congreae of the reciprocal commercial convention between the United States and the Republic of uuua, signed at Havana on Decem ber 11, 1902, is necessary before the said convention shall take etluct And, wbeross, it is important to the public interests of tho United States that the said convention be come operative at early as maybe. Pio w, therefore, I. Theodore Koosuvelt, President of the Uuitcd States of America, by virtue of tho p wrr vested in mo by the Consti tut ion, do hereby priK-laitn and de cluo that an extraordinary occasion Mj'iircs tie convening of both houses of the Con jf reus of the Uni ted States at their respective cham bers in tho city of Washington, on the Uh day of November next, at VI o clock noon, to the end that they msy consider and determine wheth er the approval of the Congrcs shall be given to the said convention. All persons entitled to act as mem bers of the Fifty-eighth Congress are required to take notice of this proclamation. (iiven under my hand and the seal of the United States at Wash ington, the 20th day of October, in ttie year of our Ird, one thousand nino hundred and three, and of the independence ot the United States the one hundred and twenty eighth TUEODOI1K ROOSEVELT. II y the President : John Uav, See'y of State. -- . Oldest Indian in the United States. The Alaskan Arbitration. Tho announced settlement of the Alafkau boundary question by the special commission that has been considering the caso in London for some weeks past is not only gratity ing, but significant. Here was a question involving the right of Canada or the United States to a large etrin of territory ljiog between the sutTiMO! Ml. Elias and the sea just north of the debouchment of the Portland canal. Such a line asCana da claimed would have cut across the arms of the sea and given to her the heads of the inlets and the two min ing ports of Dyea and Skagway. The American claim ran far north and east of the towns and inlet heads and included the Portland canal on the southeast, practically abutting Canada off from any outlet to the Pacific ocean north of Vancouver. The commission was a three-to-three body and at first that seemed to bode another failure to reach an agreement satisfactory to either par ty but the presence of Lord Chief Justice Alverstono as the British colleague of the two Canadian com missioners left a fractional hope, and it aeems now that he has been the man who made a final decision pos sible. The finding gives the entire line claimed by the Americans down to the head of the Portland canal, thence west to the ocean, leaving the canal entirely within Canada. The Portland canal was not essen tial to us, but it was of vital import ance to Canada. We have ample access to our South Alaskan terri tory and the Klondyke regions by the inlets now left undisputed in our possession. Canada gets the Port land canal and obtains access by it to the Pacific ocean for the great Grand Trunk Pacific railway which she has undertaken to build across from the Atlantic ocean to Port Simpson, a projected maritime port to be built on the south shore ot the canal, which ie actually a large arm of the sea. This settlement, we doubt not, will be acquiesced in by this conn, try and the dominion and is a great triumph for the Anglo-Saxon idea of arbitration. Io times not lot g ago nations would have gone to war promptly over a proposition of thia sort and probably killed off a hun dred thousand men who hadn't actually a copper ctfnt's worth of interest in who owned the land. But this case will remain as a high and worthy example of the human ity and pure statesmanship of the peaceful process of arbitration. Atlanta Constitution. The burial of Dr. Jay'a three lit tie children near Asheviile, is aaid to have been the saddest scene ever witnessed in Buncombecounty. Dr. Jay, the murderer, is on trial for bis inhuman crime at Ashevillo this week. lie will no duubt try to put io the Icaanitj plea. Io western North Carolina, among the Great Smoky mountains lives an Indian chief who is said to be the oldest of his race in the United States. John Kohleeostay is his name, and it was a hundred and ten years ago, according to the tradition of his people, when be first saw the light. More, remarkable than his ago, howover, is Kohleoostay's sue cecsful defiance of the American government. Seventy years ago the sixteen mountain connties of North Caro lina were inhabited exclusively by the Cherokee tribe of Indians. For more centuries than they could count the latter had pitched their wig warns there and when the United States sent troops to the mountains with orders to move the tribe to the lands provided for them in Indian Territory they showed no disposi tion to give up their ancestral poe-ettt-sione. Five hundred of the rebels, led by Kohleeostay, refused to leave their homes, declaring that the mountains belonged to them and not to the whites. For five years this handful of braves defied the government, hiding in the impenetrable forests from the soldiers until finally the United States, recognizing their claim, allowed them a reservation among the mountains they loved so well, where their descendants, with the old patriarch, Kohleeostay, still in their midst, are living to this day. Kohleeostay, who boasts of the purest Indian blood, acorns the whites, and has always refused to live with them or learn their lan guage. He cherishes an intense admiration for Andrew Jackson, however, under whom he once fought in an expeditiotyainst the Creek Iodians of Georgia a service for which, he claims, the United Statue promised to pay him but never did. And that makes one more grievance the old man has against his paleface neighbors. A rattling shutter frequently can be tighteued so as to keep silence by the simple expedient of driving in a match or toothpick where the slat is loosened. If the slats rattle, a largo spool pushed under the rod that goes through the middle will hold them still. Parkhurst, ot New York, has de nounced Dowie, the modern Elijah, in unmeasured terms, but Dowie is not disturbed in the least and goes after the New Yorkera with a vim. For a pleasant physic take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Etey to take. Pleasant in effect. For sale by C E. Gal la way and J. W. McPherson & Co. Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 2Sc All rut!tt- Wtnt yar KMHtii-IM or tr4 a tMIU!ul tva or rwh bfcwfc? Th.n for trut W Matter BUCKINGHAM'S DYE PARKERS HAIR BALSAM auA W- fM fe '.'rin., -mm ft In fwtt !. o it xmuuw vj I 1 fw,- iq Wall Street Evils. When undor tho evil manlpula tions of tlio Wall street gamblers tho railroad stock of a largo corpor atioti is "watered" and its prlco made to jump up and fall as the thermometer's qniek silver drops at the touch ot the October frosts, and thousands upon thousands of small gamblers who have bought their railroad st ick upon "margins" and not as a truo investment are frozen out, docs such Wall street gambling oniia one freight car or span one river with a now bridgo or erect one new depot or npholstor ono Pullman sleeper t The Puritans used to call a pack of cards tho "devil's prayer book." Did you ovor hear of the "devil's prayer book" teaching the gamester bow he could bo a pro- aucor and not a destroyer ! rso, my iricnds, no, no, no I Anything but tuat. itie gambling habit never created one farthing for the welfare ot any community. thus, my brother, I congratulate roo if yon have never been a gamb- or or in league with gamblers. I congratulate yon if you are ono of those men unwilling to bo a parasite. vampire or absorbent of other t'n's industries. I congratulate you, even though yon may never Lave amassed tho illegitimate for tune of a liaron Plane, whopj iuti.r national gambling crimes havo ere ated a Monto Carlo or of a II Tsz-jt or a Duvaux, who used to run the gambling casinos of a Spa, an Aix- la-lhapello or a I.aden-I.aden before fie German parliament in 1 S72 bade them begone, or the illegiti mate fortunes of tho evil owners ef a Louisiana lottery, who, year after year flagrantly bribed a stato legis aturo until at last tho outran d Christian peoplo of that common wealth, with the aid of tho United States postmaster general, roeo in their might and destroyed this ac cursed and debauching infamv. Never have any dealings in any way wiiu uenant gamDiing. the gambling pa6ion not on'y robs men of their fortunes, but de moralizes their minds. It unfits its victims for common duties of ordin ary life. It ovcrstimu.'iites the brain and the imagination nntil after awhile work honest, hud, prac tical work has for the gambler's diseased mind the same kind of re pulsion (hit a glass of rich dairy milk has for the inflamed throat of chronic drunkard or the sight of a clear, cool stream of witor for the bloodshot eye of a mad dog whose tongue and mouth are covered with the white foam of fatal hydrophobia. Dr. Talmago. Society women resort to drugs to create an artificial brilliancy which they find it impossilo to maintain owing to the selt-mado demands made upon their strength and en durance; while arsenic, both in torm ot liquid and powder, has an enor mous sale among those anxions to secure a peculiar wtmonoss of the complexion. A Perfect Painless Pill is the onp that will cleama the syHtm. sat the liver to action, remove the biie, clear the complexion, cure headache and leave a good taste in the mouth. 1 he famous little pills for doing such work pleasantly and effectually are De Witt's Little Early Kisers. Bob Moore of Lafayette, Ind., says.: "AH other pills I have used gripe and sicken, while e itt s Little harly Kiseri are simply perfect." Sold by JL. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy, . C. Ten Thousand Churches n the United States have naed the Longman tv Martinez Pure Paints. Every Church will be given a lib eral quantity whenever they paint. Don t pay f 1.50 a gallon lor Lin seed oil (worth CO cents) which yon do when you bny thin paint in a can with a paint label on it. 8 and ( make 14, therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight gallons of L. cv M., and mix six gallons of pure lineeed oil with it. You need only four gallons of L. & M. Paint, and three gallons of oil mixed therewith to paint a good sized house. Houses painted with these paints never gro shabby even after IS years. These celebrated paints are sold by F. L. Smith & Co., Agents. 1 It 111 Br) 11 El U U a. - mmm AVcgclable Preparalion fir As -a I mil.i t int lite Food anclKccfi -ting the btuinaclis and Uowvls of rromolcs I)igcalioiilvf rfiir nes and Rest .Contains nelllar Ojnum.Morplune nor Mineral. NOTjiAHCOTIC. lefrHdlr-SANtTLrmia AU SmU' twr Will.il . ll Aperfrrl Remedy fnrConstir tion.Sour Stomach. I)uirlitvi Mid I.OHH OF SLEEK FfirSimiks SiCnnluri or NKW YOHK. Laf rail I R P bIKE). For Inf.tnts anrl Children I! Ths Kind You Rave Always Bought Bears tlio Signaturo of L LXACT CCPY Of WPAPPET7. AM am i ir b m aw ihy use vJ For Over ' Thirty Ynars : i IS)-' 'i U 'iLwllJh km Ymi tnt im r THE MOWING SEASON Is on us and now is the time to buy a machine! ani save all your grass. i v mm el ft " .'3 'zs:xr- i e i i . wm Basra tha af ojIIA. 1m 'kind You Hsm k;ttn Baigtt The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga., is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted States. Write him for his ex pert opinion of your case, for which he makes bo charge. rara wy '- a tfjay Wtt (Vmw mm -I wft mm S 4 mi if iaii4na-. myommm BJT'HWM. waw mm- It artll f M'a SHU m atisal ML Htammtm ' f IM mem 4 IM rRrrs VERMIFUGE r V Temt mAt4 tmt ' Jf HHali MiHMa , 4kiM ll U y kwtm rtu-va aw a vw. bwii taj ; L-- Mtti am-m b j j lbs. nn, uitmosi. bm. One r.lnuts CcL-h Curo LOOKED AT fror.-. .-Vit;- j -,a C vjv, Mtrormclt rnnwers will bt found fiultlcss in diit;n, modem in con struction and thorough in equipment, with the mod practical features. Thrte mowen are to perfectly balanced, to ca ily operated and do such smooth and even cutting that they instantly become the favorite of every man who buys one. Tru Mrformick book, "A MODEL MACHINE," tells all about Model mowers. J. D. McCOLLUM, Agent MOUNT AIRY, N. C. JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF ROCKDALE LIME- TOTJ CAN FIND M6 and Spis, (Both Gal vanized Iron anC Tia), Also Tin and Iron Roofing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Hiveta, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVEEITT. Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt'a. r OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE 5 c Vi f PREPARES tmr tk UNIVERSTTIES f4 COI 1M I Call LeOGS aa U a for BtlSTNESS. Ur TliACM 1 -' IW, aaa lor LIFE. SMMUtf NEAB OPErnxs. BORO, N. C. art I ,OO0 tat amn th a lrvl. ia iew ml tk MMMalak LarMl aa But Eaulpp4 Ftttli Schwl tar ammt Mam am4 Boy to th Seat. Itataai Sl2S.ee u I7.M per ammam. torn anuTirul cmLMVl, oi J. A. & M. H. HOLT ... Oak Rtdge. N. C Pi-, v5 I lTivata,lTu-y,i the BMl Yraahka aJ I Kit Metattoa. Kttaiataa She tmlt, Strn;rhaw 1 A tlr fW. t. m. m. a She Cl 4 ari H,im P : sJ maB tl awH m C . HOfrrTT. B4. tX. T. t-CHMS. T . ,m a Ji.an'i r.e. i ajmx ir-r Star arii t i m I Br. mwM T"i Bt4 liAUilti. IfO c -i, IHi,l-4,l'-Mi ma H.sBn.m Imt MHii w. mm: ni.tp Is tt. . e.r f f miiii'-m f-iwt Ifc. i , . 1 r -ma BMicM ww ami mt?' -3 ' -

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